Choosing between BCAA and amino acid complexes

When it comes to controversial types of sports nutrition such as amino acids (for example, BCAA or glutamine), doctors’ reviews about the advisability of taking them are, from our point of view, the decisive argument.

In order to understand the question “Which is better: protein or amino acids (+bcaa)?”, we asked the chief physician of one of the clinics, collected reviews from several well-known experts, and in conclusion simply used common sense. Read on and find out what is better...

Main thoughts:

The entire range of amino acids the body needs can be obtained from natural food proteins.

Feedback from the chief physician: “.. taking amino acids is not natural for a healthy body”

Feedback from the chief physician: “.. I don’t see sufficient justification for the use of individual amino acids (including bcaa) in the form of supplements”

Feedback from the chief physician: “.. it is important not just to deliver amino acids, but to obtain them correctly (break them down), during which muscle growth hormones are released” Physician-Researcher Review: “..BCAAs are most likely only effective for untrained (beginner) athletes during prolonged training.”

When there are too many BCAA amino acids and protein in the diet, the activity of the mTOR enzyme increases, which stimulates the growth of biological tissues, including cancerous ones. This is why scientists do not recommend taking BCAA amino acids in supplement form, nor do they recommend taking too much protein.

The daily requirement for leucine, one of the most important amino acids for muscle growth, can be satisfied by eating 300 g of beef; making it even easier with a protein shake

Amino acids are important, they are the basis of life, building blocks for the creation of muscle cells and the synthesis of hormones... and all that...

This is true.


When you have a headache, what is better: take one tablet, as prescribed by the doctor, or ten, so that the pain goes away faster?

Balance is important.

In large doses, amino acids (BCAAs, glutamine, arginine, etc.) and any other most beneficial substances can turn into poison.

However, among bodybuilders (both amateur and professional) there are many who are guided by the principle of “the more the merrier” when it comes to sports nutrition, swallowing doses of amino acids in the form of supplements, sports proteins and natural products every day that exceed the recommended ones. 10-20, and sometimes 40 times!

Many reputable nutritionists, athletes and scientists today agree that “ if you are healthy, you do not need special sports supplements at all .” Everything you need can be taken from natural food.”

And this is a fact that would not hurt to frame it and hang it in prominent places in all sports nutrition stores, gyms and... somewhere in your head.

The entire range of amino acids the body needs can be obtained from natural food proteins.

In order to understand the question of which is better, protein or amino acids (including bcaa), we collected reviews from some doctors and scientists. As new facts are discovered, the information in this section will be updated. To stay informed, subscribe to our newsletters at the bottom of the page.

As an addition to the topic under consideration, be sure to read our material How to take BCAA amino acids and... is it worth it? Maybe protein is better?, where we tell how scientific research is “done” confirming the effectiveness of these amino acids, and as an illustration we give an example of the well-known resource, which stimulates sales of bcaa amino acids, relying on fictitious “scientific” data for which they paid.

What are amino acids?

Variants of amino acid complexes. There are many manufacturers producing them. When choosing, the main thing is the right approach

Variants of amino acid complexes. There are many manufacturers producing them. When choosing, the main thing is the right approach

Amino acids are the so-called building blocks of proteins. Human muscles are mainly composed of protein. The body needs it for growth, strengthening and recovery.

In total, a person needs 20 amino acids: 9 of them are non-essential, and 11 are essential. The body gets them from food, and if it is balanced, then it does not experience starvation. With a balanced diet, but intense physical activity, a person needs recharge. Then it is possible to use a complex of essential amino acids, which includes:

  • tryptophan;
  • histidine;
  • lysine;
  • phenylalanine;
  • methionine;
  • threonine

These amino acids are highly effective during sports, but most professionals choose bca amino acids. Let's figure out what they are.

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  • Can BCAA complex negatively affect the human body?
  • Features and purpose of BCAA Pro Reloaded from SAN

What does the additional component provide?

Recently, bcaa complexes have an additional component - glutamine. This is one of the most important amino acids, the percentage of which reaches 60%. Glutamine in bca complexes promotes the formation of additional immune cells in the blood. But during fasting or particular stress, this amino acid is removed from the body and its deficiency occurs. As a result, a weakening of the immune system and a decrease in athletic performance are possible.

In addition, glutamine complements the beneficial properties of bcaa complexes.
In particular, the process of accumulation of fatty deposits in the liver slows down, excess metabolic products are eliminated (this is very important during active training), protein synthesis accelerates (you can get a greater effect while taking VCA). In addition, glutamine activates the production of growth hormone, suppresses the stress hormone (cortisol) and accelerates the recovery process of muscle fibers and the entire body.
Glutamine is a very useful supplement that only enhances the effect of taking a complex of essential amino acids.

What is a BCAA complex?

BCA amino acid complex from different manufacturers. Wide choice for consumers
BCA amino acid complex from different manufacturers. Wide choice for consumers

BCAA is a complex that consists of three essential amino acids. It includes such as leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCA amino acids are the main material for building new muscles and take a very important part in anabolism and recovery processes. In addition, the supplement has an anticabolic effect. And since essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body, a person receives them only through food or by using BCAA. These amino acids differ from the other 17 in that they accumulate in the muscles and can be their main “fuel”, which improves athletic performance and also improves health. Plus they are safe.

We also recommend that you pay attention to the article: “Composition and features of the BCAA Stack amino complex from Universal.”

It is also important to know what the complex gives during a weight loss workout or muscle drying. Let's consider.

This material will be perfectly complemented by the following publications:

  • Properties and composition of the Usplabs Modern BCAA amino acid complex
  • The main purpose of the BCAA complex and its effect on the body

What are amino acids needed for?

Amino acids are vital for the human body.
The fact is that they are directly involved in the synthesis of protein, from which, in turn, cells, tissues, and organs are built. Scientists today talk about 28 amino acids. Moreover, our body synthesizes 20 of them without “outside help.” But another 8 enter our body exclusively with food.

Those who play intensive sports . The fact is that even during low-intensity training, the lion's share of amino acids is burned. And what is lost must be replenished.

A lack of amino acids leads to various pathologies in the body and can have irreversible consequences. Typically, professional athletes take amino acids 3-4 times a day. Often, especially for beginning athletes, the question arises:

Proven effects of taking a complex of amino acids and BCAA

The composition of the BCAA complex, which allows you to achieve results by increasing muscle mass and improving overall health. But sport is irreplaceable
The composition of the BCAA complex, which allows you to achieve results by increasing muscle mass and improving overall health. But sport is irreplaceable

An important and pressing question that arises among novice athletes is what is the amino acid or bcaa complex needed for and what properties does it have? Let's figure it out. Among the main effects are:

  • protecting muscles from destruction;
  • increase in the effectiveness of sports nutrition by 40%;
  • burning fat deposits in the body. BCAA, a weight loss composition, provides a good effect, while amino acids provide a slightly lesser effect;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • The vitamins included in the composition accelerate the absorption of amino acids.

Important! There is no particular difference in effectiveness for women and men. The main thing is to follow the correct dosage. Instructions for use from each specific manufacturer will help with this.

BCAA is the right choice!

Thus, it is quite obvious that when choosing between amino acids and BCAAs as a source of protein, it is better to give preference to BCAAs . Because BCAA:

  • includes exactly those essential amino acids that need to be replenished after physical activity in the first place
  • completely absorbed by the body within 3 hours
  • metabolized directly into muscle tissue
  • helps absorb up to 89% of other amino acids.

Amino acid content in products

In addition, BCAA effectively protects muscles from destruction, helps increase lean muscle mass, increases strength, and reduces fat content in tissues.

Take BCAAs only AFTER meals.

Which is better - amino acids or BCAA?

BCAA ensures an accelerated supply of protein to the muscles, due to which their growth and recovery occurs
BCAA ensures an accelerated supply of protein to the muscles, due to which their growth and recovery occurs

Many novice athletes wonder what is better - amino acids or bcaa? Budget is critical. This is due to the fact that pure BCAA is much more expensive than a complex of amino acids.

In addition, it should be noted that the high cost of BCAA amino acids is due to their accelerated entry into the muscles. Leucine and isoleucine, as well as valine, directly affect fibers.


What is it for?

Let's figure out what bcaa is and why they are so special. Essentially, this is a special group of branched chain amino acids that is not synthesized by the body. What does it mean? You can get the necessary bcaa amino acids only from food or special sports nutrition. The second option is more preferable, because it is possible to clearly determine the dosage and, most importantly, adhere to it.

combination of additives

If we talk about an adult body, then there are eight essential amino acids. These include phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, lysine. Along with them is a trio of branched bcaa amino acids - valine, leucine and isoleucine. Their peculiarity is the unique structure of their molecules.

What functions does bcaa perform? Everything is simple here. From the anatomy course, we know that muscle fibers include two main components - actin and myosin. The “trinity” we mentioned are the connecting links of proteins. In fact, without bcaa amino acids there would be no integral structure of muscle fibers.

Forms of release of amino acid complexes

Sports nutrition comes in different forms, amino acid complex and BCAA are no exception. The results from taking it are impressive.
Sports nutrition comes in different forms, amino acid complex and BCAA are no exception. The results from taking it are impressive.

It should immediately be noted that they are equivalent in effectiveness. Amino acids and BCAA are available in the form:

  • powders;
  • tablets;
  • solutions;
  • capsules;
  • injections.

Important! Injections should be used in rare cases, as they have a lot of contraindications, and it is impossible to achieve a better effect with them.

The daily requirement for amino acids for a person weighing 70 kg is 12 grams, and due to the fact that they are available in standard food products, the need for them is fully met. But athletes with a similar weight during intense exercise need 100–120 grams, which is why they use dietary supplements.

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Rating of the 10 best BCAA

BCAA Powder 12000 (Ultimate Nutrition)

Cost 1,200 rubles (400 g).

This complex is produced in powder form without flavoring additives. The ratio of amino acids is 2:1:1. This sports nutrition product can be called the purest, containing no substances other than leucine, isoleucine and valine. Amino acid content per serving is 6 grams:

  • L-leucine – 3000 mg;
  • L-isoleucine – 1500 mg;
  • L-valine – 1500 mg.

When choosing a sports drink with flavoring additives, the portion increases to 7.6 grams. It is an excellent assistant in the recovery process and an ally in anti-catabolic and anabolic effects.

Pros of the supplement:

  • No impurities.
  • Great concentration.
  • Excellent quality.
  • Value for money.

BCAA 5000 powder (Optimum Nutrition)

Cost 1,800 rubles (345 g jar).

A classic supplement with a traditional amino acid ratio of 2:1:1. These BCAA's come in powder form. No flavoring additives. One serving contains 5.7 grams of the substance, of which 5 grams are amino acids. When choosing a product with flavor additives, the BCAA concentration does not change, but the serving will already be 10 grams.


  • High quality.
  • It dissolves well in water.


  • High price.
  • Low concentration of amino acids compared to analogues.

BCAA (Allmax)

Cost 1,800 rubles (400 g jar).

Canadian Allmax created its product based on an amino acid complex developed by a pharmaceutical company from Japanese raw materials of the highest quality. The BCAA ratio in the sports supplement is 2:1:1 The amount of unflavored BCAA in a five-gram serving is all five grams.


  • High pharmaceutical quality of the product.
  • Micronized particles for better mixing with liquid.


  • High cost of the complex.

Essential BCAA 2:1:1 (MyProtein)

Cost 1,700 rubles (soft bag, 500 g).

The powder form of BCAA has classic proportions. The product is offered in two versions: unflavored and with flavoring additives. In a serving of 5 grams, the unflavored version contains 5 grams of BCAA, and in the complex with the addition of flavoring substances, the concentration of amino acids is reduced to 4 grams per serving.

Main advantages:

  • Excellent value for money and quality.


  • Some tastes are unpleasant.
  • Doesn't mix well in water.

Amino X (BSN)

Cost 1,400 rubles (435 g jar).

Recently, this complex has become very popular among athletes. It also contains citrulline and. These additional substances are auxiliary in the work of BCAA.


  • Enriched with other amino acids.
  • Excellent dissolution.


  • The exact amount of BCAA in the product is unknown and there is no amino acid ratio.
  • There are dyes in the composition.

BCAA+B6 (BioTech USA)

The cost is 1,900 rubles (the jar contains 340 tablets).

This traditional formulation contains vitamin B6 in a 2:1:1 ratio. The concentration in one serving is small compared to other complexes in our TOP and is equal to 4 grams. The complex is available in tablet form. One serving consists of 4 tablets.

Advantages of the complex:

  • Availability of auxiliary components.


  • Large tablets.

BCAA 6400 (Scitec Nutrition)

Cost 1,550 rubles (can of 375 tablets).

BCAA complex with a classic 2:1:1 formula and an excellent concentration of amino acids. One serving, which is 5 tablets, contains 4.5 g of BCAA.


  • Convenient shape.
  • Good value for money.
  • High concentration of amino acids in the complex.


  • Large tablet size.

Geneticlab BCAA PRO

Cost 1500 rubles (500 g).

The BCAA formula is a complex that has a special, powerful amino acid ratio of 4:1:1. Many people consider this ratio to be a loading dose. This ratio works best. This product is perfect for professional athletes. By the way, this is exactly what manufacturers say about their product. This amino acid complex comes in different flavors. The package contains 40 servings. One serving is 12.5 grams (2 scoops). The complex is also enriched with taurine.


  • Powerful anabolic complex.


  • High concentration of additional ingredients.
  • Small number of servings.

Vplab BCAA 8:1:1

Cost 1366 rubles (300 g).

In addition to BCAA, this complex also contains L-glutamine. It increases the anabolic effect of BCAA and also strengthens the immune system. According to the manufacturer, the complex can help with BCAA sports complexes faster than other sports complexes.


  • The product has excellent taste.
  • It dissolves well in water.
  • Contains additional ingredients that increase the effect of taking it.


  • Large portion – 10 grams.
  • Small number of servings (30).

Hit BCAA 10:1:1

Cost 1700 rubles (518 g).

This very rare and super-powerful formula has a 10:1:1 ratio and also contains citrulline, beta-alanine and. This complex provides muscles with a powerful supply of microelements, improves recovery and anabolic effect. There is also a noticeable increase in endurance and energy during intense workouts.


  • Highest product efficiency.
  • Great taste.
  • Additional ingredients that enhance the effect of BCAA.


  • Small number of servings per package (20 in total).

Choice of amino acids and BCAA

The choice of amino acid complex or BCAA for men and women does not make a significant difference.
The choice of amino acid complex or BCAA for men and women does not make a significant difference.

At the very beginning of training and taking sports nutrition, beginners are faced with the question of how to choose amino acids and bcaa correctly. These few tips will help.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the manufacturer. There are now a huge number of them, but, unfortunately, not all of them offer high-quality goods. Before purchasing, you can read reviews on the Internet and consult with a trainer.

Important! You cannot buy food outside specialized sales points, as counterfeit food can negatively affect your health instead of achieving the desired result.

  • You should study the composition. If it is an amino acid complex or BCAA, it must include: valine, leucine, isoleucine. It is these components that ensure excellent muscle growth and fat burning. In addition, they also have a positive effect on health.
  • Expiration date and storage rules. An expired supplement is hazardous to health.
  • The presence of vitamins B6 and B12 is not a bad indicator, as they ensure easier and faster absorption of amino acids.
  • The absence of components that are considered individually intolerable.

Amino acid and bcaa kits are needed by those athletes who dream of beautiful muscle definition, and also want to recover at an accelerated pace after exercise, become more resilient and strong. There is no harm from this supplement, but you should strictly follow the recommended dosages.


The presence of high levels of BCAA becomes the basis for cell formation, division and growth. At the same time, the body requires increased amounts of ATP energy, which is necessary for muscle growth and recovery. Therefore, if your goal is to speed up the recovery process and achieve maximum results, then you should think about enriching your diet with bcaa amino acids.

Taking bcaa complexes helps prevent the destruction of muscle fibers. Indeed, during active training, the body is depleted, uses all existing reserves of amino acids and begins to take energy from already formed muscles (by breaking them down).

Additional consumption of BCA allows you to prevent dangerous and irreversible catabolic processes and replenish existing reserves. As a result, you can achieve results faster - increase muscle mass and strength. It’s a big plus if the complex contains glutamine. In this case, the processes described above go much faster.

A properly selected bcaa complex can not only increase muscle size, but also strengthen the immune system. This is quite logical. During active training, the body's reserves of amino acids are depleted (we have already mentioned this). As a result, the immune system suffers. This is why most novice athletes often begin to get sick during periods of heavy loads. To avoid this, it is important to supplement the diet with bcaa supplements and glutamine. In this case, the risk of getting sick is minimized.

example of additive

The training process leads to complete exhaustion of the body and “sucking out” almost all the energy. In such a situation, muscles are not able to grow. In turn, leucine molecules are able to cover the lack of ATP and provide the necessary synergistic effect. That is, the body receives the necessary power for growth and development. Therefore, bcaa simply needs to be taken before or immediately during exercise. This allows you to maximize productivity and achieve your goals.

Modern bcaa complexes, which contain glutamine, are very effective fat burners. No wonder. Taking bcaa directly affects the production of leptin, a hormone that helps destroy excess deposits. As a rule, this happens due to a decrease in appetite, acceleration of metabolism and lipolysis. In this regard, VSAA works flawlessly and is a great help during the “drying” period.

Professional opinions

Because glutamine is a nonessential amino acid, meaning it is synthesized in the body from other amino acids, there is debate about whether it should be taken separately as a sports supplement.

– If the body does not have a deficiency of glutamine, revealed by tests, then I don’t think there is any point in taking it just “to have it.” Especially if you consume BCAA in sufficient quantities, says sports doctor Boris Ushakov.

However, most bodybuilders call glutamine one of the main supplements in their diet.

– I take both glutamine and BCAA. I consume all sports nutrition before training - I make myself a cocktail of protein, arginine, glutamine, BCAA and L-carnitine,” says the absolute champion of the North-West of Russia and IFBB professional Sergei Zebald.


So, there are several main differences between bcaa and amino acids:

  • form. Amino acids are the general name. This supplement includes all the existing components needed by the body. Bcaa, on the other hand, is only a small group of amino acids;
  • assimilation. To break down regular amino acids, the liver has to work the hardest. In the case of bcaa, everything is much simpler - the necessary amino acids are supplied directly to muscle tissue;
  • compound. Complete complexes include absolutely all amino acids – both essential and essential. In the case of bcaa, there are only three elements in the composition that are most needed by the body.

Thus, differences between the two popular supplements do exist. All that remains is to decide on your task. If the goal is a general strengthening of the immune system, restoration of strength, and replenishment of vitality, then it is better to give preference to a complex amino acid complex. When you need to gain muscle mass and remove fat, bcaa is better suited.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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