How to pump up arms quickly like a monster: step-by-step tips


Anatomical structure of the biceps

Biceps brachii

  • Tendons connect the biceps muscles to the arm bones.
  • The biceps brachii muscle consists of two heads: long and short.
  • The long head is on the outside of the arm and makes up the majority of the biceps brachii muscle.
  • The short head is on the inside of the arm.
  • Forms the overall size of what is called the biceps. Most exercises are aimed at causing hypertrophy of this muscle.

Brachialis muscle

  • Located deeper than the biceps brachii muscle.
  • This muscle does not play a major role in functional movements, helping the biceps brachii muscle to flex the arm at the elbow joint.
  • Even though the brachialis muscle is not a significant part of the arm, it is still important in balancing muscle size. By adding exercises aimed at this muscle to your arm training program, you can further increase the volume of your arms, getting a more holistic and harmonious picture. Your arms will look as strong as those of professional bodybuilders.

Close grip pull-ups

To get the brachialis to work, you need pull-ups with a narrow straight grip. They can be performed either on a regular bar or in a machine if the muscles do not have sufficient strength to perform the required number of repetitions.


  • Hang on the horizontal bar so that the distance between your palms is about 20-30 centimeters.
  • Slowly, as you exhale, pull yourself up to the bar so that the bar is at chin level.
  • Hold for a moment and, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
  • Do the required number of repetitions.



Triceps brachii

  • Consists of two sections or heads that form the famous horseshoe shape and make up the entire back of the arm.
  • An important muscle for stabilizing the shoulder joint.
  • The triceps makes up one third of the total arm size. If you want to build massive arms, then you should pay attention to exercises that cause maximum triceps hypertrophy.
  • Undertraining the triceps can lead to overuse of other muscles, increasing the risk of muscle strains and tears. It is very important to train the triceps with the same frequency and load as the biceps.

Reverse Grip Barbell Raises

Not the most popular exercise with a barbell, but it works on the brachialis, which is included in the work thanks to the reverse grip.


  • Hold the barbell so that your palms are shoulder-width apart. The grip is reverse, which means that the palms are facing strictly to the floor.
  • As you exhale, slowly lift the barbell until it is at shoulder level.
  • Pause at the point of peak contraction and slowly return the bar to the starting position while inhaling.


Anatomy of the forearm

  • Consists of several smaller muscles including:
  • Flexor carpi ulnaris (outer wrist)
  • Palmaris longus muscle (not everyone has it. If they do, it is located in the center of the wrist)
  • Flexor carpi radialis (middle wrist)
  • Pronator teres (inside the wrist)
  • And a few more smaller muscles
  • The forearm is important for flexing the wrist and elbow.
  • The forearms also balance out the appearance of the arms. Large, inflated biceps and triceps, with poorly developed forearms, not only look unsightly, but also increase the risk of injury.

Hand muscle interaction

Picking up a water bottle or throwing a basketball might seem like a fairly simple action, but each movement requires a complex set of actions and reactions from the arm muscles. In order to correctly perform a particular movement, the muscles must work harmoniously together.

When you push something, your triceps should tense and your biceps should relax. When you pull, the situation is reversed. When the biceps are active, the triceps are relaxed, and vice versa.

Before you begin training to bulk up your arms, it is important to understand these principles. Pay close attention to how your muscles work during each movement. Direct all the tension to the active muscle, so you can stimulate muscle hypertrophy, which leads to increased muscle mass.

Greg Valentino - the negative consequences of large limbs

The athlete has been striving for record results for many years; strength training helped build large muscles. He came to the gym for the first time as a 13-year-old boy. Then he dreamed of the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger, his idol. Valentino directed all his efforts towards increasing body weight and developing strength. Greg's biceps girth after 10 years of intensive training was 71 cm. This historical record was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Constant training only brought better results; at some point, my body weight stopped growing. The disappointed, upset bodybuilder decided to take drugs. This helped, the triceps and biceps began to grow again and reached even larger dimensions.

But fame and such an incredible result also brought negative consequences. Steroids, by increasing muscle mass, lead to health problems and weaken body functions. The muscles began to die, it was very painful. The athlete took photographs of himself and posted them online to demonstrate the negative consequences of using drugs for muscle growth. Gradually the problem became serious, and operations had to be performed. The Greek Valentino managed to pull himself together, resume his career, and wrote a book with important advice for those who dream of a sculpted, pumped-up body.

Basic principles of increasing arm muscle mass

There are many theories and techniques on how to make your arms bigger by using muscles, tendons and ligaments.

The two main training principles boil down to high repetitions at low intensity and low repetitions at high intensity. Which one is correct? Actually, both. To achieve maximum growth, you need to focus on compound movements during your workout, devoting the entire day to loading your arm muscles.

Let's find out what points would be good to observe during training

What's Important to Remember During the Best Arm Workout


  • from 4 to 6
  • According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, you need to perform 40 to 60 repetitions per muscle in one workout.
  • 4-6 sets just allow you to complete those 40-60 reps needed for growth.

Rep plan

  • from 6 to 10
  • As mentioned above, 40-60 repetitions for each muscle group maximally stimulate the process of its growth. You can achieve these values ​​by performing 5 to 10 repetitions in each approach.
  • For example, 4 sets of 5 reps with a heavier weight, followed by 4 sets of 10 reps with a lighter weight will get you to the target 60 reps.


  • 75 to 85 percent of your rep max or 1RM (the maximum weight you can lift in one repetition).
  • This may be contrary to what you have been taught, but using a heavier load has been shown to cause maximum muscle hypertrophy during arm training.
  • In order to stay motivated and stay interested in training, variety is important. This way you can break up your training program: train at high intensity on one day, low on another, and so on. This will help you not to give up training and pump up your arms.

Selecting arm exercises

When it comes to increasing muscle growth, choosing the right exercises is very important. There is no need to invent something unimaginable. Many classic biceps and triceps exercises are great for simulating muscle hypertrophy. Next we will look at them in more detail.

  • It is also important to change your training program every 6-10 weeks, depending on your level. This will help avoid plateaus in training and simply relieve boredom.

Training frequency

  • According to a study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the best results can be obtained by training one body part every 5-7 days.
  • It is also important to remember that many compound exercises, such as push-ups and rows, involve several muscle groups at once, so objectively there is no point in 2 or more hands days per week. You will get results even if your training program only has an arm day every two weeks.

A selection of hand exercises at home

Any arm exercise for men should begin with a good warm-up. Do circular swings, rotate your forearms, stretch your hands and fingers. This will help warm up your muscles and stretch your joints. A good warm-up is the key to a productive and safe workout.

Warm-up exercises before training

Dumbbell curls (biceps)

What are the benefits : It is one of the top arm exercises for men, developing both strength and volume of the biceps. Universal for beginners and professional athletes.

How to do it : Standing with your back straight, grasp the dumbbells as if you were holding a barbell. Keeping your elbows static (pressed to your body), simultaneously lift the weight to chin level, and then lower it back. At the peak point, pause for a second.

Dumbbell curls

Dumbbell curls with supination (biceps)

What are the benefits : Unlike classic lifts, this option additionally works the forearms by rotating the hands. It requires leisurely and measured execution, so practice with moderate weights.

How to do it : Stand with a straight back and take the apparatus in parallel. As you lift the weight toward your shoulders, rotate your wrist so that the dumbbell bars form a straight line at the peak point. Lower in reverse amplitude. A seated variation is allowed, which takes the load off the back.

Dumbbell curls with supination

Hammer grip dumbbell curl (biceps)

What are the benefits : “Hammer” is an exercise for the combined training of the biceps and brachialis. The load on the listed groups varies depending on the rotation of the wrist joint.

How to perform : Performed while standing. Hold the dumbbells parallel. Press your elbows tightly to ensure immobility. At the same time, bend your arms, keeping them parallel. The peak point is at the level of the chin. After a second pause, return to the starting position.

Dumbbell curls for biceps with a hammer

Concentrated dumbbell curl (biceps)

What is the benefit : In a sitting position, you do not have to monitor the stabilizers. Tension goes away from the back. This is one of the best exercises to quickly pump up a man's arms. Performed alternately on each limb. Requires high concentration on biceps work.

How to do it : Sit so that the elbow of your hand with a dumbbell rests on your knee. Place the other palm symmetrically on your thigh. Extend your arm to 99% without allowing the elbow lock to snap into place. Afterwards, bend, bringing the weight to your chin.

Concentrated dumbbell biceps curl

Dumbbell overhead press (deltas)

What are the benefits : This is a strength exercise for powerfully working the deltoid muscles. Definitely included in the program for beginners. Helps actively gain mass in the shoulder girdle and develop its strength. Requires enhanced control of stabilizers.

How to do it : Stand up straight and lift the weight slightly below eye level. Elbows point to the sides, forearms vertical to the floor. Press the projectiles overhead, bringing the projectiles slightly together. Then return to the initial phase. Always maintain a slight arch in the lumbar region.

Standing Dumbbell Press

Lifting dumbbells in front (deltas)

What are the benefits : An accentuated exercise on the deltoids, specifically loading the anterior bundle. Gives the shoulders visual roundness, developing volume. Lifting weights in front of you is very popular among wrestlers and tennis players.

How to do it : Stand in front of a mirror, grab a weight and hold it in front of your hips. The grip is longitudinal, as if holding a bar. Take turns lifting the weights forward with straight arms, achieving a right angle between the limb and the body. After the pause, return to the initial phase.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you (deltoids)

Dumbbell lateral raises (deltas)

What are the benefits : Accentuatedly loads the lateral (middle) delta bundles, making them larger and stronger. A visually simple arm exercise for men often leads to injury. If you lack experience, you need to perform the breeding while standing with minimal weight.

How to do it : Standing in front of a mirror, grab dumbbells with a hammer grip. Bend your elbow slightly and slowly raise your arms to the sides, turning your hand slightly. Lifting is carried out until it is parallel to the floor. Elbows point back and up. Imagine emptying bottles. Then return to the starting position.

Dumbbell lateral raises

Bent-over dumbbell raises (deltas)

What is the benefit : The rear delt gives visual width to the upper body. The bent over fly develops its volume and strength. A technically complex exercise that additionally loads the lower back and paravertebral columns. To safely pump up your arms at home using the presented method, work with light weights.

How to perform : Flyes are performed while standing. Squat down slightly and move your torso forward toward your hips. Look ahead. Taking dumbbells, begin raising them, pointing your elbows towards the ceiling. Do not contract your shoulder blades, work only with your deltoids. Hold at the upper amplitude for a couple of seconds and return to the initial phase.

Bent-over dumbbell flyes

Dumbbell rows to the chin (deltas)

What are the benefits : The exercise helps pump up a man’s arms at the same time as his trapezius. Strengthens the upper back, helps to enhance the relief of the figure. Works great in combination with shrugs. Concentrated load is placed on the middle/front beam.

How to do it : Stand straight in front of a mirror, holding dumbbells on your thighs in front of your torso. The shells are brought together longitudinally. Keeping your elbows out to the sides, lift the weight toward your chin. The movement is carried out along the body. Return the starting phase to the reverse amplitude.

Dumbbell row to the chin

Arnold press (delta)

What is the benefit : The Arnold press provides static and dynamic load to the entire delta. Additionally trains the biceps. More suitable for experienced athletes. Performing a seated press relieves tension from the back muscles, but you can perform this exercise while standing.

How to do it : Sit on a chair or bench with straight posture. Dumbbells are raised at eye level, elbows apart. Bring the projectiles together in front of you while rotating your wrist. Return to the previous phase and forcefully press the weight above you. After a second delay, fix the original phase again.

Arnold press

Parallel dumbbell overhead press (deltas)

What is the benefit : Strength exercise for the arms for men just starting their training journey. Helps quickly increase the volume of deltoids, triceps, and loads the upper chest. The method is easy to learn and safe when exercising with moderate weights.

How to do it : Sit on a chair/bench with your back straight, grasping the apparatus with a hammer grip at chin height. Extend your arms above you, keeping the dumbbells parallel. Return the starting phase again by delaying the peak amplitude. Can be performed both standing and sitting.

Parallel overhead dumbbell press

Dumbbell overhead extension (triceps)

What are the benefits : Has an accentuated effect on the triceps. Extensions help pump up your arms at home with a minimum of equipment. Contraindicated for athletes who have suffered elbow/shoulder injuries due to the high load on the joints.

How to do it : Stand up straight and lift the dumbbell over your head, holding the bottom of the upper plate in the lock. The back and abs are tense. Lower the weight behind your head, reaching a right angle in the bend of the elbow joint, then return to the starting position. Work with light weights to avoid sprains and injuries. Can be performed both standing and sitting.

Dumbbell extension from behind the head

Bent-over dumbbell extension (triceps)

What are the benefits : The “Skier” exercise on the arms of men is aimed at increasing the volume of the triceps and developing strength. Requires synchronous execution. Suitable for recovery from elbow injuries or muscle strains.

How to do it : Standing shoulder-width apart, squat slightly and lean your body forward, as if you were skiing. Dumbbells play the role of sticks. From a right angle, extend your arm, relying only on the work of your triceps. After reaching a straight line of the shoulder and forearm, return to the starting phase.

Bent-over arm extension with dumbbells

Arm extension with dumbbells supported on a bench (triceps)

What is the benefit : An isolation exercise on the arms for men, with which it is convenient to work out the relief of the triceps. Eliminates the work of stabilizers, specifically loading the triceps brachii muscle.

How to do it : Place your knee and palm on a horizontal bench. Keep your lumbar arched and look forward. The working arm at the shoulder is parallel to the body. Forearm with weight perpendicular to body position. Perform triceps extensions, reaching tension at the top. Then bend your arm, returning to the starting position.

Arm extension with dumbbells supported on a bench

Lying dumbbell extension (triceps)

What is the benefit : A basic exercise that develops triceps strength. It is performed in a horizontal position, which eliminates the load on the back and lower back.

How to do it : Lie down on a bench and pick up the apparatus. Elbows point to the ceiling, dumbbells at ear level. Hammer grip. Fully extend your arms, leaving your shoulders in a static position. After pausing at the top point, slowly lower the projectiles back. The exercise can also be performed while lying on the floor.

Lying dumbbell extension

Narrow push-ups (triceps)

What are the benefits : This universal exercise helps men pump up their arms without additional equipment. Increases triceps, strengthens elbow/elbow/shoulder/wrist joints. Develops the strength of the pectoral muscle group.

How to do it : Taking a lying position, spread your arms slightly narrower than your shoulders. When performing push-ups, your elbows look back, your chest almost touches the floor in the lower phase. Push up forcefully, returning to the starting position.

Narrow push-ups (triceps)

Reverse push-ups (triceps)

What is the benefit : An advanced exercise for pumping up your arms at home. Increases the strength and volume of the triceps, promotes the appearance of relief. Performed without additional equipment.

How to do it : Sit on a bench or chair with your arms at your sides. Move your body forward, holding it only with the strength of your arms. The legs are extended, standing on the heel. Bend your arms until your shoulder/elbow angles reach 90 degrees. The back is always straight. Then push up, returning to the starting position. When performing, lower your shoulders without pulling them towards your ears.

Reverse push-ups

Straight arm plank (general arm muscles)

What are the benefits : Static exercises allow you to pump up your arms at home, while simultaneously developing the strength of your entire torso. The extended arm plank is an excellent method for losing excess weight and strengthening your overall muscles.

How to do it : Assume a plank position with your arms extended, keeping your body weight on your palms and toes only. Look clearly in front of you, tense your back, buttocks and abs. Increase the number of seconds as your physical performance increases.

Plank on hands

Be sure to check out our selection of exercises:

  • Top 11 best exercises for chest muscles with dumbbells
  • Top 8 exercises with dumbbells for shoulders (deltas) for home and gym
  • Top 12 biceps exercises with dumbbells and barbells
  • Top 8 exercises with dumbbells for shoulders (deltas) for home and gym

Training program

Close grip bench press:

  • 2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps
  • 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps

Barbell Curls:

  • 2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps
  • 3-4 working sets of 4-8 reps

Push-ups (optional: weights can be attached to your belt)

  • 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

Biceps curls with Hammer dumbbells:

  • 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

Alternating biceps curls with dumbbells:

  • 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps

Tips for Maximizing Muscle Gain

It is not enough to simply do the exercises listed. You need to constantly push yourself, increase the load, the number of approaches, and the weights used. Doing the same exercises without making any changes will lead to a plateau, where growth in both strength and muscle mass stops.

  • Try to increase your working weight by 0.5-2 kilograms each workout. At the same time, make sure that the execution technique is close to ideal.
  • When performing high-intensity sets, reduce the rest time between them. This will force the body to use the energy it receives more efficiently and will also increase endurance.
  • Include working to failure in your training. It is advisable to leave the approach to failure until the end of the exercise. Just do as many reps as you can on the last set without compromising your technique.
  • Remember to change your training program after 6-10 weeks, with different exercises, higher loads and more repetitions.
  • Focus on the muscle you are working on at the moment. Review the anatomy section to understand how this muscle works, which will help you visualize the effects of stress on it. This understanding will allow you to increase muscle tension and hypertrophy.


Dumbbell Cross Raises

How to increase the width of your biceps? It is enough to slightly change the technique of the popular hammer exercise to shift the load. To do this, you need to lift the dumbbells not straight up, but up diagonally - towards the solar plexus.


How to increase the width of your biceps

  • Hold dumbbells in your hands with a neutral grip: palms facing your body.
  • As you inhale, lift the right dumbbell diagonally towards your solar plexus.
  • Pause at the top and, as you exhale, slowly return the dumbbell to its starting position.
  • Repeat the same with the other hand.
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