Protein shake for weight loss at home - recipes and reviews

Protein shakes at home are an important component of the nutrition of athletes and those who are engaged in improving their shape and body. You don't have to use store-bought protein packets to make these. These delicious drinks can be made quickly and inexpensively at home.

Protein shakes

The benefits of protein shakes

Before using it, it is better to consider all the benefits of drinking protein shakes.

  • It is especially beneficial for the body of athletes. They help you quickly acquire the necessary forms, strength and energy. The important thing is to drink drinks regularly, eat only healthy foods and not skip classes.
  • It has a pleasant taste and aroma, rich in egg, milk, and vegetable proteins. The composition also includes vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Contains little protein and carbohydrates. It is beneficial only if consumed in moderation.
  • Saturates the body with protein, which serves as an important cellular building material. For athletes or those who care about their health, it can serve as an additional source of vitamins. When using cocktails in this way, consultation with professionals is required.
  • Protein is an essential component of metabolic processes in the body, helps strengthen muscle and bone mass, and normalizes weight.
  • Positively affects blood quality and strengthens the immune system.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance and has a positive effect on brain activity.

Protein Drink Products

Products used to prepare cocktails:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • oatmeal;
  • bananas;
  • cinnamon.

Milk contains many vitamins and mineral salts. It is easily digested and does not disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk should be combined with other ingredients carefully. It is best to combine it with dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream). This principle underlies many muscle growth shake recipes.

Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein. The product speeds up metabolism and strengthens bones, thanks to the calcium content in the amount of 16% of the daily requirement (per 100 g). Experienced athletes often use cottage cheese diets to quickly increase muscle mass.

Protein shakes for muscle growth and weight loss. Benefits and harms, recipes on how to cook at home

Kefir regulates intestinal function and increases the body's resistance to infections. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. Contains calcium and maintains protein levels in the body when more than 3 hours pass between meals.

Protein shakes for muscle growth and weight loss. Benefits and harms, recipes on how to cook at home
Due to its high acidity, kefir should not be consumed immediately after training.

Natural yogurt:

  • promotes protein absorption;
  • does not harm the figure;
  • increases immunity.

The protein contained in eggs is easily digested by the body. But calcium (of which there is 55 mg in one egg) is absorbed much worse. Therefore, they are often combined with cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Eggs are added to cocktails without prior heat treatment, so you need to choose them carefully. You cannot buy the product on the market. It is better to choose in supermarkets, where they are tested and have documented evidence of safety.

Protein shakes for muscle growth and weight loss. Benefits and harms, recipes on how to cook at home

Nuts help restore the body after an intense workout. Improves the functioning of the circulatory system. Positively affect metabolism. The chemical elements contained in nuts increase the digestibility of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. But the product is useful only with moderate consumption: exceeding the norm that the body absorbs (no more than 30 g) provokes digestive problems.

Oatmeal reduces muscle pain after strenuous exercise. Helps digest foods high in protein.

Banana regulates fluid balance in the body. It is rich in calcium and potassium. The substances in its composition enhance concentration.

Cinnamon normalizes blood pressure and lowers cholesterol. Successfully fights infectious diseases. Drinks with spicy seasoning help prevent aging and lose excess weight faster (does not apply to baked goods with cinnamon).

Cooking rules

For those who prefer homemade protein shakes, it is important to know and adhere to the rules for their preparation and consumption:

  • For cooking, use only warm liquid. Boiling water will cause the protein to coagulate. It will kill all the beneficial properties of the drink.
  • For 1 serving, 200-250 ml of liquid (water, juice, milk) is enough to dilute the powder.
  • The calorie content of a protein shake depends on the time it is taken . In the morning, higher calorie content is acceptable; you can add a little sugar or honey. But after lunch it should not exceed 200 kcal; various additives to it are also undesirable.
  • If the cocktail will be used for the purpose of losing weight , then it is better to use water, low-fat milk or kefir as the liquid.

Protein shakes with added milk for weight loss

The main goal of this cocktail is to remove extra pounds without bringing stress to the body. This drink should be consumed in the evening, provided that enough carbohydrates were taken with breakfast. Milk protein instantly enriches the body and acts throughout the day.

RECIPE No. 1. Cottage cheese with milk

milk and cottage cheese

  1. Milk (2% fat) 200 grams.
  2. Fresh cottage cheese 100 grams.
  3. Add sugar to taste.

Milk and cottage cheese must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and brought to room temperature. Mix thoroughly and beat until thick foam. Instead of sugar, you can add honey to make the drink more natural.

RECIPE No. 2. Cocoa powder with added cinnamon

  1. Milk 150 grams.
  2. Cottage cheese (3% fat) 130 grams.
  3. Cocoa powder 10 grams.
  4. Cinnamon (teaspoon)

Pre-mix cocoa with cinnamon, gradually adding milk. Stirring at the same time. If the cottage cheese has lumps, you need to grate it. Add to milk and blend thoroughly again. The product is ready to use!

RECIPE No. 3. Grainy cottage cheese with ground red pepper.

  1. Skim milk 170 grams.
  2. Cottage cheese with grains 150 grams.
  3. Ground red pepper 2 pinches.

It is better to purchase cottage cheese in packages. Fat content should be about 5%. Pour the entire mixture into a blender bowl. Beat thoroughly. This cocktail is good to drink in the evening at 6 pm.

RECIPE No. 4. Eggs with nuts


  1. Chicken egg (raw).
  2. Kefir (fat content 2.5% 200 grams.
  3. Walnut, shelled 50 grams.
  4. Honey 20 grams.

Fry the nuts in a frying pan without adding oil for 5 minutes. Then the nuts need to be chopped as much as possible. Add honey and pour kefir. Pour into blender bowl. You can use the whole egg or separate the white. Whip until thick foam and take for dinner.

RECIPE No. 5. Egg white with parsley

  1. Chicken egg white 2 pieces.
  2. Milk 250 grams.
  3. Parsley 20 grams.

You need to make sure the chicken eggs are fresh. It's better to use homemade ones. You will need milk at room temperature, and the protein should be chilled. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend. Cut the washed parsley into small particles and mix into the resulting base. The drink is ideal for weight loss. Bon appetit!

When should I take it?

Eating protein rationally at home is the key to achieving your goal.

  • A protein shake is simply an irreplaceable drink in the morning, when the muscles are weakened and relaxed. You can add fructose to your morning drink.
  • Consumed an hour before training, it will serve as a source of energy restoration and vigor. Helps restore muscles after training. It is important to adhere to this particular period of time.
  • After training it will help satisfy your hunger.

It is not advisable to drink protein shakes late in the day. But, if there is no way out, then it is better to give preference to casein protein, which is not so quickly absorbed.

How to take protein for weight loss?

In order to understand how to drink protein correctly for weight loss, you need to calculate your daily requirement of KBJU. An adult, both a girl and a man, with average physical activity needs at least 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. And people who want not only to lose weight, but also to build muscle mass are recommended to consume 3-4 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

For example, a person weighing 80 kg needs 160 g of protein per day. Calculate how much protein you consume from regular food. Usually, this is no more than 100 g. Replenish the missing part with several servings of a protein shake.

Sports supplements can be taken not only at night and after training, but also replace or supplement any meal with them.

Protein cocktail

For the night

Despite many prejudices, experts say that taking protein shakes late (at night) is not harmful to health. Moreover, it serves as nutrition for muscles, which continue to grow and recover at night.

Slow supplements in the form of soy, complex and casein cocktails are ideal for night nutrition. They give a feeling of fullness and help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

After training

There is no arguing about the benefits of a cocktail after effective training or physical activity. In this case, the cocktail should have ingredients that quickly replenish glycogen reserves, heal muscle microtraumas and restore strength.

Thus, the required components for such drinks are carbohydrates, amino acids, and electrolytes.

When preparing at home, you can use honey, lemon, peanut butter, cottage cheese, banana, oatmeal, nuts, and cinnamon as additives. The most commonly used are vanilla or chocolate protein, glucose tablets.

Before training

Before training (1-2 hours before), it is recommended to eat protein or carbohydrate foods, which will provide the body with the necessary energy and will nourish the muscles during training.

It’s worth drinking a whey-based protein drink 30 minutes before . The absorption of microelements will accelerate and improve if you follow a normal drinking regime.

After waking up

During sleep, the body does not receive food and uses additional sources of energy. To prevent this process from negatively affecting the body and to avoid the destruction of muscle tissue, it is important to replenish energy reserves in a timely manner.

For athletes or anyone trying to normalize their weight or muscle mass, a quick protein option is ideal: whey protein or hydrolyzed protein.

Is there a difference in protein shakes for women and men?

A fairly common question and quite justified, because sachets in pharmacies and sports stores differ. Some depict slender girls, while others depict fit, muscular guys. Yes, and the names are different. “Male” packages are intended for gaining muscle mass, and “female” packages are intended exclusively for weight loss. In fact, there is no difference! The composition is the same, and everything else is ordinary advertising gimmicks.

Protein is protein. When losing weight, as well as when gaining muscle mass, it is necessary. If weight loss occurs with a normal lifestyle, then you need to receive 1 gram per day. protein per kilo of weight, but if serious physical activity occurs at the same time, then 1.5 grams.

If the body does not receive protein in sufficient quantities, then weight loss will occur, but not only due to the loss of adipose tissue. It will be used last. Nature’s design is that the fat layer protects the body from the cold, so the body will not consume it. The muscle mass will go away, so there will be a plumb line, but the fat will remain.

Conclusion The packages for men and women contain the same composition of products, but the methods of administration differ depending on the goal.

Recipes at home

Protein shake for muscles

Ingredients for the first recipe:

  • 280 ml milk;
  • 120 g cottage cheese;
  • small banana;
  • 3-4 boiled egg whites;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • honey to taste (no more than 1.5 tbsp.).


  • Place all ingredients in a blender bowl.
  • Turn into a uniform mass.
  • It is allowed to change some ingredients from time to time.

Ingredients for the second recipe:

  • 220 ml kefir;
  • 55 g milk powder;
  • add sugar or jam to taste.


  • Everything is thoroughly mixed in a blender.
  • Sugar and jam in this recipe will act as a source of energy.

Protein shake for growth

The cocktail is especially beneficial for the female body.


  • half a banana;
  • 250 ml orange juice;
  • low fat cottage cheese – 45 g;
  • 25 g chocolate;
  • spoon of jam.


  • The contents are whipped in a blender.
  • The recipe will not only serve as a drink for growth, but will also help produce the necessary hormones.

Protein shake for mass gain

The main components for gaining muscle mass are: water, milk or low-fat kefir, juices.

You can also add egg whites, cottage cheese, egg powder, various fruits and berries, and honey. Cocoa, coffee, and vanillin are used as additives.

Ingredients for the first recipe:

  • 170 g yogurt without additives;
  • 170 g milk;
  • 2.5 liters of oatmeal;
  • spoon of honey;
  • some fresh or frozen strawberries.


  • Beat everything in a blender.

Ingredients for the second recipe:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 4-5 walnut halves;
  • 5 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • add a little spinach and dill if desired.


  • Place all ingredients in a blender.
  • Turn into a uniform mass.
  • It is allowed to change some ingredients.

Protein shake for weight loss

Ingredients for 1 recipe:

  • 350 g cottage cheese;
  • 200 g milk;
  • 170 g water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l cocoa.


  • Place all products in a blender.
  • Turn into a uniform mass.

Ingredients for 2 recipes:

  • 220 ml milk;
  • 120 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 banana;
  • 3.5 liters of cereal;
  • it is allowed to add 1.5 liters of honey;
  • Milk and cottage cheese should be low in fat.


  • Beat all ingredients using a blender.

Protein shake


  • egg powder;
  • 70 ml milk;
  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1.5 liters of cream;
  • 45 g of honey;
  • any berries.


  • Beat all ingredients using a blender.

Natural protein shake

There are dozens of recipes for natural protein shakes. From them you can choose a drink according to your taste or the content of ingredients.


  • a jar of natural yogurt;
  • 5 quail eggs;
  • 200 ml orange juice.


  • Mix yogurt with quail eggs in a blender.
  • Then add orange juice.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Protein shake with banana


  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 1.5 small bananas;
  • 150 ml fresh cream or ice cream;
  • cinnamon and vanilla optional


  • Beat all ingredients.

Protein shake when cutting


  • 170 ml milk (fat content no more than 3%);
  • 160 g cottage cheese;
  • 1.5 tsp. honey;
  • 150 g strawberries.


  • Beat milk with cottage cheese.
  • Then add honey and strawberries.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.

Protein shake for swimmers

Swimmers must adhere to a certain diet, since this sport is considered the most energy-intensive.


  • 50 g cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • any fruit syrup.


  • Beat cottage cheese with milk in a blender.
  • Add egg whites and syrup.
  • Mix everything.
  • You can also add any fruits, nuts and protein powder.

Protein shake with chocolate


  • cocoa - 1 tsp;
  • cottage cheese - 120 g;
  • 1.5 tsp. honey;
  • 170 ml low fat milk.


  • Beat cocoa and cottage cheese with a blender.
  • Add honey and milk.
  • Mix everything.

Protein shake with peach


  • 1 tbsp. l. whey protein;
  • a cup of water or low-fat milk;
  • 1 packet of oatmeal;
  • 250 g fresh peaches.


  • Beat the protein and milk in a blender.
  • Add oats and peaches.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.

Protein shake with orange

The cocktail should have a uniform consistency. It is advisable to drink the drink at room temperature.


  • fresh yogurt without additives;
  • orange slices;
  • almond paste;
  • oatmeal;
  • you can add blackberries.


  • Mix yogurt with orange.
  • Next add pasta and oatmeal.
  • Beat everything with a blender.

Protein shake with berries


  • a glass of milk;
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a bag of instant oatmeal (you can add buckwheat);
  • any seedless berries.


  • Beat milk, cottage cheese and oatmeal with a blender.
  • Add berries.
  • Mix.

Recipes with grains

These protein shakes do two things at once. They perfectly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of debris, fecal stones, and toxins. And in parallel, active fat burning occurs. Here are the most popular recipes:

  • Place 60 grams in a blender bowl. fresh or frozen cranberries (defrost first), pour out a liter of clean drinking water, add 50 gr. oats pre-soaked for 15 minutes in boiling water and 150 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%. Grind all components at low speed until smooth.

Take note. Cranberries can be replaced with lingonberries. The effect will be no worse, as will the taste.

  • Heat 200 ml of milk a little, pour 30-40 g of it. oatmeal, leave for 5-8 minutes. Transfer to a blender, mix with 130 gr. cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%, chopped banana and 25 ml of natural honey. Bring the cocktail to a homogeneous mass.
  • 25 gr. oatmeal and 30 gr. wheat, pour a glass of warm milk, cover, leave for 10 minutes. In a blender, combine the ingredients with 250 gr. cottage cheese, at the very end pour in 20 ml of linseed oil in a thin stream.
  • 50 gr. wheat and the same amount of oatmeal, pour 200 ml of hot milk, leave for 10-15 minutes, transfer to a blender. Send 130 grams there. cottage cheese, mix everything until smooth. Top with a handful of berries.

These cocktails swell well. It’s better not to drink them through a straw, but to eat them with a spoon.


Protein shakes, prepared at home from natural products, have virtually no contraindications and do not cause harm to the body.

But drinks prepared using protein preparations should be consumed with caution, taking into account some special factors:

  • Moderation is important; too much protein intake can overload the work of internal organs.
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction due to intolerance to one of the components.
  • With constant consumption of proteins for 4 or more years, serious liver and kidney diseases are possible.
  • It is forbidden to take such cocktails if you have stomach problems.

Fruit cocktails

Such cocktails are suitable for both people losing weight and athletes gaining weight. The recipe for one of them: 200 ml of natural drinking yogurt, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and peeled apples cut into pieces (100 g). The products are placed in a blender and mixed. When preparing a fruit drink, instead of an apple, you can add a banana in the same quantity.

The following recipe is also suitable for a fasting day:

  • 30 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a glass of low-fat milk;
  • 20 g milk powder;

    Protein shakes for muscle growth and weight loss. Benefits and harms, recipes on how to cook at home

  • 25 g apples;
  • 25 g kiwi;
  • 30 g seedless grapes.

When preparing a fruit cocktail to increase weight, you can use the following recipe:

  • 300 ml milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • banana;

    Protein shakes for muscle growth and weight loss. Benefits and harms, recipes on how to cook at home

  • 70 g pear;
  • 1 plum.

Rules for preparing and drinking fruit cocktails:

  • peel and pit the fruit (unless otherwise specified in the recipe);
  • wash fruits;
  • cool the drink before drinking (so that the body spends energy on digestion);
  • if heaviness occurs in the stomach after drinking a cocktail with milk, replace it with any fresh juice;
  • yogurt for fruit cocktail should not be fatty;
  • It is not recommended to drink sweet drinks at night.


Reviews from some people about drinking protein shakes:

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

Protein drinks for weight loss

Protein shakes that are low in carbohydrates are suitable for weight loss. Due to the high amount of nutrients, they block the feeling of hunger for a long time. Many women are afraid to gain muscle mass by drinking shakes. A side effect is possible if protein nutrition is combined with strength training.

Simple rules will help increase the effectiveness of prepared drinks.

  1. Do not exclude physical activity. The maximum effect is achieved by such exercises as: running, jumping, aerobics. Taking protein shakes without exercising, on the contrary, will provoke the appearance of extra pounds.
  2. Cocktails are most effective when taken between meals and 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. Adjust your diet taking into account the calorie content of the cocktail. The drink cannot be a substitute for a full meal throughout the day, but when drawing up a daily menu, its calorie content cannot be overlooked.
  4. In some recipes, the calculation of products is made so that the volume of the finished drink is 300 ml or more. It will be better for the body if you divide the cocktail intake into small portions (for example: 100 ml 3 times a day).
  5. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream (for drinks) should be low-fat.
  6. Drink the cocktail in small sips.

Cocktail recipe that will help you lose weight:

  • a glass of soy milk;
  • a glass of kefir;

    Protein shakes for muscle growth and weight loss. Benefits and harms, recipes on how to cook at home

  • 1 tsp honey;
  • kiwi.

The fruit is cut into cubes or strips, and the honey is slightly heated in a water bath. All ingredients are mixed in a blender. The drink is ready. A protein shake made with yogurt and juice will also help you lose weight. To prepare it you need to take yogurt and orange juice in a 1:1 ratio. Add 20 g of nuts (pre-grind in a blender or coffee grinder) and 1 tsp. honey.

The following recipe will require 2 tangerines, a glass of soy milk, 5 g of flaxseed oil and 0.5 cups of kefir. Mash the tangerines with an immersion blender. Add linseed oil to the pulp and mix thoroughly. The remaining ingredients are placed in a blender along with the tangerine pulp and mixed.

Another simple recipe:

  • 50 g assorted nuts;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • a glass of kefir.

The following drink is also popular:

  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • 10 g flax seeds;
  • vanilla powder 5 g;
  • glass of chilled water.

Recipe for exotic lovers:

  • 70 g pineapple;
  • 1 whole raw egg;
  • 2 raw egg whites;
  • glass of water.

Cool the drink before drinking.

  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 5 g vanillin;
  • a glass of apple juice;

    Protein shakes for muscle growth and weight loss. Benefits and harms, recipes on how to cook at home

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml kefir:
  • 10 g lemon zest.

Suitable for lovers of savory cocktails.

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Whey and casein proteins

To choose a truly high-quality product, you need to pay attention to both the manufacturer and the composition. A good protein should have a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of protein. Ratings of the best brands can help you with your purchase.

Casein is recommended to be taken in the evening or between separate meals, and whey in the morning, 60 minutes before and after exercise. It’s not enough to just consume protein and wait for results; you need to train regularly and hard.


Until recently, protein shakes were only mentioned as sports nutrition, with the help of which handsome men built muscle mass while working out in the gym.

Time has changed, the era of all kinds of diets has come, and wise women have turned protein shakes into an effective means for losing weight. How so?

Protein shakes are useful because they themselves are very low in calories, and the protein compounds that make up them are not stored as fat, but are used to build muscle mass. If you don’t engage in intense physical training while drinking such cocktails, you won’t gain much muscle, but the fat will go away and your figure will take on beautiful, appetizing shapes.

Protein is one of the most important components of any diet. The amino acids found in protein are needed by the body to build healthy tissues such as muscles, as well as to form antibodies and blood cells. On average, an adult requires 50 to 175 grams of protein daily. If you exercise regularly, are trying to lose weight, or just need a boost of strength and energy, then a protein shake is a great option for giving your body the protein it needs.

Protein shake for weight loss. How to use?

A protein shake for weight loss is a very specific product, and its effect will directly depend on whether it is consumed correctly.

There are several rules that should not be neglected when using protein shakes to lose excess weight.

  1. When taking a protein shake for weight loss, physical activity is required - not heavy, but daily. Morning exercises, jogging, aerobics, and fitness without dumbbells are suitable. The body needs to splash out the energy it receives from this wonderful drink. Don’t be afraid to build up excess muscle mass: you won’t be pumping it up.
  2. You may hear advice that protein shakes for weight loss should be taken instead of food, but this is absolutely harmful to health. The menu when drinking this drink should be balanced and varied: it should contain both fats and carbohydrates, otherwise you will disrupt the internal functioning of your body, and it will be quite difficult to establish it.
  3. But it is quite possible to reduce five meals a day to three meals a day. Instead of your usual lunch or afternoon snack, you can drink a protein shake for weight loss.
  4. Start with one serving of the shake per day and see how your body reacts after a week. If you feel better and the kilograms begin to fall off, then this will be quite enough, continue to take the drink as before. If there are no significant changes, increase the dose to two cocktails per day.
  5. When is it recommended to take a protein shake for weight loss? It is recommended to do this in the morning, in between main meals, half an hour after physical activity (but not after!) or two hours before bedtime.
  6. This drink should not be drunk in one gulp: stretch out the pleasure in small sips.

Neglecting the rules is fraught with serious consequences: extra pounds can turn into a pile of disordered muscles that do not suit a woman who is losing weight.

4 simple protein shake recipes for weight loss

There are three ways to get a protein shake for weight loss: buy a ready-made one at a sports nutrition store, purchase protein powder based on which you can make a shake at home yourself, and prepare this drink entirely at home, from natural products. If you don't want to spend money on expensive protein powders, I bring to your attention protein shake recipes from products that can be bought at any store - four classic recipes, time-tested and very effective.

Recipe No. 1. Honey protein shake with kiwi


  • Kiwi (one medium-sized fruit);
  • Honey (two tablespoons);
  • Soy milk (300 ml);
  • Kefir 1.5% (200 ml).

How to cook:

  1. Cut the kiwi into cubes;
  2. Heat honey until liquid;
  3. Place everything into a blender;
  4. Beat.

Recipe No. 2. Raspberry protein shake


  • Raspberries (100 g);
  • Milk (200 ml);
  • Kefir 1.5%, natural, without additives and sugar (200 ml).

How to cook:

  1. Mash the raspberries;
  2. Place everything into a blender;
  3. Beat.

Recipe No. 3 Tangerine protein shake


  • Tangerines (two pieces);
  • Soy milk (400 ml);
  • Kefir 1.5% (125 ml);
  • Flaxseed oil (one teaspoon).

How to cook:

  1. Mash the tangerine pulp;
  2. Mix tangerine pulp with linseed oil;
  3. Place everything in a blender;
  4. Beat.

Recipe No. 4 Fruit and curd protein shake

First, look in the refrigerator - you may already have everything you need. You may need the following ingredients: skim milk (almond milk, soy milk) or yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, nut butter.

Ingredients and equipment needed to prepare a protein shake:
- blender; - milk; - yogurt; - cottage cheese;[/td]

- peanut butter; - eggs; - banana; - berries; - watermelon; - pumpkin; - oatmeal (optional); - rye bran (optional)

1. To begin, choose a base for your drink.

  • An excellent option is skim milk , which contains 8 g of protein (per 236 ml). Regular milk (1.5% fat) can also be used: it contains about the same amount of protein, and both types of milk also contain cholesterol.
  • soy or almond milk as a base - they contain 6 g of protein (per 236 ml). This is slightly less than regular milk, but there is another advantage: you won't get any extra cholesterol.
  • For a thicker smoothie, use 118ml milk or plain yoghurt. 118 ml of yogurt contains approximately 6.5 g of protein. The same amount of Greek yogurt has 12 g of protein.

2. Choose a second ingredient rich in protein..

  • Cottage cheese is the best option. Cottage cheese contains casein protein, which keeps you feeling full for a long time. 118 ml of cottage cheese contains about 14 g of protein. Give preference to low-fat and unsalted varieties of cottage cheese.
  • A raw egg is also great for a protein shake. One egg contains approximately 5.5 g of protein. ! Using a raw egg carries a small risk of introducing salmonella into the food, so be sure to wash the egg thoroughly before breaking the shell.
  • Another popular ingredient in protein shakes is nut butter . 2 tablespoons (22.5 g) of nut butter contain 7-8 g of protein. The same amount of almond oil contains about 5 g of protein.

3. Add a glass of chopped fruit (150-250 g) so that the cocktail acquires the desired consistency and nutritional value.

  • Banana is one of the most popular ingredients. It contains 1-2 g of protein and also adds thickness to the shake.
  • You can add another fruit that you like - for example, apricots, berries, oranges.
  • Most fruits are low in protein, but a large piece of watermelon , for example, contains about 1.77 g of this substance.
  • Canned pumpkin (180 g) contains about 2.7 g of protein.

4. Add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal (15 g) - the cocktail will be enriched with additional protein. This product can be omitted, but 3 g of protein is unlikely to be superfluous. You can add 1 tablespoon of rye bran - the effect will be the same.

5. Pour 118-236 ml of the main ingredient into the blender, add 2 tbsp. or 118 ml of your favorite protein-rich food, 1 cup of fruit and 3 tbsp. oatmeal. Shake the cocktail for 45 seconds - 1 minute. 6.

The drink should be drunk fresh: the nutritional composition of the cocktail is higher, the fresher the ingredients. The prepared drink will contain about 30-50 g of protein.

Useful tips

If you make protein shakes regularly, use different ingredients for variety. This will help you get about 20 types of amino acids important for the body. An excellent protein mixture can be obtained by combining 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. sugar and a little vanilla (purely for flavor). FoodLover.Ru

You need to choose a recipe in accordance with your taste preferences and the ingredients that are always available, so that a protein shake for weight loss can be prepared at any time.

Are there any benefits to drinking protein shakes?

What can you expect after drinking a protein shake?

  • You can lose up to 5 kg in a month if you follow all the rules of use;
  • Improved well-being, as cocktails restore order in the body, improving metabolic processes;
  • A charge of vivacity and energy: fatigue will go away, the feeling of depression and constant nervous tension will disappear;
  • Getting rid of cellulite;
  • Muscles filled with protein in reasonable quantities will acquire beautiful, sculpted shapes.

The result may exceed all expectations, because few people believe that such a tasty drink can also be very useful for weight loss.

Contraindications for use

All these results are possible only if there are no contraindications to the use of protein shakes. After all, protein is a very active substance that manages to perform many different functions in the body. In the presence of certain diseases, such protein activity can result in harm to the body. Contraindications to drinking protein shakes for weight loss are:

  • any kidney disease;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease.

The benefits of protein shakes for the body are undeniable. If you complement this benefit with moderate physical activity and proper nutrition, the effect will exceed all expectations. They will not only allow you to lose kilos, but will make your figure feminine and very beautiful. If men already use this miraculous drink for the beauty of their bodies, then it’s even more time for women to use it for the same purposes.

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