1000 calories is how many kg Calculation of calories for weight loss. How long do you need to run to burn 1000 calories?

Every time I study the energy content of various foods (especially tasty ones), I am struck by the glaring imbalance between the rapid accumulation of calories and their terribly slow burning. We can eat just one tiny chocolate bar without even noticing this process, and then spend long hours in the gym paying for this small pleasure. It’s enough just to sit at the holiday table once, and after that you’ll have to sign up for a long time on the nearest treadmill. No, this is terribly unfair! But there is a way out of this situation.


Step aerobics is still one of the best ways to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time - up to 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. This is intense aerobics using any stand that simulates a step. The movements performed during the training process are completely natural and accessible to anyone, regardless of health status and level of training. In addition, this type of physical activity does not require expensive equipment - it can be easily done at home.

Creating a calorie deficit

A calorie deficit is the #1 requirement to lose weight! You need to make sure that the number of calories you burn is greater than the number of calories you take in per day. 1 kg = 7000 kcal If you want to lose 1 kg of weight, you must create a deficit of 7000 calories. So if you want to lose 1 kg per week, you need to create a deficit of about 1000 calories every day. For example, if your daily diet is 2800 calories, then you should reduce it to 1800. This will create the necessary deficit of 1000 calories. It remains to find out what caloric intake you need for the same purpose.

Calculation of caloric intake in order to lose weight by 1 kg

Now let’s calculate your individual caloric intake to get rid of an extra kilogram. To do this, you need to know the values ​​of your general and basal metabolism. Basic metabolism is the minimum amount of energy our body needs to function normally. Thus, while reducing calories, we should not go below this minimum. General metabolism is the total energy expenditure incurred by the body during the day (depending on lifestyle and degree of physical activity). Formula for calculating basal metabolic rate (Z) for women: Z (kcal) = 665.09 + (9.56 x weight in kg) + (1.85 x height in cm) – (4.67 x age) Formula for calculating total metabolism (Y) for women: Y (kcal) = kx Z The coefficient k in this formula is used in the following values:

  • 1.4 – 1.69 - with low physical activity - this is, for example, an office worker who does not play sports or exercises from time to time
  • 1.7 – 1.99 - with average physical activity - this is, for example, a manual worker or a person who is moderately involved in sports
  • 2 - 2.4 - with high physical activity - this is, for example, a person who regularly plays sports or is engaged in heavy physical work.

Calorie content of foods

Example of calorie calculation

Let's look at an example of how to calculate calorie intake: For a 25-year-old woman weighing 65 kg, height 170 cm, working in an office and playing sports from time to time, the basal metabolism is 1484 kcal, and the total (at k = 1.5) is 2226 kcal (rounded to 2200). This means that when cutting calories in her diet, she should not eat less than 1484 kcal per day, but in order to lose weight effectively, she definitely needs to eat less than 2200 kcal. In our example, the optimal intake would be 1600 kcal per day - this way we will create a negative calorie balance. With this diet, we cut 600 kcal per day, which on a weekly basis gives 4200 kcal. Before our 7000 kcal, which we want to get rid of in order to lose a kilogram per week, there remains another 2800 kcal that will need to be burned by physical activity. Therefore, training in this situation will require you to burn about 400 kcal per day.

How to lose 1000 kcal by training at home with a jump rope

How many calories are in 1 kg of fat?

To spend so many calories, you don't need to sign up for a fitness center. In addition, you don’t even need to leave the walls of the house. Workouts have been developed that will help you burn a large number of calories in half an hour or an hour.

The effect can only be obtained if you jump continuously

How to spend 1000 calories at home? An ordinary jump rope, which can be found in the pantry, or other sports equipment (dumbbells, expander) will help. All of them give results as quickly as possible and burn the hated calories. In 60 minutes, 1000 calories are consumed by a person whose body weight is 70 kg! Naturally, you can only get the effect if you jump continuously, and this is incredibly difficult, especially for a beginner. In addition, a lot depends on the intensity of the jumps: the faster, the more calories are burned. Sports equipment will tighten muscle tissue:

  • belly;
  • backs;
  • buttocks;
  • arms and legs.

To avoid injury and lose interest in exercise, you should start at a slow pace for 10 minutes a day. You can alternate jumping with other physical exercises. If you're tired of doing it at home, you can practice in the yard, in nature. Scientists believe that more kilocalories are burned in the fresh air than when exercising at home.

Note! Without leaving the entrance of a high-rise building, you can actually lose 1000 kilocalories (walking, but not just walking, but taking the stairs to the upper floors). This type of walking will help you burn up to 1400 calories!

As in the situation with a jump rope, walking should take 60 minutes. After just 5 minutes, the body gets tired and wants to get into the elevator. However, even a quarter of an hour of walking will burn 334 kcal, which is more than 60 minutes of gymnastics. If you want to try this method, you should start small - initially, go through several floors every day, increasing the number of steps over time. If you try to immediately “take on an 18-story fortress,” the desire to lose weight will definitely disappear for a long time. Everything should be in moderation.

Many people are wondering how long to run to burn 1000 kilocalories? Naturally, it is impossible to give a definite answer; all people are different. On average, to get this effect, you need to spend about 1.5 hours running at a speed of 9 km/h. This is a very difficult task. You can start walking and running on a treadmill.

Experiment: how to burn 1000 kcal in an hour of training. On the way to losing weight

To lose weight “by summer” or “not by summer”, “in a short time” or “so that forever” - the Internet is full of requests from people of all ages. In the battle with extra pounds, radical diets, intermittent fasting, CrossFit marathons and “magic” pills from advertising are used. However, it is worth understanding the main thing: how quickly you can lose weight is not as important as whether you can keep it off. After all, hardly anyone wants the rest of their life to resemble a swing that takes you from your dream figure to total gluttony and back.

Continuing experiments with my figure, I turned to the doctor of the innovative Enhel Wellness Spa Dome

. When choosing a site for consultation, Enhel Dome won me over with its concept: the technologies used by the center’s specialists were brought from Japan and have a serious scientific foundation. The company cooperates with the best clinics and institutes in Tokyo and not only supplies unique equipment and simulators to Russia, but also actively promotes its own developments in the therapeutic and cosmetic market.

Julia Angel: the girl who brought the “Japanese miracle” to Russia

How to live longer, feel better, and what does the Japanese have to do with it. The answers are already inside.

Photo: “Championship”

Body research: burn fat or expel excess water?

Before turning to a specialist, I practiced lymphatic drainage massages, drank at least 2.5 liters of water a day, and, according to the instructions of the trainer, tried to remove excess water and start lymph flow. I can't say that it didn't bring the expected results. Visually, my figure really deflated a little, I felt pretty good, although those same 2.5 liters of water a day stubbornly could not become a habit. The volumes were decreasing, but the readings on the scales did not cause delight.

In order to resolve the issue once and for all, I decided to undergo a body examination using a specialized device and get a consultation with a doctor at Enhel Wellness Spa Dome. The root of the problem became immediately visible. I learned that excess weight in my case is not the liquid that I was trying to get rid of, but the fat that was deposited in certain areas. The diagnostics on the device itself took about five minutes.

In general, when wanting to lose excess weight, few people think about the need to collect a complete medical history. Understanding the reason why you have gained extra pounds is actually the same as solving it.

Cost of consultation with a doctor: 2 thousand rubles, Cost of diagnostics on the device: 5 thousand rubles. To learn more.

Solution to the problem. What to do if excess weight is just a layer of fat?

It is better to influence problem areas in a complex way: from the inside and the outside. The internal restructuring of the body will be associated with nutritional adjustments, the external - with an active set of fat-burning exercises, intense cardio and high-quality recovery (hammam, bathhouse, spa). But let’s take a closer look at how all of the above affects the result:

  • Step 1. Nutrition adjustments.

Diets from the Internet do not work, and even if they work, they only bring short-term results. A truly effective program for losing weight, maintaining and stabilizing weight cannot be compiled based on the average understanding of a person who is losing weight. Your individual nutrition program should be based on exactly those foods that are familiar to you. Therefore, if you are serious, it would not hurt to consult a nutritionist or nutritionist-endocrinologist who will analyze your daily diet and be able to correctly and accurately transfer your body to proper nutrition.

Interesting fact:

The deposition of fat in the body is promoted by rare and large meals (1-2 times a day). Experts from the Prague Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine found that among people who eat 3 times a day, excess body weight was observed in 50% of cases, and among those who eat 5 times a day - in 28.9% of cases.

  • Step 2. What workouts will help?

If you decide to “melt” subcutaneous fat, then feel free to give preference to long-term cardio and strength training in the gym. The only important tracker is the duration of the workout, alas, but even the most intense 10-minute run is inferior to a long hour-long walk at an average pace. Long-term cardio accelerates the blood well and improves metabolism.

Cardio training

– activities aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system. These include loads without additional weights, such as aerobics, cycling, running, walking and others.

  • Step 3. Restoration complex.

So often the cause of excess weight is stress. Being in a state of constant stress, the body begins to “accumulate” and “store.” Even the most temporary uncontrolled hunger strike will undoubtedly lead to a person eating twice as much at the next meal. But this is just one example, lack of sleep, negative emotions and experiences will one way or another be reflected in your body, and excess weight is only the simplest and most visually noticeable change to the eye.

This is why it is so important to devote time to proper recovery, do not forget to cool down after training or jogging, and attend massages and spa rituals. And maybe it’s then that the body will stop “sinking” into excess and find that very necessary balance.

The most popular restorative procedures:

spa, hammam, sauna, hot tub, low-intensity workouts - yoga, stretching, pilates.

Photo: “Championship”

Emphasis on cardio. Is it possible to burn 1000 kcal in 30 minutes?

Innovative technologies are coming to the aid of all lovers of sweets, buns and a glass of red with dinner. Now, when you open a box of chocolates, you shouldn’t immediately mentally imagine your suffering in the cross-fit gym. Training of the future is a format that you are ready to organically fit into your life and practice every day with pleasure, without pain and suffering. In addition, the clearer and more understandable your goal, the greater the chances of choosing the most effective program for this request, which means you will see the result sooner.

At Enhel Wellness Spa Dome, I was lucky enough to try out a line of new ultra-modern and technologically advanced exercise machines. In one 30-minute workout on a “bike” or “treadmill” alone, you can burn 1000 kcal or even more. It's all about the principle on which the simulators work. Before training, you put on a special neoprene skirt that fits tightly to your body and “secures” you to the sports equipment. Then the “vacuum” mode is turned on inside the simulator. It adds challenge to every pedal stroke, drawing you in. Among other things, all this happens in a special temperature regime (infrared sauna), which speeds up metabolism in the body as a whole, and also allows you to work more precisely on “problem areas”.

After two weeks of training (two classes per week), I lost 2.5 kg in weight and 4 cm in volume (waist).

For comparison:

Running up the steps1029
Running (8 km/h)485
Water aerobics530

Photo: “Championship”

Instead of a conclusion:

If you have set a big goal for yourself, break it down into several daily and small ones. Weight loss and transformation are areas where you can improve endlessly. But in order to achieve long-term results, you will have to work hard on yourself and your motivation.

Simple but effective exercises to burn calories

1) Plank

There are several ways to do it, but we will look at the classic version. This is a static exercise on the floor with emphasis on the hands or forearms. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen muscles and burn calories.

Take a horizontal position, rest your palms and toes on the floor. Keep your back straight and your head level. The hips and abdominal muscles should be tense. To begin with, hold in this position for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time every day.

2) Push-ups

This exercise uses several muscle groups at once. A person who regularly does this exercise becomes stronger and more resilient.

Place your palms on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders, rest your toes on the floor, keep your head straight. We lower the body as we inhale, and raise it as we exhale. If you are a beginner, do 5-7 push-ups.

3) Squats

This exercise allows you to build muscle. The more muscle you build, the more calories you will burn.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands in front of you. We begin to slowly squat, as if sitting on a chair. Do the exercise by keeping your back straight and tilting your body slightly forward. To start, do 10 approaches.

4) Jumping in place

This exercise will help improve coordination, make the body more resilient and strong. In 5 minutes, 70-100 calories are burned.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms free along your body. Try to jump as high as possible. Land completely on your feet, not your toes. This will significantly increase the load on the front of the thigh.

If you are not lazy and do these exercises every day, the results will not be long in coming.

There are more effective ways to keep your body in shape - make sports a lifestyle.

So why not make friends with at least one of its species? The choice is huge.

Sport is not only a way to burn calories, but also good health, health and youth.


A ride on the bicycle

Cycling increases your heart rate, which increases your metabolism and burns calories. The more intense the ride, the greater your energy expenditure. At a speed of 10-15 km/h, approximately 300 calories are spent.


This sport increases the body's endurance, improves coordination of movements, trains and stretches muscles. When skating, the body is in constant tension, due to which a lot of energy is consumed. More than 400 calories are burned in an hour.


On average, an hour of swimming in the pool burns about 500 calories. During swimming, all muscle groups are used. This sport is especially useful for overweight people, since in water the load on the joints and spine is reduced.

How long do you need to run to burn 1000 calories?

It’s not for nothing that running has long become a kind of symbol of losing weight: in films, series, and television shows about how a person wants to lose weight, this type of physical activity is almost always present.

It is important to remember that when accurately calculating calories burned, everything is taken into account: the person’s weight and height, the speed and intensity of the exercise. This applies to most exercises, not just running.

In the case of running, even the type of terrain is taken into account - better results can be achieved by running on rough terrain rather than on a flat surface.

Running at a speed of 8 km/h will burn approximately 450 kcal per hour in a person weighing 70 kilograms.

Running happens:

  • Jogging (500 kcal/h)
  • Sprint
  • At medium speed - amateur. Those same 8 km/h (450 kcal/h)
  • Interval (800 kcal/h)

Interval running is a fun and challenging way to burn almost 1,000 calories in one workout. The name of the exercise speaks for itself: you need to run at intervals. That is, the running speed changes from step to sprint. To burn 1000 calories, you need to: walk 100 meters, then jog 400 meters, and then sprint 300 meters. And so on in a circle for just over an hour. The workout is not easy and not for beginners. Before you start doing interval running, you should run at a moderate speed for a while.

How long do you need to run to burn 1000 calories? Just running at medium speed, you can burn 1000 kcal in a couple of hours of continuous running.

Advice from experienced athletes and coaches

How many calories do you burn per workout?

How to lose 1000 calories by training at home is clear. However, many other methods have been developed to achieve a chic figure:

  • Healthy eating. You need to eat in small portions and 6 times a day. This way the body will be enriched with everything it needs, and it will have enough energy. In addition, the stomach will become smaller and the feeling of constant hunger will disappear.
  • We must not forget to drink at least 3 liters of clean water per day. You should also drink extra during training. You should not drink water at night or immediately after meals.
  • You need to do something all the time, because idleness and laziness gravitate towards the refrigerator.
  • You need to eat more seasonings and spices, because they normalize the body's metabolic processes, and the taste of food will improve.
  • A good solution would be to track the calorie content of foods and dishes. You can keep a calorie calendar and enter the calories consumed per day into a notepad.

By listening to the above tips, you will definitely be able to burn 1000 kilocalories per day. Motivation plays a big role in achieving results, namely, it is important to sincerely desire to achieve weight loss by burning 1000 calories every day. With just a little time and effort, perseverance and desire, a person losing weight can become the owner of a luxurious shape and a toned figure.

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