Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift - EVERYTHING you need to know about it!

Deadlift with dumbbells

Deadlift with dumbbells is an exercise for the hamstrings and gluteal muscles from the arsenal of bodybuilders. This movement helps develop strength, and not just strengthen muscles, because it partially repeats the amplitude of the classic deadlift. The movement is used both to work the hamstrings and buttocks, and to improve your classic deadlift. For those who lift sumo-style deadlifts, the movement will also be useful. It strengthens the legs and improves the fall from the platform. In addition, the exercise is safer than the barbell option.

Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

It is incorrect to assume that this exercise refers to deadlifts with straight legs. There is much in common between them, but there are also a number of significant differences. And the most important thing among them is that, being at the lowest point, the weight should not touch the floor.

The Romanian deadlift is performed like this: It is necessary to prepare dumbbells by placing them next to each other. The legs are shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees, the feet are parallel, the back should be straightened and the shoulder blades should be brought together. Ideally, the shoulder blades should not move at all. The athlete turns his palms towards his body and takes dumbbells. The arms must be straightened; a slight bend in the elbows is allowed. They must be fixed in this position throughout the entire exercise.

When lifting dumbbells, the athlete strives to completely straighten his back, pushing his pelvis back. As you lower them down, your buttocks should also go back. The shin should be kept perpendicular to the floor, the knees should not go beyond the toes. When moving downwards, tension and arching should be felt in the back, while the chin tends upward. The dumbbells “slide” along the legs.

You should move without pauses or stops, and by pushing with your legs, without using your back. You need to push off with your foot and move your body back a little. This technique will put the most stress on the buttocks and hamstrings.

Deadlift (any of its types) refers to basic exercises, that is, to perform it, a large number of muscles and joints of the whole body are involved in the work.

When deadlifting with dumbbells, the same muscles work as when deadlifting with a barbell:

  • back muscles - greater emphasis is placed on the extensors in the lumbar region, while the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles are little involved;
  • press;
  • gluteus maximus muscles;
  • hamstring biceps;
  • quadriceps.

Deadlift - anatomy.

Muscles working during the deadlift exercise.

In addition, of course, there are stabilizers that help maintain balance, and several other muscle groups that are activated to a much lesser extent.

However, we draw your attention to the fact that depending on the choice of exercise technique, the load on the muscles can shift, for example, almost completely eliminating the load on the quadriceps, loading the gluteal and hamstrings, or vice versa. Next, we will look at what types of deadlifts with dumbbells there are, and which muscle groups they affect to a greater extent.

This exercise is more suitable for girls than for men, since it allows you to work with small weights, rather than with a 10-20 kg barbell.

For a beginner who wants to master the technique of the exercise, it is also better to start doing it with dumbbells, as this reduces the risk of injury due to incorrect technique. The exercise is difficult because it is necessary to simultaneously control the position and actions of many muscle groups and joints.

For an athlete who has recently had an injury and is currently prohibited from heavy exercise, this is a great way to recover.

There are five types of dumbbell deadlifts:

  • classical
  • Romanian deadlift
  • deadlift
  • single leg deadlift
  • sumo deadlift

The traditional option is the Romanian barbell deadlift. This technique is optimal for girls. During execution, the back surface of the thighs and buttocks are loaded, which are difficult to correct in the fair sex. As a result, this area acquires a firm and attractive appearance. You need to do the exercise like this:

  1. Take the starting position - place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, bend your lower back, and bend over.
  2. Take the barbell with an overhand grip. Place your hands so that they are slightly higher than shoulder width, keeping them straight or slightly bent at the elbows.
  3. As you exhale, lift up with the apparatus, leaving your lower back arched, and placing the barbell as close to your legs as possible so that it even touches your hips and shins.
  4. Inhale, straighten the body, and as you exhale, bend over again, smoothly and evenly lowering the projectile to approximately the middle of the shin.

The Romanian deadlift with dumbbells is a little more difficult to perform. It should not be made basic. It is better if this exercise is sometimes replaced with a barbell option to diversify the load. Dumbbells are convenient because they slide along the body without creating discomfort when passing near the shins. The technique is as follows:

  1. Take the starting position - spread your legs shoulder-width apart, feet should be parallel, take a dumbbell in your hands, slightly bend your back at the lower back.
  2. Straighten your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together. Keeping your back straight, lean forward, practically sliding the dumbbells, but only slightly to the side, and not from the front.
  3. Continue lowering until the middle of your shins and the body is parallel to the floor, only slightly bending your knees.
  4. Below, feel the tension of the muscles, then push off with your heels using the strength of your legs and, straightening your knees, move your pelvis forward until you assume the starting position.

The first times (2-4 workouts) of the Romanian deadlift on one leg should be done without any weight at all in order to learn how to maintain balance correctly.

Deadlifts can be performed with symmetrical or asymmetrical weights. A barbell is usually used as a symmetrical weight, or, less commonly, dumbbells of equal weight. In this variation, the single-leg row is an excellent exercise for developing the gluteus medius, minimus, and hamstring muscles.

The asymmetrical version is performed with a dumbbell (weight), which is held in one hand. The load on the main movers (the muscles of the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles) is reduced, but at the same time the demands on the muscles that provide position stabilization increase.

The single-leg deadlift with asymmetrical weights is a corrective exercise that will help you coordinate the work of the pelvis and shoulder girdle. A neutral spine position is very important when performing deadlifts. The movement should occur in the hip joint, in the shoulder joints, plus a slight flexion of the knee, but not in the joints of the spine.

Execution technique

Initial position:

  1. Place dumbbells along your body on the floor.
  2. Stand straight with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart.
  3. Squat down, moving your pelvis back and keeping your back straight with an arch in your lower back.
  4. Take dumbbells and stand up straight using the strength of your leg muscles.
  5. Bend your knees slightly.
  6. Place the dumbbells in front of you with your arms outstretched.


  1. As you inhale, keeping your abs in static tension and maintaining a straight back position with a slight arch, bend over while pushing your pelvis back. At the same time, lower the dumbbells strictly along the hip line.
  2. Bend down to the position in which you feel the maximum stretch in your hip muscles, but it is still possible to maintain the correct position of your lower back.
  3. Without pausing at the bottom, begin to straighten, pulling the weights upward. Make a forced exhalation at the heaviest part of the amplitude.
  4. Perform the required amount of repetitions provided by the individual plan.



Execution options!


Deadlifts for girls have a positive effect on the entire body. What muscles does the deadlift work? First of all, these are the forearms, biceps, all the back muscles, muscles of the thighs, buttocks and trapezius.

This strength exercise was included in the women's fitness program for two reasons:

  1. Allows significant weight reduction.
  2. The body acquires a beautiful relief.

By performing deadlifts, a girl gets rid of excess fat deposits and cellulite, acquiring a beautiful waist and slender posture. The deadlift is an energy-intensive exercise that covers a large number of muscle groups.

What muscles work?

What muscles work during the Romanian deadlift? The exercise is rightfully recognized as one of the most effective for developing the muscles of the hip and back. The auxiliary muscles, the gluteal and calf muscles, are also included.

The impact of “one-legged” exercises on the musculoskeletal system determines their place in the training program. Standing on one leg creates an additional torque that brings the hip of the supporting leg, the pelvis, and with it the entire upper body. The unsupported leg acts in this case as a burden, which leads to an increase in the force that needs to be produced by the hip abductor muscles. Hip abduction is carried out by the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, respectively, these muscles receive an additional stimulus for development.

The single leg deadlift is the best exercise for this region. Weakness of the abductor muscles causes the pelvis to drop on the side opposite the supporting leg, and is also the main cause of knee constriction in double-legged squats. In all of these variations, single-leg exercises place increased demands on balance, and are thus an integral part of programs to improve motor coordination.

The main muscles that are affected when performing the single leg exercise variations mentioned above are:

  1. full squat (pistols) – quadriceps femoris;

    A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

  2. partial squat or scissor squat – gluteus maximus and quadriceps muscles;

    A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

  3. deadlift - middle, small and large (to a lesser extent) gluteal muscles, muscles of the back of the thigh, adductor magnus.

    A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

It is better to perform exercises on one leg with an average of 8–10 repetitions; the time the muscles are under load, which is extremely important in the development of hypertrophy, is 20–60 s. The emphasis should be placed not on the size of the weight, but on safe execution technique.

Deadlifts with dumbbells, along with squats, are the most basic exercise in the entire arsenal. Some experts call the figure 90% - this is exactly the part of the muscle groups in our body that these exercises load. Of course, the load is mainly static in nature, but the fact remains that deadlifts (with a barbell or dumbbells) can tone and give good physical shape to almost all the muscles of a poorly trained or novice athlete.

The emphasis on dynamic loading shifts depending on what type of deadlift you're doing.

  • With the classic dumbbell deadlift, most of the load falls on the quadriceps, gluteal muscles and spinal extensors.
  • When sumo deadlifting with dumbbells, the load is focused more on the adductor muscles of the hips, glutes and quadriceps. The spinal extensors are involved much less; the load on them is more static in nature. The hamstring acts as a stabilizer.
  • When deadlifting with dumbbells on straight legs (Romanian deadlift), the movement is performed by the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, the quadriceps is not involved in the movement. You can also perform deadlifts with dumbbells on one leg, this will allow you to stretch your hamstrings even more in the first phase of the movement.

In all variations of the exercise, the abdominal muscles, calf muscles and upper back (latissimus, rhomboids and trapezius muscles) serve as stabilizers.

Straight-legged dumbbell row technique on a stand

In fact, the stand technique is justified in the case of barbell deadlifts. The height of the plates sometimes does not allow the exercise to be performed with full amplitude and touches the floor before the athlete has sufficiently stretched the biceps. For this purpose, a footrest was invented, which allows you to perform the exercise along the full trajectory of movement.

The stand is also used when the muscles of the back surface of the body are highly elastic, when even the weighted dumbbell discs touch the floor too early. The execution technique is no different from the previous one. The athlete only needs to stand on a hill with his feet hip-width apart. You can also perform straight-legged dumbbell rows on the stand, keeping your knees straight.

Dumbbell rows on straight legs on a stand

But if the dumbbells reach the middle of the shin at the lowest point, there is no need to perform the exercise with a stand.

Romanian deadlift for girls

A rounded shape of the buttocks, additional tone of the thighs, especially their back surface, calves, clearer contours of the figure - these are the benefits that distinguish the Romanian deadlift for girls. Just don’t confuse it with the classic one, because it involves the back more. The weight must be selected so that you can perform 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets. With such an amount, deadlifts for girls are highly effective.

This exercise is great for both men and women, and many of the fair sex consider it one of their favorites. And they have every reason for this.

  1. Deadlifts with dumbbells for girls open up great opportunities in shaping an ideal body. For example, sumo-style deadlifts, as well as Romanian ones, allow you to perfectly work the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. The muscles quickly become toned, the subcutaneous fat layer gradually decreases, cellulite and stretch marks disappear, the thighs gradually begin to take on a sporty appearance. Doing the same with a barbell is a little more difficult, since there are too many subtleties and pitfalls in the barbell deadlift that even many gym workers are not aware of. But we should not forget about working out the front part of the thigh in order to avoid disproportions in the development of the athletic body.
  2. The classic deadlift with dumbbells allows you to strengthen all the core muscles and create a kind of strength frame that is simply necessary for full-fledged strength training with weights. We are talking about the extensors of the spine, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles and the intercostal muscles. If a girl’s muscle groups are not in good shape, there can be no talk of technically correct and productive performance of squats and lunges with a barbell or leg presses in a machine.
  3. The weight of the weights in the described exercises should be symbolic. For a girl, if she is not a professional athlete, there is little point in chasing sky-high weights; it is much more important to always maintain the correct technique and not reduce the overall intensity of the training - then sports results will not take long to arrive.

The deadlift is a compound exercise with dumbbells or a barbell. When performing it, a large number of muscles are involved. It was already mentioned above that deadlifts allow you to pump up your back, legs, abs and tighten your buttocks. The effectiveness of this exercise has been proven by many years of experience among many athletes.

What is the difference between the Romanian deadlift and the classic deadlift?

For the first time, the Romanian deadlift was noticed in America, at weightlifting competitions in the 80s. During preparation for the performance, it was performed by one of the Romanian champions, Vlad Nicolae. This exercise was found to be effective. And he was named after the country where he came from. Why did he choose this particular technique? Well, most likely in order to purposefully load the gluteus maximus. Since in powerlifting and weightlifting it is the main pulling muscle.

Romanian deadlift vs classic deadlift

Unlike the CLASSIC STANOVA, the Romanian has a number of differences:

  • In classic deadlift, the movement occurs from bottom to top. In Romanian, from top to bottom. That is, our starting position is standing with a barbell in our hands. Which we will take not from the floor, but from special supports.
  • The Romanian deadlift is not performed at full amplitude. That is, we do not place the barbell on the floor, but keep it constantly suspended. This is done so that the gluteus maximus is always under load. And at the same time the leg muscles did not turn on.
  • The classic deadlift is a technically difficult exercise. And not everyone will be able to do it. Romanian can be performed by both beginners and professionals. It has especially taken root in women's training.
  • Since the amplitude of the Romanian deadlift is small, you can lift much more weight.
  • Classic deadlift is designed to strengthen the muscles of the legs (mostly quadriceps) and back. Romanian is aimed at developing the gluteal muscles. The back also gets a load, but much less.
  • When performing a classic deadlift, we bend our legs slightly, bringing our knees forward. In Romanian, flexion occurs by moving the pelvis back.

Romanian deadlift vs stiff legged deadlift

That is, if all this is summed up. We can conclude: that the classic deadlift is designed for people whose goal is to increase large muscle volumes in their legs. And strengthen your back. The Romanian deadlift is more suitable for athletes who want to strengthen their gluteal muscles or give them a rounded shape.

Romanian deadlift vs stiff legged deadlift

The greatest misconception occurs in these two exercises. But if you understand what their differences are, then the confusion will immediately go away.

  • The most important difference lies in the name of one of these exercises. Deadlift on straight legs eliminates flexion at the end joint. In the Romanian deadlift, we intentionally bend our legs to place more emphasis on the gluteal muscles. And exclude the hamstrings from the movement.
  • Due to the fact that in the Romanian deadlift the legs are bent at the knee joint, the muscles of the back of the thigh are not fully stretched. Therefore, the gluteus maximus takes on all the load. In a deadlift on straight legs, the situation is the opposite. When lowering the projectile down, the hamstrings are stretched to the maximum. And when rising, it does most of the work.
  • When deadlifting on straight legs, the weight of the barbell will be much less. Since the back is practically out of work. Therefore, developing the strength and mass of the gluteal muscles in this exercise will be much more difficult.
  • The amplitude of movement in the Romanian deadlift will not be large. We have already talked about this. But standing on straight legs is performed in the maximum possible amplitude. To stretch the back of the thigh.
  • In the Romanian deadlift, we lower the weight very close to the legs. This makes it easier for us to move the pelvis back. In a deadlift with straight legs, on the contrary, the weight is lowered parallel to the legs at a considerable distance from them.

Romanian deadlift vs stiff legged deadlift

As you can see, in the straight leg deadlift, a lot of emphasis is placed on working the hamstrings. Therefore, this exercise is not entirely suitable for people whose goal is to develop the gluteal region.

I think it is now clear that these are 3 different exercises. And each of them has its own purpose.

Lightweight technology

You need to understand that the Romanian single-leg deadlift is an already complicated version of the classic Romanian double-leg deadlift. The trick is that you not only need to straighten your leg, but also maintain your balance. This forces many stabilizer muscles to work. The exercise works well on the buttock of the working leg.

In this variation of the exercise, one leg will be working, and the other will be resting at this time. Some authors recommend lifting your resting leg up, but even with minimal weight it is difficult to maintain balance with this approach. Therefore, a better and safer option would be to take one leg back and place it on your toes to stabilize your balance.

  1. You need to raise your knee as high as possible so that the target muscle group can feel the load. At the same time, the leg that stands on the floor tenses, as well as the abdominal muscles, which act as a stabilizer (Analysis of the most effective abdominal exercises).
  2. The body slowly bends forward at the hips and the non-working leg moves back. While in this position, the supporting leg stands on the toe and is sure to bend slightly at the knee joint. After this, you can take the dumbbells/barbell from the platform.
  3. A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

  4. The body straightens and lowers with the help of contraction of the gluteal muscles. The hips are pulled back to maintain balance and the dumbbells are placed in the starting position. It is important to make sure that the dumbbells or barbell rest completely on it between repetitions.

Exercise options

  1. Romanian traction with rubber shock absorbers. Due to the specifics of the projectile, more load goes into the back and buttocks, and a little less into the thigh biceps. This row is used if it is necessary to feel tension at the top point, or by those who do not know how to collect their back with dumbbells. The option may also be good for traveling;
  2. The King deadlift is an imitation of the Romanian deadlift without dumbbells, standing on one leg. Option for warming up, balance work or improving hip mobility. Suitable for anyone who wants to work out the back of their thighs without weights;
  3. Romanian deadlift with dumbbells on one leg. Allows you to shift the emphasis to the buttocks, due to the fact that it is performed with an emphasis on hip extension of the non-supporting leg

How to choose the right weight

We have already figured out what the deadlift is for. Now let's pay attention to how to choose the optimal load.

For beginners, it is better to start performing exercises with an empty bar in order to properly work out the technique. Even experienced athletes are advised to first do a few reps with an empty bar to warm up. After warming up, you can lift the optimal weight.

Do not be afraid that the muscles will “swell” to incredible sizes. Girls simply do not have hormones that would contribute to a sharp increase in muscle tissue, like male athletes. The technique for performing deadlifts for men is almost identical, but differs in larger weights.

  1. To perform the Romanian deadlift while standing on one leg, you need to place the selected dumbbells on a low bench or step platform. The athlete's body slowly bends forward at the hips, and the working leg is extended back in line with the body. To better understand how the exercise is performed, just imagine that a long mop is lying on your back.
  2. While in this position, the supporting leg bends slightly at the knee joint. After this, you can take the dumbbells from the platform. The body is then straightened by contracting the gluteal muscles. The hips are pulled back to maintain balance and the dumbbells are placed in the starting position. It's important to make sure the dumbbells rest completely between reps.
  3. The required number of repetitions is performed.

It is important to remember that the bodies and the working leg must move at the same time. The movement is somewhat reminiscent of a well crane. Beginners may have difficulty maintaining balance, but after a few weeks of regular exercise it will become easier and the athlete will be able to move on to heavier weights.

When do the results of training appear?

Girls will feel the effect of performing deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells the next day after training. The muscles in the back of your thighs will ache. It will become difficult to bend your leg at the knee. To avoid such consequences, you should introduce barbell rows into the training process gradually. The visual effect of the exercises will be visible 2-3 months after the start of the exercise.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs
Deadlifts with a barbell for girls are an accessible and effective exercise.

Deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells are a powerful tool in building a beautiful figure and giving the gluteal muscles a rounded shape. Also, the exercise will help girls get rid of excess weight and speed up their metabolism. Which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

How to do the crane exercise: advanced version

Remember that in this position, the Romanian deadlift on 1 leg is a difficult and traumatic exercise, so the crane exercise is only for experienced men and women!

  1. First, you need to place the sports equipment on a small elevation, for example, a singing platform. After this, lift one leg and slowly lean forward towards the hip joint. At this moment, the working leg should straighten and as a result form a straight line with the body.
  2. A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

  3. Once in this position, bend the knee joint of the supporting leg and take the implements in your hands. Straighten your body by tightening the muscles of your buttocks. To make it easier to maintain balance, your hips should move back. After this, you need to return the dumbbells to the elevated position. Between repetitions, the apparatus must lie completely on the platform. Professionals can do this exercise without a step platform or bench. But in this case, the exercise becomes more difficult.

For the exercise to be as effective as possible, the working leg and body must move synchronously. Your movements should resemble the work of a well crane.

For beginners, this movement can be quite difficult and traumatic, so you shouldn’t do it!

Common Mistakes

If the exercise is performed using the correct technique, it will not cause any harm. The most important thing is to follow all the necessary rules.

However, beginners often make some mistakes that can cause injury:

  1. Neglecting warm-up. Any workout should begin with a warm-up - this is the rule! Initially, minimal weight is used to prepare the muscles and joints. Only after this can you increase the load.
  2. The technique of performing deadlifts on straight legs with a barbell for girls involves the use of significant weight. However, it should not be excessive. Take the weight so that you can perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. In this case, tension should be felt in the muscles, but not pain.
  3. Slouching and a rounded lower back are the main violations when performing deadlifts of any kind. If you can’t keep your back straight and your shoulder blades brought together, then you need to reduce the weight. It might be worth replacing the barbell with dumbbells.
  4. Another violation is the removal of the shoulders back and a strong arch at the top of the lower back. This is very dangerous for your back. Pulling your shoulders back is associated with injuries to joints, ligaments and muscles. Therefore, at the top point you need to stand straight, bringing your shoulder blades together. The knees should also be straight.
  5. When performing deadlifts, you should not bend your elbows. They should always remain straight, hanging down under the weight of the barbell or dumbbells. Only the hands and shoulders should work.
  6. Sudden movements when performing traction exercises are prohibited! All movements must be smooth. Sudden jumps are fraught with injury.

Analysis of the exercise

What muscles work

Like other rows, this one also uses the back muscles, just to a lesser extent. It is not worth considering that it isolates the buttocks and thighs.

During the exercise, the main movers are:

  • Gluteal;
  • hamstrings;
  • Long back muscles

Help the movement:

  • Trapezius, partly the broadest;
  • Abdominal muscles;
  • soleus;
  • Forearm muscles;
  • Quadriceps femoris are involved as stabilizers


  • Due to its more anatomically appropriate nature, it is more understandable for beginners. Everyone lifts bags from the floor up and carries them, this lift is reminiscent of carrying bags or suitcases more than working with weights in the gym;
  • Allows you to vary the technique, moving the projectiles a little more or less to the side, due to this the load on the back changes;
  • Places less stress on the lumbar region due to the absence of a fall off the floor phase;
  • Allows you to train at home with minimal equipment;
  • Suitable for women with poor physical fitness;
  • Helps strengthen your grip and hips so you can begin performing full-on regular deadlifts.


  • The weight of the dumbbells is distributed in such a way that many people have to use straps to work their legs and buttocks due to the fact that the equipment is not stable in the hands. This is not about some kind of “competition equipment” or specialization, it’s just that without straps it’s difficult to hold dumbbells of such weight, with which you can really train your legs and buttocks, and not just imitate the load in the gym;
  • Not everyone can keep their back in the correct position to pull dumbbells symmetrically. People with poor posture may find this exercise more difficult.

Deadlift. Deadlift with Straight Legs. Exercise for the Buttocks and Biceps Thighs.

Correct position

  • The depth of the bend in this exercise is determined by the athlete’s individual flexibility indicators, and not by any other indicators.
  • some special standards. Bend down to mid-shin is usually sufficient, but people with short arms may be able to use;
  • The movement, unlike the “classical” deadlift, begins in reverse. First, the athlete tilts, abducts the pelvis, and brings the projectiles to the middle of the shin, and then exhales making an effort;
  • The dumbbells move along the lateral surface of the thighs, or along the front surface of the thigh and lower leg so as not to interfere with the rise;
  • There is no back work, you should not move your shoulders in the upper position, or perform additional work with the body, “pulling” the dumbbells into the fixation position, which we do with a barbell;
  • The athlete's attention is concentrated on the work of the biceps of the thighs and buttocks, and not on the movement of the arms;
  • If your hands “give up” early, you should pay attention to the straps;
  • The position of the lower back is tense and arched; at the top point, the shoulders should not be pulled back;
  • The exercise should not be performed with the knees “inserted” at the top point; it is enough to simply straighten up


  • Rounded lower back and uneven movement of the arms, leading to distortions in the spine;
  • Insertion of knees is prohibited;
  • Reverse extension in the lumbar region while standing is also not desirable;
  • During straightening, there is no need to perform a shoulder shrug;
  • When straightening, it is not recommended to hit yourself on the hips with projectiles, emphasizing the movement

Efficiency Tips

  • It is believed that experienced athletes will benefit from placing their toes on a raised platform, such as a barbell plate. In fact, this is a controversial point, since elevation is not always able to improve the functioning of the hamstrings, but it will certainly lead to additional stress on the ligaments;
  • The slope should be deep, but not accentuated by a “spring” at the lowest point;
  • From about the second third of the lift, you need to shift your attention to the gluteal muscles, and through their work, fully ensure extension in the hip joint

In Smith

If you are a beginner (up to 1 year of experience) and have poorly developed core, back and leg muscles, but want to feel your hamstrings as much as possible, then the Smith machine (and a small elevation) will be the best option for you.

The guide supports have a given trajectory of movement and the imbalance of the body will be minimal. You can start with light weights and without a “boosting” platform. As your muscle growth and technical skills increase, increase the weight of the structure in the power frame and use the platform.

Benefits and contraindications

Deadlifts for the buttocks, like any exercise with dumbbells or a barbell, are quite difficult to perform. Therefore, not everyone can master it.

There are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account:

  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • protrusion;
  • compression;
  • disease of the wrist joints, elbows and shoulders;
  • problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Do not deadlift at elevated temperatures. In any case, before starting training, you should consult a doctor and an experienced trainer.

By working with dumbbells instead of a barbell, you increase the range of motion and engage more muscle fibers. In addition to this main advantage, the exercise has a number of positive aspects.


If, when performing any type of deadlift, a feeling of discomfort occurs, the lower back, knees and hip joints begin to hurt, the training should be stopped immediately. People who have problems with the musculoskeletal system need to approach this type of training with caution. The same applies to varicose veins, chronic fatigue and other diseases.

The lumbar region is subjected to the greatest load when performing deadlifts. Therefore, you cannot violate the recommended technique. For lower back pain, such exercises are generally contraindicated.

Particular attention is paid to breathing when performing deadlifts. When tense, you need to inhale. When relaxing, exhale. The breathing technique should be brought to automaticity.

Any deadlift exercise with dumbbells or a barbell for girls is traumatic. Therefore, the technique should be followed with special attention. In some cases, it is better to wear a belt to be on the safe side.

The deadlift is a technically complex exercise due to the large number of muscles involved, so you first need to master the technique well and only then take heavy weights.

  1. If you lift heavy weights or have had any back problems in the past, use a special belt to protect your lower back.
  2. Some watch the exercise while standing sideways to the mirror. You don't need to do this, stand straight. By turning your head to the side, you can shift the load and distribute it incorrectly.
  3. You need to lift weights from the floor with a straight back, no need to slouch, even if the weight of the dumbbells is small. Injury can occur even with minor loads. This, by the way, also applies to lifting any weights in everyday life.
  4. Do not perform deadlifts until you have mastered other variations of the exercise.
  5. Before deadlifting, be sure to warm up and do several exercises to prepare your back for the load. You can perform 2-3 sets of hyperextension exercises 10-15 times. It uses just the right muscles.

deadlift with dumbbells

The dumbbell deadlift is a necessary and important exercise to include in your training. It can be challenging to learn how to do correctly, but it improves strength and helps you perform better on other compound exercises, such as squats or lunges. This exercise is also functional in nature and helps a person in everyday life, since lifting weights from the floor is a common thing, in which almost everyone has at least once encountered unpleasant and painful sensations.

If you want your back to be strong and healthy, then you need to master the deadlift, and as early as possible. Which deadlift option is best to choose? Research shows that selection needs to be individualized, and results will vary from one type of craving to another for each person.

Runtime errors

1. One of the most common mistakes is performing the exercise with a rounded back. Basically, this error occurs when there is excessive weight on the projectile. The body is not able to lift the barbell using the correct technique, and the back comes in to help, which makes it a c-shaped bend. Always watch your back, it should be straight.

2. The bar is too far away. Too far a position is fraught with incorrect technique, since the projectile goes too far from the legs.

3. Bend your arm at the elbow. This happens when the weight of the projectile is too heavy. When an athlete tries with all his might to lift the barbell, it happens that the grip weakens, and you want to straighten the bar by bending your arms.

In addition to these three mistakes, I also recommend paying attention to:

  • Shoes. It is recommended to wear sneakers that fit snugly to your feet so that you can feel the floor while performing the exercise.
  • Different grips. Used when the projectile is too heavy.

You may experience a problem in the form of a weak grip when you deadlift with too much weight. To avoid this mistake, I recommend using straps.

Dear friends, I advise people who have back problems not to do such exercises. This can only make the situation worse. Before starting training, I recommend consulting a doctor and agreeing with him on all the exercises that can be performed without harming the body.

Now that we've covered the basic concepts and the most common mistakes that hinder quality execution, let's talk about technique.

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