A set of 6 exercises for the back with dumbbells - a training program to strengthen muscles for women and men

To perform dumbbell exercises correctly and with maximum efficiency, women need to consider the following::

  1. Rely on your own strengths and do not overwork. It is recommended to start with two workouts per week, no more than 40 minutes each.
  2. The number of repetitions varies from 10 to 20 times depending on the level of training. There can be 2 approaches, after 1 month 2 more times are added.
  3. Watch your breathing. There is no need to detain him. At the moment of greatest tension, you need to exhale.
  4. For the greatest control over execution, exercises are best done in front of a mirror.

    Exercises with dumbbells for women, girls for the back, arms, pectoral muscles, buttocks, abs, at home for beginners

  5. After each approach, it is recommended to take a break of 30-60 seconds.
  6. The training begins with a basic set of exercises to warm up the muscles (lunges, squats and deadlifts).

The most popular and effective exercises for pumping up the back

We have selected for you the 5 most frequently performed exercises in the gym and at home that will make your back look luxurious. Before you start exercising, you need to warm up properly. Some women prefer a treadmill or exercise bike, but in most cases a few inclines and sideways movements of the arms are sufficient. The video below shows how to prepare for strength exercises, perform technically correct approaches and correctly complete the session. Be sure to watch this 16-minute video, and you will immediately understand how to perform tasks technologically.

Top 5 exercises for women's ideal back using dumbbells

Dumbbell rows with your elbow on the bench and your knee on the bench

Perhaps one of the most common and simple exercises for building a sculpted back and pumping up the deltoid muscle in women.

Execution steps:

  1. With the right side of your body, lean your elbows on the bench (knee and arm).
  2. Take a dumbbell (4 kg) in your free hand and place your back parallel to the floor.
  3. We start from the position of the lowered hand. We lift the projectile up to the shoulder, hold it for a second and lower it down. We make sure that the body is motionless.
  4. Watch your breathing - exhale when you lift the projectile, inhale when you lower it.
  5. Do 18-20 times.
  6. After completing the approach, change hands to perform a new one.

The effectiveness of this activity has been proven. After just a few weeks, during which you work your back in this way 1 or 2 times, you will see the long-awaited relief.

Dumbbell rows to the waist with an inclined body

Another completely simple exercise that is designed to strengthen the back muscles, pump up the buttocks and abs.

This is done as follows:

  1. Arm yourself with 3-4 kg dumbbells, holding them in both hands.
  2. Tilt your body, slightly bend your knees and lower your hands to your feet.
  3. Now raise both arms up until your elbows go behind your shoulders, while keeping your back straight.
  4. Pause for a second and lower the dumbbells back to the floor.
  5. We perform 16-18 times in 3-4 approaches.

Keep your back straight throughout all approaches. Movements are made only with the hands.

"Deadlift" or squats with equipment

By performing this exercise, you will not only pump up the trapezius and deltoid muscles, but also provide a load on your calves, thighs and buttocks.

Execution steps:

  1. We take heavy dumbbells in both hands. For starters, 4-5 kg ​​is suitable. Women who have been training in the gym for several months can take 7-8 kg.
  2. Do partial squats with dumbbells, moving them slightly forward. The back, as in all previous cases, should be straight.
  3. After a short pause at the top, lower yourself back down.
  4. A 3-time approach with 16-18 repetitions is considered optimal.

At the entire stage of the task, breathe correctly: when you squat, inhale the air, when rising, exhale it.

Diagonal tilt with dumbbells

You couldn't get any simpler than this exercise. You take a stance with two heavy dumbbells in your hands (feet shoulder-width apart). Then bend 16 times towards the opposite leg diagonally, fixing your back. The next approach is performed in a similar way, but only when changing hands.

Back exercises with dumbbells

One-arm dumbbell lift

Use a support - a bench, chair, sofa or any other hard surface. Armed with 5-6 kg dumbbells, place your feet shoulder-width apart and rest with one hand. Pull the projectile upward until the shoulder is parallel to the body. Do 18-20 times in 4 approaches.

By completing this task, you will pump up your biceps, deltoids and broad back muscles.

For those who work out in the gym, we recommend combining dumbbells with special equipment.

The following video demonstrates how quickly and easily you can perfectly pump up your back using a gravitron, hyperextension, and a machine with vertical, horizontal and chest rows.

Thus, if you regularly and correctly perform strength training with dumbbells, you can achieve the desired back relief. Be sure to gradually increase the weight, otherwise the muscle may weaken.

Have fun and effective training!

Back exercises at home with dumbbells for men. Precautionary measures

Performing back exercises is important not only for men; for women and girls, this muscle group is no less important, because

Only with a pumped back can you effectively train your legs, chest, and abs. People need a strong spine regardless of gender and age.

The muscle group of the back consists of deep (erector, superior and inferior serratus) and superficial, including trapezius, latissimus muscles or “wings”, lumbar.

When compiling a set of classes, think about which areas need maximum development

It is also necessary to remember the basic rules and precautions during strength training. Required during classes:

use a special support belt, because

it is on the lower back that the main load falls; do not neglect warming up, warming up your muscles and joints; correctly take dumbbells from the floor, you need to bend down, take the equipment and level up by straightening your legs; pay attention to the technique of performing the movement, first practice without a load, master the basic exercises, and only then complicate the program; increase the load gradually, start with minimal weight, and add kilograms as the body adapts; breathe correctly, make effort as you exhale, relax as you inhale.

Before you start training at home with a barbell or dumbbells, you should consult your doctor. Get tested and find out if your body is ready for serious stress.

Back exercises with dumbbells

Barbell row behind your back

The barbell row behind your back is a fairly specific exercise, and it can rarely be found in the gym. But still it exists. The barbell is held behind your back and raised slightly as far as possible. This exercise also works the trapezius muscles.

To train your back, it is not at all necessary to use all these exercises at the same time. You can limit yourself to only the main ones or some of them. You should also understand that rarely does anyone train only one back in the gym. As a rule, complex training is carried out on all muscle groups, including the back. This approach is more optimal. If you are interested in this topic, you can read our articles “Training scheme in the gym for men” or “Individual training program for girls” if you are a woman or girl.

Leave your opinion in the comments!

Back exercises at home with dumbbells for men. Dumbbell back exercises for men

Men can use the following latissimus dorsi exercises with dumbbells:

One arm row

Back exercises with dumbbells

For this exercise you need a flat horizontal surface. Place your right leg on the bench, bend it at the knee and rest your hand on it. Hold a dumbbell in your other hand, lowering it down. The back should be straight. Your task is to pull the dumbbell to your chest, pointing your elbow back. Then the hand goes down. Repeat the exercise the same number of times for each leg.

Bent-over row

An effective exercise with dumbbells for the back and shoulders, which is performed from a standing position. Starting position: standing straight with slightly bent knees. Take dumbbells and hold them in front of you. Bend over so that your back is flat and parallel to the floor. Your task is to lift the dumbbells to your waist, pointing your elbows back. Lock the position and return to the starting position. This exercise should be done smoothly, feeling the muscles working as much as possible.


You need to stand straight, tilt your body to the level where it is parallel to the floor. Take dumbbells in your hands with a straight grip. If medium and heavy weights are used for training, it is better to take them from a sitting position. At the same time, you need to keep your back straight - arching can be dangerous. Keep your head straight, looking ahead. As you exhale, stand up with your entire body straight. Your arms should be straight at all times. Then inhale while bending, bending your knees slightly and pushing your pelvis back. The dumbbells need to be moved along one trajectory towards the body, as if sliding.

Dumbbell row to the chin

Back exercises with dumbbells

Grab the dumbbells with a regular grip with your palms facing down. Your legs should be slightly bent towards your knees and your torso should be tilted forward. The goal is to slowly raise your knees to shoulder level, while pointing your elbows up and placing them above your hands. Then lower and repeat all over again the required number of times.

Also, to create a beautiful back relief, the following exercises will be useful for men:

  • Pull-ups. Grasp the horizontal bar with your hands. Use a wide grip, because the greater the distance between your palms, the more active the latissimus dorsi muscles will work in the process. Pull your body up using your back muscles, not your arms. The latter should be used only at the maximum point. When making an effort, do not pull your shoulders towards your ears. The exercise can also be performed in the Graviton simulator, where you can install the optimal counterweight.
  • Bent-over barbell row. Starting position – legs at a comfortable width, slightly bent at the knees. Bend over and grab the bar with an overhand grip. The body should be held at an angle of 30 degrees. The bar is located at knee level. Pull it towards your stomach, while your elbows should be pulled back. Fix at the maximum point and smoothly lower your arms down.
  • T-row in a reclining machine. The exercise must be done in a special simulator. The emphasis is on the chest. You need to grab the handle with your hands and pull it towards your chest.

These exercises will help men create beautiful volume and relief of their back muscles. Additionally, you can use hyperextension, traction of upper and lower blocks, and so on.

Using dumbbells

The use of weighting objects will help improve results and speed up their appearance. These are barbells, weights, dumbbells, etc. You can exercise without using additional equipment, but then you will have to wait longer for the effect. Most often, a person chooses dumbbells for home workouts because of their low cost, moderate weight and ease of use. But not everyone understands what equipment is worth buying at the very beginning of training.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Dumbbells are the best option for home workouts

Back exercises with dumbbells
Dumbbells, cast and dismountable

Dumbbells can be divided into two types - collapsible and non-collapsible (cast). The former allow you to increase or decrease their weight if necessary. The latter will not be able to change the weight, and over time you will have to buy heavier ones instead. Thus, the collapsible option will be cheaper. And it’s better to buy those that have a threaded version for attaching “pancakes” - they are safer and more reliable.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Collapsible dumbbell

As for cast dumbbells, for full-fledged training with increasing loads you will have to buy at least 4 pairs of different weights. But using such simulators is much more convenient than collapsible ones.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Cast dumbbells

It is also important to remember the weight of the dumbbells. No need to immediately purchase the heaviest ones

For women, the best option, depending on the level of physical fitness, is dumbbells weighing from 2 to 10 kg. The lightest ones (1 kg) are not worth taking - it’s easier to use water bottles instead. And they are of no use in training, even for beginners. For men, the optimal weight of dumbbells can start from 5 kg (minimum). The maximum weight for a beginner is about 15 kg. This is for starters, and then you can buy dumbbells weighing up to 25 kg.

Top 5 exercises with dumbbells for the back

In order to pump your back with dumbbells at home, you don’t need many exercises. These are mainly bent over rows in various variations, as well as a few specialized movements.

One-arm dumbbell row

One of the main movements. This is also a great dumbbell back exercise for women. Its main advantage is that you can adjust the weight in minimal increments. The movement mainly loads the latissimus dorsi muscles, although the rear deltoids and partly the trapezius are actively involved in the work.


  1. Place your hand on a chair or bench (ideally, if you can place your knee on the same surface). Secure your body and lower the dumbbell at arm's length.
  2. Start pulling the weight towards your lower abdomen (closer to your hip).
  3. Pause briefly at the top and return the dumbbell to the starting position.

It is important that the body is in a horizontal position and securely fixed. Therefore, it is recommended to do this exercise on the back with dumbbells on a bench, where you can place emphasis on the arm and knee at the same time

The movement can also be performed while standing. In this case, it is better to do deadlifts with both hands at the same time.

Deadlift with dumbbells

This traction option is considered safer and more gentle. Moreover, due to the lack of ability to lift heavy weights, deadlifts are performed in a multi-repetition style. This is a basic dumbbell back exercise for men.


  1. Place the dumbbells on the floor. Sit down with your back straight and grab the handles. This is the starting position.
  2. Begin to stand up slowly, straightening your body (while keeping your back straight).
  3. At the top point, exhale, pause briefly, and then return to the starting position.

It is important not to confuse this back exercise with dumbbells at home with the Romanian deadlift, in which the knees are not bent. When deadlifting, you should squat deeply, bending your knees

This is a more effective option when it comes to back training.

Dumbbell row to the chin

This is one of the best dumbbell back exercises if done correctly. Loads the upper part of the group (traps, rear deltoids). Very effective for correcting posture and creating powerful “tubercles” of the trapezius.


  1. Stand straight, hold dumbbells with straight arms at the level of your quadriceps.
  2. Begin to slowly raise your arms, stretching (or rolling) the dumbbells along your body.
  3. Bring the weights as high as possible to the chin (a full lift is not necessary, it depends on the mobility of the joints, so it is enough to bring the weight to the level of the collarbone). Pause and slowly lower the projectiles to the starting position.

Important to remember:

  • if you spread the dumbbells wider (conventionally wide grip), the load will predominantly fall on the deltoids (middle beam);
  • To work the upper back, the grip should be narrower.

Bent-over dumbbell fly

These exercises with dumbbells to strengthen the back muscles are often included in the training program, despite the fact that its main goal is to pump up the rear deltas. It works together with other back muscles, so extensions can be included in both shoulder and back day.


  1. Take dumbbells in your hands (light weight) and lean forward. Ideally, a right angle is formed between the legs and the body with a straight back. Dumbbells are held in free hands with slightly bent elbows.
  2. Begin to slowly spread the projectiles to the sides until your hand reaches parallel with the floor.
  3. Slowly return the weight to the starting position.

This back exercise with dumbbells for girls is especially useful because it allows you to turn your shoulders back, thereby pushing your chest forward.

Good morning exercise

A complex but very effective movement that should definitely be included in a set of exercises for the back muscles with dumbbells. Its main task is to develop the muscles of the lower back.


  1. Take one dumbbell with a heavy or medium weight (you can do two, if you can fix them by pressing them to your shoulders or chest).
  2. Stand straight, with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder level. This is the starting position.
  3. Slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight.
  4. Pause for 1-2 seconds and level out at the same pace.

A straight back will play a key role when performing the exercise. When it circles, the movement will be more traumatic and ineffective. At first, athletes may have problems with stretching, so it is not necessary to bend over until the body is parallel to the floor.

How to pump up your back muscles. About combining back training with other muscles

The question is very important, because... directly affects your progress. Many people train 2-3 times a week, which simply does not allow for a separate day for their back. Although the back deserves a separate day for training, because... it is the LARGEST MUSCLE GROUP in our upper body, and the second largest in our body (after the legs). That is why I decided to consider this issue in detail.

So, how to combine back training with other muscles?

I would combine it this way:

    (do not interfere with each other, because the shoulders push and the back pulls);
    (antagonists, work great together, Arnold method);
    (classic push-pull split, both pulling groups);
    (professional method, then train CHEST + FRONT DELTOES);

BACK + HANDS - this is not very good, because... Most likely you are undertraining one of these muscle groups; I would better connect the back with the shoulders (deltas). In general, try to set aside a separate day for your back if your fitness levels are already high enough.

Who are the exercises for?

Exercises with dumbbells are perfect for both men and women. With their help, you can conduct an excellent strength training not only for the back and arms, but also for the whole body.

  • Girls will be able to lose weight and maintain their body in excellent and toned condition.
  • Men, working out with dumbbells, are able to pump up their muscles and achieve a beautiful torso.
  • When playing any other sport, dumbbells can serve as an additional load.
  • People who have suffered injuries can return to sports by trying classes with dumbbells.
  • Many people with diseases (scoliosis, osteochondrosis) can improve their condition by exercising with dumbbells.
  • Children can also exercise with dumbbells as a game. But you need to use equipment of the smallest weight.
  • Elderly people will be able to work with dumbbells. This will give you the opportunity to engage in physical activity and strengthen your joints and muscles.

A strong back is the key to health

It's no secret that the spine is the core of our body. Our well-being and overall quality of life depend on its condition. In order to maintain your core in good condition, you need to keep the muscles surrounding the spinal column in good shape.

Developed back muscles will make your posture truly royal, allowing you to straighten your shoulders and look even more attractive. So, girls, take dumbbells in your hands and train your back!

A little anatomy

A strong back is an additional support for a person. The muscular corset, which is located in this part of the body, together with the spine, allows people to walk smoothly and move freely. A strong back allows you to avoid most injuries, which can easily occur if the muscles are not pumped.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Back muscles

In many ways, the health of the whole body depends on the condition of the back. If your posture is poor, it negatively affects the functioning of most of your internal organs. For example, as a result of compression of the diaphragm, the lungs, which are responsible for supplying the body with oxygen, also experience a certain level of pressure. The result is a lack of this element in the tissues and a deterioration in the quality of a number of processes in the body. Strong back muscles play a big role in maintaining an even posture.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Consequences of poor posture

Orthopedic chair

Also, sagging and poor development of the back muscles can lead to a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the body. For example, osteoporosis develops over time, in which a person experiences quite unpleasant pain.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Why do you need morning exercises?

The entire muscular corset of the back includes a fairly large number of individual elements connected into a single system. They help to form a beautiful back shape and maintain posture.

Table. Types of back muscles.

TypeMuscles and their purpose
DeepThe serratus (upper and lower) muscles belong to this category. They help straighten the spine.
SuperficialSuch muscles are smaller than deep muscles. They are located in the body in two layers. These include the latissimus, pectoralis, trapezius, serratus posterior inferior, rhomboid (wings), and psoas muscles.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Back workout at home with dumbbells

Why dumbbells?

Doing exercises with dumbbells at home has a lot of positive aspects:

  • Simplicity - for training you only need a little free space and the dumbbells themselves. You don’t need to spend a long time mastering complex techniques for performing exercises - you can watch a video of exercises and start doing them.
  • Cost-effective - with proper effort, you can achieve good results at home, and you won’t have to spend money on expensive gym memberships and travel time.
  • Variety - exercises with dumbbells can be aimed specifically at your problem areas: shoulders, chest, abs, deltoids or any other muscle groups. Also, exercises with dumbbells are performed in any position - sitting, lying, standing.
  • Efficiency - a properly designed exercise program with dumbbells is aimed not only at developing all muscle groups, it will be useful for losing weight and forming a beautiful figure. You can also independently change the set of exercises for your workout, increasing or decreasing the load where necessary.

When deciding to train with dumbbells, do not forget that this type of training has contraindications:

  • Exercises with dumbbells are prohibited for pregnant women;
  • People suffering from asthma;
  • Patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Also, if you have problems with the musculoskeletal system or the thyroid gland, consult your doctor before starting training.

Another important point that is important not to miss before starting exercises with dumbbells at home is the correct choice of equipment for training.

Features of training for men

  • Men very often repeat the same mistake - they try to immediately lift heavy weights. This leads to various injuries , such as sprains and torn ligaments.
  • If you do not follow the technology for working with dumbbells from the first workout, you may get injured for this reason and forever lose interest in strength exercises.
  • To begin with, it is recommended to do three to four sets of ten exercises with minimal weights. This is especially true for those who have not exercised for a long time. When your muscles adapt to the load, the weight of the dumbbells can be gradually increased. The main principle of doing exercises at the very beginning is to do no harm.

If you enjoy doing strength training and after training you feel like you did a good job, this means you are doing everything right.
Note! If you have heaviness throughout your body and it is difficult for you to move, the number of approaches and the weight of dumbbells should be adjusted downwards.

  1. Find out about the 5 main causes of back fat here.
  2. To strengthen the back muscles, you can use a complex with a fitball or expander
  3. The scientific basis for the legendary Japanese roller technique.
  4. The Crocodile complex from Dr. Antipko is used to relieve back pain.
  5. The “Cat” exercise will help with lower back pain.

Royal posture and a beautiful gait are pleasant results that you can get by performing exercises with dumbbells for the back. Well-developed back muscles support the spine and prevent curvature and other problems.

A little about home workouts

It is recommended to train the back muscles, and indeed any muscles of the human body, under the guidance of a trainer in the gym. However, many are unwilling or unable to spend money on such services and prefer to study at home. Opinions vary regarding the effectiveness of home workouts, but in fact, it is quite possible to pump up your back without going to the gym. The main thing is to aim for the desired result, not to give up, to exercise systematically, striving for results, and to perform the exercises correctly.

Back exercises with dumbbells
It is advisable to seek help in drawing up a training program from an experienced specialist.

The key to quickly increasing muscle size is the use of additional load. In the gym, progress will be seen faster, not only because an experienced athlete will lead the training, but also because there is a lot of different equipment, the weight of which can be gradually increased. At home, a person is very limited in this regard - as a rule, at home there are only small dumbbells or a light barbell.

Back exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells for sports

The main principles of home training are as follows:

regularity of classes. Training should be carried out according to the program at least 2 times a week. More frequent exercises will not allow the muscles to recover, and infrequent exercises simply will not give results;


It is important to perform all exercises in sets of 10-15 repetitions. The load can be increased if there is a feeling that it is no longer enough;


This is an important part of any workout. Without it, it will not be possible to prepare your muscles for exercise and can harm your health. It is with a warm-up that you need to start every workout;

diversity. It is better to use different exercises - this will make it possible to load all the muscles gradually.

Back exercises with dumbbells
Exercises should be different

How to pump up your back. Back training program

As you understand, a training program is a very individual thing, especially when we talk about how to pump up your back muscles, because... this is a very large muscle group. More than half of the questions that I receive by email and in comments are questions related to the training program.

I considered in great detail the issue of choosing a training program.

I want you to understand that almost any program will work at a certain time and on a certain person. I can only give a training program that will suit the MOST.

Rules for creating a training program for the back:

  2. UPPER + LOWER rows
    (to develop muscles in width and thickness).
    (6-12 reps + progressive load).

So, the very first complex for a beginner will look like this ( COMPLEX No. 1


All? Yes all. These two exercises will be enough to avoid overtraining and cause a great response in your lats. You can do these exercises for six months or a year and not worry. There will be wonderful growth.

The next option for a beginner ( COMPLEX No. 2)


Deadlifting will stimulate the growth of your back extensors, as well as the growth of your body as a whole, because... it increases blood circulation in the lower body, which promotes increased testosterone production. The trapezoid is also strongly involved in the work, which will also contribute to its excellent growth.

Another option for the intermediate level:

Well, the third option for the intermediate level:

So, I want to note a very important point! You shouldn’t switch to using 3 or 4 exercises if you are progressing well with just two exercises! There is no need to change what works great.


for people using a very deep split (body splitting for 4 or 5 training days),

Another option for the advanced athlete:

Or the third, also a cool option for an advanced athlete:

There are a huge number of advanced complexes, but I brought those closer to ordinary people, i.e. for those who are already quite well trained, but do not use steroids (with steroids, the volume of the training load can be safely multiplied by two).

Many professional athletes divide their backs into two training days. On the first day they do vertical rows, pull-ups, etc., i.e. exercises that increase the width of the back, and on the second day, various horizontal rows that increase the width of the back muscles, but, as you understand, the average person does not need this.

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