Some expert tips on how to improve your overhead squats.

The ability to perform an excellent, controlled, deep overhead squat is admirable. Some people are truly gifted with a good gray hair by nature; they even sit beautifully on their haunches. These lucky ones can master the technical aspect of this exercise extremely quickly and relatively easily, finding balance and enjoying the process. But on the other hand, there are a huge number of people who are really fighting this movement. Before you start learning this movement, remember that hard work can beat talent!

Correct execution is the key to effective results

Each version of squats with a barbell or dumbbells has its own technique of execution, which gives results, but one way or another you need to start by consolidating the technique of simple squats with your own weight. The most common mistake is to squat too deeply and lower the dumbbells to the floor. To protect yourself from injuries, especially at the initial stage, it is better to do traditional squats until your buttocks are parallel to the floor

This is especially important if you are overweight or plan to work with weights. Over time, when the muscles and tendons adapt to the loads, it will be possible to master the technique of performing deep squats and switch to exercises with a barbell

Below are the basic rules for performing and features of classic squats:

You need to keep your back straight, do not rock your body, lowering should be done smoothly, without sudden movements. It is important to keep the abdominal muscles in constant tension for additional fixation of the spine and maintaining the position of the back. The stronger the press, the greater the chance of preventing injury during execution. Before squats, you should definitely warm up, working your knees and ankles. In a classic squat, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, constantly monitoring the position of your knees, which should not protrude beyond your toes. You need to squat without lifting your feet from the floor, transferring the weight to the middle of the foot

If it is difficult to perform the exercise without lifting your feet, then you can use special bars that can be placed under your heels. Unweighted squats can be done in large quantities every day. There are even programs in which a person must squat at least 1000 times in one day. If you experience pain or crunching in your knees during exercise, you should consult your doctor to determine the underlying cause.

In conclusion, we note that squats give a noticeable positive effect and the benefits for the body are obvious, both with and without weights with multiple repetitions every day. By combining squats with proper nutrition and other exercises, you can achieve a significant increase in muscle mass and endurance. When squatting, always remember that there must be a limit and too much enthusiasm for the exercise can lead to overtraining of the body. Don’t forget about recovery, plan your daily load correctly and the effect will not take long to arrive.

Author Peter Ivanov

It is important to realize that if squats for 3, 5, 10, 12 repetitions to failure develop the muscles of the legs and back and promote mass growth, then squats for quantity are more likely to contribute to endurance training and are able to burn this very mass!

Kettlebell Fitness

Author: Dan John Source: Translation from English

And whatever you encounter in life. About five years ago, I wrote a short article for a weightlifting magazine about the overhead squat, commonly known as the “squat snatch.” Since then, the article has been referenced, quoted, reposted, and completely appropriated so many times that it blows my mind. Moreover, I have developed a reputation as an international expert on the overhead squat. Such an expert that when athletes came to me for training, they would be upset if they didn’t have to go through the difficult and painful journey of mastering the overhead squat!

One article and I’m already known for life. In general, you know...if you want to be remembered for something, to imprint your name on a few decades or so, the overhead squat is a good option. What's interesting is that this is an amazing exercise that any athlete can benefit from.

Do you want to achieve flexibility? - This exercise is just for you. Strengthen your lower back? - There is no better way. Do you want to make your whole body strong, but don't know how to achieve this? — You need overhead squats, a universal weightlifting exercise. It should be noted that I am prone to exaggeration, but in this case I can firmly say this: if you just do this one exercise, you will probably achieve most of your fitness goals. I trained athletes with just these squats in the gym for six weeks and found that they not only improved athletic performance, but also increased their maximum lifts on exercises as varied as the deadlift and bench press.

So what is an overhead squat? Simply take a barbell with a wide grip, hold it above your head, perform a simple squat and return to the starting position. Repeat again. Simple, isn't it? Well, except for one thing: the barbell has its own characteristics, this heavy object has the property of “working in several directions”, and you have to remember which bones are connected to each other. Overhead squats will make you very strong, as this exercise uses literally every muscle and system in the body!

So: how to lift a barbell above your head? I take the barbell with a wide grip and lift it above my head from the floor. A couple of years ago I gave up power rack training and now do all sorts of lifts from the floor. However, when I attend Catholic High School. Juana Diego, I use a power rack and do snatches with a wide grip on the barbell. I know that with a power rack I can add weight, but it's not as important to me now.

To the question “what should the weight be,” I will answer that it can change. I had a student who squatted about 136 kg with a body weight of 97 kg. I always used a strange technique that I learned from trainer Mike Weeks - doing 15 repetitions with a weight equal to my body weight. But that doesn't mean you have to train this way all the time. This method should be practiced once a year or season to test your strength. My best snatch in competition is 142kg, and the highest I've ever done is 143kg.

I think most guys would agree that using as much weight as possible in the overhead squat exercise won't do much good. I usually do 3, 5, 8 reps. By performing 2 sets of 5 squats 3 times a week, you can achieve the desired results quite quickly. However, remember: if you drop the barbell, do not stop it. Let it fall so it won't hit you. If you try to hold her back, it can lead to bad consequences.

I'm a big fan of these squats, you want to make sure you know why you need to do them.

This exercise will help you achieve any goal. If you start doing it, you will gradually develop your whole body. Within six months of starting, your body will become more flexible, you will strengthen your “support muscles” (I know some people who, unlike me, do not believe in them), and make your hips and lower back stronger. If you do squats to achieve athletic results, they will not keep you waiting.

So how do you start doing squats? One method is based on the recommendations of Pavel Tsatsouline: perform the exercise EVERY day in 2 sets of 5 repetitions for 2 weeks. Do the first approach at full strength, then slow down on the second.

Another way is to dedicate one day of the week entirely to overhead squats. Or you can skip a couple of weeks and just do them 3 times a week. A few weeks of specialized training will not slow down your overall progress. Some bodybuilders think that one or two weeks like this will hurt them. They think, “Oh no, my left bicep is 6.5mm smaller.”

Another method is to add another exercise. I often combine these squats and front squats. This is a really good combination of exercises.

I typically teach athletes how to perform overhead squats at a fairly early age. Believe me, for a child who squats 43 kg, it will not be difficult to learn how to squat with a barbell on the back. Here's another thing about my teaching method: I don't teach discus throwers how to hold or throw the discus. I use a medicine ball with handles and they do multiple throws against a wall or field. This is how they master complex exercises like “step, turn, throw” or “three turns, throw.” In good weather we go to throw the discus. While walking down the slope, one beginner asks a child, “How do you hold that thing?” An experienced child will need 2-3 minutes to explain how to take and release the disc. And now the newcomer enters the court with a general idea of ​​what he should do. Thanks to this, he will be able to launch the disc far. Many coaches take a different approach, and athletes spend the entire first year simply learning how to throw the discus correctly. This will not lead to great results.

If you are teaching a young athlete how to perform overhead squats, back and front squats will not seem difficult. You don't even have to specifically teach these exercises; beginners will simply look at other children and repeat. If you teach them snatches, they will be able to perform cleans. Show them how to do snatches and cleans without having to explain in detail how to do a bench press.

I think we need to set the bar high for new athletes and really demand a lot. The same goes for teaching.

So, get started, just start doing overhead squats. You'll be glad you added this exercise to your workout routine.

Dan John is a bishop, chairman of religious education for the Diocese of Salt Lake City, and an online professor of religious studies at Columbia University in Missouri. Originally from San Francisco, Dan came to Utah to throw the discus for Utah State University and remained in the state. Dan holds a master's degree in history and religious education and works at the American University in Cairo, Haifa University and Cornell University. John has authored articles on a number of popular publications. Dan has been teaching for over twenty-five years.

He is married to a charming woman, Tiffany, and has two daughters, Kelly and Lindsay.

Having broken the American record last August, Dan is currently the Highlander Games champion in power pentathlon among athletes in the 45-49 age category. He is also the winner of many national weightlifting competitions and the owner of a free online training website

What muscles work

Exercises for athletes are specified by the fact that when performing a particular task, most of the muscles of the body are involved. Answering the question of which muscles work, we can say with confidence that their list is impressive,

The main ones are: muscles of the thigh, buttocks, back, calf muscles, hip biceps, quadriceps, muscles of the lower back, abs, small stabilizer muscles and the shoulder girdle. The lower the half squat, the stronger the gluteal muscles become. The chest stretches when the arms are pulled back, and coordination develops.

If you work with heavy objects for a long time, your joints and bones will become stronger. For weightlifters, strengthening these parts of the body plays a significant role in the correct execution of technique, as well as the ability to perform jerking movements. This is a good exercise for the muscles with which the knees and hips are extended, the shoulder muscles are trained,

Overhead squats

To perform an overhead squat, the first step is to lift the barbell at arm's length above your head. This is best done with a power jerk - this will be the starting position in the exercise.

From this position, moving the pelvis back, we lower ourselves down to a position below parallel with the floor (the body weight is located on the entire foot) and also rise up into the stance.

The main difficulty of the exercise is maintaining balance throughout the movement. If at the moment of squatting you feel that you are losing your balance and starting to fall, then immediately drop the barbell in front of you or move away from under it.

I would also like to draw attention to the position of the bar. It is located slightly behind the head and moves strictly vertically. This position is the most optimal, since the work involves the back muscles, which must bear the main load of holding the barbell.

This position is the most optimal, since the back muscles are included in the work, which must bear the main load of holding the barbell.

This leads to a point that is also worth emphasizing when performing an overhead squat - the requirement for stretching the shoulder girdle. In order to comfortably hold the projectile with outstretched arms slightly behind the head, it is necessary to develop

Without the necessary stretching, you will be holding the barbell in front of you using the strength of your shoulder girdle, and this is wrong.


Knees forward

Holding the barbell in front of you

This error comes from insufficient mobility of the shoulder girdle and the inability to place the barbell in the correct position above the head. At best, if you make this mistake on large scales, you will simply lose your balance.


Well, this is a classic mistake in many squats, not just the overhead one. Here we can only remind you that the squat is performed to the level of parallel with the floor and below.

Bent arms

If you make such a mistake, then it is better for you to hold off on performing overhead squats. This is already the basis for exercise safety.

Lack of control and stabilization.

People constantly focus their attention on the weight of the apparatus, instead of paying more attention to the technique of performing the exercise and control over their own body. When you start lifting weights (even if it's an empty bar), your center of gravity changes. You are holding an additional object above your head and you must stabilize your body along with the load. Focus on connecting with the weight and getting your balance.

Some people are truly gifted with a good saddle by nature; they even sit beautifully on their haunches

Place the barbell on your shoulders and stabilize your body. Now bring it to an overhead position and stabilize again. Find your balance, find a point where you feel confident and have control over the weight of the barbell and your own body. Then reduce the weight of the projectile and do a barbell squat. Don't forget to additionally work on your balance skills.

Barbell squats technique

Today, professional powerlifters have named an effective type of exercise that can improve your legs, back and buttocks. It allows you to train with light weights, while also including more muscle mass in intense work.

Barbell Squats - Technique

When you approach the apparatus, make a narrow grip on the base of the bar, placing it on your back, at a distance of 10 cm down from the beginning of your shoulders. For convenient training, you need to remove the apparatus from the racks and step back one or two steps. To improve technique, you should always place your feet 10 cm wider than the shoulder end, then your toes should be outward - maintaining an angle of 45 degrees.

Make pelvic movements up and down, while bending your knees (under no circumstances put your knees forward!), tilt your body forward 45 degrees. If you perform exercises in such a stance, the load will not go to your knees, but your heels will be pressed to the floor.

Execution technique

The result of the classes directly depends on how correct the execution is. The technique is quite complicated; you won’t be able to lift much weight on the first day. It is recommended to start performing the exercise with an empty bar.

Preparing for the starting position:

Raising the bar from its position on the floor.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, resting on your entire foot. Having arched your back at the waist, take the bar with a wide grip, palms facing you.

Next, straighten your knees, lower back and hip joint in a single movement. When the bar is at chin level, straighten your elbows with a jerking movement, tucking your hands under the bar. Keep equipment behind your head.

Lifting the bar from the racks.

Set the bar at the same level as for classic squats. Sit under it so that it is at the level of the collarbone, take it with a wide grip and remove it from the frame, taking a few steps back.

As you exhale, straighten your arms and jerk the bar up. Hold the bar behind your head with straight arms, the body is brought forward, the back is slightly arched in the lower back.

If you design the position of the barbell and the body, a straight line should form. The center of gravity passes through the head, pelvis, shoulders, midfoot and bar.

Squat technique:

  1. While inhaling, slowly lower parallel to the floor, hip joints located below the knees.
  2. We move our hips back.
  3. Bend your back slightly at the waist.
  4. The line of the knees passes behind the line of the toes.
  5. The gaze looks forward.
  6. It is possible to go lower, but not to the floor.
  7. Hold this position for a few seconds.

As you exhale, slowly begin to rise to the starting position. Extend the hip joints and knees at the same time. If for some reason you lose your balance, throw the equipment in front of you. Perform squats the required number of times, increasing the load over time.

If you have any problems with the health of your joints or spine, it is better to avoid this type of training. Exercising with a barbell is prohibited if you have scoliosis, due to the enormous load on the spine.

What does the exercise do?

Exercise helps you burn extra pounds by increasing muscle mass in your body. The lower back is strengthened and strength develops. The rates of improvement in body balance are increasing every day. Without a doubt, this type of training is one of the most effective.

Muscular organs become stronger and increase in mass, thanks to the production of growth hormone, testosterone. Have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Flexibility develops by strengthening connective tissue. Metabolism improves and toxins are removed from the body as blood flow increases.

What can be replaced

If for some reason it is not possible to train with a barbell, an alternative to such an exercise, which is almost equally effective, are dumbbells. It is practically no different from overhead squats. But it's much easier to do.

Overhead dumbbell squats

The big advantage of dumbbells is the ability to exercise at home. Not only ligaments are strengthened, but also stabilizer muscles. These trainings are needed to increase results in basic weightlifting movements. For example: barbell clean, clean and jerk, snatch and others. Dumbbell exercises allow you to work with heavy weights.

Training with one dumbbell. Feet stand shoulder-width apart, keep your back as straight as possible, toes pointing towards the knee joint. Next, we lift the dumbbell to the chest, the order of performing the push is the same as with the bar or barbell.

With two dumbbells. We lift the equipment onto our chest and with a jerking movement we bring it above our head, thereby fixing it for a while.

The main difficulty of this training is fixing the weights and their direction. The spine and back must be strong enough to perform squats.

Preparing for barbell squats

The exercise is definitely not suitable for beginners. It is aimed at more experienced trainees who have some experience. Let's look at what is needed to perform overhead squats:

Good classic squat technique

This is an important and mandatory condition, since the presence of such errors as arching in the back, tearing off the heels, bringing the knees behind the toes, etc. may cause injury

Only with 100% correct technique for performing squats and various variations of the exercise can you look towards overheads. Having flexibility. To perform the exercise, there must be a good stretch in the hip joint, shoulder muscles, buttocks and wrists. If all this is there and there are no problems, then you can try. But, if you lack flexibility, then you should work on muscle mobility in other exercises. Good coordination. The barbell must be held strictly in the frontal plane and during the exercise it should not move from side to side. The fixation must be very tight.

When it comes to grip width, opinions differ. There are adherents of the widest possible grip, comfortable and one in which the trainee can rotate the bar from the front of the thigh, over the head and to the back, without bending the elbows. Others recommend choosing a 45-degree angle between your hands and the bar. What grip will be correct?

Let's start with the fact that each person is individual, so you need to choose only for yourself. The grip that will be most comfortable. As practice shows, the ideal grip is the width between the hands at which an angle of 45 degrees is formed.

Before performing an exercise with weights, it is recommended to master the overhead technique. And here again the controversial question arises: what to take: a bodybar or a bar?

Some believe that the light weight of the bodybar will not allow you to feel the vector of forces and the distribution of weight. And, therefore, it is better to immediately start with a small bar, which will give you the opportunity to feel the fullness of the weight.

Tips for Proper Overhead Squats

a) The first rule is that while performing this exercise, you must keep your back and head in a level position, and your feet must lie completely on the floor. In this case, the weight of the entire foot should be distributed evenly.

b) When an athlete first begins to perform this exercise, he needs to lift the barbell from the floor with one jerk. The grip should be wide and your feet should be shoulder-width apart or even wider. At this time, the barbell is held above the head with outstretched arms.

c) When the weight is already above your head, move your shoulders back. In this case, the back should be straight, the body bent forward, and the vertebrae should be approximately on the same straight line.

d) The lift must begin at the extreme point of movement below. Moving your hips slightly forward, you should try to tense your abs. This is a strength exercise, so you need to watch your heels to ensure they are planted correctly on the floor.

e) When finishing the exercise, you need to take a deep breath of air with your entire chest and reduce the speed of the exercise.

Complex No. 1

  • 50 broaches
  • 10 times legs to the horizontal bar (press)
  • 50 front squats
  • 10 times legs to the horizontal bar
  • 50 Shvung Press
  • 10 times legs to the horizontal bar
  • Task: complete the complex in the shortest possible time

How to do it:

The weight of the barbell is selected individually, and it is not necessary to perform the exercises at once (you can divide them into approaches, but you cannot switch to another exercise without completing all times).

Pulls are performed from the starting deadlift position, after which the barbell is jerked to an overhead position with straight arms. At the same time, the torso and legs are straightened. After a slight fixation, the bar returns to its original position.


Front squats are performed from a standing position with the barbell in front of the chest. The main requirement is that at the bottom point the pelvis should fall below the level of the knees, at the top point the knees should be straightened.

front squat for fighters

The Shvung Press is performed from a standing position, with the barbell on the chest. By slightly squatting and pushing with your legs, we throw the barbell up by inertia, straightening your arms above your head.

How to make a training plan

  • Alternation designed for different muscle groups. Example: push-ups, setup (ab exercises), pull-ups, burpees.
  • Number of circles and repetitions. Example: you need to perform 15 squats, 10 push-ups and 5 overhead lifts.
  • Set time frames. Example: complete 5 laps in 30 minutes.

Every day the program needs to be changed in order to work different muscle groups, focus on how you feel, if yesterday you worked your legs well, then today it’s better to do it on your abs and arms. The good thing about CrossFit is that there are a huge number of options, so such workouts never get boring.

Before starting a new task, you need to study the technique of execution.

You are not focused enough.

You must concentrate, abstract from everything that is happening around. Calm down, focus on finding balance and gaining control of the apparatus. You are so concentrated that you don't hear or see the people around you. The main problem I see with people trying to master the overhead squat is a lack of focus. The overhead squat is a search for balance, you have to feel it. Feel the movement, find balance, listen to your body, pay attention to its signals.

Exercises for beginners

  • Squats – works the entire lower part of the body with emphasis on the buttocks;
  • The plank is a good exercise for the spine and strengthening the arms;
  • Push-ups - upper body workout: arms, shoulders, chest;
  • Burpee is a small set of exercises aimed at burning fat, includes squats, push-ups and jumping ups;
  • Running is an effective endurance exercise;
  • Jumping rope – double jumps are used more often, they develop coordination and speed;
  • Thrusters – work with a barbell, overhead throw;
  • Overhead - squats, done while holding a barbell above your head;
  • Setup – various abdominal exercises;
  • Farmer's walk - walking with weights.

In fact, there are much more exercises included in CrossFit programs, these are just the basic ones. You can do CrossFit at home on your own, but it is better to go to a specialized gym where there is competition, in which case the motivation for training will be much greater.

Every year, World CrossFit Games (Medial) are held, and since 2013, the Games have been held in Russia at the regional level.

  1. The first stage is held online, athletes from all over the world complete the programs declared by the organizers and send videos. Based on these applications, 48 ​​participants are selected in each of 17 regions of the world.
  2. The second stage is a live competition, where all participants perform 3-6 CrossFit programs and only three athletes from each region make it to the finals.
  3. The third stage is the final, where there is only one winner, the best of the best.

Every year, CrossFit is gaining more and more popularity, hundreds of specialized gyms are opening all over the world, and new programs are constantly being developed. Thanks to the opportunity to develop in many physical directions, more and more people are choosing CrossFit.


Flexibility is important.

I don't think saying "I'm not flexible enough" is an excuse for bad overheads. On the contrary, the overhead squat is a good exercise to help achieve proper flexibility. Many of us sit for hours at a computer, and as a result, the upper back area and shoulders are tight, the iliopsoas muscle is constantly contracted, which reduces the mobility of the hips. Spend a little more time developing flexibility in your body. It may not help you lift more weight, but it will definitely help you stay healthy and mobile.

About the benefits of squats

By including squats in a program for girls or men, you can be sure that the exercise will bring certain benefits, and sometimes even greater than when performing an isolated exercise.

What effect do squats give and what can you expect from the exercise if you do it every day? Firstly, during the exercise, several groups of muscles and joints work at once, so the exercise is excellent for physical development in general, helping to improve strength, power and endurance.

Secondly, provided that the weights are correctly chosen, squats will help normalize metabolism and improve your overall condition. By doing squats every day, even without weights, you can guarantee overall muscle tone and a cheerful mood.

Speaking about the effect of squats on the body, it is worth noting the special effect of the exercise on the hormonal system. Squats every day and even every other day will be needed for the active production of the hormone responsible for muscle growth - testosterone. Being a strength and aerobic exercise at the same time, squats make it possible to involve several muscle groups at once, which leads to hormone stimulation.

You can work with dumbbells to increase biceps, exercise in an arm machine, or even actively perform abdominal crunches for an hour, but you still won’t achieve the same effect that squats with weights will give. Make it a rule to do the basics and only then include isolated exercises in the program.

Useful tips

To do correct squats, it is not enough to correctly follow the technique. And even a professionally designed training program does not always give 100% results. Sometimes everything is ruined by ignoring the smallest nuances, which actually play an important role in such training.

  1. Don't start training without first warming up with a warm-up.
  2. To avoid losing balance, your hands should be placed symmetrically from the center on the bar.
  3. The gaze should be directed slightly above the horizon, which will allow you to keep your neck in a correct and level position. At the slightest drooping of the eyes, it will automatically tilt, which will provoke a spinal injury and increase the risk of osteochondrosis.
  4. The barbell can be held not only on the shoulders, but also on the shoulder blades and the front deltoid. But the first option is considered classic, since only it guarantees an even distribution of the load between the legs and back.
  5. Control your breathing - don’t let it get lost. Lower yourself with an inhale through your nose. As you exhale, rise up with your mouth.
  6. Everything needs to be done as smoothly as possible, slowly and without jerking.
  7. Increase the weight gradually.

It is very important to observe contraindications:

  • problems with the spine (hernia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, etc.);
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases related to the heart or blood vessels;
  • injuries of the knee and ankle joints.

If you have questions or doubts about performing squats with a barbell, you should definitely seek advice from specialists. Actions at random can not only reduce all your efforts to zero, but also end in injury.

Question answer

Can women do barbell squats?

From time immemorial, this exercise has been recommended for men to build muscle mass. But recently, when women actively began to visit gyms, engage in bodybuilding and powerlifting, it has ceased to be purely masculine. However, for girls, squats of this type should be as light as possible. That is, you don’t need to take heavy weights. The best option is to start with an empty bar. And then, if necessary, you can take on pancakes. To properly work your buttocks, you need to do squats as deep as possible.

What to replace it with?

No exercise will give such an effect in terms of building muscle mass as barbell squats. But if for some reason (most often these are health problems) you cannot perform them, other types of squats can be alternatives - with weights on the belt, on one leg, hack. As well as leg press, sprinting, lunges with dumbbells and high jumps.

What should the weight of the barbell be?

This parameter is too individual to give specific numbers. For a beginner, as well as for girls, the best option would be an empty bar, on which only after 2-3 weeks it will be possible to hang pancakes (and even then the lightest ones). As the body gets used to the load, the weight needs to be increased, but this needs to be done slowly and gradually (+ 2-3 kg per week).

Why do my knees hurt after training?

If your knees hurt after training, pay attention to the position of your feet. This usually happens if they make a mistake typical for this exercise - the knees go back faster than the hips

But it should be the other way around.

No one doubts the effectiveness of barbell squats. Many people have learned from their own experience that this is one of the best exercises for gaining muscle mass. The only question is how to avoid its high risk of injury. Due to incorrect execution technique, some people break their backs and damage ligaments and joints. You simply cannot take such a powerful force load lightly and rely only on your own knowledge and experience. Learn from those who do it better than you.

Squats with a barbell in a snatch grip - correct technique

By exreality on · Squats

Squats with a barbell in a snatch grip are a fairly complex exercise that requires both thorough theoretical training and excellent physical training. For novice athletes, this exercise is not only not recommended, but rather contraindicated. Until the basic exercises are mastered perfectly, it’s too early to think about squats with a snatch grip.

For experienced athletes who have never practiced overhead squats, it is recommended to start with a minimal weight (with an empty bar) so that the muscles and brain can get used to the sequence and correctness of the movements. Those who have problems with coordination of movements should not try this method of training their legs in any case.

Heavy weight is not something you should strive for, as technique comes first

Therefore, weight should be increased with great caution. You should also not use this exercise frequently, but use it only as an auxiliary

The described exercise, unlike basic squats, develops not only the leg muscles. It improves flexibility and coordination and also affects the shoulder muscles.

How and what muscles work

The main focus of squats with a snatch grip is the development of the muscles of the legs and back. If you do the exercise correctly, you can clearly feel that the maximum load falls on the long back muscle, the buttocks, and the adductor part of the thigh is most tense (if you move your legs, these muscles will touch). It’s not for nothing that a person walks straight, namely thanks to all these muscles. The exercise requires arching your back and moving your pelvis back.

However, such squats involve almost all muscle groups, except for the muscles described above. Quadriceps, thigh muscles, calves and even the chest develop. All shoulder muscles, as well as the biceps, serve as stabilizers when pulling the bar back at the top point.

The shoulders are a kind of support for the projectile, so they need to be warmed up especially carefully, especially considering that they are in an unnatural position. Don't lift weights that can injure your shoulders. Weight shouldn't be painful. Let the progression of the legs be slow, and you will save your shoulders.

Correct technique

A good warm-up for your joints and to warm up your muscles is exactly where you should start. The word “good” means movements that gradually increase in speed. It is more useful to warm up the whole body, and not just the places that will be worked.

Lifting the barbell

First you need to determine your grip width. This should be done depending on the mobility of the joints. If joint mobility is poor, you have to take it wide. If you have good joint mobility, you can use a narrow grip. The wider the grip, the greater the load on the shoulder joints.

The bar can initially be lifted both from behind and from the chest. The latter option is better due to the fact that it allows you to lift more weight. However, we must not forget about the risk of injury to the shoulders.

The optimal weight is the weight that you can lift without the help of pushing with your legs, that is, only with the strength of your arms and shoulders. In subsequent times, you can help push with your legs in raising the barbell above your head.

Leg position

The socks need to be slightly turned to the sides, this will give stability. And how far they are deployed is up to you. The knees should be turned in the same direction as the socks.

We are working

So, the bar is correctly fixed in the raised position. Let's keep her there. The amplitude of squats should be maximum. The pelvis is laid back. We watch the elbow joints - they must remain motionless.

As a result, it turns out that the center of gravity falls on the heels. In this exercise, you cannot stop at the bottom point, but immediately press up. The rise to the starting position should not be too fast.

Tips and Notes

Using a power rack for this exercise is not the correct solution. If you want to protect yourself, then you just have to act safely. There are special safety precautions for squats with a snatch grip. These are peculiar rebounds, which you can learn more about in the video below.

Watch what clothes and shoes you wear when doing squats. It is best if the shoes are sporty, with flat and not soft soles.

Breathing is the same as with other exercises - exhale while doing push-ups, and inhale when lowering. Barbell squats with a snatch grip are best done for a fair number of repetitions. And before you start squatting, it’s best to be in a warmed-up state.

Be careful and good luck in your sport!

Video on the topic “squats with a barbell in a snatch grip”:

Types of workouts

Training is divided into several types.


Training develops strength and endurance.


  • CrossFit Barbara - refers to classic training for beginners and includes: 5 circles of 20 pull-ups, 50 squats, 40 presses and 30 push-ups. It does not require any special equipment and can be performed at home.
  • Murphy's CrossFit is an endurance workout performed without breaks: run 1 mile, do 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 sit-ups, and then run 1 mile again.



  • Linda complex - training with a barbell for a while: deadlift weighing 150% of the athlete's weight, bench press of a barbell weighing 100% of the athlete's weight, clean barbell weighing 75% of the athlete's weight. 10 rounds are performed, the number in descending order is 10, 9, 8 times and so on.
  • CrossFit Fram - work only on the upper part, includes three rounds: throwing out a 43 kg barbell and doing 21 pull-ups, throwing out a barbell and doing 15 pull-ups, throwing out a barbell and doing 9 pull-ups.
  • crossfit minotaur – a complex with a kettlebell for a minimum time, kettlebell weight 24 and 32 kg, 10 rounds of 5 exercises to reduce the number of approaches with each round. The first round - throws the weight up with both hands with squats 10 times, swings with the weight 10 times, lifting the weight from the floor to the chin 10 times, bent over rows - 10 times, deadlift with the weight - 10 times. The second round - the same exercises, but 9 times.
  • Bulldog complex – difficult level, weightlifting. 19 rounds are performed, repetitions are first increasing from 1 to 10, then decreasing from 9 to 1, barbell weight 100 kg: bench press and barbell deadlift.
  • Bear CrossFit is a weightlifting set of strength exercises, rest is allowed on the condition that the bar remains in the athlete’s hands all the time and does not touch the floor, 5 laps are done 7 times, with each lap adding weight to the bar: barbell on the chest, squats with the barbell on the chest , barbell push, barbell back squat, barbell overhead push.



  • Cindy's complex is a work against time, the task is to do as many approaches as possible in 20 minutes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats.
  • Grace complex - work with a barbell for a while: push push of a barbell weighing 60 kg, 30 times in a minimum time.
  • Chelsea complex - simple gymnastic exercises for time: pull-ups 5 times, push-ups 10 times, squats 15 times, do 30 rounds in 30 minutes.

Key features of CrossFit training:

  • The specificity of comprehensive CrossFit training is such that when engaging in this sport, a person masters many areas, rather than focusing on one thing.
  • There are programs designed for beginners (), ages 50+, 60+, as well as professional ones.
  • Standard training develops in a person: endurance, strength, coordination, speed, power, flexibility, reaction speed, stability. All muscle groups are worked out in one short workout.

Important! It is enough to spend 30–40 minutes on a daily workout to always be in excellent physical shape. .

Overhead squats, exercise technique, tips and tricks

The overhead squat, or overhead squat, a popular functional exercise in weightlifting, is also included in the training programs of bodybuilding, CrossFit and some related disciplines where strength development is one of the main priorities. Some even consider it the most important thing in strength training.

Benefits and what muscles work

Let's look at what overhead squats do. The undeniable benefit of this exercise is that when performing it, almost all muscles and major muscle groups are involved. It is indispensable for strength and improving strength performance, but not only.

"Barbell Clean"

Performing a complex movement like the overhead squat also develops coordination and flexibility, which is excellent preparation for all exercises that involve squats.

It’s hardly worth talking about which muscles work - almost everyone works to one degree or another: the muscles of the legs, arms, shoulder girdle, pelvis, spinal stabilizer muscles.

It is also necessary to note the effective training for ligaments and joints, especially the legs and shoulders.

Thus, he develops technical skills not only for classic squats, but also for other exercises.

"Ring push-ups"

All athletes who learned to perform squats with a barbell overhead with precise adherence to all the nuances of the technique, after a few months, noted a significant improvement in strength indicators, which allowed them to increase the working weights in exercises for the legs and arms.

Execution technique

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Install the bar into the frame.
  2. Sit under the bar so that it is located slightly below your neck.
  3. Grab the bar with a wide grip.
  4. Remove the projectile from the frame and step back.
  5. As you exhale, straighten your arms and forcefully squeeze the projectile up strictly vertically above your head. Hold the barbell at arm's length, slightly behind your head; the head is raised, the gaze is directed forward, the back is straight, slightly arched at the lower back - this is what the starting position looks like.
  6. While inhaling, slowly squat, slightly moving your pelvis back until your hips drop to a line parallel to the floor and even lower.
  7. Exhaling, straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

"Air squats"

Overhead implementation options and basic mistakes

Overhead squats are not the only variation of squats with similar weights.

There are other options:

  • With a barbell on your back.
  • With a barbell on the chest (frontal).
  • With pauses.

The last option is very difficult, but at the same time effective in terms of increasing explosive power and generally improving strength indicators.

It is recommended to reduce the weight of the projectile, which the athlete is able to lift no more than 3-4 times, by 10-15 percent. The difference is that the squats should be as deep as possible, and at the bottom point you should linger until the count of 4, and then rise sharply.

  • Lack of warm-up and, as a result, insufficient warming up of muscles and joints.
  • The weight of the projectile is too high.
  • The foot is not fully supported, which interferes with maintaining balance.
  • Rounding the back - it should remain straight.
  • Head down.
  • Arms not straightened enough.
  • Squat not deep enough.
  • Bend your knees forward - they should remain at the level of your toes.
  • Insufficient balance control and, as a result, insufficient stabilization of body position.
  • Inability to fully concentrate on the correct technique.
  • Insufficient flexibility of joints and muscles.

“Sitaps: execution technique”

Avoiding mistakes

As you already understand, overhead squats are not the easiest exercise. In order for it to be effective and safe, perfect technique is required.

When starting to train, keep the following points in mind. This will help correct possible errors and correct inaccuracies:

  • Remember to warm up. Squats with weights put a tremendous amount of stress on the lower body and lower back, so you need to warm up your muscles and joints in advance. Perform knee raises, jumps, and body twists for several minutes. This will prepare your body and make the activity more productive and safe.
  • The center line, that is, the position of your body during the exercise, plays an important role. For better stability and coordination, keep your back straight and look forward.
  • Don't be afraid of the burden. If you have minimal sports experience, start training with light weights, i.e., at least with a barbell. This recommendation is due to the fact that too little weight allows you to perform the exercise with poor technique. You can easily do a squat with a light bodybar, no matter what position you hold it in. But this trick won’t work with a barbell. In other words, if you start training without weights, there is a risk that you will have to relearn how to do the exercise with proper technique in the future.
  • Take your time. Do not rush to immediately rise to the starting position from the bottom point. Instead, take a few seconds to adjust the position of the barbell. You should also make sure that you stand on your full foot and that your body weight is redistributed to your heels. This will help you maintain balance as you lift and prevent you from losing control of the bar. When you are sure that everything is correct, tighten the muscles of your thighs and buttocks and jerk yourself up.

When you're holding the weight overhead, it's hardest to stabilize your torso during the squat. You can practice this skill by doing squats and pausing at the bottom. This will make it easier to adapt, you will feel more comfortable and confident.

As an option for paused squats, you can consider the following. Take a weight that you can only do 3-4 reps with and reduce it by about 10-15%. Take your starting position and then squat down as deeply as possible. Maintain tension throughout your entire body. Count to 4 and rise up sharply. Do 4 sets of 5 reps. This technique may seem difficult, but once you master it, you can increase your explosive power and improve your fitness.

Overhead squats are a very effective exercise that allows you to work several muscle groups at the same time.

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