What vitamins are good for health: what you need to know

Vitamin interactions

To support vitality and prevent a number of diseases, many people prefer to use multivitamin pharmaceuticals. When choosing such drugs, it is important to take into account the compatibility of the vitamins that are present in a particular drug. We can speak of a correct combination if 2 or more components interact with each other, and they enhance each other’s effect and have a positive effect.

With a deficiency of one or more nutrients, as well as with their excess, a person develops serious health problems.

To exclude such conditions, the combination of vitamins must be correct and balanced.

  • A and E interact well with each other, but there should be less of the latter, otherwise the absorption of the former is impaired;
  • B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) are ideal with K;
  • B12 can be combined with B5;
  • P enhances the properties of vitamin C, E, B9 (folic acid);
  • F enhances the properties of A, D, E, as well as group B;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) and B2;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) is recommended to be used in combination with B5, B9;
  • Vitamin C increases the activity of vitamin E.

With the right combination, there will be a certain result, which will be different from if each component is taken separately.

What vitamins cannot be combined

Good compatibility of vitamins can provide the body’s daily needs. If you take substances that interact poorly with each other, at best there will be no effect from such treatment, and at worst, the risk of developing side effects will increase.

vitamin compatibility

Before you start taking vitamins, you should familiarize yourself with their compatibility with each other.

Poor compatibility can disrupt the absorption of one or more components.

  • Vitamin D cannot be combined with A, since they neutralize each other’s effects;
  • Vitamin B2 leads to the oxidation of B1;
  • Vitamin B1, if combined with B12, can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Vitamin D is not absorbed if taken with vitamin E;
  • Vitamin B12 eliminates the properties of C and PP;
  • Vitamins A and D neutralize each other;
  • Vitamins E and D must be taken separately, since the first component is poorly absorbed under the influence of another substance;
  • Oxidation of vitamin B1 occurs under the influence of vitamin B2.

Many multivitamins contain substances that interact poorly with each other, but their composition is selected in such a way that it does not have a negative effect on the human body.

Foods that contain vitamin B1 - thiamine

When thiamine enters the body, it accumulates in the muscle tissue of the skeleton, brain, heart, and gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin deficiency develops with a poor diet, alcohol or nicotine abuse, and is often accompanied by neurological disorders. The daily requirement for the substance is 1-1.2 mg.

It is found in large quantities in foods of plant origin and certain meat products.

Main food sources of thiamine (in mg per 100 g of product):

Foods high in vitamin B1.

  • bread made from wheat flour - 0.18-0.23 mg;
  • soybean - 0.3-0.7 mg;
  • legumes (chickpeas, peas, lentils, beans) - 0.5 mg;
  • sunflower seeds - 1.8 mg;
  • greens (sorrel, spinach, asparagus, parsley) - 0.1-0.2 mg;
  • vegetables (carrots, celery, beets, potatoes, cabbage) - 0.08-0.15 mg;
  • fruits (pineapple, durian, tangerine, plum) - 0.08-0.3 mg;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins) - 0.1-0.15 mg;
  • offal (beef or pork liver, brain, heart) - 0.08-0.12 mg;
  • nuts (hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, peanuts) - 0.4-0.8 mg;
  • yeast - 0.4 mg;
  • flour (rye, wheat, buckwheat) - 0.4-0.5 mg.

Which microelements can and cannot be combined

Microelements are building materials for many biological processes. Their compatibility has been well studied, which allows many pharmaceutical companies to produce various multivitamin medications that contain 2 or more active ingredients.

  • Iron and copper interact with vitamin A and B2;
  • Vitamin B2 increases the healing properties of zinc, which improves the absorption of A;
  • Magnesium interacts with B vitamins, with the exception of vitamin B1;
  • Bromine increases the absorption of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium;
  • A good combination is zinc and selenium in combination with A and E, Omega-3.

Not all minerals interact well with vitamins. Some of them interfere with the absorption of beneficial components, while others reduce their effectiveness.

There are many examples of bad combinations of organic compounds:

  • Vitamin B1 is poorly compatible with magnesium and calcium;
  • Iron and copper interfere with the absorption of vitamin B2;
  • Vitamin B9, together with zinc, promotes the formation of insoluble compounds, which impairs their absorption;
  • Iron, copper and manganese make vitamin B12 inactive;
  • Vitamin C enhances the removal of copper from the body.

In the process of producing multivitamins, the manufacturer always takes into account the permissible doses of one or another component of the medicine.

Vitamin compatibility chart

The table will help you become more familiar with the possible combination of useful components.

  • “+” - good;
  • “-” - bad;
  • “#” is neutral.
A IN 1 AT 2 AT 5 AT 6 AT 9 AT 12 WITH E D
A A # # # # # # + #
IN 1 # IN 1 # # # # # # # #
AT 2 # # AT 2 # + + # # #
AT 5 # # # AT 5 # # + # # #
AT 6 # # + # AT 6 # # # #
AT 9 # # + # # AT 9 + # # #
AT 12 # + # + AT 12 #
WITH # # # # # # WITH + #
E + # # # # # + E #
D # # # # # # # # # D

Multivitamin Review

Domestic and foreign companies are making a lot of efforts to combine several compounds in one drug. They use a special controlled release technology, which allows them to combine incompatible components with different absorption intervals in one tablet. Thanks to such developments, there are quite a lot of multivitamin complexes on the market, the main purpose of which is to provide a person with the daily requirement of all nutritional components.

multivitamins effectiveness

Multivitamins contain at once all the vitamins that are combined with each other, which are necessary for normal life.

Multivitamin preparations that contain a large number of organic compounds necessary for the full functioning of the human body are popular.

Most multivitamins have the same composition, which contains the most popular compounds:

  • Vitamin A – improves vision, condition of skin, hair, improves the rheological properties of blood;
  • B vitamins – participate in metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Vitamin C – improves immunity;
  • Vitamin D – promotes healthy growth, strengthens the skeletal system;
  • Vitamin E – supports normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems;
  • Vitamin F and Omega-3 fatty acids are components for the full functioning of brain structures and myocardium.

All these organic compounds are present in any multivitamin medicine, but they are usually supplemented with microelements. The amount of each component depends on the purpose of the medicine itself: for children, adults or pregnant women. Sometimes such drugs have a medical purpose, that is, they are intended as an auxiliary therapy for a specific disease.

Nutritional supplements containing a number of useful components do not contain chemical components. Rich in fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, macro- and microelements for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.


Complivit contains group B compounds and ascorbic acid. It has a positive effect on the functionality of the body, regulates energy and metabolic processes, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, and increases the body’s resistance to various viral and bacterial infections.

As a preventive measure, Complivit is prescribed 1 tablet per day. In case of vitamin deficiency, the dose can be increased to 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 30 days.


Supradin is one of the three best vitamin and mineral pharmaceutical preparations. Contains 8 vitamins and 12 microelements. It is recommended to use Supradin for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency, unbalanced nutrition, reduced immunity, increased physical and mental stress during the period of active growth of adolescents.

According to many doctors, Supradin is especially effective in the spring, when nutrient reserves are depleted. Like any other pharmaceutical drug, Supradin has some contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before taking it.


Its rich composition allows it to be used as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent for a number of diseases. Vitrum not only stimulates the body's protective properties, but also improves the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Regular use of Vitrum completely provides a person with the necessary nutrients, improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, and increases the body's resistance to a large number of diseases. Tablets are taken once a day for 1 month.

The instructions contain a number of contraindications and side effects that you should read before use.


Multitabs is a popular line of multivitamins for adults and children. Recommended as a preventive or therapeutic agent in the fight against various diseases and conditions. Multitabs “classic” contains 10 vitamins and 7 macro- and microelements. A distinctive feature is the presence of iodine, which is absent in other similar medicines.

Multitabs improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, neutralizes free radicals, cleanses the body of toxins, and stimulates the immune system.

The daily dose is 1 tablet, washed down with a small amount of water. Take 1 hour before meals. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the composition. When taken correctly, side effects are very rare.


The alphabet is designed in different variations for adults and children. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the package contains tablets of 3 different colors. Each tablet contains specific vitamins and minerals and is taken at the prescribed time. Thanks to this combination of nutrients, the risk of developing an allergic reaction or side effects due to incompatibility of the components is significantly reduced. Allows you to provide an antioxidant effect, improve the rheological composition of the blood, and protect against various diseases.


On the pharmacological market, Pikovit is available in 2 forms - tablets and syrup for children. It has a balanced composition, which contains a number of organic compounds. Designed to suit all needs. In addition to the main substances, it contains calcium and phosphorus, vit. D for active and healthy growth, as well as the prevention of rickets.

Taking Pikovit increases learning abilities and supports the functioning of all functions. This multivitamin is most often used in pediatrics. Tablets are recommended for children from 4 years of age, and syrup from 1 year. A small list of contraindications and good tolerability make Pikovit one of the safe and effective multivitamins.

vitamin compatibility

Not all vitamins and minerals are compatible with each other

Vitamin K content in foods

Table of percentage of vitamin K in foods. The chart shows the percentage of vitamin K required per day based on a 100g serving.

QuantityShare of daily value per 100 g
1Dry basil1,714.5 mcg1 428,8%
2Ground sage1,714.5 mcg1 428,8%
3Dried thyme1,714.5 mcg1 428,8%
4Fresh parsley1,640.0 mcg1 366,7%
5Dried parsley1,359.5 mcg1 132,9%
6Dried coriander (cilantro) leaf1,359.5 mcg1 132,9%
7Fresh amaranth leaves1,140.0 mcg950,0%
8Fresh chard830.0 mcg691,7%
9Fresh dandelion leaves778.4 mcg648,7%
10Raw curly cabbage704.8 mcg587,3%
11Oregano oregano, dried621.7 mcg518,1%
12Marjoram spice powder621.7 mcg518,1%
13Fresh watercress541.9 mcg451,6%
14Boiled white mari494.2 mcg411,8%
15Boiled spinach493.6 mcg411,3%
16Fresh spinach482.9 mcg402,4%
17Canned spinach461.6 mcg384,7%
18Fresh kale437.1 mcg364,3%
19Fresh basil414.8 mcg345,7%
20Cooked cabbage (boiled)406.6 mcg338,8%
21Fresh beet tops400.0 mcg333,3%
22Frozen spinach372.0 mcg310,0%
23New Zealand fresh spinach337.0 mcg280,8%
24Cilantro (coriander leaves) fresh310.0 mcg258,3%
25Fresh chicory leaves297.6 mcg248,0%
26Fresh mustard greens257.5 mcg214,6%
27Broccoli raab cooked256.0 mcg213,3%
28Radicchio fresh255.2 mcg212,7%
29Fresh turnip tops251.0 mcg209,2%
30Raw beetroot250.0 mcg208,3%
31Fresh endive231.0 mcg192,5%
32Fresh broccoli raab224.0 mcg186,7%
33Fresh chives212.7 mcg177,3%
34Escarole cooked211.9 mcg176,6%
35Fresh onion193.4 mcg161,2%
36Soybean oil183.9 mcg153,3%
37Fresh Brussels sprouts177.0 mcg147,5%
38Ground black pepper163.7 mcg136,4%
39Mayonnaise163.0 mcg135,8%
40Fresh green onion156.3 mcg130,3%
41Cloves (spice) seasoning powder141.8 mcg118,2%
42Boiled broccoli141.1 mcg117,6%
43Boiled Brussels sprouts140.3 mcg116,9%
44Fresh red lettuce140.3 mcg116,9%
45Fresh lettuce126.3 mcg105,3%
46Boiled cabbage (white cabbage)108.7 mcg90,6%
47Fresh arugula108.6 mcg90,5%
48Fresh grape leaves108.6 mcg90,5%
49Hot chili peppers dried in the sun108.2 mcg90,2%
50Dried carrots108.0 mcg90,0%
51Ground dry chili pepper105.7 mcg88,1%
52Fresh Roman salad102.5 mcg85,4%
53Fresh head lettuce102.3 mcg85,3%
54Fresh broccoli101.6 mcg84,7%
55Broccoli frozen101.4 mcg84,5%
56Margarine91.7 mcg76,4%
57Chinese fresh broccoli89.1 mcg74,3%
58Chinese cooked broccoli84.8 mcg70,7%
59Paprika spice, powder form80.3 mcg66,9%
60Fresh cabbage, white cabbage76.0 mcg63,3%
61Canola oil71.3 mcg59,4%
62Soy flour70.0 mcg58,3%
63Fresh savoy cabbage68.8 mcg57,3%
64Raw seaweed66.0 mcg55,0%
65Fennel, raw (fruit or root)62.8 mcg52,3%
66Olive oil60.2 mcg50,2%
67Onion rings55.8 mcg46,5%
68Pine nut without shell53.9 mcg44,9%
69Boiled asparagus50.6 mcg42,2%
70Boiled green beans (asparagus)47.9 mcg39,9%
71Pickled cucumbers (pickled)47.0 mcg39,2%
72Soybeans, mature, dry47.0 mcg39,2%
73Fresh leek47.0 mcg39,2%
74Fresh Chinese cabbage45.5 mcg37,9%
75Frozen green beans (asparagus)44.8 mcg37,3%
76Sauerkraut (kimchi)43.6 mcg36,3%
77Raw green beans, asparagus43.0 mcg35,8%
78Raw asparagus41.6 mcg34,7%
79Canned asparagus41.3 mcg34,4%
80Celery root, raw41.0 mcg34,2%
81Fresh kiwi40.3 mcg33,6%
82Fresh red cabbage38.2 mcg31,8%
83Roasted cashews34.7 mcg28,9%
84Cashew raw34.1 mcg28,4%
85Corn chips (nachos) without salt33.6 mcg28,0%
86Fresh sprouted mung bean33.0 mcg27,5%
87Frozen edamame31.4 mcg26,2%
88Raw okra31.3 mcg26,1%
89Cinnamon powder31.2 mcg26,0%
90Fresh sprouted alfalfa seeds30.5 mcg25,4%
91Rhubarb stem raw29.3 mcg24,4%
92Fresh celery29.3 mcg24,4%
93Chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing28.9 mcg24,1%
94Frozen green peas27.9 mcg23,3%
95Edamame cooked26.7 mcg22,3%
96Prunes26.1 mcg21,8%
97Boiled green peas25.9 mcg21,6%
98Dried spirulina (in powder form)25.5 mcg21,3%
99Leeks cooked25.4 mcg21,2%
100Fresh green peas24.8 mcg20,7%
101Oat oil24.7 mcg20,6%
102Cottonseed oil24.7 mcg20,6%
103Cacao butter24.7 mcg20,6%
104Wheat germ oil24.7 mcg20,6%
105Rice bran oil24.7 mcg20,6%
106Pickled capers24.6 mcg20,5%
107Fresh iceberg lettuce24.1 mcg20,1%
108Abalone raw23.0 mcg19,2%
109Parsnip root raw22.5 mcg18,8%
110Agave syrup sugar substitute, sweetener22.5 mcg18,8%
111Fried onions21.6 mcg18,0%
112Canned green peas21.4 mcg17,8%
113Avocado fresh21.0 mcg17,5%
114Dried pear20.4 mcg17,0%
115Fresh blackberries19.8 mcg16,5%
116Frozen blackberries19.8 mcg16,5%
117Fresh blueberries19.3 mcg16,1%
118Boiled soybeans (ripe)19.2 mcg16,0%
119Dry red beans (Kidney)19.0 mcg15,8%
120Frozen carrots17.6 mcg14,7%
121Fresh pomegranate16.4 mcg13,7%
122Fresh cucumbers16.4 mcg13,7%
123Frozen blueberries16.4 mcg13,7%
124Dried peach15.7 mcg13,1%
125Dried figs15.6 mcg13,0%
126Canned carrot juice15.5 mcg12,9%
127Fresh cauliflower15.5 mcg12,9%
128Canned blackberry juice15.2 mcg12,7%
129Walnut oil15.0 mcg12,5%
130Fresh artichokes14.8 mcg12,3%
131Boiled artichokes14.8 mcg12,3%
132Frozen cauliflower14.8 mcg12,3%
133Naranjilla frozen14.6 mcg12,2%
134Grapes (red or green) fresh14.6 mcg12,2%
135Dry, ripe peas14.5 mcg12,1%
136Green hot chili pepper fresh14.3 mcg11,9%
137Fresh hazelnuts14.2 mcg11,8%
138Cracker14.2 mcg11,8%
139Red hot fresh chili pepper14.0 mcg11,7%
140Boiled cauliflower13.8 mcg11,5%
141Boiled carrots13.7 mcg11,4%
142Multigrain crispbread13.7 mcg11,4%
143Sesame oil13.6 mcg11,3%
144Turmeric spice powder13.4 mcg11,2%
145Potato chips without salt13.3 mcg11,1%
146Carrots raw (fresh)13.2 mcg11,0%
147Roasted pistachios (no salt)13.2 mcg11,0%
148Roasted salted pistachios13.2 mcg11,0%
149Dried mango13.2 mcg11,0%
150Sauerkraut13.0 mcg10,8%
151Caramel popcorn12.5 mcg10,4%
152Canned anchovies (in oil)12.1 mcg10,1%
153Canned tomato paste11.4 mcg9,5%
154Fresh red or white currants11.0 mcg9,2%
155Mars chocolate bar (almond)10.9 mcg9,1%
156Canned pomegranate juice10.4 mcg8,7%
157Fresh vegetable physalis10.1 mcg8,4%
158Green tomatoes, raw10.1 mcg8,4%
159Canned carrots9.8 mcg8,2%
160Donuts9.8 mcg8,2%
161Canned beef stew9.6 mcg8,0%
162Flaxseed oil9.3 mcg7,8%
163Chickpea flour9.1 mcg7,6%
164Chocolate white9.1 mcg7,6%
165Dry chickpeas9.0 mcg7,5%
166Beans, raw, mature9.0 mcg7,5%
167Dry mung bean9.0 mcg7,5%
168Dry potato flakes (instant puree)8.7 mcg7,3%
169Butter8.6 mcg7,2%
170Tortilla8.6 mcg7,2%
171Boiled red beans (Kidney)8.4 mcg7,0%
172Dark chocolate (45-59% cocoa)8.1 mcg6,8%
173Oatmeal cookies8.0 mcg6,7%
174Palm oil8.0 mcg6,7%
175Fresh tomatoes7.9 mcg6,6%
176Fresh mulberries7.8 mcg6,5%
177Whole grain wheat bread7.8 mcg6,5%
178Salted mackerel7.8 mcg6,5%
179Frozen logan berry7.8 mcg6,5%
180Fresh raspberries7.8 mcg6,5%
181Dried cranberries7.6 mcg6,3%
182Green bell pepper, fresh7.4 mcg6,2%
183French fries7.4 mcg6,2%
184Dark chocolate (70-85% cocoa)7.3 mcg6,1%
185Peeled pumpkin seeds7.3 mcg6,1%
186Dark chocolate (60-69% cocoa)7.2 mcg6,0%
187Safflower oil7.1 mcg5,9%
188Almond oil7.0 mcg5,8%
189Buckwheat flour7.0 mcg5,8%
190Marshmallows in chocolate7.0 mcg5,8%
191Veal cooked6.6 mcg5,5%
192Breadcrumbs6.6 mcg5,5%
193Fresh plum6.4 mcg5,3%
194Whole grain sorghum flour6.4 mcg5,3%
195Rye bread6.0 mcg5,0%
196Dry Lima beans6.0 mcg5,0%
197Rye grain (rye) in dry form5.9 mcg4,9%
198Rye flour5.9 mcg4,9%
199Pepperoni sausage5.8 mcg4,8%
200Milk chocolate5.7 mcg4,8%
201Dry pink beans5.7 mcg4,8%
202Focaccia5.7 mcg4,8%
203Twix chocolate bar5.6 mcg4,7%
204Dry variegated beans (Pinto)5.6 mcg4,7%
205Dry black beans5.6 mcg4,7%
206Fried chicken egg5.6 mcg4,7%
207Mustard seeds ground mustard5.4 mcg4,5%
208Jeera cumin seeds5.4 mcg4,5%
209Sunflower oil5.4 mcg4,5%
210Dry baked muesli (granola), crispy, with honey5.3 mcg4,4%
211Prickly pear (leaves) raw5.3 mcg4,4%
212Raw wakame seaweed5.3 mcg4,4%
213KitKat chocolate bar5.2 mcg4,3%
214Pear Conference fresh5.2 mcg4,3%
215Bread crackers5.2 mcg4,3%
216Baked goose5.1 mcg4,3%
217Cranberry juice without sugar5.1 mcg4,3%
218Peas boiled in water (ripe)5.0 mcg4,2%
219Irish moss raw5.0 mcg4,2%
220Fresh cranberries5.0 mcg4,2%
221Raw mackerel5.0 mcg4,2%
222Dry black-eyed beans5.0 mcg4,2%
223Dry lentils5.0 mcg4,2%
224Fresh red bell pepper4.9 mcg4,1%
225White wheat bread4.9 mcg4,1%
226Cooked pheasant4.9 mcg4,1%
227Fresh figs4.7 mcg3,9%
228Egg omelette4.5 mcg3,8%
229Fresh pear4.4 mcg3,7%
230Cheesecake4.4 mcg3,7%
231Raw zucchini4.3 mcg3,6%
232Chicken breast, boiled or stewed (without skin)4.3 mcg3,6%
233Flaxseed4.3 mcg3,6%
234Dried apples4.3 mcg3,6%
235Fried or baked zucchini (without oil)4.2 mcg3,5%
236Frozen zucchini4.2 mcg3,5%
237Mango fresh4.2 mcg3,5%
238Chayote raw4.1 mcg3,4%
239Red beans (Kidney) canned4.1 mcg3,4%
240Cooked chicken back (meat with skin)4.1 mcg3,4%
241Onion powder4.1 mcg3,4%
242Nori seaweed, raw4.0 mcg3,3%
243Boiled chickpeas4.0 mcg3,3%
244Chicken drumstick, stewed or boiled (meat with skin)4.0 mcg3,3%
245Baked chicken legs (meat with skin)3.9 mcg3,3%
246Chicken thighs, boiled or stewed (meat with skin)3.9 mcg3,3%
247Frozen red bell pepper3.8 mcg3,2%
248Duck (duck meat) baked (meat without skin)3.8 mcg3,2%
249Boiled pink beans3.7 mcg3,1%
250Fried potato3.7 mcg3,1%
251Chocolate bar Milky Way3.6 mcg3,0%
252Spelled cereal in dry form3.6 mcg3,0%
253Skinless chicken thighs, boiled or stewed3.6 mcg3,0%
254Boiled variegated beans (Pinto)3.5 mcg2,9%
255Feijoa fresh3.5 mcg2,9%
256Fresh eggplant3.5 mcg2,9%
257Cooked squash3.5 mcg2,9%
258Pecan3.5 mcg2,9%
259Seedless raisins3.5 mcg2,9%
260Boiled or stewed chicken legs (meat with skin)3.5 mcg2,9%
261Chicken drumstick (without skin), stewed or boiled3.4 mcg2,8%
262Paratha flatbread3.4 mcg2,8%
263Beef liver, stewed or fried3.3 mcg2,8%
264Boiled black beans3.3 mcg2,8%
265Canned apricots3.3 mcg2,8%
266Patisson raw3.3 mcg2,8%
267Fresh apricot3.3 mcg2,8%
268Baked chicken thighs (meat with skin)3.3 mcg2,8%
269Oat flour3.2 mcg2,7%
270Unheated oat bran3.2 mcg2,7%
271Crookneck pumpkin, raw3.2 mcg2,7%
272Baked chicken drumstick (meat with skin)3.2 mcg2,7%
273Fresh green Granny Smith apples3.2 mcg2,7%
274Beef liver raw3.1 mcg2,6%
275Dried apricots3.1 mcg2,6%
276Ketchup3.0 mcg2,5%
277Dried apples3.0 mcg2,5%
278Fresh melon2.9 mcg2,4%
279Raw red potatoes2.9 mcg2,4%
280Canned white beans2.9 mcg2,4%
281Cooked eggplant2.9 mcg2,4%
282Raw chicken skin2.9 mcg2,4%
283Boiled beans (ripe)2.9 mcg2,4%
284Cooked tomatoes2.8 mcg2,3%
285Duck (duck meat) raw meat, without skin2.8 mcg2,3%
286Fried chicken2.8 mcg2,3%
287Dry soy tofu cheese2.8 mcg2,3%
288Fresh tamarind2.8 mcg2,3%
289Dates Deglet nur2.7 mcg2,3%
290Dates Majul2.7 mcg2,3%
291Walnut2.7 mcg2,3%
292Black Walnut2.7 mcg2,3%
293Roasted sunflower seeds (hulled)2.7 mcg2,3%
294Colby cheese2.7 mcg2,3%
295Gruyère cheese2.7 mcg2,3%
296Boiled mung bean2.7 mcg2,3%
297Fresh guava2.6 mcg2,2%
298Fresh papaya2.6 mcg2,2%
299Fresh peach, pitted2.6 mcg2,2%
300Canned sardine in oil2.6 mcg2,2%
301Cheese Fontina2.6 mcg2,2%
302Fresh red apples2.6 mcg2,2%
303Fresh cantaloupe melon2.5 mcg2,1%
304Cocoa powder2.5 mcg2,1%
305Spirulina raw2.5 mcg2,1%
306Dry white beans2.5 mcg2,1%
307Monterey cheese2.5 mcg2,1%
308Raw chicken drumstick, meat with skin2.5 mcg2,1%
309Mexican cheese Anejo2.5 mcg2,1%
310Mexican Cheese Queso Chihuahua2.5 mcg2,1%
311Munster cheese2.5 mcg2,1%
312Goat cheese2.5 mcg2,1%
313Canned peaches2.4 mcg2,0%
314Processed cheese2.4 mcg2,0%
315Dry wheat groats2.4 mcg2,0%
316Cheddar cheese2.4 mcg2,0%
317Blue cheeses2.4 mcg2,0%
318Hard tofu cheese (linen)2.4 mcg2,0%
319Chicken back raw, meat with skin2.4 mcg2,0%
320Chicken back (without skin) raw2.4 mcg2,0%
321Mexican cheese Oaxaca2.4 mcg2,0%
322Cheese Port-Salut2.4 mcg2,0%
323Baked chicken2.4 mcg2,0%
324Boiled or stewed chicken2.4 mcg2,0%
325Yams cooked2.3 mcg1,9%
326Canned tomato juice, no salt2.3 mcg1,9%
327Cheese Limburger2.3 mcg1,9%
328Gouda cheese2.3 mcg1,9%
329Edam cheese2.3 mcg1,9%
330Brie cheese2.3 mcg1,9%
331Chicken legs (legs) raw, meat with skin2.3 mcg1,9%
332Yam raw2.3 mcg1,9%
333Baked sweet potato2.3 mcg1,9%
334Fresh nectarines2.2 mcg1,8%
335Fresh apples2.2 mcg1,8%
336Barley flour2.2 mcg1,8%
337Malted barley flour2.2 mcg1,8%
338Boiled potatoes2.2 mcg1,8%
339Pickled ginger2.2 mcg1,8%
340Fresh strawberries2.2 mcg1,8%
341Boiled potatoes in their jackets2.2 mcg1,8%
342Powdered milk2.2 mcg1,8%
343Frozen strawberries2.2 mcg1,8%
344Dry pearl barley2.2 mcg1,8%
345Dry barley groats2.2 mcg1,8%
346Pecorino Romano cheese2.2 mcg1,8%
347Provolone cheese2.2 mcg1,8%
348Raw chicken thighs, meat with skin2.1 mcg1,8%
349Cream cheese2.1 mcg1,8%
350Fresh cherries2.1 mcg1,8%

Basic principles of selection and reception

In order to get the maximum benefit from using vitamin complexes, it is important not only to be able to combine them correctly, but also to take them taking into account some recommendations:

  • Reduce consumption of coffee, strong tea and dairy products;
  • Do not exceed daily intake;
  • Choose according to age and body needs;
  • Study the composition before purchasing and the expiration date;
  • If you have problems swallowing tablets, it is better to buy them in the form of drops or syrup;
  • Store according to instructions;
  • Drink with clean water;
  • At the first sign of an allergy, stop taking it.

results of taking vitamins

To get the maximum results from taking multivitamins and reduce the risk of possible side effects, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the absence of dyes and flavors and other allergens.

Buying a medicine containing all the necessary substances at a pharmacy is quite simple. However, they should not be perceived as a “panacea”; it is important to remember that the only useful source of all vitamin and mineral components is food and a healthy lifestyle. You should not take vitamin supplements thoughtlessly, as they can bring both benefit and harm. Ideally, you need to undergo the necessary examinations, determine the deficiency of one or another component, and only then, according to a preliminary medical prescription, carry out treatment or preventive measures. After all, self-medication can cause significant harm to health.

Where is more vitamin B2 - riboflavin?

Riboflavin is not stored in the human body; excess substance is excreted through the kidneys. To prevent vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to include daily in the diet foods rich in vitamin B2 (eggs, nuts, mushrooms, meat and dairy). The required daily dose is 1.7-2.2 mg.

How much riboflavin is contained in different foods (in mg per 100 g):

Foods rich in vitamin B2.

  • mushrooms (ceps, champignons, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms) - 0.5-2.5 mg;
  • meat by-products (beef kidneys, liver) - 1.8-2.1 mg;
  • cheeses (feta, suluguni, camembert, roquefort, cheddar) - 0.85-0.4 mg;
  • milk powder - 1.8-1.3 mg;
  • nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pine) - 0.5-0.7 mg;
  • eggs - 0.6 mg;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir) - 0.18-0.3 mg;
  • fish (salmon, pink salmon, salmon, herring, herring, mackerel) - 0.15-0.25 mg.

Most cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits contain 0.03-0.08 mg of the substance.

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