Eye of Renaissance (Five Tibetan Pearls) - my review of the practice

I became acquainted with the practice “Eye of Renaissance” (“Five Tibetan Pearls”, “Five Tibetans”) in 2009. At one time I did them regularly, then gave up, resumed again and gave up. Three months ago I started again. And during all this time I have accumulated some experience in its implementation.

There is no consensus regarding the origin of the Eye of Rebirth practice. Some consider it secret esoteric knowledge, the bearers of which were Tibetan lamas, and believe that it transforms not only the physical, but also other, non-material human bodies. Accordingly, exercises are called rituals or ritual actions. Others do not see anything supernatural in it, just a very effective set of exercises that significantly improves well-being. All Oka exercises are taken from yoga and are widely known for their effectiveness. Be that as it may, when performed wisely, the “Eye of Rebirth” really helps to significantly improve your health.

Eye of Renaissance or 5 Tibetan exercises

The essence of performing Tibetan gymnastics is to obtain a certain energy. The energy of prana, ether and light helps preserve youth. If any of these components, or vortexes (as they are called), are missing, the body experiences certain disruptions.

Health problems occur and early aging occurs. The training of Tibetan monks helps restore the strength and speed of energy vortices.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

The “5 Tibetans” complex also tones and strengthens major muscle groups. Thanks to this, practitioners quickly gain or restore good physical shape.

The essence of Tibetan gymnastics and contraindications

“Eye of Renaissance” belongs to the system of eastern spiritual practices. This direction provides for a close connection between internal energy centers and the basic principles of natural science. Tibetan philosophy says that human health is possible only with the full functioning of the chakras, or energy centers. The energy centers coincide with the main hormonal centers in the human body.

The goal of gymnastics is to activate energy vortices that are responsible for the general condition of the body, its health and youth. When a person is healthy, his energy vortexes vibrate at high frequencies, giving the etheric body an oval (egg) shape.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

If there are any health problems, the speed of rotation of the energy funnels becomes much slower, and the exchange of energy with the outside world is disrupted. As a result, diseases develop and the aging process begins prematurely.

The complex of five pearls of Tibetan monks was built in such a way that, through simple exercises in combination with proper breathing, the correct order of energy movement can be restored, and the body can be kept healthy and youthful for a longer period.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

All Tibetan exercises intensively involve all major joints, spine, muscles and ligaments. Therefore, before you start, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to performing exercises and consult your doctor.

The main contraindications for which you should refuse to perform gymnastics or exclude certain exercises:

  • Hypertension;
  • Angina pectoris, arrhythmia, other heart diseases, previous heart surgery;
  • Spinal injuries, hernias and any diseases of the spine;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Age up to 7 or over 65 -70 years;

If there is one contraindication or another, it is sometimes possible to perform the exercises. But for safety, supervision by an experienced specialist is advisable.

The principle of action of the Tibetan monks' exercise technique for health

Practicing masters of the Tibetan method confirm that gymnastics brings enormous health benefits.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

The principles of its operation are aimed at:

  • restoration of vitality;
  • improving the condition of the muscles of the whole body, giving them tone. At the same time, lightness and flexibility return to the body;
  • increasing the functionality of the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood pressure;
  • elimination of weight fluctuations;
  • relief from pain in the spine and joints;
  • getting rid of chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Preventive action;
  • activation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of problems with the cycle in women. Improving the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • relief from headaches, improved vision;
  • improving memory, concentration, improving sleep quality.

Gradually, with practice, the nervous system returns to normal. Depressions, neuroses, and any mental disorders disappear or become less frequent and not deep.

general information

As can be seen from the reviews, the Eye of Renaissance gymnastics is surprisingly well suited to our compatriots and residents of other European powers. To some extent this seems surprising when we remember that the technology was developed in the Far East. The method involves rejuvenation - not only physical, but, more importantly, spiritual. At the same time, the “Eye of Rebirth” promises the development of a person practicing the exercise. Gymnastics was created by the monks of Tibet and consists of six exercises designed for regular practice. Five of them can be done by anyone and everyone. Such techniques allow you to heal your body, throw off the past years, and feel again the joy of life, inspiration, and the desire to create. The last, sixth, is an exercise created for those striving for complete freedom from the mortal world. It allows you to achieve spiritual improvement and effectively free yourself from sexual attachments to this world.

eye of rebirth 5 exercises reviews

As indicated in the reviews of the exercises, the “Eye of Revival” helps only those who are sincerely, with all their might, interested in rejuvenation and liberation from the burden of life. The technology allows you to nourish the body with energy and simultaneously affects different levels. But you should understand: the result will only be if the technique is practiced daily.

Technique for performing gymnastics Eye of Renaissance

All Tibetan exercises require a large number of repetitions. The monks recommend sticking to the number 21. If at first this number of repetitions is difficult to achieve, you can start with a smaller number and gradually increase. You can start with 3 to 5 repetitions, gradually increasing the number.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

First exercise - Rotation

We take the starting position: standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. We tuck the tailbone under ourselves, pulling in the stomach. Arms to the sides at shoulder level, gaze directed at any fixed point opposite.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

Slowly rotate strictly clockwise. It is important not to perform the exercise until you feel dizzy; it is better to finish earlier. In order not to provoke dizziness and nausea (at first), you should not perform it more than 5 times.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

After finishing, we rest in a relaxed position - the body is in a straight position, hands on the belt, breathing freely 3 times. After completing the required number of revolutions, you can sit down or lie down.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

Gradually, the vestibular apparatus gets used to it and will allow you to increase the number of revolutions to the classic 21. To make the exercise more effective, it is advisable to use a minimum of space during the rotation process.

Second exercise

We lie on the floor (on our back), straighten our legs, stretch our arms along the body. Palms face the floor. Raise your head so that your chin forms a straight line with your chest.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

Making sure that the pelvis does not come off the floor, we raise our legs up perpendicular to the floor. Then simultaneously lower your head and legs to the floor. It is important to maintain proper breathing here: the exercise begins with exhalation.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

When raising your legs and head, take a deep, full breath, and when lowering, exhale the same way. It is important to keep the rhythm without losing your breath. If it is difficult to perform exercises with straight legs, you can bend them.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

Beginners are recommended to start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing and bringing their legs further behind the head. After finishing the exercise, rest again, with calm breathing.

The third Tibetan pearl

Performed from a kneeling position. We place our palms under the gluteal muscles. Leaning your head forward, press your chin to your chest. Then gradually, throwing your head back, bending your back, straighten your chest, bend your spine.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

While bending, you can hold on to your hips to maintain balance. At the beginning of the exercise, you need to take a deep breath. During the bend, inhale slowly.

Returning to the starting position - exhale. After finishing the exercise, rest follows: feet shoulder-width apart and 3 cycles of free breathing.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

The third pearl is useful for everyone, but it is especially effective for arthritis, neck and back pain, irregular cycles in women, and congestion in the sinuses.

Fourth Pearl

Exercise combining the pose of the Rod and the Table. Performed from a sitting position with straight legs extended forward. The feet are located approximately shoulder width apart. Straighten your back, rest your hands on the floor.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation
Raise the body up so that the spine is parallel to the floor. At the same time, the head is slightly thrown back. It is important to ensure that at the moment of static movement the thighs and shins are in the same horizontal plane.

The arms and shins are positioned strictly vertically, supporting the body. After the desired position is taken, an impulse is needed - tension of all the muscles of the body.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

This is followed by relaxation and return to the starting position. At first, it is enough to repeat 3 times, then gradually increasing, bringing the number of repetitions to 21.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

When performing the fourth pearl, breathing is also an important aspect. When we rise into the bridge and throw back our heads, we take a smooth and deep breath.

At the moment of statics and tension, hold your breath, and when returning to a sitting position, exhale. This exercise normalizes the functioning of the heart, stomach and intestines, thyroid gland, and reproductive system.

When performed regularly, the abdominal cavity, abdominal muscles, and arms are strengthened. Blood and lymph flow and breathing return to normal. It has a good effect on the immune system and vital energy levels.

Fifth exercise

Combines Dog and Snake poses. The starting position is the Snake pose, that is, emphasis on the palms and toes with an arched spine. At the same time, the neck follows the head and extends upward.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

In the starting position, your knees and pelvis should not touch the floor. The distance between the palms is the width of the shoulders, the same distance between the feet, and the hands look straight forward when pushing.

After taking the starting position, take a deep breath and exhale slowly through the nose. Throwing our head back as high as possible, we change the position of the body, lifting the pelvis up and lowering the head down.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

The resulting pose resembles an acute angle and is called Downward-Facing Dog. In this position, we pull the chin to the sternum and hold it with the neck muscles. We make sure that the legs are straight, and the body and straightened arms are in the same plane.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

We return to the starting position. We repeat three times. Then we bring it up to 21 times. It has a good effect on the respiratory system, cleansing it and preventing the development of respiratory diseases.

The lymphatic and circulatory systems are pumped, and the functioning of the digestive system is improved. The fifth pearl is useful for women's health, especially in case of cycle disruptions and during menopause. In general, there is an increase in the level of vital energy.

For whom is the sixth exercise necessary?

Although there are 5 exercises in the main system of Tibetan gymnastics, there is also a sixth pearl. But it is accessible and interesting to those who decide to go deeper into the practice and devote much more effort and time to it. The sixth exercise of Tibetan monks is intended for those who seek to work on sexual energy. Basically, it is suitable for men who prefer to give up sex life to increase their energy potential.

The monks invented the sixth pearl to activate energy from the lower chakra. In ordinary life, it is used only to fulfill a person’s sexual needs. Unused sexual energy is channeled into useful channels.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

Perform movements only with active sexual desire. Otherwise, the exercise can be harmful to a person’s etheric body.

Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. The head is lowered, the chin lies on the upper part of the sternum. Inhaling deeply, you need to retract the perineum, tense the pelvic floor muscles and the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall. Freeze in this position for a few seconds (as long as you can). Next, placing your hands on your hips, move your body forward a little. At the same moment, exhale forcefully to release all the air from the lungs. Then forcefully draw in your stomach and, keeping your stomach taut, straighten up. The head remains lowered into the jugular fossa. Lowering the diaphragm, return your head to its normal position and inhale deeply.

It is not advisable to repeat the sixth pearl more than 9 times in a row. It is also recommended to start with 3 repetitions. Performed after the main complex has been mastered.

The first 5 exercises comprehensively restore the body’s strength, set energy flows into full motion, and restore sexual energy. The sixth pearl can be performed only when the vortex flows are completely restored and sexual energy is not disturbed.

Fifth stage

The last of the basic exercises strengthens the spirit and physical endurance:

  1. Horizontal position on the floor, on the stomach, hands at chest level, palms down. Legs are straight, slightly apart, resting on the toes.
  2. As you exhale, resting your palms on the floor, lift your upper body and bend back along with your head.
  3. While inhaling slowly, lift your body, resting on your fingers, up as far as it will go, until an acute angle is formed at the fifth point. The legs stand on a full foot.
  4. As you exhale, return to the raised upper body position.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises. Gymnastics, secrets from Peter Kalder for free. Video lessons

The exercise requires maximum muscle tension.

At the same time, it is important to monitor your breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly, along with raising and lowering your body.

Video on how to perform the Eye of Rebirth (5 Tibetan Pearl exercises)

These exercises, says Anna Danilova, are designed to influence the 12 energy centers that every person has (or energy vortexes). They are mainly located on the joints of our limbs.

These vortices must rotate, i.e. energy must constantly move through certain points. If vortex flows fail, a person quickly ages and dies.

Gymnastics of Tibetan monks helps restore the strength of energy vortexes, strengthens the core muscles of a person, and restores physical health and endurance.

Sixth ritual

There is also a sixth ritual, but it can only be used by people who abstain from sexual activity. In addition, you can begin to practice it only after fully mastering the 5 rituals described above, and this sometimes requires several years. The technique is similar to yoga nauli, only without moving the abdominal muscles, and is also similar to the vacuum exercise for the abdomen.

Sixth ritual

It is also generally accepted that the sixth ritual is not suitable for women; in any case, the author of the book, Peter Kalder, does not mention anywhere that women should also perform it. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we are, after all, initially talking about Tibetan monks who live their entire lives in abstinence.

General rules for performing super anti-aging gymnastics

In order for Tibetan exercises to benefit and not harm, it is important to know and follow several general rules.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

Regular implementation of the complex . Regardless of the reasons, you should not miss classes. To make the result more effective, it is necessary to constantly increase the number of repetitions. You can add two repetitions of each pearl weekly.

It is advisable to stick to the same time of day - early morning. Easier, more enjoyable and effective exercises are on an empty stomach.

Correct breathing is an important basis for performing Tibetan exercises. During classes, breathe evenly, deeply and through the nose.

Rest and recovery are the most important components of the Tibetan system. If gymnastics is difficult at first or you simply need rest between repetitions, you definitely need to do it. Before continuing the practice, it is important to even out your breathing and tune in.

You should never overexert yourself . If an exercise is difficult, you need to perform it with fewer repetitions, resting between sets. It should be remembered that here quality is more important than quantity.

Masters of this technique make several important warnings. By knowing and following them, you can make quick and safe progress.

  • Don't interrupt your classes. This will cause a setback and deterioration in health.
  • You need to increase the number of repetitions gradually. You should not immediately start doing 21 repetitions, as for people who have never practiced, such a load may be too difficult.

Features for women

The female body has its own characteristics and certain specific hormonal levels. In this regard, it is recommended to slightly change the standard exercise program. Then, according to the masters of the Eye of Renaissance, a greater effect can be achieved.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

The exercises will be more effective if, when performing the entire complex, you exhale only through the mouth. In this case, the lips take the shape of the letter O. It is useful to chant the Om mantra after performing the complex, making the voice as high as possible.

Another addition to classical gymnastics for women is simple actions immediately after waking up. They are called Hormonal gymnastics. When you wake up, rub your palms to make them warm. Then, using heated palms, press the eyeballs 10–30 times, massage the base of the skull with your thumbs, and also rub your ears.

Using longitudinal movements of your right hand, from temple to temple, rub your forehead. The left hand at this time is located on top of the right. You can then gently pat your cheeks and vigorously massage your shoulders using opposite hands.

Go to the navel area. Iron in a clockwise circular motion. It is advisable to perform a cycle of 40 laps. The morning part of the gymnastics ends with a foot massage. First you need to rub your knees in a circle so that the skin turns a little red. At the very end, perform 30 rotations of the feet around the axis of the ankles and massage the feet themselves.

When you regularly perform gymnastics, your hormonal levels are balanced and your emotional state is normalized. During the first time after starting practice, existing psychological problems, including depression, may worsen. Then, after regular classes, the emotional background improves significantly.

Some rules

As can be seen from the reviews about the “Eye of Real Revival”, professionals assure: if you skip the exercise just once, you will have to start the whole course from the very beginning. If you stop for a month, all previous illnesses, problems, ailments, age will return, troubles will fall on your head with renewed vigor. However, there is a positive point: it is never too late to start over. No matter how long the break, you can start practicing the “Eye of Revival” at any time, which will allow you to feel healthy, happy, begin to enjoy life, and enjoy everyday life.

As practitioners note in their reviews, “Eye of Revival” is quite simple to implement, although the complex shows effectiveness only if general recommendations are followed. First of all, it is important to approach the beginning of practice correctly - all exercises are done strictly on an empty stomach. The optimal time is early in the morning, as soon as the person has just woken up. However, taking a shower before gymnastics is not only possible, but also recommended. But after the exercises you will have to be very careful, in particular, under no circumstances should you take a cold shower, because hypothermia, including local hypothermia, is strictly contraindicated. In the first hour after completing the program, cold douches should be completely avoided, you should not eat ice cream, swim in the pool, the sea, or drink cold drinks. To make the practice as effective as possible, you can do several warm-up exercises before starting the approach. When performing the approach, you do not need to be overzealous. The main idea of ​​​​the Eye of Revival practice is to listen to your own body. You will have to monitor your breathing very carefully. Initially, the selected exercises are repeated three times, day by day increasing this number by two until they reach 21 repetitions of each phase. This is enough; further growth is not required.

Gymnastics Eye of Renaissance: reviews from doctors and practitioners

The Eye of Renaissance is a system that is increasingly recognized not only by practitioners, but also by doctors. True, doctors recommend this technique exclusively as a set of physical exercises that can improve the condition of the spine, joints and tonic the functioning of internal organs.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation

At the same time, people share their stories of significant rejuvenation of the whole body and improvement of the condition of the joint and ligamentous apparatus. There is a rejuvenation and improvement in the condition of the facial skin, which is noticed by many who have experienced this system, which is also explained by the use of deep breathing.

When deep inhalation and exhalation are engaged, all tissues are effectively saturated with oxygen. In turn, skin cells are renewed. As a result, the skin of the face and body looks younger and fresher. The Eye of Renaissance is not a complex, but effective complex for rejuvenation and healing. There are many positive reviews about its action. Of course, you shouldn't count on a miracle.

Any system of physical and breathing exercises, as well as spiritual practices, requires systematicity. The effect of Tibetan gymnastics will be noticeable only if the approach to classes is serious. It is also important to gradually increase the number of repetitions, bringing them to the recommended 21. Only in this case can positive dynamics be expected.

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Who is Peter Kelder

“The Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan Exercises” is an opus authored by Peter Kelder. He describes a traveler who wants to gain insight into eternal life. Methods of prolonging youth were revealed to him by the Tibetan Keepers of Knowledge.

For 5 years, the colonel was prepared to transfer rejuvenation methods to other people. But in those years, the mysticism of his story was indifferently received by the few readers of the Eye. In Russia, the translated edition of “The Eye of Revival” appeared in 1994 in a small edition, which sold out unexpectedly quickly.

Eye of Renaissance - 5 Tibetan exercises. Gymnastics, secrets from Peter Kalder for free. Video lessons

Soon, numerous requests from readers began to reprint the brochure. The Russian yoga master re-released “Oko” with the addition of his practices. The further fate of the author of the original source of “The Eye of Rebirth” is difficult to describe due to the lack of at least some information about him.

The author was only an intermediary who conveyed the ritual practices of mountain monks, which contained deep information about how to turn back a person’s internal time.

Is it worth believing?

It is very difficult to find negative reviews about “Eye of Rebirth” on the Internet. As many experts note, the complex is well planned, relatively simple to implement, requires little time to use, is built intelligently, and shows results when applied to people of different age groups. As doctors say, their clients do not notice any shortcomings with prolonged practice of such exercises. If you believe reviews on the World Wide Web, the “Eye of Revival” often becomes an element of everyday life not only for ordinary people, but also for qualified doctors who are forced to look for ways to cope with a heavy workload. It is five exercises for daily use, as professionals assure, that allow you to fill yourself with strength to overcome all the difficulties of everyday life. It is noted that with regular practice, the mood becomes more stable and better, which is especially noticeable if a person finds himself in a difficult life situation. They note that against the background of such exercises it becomes easier to believe in the best.

gymnastics eye of rebirth reviews

Spiritual and physical rejuvenation, if you believe the reviews of Eye of Revival practitioners, is especially noticeable before and after classes, and what is more pronounced is what is impossible to see visually. A person feels younger, stronger, calmer. The mood is normalized, confidence in oneself and one’s strengths appears, the desire and desire to successfully cope with any obstacles on the path of life. An important aspect noted by many is accessibility, because for constant practice of exercises you do not need to purchase expensive equipment, drugs, there is no need to enroll in special clubs or work with an individual trainer, but not everyone has the time and energy for this. In fact, the “Eye of Revival” is a universal program, available to everyone - from young to old, with any income and lifestyle. All you need is desire, readiness for regular practice, and a little time.

Where to begin?

As indicated in numerous reviews, Tibetan gymnastics “Eye of Revival” is most effective if a person prepares his body before starting specific exercises. This allows you to adjust internal systems and organs, stretch the spine, activate energy flows, and stimulate circulation through them. In this case, the very first step can be taken while lying in bed, barely waking up. It is quite simple, it involves stretching. At the inhalation stage, you need to stretch your spine, then release the air from your lungs and fully relax. A person’s task is to reach out sweetly, with pleasure. The complex continues by raising the arms and legs perpendicular to the bed. The limbs are shaken in the air for about half a minute.

eye of rebirth reviews from practitioners photos

Reviews recommend continuing the “Eye of Rebirth” gymnastics according to Calder when leaving your sleeping place. When rising, you need to carefully straighten your spine and stretch out, feeling the energy flows emanating from the ground and penetrating the body through the perineum, passing through the body, saturating it with the charge necessary for the new day. As you exhale, you need to relax, then stretch again, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. At the same time, a person practicing gymnastics feels how a cool stream of cosmic force penetrates the body through the top of the head - silvery, rich, spreading inside. After this, you need to gently shake your limbs and easily jump in one place. The body is completely ready to continue, you can start Tibetan gymnastics directly.

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