An unusual diet where you need to eat every 3 hours: sample menu, reviews

Diet by the clock helps not only to lose weight, but also to speed up metabolism and set the body to burning fat. Get a list of allowed foods and 4 menu options, lose up to 8 kg per month without starving!
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Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 12/27/2019

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Most weight loss techniques recommended by nutritionists for proper and healthy weight loss are based on fractional meals. His idea is to eat little and often. Even more detailed observance of this principle involves the so-called clock diet, the rules of which establish not only the specific number of meals, but also their hourly timing during the day. Unlike most traditional dietary diets, which require significant food restrictions, this program in its classic version is quite balanced, not hungry at all, and at the same time very effective.

Essence and features

If you try to remember how you eat during the day, then you won’t have to talk about any regularity. Work forces many to give up full meals in favor of snacks on the go, and not the most healthy foods.

George Cruz proposes to radically change the food system. This is a fitness trainer who achieved everything only thanks to his own willpower. As a child, George was a well-fed boy, so he was constantly attacked by his peers. Tired of offensive nicknames, he decided to take himself seriously and continue to help other fellow sufferers.

Vaeno! Cruz's method is based on the fact that you need to eat every 3 hours, giving the digestive system time to fully digest food. This time is enough for the body to feel full.

You won't have an irresistible appetite, and thoughts about food won't constantly interfere with your work process.

The fitness trainer himself is confident that a diet on which you need to eat every 3 hours allows you to maintain muscle mass, which on other diets suffers due to the lack of protein in the menu, but at the same time consume body fat to provide the body with energy. Frequent and erratic meals, according to Cruz, have a detrimental effect on digestion and inhibit metabolic processes.

Of course, not everyone will be able to implement this technique. If every person had the opportunity to eat at the time when they need it, there would be fewer problems with excess weight.

However, the employment contract sets clear boundaries for meal times, so not everyone will be able to choose food over work.

The difficulty also lies in accustoming yourself to eating at a certain time. For many, the habit of eating chaotically has been developed for years and even decades, so it will not be easy to suppress your cravings. To help yourself, you can download an application to your phone, which will notify you when you need to eat, or use a banal alarm clock.

Among other nutritionists, there is conflicting opinion about the three-hour diet. Some support it, others question the fact that adipose tissue will be used up just like that, without changing the food basket. Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe a fitness trainer who was previously the object of ridicule because of his plump figure.

What is the key to success

  1. The first basic rule is to eat no more than 200 g at one meal. To accurately measure portions, it is better to use electronic kitchen scales, since determining weight “by eye” is fraught with unsatisfactory results.
  2. The second important point is that you will have to eat at least five to six times a day, choose low-calorie foods and clearly maintain time intervals between meals of three hours.
  3. It is necessary to chew food slowly and thoroughly, so the feeling of fullness will come faster. Preference should be given to boiled, stewed, steamed dishes, limiting fatty, sweet and salty foods.
  4. The volume of liquid consumed should be 1.5-2 liters per day, it is better if it is simple still water, herbal decoctions, green or black tea, compote without sugar.
  5. Any regular physical activity will help quickly bring your body back to normal. This could be long walks or jogging, morning exercises at home or classes at the gym.


Unlike many other methods, the three-hour diet allows you to eat any food not only boiled, baked or steamed, but also fried. George Cruz believes that scrambled eggs fried in olive oil will not do any harm if you eat them for breakfast.

The creator of the diet with meals every 3 hours does not offer a clear menu, but you can create it yourself, taking into account your favorite foods. For example, it might look like this:

  • breakfast - an omelet with skim milk, lean ham and herbs, 1 orange or freshly squeezed juice diluted with water;
  • second breakfast – 2 kiwis, you can make a cocktail with low-fat kefir;
  • lunch – spaghetti with chicken and low-fat hard cheese;
  • afternoon snack – dietary cookies;
  • dinner – baked fish with vegetables;
  • second dinner – a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.

The 200 gram diet is a popular method for losing weight

Weight 75 kg with height. During pregnancy I gained a lot. Always been 55 kg. I want to lose this weight again. I cut out sweets and began to eat much less than before. In the morning I eat porridge at 10 o’clock, lunch at 1 pm, and instead of dinner, kefir with bran. Hi, I also lost weight on fractional meals, in 1.5 years I lost 78 kg, I eat a gram every 3 hours, I excluded sweets, flour, more healthy foods in my diet, and 2 liters of water a day, at first it was hard, then I got used to it, my stomach shrank.

Cosmo recommends

Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe a fitness trainer who was previously the object of ridicule because of his plump figure. The basic principle of this technique is eating every 3 hours of wakefulness, without exception. Of course, if you have lunch 5 minutes later than you should, nothing bad will happen, but you can’t postpone your meal for hours. Physical activity deserves special attention.

George Cruz himself claims that his diet, which requires eating every 3 hours, is intended for those who do not have the opportunity to exercise. However, a relaxed lifestyle is not the best reason for those who want to lose weight. If you are aiming for a good result, then it is better to at least do a few exercises on problem areas at home. This will help you quickly get rid of fat deposits and tighten your skin, preventing it from sagging due to weight loss. There are enough proteins and carbohydrates in the diet, so there will be no exhaustion due to exercise.

George Cruz does not limit those losing weight in the choice of foods - you can eat whatever you like. Only you need to consume no more than kcal per day, so you will have to constantly monitor the nutritional value of your products.

Many nutritionists believe that split meals for weight loss are the smartest meal plan. This diet is suitable for most people.

The good thing about the diet is that it doesn’t create strict limits when choosing a food basket. Even vegetarians can use this technique if they create a diet without including animal food.

Unlike many other methods, the three-hour diet allows you to eat any food not only boiled, baked or steamed, but also fried. George Cruz believes that scrambled eggs fried in olive oil will not do any harm if you eat them for breakfast. The creator of the diet with meals every 3 hours does not offer a clear menu, but you can create it yourself, taking into account your favorite foods.

For example, it might look like this:. However, it is better to replace such snacks with something healthy, such as vegetables and fruits. If you can’t do without sweets, then you can prepare homemade desserts from natural products. The duration of the three-hour diet can be determined independently. Some adhere to the established principles for a month, others hold on for six months, and others even decide to accept this food system as a permanent one.

Most weight loss techniques recommended by nutritionists for proper and healthy weight loss are based on fractional meals. His idea is to eat little and often. Even more detailed observance of this principle involves the so-called clock diet, the rules of which establish not only the specific number of meals, but also their hourly timing during the day.

Everyone acts in their own interests: if you have achieved the desired results, you can either further improve your body, or return to your previous diet, keeping your figure in shape with light exercises.

Consider other diet options.


By adhering to the principles of this technique, you can lose 2-3 kg in a month without changing your gastronomic preferences in any way. Of course, it’s better to give up fast food, but all other foods remain on the diet menu, where you need to eat every 3 hours, and benefit your figure.

Depending on the results achieved on the clockwise diet, which requires eating every 3 hours, people leave different reviews.

For example, the girl Alena writes the following review about a diet on which you can eat every 3 hours: “At first it’s difficult to adjust, but then you get into the habit of eating after 3 hours according to the sample menu presented on the diet website. The best thing about it is that it accelerates your metabolism; you can feel the lightness in your stomach even after a heavy lunch. I followed a diet for 4 months, trying to eat everything except obviously junk food. I lost 8 kg, and the result is very noticeable.”

Another girl, Ksenia, left the following review about the diet with meals every 3 hours: “I followed this diet for almost a month, I tried to eat only low-calorie foods - chicken, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
The problems started in the afternoon - light meals made 3 hours seem like an eternity. In general, I didn’t torture myself any further. I lost 3.5 kg and returned to my normal diet.”

Benefits of the diet

  • It is effective and well tolerated, as it blocks a strong feeling of hunger and the associated bad mood.
  • Eliminates breakdowns and overeating, ensuring long-term results.
  • Allows you to smoothly and without unnecessary stress reduce the amount of food and calories consumed per day.
  • Normalizes insulin production and blood sugar levels.
  • Speeds up metabolism and starts fat burning processes.
  • Reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • It has no side effects and no age restrictions.


A diet with meals every 3 hours is not a panacea for those who want to lose weight. Some simply will not be able to get rid of excess weight if they leave all the usual foods in their diet.

Some people need to give preference to low-carb foods, while others need to start playing sports, so the method is selected individually. A diet with meals every 3 hours will help those who suffer from excess weight due to poor nutrition to lose weight.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Eating frequently is the key to weight loss

Be sure to use good fish oil - it helps burn fat. It took me different amounts per week, when it was 3 kg, when it was 4 kg, sometimes the weight was almost constant. Now I've apparently reached a plateau, but I'm happy. Height, weight This diet has a positive effect on me; I generally try to stick to eating more often, but in small portions, and also drinking more water.

My only weakness is sweets, but I found a solution and switched to sam zam prebiosvit stevia and now use it instead of regular sugar. The diet is called “5 tablespoons”. I read a lot about her. The point is, you eat whatever you want every 3 hours.

But only 5 tbsp. You only need to exclude sugary drinks. The amount of water, tea without sugar is unlimited. The stomach eventually gets used to such small portions and no longer requires more! I always wanted fish during pregnancy. I really like this option, but I would not call it a diet, but still proper nutrition.

When I started, my weight dropped by 6 kg in a month from 82 to 82. The body also liked it, the gastrointestinal tract began to work much better, there was more energy, and I stopped being in a constantly sleepy state. I recommend, so to speak:. The lightness is incredible! Yes, it's more about proper nutrition. And no one canceled sports. The same goes for “5 tablespoons.” About five years ago I lost 10 kg in 2 months using it. Then I gave it up. Now I’m eating this way again for the second month.

I’m 26 years old, I weigh 58 and I need to lose 5 kg. In general, you should always eat like this.

Disadvantages of the diet

And you don’t feel hungry and you lose weight. Just don’t need to limit yourself in anything, then you’ll lose it anyway and then the weight will come back, even if you eat 5 spoons. I eat absolutely everything, both fried and sweet. In general, as usual, only little by little and not earlier than after 3 hours, and the weight comes off.

I also decided to lose weight.

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