How to tighten your arm muscles? Workout without dumbbells with your own weight. Video

In this article we will tell you a technique on how to pump up your arms at home without dumbbells and barbells using your own weight for girls and guys. Guys want to pump up their biceps and triceps to make their arms bigger. Girls need to train their arms to be slim and keep them in good shape.

These hand exercises at home are suitable for both women and men. To make the complex universal, each exercise is offered in different variations to increase the load for men and reduce it for women, respectively. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments and get an answer.

How to pump up your arms at home without dumbbells

Muscular arms, just like pumped up abs, make a huge impression on others. That is why their development is so important.

Developed biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms - you are not born with them (unlike the calf muscles, the size of which is largely determined by genetics), this is achieved through long training.

The owners of fitness rooms know this, so everything there is equipped for convenient arm training.

But if you travel or work somewhere far away, you will have to use a trick. In addition to regular classes in the gym, you will need to do arm training without exercise equipment.

Luckily, there are a number of at-home arm exercises that you can do almost anywhere. They mainly use your own body weight.

To understand how to build up arm muscles at home without dumbbells, you need to study the anatomy of the arms and understand what makes them what they are.

Results from training with Daria Lisichkina

This kind of training not only burns fat, but also helps get rid of excess carbohydrates, which is what makes your waist plump and your stomach flabby.

The course is divided into five stages, during which the load is placed on certain systems and areas of the body.

  • Warm-up includes breathing exercises - bending.
  • Cardio exercise involves various types of swings and impacts. They are repeated many times, which not only puts stress on the heart muscle, but also helps to lose fat.
  • Work on the abdominal muscles and waist. At this stage, muscle tissue is worked out.
  • Load on all muscles of the body.
  • Stretching. The final chord, without which it will be difficult for the muscles to relax after training.

The training must be carried out daily to obtain quick and guaranteed results.

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  • Fitness with a baby in your arms
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  • Exercises for quick weight loss
  • Shaping: the role of warm-up and cool-down
  • Morning exercises for weight loss

Anatomy of arm muscles

The main muscles of the arms are the biceps and triceps. These are the areas we will focus on to improve the appearance of our arms and increase their strength.

You should reconsider your attitude towards training with light weights and high repetitions (15+). This is suitable for both women and men.

To make the muscles grow (which gives them shape and relief / makes the muscles toned) you need to load them with exercises that can be performed with excellent technique 6-12 times per approach.

It is normal for you to focus more on training one muscle than others if you are faced with such a task (for example, if that muscle is lagging). But provided that the remaining muscles are sufficiently developed to avoid disproportion and injury.


Men often neglect the development of the triceps muscle, which is located on the back of the arms. They prefer to pump their biceps because its shape is clearly defined and visible to the eye.

But the triceps are a larger muscle group than the biceps, and if you want bigger arms, you should add a little more emphasis on pumping them up.

Triceps training is important not only for men. The fact is that women are genetically more inclined to accumulate fat than men. And their fat is located in different places. As a rule, in men in the upper part of the body (hence the “beer” bellies), and in women on the thighs and arms.

The most effective way to lose fat is through diet. But it is also important to combine it with training to strengthen the muscles of the arms, in particular the triceps, to give the arms a beautiful shape and “fitness”.


Although it is a relatively small muscle, this does not mean that it should receive little attention. Located on the front of the shoulder, it's perhaps most commonly associated with strength and power—just ask any child to imitate a bodybuilder's workout routine and they'll start doing a bicep curl.

Strong biceps are needed in back exercises. They help maintain a straight posture and help avoid injury.

Now let's get down to the main thing - how to pump up arm muscles at home. And for this we have prepared the best exercises with varying degrees of difficulty.

Basic mistakes and recommendations

» Before performing any sports complex, a warm-up must be performed. Warming up will help prepare joints and muscles for more serious loads and reduce injuries. At the end of the workout, a cool-down with stretching elements is performed. » It is better to perform training for biceps and triceps no more than 1-2 times a week. To pump up your arms at home without iron, it is better to include isolation exercises in the overall complex. » It is recommended to change the training program every 2-3 weeks. Variety will eliminate muscle adaptation to loads, accelerate the growth of muscle mass and help overcome the plateau. »Pumping up your arms requires patience and regularity. The first results will be noticeable in 4-8 weeks, and to create a beautiful relief, at least 6 months of training are required. » Over time, the frequency and intensity of exercise should increase. To start, it is recommended to perform 8-12 repetitions of each exercise. And the whole complex should include no more than 2-4 exercises for each muscle group. Over time, increase the repetition rate to 15 in 3-4 sets. » To increase the resistance of expanders and bands, special color markings have been created. Books, blocks, suitcases, and vests can also be used as weights. » Proper nutrition and regimen determine the effectiveness of training by 70%. Muscle growth requires sufficient protein and fluid, and energy requires an adequate percentage of carbohydrates and fats.

The main errors include the following:

» No warm-up or cool-down. » Irregular training. » Inadequate load and physical training. » Voluntary breathing. » Raising your elbows to the sides when performing triceps exercises. » Emphasis only on the hands, without pumping the whole body.

The best triceps exercises without dumbbells and machines

With these exercises you can pump up your arms at home without dumbbells, barbells or even exercise machines.

The great thing about triceps (and chest) exercises is that they can be done anywhere. This requires nothing more than the floor and walls. Here are the 3 best exercises:

1. Push-ups with narrow arms (diamond or diamond push-ups)

Close-grip push-ups (here we are looking at a variation called diamond push-ups) are not an easy exercise, but when done correctly they are one of the best for the triceps.

In regular push-ups, your arms are placed slightly wider than your shoulders, so the load is distributed between the chest and triceps. And with a narrow grip, only the triceps are loaded, because in it the palms are placed together and the elbows are kept close to the body.

Here's how it should be done:

  • Place your hands on the floor, connecting the thumbs and index fingers of both hands, creating a “diamond” (triangle) shape.
  • Keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible, lower yourself down until your chest touches the outside of your palms.
  • Keep all muscles (abs, buttocks, thighs) tense
  • Raise your body up to the starting position. Then do it all over again.

Lightweight options (if the usual method is too difficult):

  • Close-grip wall push-ups
  • Close-grip push-ups with emphasis on a bench (or any other elevation)
  • Regular push-ups

Complicated options (if the usual method is too easy):

  • Close-grip push-ups with feet resting on a height (for example, a chair)
  • Close-grip push-ups with weights (such as a backpack)

Triceps push-ups

This is another exercise that works the chest and triceps to varying degrees, depending on the variation you choose.

For most people, this exercise will be a good place to start, but your goal should be to progress to dips (they involve more muscles in the work).

The only downside to dips is that you have to find something suitable to do them. On playgrounds, bars are most often present, but instead of them, you can use the corner of a table or two strong chairs.

Here's how to do this exercise according to the video above:

  • Maintain balance between two benches or chairs, keeping your feet on one and your hands on the opposite side.
  • Push your chest forward and keep your back straight.
  • Lower yourself until your elbows are bent at about a 90-degree angle.
  • Then rise up, straightening your arms.

Lightweight options:

  • Triceps push-ups with bent knees (feet on the floor)
  • Bench push-ups for triceps with feet on the floor

More complicated options:

  • Triceps push-ups with weights. Place your backpack or suitcase on your hips.
  • Dips
  • Weighted dips (hang a heavy backpack or use something that can be secured between your legs).

Triceps extension

All of the previous exercises are great because they work multiple muscles at the same time.
But single-joint, or isolated, exercises are very useful for working out lagging muscles. The video above shows the exercise using a TRX machine and a weighted vest, but you can use a wall or other surface.

Here's how it's done:

  • Stand in front of the TRX, table, or wall and place your hands about 15 centimeters apart.
  • Place your feet about a meter from the wall. Maintain tension in your abs and glutes to keep your body in a straight line.
  • By bending only your elbows, lower your entire body so that your head drops just below your hands.
  • Do not make any movements with your elbows other than flexion and extension.
  • Lift your body using only triceps strength.

Lightweight version:

  • Triceps extension from the wall (the position of your hands and the smaller the angle between your body and the wall, the easier)

Complicated option:

  • Triceps extension from the floor

Reverse grip biceps pull-ups

This is my favorite exercise after the deadlift.

Here, as in regular pull-ups, the back works. But thanks to a different grip, a lot of the load falls on the biceps.

I have always believed that pull-ups are better than dumbbell curls due to the inclusion of more weight (your own body weight) and a greater range of motion.

This is another exercise that can be difficult for beginners, so some modifications are given below. But if you think you can handle it, here are the instructions:

  • Grasp the bar with both hands. The grip width is narrower than shoulder width. Palms pointing towards you.
  • Do not relax your abs and buttocks so that your body in profile resembles a straight line.
  • During execution, bring your shoulder blades together and, as it were, pull them down.
  • When your chin reaches the bar, stop and slowly lower yourself down.

Lightweight options:

  • Negative pull-ups
  • Isometric holds on the horizontal bar

Complicated option:

  • Regular grip pull-ups
  • Bicep pull-ups with weights

Horizontal pull-ups

Even when I'm working on my back at the gym, I choose horizontal pull-ups.

You may have heard of the bent-over barbell row. You grab a barbell, bend over, and pull the barbell toward your chest. This is a good exercise if done properly. But if the weight is heavy, it becomes difficult to perform the exercise with proper technique.

Horizontal pull-ups solve this problem. The technique of performing this exercise is difficult to spoil; weights can be added without the risk of increasing the risk of injury.

In addition to the back, they are also a great workout for the biceps and core.

Watch the video training for this exercise and follow these instructions:

  • Lie on the floor under a bar or table.
  • Grab the bar or edge of the table so that your palms are facing away from you.
  • Maintain tension in your abs to keep your body in a straight line.
  • Pull your body up until your chest touches the bar or table.
  • Then lower yourself.

Lightweight options:

  • Pull at the doorway
  • Traction with a rag

More complicated options:

  • Horizontal pull-ups with increased leg support
  • Horizontal pull-ups with weights (for example, a backpack)

Morning exercises for weight loss

Thousands of women today can boast of their results after doing exercises for weight loss from Daria Lisichkina, who start the day with a mini-block of exercises under the guidance of a beautiful dancer. In a relaxed home environment, watch several videos that the slender and graceful Daria recorded for her subscribers, and don’t hesitate to get down to business seriously. A video will help you take the first steps in this.

This charging option is perfect for both beginners and those who have some physical training. To start your day with a positive, and you confidently approach the figure of your dreams, repeat simple exercises after the trainer, trying to follow all the recommendations regarding proper breathing and pace. Exercises for weight loss consist of several types of exercises:

  • to stretch the spine;
  • to align the position of the morning organs after sleep;
  • warming up;
  • warm-up for joints (knees and feet);
  • hip warm-up;
  • breathing exercises;
  • to strengthen the back;
  • exercises that consolidate the effect.
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