Is it beneficial to do yoga during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful event, with the onset of which unusual metamorphoses occur in a woman’s body.

Both the physical body and the psyche and mental processes undergo changes. The direction of energy flows changes, which ultimately cannot but affect the state of mind.

Nature’s task during this period is to slow down and liberate the expectant mother as much as possible. Give her the opportunity to hear herself, feel the baby’s needs and fully understand the process of waiting for him.

After all, there are difficult times ahead, when there will no longer be such an opportunity to manage your time 100% - you will need to share it with the long-awaited baby.

Unfortunately, not every one of us has the opportunity to plunge into this state at the very beginning of pregnancy and devote all 9 months to being in the role of a future mother: most modern women are constrained by work obligations, the need to solve social, material, and family problems.

All this, of course, does not have the best effect on internal balance. In a word, a woman is in constant stress, tension, and at the same time she has a catastrophic lack of time to feel the joy of upcoming motherhood. Many have probably heard that yoga helps to harmonize your inner space, find peace and balance.

It is also no secret that yoga exercises (asanas) strengthen and liberate the body, making it more mobile and flexible. But with all this, few people know how asanas, pranayama and other yoga techniques affect pregnancy. Moreover, there is also a belief that yoga and pregnancy are incompatible concepts.

Is it true? Of course not.

You can and should do yoga during pregnancy.

It is only important to do this wisely, taking into account all the changes that occur with the expectant mother. After all, not all classical yoga exercises can be performed during this period - for example, inverted asanas for pregnant women

must be adapted, and there are also asanas that are prohibited during pregnancy (we’ll talk about these features a little later).

In general, with the help of yoga during pregnancy, you can avoid problems such as excess weight and back pain, and learn how to relieve symptoms of toxicosis.

yoga for pregnant women, ardha chandrasana, crescent pose

It is especially useful to do yoga for pregnant women who suffer from swelling of the limbs, varicose veins, cramps, numbness in the legs and arms. Excessive tension in the legs due to the pressure of the growing uterus and the associated decreased vascular tone, stagnation of blood in the lower part of the body, which also occurs when the functions of the pancreas, liver, and bladder are impaired, can be prevented thanks to “inverted” asanas.

Yoga helps reduce the risk of stretch marks (for example, for the chest it is Tadasana - mountain pose with arms extended above the head; Garudasana for the arms; Namaste with hands behind the back; Ardha uttanasana. Crescent, extended triangle and extended side angle poses). Many people suffer from constipation during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the abdominal organs and prevents bowel movements. Thanks to special yoga exercises, metabolism improves, digestion processes are normalized, and peristalsis is toned.

If a woman moves little, blood begins to stagnate in the hemorrhoidal veins, which can lead to hemorrhoids. And yoga asanas have a therapeutic effect aimed at preventing and treating this unpleasant manifestation.

Regular yoga classes will help you get through not only pregnancy and childbirth, but also the postpartum period. For example, there are asanas that help enhance lactation (stretching asanas in a lying position, inverted poses, and others).

Asanas help make certain muscle groups more elastic, get rid of constraining tension and at the same time strengthen and tighten them. Tendons and joints of bones are also worked out during practice, due to which additional freedom of movement is achieved. But it is a “non-stiff”, mobile pelvis, elastic muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum that are the key to an easier birth.

Therefore, even if you did not practice yoga before pregnancy, you can safely begin the practice, but in perinatal yoga groups, under the guidance of an experienced specialist (perinatal yoga is a system of exercises designed specifically for women who are in a state of preparation for conception, bearing a child and postpartum recovery).

Those who have been practicing yoga for a long time, rest assured that it is necessary for both you and the baby to continue the practice, who, while in the womb, is completely dependent on your emotional and physical state. You can stay in your main group or practice on your own, but taking into account the peculiarities of practice on the eve of motherhood.

asanas for pregnant women, yoga during pregnancy, malasana

So, how should you structure your practice during pregnancy? What to look for? Which asanas are useful during pregnancy and which are contraindicated?

Is it possible to do yoga during pregnancy?

Yoga during pregnancy is useful, and you can do it throughout the entire period of bearing a child. However, here you need to take into account some nuances and limitations, making allowances for the “interesting” position of the expectant mother.

Of course, it is better to master the exercises in specialized groups under the close supervision of competent trainers. But homework is also not excluded. Provided that you first consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist. And also discuss with an experienced instructor which asanas you can perform and which are contraindicated during pregnancy.

A set of exercises for a pregnant woman is compiled individually. When developing it, the instructor must identify all the dangerous moments that need to be eliminated.

Yoga is a great way to achieve harmony with your body and inner self before the baby arrives.

From when and for what period?

You can start practicing yoga according to a specially designed program from the first month of pregnancy. If you have practiced it before, be sure to transfer to a group for pregnant women. And this needs to be done as soon as possible in order to be under the constant supervision of instructors.

It has been proven that yoga classes in the last 2-3 weeks before the birth of the baby help the expectant mother approach childbirth in a good mood and well-being, ready to relieve the burden mentally and physically.

Tips for Beginners

Where to start doing yoga? It is better to concentrate on training that affects the muscles of the pelvic region and perineal area. This is due to the fact that during childbirth a woman may experience soft tissue tears. Poses that work the pelvic muscles will help strengthen them and make them more elastic. Training gives a woman the opportunity to control her pelvic muscles, tensing or relaxing them at will. This will help the baby calmly pass through the birth canal and come out.

It is better to start muscle training before pregnancy. To do this, you need to sit with a straight spine on a hard surface and cross your legs. The soft lining on the chair disrupts normal blood flow in the pelvic area and can lead to hypoxia of the baby, problems with the spine and harm the overall course of pregnancy.

When doing exercises, you need to remember to create a special internal state and try to maintain it even after leaving the pose. Consciousness must remain open, the mind clear.

If you feel well, there is no need to limit yourself in performing inverted poses . The main thing is to be careful, watch your balance and do them only under the supervision of an instructor. Sanity should remain the main determining factor when performing any exercise.

It is better to focus on mantras and pranayama . Such exercises will help during the birth process. Yoga masters recommend maintaining calm, even breathing throughout the entire session. It is better to take breaths through the nose and without delay. You need to exhale through your mouth, relaxing your lower jaw (it is connected to the pelvic region). Overstrain of the jaw muscles directly affects the lower parts of the spine, so you need to learn how to relax them.

It is important to understand that now the woman is no longer alone, a new life is developing in her womb, so yoga becomes not only the performance of certain poses, but also a means of communication between a mother and her child. Practical classes can help the baby develop correctly or harm him if the woman does not comply with the instructor’s requirements and caution.

Who can't?

Yoga during pregnancy, while safe, still has some contraindications.

Some people need to be especially careful when performing exercises.

  • If a woman has not previously been involved in sports, then the load should be given gradually.
  • When polyhydramnios is diagnosed, the risk of miscarriage increases.
  • Pregnant women suffering from increased uterine tone are allowed to exercise only with the permission of a doctor.
  • In case of hypersecretion of any hormone, consultation with a gynecologist is also necessary.
  • Some asanas are undesirable for various chronic diseases.

Contraindications for yoga

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • bloody issues;
  • gestosis;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • varicose veins;
  • toxicosis with nausea or vomiting;
  • tachycardia.

In order for yoga classes to be beneficial and not cause complications during pregnancy, a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist must be completed before starting training. This especially applies to expectant mothers who decide to study at home on their own.

What is wrong?

If you didn’t do yoga before pregnancy, don’t rush off the bat: the load should be increased very, very gradually. And if, while doing some asana, you feel severe discomfort or pain, stop immediately. Correctly performed exercises will never cause pain, nausea or dizziness.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in any asanas that involve lying on the stomach or that require straining the abdominal wall. If you are doing balance exercises, you should lean on a chair or wall for safety.

And finally, with some pathologies of pregnancy, any physical activity is prohibited. Therefore, if your pregnancy is progressing with abnormalities, it is better to consult your doctor about practicing yoga.

The benefits of yoga for an expectant mother

Yoga helps:

  • prepare as much as possible for future childbirth mentally and physically;
  • learn to breathe correctly, as well as control your body during contractions and pushing;
  • bring your psychological state back to normal and get rid of depression;
  • position the fetus in the correct position, thereby reducing the risk of miscarriage.

Yoga will teach expectant mothers to breathe correctly, which will greatly help during the birth process.

Contraindications for yoga

Classes have the following absolute contraindications:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • presence of bloody discharge;
  • gestosis;
  • increased intravenous pressure;
  • arthritis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • tachycardia.

Relative contraindications include severe toxicosis with vomiting, any deterioration in health, weakness, exacerbation of various diseases. The listed conditions are a reason to temporarily stop training. Once you feel better, they can be resumed.

General terms and conditions

Regime and regularity are the main thing in any training. Unsteady loads will not lead to the desired result and will even have the opposite effect.

However, there are a few more rules that also need to be taken into account.

  • You cannot exercise with a full stomach or bladder.
  • At least 1.5–2 hours should pass after the last meal (light snacks do not count as meals).
  • During classes you need to pay special attention to your well-being.
  • Do not practice yoga on days when you would be menstruating.
  • You can't overexert yourself.
  • The stomach should always be in a relaxed state.
  • You only need to train in a good mood.
  • Try to avoid jumping and sudden body movements.
  • All exercises are performed slowly, smoothly, carefully.
  • Training with an experienced instructor is safer and more effective.

Yoga will bring a lot of pleasure, and most importantly, it will bring the desired result (you will feel this during childbirth) only if all the rules are followed. Otherwise, negative consequences and complications cannot be avoided.

During pregnancy, it is best to enroll in special yoga courses

Recommendations and restrictions

  • The complex excludes poses that put pressure on the stomach. This includes asanas that involve intense twisting of the torso.
  • During pregnancy, poses such as Halasana, Shirshasana, bridge and half-bridge are not recommended.
  • In the second trimester, poses that are performed on the stomach are excluded. This removes unnecessary pressure on the abdominal area.
  • At later stages, it is advisable to avoid bending forward and backward (you can still do them in the first trimester).
  • Particular attention should be paid to asanas that help stimulate blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.
  • Sitting and lying poses are performed throughout pregnancy, as they develop the diaphragm, facilitating easier breathing and improving general condition.
  • In the third trimester, exercises on the back are not recommended, as they impair blood circulation and compress large vessels.
  • Starting from the second trimester, postures are recommended - standing with the use of support.
  • Throughout pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to do backbends while lying down.

Clothing and auxiliary items

Most of the asanas are performed from a sitting position or while leaning on something. This approach relieves a pregnant woman from unnecessary strain and stress in the abdominal area.

That is why it is recommended to purchase a special roller (bolster) filled with cotton wool or husk for practicing. It is convenient to use for support from a lying position, sitting, in inverted poses and in asanas for opening the diaphragm.

It is better to wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement.

Types of yoga suitable for pregnant women

Currently, there are many yoga methods and techniques, but only a few are suitable for pregnant women. Below are the most effective and safest ones for expectant mothers.


Kundalini is a symbolic name for human potential. Therefore, Kundalini yoga is a practice that reveals your capabilities. This technique is ideal for beginners because it does not require special skills or preparation. During the training process, you yourself choose the subsequent techniques.

The effect of the exercises is felt almost immediately, so there is no need to spend many years of your life learning yoga as an art. This technique is unique in its accessibility and results, such as clearing the mind and keeping the body toned.

Like any other technique, Kundalini includes postures, gestures, and certain breathing methods. It is an excellent technique from the point of view of spiritual development and moral strengthening.

Prana yoga

Prana yoga is a breathing technique based on three easy exercises.

  1. Rechaka – full breath.
  2. Puraka is a full deep breath.
  3. Kumbhaka is holding your breath for a while.

By learning to control your external breathing, you can feel inner peace and harmony. Prana yoga is a breathing technique. She teaches the skills of maintaining calm and self-control. And this will be very useful for the expectant mother during childbirth.

Aqua yoga

Aqua yoga for pregnant women is a special direction, specially developed by the writer F.B. Friedman. In addition to the positive effect on the general condition of the body, this technique helps to prepare as much as possible for childbirth and recovery after it.

Aqua yoga is the safest technique. The likelihood of injury is lowest here

In classes, a woman learns to feel and control her body. At the same time, without unnecessary stress, the main muscle groups are effectively worked out, which leads to a significant increase in their elasticity. During training, fatigue and tension are relieved, and the body can relax and quickly become toned.

In water, the risk of injury is minimized. In addition, aqua yoga classes are conducted in groups, which gives expectant mothers the opportunity to enjoy communication with other pregnant women, exchange experiences and impressions with them.

Instructors constantly monitor the progress of exercises and monitor the well-being of their students. And if necessary, they will always give advice and answer your questions.

Aqua yoga significantly fills the body with health, makes it fit, energetic and beautiful. And most importantly, it gently and unobtrusively prepares him for childbirth.

A set of exercises on the ball

The ball (fitball) not only brings variety to yoga classes. It perfectly supports the body at the right moments, springing, and thereby softening the impact.

Yoga on a ball is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age and size. With regular training on a fitball, your body's flexibility will increase significantly.

Specially designed exercises prepare expectant mothers for upcoming contractions, which can also be alleviated with the help of a ball, resting on it and relaxing.

Fitball helps the expectant mother relax not only during training, but also during childbirth

Yoga Iyengar

The type of Iyengar yoga was named after its founder. Iyengar, having extensive knowledge, created a special technique based on breathing techniques. The main difference between this type of yoga is the use of supports during exercises. Pregnant women can practice Iyengar yoga without fear.

Video tutorial on the use of Iyengar yoga

What to do if a woman has never done yoga and is afraid that she will not be able to do the exercises?

Yoga for pregnant women is intended for women of different levels of training; it does not require mastery of any special skills or asanas (yoga poses). Yoga for pregnant women is an adapted yoga that excludes even potentially dangerous exercises (such as backbends, lying on the stomach, closed twists, etc.). The teacher is usually interested in whether the woman was engaged in any type of physical activity before pregnancy and, based on this, builds a lesson and varies the load. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid - in any position or exercise, if you feel tired, you can always rest on your own. Only you yourself can feel your body and understand its signals. For any woman, you can choose techniques and asanas that are pleasant and comfortable for her.

Nowadays, in every region there are courses in preparation for childbirth... A third of the classes, as a rule, are devoted specifically to special physical exercises for pregnant women (gymnastics, breathing exercises). Isn't this enough?

Yes, indeed, there are now enough different courses and schools for future parents. The fact is that yoga is a very ancient practice that is holistic in nature and affects both the physical body (including hormonal levels) and emotions and spiritual balance. The breathing techniques that we study in yoga will help women during pregnancy, during childbirth, and in later life: for recovery after childbirth, during depression, PMS, pain, menopause and much more. It seems to me that childbirth classes use techniques that are intended only for childbirth, that is, after the baby is born, you can forget about them. This is how they differ from yoga classes for pregnant women. As for physical exercises, it is important to note that in yoga we learn to move with breathing, since childbirth is a movement associated with tension, strong sensations, and sometimes pain. Therefore, it is better to breathe while moving, alternately tensing and relaxing the body, learning to maintain deep breathing even while performing exercises that may seem difficult. It is very important to understand that it is through breathing that you can relax and let go of pain. Then this skill is fixed in the body. And even during childbirth, the woman will continue to breathe correctly.

Yoga looks at a person holistically, so for the postpartum period there is a postnatal practice that helps a woman recover gently. There is also baby yoga, women's yoga and much more - practices that support us at various moments in life.

Recommended asanas

Training should always be preceded by meditation. Take the position of Sukhasana (Turkish style). Stay alone with your thoughts, throw away all the negativity, try to feel your future baby. This action will help you relax as much as possible and prepare your body for exercise.

You can stay in any position for exactly as long as provided by the developer of the complex. A time of 5-6 respiratory cycles is optimal. At the same time, we should not forget about proper breathing - we do everything slowly and calmly.

Asana No. 1

Seated Wide Angle Pose - Upavistha Konasana

  1. First you need to sit comfortably on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you.
  2. Next, you should move them apart and clasp the corresponding feet with the fingers of your left and right hands.
  3. Arch your chest (diaphragm) and take several full breaths.

Wide angle pose is safe for expectant mothers

Asana No. 2

Head to Knee Pose - Janu Sirsasana

  1. Without changing the previous pose, bend either knee and place the corresponding foot on the inside of the opposite thigh.
  2. Straighten your back and lift your chest.
  3. Change legs and repeat this exercise.

When performing Jana Sirsasana, take your time, breathe slowly and deeply

Asana No. 3

Bound Angle Pose - Baddha Konasana

  1. Lean against the wall (or a special stand).
  2. Place a cushion under yourself.
  3. Adjust your knees so that they are no higher than your pelvis (you can use auxiliary straps).
  4. Try to relax in this position and think about something pleasant, while keeping your back straight. This is an excellent exercise for relaxation and meditation.

Asana Baddha Konasana perfectly relaxes the body

Asana No. 4

Standing Half Forward Bend - Ardha Uttanasana

  1. You should use a support that is no longer than the length of your legs.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lean forward slowly. At the same time, your arms should be kept straight and extended in front of you, and the body should not fall below the pelvis when performing.

Asana Ardha Uttanasana perfectly develops flexibility

Asana No. 5

Wide Leg Pose - Prasarita Padottanasana

  1. Starting position: standing, feet a little more than a meter wide.
  2. The feet are parallel and close to the floor.
  3. Bend forward and grab the prepared support. The back should be straight, and the stomach and lower back should be in a relaxed state.

Exercise Prasarita Padottanasana

Asana No. 6

Rest Pose - Shavasana

  1. Starting position: lying on your back. You can place a blanket under your back and neck.
  2. Relax, breathe smoothly, try to feel your baby as much as possible.

Asana Shavasana will allow you to focus on your thoughts and feel your baby.

Features of exercises depending on the period

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, there are certain restrictions on performing certain exercises. This should not be forgotten. Then you will get the maximum benefit from the training and will not cause any harm to yourself or your unborn baby.

First trimester

During this period, the body is exposed to the greatest stress, because new life is just beginning to emerge in the mother’s body. Often a woman at the beginning of pregnancy suffers from toxicosis, she quickly gets tired and is susceptible to depression.

Yoga in the early stages is especially important for the expectant mother. By choosing the right exercises for herself, she can learn to relax and lift her spirits. Moreover, in the first trimester there are no restrictions on asanas.

Second trimester

The time when the body has already adapted to a new state. Problems of toxicosis and irritability gradually fade into the background. The belly begins to grow noticeably, the expectant mother gains weight.

Exercises are now limited to inverted poses only. Asanas performed while lying on the stomach should be completely avoided in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Video lessons

You can watch video lessons at home and follow them, taking into account all the nuances described above. We have selected several options for you:

In articles on trimesters (first, second, third) you can find videos more suitable for a particular period.

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