How to tighten your buttocks: exercises to tighten your butt

In order for the buttocks to look attractive and toned, desire alone is not enough. Diets alone will not achieve this goal either. It is much more important to regularly perform time-tested, simple and effective butt lifting exercises. Training should be done every other day, for at least 10-15 minutes. This time will be enough for the buttocks to become rounded and lifted in a few months.
It should be noted that the buttocks consist of 3 muscles - small, medium and large. So, the first, despite the name, is responsible for the most important thing - the raised appearance of the “fifth point”. Therefore, during training, the small muscle must be involved.

How to lift your buttocks at home quickly and without harm to your health? Here is a list of 5 exercises with proven effectiveness:


The squat is the main exercise for correcting saggy gluteal muscles. Difficulty – medium. In this case, the thigh muscles (quadriceps), popliteal and large pelvic muscles, calf muscles, abdominal and back muscles are involved.

In the ranking of the TOP 10 exercises for the buttocks, squats take 1st place .

The squat exercise has several varieties :

  • classic (at an angle of 90 ͦ);
  • deep (25-35 ͦ);
  • with weight (dumbbells, barbell);
  • plie;
  • sumo;
  • squats with narrowed legs.

How to lift your buttocks at home even faster and more effectively? Do deep squats, weighted squats, and plies.

There are as many as 7 effective types of squats that are suitable for our purposes. If you are not a beginner and feel strong, various types of squats with dumbbells will suit you.

Also check out the special 30-day squat program.

Before starting classes , you should master the technique of performing:

  1. The heels should not come off the surface.
  2. When raising your knees, you must ensure that they do not curl inward.
  3. When squatting, your knees should not extend beyond your toes.
  4. Correct breathing. As you inhale, go down, as you exhale, go up.
  5. The back should be “hard” - straight.

Important! Before exercise, you should warm up your muscles to reduce the likelihood of injury.
So, plie squats represent a wide stance of the legs and maximally spread toes. Here, in addition to the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the back, abdomen, and lower back are also worked.

The sumo exercise is similar to squatting on a chair. In this case, the buttocks are pulled back a little, the back bends forward, the legs are located at hip level, and the toes are turned to the sides.

You should do 20 squats in 3 approaches , gradually increasing the load. Don't exhaust yourself on the first day of classes. Only properly structured and moderate training will give a positive result.

For a complete understanding, we recommend watching the video:
Caution! At the initial stage of training, it is not recommended to lift the barbell. To begin with, you should resort to using dumbbells.

Causes of sagging skin and accumulation of fatty deposits on the buttocks

Not making any effort to ensure that the buttocks are elastic and toned is possible only at a young age, when the body works like a clock, without any disturbances or failures. What happens next? Why does the skin become flabby, the muscles become weak and, as a result, the butt become saggy?

The main causes of sagging skin:

  • sudden weight loss without additional physical activity;
  • the first months after pregnancy and childbirth, when the skin is still stretched and the woman’s hormonal levels have not recovered;
  • age-related changes, decreased synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin;
  • improper cosmetic care;
  • dehydration after long infectious diseases, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • the influence of external factors, such as poor ecology, etc., leading to rapid aging.

Why fat deposits accumulate in the buttocks area:

  • genetic predisposition. Women with a pear-shaped figure are more likely to face the problem;
  • passive lifestyle. If a person moves little, he does not use up the extra calories he consumes. As a result, excess fat is deposited in problem areas, which include the buttocks;
  • menopause. During this period, women begin to deposit fat in the buttocks, even in the absence of a predisposition to this;
  • high consumption of sweets. Foods high in sugar contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds in the waist, legs and butt;
  • saturated fats. Such substances are poorly absorbed by the body, resulting in the formation of extra kilograms and centimeters in volume.

Full, flabby buttocks look unsightly


Lunges are the second most effective exercise for lifting the buttocks after squats. The degree of difficulty of the exercise depends on the technique of execution. So, with dumbbells and a barbell, training will be more effective. However, for beginners it is better to perform forward, backward and cross lunges without additional load.

About 7 different types of lunges and their effect on the buttocks, see here.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: legs at hip level, feet parallel to each other. The gaze is directed forward, the stomach is tense, the knees are slightly bent, the chest is in a wheel, the back is arched at the lower back.
  2. A big step forward is being taken. The center of gravity should shift to the leg. At the same time, the torso is straightened and a squat is performed on the leg extended forward.
  3. The movement should be performed until the back leg is 1 cm from the floor. Under no circumstances should the knee touch the surface, otherwise the exercise will lose effectiveness.
  4. Then you should return to the starting position. After this, the lunges are repeated alternating legs.

The exercise should be repeated 10 times in 3 approaches for each leg.

After watching the video it will become even clearer:
Important! Lunges with dumbbells will bring the greatest results. It is better if the shells are located along the body. This makes it easier to maintain balance.

When can you start exercising after giving birth?

During the first 1.5 - 2 months. After childbirth, you should not put any physical strain on your body. It is better to devote this time to restoring health, establishing a diet with sufficient vitamins and microelements. After 2 months the load can be gentle.

When breastfeeding, it will take about 9 months for hormonal levels to completely normalize. At this time, it is difficult to lose weight - the body is still under stress. Excessive attempts to lose excess weight can lead to metabolic disorders or the disappearance of milk.

Simple exercises can be performed after 1.5 months. after the baby is born. At first, it is enough to regularly walk with a stroller for half an hour. Then you can increase the speed of your step and the duration of your walk.

This will allow you to burn extra calories better than with race walking. It is advisable to start full-fledged training after 3 months. after childbirth, which went naturally and without complications.

Exercises for tightening the abdomen after childbirth, sides, buttocks, thighs, to restore the figure, contraction of the uterus, with diastasis of the recti muscles

After a caesarean section and episiotomy, physical activity is contraindicated for six months. Pilates and yoga are suitable as gentle forms of exercise, allowing you to strengthen your abs and pelvic floor muscles.

"Dead" or "Romanian" deadlift on straight legs

This exercise has a high degree of difficulty , so it is not recommended for everyone, especially for people who have problems with their knee joints and spine. During the deadlift with straight legs, all the gluteal muscles, back muscles and the back of the thigh are used.

Despite the name of the exercise - “straight-legged row” - the legs should be slightly bent during the exercise to avoid injury. The back does not fall below the pelvis.

Read more about the features and different types of deadlifts for girls.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: take dumbbells into your hands. The back is straight, legs are at hip level.
  2. The body lowers and rises, while the knees are slightly bent. Hands don't strain.

As the training process progresses, the exercise can be made more difficult by using a barbell. By performing deadlifts every other day 15 times in 3 sets, you can see positive results within a month.

More details in the video:

"Battle Stance"

Purpose. Strengthening the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Initial position. Stand up straight, hands behind your head, feet together.

Performance. Extend your right leg to the side, turning your toe to the right. Bend your knee slightly and hold in this position for 30 seconds. The supporting leg should be a little more tense. Then do the same with your left leg.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3 times, gradually increasing the number to 5.

For those who have mastered the exercise well. The execution can be made more difficult by placing your arms wide apart at chest level.

Raising the pelvis

The so-called gluteal bridge remarkably lifts the buttocks. The severity level is mild. It is simple to implement, but extremely effective. In this case, the gluteus minimus muscle is used to a greater extent, as well as the muscles of the back, abdomen and thigh. To further target your gluteal muscles, perform this movement using a stability ball.

about 6 different types of gluteal bridges and their benefits here.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: lying on your back.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees, placed at shoulder level and moved as close to the buttocks as possible.
  3. Then the muscles tense and the torso rises parallel to the floor. You should stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.

The exercise is performed 10 times in 3 approaches.

More details in the video:

Raising legs from a lying position

Purpose. Working out the lower abdominal muscle groups.

Initial position. Lie on the floor, legs straight, arms along the body.

Performance. Slowly raise your legs up until an angle of 45 degrees is formed. Hold your legs in this position for 15 seconds - 1 minute, depending on your level of physical fitness.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and the time when the legs are in a raised position.

Lightweight option. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise, you can raise your legs lower and do not hold them at the top point. You can also place folded palms under your lower back to make it easier. This will not make the exercise lose its effectiveness, but the back will be noticeably relieved. The latter is especially true for people who are very overweight.

Losing weight at home

Swing with the knee bent and the leg straightened

This is an easy exercise. In this case, the gluteus minimus muscle is involved, as well as the back, front, inner and outer surfaces of the thigh.

There are 4 effective types of swings for the hips and legs, we will look at one of them.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: rest on your knees and elbows. The lower back does not sag, the back is straight, the head is slightly lowered.
  2. The leg bent at the knee rises up and down.

Repeat 15 times. After this, the exercise is done for the other leg. Total – 3 approaches. For greater effectiveness, a pause of several seconds is made at the top point. Subsequently, to increase the load, perform swings with weights on your legs or use a tape expander.

More details in the video:
Important! It is recommended to perform the exercises in various variations so that all muscles are worked equally.

What rules and principles should a girl follow to get round buttocks?

They study all the diets on the Internet. But, as a result, work limits opportunities in time - and there is neither the strength nor the desire for change. If you know some rules and exercises for a round buttock, then a toned butt is guaranteed.

Rule 1: Knowledge is power

To pump up muscles, you need to at least know how they work and what, in fact, needs to be pumped up. The human buttocks are made up of various muscles.

The main ones that affect the shape and structure of the butt are:

  • small muscle;
  • middle muscle;
  • big muscle.

Please note that understanding the structure of the gluteal muscles and a set of exercises will give you the desired result. To do this you need to know the functions of the gluteal muscles.

The structure of the gluteal muscles when selecting exercises for a round buttock shape
Gluteal musclesHip extensionInternal rotation of the hip (hip flexed)Hip abductionExternal rotation of the hip (hip extended)

Read the popular article in the category: Scholz skin cleansing file for heels. Application features, price, reviews.

The most important function of giving the buttocks a rounded shape was taken over by the gluteus maximus muscle. By working this particular muscle, you can correct the appearance of your butt.

If you constantly do gymnastics for the gluteal muscles, you can quickly achieve the desired result. No special equipment required. It is necessary to strain the muscles one by one, then together. This can be done anywhere. This exercise will tone your muscles.

Rule 2: Massage that improves blood circulation

Regular massage of the gluteal muscles will also be effective in quickly achieving the result of tightening and gaining elasticity.

Massage can be done at home, having learned the most effective movements and manipulations . For example, after taking a shower, when the skin is most steamed, it is necessary to make circular movements. Movements can be arbitrary and done in any direction.

Exercises for firm round buttocks for girls. How to pump up your gluteal muscles

Rule 3: Proper healthy food

Control of diet is also an important factor. Since the gluteal area is the first to take the full impact of the calories eaten, thereby storing most of the fat deposits.

And here it is important to remember that any momentary pleasure will inevitably lead to long-term disappointment.

Is it even possible to lift your buttocks with exercise? Photos before and after

By regularly doing the above workouts, you can achieve a very good result - beautiful, pumped up and elastic muscles of the “fifth point”, instead of sagging folds. Pay attention to the following photos of the buttocks before and after exercises from women who successfully completed this task:

Note! What exercises lift the buttocks as effectively as the ones mentioned above? Climbing uphill is considered very effective. This is ideal for lifting your butt. It wouldn’t hurt to run up the stairs 4-5 times to the 5th floor.

The best butt exercises in the gym

The buttocks are the part of the female body that men pay attention to first, so all girls strive to have beautiful, pumped up, and firm buttocks, but not many know how to properly train this part, making numerous mistakes in the gym.

Therefore, we present to you the most effective exercises in the gym for buttock growth, and below you can also see a training complex for them.

Keep in mind that colorful pictures in fashion magazines where girls do aerobic exercises for their buttocks cannot pump them up, they are not even close to the exercises that can be done in the gym. The maximum that you will get in this case is their tone, by strengthening the muscles and burning extra calories.


It tightens the buttocks and also strengthens the back muscles (pillars), do this exercise at the end of the workout: 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

If your physical fitness allows you to use additional weights, use it, for example, throwing a 5-10 kg barbell plate behind your neck, or hold it in front of you, pressing it to your chest.

The extra weight stimulates the growth of the gluteal muscles more.

12 exercises to tighten your butt and legs in 1 week
Hyperextension in the gym

Stepping onto the platform

The exercise evenly pumps the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, giving them volume and clear separation.

When performing this exercise, we recommend that you use additional weights in the form of heavy dumbbells (take one in each hand).

Perform 15-20 climbs in 4-5 sets, no more than 2 minutes apart. Read about the technique for performing this exercise here.

12 exercises to tighten your butt and legs in 1 week
Stepping onto a platform (bench)

Deadlift on straight legs

Adds volume and firmness to the buttocks. Perform it mainly at the beginning of the workout, 3 sets of 12 repetitions. See the technique for performing this exercise here.

We also recommend introducing deadlifts with wide legs into your training program; maximum stretching and involvement of the gluteus maximus muscles, back, arms and legs in general will tone your figure in a short time.

Deadlift with wide stance

Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders

Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders lift and define the buttocks, giving them a distinct shape.

Perform 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Select a weight at which at the end of the approach, that is, at the 10th or 15th repetition, a slight burning sensation was observed in the gluteal muscles. The technique for performing this exercise can be found here.

12 exercises to tighten your butt and legs in 1 week
Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders


The best exercise for pumping up elastic, voluminous, and at the same time beautiful and strong buttocks.

This is a basic leg exercise. For greater development of the gluteal muscles, use the technique of performing this exercise in the triathlon style, that is, the legs are placed wider than the shoulders, the depth of the squats is below parallel, but so that the pelvis does not collapse, otherwise there are no significant deviations from the bodybuilding technique of squats with a barbell.

Let us emphasize once again that squats with a barbell are the most effective exercise for the legs (hips and buttocks). Depending on the width of the stance, mainly different muscle groups are pumped, for example, with a narrow stance of the legs, the hips are loaded to a greater extent, with a wider one (slightly wider than the shoulders), the emphasis is on the buttocks. Therefore, we recommend that you squat with a wide stance and as deeply as possible.

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders

Other equally effective workouts for the gluteal muscles

And, of course, we must not forget that there are many other movements that have shown high efficiency:

  1. “Bicycle” and “Scissors” are considered especially effective for the butt muscles;
  2. “Stepping onto the platform” is required to be included in your complex;
  3. You can build up your muscles with static exercises, for example, the “Chair” exercise;
  4. “Walking on the buttocks” not only burns cellulite, but also has many beneficial properties for the pelvic area;
  5. Well, of course, you can’t do without Hyperextension.

If after training you still feel the feeling of “burning” legs, then this is the main indicator that the muscles are well developed. Feeling aches and discomfort in the lower extremities the next day also indicates a good workout.

Fitball exercises for the abdomen after childbirth

Phytoball exercises will help you quickly get in shape after childbirth:

  1. The ball is pushed against the wall. IP: lie on the ball with your back, resting your shoulders, legs bent at the knees at a right angle and feet pressed firmly to the floor surface. Using the abdominal muscles, you need to sit on the ball, then go down to the original position.
  2. Place the ball on the floor, kneel with your hands on the fitball. From the starting position, you need to roll the ball so that there is an angle of 45 degrees between your body and the floor. The abdominal muscles should be very tense. Return to IP.

    Exercises for tightening the abdomen after childbirth, sides, buttocks, thighs, to restore the figure, contraction of the uterus, with diastasis of the recti muscles

  3. IP: stand in a plank position with your toes on the fitball. The ball must be moved towards the body so that the body is bent at an angle of 45 degrees. The press should be tense.

Benefits and features of the exercise

The cat exercise is a movement that combines both dynamic and static load. It is borrowed from yoga (consists of two asanas: cat and cow) and is used to train the back, develop flexibility and even when recovering from injuries. The cat exercise for the back has no disadvantages or contraindications. It consists of two simple movements that can be performed by every person, regardless of training experience and physical fitness (with the exception of periods of exacerbation of hernias).

Benefits of the cat exercise for the back:

  • Strengthening the back muscles (including the deep layers).
  • Relieving spinal compression.
  • Increased flexibility.
  • Elimination and prevention of back pain.
  • A completely universal exercise for the spine - can be performed anywhere, regardless of fitness level and other conditions.

It is important to consider that regardless of the name, it always implies a strong arching and rounding of the back, that is, this is a movement with two phases. Some call this exercise for the back cat and dog, in yoga - cat/cow, sometimes just cat. However, we are always talking about the same movement.

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