Effective medicines for back pain

Painful sensations in the back can unsettle any person. Because of them, he stops moving normally; any slightest movement causes acute discomfort to the patient. In addition, discomfort can cause headaches and impaired thinking, which is quite dangerous for the body. If such signs appear, you should immediately take medicine for back pain.

It is very important to consult a qualified healthcare provider who will determine the exact cause of this discomfort. You should not take medications uncontrolled for a long time - this can lead to side effects.

Types of back pain

Pain can be divided depending on the location and nature of the discomfort.

There are sharp pains that resemble lumbago, they are also called lumbago , such pain can occur due to the following pathologies:

  • chronic scoliosis;
  • disc displacement or herniation;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • osteochondrosis.

It is also important where the pain is localized. If discomfort is felt more in the lower back on the right or left, then one can judge about disorders of the genitourinary system, kidney stones.

Girdle pain is a dangerous signal:

  • This type of pain may indicate serious pathologies such as aortic rupture, acute pancreatitis, etc.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the shoulder blades indicate the possible presence of intercostal neuralgia and benign neoplasms.
  • The upper back hurts with lung diseases, with acute pancreatitis.

Different organs may be inflamed in different parts of the back; in any case, back pain may indicate a serious pathology that cannot be left to chance and must be treated immediately.

The next type of back pain is sciatica:

Pinched nerve pain

  • Its peculiarity is that the pain is localized in the lower back , is neurological, acute in nature, and is often accompanied by “lumbago”.
  • Discomfort may also be in the legs or buttocks. Such pain indicates inflammation of the nerve, osteochondrosis, and various infections.
  • Also, pregnant women may experience this type of back pain.

Nagging back pain also greatly interferes with everyday life and often lasts for a very long time. The causes of nagging pain are as follows:

  • chronic back pathologies;
  • old traumas affecting climate change;
  • cooling;
  • physical stress;
  • stay in one position for a long time.

Back pain can be of a different nature, depending on which you can determine the pathology and begin its treatment.

Causes of back pain

Why does my back hurt? Factors influencing the development of back diseases are multifaceted. Let's look at the most common causes of back pain, which occur mainly in the young population.

Poor posture

Most back diseases occur for this reason.

Posture is distorted due to the fact that a person moves little and sits a lot in the main position:

  • The main period of postural curvature is school age, when the child spends a lot of time at the computer. Spending many hours in a crooked position ultimately leads to curvature of the spine. With the advent of new technologies, this problem has become especially acute among schoolchildren and teenagers.
  • Many people sleep in awkward positions, which leads to back and neck pain. Pain between the shoulder blades and in the upper back indicates an incorrect posture in everyday life, a constant hunchback.
  • If a person has a genetic predisposition to spinal curvature, then additional factors will only intensify the process of changes in posture and the appearance of back pain.

Sitting position
Correct sitting position


There are often cases when a person is near a draft or in the cold and blows through his back. When going into a cold space while sweating, the same effect can occur. Sometimes even a slight cold instantly penetrates the nerve endings and makes itself felt with back pain.

Weight lifting

A person unprepared for physical activity often comes to the gym and immediately selects the maximum weight, which can lead to a “tear” of the spine and back muscles, which leads to severe back pain.

Load reduction
Reducing the load on the spine

Excess weight

Overweight people, due to their large body mass, place more stress on their back, so it hurts more often than people with a normal physique. The pain is minor, but appears periodically.

Passive lifestyle

Back muscles tend to atrophy over time. If a person is inactive in life, then constant back pain is guaranteed. Muscle congestion and weakness can lead to many back diseases, including intervertebral hernia.

Diagnosis of back pain

If you notice back pain, you should know which doctor to contact and how to make a diagnosis. It is best to visit a therapist who will refer the patient to a more specialized specialist: a surgeon, traumatologist, or neurologist.

A neurologist specializes in diseases of the nervous system. He will examine the patient and note the condition of the spine. A neurologist will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis. An accurate determination of pathology will only be given by a full examination, which includes, first of all, a blood test.

An x-ray examination is also required, which reveals the presence of injuries, fractures and other pathologies. In addition to this method, additional diagnostic methods may be required, such as MRI and computed tomography.

MRI image of the spine
MRI image

First aid for an attack of pain at home

Treatment of back pain at home depends on the nature of the lesion and its duration:

  • If you experience severe pain in the lower back, you need to relieve as much tension as possible from your back. To do this, you need to stop any physical activity and remain motionless.
  • If pain is accompanied by an inflammatory process , then any activity can worsen the patient's condition.
  • In case of distress, you need to lie down in a comfortable position, preferably using an orthopedic mattress. It is important to ensure the patient's comfort to avoid pinched muscles and nerves.
  • In the absence of special orthopedic equipment, you need to take a comfortable pillow that is not very hard.

Acute pain after a fall or injury

A lower back bruise after a fall or blow is the most common back injury, from which even the most careful and cautious people are not immune. The high-risk group includes athletes, people engaged in heavy physical labor (loaders, storekeepers), and children. You can also get a lower back injury if you fall on slippery surfaces (wet floors, ice) or in public transport during emergency braking.

No one is safe from accidental falls

Before providing assistance to a bruised victim, you must ensure that there are no fractures or dislocations. The difference between a bruise and a fracture is damage only to soft tissues (skin, musculo-ligamentous apparatus), manifested mainly by swelling, hematomas and bruises (a symptom of damage to capillaries and small blood vessels).

Other symptoms of lumbar bruises may also include:

  • numbness in the lumbar region (in severe cases, accompanied by a rapid increase in spinal shock, there is a complete loss of sensitivity in the damaged segment);

    If a bruise occurs, there may be loss of sensitivity and numbness.

  • increased pain not only during movement, but also with mechanical irritation (pressure) of the bruised area;
  • weakness and poor circulation in the legs;

    After a bruise, weakness in the legs may bother you

  • severe pain in the lower back during sexual intercourse;
  • mild disturbance of urination and defecation (typical for combined injuries of the lower back, pelvic organs and lower part of the peritoneum).

If the coccyx is damaged, the victim may experience partial paresis or paralysis of both limbs.

How to treat back pain?

Many methods are used to treat back pain: medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage and other methods. Let's look at the most popular ones, which are the most universal for various back pathologies.

Treatment with drugs

Drug treatment is important for acute pain that does not go away with massage, physiotherapy and other conservative treatments. For mild pain, it is enough to use tablets and dragees. More severe discomfort may require an injection.

We must not forget about the side effects that some drugs exhibit. You should always seek medical advice for accurate advice.

A blockade is an injection into the lumbar region, which is used for severe pain in this area. Among the popular drugs are an injection of Novocaine and Ledocaine . The peculiarity of the treatment method is the rapid relief of pain, however, it also has disadvantages: it is a short effect and a large number of contraindications.

Block of spinal hernia

Many back diseases are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), they can relieve the most severe, sharp and irritating pain:

  • Ketonal is a solution for intramuscular injection. The course of treatment is 5 days. Contraindicated for pregnant women and people suffering from nervous disorders.
  • Diclofenac relieves pain in muscles and joints, but is difficult to tolerate by people with kidney disease.
  • Meloxicam is a powerful drug for pain relief. It is not recommended to combine it with other medications to prevent poisoning.
  • Neurobion injections relieve acute pain.





For lower back pain, B vitamins are used for injection. They restore damaged nerve fibers and increase the activity of the nervous system. The drugs also have an analgesic effect. This treatment should be carried out for severe pain with “lumbago”.

Chronic back disorders are not treated with injections. B vitamins are used both as a separate product and in combination with other drugs. The use of these medications is contraindicated for diseases of the digestive system.

To improve the effect after a course of injections, vitamins are taken orally; popular medications for oral administration are as follows:

  • Celebrex;
  • Arcoxia;
  • Texamen;
  • Quickcaps.




Celecoxib capsules

When treating the spine, combination drugs are also used, such as Next or Neurodiclovit.

Neurologists, in addition to injections and oral medications, can prescribe medications for external use. They should be rubbed with intense movements at the location of the pain. Among them are oils, ointments containing pepper extract, bee venom and much more.

Ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effectively treat back pathologies; the list of names of such drugs is quite extensive.

They quickly restore the functioning of the spine and relieve even severe pain, including the following drugs:

  • Voltaren.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Bystrumgel.
  • Fastum gel.


Ibuprofen ointment Bystrum

Fastum gel

These products have a warming effect, so be sure to consult a doctor before use to avoid allergies, burns and other side effects.


In almost all cases of back pain, additional therapy is prescribed - massage. This method is distinguished by its versatility, as it helps with a variety of back diseases.

If the cause of the disorder is hypothermia, then a massage will help warm and heal your back. If nerves or muscles are compressed, massage will help restore tone and improve the condition.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are used after medication treatment. If the pain is severe, physiotherapy should not be used.

The procedures take place only after the acute pain has been relieved. Physiotherapy allows you to consolidate the results obtained, normalize the condition of tissues and nerves, in order to protect yourself from lower back diseases in the future.

The most common procedures include:

  • Laser therapy. Based on the action of infrared radiation, which normalizes blood circulation and metabolism.
  • Ultrasound. This procedure relieves spasms and stimulates muscle activity. Through ultrasonic waves, tissues are filled with nutrients and biologically active reagents.
  • Electrophoresis. The essence of the process is the penetration of drugs into the body using electric current. Special tampons are moistened with medications and placed on the patient’s back. Plates that transmit electrical impulses are connected to them.
  • Magnetic therapy. Includes the effects of magnetic waves to restore damaged tissue.

The result of physiotherapy is complete pain relief and normalization of the body’s nervous system. Procedures are also carried out during the rehabilitation period together with massage, mud baths and other types of therapy.

Gymnastics and exercises

Most often, back pain occurs due to lack of physical activity. If you don’t have enough time to do a set of exercises, you can at least do exercises periodically during the day at your workplace and let your back relax.

Let's look at a few exercises to strengthen your back muscles:

  1. Performed while standing. Hands on the belt. Perform slow circular movements with your pelvis. Repeat 10 times clockwise and the same number counterclockwise.
  2. Performed while lying on your stomach. Hands at the top, slowly rise and stretch upward. If possible, raise your legs as well. Stay in this position. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Performed in the “on all fours” position. Bend your knees and sit on your heels. Stay in this position. This exercise relieves tension and is a good stretch. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Performed while lying on your stomach. Alternately raise your legs as high as possible. Stay in this position and repeat the exercise 10 times on each leg.
  5. Performed while standing. Go to the wall and press your back completely against it, thus creating correct posture. Stay like this for 10 minutes.

Exercises for muscles
Exercises for back muscles

Fixing devices (corsets)

For back pain, there is another treatment method - fixatives. This is an orthopedic device that places the spine in the correct position and relieves discomfort. They have belts and stiffeners.

The spine is in a more comfortable position, the pressure on the back is reduced. The corset is a wide belt made of dense material.

Chest Belt corset

Corset for the spine


Acupuncture and manual therapy

The essence of acupuncture is the insertion of thin stainless steel needles into painful areas of the back. The procedure must be carried out by a qualified specialist; with the correct technique, acupuncture does not cause pain.

The needles are disposable and eliminate the risk of infection. The procedure is often prescribed in cases where certain medications are contraindicated for the patient.

Manual therapy is one of the most effective non-drug treatments, including acupuncture and a number of other procedures. Manual therapy is similar to massage, but its characteristic feature is limited localization and varying doses of exposure.

Folk remedies

Tinctures made from lingonberries, rose hips, and blueberries are common for back pain. They are infused for an hour and drunk instead of tea and before meals. In addition to tinctures, compresses and ointments for back pain are widely used.

Prepare the ointment for the compress as follows:

  • Honey is mixed with alcohol and Vaseline is added.
  • Rub the product evenly, then wrap it in polyethylene and a warm blanket.
  • Keep the compress for 3-4 hours . It is better to leave it overnight for better effect.

Traditional back treatment using foil is widely used. For this you need the well-known “Star” balm. It is applied to the back, foil is placed on top and everything is secured with a gauze bandage. The compress is wrapped in a blanket on top and left overnight. The procedure helps with all back disorders.

For radiculitis, a recipe made from mustard, salt and kerosene is effective. Mix mustard powder with salt and kerosene, grind the resulting mixture, and instead of kerosene you can use ethyl alcohol. Mustard has a warming effect and relieves pain.

For osteochondrosis, prepare a compress:

  • Mix honey with aloe juice, prepare clay cream separately and add the previously prepared mixture to it.
  • Mix well and apply to the affected area, cover with cling film.
  • Remove the compress after an hour; for better effect, repeat the procedure 3 times within a month.

Muscle relaxants

If therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs does not help get rid of pain, you can start taking muscle relaxants; these substances can relax tense muscle tissue, which significantly relieves the body's condition.

The most popular drugs from this group include Baclofen, Carisoprodol, Tizanidide, Cyclobenzaprine. Such medications relieve muscle spasms, which cause pain.

Keep in mind that these are quite powerful drugs. Before using them, you should definitely consult with your doctor. They often cause serious side effects such as excessive drowsiness. In addition, muscle relaxants can lead to a decrease in blood pressure levels.

Experts say that such remedies relieve pain only if the discomfort is caused by the consequences of injuries or surgical interventions.

Back pain during pregnancy

While carrying a child, as well as during lactation, women often complain of back pain.

To reduce discomfort during pregnancy, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Bend less. If you need to pick up an object, you should sit down and pick it up, avoiding bending over, which can cause strain in your back muscles.
  2. Choose the right shoes. Shoes should have low heels to balance the balance. High heels should not be worn, nor should shoes with flat soles.
  3. Maintain correct posture. Often pregnant women lean their body back for balance, which later leads to back pain. You should try to walk without arching, keep your chest forward and relax your shoulders. You need to sit with your elbows to relax your back.
  4. Proper sleep. You can't sleep on your back, much less on your stomach. Sleep should be on your side, with your knees bent.


To relieve severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used in the form of powders, tablets and injections. They effectively relieve pain, but their constant use is not safe, because... These drugs increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, stomach ulcers, liver damage and hematopoietic system damage. Therefore, NSAIDs are used as emergency medications.

The main rule that follows from this is that NSAIDs should be used only for severe pain, and not constantly. To prevent chronic pain syndrome, engage in good basic therapy.

Back pain in children

Treatment of back pain in children depends on the pathology that causes discomfort. The back may hurt due to uncomfortable sleep, uncomfortable bedding. In this case, the child should buy an orthopedic pillow or mattress.

If the pain is caused by dangerous pathologies, then it should be treated with drugs. Other cases require urgent surgery, such as appendicitis. Many children face problems with posture and spinal curvature. In this case, you should undergo a course of physiotherapy, physical therapy and massage.

Ointments against discomfort

A variety of painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments will help you cope with back pain. These medications are intended for topical use. The active components quickly penetrate through the skin into the source of inflammation.

In addition, ointments rarely cause side effects when compared with tablets or injections. The active ingredients practically do not accumulate in the bloodstream, which allows the ointments to be used by patients with serious diseases of internal organs.

Ointments against back pain help restore blood circulation, relieve inflammation and pain. If you start using them in a timely manner, the need for using tablets may completely disappear.

There is a huge selection of such medications - you can easily choose what will allow you to significantly improve your well-being.

There are a huge number of drugs that will relieve you of discomfort:

  • Domestic drugs Bystrum, Ketanol, Finalgel - allow you to quickly cope with the manifestations of lumbar hernia, postoperative pain, consequences of injuries, and renal colic. The basis of such medications are diclofenac and ibuprofen - they relieve pain and relieve inflammation.
  • Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs of combined action. Ointments from this group promote accelerated tissue restoration, quickly relieve hematomas, and also restore blood circulation. The most popular is Dolobene, an ointment that is most often used for spinal hernia. It can relieve swelling in a short time.
  • Ointments with an analgesic and local irritant effect - Analgos, Finalgon, Capsicam. Such medications are aimed at expanding the lumen of blood vessels, thereby significantly improving blood circulation. In addition, metabolic processes are restored and tissue nutrition is improved. A person notices significant relief after the first use.
  • Arthrocin and Chondrosid are ointments that belong to the group of chondroprotectors. They are based on the substances chondroitin and dimethyl sulfoxide. With their help, it is possible to slow down degenerative processes, as well as restore the condition of cartilage.
  • Homeopathic ointments have become widespread in a fairly short time. Active components trigger metabolic processes and promote cartilage restoration. In addition, they prevent the development of degenerative changes.
  • Ointments with natural ingredients - Comfrey, Arthrocin, Sofia, Shungite. Thanks to special substances, it is possible to quickly get rid of painful sensations caused by injury, hypothermia, osteochondrosis, and hernia.


By applying simple rules, you can not experience back discomfort until old age:

  • Posture control . The gait should be smooth, and you should not hunch while sitting. You need to constantly monitor your posture and prohibit yourself from bending your body.
  • Convenient workplace. If you spend most of your time at work in the same position, then make sure that your workplace is convenient and comfortable. Periodically tilt your head to stretch your neck.
  • Exercising in the morning at home. Morning warm-up benefits the entire body, and also invigorates and motivates you for a successful day at work. For those who have a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to warm up the whole body periodically throughout the day so that the muscles do not stagnate.
  • Avoid drafts. The back is easily sensitive to cold, so you should always dress warmly and try to avoid drafts.
  • Don't carry heavy things. You cannot lift objects that are too heavy without prior training. Back injuries often occur in sports when lifting weights incorrectly; you cannot lift heavy objects with a bent back.

Rules for posture
Factors influencing posture

Principles of treatment of back pain by Dr. Fereydoun Batmanghelidj

Dr. Fereydoun Batmanghelidj is the author of several books on alternative treatments, including How to Treat Back Pain and Rheumatic Joint Pain.

To relieve back pain and improve overall health, the doctor recommends following three basic rules:

  1. Drink a lot of water , since water makes up most of our body. A person must drink his normal amount per day - this is more than 8 glasses.
  2. Take salt in food. It is what retains water in the body. Sea salt consists of minerals vital to the body.
  3. Avoid foods and drinks that lead to dehydration : alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, sugar.

Traditional medicine recipes

Herbal healers recommend taking advantage of natural gifts and creating your own medicinal products:

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