Say goodbye!" unnecessary. Fat burning diet: menu for the week, reviews

If ballast appears in the waist area, there is an easy way to get rid of it.

Today there are many diets for losing weight. Many are based on separate nutrition, fractional meals, the absence or minimization of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in food.

You can choose your diet by seeking qualified advice from a nutritionist. This is the surest path, but you can make the choice yourself by familiarizing yourself with different diets and relying on the main goals that you want to achieve after using the diet.

When choosing a diet, you need to take into account the personal characteristics of your body.


When choosing any type of diet, you must remember that you will need willpower, patience and responsibility.

There are different diets

The choice of diet depends on many factors:

  • your current weight;
  • expected result;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • your general physical condition;
  • your age, etc.

If your weight exceeds 120 kg, long-term diets, for example, the Protasov or Dukan diet, are suitable. If you need to slightly adjust your figure and lose just a couple of kilograms, you can choose any of the many short-term diets: English, French, medical diet, chemical, low-carbohydrate.

The latter diet is especially effective in getting rid of fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is important for many women of different ages.

Basic rules that many people previously underestimated

Fat-burning diet - Extra pounds will not decorate either a man or a woman. To feel your best, you need to get in shape. A beautiful person is someone who likes himself first of all.


Losing excess weight means dietary restrictions and a shake-up for the body. Any relaxation will lead the person losing weight to the same result or to a worse condition. The body will quickly make up for the deficiency if you neglect the diet rules:

  • Combining a diet with stable physical activity aimed at problem areas of the body.
  • Small portion size.
  • Balanced and varied diet.
  • A radical change in diet.
  • Smooth transition to a new type of nutrition.
  • Correct water regime.
  • Food needs to be chewed well.
  • You can't skip breakfast or go hungry.

You should not approach dieting as a short and difficult stage of life. Her goal is not to overcome herself, but to change her attitude towards food and lifestyle in general. Switching to a healthy, balanced menu is the way to slowly get rid of extra pounds that will not come back.

Overweight people make a lot of mistakes, which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, an increase in body volume, lethargy and decreased activity: they overeat, consume large amounts of sugar, and eat at night.

Fat burning diet Exercising helps you lose weight

Features of the method

If you want to not only get rid of an extra 2-3 kilograms in a week, but also correct problem areas, one of which is the waist area, the best diet for this is a fat-burning diet.

It minimizes the amount of carbohydrates and increases the amount of protein foods. Scientists have proven that protein not only cleanses the intestines of unnecessary deposits and accumulations, but also improves the overall flora of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes metabolism and saturates the body with glucose. All this will help burn unnecessary fat and strengthen muscle tissue.


While undergoing a fat-burning diet for weight loss, it is advisable to engage in physical exercise, focusing on exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Fat burning diet for a week: rules and recommendations

The fat-burning diet is fundamentally different from most others - it does not help slow down metabolic processes, on the contrary, it speeds them up. The food system is designed for a week. The result will surprise anyone: you will begin to lose weight rapidly.

Not only kilograms will go away, but also volumes - there is a pronounced effect of figure correction. The diet is ideal if, with a normal BMI, there are fat deposits and you are unhappy with your figure. Suitable for any age (in the absence of contraindications).

The creators of this nutrition system are convinced that body weight is not the main criterion for female attractiveness. Therefore, a fat-burning diet helps not only to lose weight, but also to reduce volume. Fat tissue melts while maintaining muscle mass.

The essence of the diet

All low-carb diets are based on protein and complex carbohydrates. Therefore, the fat-burning diet menu must include:

  • boiled lean meat;
  • boiled, steamed or baked fish;
  • seafood;
  • products containing calcium, including low-fat dairy products;
  • fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and vitamins;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • bran and grains;
  • liquid in large quantities.


If you have any diseases of the internal organs, then before using the diet, consultation with a nutritionist is mandatory.

A fat-burning diet for the belly has several mandatory rules:

  • maintaining a balanced daily diet for at least 7 days;
  • consumption of minimal salt, no sugar;
  • strict adherence to diet. You need to eat food at the same time.

Table of permitted products

The key to the diet is to increase your protein intake while decreasing your carbohydrate intake. Based on this rule, it is important to choose products wisely, as well as determine their daily intake. The following table will help in this matter:

List of productsNorm per day
SquirrelsEgg2 pieces
Lean fish (bream, pike perch, pollock, carp, pike, mullet, flounder), seafoodup to 200 g
Dietary meat (chicken, turkey, veal)150 g
Nuts (except peanuts)30 g
Hard cheeseup to 60 g
Low fat cottage cheese100 g
Kefir, low fat milk200 ml
Natural yogurt150 g
Slow carbohydratesBread (whole grain, rye or bran)up to 2 slices
Porridge on water (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley)100 g
Peas (canned)150 g
Pasta100 g
CellulosePotatoes (boiled, baked)2 pieces
Lentils, beans (boil, stew)150 g
Vegetables of your choice (except corn, beets)150 g
Fruits: grapefruit, orange, apricot, cherry, pear, pineapple200 g
Dried fruitsup to 50 g

The most preferred fruits are pineapples and grapefruits, as they are low-calorie fat-burning foods.

Diet menu

Menu options

The diet should be varied and low in calories. To calculate the amount of calories you need, you need to adhere to the following data:

  • for burning fat cells – up to 30 calories per 1 kg of body weight;
  • to maintain weight – up to 35 calories.

If you are active during the day or play sports, the number of calories your body needs may be higher. Consulting a nutritionist will allow you to accurately determine the caloric intake you need.

In this diet, it is recommended to consume fruits only in the first half of the day; vegetables, on the contrary, should be eaten at lunch and dinner. You need to drink a lot; you can drink not only water, but also low-fat yoghurts and kefir.

The fat burning diet menu can be designed for a month or a week. Let's consider several options for the daily diet. Each of these days can form the basis of a fat-burning diet menu for a week.

Option #1


green tea, grapefruit.


Vegetable soup, a piece of boiled beef, freshly squeezed juice.

Afternoon snack:

a glass of low-fat kefir, vegetable salad.


rosehip infusion, sweet pepper, cucumber.

Option No. 2


low-fat kefir, baked vegetables, apple.


chicken broth, a piece of white boiled chicken meat, light salad.

Afternoon snack:

nuts, tomato and cabbage salad.


cabbage salad, tomato, herbal tea.

Option #3


fruit salad, freshly squeezed juice, low-fat cottage cheese.


vegetable broth, a piece of boiled beef, seafood.

Afternoon snack:

low-fat cottage cheese, nuts, red sweet pepper.


cabbage and tomato salad, a small amount of rice.

Option No. 4


baked apples and prunes, juice.


fish broth, grilled fish, herbal tea.

Afternoon snack:

seaweed salad, tomato, rosehip infusion.


vegetable broth, salad.


In the fat-burning diet menu for weight loss, you need to monitor the number of calories. Salt and sugar – minimum. Eat at the same time - 4 times a day.

The basis of the diet on a fat-burning diet

The advantage of this food system is its non-strict menu, the composition of which resembles a construction set. The choice of products is limited, but allows you to choose combinations that won’t get boring.

The basis of the diet is proteins, fiber, and drinking water.

We don't fry anything! Bake, boil, simmer. Reduce the amount of salt.

Products not mentioned in the weekly menu and not included in the recommended list are temporarily excluded completely.


Protein foods provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, reduce cravings for sweets, provide energy and maintain muscle mass. But excess protein foods are also not beneficial. The recommended amount is about 1-1.5 g per kilogram of weight. The body can absorb no more than 35 g of pure protein at a time.

1 serving of protein includes:

  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 200 g of lean fish or seafood;
  • 150 g lean meat;
  • 50 g low-fat cheese;
  • 150 g of cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat;
  • 35 g of nuts (any except peanuts and strictly without salt);
  • 150 ml low-fat kefir + ½ serving from the list above (optional).

emergency diet for 7 days


Fiber is vital in a protein diet! It ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates intestinal motility. Proteins are quite heavy foods that contribute to constipation. Therefore, fiber must be consumed daily.

It is present in vegetables and fruits, but in limited quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase fiber separately (sold in bags and jars in the diabetic and healthy food departments). Available in almost all stores.

1 serving of vegetables/fruits includes:

  • 250 g of fresh or frozen berries;
  • 2 any small fruits;
  • 300 g of boiled vegetables (except corn, potatoes);
  • 150 g canned corn or peas;
  • 300 g vegetable salad (dressing: lemon juice and a couple of drops of olive oil).

It is recommended to consume fruits before lunch.

Slow carbohydrates

A complete refusal of carbohydrates can result in harm to the body, so a fat-burning diet allows a portion of complex carbohydrates twice a day.

1 serving of slow carbohydrates includes:

  • 200 g buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal in water;
  • 100 g boiled lentils, beans;
  • 2 medium baked potatoes;
  • 1 small piece of whole grain bread.


The fourth most important component of the diet is drinking water in an amount of at least 2 liters. Drinking plenty of fluids will also reduce the negative impact of excess protein foods on the body and enhance the effect of weight loss and fat burning. How to drink water correctly to lose weight and reduce in volume, read this article.

Ieta Kima Protasova description

Who is the method suitable for?

This diet is suitable for all healthy people. However, if you have chronic diseases, then any diet should be approached with extreme caution.

and only after consultation with your doctor.

It is also dangerous to use diets for people with hormonal disorders.

In women, hormonal imbalances usually occur during menopause, and any diet can aggravate hormonal imbalance. In men, physiology directly depends on testosterone, a hormone that controls the burning of fat cells in the body. If there is an imbalance of this hormone in the body, it is better to start not with a diet, but with drugs that stimulate normal testosterone levels in the body, and only after that, as prescribed by a doctor, begin to fight excess fat with the help of a diet.

What is fat burning or cutting?

Fat burning is a set of methods that aim to burn fat located under the skin without harming the general condition of the body and muscles. This fat is formed due to nutrients supplied with food - carbohydrates. If you consume them in quantities that the body is not able to expend, they will accumulate in muscle tissue. With continued overeating, it will transform into fat. You can adjust your carbohydrate intake by eating healthy, low-calorie foods combined with exercise. This will reduce their quantity to the required level, and the body will again begin to use them correctly. The fat burning process continues until the problem areas get rid of extra centimeters - about 4 weeks.

Do's and don'ts

So, this diet is aimed at consuming protein and complex carbohydrates.

In addition to meat, seafood, low-calorie dairy products, you should eat cereals, legumes, greens, all legumes (peas, beans, beans, etc.), various types of cabbage, especially broccoli, fruits, herbal and berry teas, seeds and nuts.

Daily consumption of red tomatoes and red bell peppers is encouraged in a fat-burning diet.

, because these vegetables contain a lot of acids that easily fight fat cells.

It should be remembered that the consumption of simple carbohydrates and fat in this diet is unacceptable. Must be avoided:

  • any types of oil;
  • dairy products containing fats;
  • fatty meat (even boiled).

You also need to limit your intake of salt and sugar. Therefore, all cooked foods should be free of these crystals.

The salts and minerals found in the products will be sufficient. If the taste is not enough, you can sprinkle the food with lemon juice or fruit vinegars before eating.

Do not use under any circumstances:

  • White bread;
  • confectionery;
  • sweet coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • pasta;
  • canned foods;
  • sausages;
  • chocolate.

If 4 meals a day seems too harsh to you, then you can supplement it with two snacks,

which may consist of:

  • brown rice;
  • celery and cabbage salad;
  • baked fruits and vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • bran bread;
  • boiled egg;
  • boiled corn;
  • low-fat yogurt.


The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime - no later.

Is there any harm

A fat-burning diet for losing belly fat, when carried out correctly and with the necessary physical activity, is mostly beneficial. The only disadvantages that can be noted are constipation and problems in the genitourinary system caused by large amounts of protein.

Consultations with specialists will help you get away from these problems.

For women, difficulties arise because the diet completely lacks sweets. Therefore, in exceptional cases, while on a fat-burning diet for weight loss, you can allow yourself one piece of candy a week, but only on the condition that the calories are worked off in the gym.


People who have diseases of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, endocrine system, or experiencing hormonal imbalances should not go on a diet. Diet can aggravate the disease.

Healthy recipes

On a fat-burning diet, you should pay attention to the following recipes.

Onion soup

This is a fat-burning soup that can be prepared for lunch and dinner:

  1. Peel 6 medium-sized onions and cut into large rings.
  2. Shred one head of cabbage.
  3. Cut a bunch of celery into rings.
  4. We wash 2 bell peppers, divide them into two parts, remove the seeds and cut them into squares.
  5. Combine all the vegetables in a saucepan, add 1.5 water and place on medium heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat, add salt and pepper to the soup, chop the herbs to your taste and remove from the heat after 10 minutes.

This soup is great for losing belly fat.

You can find even more vegetable soups at the link:


The following salads can be served both for main meals and as a snack:

  • Take apple and pineapple in equal proportions, cut into cubes and combine. Take a bunch of celery and cut it into slices. Add to the fruit, pour in 3-4 tablespoons of yogurt, mix and serve.
  • We grate one apple on a fine grater, as well as a small celery root. We combine the gruel, taking into account that there should be 3 times more apple pulp. Dress the salad with yogurt.


For breakfast or as a snack, you can prepare the following fat-burning drink:

  1. Finely chop the kiwi and season with the juice of half a lemon. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the products and transfer to a glass.
  2. Pour water, add 5-7 mint leaves. Mix and, if desired, grind with a blender.

You can prepare the cocktail according to the recipe from the video:

Effect and results

If you followed a strict diet for a week and did not increase the calorie content of your daily diet, the effect will not take long to arrive. Reviews about the fat-burning diet are encouraging: in 7 days you will lose at least 2, maximum 4 kg.

During the diet, you should drink up to 2 and a half liters of water per day. This will speed up your metabolism and help you burn excess fat faster.

If you strictly adhere to your diet and take food on time, the effect will not be long in coming.

If at the same time you pump up your abdominal muscles throughout the day using any, even the simplest, methods (bicycle, raising and lowering your legs while lying down and sitting, etc.), you will quickly notice how your waist has changed. The muscles will become elastic, the body will become toned.



“During the entire diet, I cooked the same soup every day. Very tasty and healthy. I recommend. Just take a tomato, bell pepper, cabbage, celery leaves and assorted greens. You can throw it all into a light meat broth or just water. Boil for 10 minutes, throw in the greens at the last moment. Let it sit, closing the lid. The broth is so flavorful and delicious. I ate it 2 times a day for a week and lost 2 kg. But she continued to cook it and after 7 days, the body somehow began to demand healthy products. As of today, I have lost 8 kg, I have been on the diet for 47 days. I'm used to this kind of food. I no longer want cakes and chocolate; it’s better to eat an apple. The lightness in the body is incredible. I do a lot of things in a day. Looks like this is my diet."

Tatiana: "

I’ve been following a fat-burning diet for 2 months now, and I’ve lost 4 kg. I’m starting to update my wardrobe, since my waist size has decreased by 6 cm.”


“When I went on a belly fat-burning diet, I was simply tormented - how can I live without a bun? Replaced the bread with crispbread. It tastes almost the same. And in terms of benefits, it is invaluable. In the 2nd week I realized that I didn’t want any baked goods or flour. I have been on this diet for 58 days, the result is pleasing - minus 8 kg. Moreover, I eat baked vegetables and fruits, grilled meat, and baked fish. The weight does not return, and there is practically no belly. I don’t want to go back to fatty foods, even oil has started to disgust me.”

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