Energy drink Powerade “Ice Storm” - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Vitaly555 Advantages

After heavy, prolonged physical activity, the body needs to restore the balance of minerals and salts. Powerade is a drink that replenishes the amount of nutrients lost due to excessive sweating. Are there any contraindications to taking an isotonic drink? What does it contain? Reviews of the use of Powerade, as well as information about the benefits and harms of the drink are given below.

Powerade drink

Composition and types of drink

Powerade sports drink contains sugar and minerals. Most of the isotonic is water, sucrose and fructose, complex and simple carbohydrates. The calorie content of the drink is 16 kcal per 100 g.

In addition, the drink contains:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

Depending on the type of isotonic, the composition may vary. In Russia, drinks with lemon, orange, and cherry are produced. There are such names for the Powerade drink:

  • "Lemon-lime."
  • "Orange".
  • "Ice Storm"
  • "Cherry".
  • "Snow Storm"

Powerade is a drink whose composition helps you quickly recover after a hard workout. Isotonic, enriched with minerals, is used by many professional athletes and bodybuilders. However, there is still debate among nutritionists about the harms and benefits of the drink.

Powerade sports drink

Powerade sports drink - composition and scientific information about its harm

Why are Gatorade and Powerade sports drinks unnecessary when exercising, and why are they harmful to weight loss? Composition and scientific information about the dangers of Powerade.

Are sports drinks healthy?

When talking about sports drinks Powerade and Gatorade, it is important to mention that they are produced by Coca-Cola and Pepsi - and the content of these drinks is essentially similar to the composition of regular sugary sodas. The only difference is the addition of “electrolytes” (essentially a minimal amount of salts) and the advertising emphasis on the fact that these products are vital for athletes.

Nutritionists regularly remind us that the above-mentioned sports drinks differ from regular cola only in taste and the absence of gas in them (1). Despite the fact that the carbohydrates contained in Powerade can be useful during training for muscle growth (for example, to close the carbohydrate window), such “sweet waters” cannot be recommended for children or adults who want to lose weight.

Powerade: composition and calorie content

The Powerade sports drink contains plain water, fast carbohydrates (dextrose and fructose), acidity regulators, table salt (sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and others), sweeteners (sucralose), stabilizers, flavors and colorings (2). The total sugar content is about 4g per 100ml - or two teaspoons per glass. Calorie content - 16 kcal per 100 ml.

The key focus of the advertisement - the content of electrolytes in the drink - is intended exclusively for those people who do not realize that ordinary table salt contains many times more electrolytes than brightly colored sweet water. Despite the fact that the benefits of salts for replenishing the mineral balance of the body are clear, they can also be consumed with regular food.

Benefits of Electrolytes for Athletes

In the middle of the last century, scientists at the Sport Science Institute of South Africa suggested that drinking a drink containing fast carbohydrates and salts in the form of electrolytes could have a positive effect on marathon running performance. Initial test results were promising. However, it is important to note that these same scientists then refuted their claim (1).

Indeed, if an athlete does not drink enough liquid during a marathon, this can negatively affect his final results (just like drinking too much water) - but scientists tend to consider ordinary clean water as liquid, and not sugar mixtures at all. There is simply no proven scientific evidence for the benefits of electrolytes or sports drinks.

Do sports drinks work?

Professor Tim Noakers from the University of Cape Town, in his scientific articles, notes that the studies proving the positive effects of sports drinks on training results were carried out directly by the manufacturing companies (i.e., the Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico), and the tests were carried out exclusively on professional athletes, and not at all on ordinary people (1).

Even though drinking these types of drinks can actually be beneficial for enhancing your workout performance, it takes about an hour for the body to fully absorb Powerade. In other words, don't assume that taking a sip of a sports drink will magically make you stronger—it's caffeine-free and isn't an energy drink.

Powerade is the enemy of weight loss and fat burning

The aforementioned sports medicine professor Tim Noakes claims that without drinking sports drinks, your workout will likely be longer and more effective than drinking a bottle of Powerade containing about 25-30 grams of fast carbohydrates (1). Not to mention, you'll burn more fat.

In fact, the calories contained in such a bottle are equivalent to a thirty-minute run at an average pace - and all this time the body will not work in the mode of spending fat reserves or in the mode of losing weight (2). Among other things, the presence of glucose in the blood will practically block fat-burning processes in problematic fat located on the stomach and sides.

Problems with regulatory authorities

The influential European Food Safety Authority has carefully analyzed and tested more than one hundred advertising claims for Powerade and Gatorade sports drinks. As a result, it was found that only six of the advertised benefits were true, and the benefits of these drinks appeared only during high-intensity workouts longer than 60 minutes.

The head of the organization, Professor Albert Flynn, noted in a statement that manufacturing companies deliberately mislead consumers by selling sports drinks in regular supermarkets and featuring football players and other professional athletes in advertising (1). Essentially, Coca-Cola is using every resource available to it to sell more sugar.

Sponsorship of the Olympic Games

Opponents of sports drinks argue that Powerade or Gatorade advertising, which convinces consumers of the close connection between participation in various sports and the mandatory consumption of their products, is openly deceiving people, significantly exaggerating the need and benefits of purchasing “sports water”.

Sponsoring of sporting events such as the Olympic Games and all kinds of football tournaments (for example, the UEFA Champions League), achieved thanks to the billion-dollar advertising budgets of the “sugar concerns”, is intended to convince the consumer that the next high-calorie drink is healthy and “sports”. However, this is absolutely not true.

Numerous studies and influential sports doctors have long said that the benefits of sports drinks for sports are highly questionable. The claim that these drinks are necessary for a regular run or for low-impact sports (for example, fitness or yoga) is nothing more than rude advertising.

  1. BBC Panorama – Powerade – Does It Work?, source
  2. Composition of the drink “Powerade ION4 – Ice Storm”, source
  3. Sports drinks: the myths busted, source
  4. Three Sports Drinks to Avoid, source

Blue Powerade Drink: Benefits

The large amount of electrolytes contained in the drink prevents the formation of salt deficiency and the appearance of weakness in the body. A lack of minerals can lead to poor functioning of the heart, brain and muscles. Powerade is a drink that saturates the body's cells with vital substances.

Salts retain moisture, preventing it from entering the bladder, and also cause thirst. If during a break between workouts an athlete quenches his thirst with clean water, then it will soon be quickly eliminated from the body. At the same time, sodium, potassium and magnesium are excreted along with it. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a small amount of isotonic water at the onset of thirst and only after that drink clean water.

Powerade drink composition

The sugars contained in isotonic drinks are a source of energy, indispensable during exhausting workouts. Fast carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body and processed into glucose.

Is there more benefit or harm from drinking Powerade?

It all depends on the purpose for which you plan to use this drink. If used as a muscle fuel during heavy/long-term strength training, there will be more benefits, but you most likely will not feel any significant difference.

Now let’s go over the composition and daily requirements of microelements; according to photographs on the Internet, the mineral composition per bottle (0.5 l) is as follows:

At one time, the daily norms of these elements look like this:

Sodium - 2000-4000 mg;

Potassium - 2000-3000 mg;

Calcium - 800-1200 mg;

Magnesium - 300-400 mg (varies at different periods of life and depending on gender);

Here we can estimate that this bottle is like spent grain for an elephant, and such a drink is not capable of replenishing any significant amount of elements even with a basic metabolism, and if we are talking about strength and or long training, these needs grow very noticeably. However, due to the sugar, as I said above, it will help you to carry out your workout a little more actively, but with the same success you can drink a glass of compote, and it will also be considered isotonic, since it will contain even more microelements and sugar in its composition. Therefore, there is neither any significant benefit nor any particular harm from this drink.

9 Good answer

More useful in theory. It is, after all, an isotonic drink, minerals, everything, and can help restore the water-salt balance.

Apart from the above-mentioned quality, it is no more harmful than lemonade, since it has 14g of sugar per bottle.

2 Good answer

Is it true that moderate drinkers live longer than non-drinkers? If so, why?

1 7 6 · Good answer

Is there any harm from sparkling mineral water?

There is little harm only if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, ulcers), then you may get sick from the large amount of carbon dioxide contained in carbonated water. If you are healthy, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about, but if you drink a liter of mineral water or more at a time (I, for example, can often drink the daily norm at one time without feeling thirsty), then prefer non-carbonated water.

7 Good answer

What harm do energy drinks cause to the body?

Good afternoon. If we consider energy drinks, even simply based on their definition as substances that stimulate the activity of the nervous system, then even without the alcohol component they are harmful.

Since any artificial stimulation implies a disruption of normal functioning.

Basic composition of “energy” drinks:

  • Caffeine.
  • Taurine.
  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates.

Although the content of these substances does not exceed the daily norm, taking into account even the usual daily diet, such a composition clearly cannot be called useful.

Now directly to the answer to the question.

What harm do energy drinks cause to the body?

A one-time use of such products will not cause any obvious problems for the body. Unless, of course, there are existing chronic diseases, such as diabetes or arterial hypertension. The only way an overdose of caffeine can occur is if you have previously consumed products containing it (coffee, tea, etc.).

But constant use threatens with quite serious consequences, especially in childhood and adolescence, here are some of them:

  1. Addiction - as with any neurostimulant.
  2. Behavioral disorders - at least the appearance of anxiety states.
  3. Sleep disorders - dyssomnia or insomnia.
  4. Hyperglycemia in the blood is a high level of glucose, and everything associated with it.
  5. Hypertension, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular disorders.
  6. Visual disorders - for example, glaucoma.

This list can be expanded endlessly. But as is already clear, the benefits of such a chemical energy set are quite small. Still, it is better to sensibly weigh temporary wakefulness and quite serious health risks.

Harm of isotonic drinks

Preservatives and dyes, as well as flavor enhancers that may be contained in the drink, do not bring any benefit to the body. Powerade contains a small amount of chemicals, but nutritionists still do not recommend using it daily.

Powerade is a drink with a high glycemic index, so drinking it without regular exercise can cause excess weight gain.

Blue powerade drink

The benefits and harms of isotonic drinks

Some studies show that taking isotonic drinks is only justified if a person exercises intensively for more than an hour and a half. In addition, if you drink them in too large quantities, you can cause digestive problems due to the strong increase in salt levels. Drinks containing sodium, as it turns out, are only effective if the exercise lasts more than four (!) hours. Otherwise they are simply useless. Scientists from the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine found that most marketing claims about the benefits of isotonic drinks for sports performance have no evidence base. In addition, reliable studies that confirm the benefits of this or that isotonic drink are usually conducted among professional athletes, which makes them uninformative for the average person involved in sports. If a person consumes such drinks without undergoing significant physical activity, he may face the problem of excess weight. It turned out that such drinks have a stronger effect on weight gain than the ill-fated sweet sodas!

Whether this or that drink is right for you depends not only on its composition, but also on the expected effect and the body’s reaction to certain additives. It is recommended to try a new isotonic drink before competitions or events. In case of an allergic reaction to the components, this will not bring you additional disappointments. It should be noted that this happens extremely rarely. Isotonic drinks have no advantages over vitamin-mineral complexes and are not used as a source of microelements and vitamins. But you can get an extra portion of carbohydrates from them.


Despite the absence of alcohol in the drink, it is prohibited for children. It is not recommended to use isotonic for persons with a history of the following diseases:

  • food allergies;
  • diabetes mellitus of all types;
  • phenylketonuria.

Powerade is a drink that is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it may cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Isotonic is also contraindicated for people suffering from carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

When using an isotonic drink, it is worth remembering that it contains citric acid salts, which have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. To protect your teeth from the negative effects of the drink’s components, it is better to drink it through a special straw.

At what age can you drink an energy drink?

All these elements are designed to act on the body in approximately the same way - to invigorate , and are intended to be used in extreme cases, when, for example, a person needs help, when he is desperate and stops responding to persuasion, that is, in cases of a depressed emotional state.

  • Taurine - without going into the complex chemical composition, it is worth mentioning its role in medicine - it is used to accelerate metabolic processes (also in the central nervous system), in eye preparations, and for cardiovascular failure.
  • Caffeine is a nitrogen-containing organic compound of natural origin, like the two subsequent components, colorless gray bitter crystals. The strongest psychostimulant. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, literally forcing the body to deplete the energy reserves it has saved for emergencies. It manifests itself in sweating of the palms and the whole body from high blood pressure, accelerates the pulse, its effect causes small bursts of adrenaline.
  • Matein – Paraguayan holly – is the “parent” of the component. Young shoots and dried leaves are sources. The effect is tonic. It is difficult to call it a strong remedy, but it is still used as a tea for those suffering from depression and similar disorders, calming and suppressing strong emotional outbursts. It should be consumed in its natural form by brewing in soft water and no longer than 24 hours after preparation.
  • Guaranine - obtained from the fruit of a vine, is rich in caffeine, even more than coffee seeds. Stimulates cognitive abilities and reduces appetite.
  • Carnitine – activates fat metabolism, belongs to the vitamin elements
  • Melatonin is part of Russian antidepressants and foreign drugs against insomnia, and is responsible for regulating the frequency of sleep.
  • Glucose is a water-soluble monosaccharide, used in cases of intoxication (poisoning of the body), when decomposed, it activates the activity of body cells, affects the central nervous system, heart, is used in case of large blood loss, even shock; in case of a very large overdose, it threatens with partial necrosis (death) of tissues.
  • Theobromine - similar in composition to caffeine, irritating the renal epithelium, increases the desire to frequently visit the toilet.

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Powerade drink: reviews of use

Feedback on the use of the drink is both positive and negative. Many athletes use the drink as an aid during intense training.

Positive consumer reviews about isotonics:

  • Powerade is a drink that allows you to quickly recover during training;
  • after drinking an isotonic drink, you feel a surge of strength and energy;
  • thanks to the drink, any load can be tolerated easily, without feeling tired.

Negative reviews about the drink are mostly due to some people’s ignorance of the effects of isotonic. Some consumers believe that Powerade is an energy drink that enhances the heart and tones the body.

Negative reviews about the action of isotonic:

  • Powerade does not suppress thirst well;
  • after drinking the drink, an unpleasant taste remains in the mouth;
  • due to frequent use of isotonic drinks, body weight has increased;
  • an allergic reaction appeared after drinking 1 bottle of the drink;
  • isotonic does not contribute to a surge of energy;
  • With constant consumption of the drink, performance decreased.

At what age can you drink Powerade?

The original advertising of the products imposed the opinion of the effectiveness of taurine and other components in the sleepy state of a person. Vigor came immediately, for some people this result was even critical. Therefore, doctors thought about introducing restrictions at what age. By law, you can buy energy drinks for teenagers who have crossed the turning point.

At what age can children drink energy drinks?

  • Activate brain function.
  • Improve memory.
  • Eliminate the feeling of fatigue.
  • Increase attention.
  • Help you wake up faster in the morning.
  • Improve physical activity.
  • Reduce the harmful effects of radiation.
  • Normalize digestion.
  • Improve your mood.

At what age can children drink coffee?

Drinks that increase human energy are becoming more and more popular every year. The products are especially popular among young people and students. They allow you to study for exams all night without getting tired, and dance at discos until the morning. Scientists around the world have been trying to figure out what energy drinks are made of and their effect on the body for several years now.

Powerade (drink), benefits and harm

A frivolous attitude towards contraceptive methods and one’s health results in huge problems for teenage girls , such as early pregnancy (before 18 years of age) and infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Is abortion possible for minors or at what age can you have an abortion?

1) Drinking this drink helps remove calcium from the body. This threatens problems in bone formation and deterioration of heart function. 2) Due to excitement, the central nervous system worsens sleep and affects the child’s behavior. Due to frequent use, the nervous system works unbalanced.

Periods of vigor are followed by times of loss of strength. 3) Affects hormone balance, which can harm a teenager's puberty. 4) There is a diuretic effect, and in the urine the child loses minerals that are important for his body.

5) Affects the work of the heart, increasing the frequency of contractions, which in children is already higher than in adults. Because of this, use at an early age can negatively affect the cardiovascular system.

6) Coffee is addictive.

If you drink it constantly and then stop taking it, you will experience a depressed mood, loss of energy, irritability, and fatigue.

The benefits and harms of coffee

Your baby has already grown up and you are happy to seat him at the family table, have breakfast, lunch or dinner together. One day, the baby will reach for a mug with a fragrant drink that mom and dad are drinking, and will make parents think: can children drink coffee? The question is not new, but quite relevant for many parents. Therefore, it is worth talking about this in more detail.

Can children drink coffee? Is it harmful?

Many families are accustomed to having breakfast with a cup of an invigorating drink. Children, especially preschool children, are very observant and want to imitate their parents in everything.

Therefore, they also begin to ask and if they are refused, then they begin to be capricious and demand their own. Some people give up right away and let them try a little.

But some parents are wondering at what age can you drink […]

At what age can you drink coffee?

  1. Harm. A drink of this kind is poison for any person. But it is worth noting that for a child’s body the danger increases significantly, since it is not yet fully formed and is not able to remove the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol without consequences.
  2. Emotional instability. It is not for nothing that the threshold is set at eighteen years.
    It is believed that starting from this age, a person is able to take responsibility for his actions. His personality is formed in all aspects, and he can adequately assess the situation. People younger than this threshold are characterized by their inability to control themselves and their actions. Especially teenage children, who are a ticking time bomb dependent on hormones. If you also fill them with alcohol, trouble will not be avoided.
  3. The risk of alcohol dependence. An unstable psycho-emotional state means that children are more predisposed to alcoholism than anyone else.
  4. Stunted development. The earlier a child has access to alcohol, the greater the likelihood of unbalanced development in the future.

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Do you know at what age you can buy and drink alcohol?

Do not give fermented milk products to children from swollen or damaged packaging. The date of release of the drink should be as close as possible to the date of purchase. After opening the package, you must either consume kefir immediately or throw away the leftovers. It is not recommended to store an open package of baby kefir for later use.

Is it possible to give kefir to an infant?

It is worth noting that some parachute clubs allow children to jump only from the age of 16, but in tandem with an instructor, children from the age of 9 can try their hand at such an extreme activity. True, there are not many such establishments and you need to find out the conditions on the spot.

Extreme hobbies: at what age can you jump with a parachute?

At what age can children get braces? On average, closer to 14 years of age, the formation of the child’s jaw and molars is completed and braces can be installed. Installing braces before the age of 12-14 is fraught with pathological conditions of incompletely formed roots, which can lead to tooth loss.

When is it time: at what age can a child get braces?

Of course, sensible parents would not offer an adult drink to a six-month-old baby, but such a tasting is absolutely useless for 2-year-old children. Coffee stimulates many internal processes, and in children they occur much more intensely than in adults. As a result, the excitability of the nervous system increases and motor activity increases.

At what age can you drink coffee and why are there age restrictions?

Before the jump, each participant must bring a medical certificate confirming their fitness for health reasons, undergo instructions and a preparatory program. There are establishments that allow tandem skydiving with an instructor from the age of 9.

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At what age can you jump with a parachute?

Vodka is made by diluting alcohol with water; In some types, various aromatic and flavoring ingredients are added. In order to replenish the state budget, as well as limit alcohol consumption, in many countries, including Russia, the sale of alcohol is subject to a significant tax (excise tax).

While everyone was sleeping

05 Dec 2020 yurisaktobe 400


Sports drinks: is it worth paying extra for the name?

Section: Nutrition powerade for children. Any participant can answer in conferences and start new topics, regardless of whether they are registered on the 7ya website. From whom:. You are not authorized. If you send a message anonymously, you will lose the ability to edit or delete the message after it is sent. The materials on the site are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes.

Sports drinks (such as Gatorade, Powerade, Allsport) From whatever source it is obtained, glucose provides energy used in work. Moreover, with age, a person’s sense of thirst becomes dull. In fact, you need to drink as much as possible before, during and after.

Plus, Powerade tastes great. These drinks, combining carbohydrates and minerals, help the body quickly and effectively restore fluid balance and strength during and after exercise. Evidence of this has been identified through scientific research. Additionally, Powerade ION4 can help build glycogen storage.

It is recommended, if necessary, to drink drinks to maintain water-salt balance at least several hours before the start of training, so that the liquid has time to be absorbed and the result of the training is maximum. Powerade ION4 does not contain all the essential nutrients typically found in food.

Sports drinks like Powerade ION4 are not designed to replace meals, but Powerade ION4 can be a useful part of an athlete's diet to quickly replenish fluids, minerals and carbohydrates.

A properly formulated sports drink provides the body with sodium and carbohydrates that are not found in adequate amounts in water; As a result, the sports drink restores water balance and provides the body with energy for people engaged in long-term intense training, while water does not have such an effect.

Optimal water-salt balance and a sufficient amount of carbohydrates are two important conditions for better physical results. They are absorbed from the stomach more slowly than isotonic sports drinks.

What is better - pure water or isotonic water?

Compared to an isotonic drink, regular water is significantly inferior. Experts recommend combining the use of clean water with isotonic water - this increases the effectiveness of training. However, this system is only suitable for athletes; people with moderate or low physical activity are recommended to drink clean water acidified with lemon.

Not a single isotonic drink produced on an industrial scale is able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as ordinary purified water does. Therefore, water cannot be completely replaced by taking isotonic drinks.

Powerade drink reviews

To drink or not to drink? (Sports drinks Gatorade, Powerade)

At the moment I can write out the composition of Gatorade, copied from the label: (Horrified!) Purified water, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, acidity regulators (E-330, E-331, E-340, E-504), natural lemon flavor ", sodium chloride, emulsifier (E-445), dye (E-104). Ingredients with the letter code E are approved by the European Community and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as safe food additives.

Yes, this question interests me too. Here is the composition of the Powerade drink. The composition of the second is written below in the comments. Water, glucose, maltodextyrin, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium citrate), natural flavors, stabilizers (gum arabic, esters of glycerin and resin acids), magnesium chloride, vitamins (in a single serving (500 ml), not less than E - 1.5 mg, B6 - 0.2 mg, PP (niacin) - 2 mg, pantothenic acid - 0.9 mg, biotin - 0.023 mg), sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame potassium), dye (quinoline yellow). Contains a source of phenylanine. En. value per 100 ml proteins - 0 carbohydrates - 5.6 g incl. maltodextyrin - 2.3 g fats - 0 g.

How to drink Powerade correctly

In order to avoid overload during training, the body requires a constant supply of fluid. Its amount is equal to the moisture lost after playing sports. To calculate the exact volume of the drink, you need to weigh yourself before and after physical activity. The difference between the indicators is the amount of missing fluid.

It is worth remembering that Powerade is intended only for people actively involved in sports. It will not cause harm if you drink it without training, but the energy that enters the body with the drink will not be distributed. This will lead to excess weight gain.

It is important that isotonic supplements are taken not after completion of training, but during it. That is, in those intervals that are reserved for short-term rest. For example, between jogging, squats, strength exercises or exercise classes.

During the next break, you need to drink clean water, and then another isotonic drink. This will make it easier for the body to maintain normal water-salt balance and avoid overloads associated with a lack of minerals.

Disadvantages of sleeping on your side

  1. This can cause shoulder and hip pain if you have a very old mattress or if you have muscle or joint injuries.
  2. Wrinkles may appear and the result may be a swollen face upon waking. If a person presses their face into a pillow, fluid accumulates in the area, causing swelling and thus wrinkles in the skin, making it more susceptible to wrinkles.
  3. This can accelerate breast sagging as the ligaments stretch without support over time.

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Is it possible to give kefir to an infant?

1) Excitation of the nervous system. It is thanks to this property that coffee is so popular. It helps adults concentrate, think quickly, without getting tired for a certain period of time. This seems like the perfect drink for a school kid, but the excitement doesn't stop there. Children begin to focus on difficulties and problems, and aggression appears. If you stop drinking coffee, you become lethargic and depressed. Regular use can lead to heart problems.

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