The child begins to walk. What to look for?

Ani Lorak styling

Ani Lorak's hair color undoubtedly matches her skin and eyes perfectly, so if you are the owner of bronze skin and green eyes, feel free to go to the salon to get dyed in the Warm Brond style.
This is the technique most likely used by Ani Lorak: warm bronde combines dark and light brown shades. The contrast can be expressed quite strongly, but the main thing is that all tones should be warm. A couple of times Ani appeared in public with cold pearlescent tints in her hair, but stylists call this color “disposable” because it lasts on a warm basis until the first wash.

Lorak's hairstyles often look as if she did them herself - extremely natural and harmonious, but at the same time her hair looks really chic and ultra-sexy! This is the secret. And if you want your hairstyle to look fashionable and attract attention, take an example from the singer. If you need to add volume to the length of your hair, then this requires texture, not curls.

Ani Lorak’s pinned hair is also an excellent example to follow, because complex and “pretentious” hairstyles have long been out of fashion. Simply and elegantly collected hair like the singer’s is ideal for any, even the most social, event.

The main thing is to maintain the volume! Even long hair needs a haircut. Both loose and gathered hair will be given a special charm by shortened strands along the contour of the hairstyle and elongated bangs, which perfectly frame the face and hide imperfections.

The right environment

It is known that family difficulties (quarrels, disagreements, divorce of parents) affect the baby, but he cannot express dissatisfaction and “hides” it in his body. This causes muscle tension, a kind of shell with which the child surrounds himself in defense. Of course, young children are flexible, so they rarely suffer from back pain (especially if they have not had injuries or congenital abnormalities), but minor injuries add up and accumulate in them just like in adults. That is why the skin, muscles, spine need attention, you need to be able to “talk” with them. How? With the help of massage. Massage is not just a mechanical performance of movements, but also a way of communication between mother and baby. So take a moment to please your little one. Lubricate your hands with almond oil and gently slide over the child's back, as if you want to sculpt his figure. Slowly rise from your lower back to your shoulders and back down to your butt. Now put the baby on his side, take his hand in your left hand, and with your right massage the baby's hand, forearm, shoulder and upper back. Then turn it over to the other side and repeat the movements. Don't forget about your baby's legs, feet and hands. For two- and three-month-old babies, massage is given for 5 minutes, then the exercise time is gradually increased to 20-30 minutes. Keep in mind that by the age of one year, a little fidget may no longer like massage, since at this age children do not like to remain motionless for a long time. Do not force your child to endure, respect his wishes!

Since babies need movement from the first months, give even a very young child the opportunity to move a little. At 2-3 months, place him on his tummy more often so that he tries to lift his head and body. When he gets a little older, take him in your arms, lean him back against you and, supporting him by the butt, offer him to explore the surroundings. You will see that the child will be happy to hold his head up and try to straighten his back. Or sit him astride your leg (let him use your hands as a railing). In this position, he is unlikely to want to “nod off”, and he will try to straighten up as expected.

As for older children, it is good if you can take them to the pool. Using the support of water, the child will move freely, relaxing and straining the muscles of the arms, legs, and back. If you do not have the opportunity to participate in a swimming group, ask your doctor to recommend gymnastics for your child, which can be done in any other place.

Alexey Kapustin, reflexologist, professor

how to treat flat feet in a child

Why do knees get old?

Knees do not always look equally well-groomed and beautiful, even among women of the same age.

Ugly knees are due to:

  1. The structure of the joint.
  2. Overweight.
  3. Knee shapes.
  4. Age-related changes (saggy, flabby, wrinkled).
  5. Lack of proper care (rough, dry skin).

Beautiful knees

Deformation of the knee joint brings discomfort to a woman’s life. This not only makes the gait unsightly, but spoils the appearance of the leg as a whole.

Sign of sharp knees in a girl

Changing anything is difficult. The problem of ugly knees is the prerogative of plastic surgeons. Correction of this pathology is a long and complex process. Includes physical therapy, knee massage, use of orthopedic aids, and surgery. Moreover, treatment should be carried out using all of the listed procedures in combination.

Fat deposits in the knee area are a big problem for women. The fact is that fat is distributed unevenly in the body. Accumulations of fat in the knee area are formed for various reasons:

  • lack of growth hormone - somatotropin. The processes of fat breakdown and outflow of lymphatic fluid slow down;
  • lack of chromium and zinc, which affect all types of metabolism - protein, carbohydrate, fat;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • genetic and hormonal reasons for full knees, but no excess weight.

Before you begin a set of procedures for losing weight on your knees, you need to understand that the knee is a joint and it does not have muscle mass. Therefore, in order to achieve slender, beautiful knees, you need to lose weight throughout your entire body. As a rule, losing weight consists of two stages.

Healthy foods

This is the most important point on which the result will depend. Don’t think that an immediate food restriction will quickly affect the shape of your knees. Extreme diets put a serious strain on the body. A psychological barrier arises in refusing certain products. Not everyone is able to withstand complex diets, so there is a risk of weight gain again.

It is necessary to gradually introduce measures such as:

  • refusal of flour products;
  • avoid fried foods in your diet;
  • remove fatty foods from the menu: sauces, mayonnaise, butter, lard;
  • give up semi-finished products - no sausages, dumplings, sausages;
  • do not abuse sweets.

Knee exercises

Exercise for beautiful knees is the safest and most effective way to make them slim. Not so long ago, a weight loss technique called callanetics became popular (example in the photo). Its essence boils down to the fact that with a minimum of movements, maximum energy is spent. This is a balanced set of exercises that combines elements of yoga, aerobics, and gymnastics. This system is also aimed at strengthening muscles and burning fat.

Here are a couple of exercises as an example:

  1. Rest your palms on the back of the chair. Try to rise as high as possible on your toes. In this case, the knees should be bent and slightly turned out. The shoulders are relaxed and the back is straight. You need to raise your head, tighten your buttocks and push your pelvis forward as far as possible. Stay in this position for a minute and return to the starting position. Next, on bent legs with your heels connected together, lower yourself by 3 centimeters and, without protruding your buttocks, balance for 1 minute. Repeat the exercise three times.
  2. Place your bent right leg on the back of the chair, holding it with both hands. Straighten your right leg as far as possible and count with the straight leg up to 50. Repeat the same with your left leg. In this exercise, it is important not to do anything forcefully; you don’t have to force your leg to straighten, it will do it itself when the tendon stretches.

Set of exercises

There are a large number of common exercises that can be performed at any convenient time:

  1. Place your feet together, bend your knees slightly. Lean forward and rest your hands on your knees. Perform rotational movements first in one direction, then in the other. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. Then repeat the same movements with legs wide apart.
  2. Extend your leg forward at a right angle. At the same time, you can hold on to the support. Bend and straighten your knee at least 20 times. You can try to perform this exercise while standing on your toes and moving your leg further back and to the side.
  3. Stand a short distance from the wall, lean on it with the palm of your left hand. Grab yourself by your right ankle. Straighten your leg, pulling it towards you. Hold on for 15 seconds. This muscle stretching exercise will improve blood circulation and restore mobility to your knees.


Regular loads on the joint provoke its gradual destruction. Do not forget that the resource of each connection is limited. And over time, the regeneration process slows down and does not keep pace with the destruction of cartilage tissue. Inflammation of the periarticular tissues can also cause pain.

Pain under the knee

At the back of the knee joint, discomfort can occur for various reasons: inflammation of tendons, muscles, periarticular bursae, cartilage, Baker's cyst. Sprains and torn ligaments can also cause pain.

knee pain when squatting and standing up

Baker's cyst

A cyst under the knee joint can form due to injury to the joint, inflammation of the synovial membrane. Pathology appears:

  • Discomfort when bending;
  • pain syndrome;
  • feeling of skin tension;
  • neoplasm.


Ligaments are responsible for keeping the joint in a stable position. Rupture of ligament fibers is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, the joint cannot bend, straighten, or rotate.

Cruciate ligament of the knee joint: anatomy, injuries, treatment

knees hurt when squatting


Sciatica is accompanied not only by a nagging, shooting pain, but also by the following symptoms:

  1. Burning;
  2. impaired mobility;
  3. loss of sensation;
  4. edema.

Pain above the knee

If pain occurs above the knee joint, pathologies such as:

  • Tendon inflammation;
  • destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • damage to the ligamentous apparatus.

Ligament rupture

Sharp pain in the knees when squatting and standing up may indicate a ligament rupture. Injury to the ligament can be the result of excessive twisting or impact. The following signs indicate a rupture: sharp pain in the knee, swelling in the affected area.

knee pain after exercise


The tendon usually becomes inflamed where it attaches to the bone. Pathology is indicated by:

  1. Swelling;
  2. limited mobility;
  3. characteristic creaking sound.


The most common cause of knee pain when squatting and standing is arthritis. The disease is indicated by:

  • Redness of the epidermis;
  • edema;
  • soreness.

Treatment of knee arthritis at home: compresses, body cleansing, Tibetan techniques.

Meniscus injury

When a meniscus is injured, a person experiences severe pain. The rupture of the specified element occurs due to twisting of the connection with its simultaneous bending. In this case, the meniscus is torn off (partially, completely). In addition to severe pain, functional impairment is observed.

Knee meniscal tear: causes, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Pain and crunch when squatting

Squats may be accompanied by crunching for the following reasons:

  1. Friction of uneven joint surfaces;
  2. Tension of tendons and ligaments during movement;
  3. pressure on joints;
  4. muscle imbalance.

Also, a crunch may indicate the development of a certain disease: arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis. Diseases affect the secretion of synovial fluid (lubrication becomes less, its quality changes) and an increase in friction between the heads of bones. If your knees hurt when you squat and you hear a cracking sound, get examined.


The pathology is accompanied by the destruction of cartilage tissue. The development of the disease provokes deformation of the joint and disruption of its functioning. A characteristic feature of the pathology is acute pain that does not subside even at rest. Gonarthrosis is dangerous due to disability in the absence of proper therapy.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment, diagnosis and prevention

knee hurts after


The pathology is represented by inflammation of the synovial bursa, in which exudate accumulates inside. The patient can bend and straighten the joint, but he is bothered by:

  • Stiffness of movements;
  • elevated temperature;
  • soreness of the joint.

Bursitis of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment, types of pathology

Knee aches and hurts when squatting

If your knees hurt when squatting, stop for the duration of the workout. Aching pain syndrome may indicate chronic processes, inflammation or the onset of arthrosis. If there are vascular disorders, the leg may hurt and ache when the weather changes.


Rheumatism refers to damage to the connective tissue of our body. The pathology is accompanied by morning stiffness of the joints and weight loss. With rheumatoid arthritis, the joints become swollen and the temperature may rise. There is a restriction of movements.

sharp pain in the knee

Reiter's disease

Although Reiter's disease causes severe pain in the joints, it also affects the genitourinary system and eyes. The provocateur of the pathology is considered to be a genitourinary or intestinal infection. In addition to discomfort in the joint area, patients complain of pain, itching, and burning when urinating.


With synovitis, the inner lining of the joint becomes inflamed. With this disease you are concerned about:

  1. Severe pain syndrome;
  2. temperature;
  3. edema;
  4. skin redness;
  5. limited mobility.

Synovitis of the knee joint: causes, symptoms, treatment

Osgood-Schlatter disease

A feature of the pathology is the appearance of a lump above the knee joint. Due to the formation, pain occurs when squatting. The tubercle usually forms on one leg and goes away on its own with age.

Schlatter's disease of the knee joint in a teenager: symptoms, treatment


Joint damage is promoted by an increase in the level of uric acid salts in them. Characteristic symptoms are:

  • Soreness;
  • joint inflammation;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • formations (hard) around the connection;
  • difficulty urinating.

Bangs - yes or no?

Middleton's hairstyle always looks simple, but at the same time stylish and well-groomed. The secret of the beauty of her curls, first of all, lies in the shade perfectly matched to the color of her eyes and skin: the iris of the eye almost perfectly matches the color of her hair, and her skin is in perfect harmony with the warm highlights on her hair.

Always well-groomed hair, a styling silhouette that suits the oval of the face, and, of course, a hairstyle that always matches the outfit - these are the secrets of Kate Middleton's always flawless hairstyle.

Curls. Her curls are always very large and soft. You will never see out of place curls on Kate. These waves can be created using a round comb or a very thick curling iron.

Volume at the back of the head. In almost all of Kate's hairstyles we see volume at the back of the head. This trick not only helps to distribute the volume more evenly over the head, but also brings your profile closer to ideal. Even hair is still slightly curled at the ends, and this makes the look more feminine, and the ends look well-groomed.

Her styling looks stylish and neat. The hair is smooth, but not “slicked” to the head. The bun at the back may have a different pattern. And, of course, in order for the styling to look harmonious in profile, with collected hair it is especially important to create volume at the back of the head.

Shine. Hair shine is a must in your arsenal of hair care products. Just look how the Duchess of Cambridge's hair shines! Believe me, with proper care, your hair can look just as luxurious!

If you want to make sure whether bangs suit you, there are two options: pull a strand of hair over your forehead, secure it with a clip and look at yourself in the mirror - how do you feel with such a hairstyle? Second option: throw your ponytail over your forehead and try to style straight or asymmetrical bangs from the ends of your hair. The nice thing is that you don’t have to pay for these experiments.

Liposuction - to do or not

Beautiful women's knees

How many knees, so many opinions. Some people don’t like sharp knees at all, while others strive to make them look that way. Therefore, it is worth figuring out when sharp knees are an advantage and when they are a disadvantage.

Sign of sharp knees in a girl

It will look ugly if a girl has a sharp knee on a very thin leg. The sight of a bony protruding knee is, of course, repulsive. But on a slender, well-groomed leg, a sharp knee is considered the standard of beauty.

You can achieve the desired result in the following ways:

  • proper nutrition;
  • liposuction;
  • physical exercise.

Everything is clear with nutrition. But liposuction is a controversial procedure. On the one hand, this is a great way to quickly get rid of the fat that disfigures your legs and the ability to tighten sagging skin in this part of the leg and emphasize the desired contour of the knee.

On the other hand, the procedure has a lot of disadvantages:

  • There are many contraindications, including obesity;
  • high cost. The operation costs from 16,000 or more thousand rubles. Not everyone can afford to spend that amount on their knees;
  • the effect may be short-term if a metabolic disorder is detected;
  • possible complications after surgery - impaired skin pigmentation in the operated area, fat embolism of blood vessels, swelling, pain, uneven skin texture.

Adult woman's knees

In this area, collagen fibers have a more elongated shape, so the skin in these areas undergoes rapid overstretching. How much distress is caused in women by wrinkles above the knees and fat deposits not associated with excess weight that hang over the kneecap.

Currently, the problem of wrinkled and flabby knees is completely solvable. The defect can be corrected at home and using therapeutic cosmetology, which includes several effective procedures for sagging knees:

  • hardware technique based on radio wave lifting and vacuum massage;
  • injection technique includes mesotherapy, contouring and biorevitalization;
  • a thread lift made of absorbable material creates a powerful subcutaneous frame;
  • surgical lifting is a rare procedure that does not provide a 100% effect.

Women can preserve the youth and beauty of their knees by doing simple exercises at home.

The fastest way to dry out your knees is by jumping rope, doing stepper exercises, and running. That is, intense physical activity is simply necessary:

  1. Stand in front of a chair, crossing your arms with dumbbells on your shoulders, stretch your arms forward and lower yourself until your buttocks lightly touch the chair. Rise up and repeat with the same amplitude. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
  2. Stand up straight, transfer your weight to your heels. Extend your arms and lean forward slightly, then sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then rise a little and lower again. Perform three sets of 20 reps.
  3. Stand on the toe of one leg and lower and rise 20 times. Switch legs It is important to work each knee exactly 20 times so as not to cause asymmetry.

Ugly and beautiful knees

The fact that even incomplete legs can be ruined by knees with saggy skin, wrinkles, and an ugly square shape was discussed above. From there it is clear that the less fat in the knee area, the more elegant and neat they look.

Most women, when taking care of their appearance, pay attention to the skin on their face, neck, and décolleté. But the skin of the knees requires no less care. It is more susceptible to dryness and roughness. Exercise is only half the battle. Soft, delicate skin on the knees will give your legs a well-groomed look. You can use a variety of store-bought creams and scrubs for your knees.

Why do the knees and leg area above and below the joint swell?

Swelling of the knee joint is a symptom of an inflammatory process that can occur due to various joint diseases, injuries or other causes.

Since there are many reasons why knees swell, in the first stages of pain development it can be quite difficult to diagnose the specific factor that provoked the swelling.

Inflammatory processes in the joints of the legs can occur in completely different ways, vary in severity, and have different causes.

At the same time, it is very easy to independently determine that an inflammatory process is taking place. In addition to swelling, there is redness of the skin, impaired mobility of the knee joint and pain when touched.

About the causes of swollen knees

Inflammation can be provoked by external influences and internal causes - various diseases.

Among the reasons why legs swell in the area of ​​the knee joints include:

  1. Injury. Basically, swelling occurs after a bruise of the knee joint. The condition is accompanied by pain, changes in skin color, and subcutaneous hemorrhage may occur. In addition to bruises, swelling occurs after fractures or ruptured ligaments.
  2. Hypothermia. Compaction will occur only after some time, when irreversible processes begin to occur in the joint.
  3. Internal infection. In this case, an infection present in the body develops in the area of ​​the knee joint.
  4. Allergy. May occur as a reaction to an insect bite.
  5. Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons due to constant muscle overload.
  6. Bursitis is a lesion of the joint capsule.
  7. Osteoporosis.
  8. Arthritis.
  9. Gout is an inflammation due to large deposits of salts.
  10. Vascular diseases.
  11. Kidney and heart diseases.
  12. Impaired lymph circulation.
  13. Pathology of the endocrine system.

knee anatomy

If the swelling creeps up...

Swelling can be localized in different areas of the lower extremities. For example, if leg swelling occurs above the knee, this is due to the following reasons:

  1. Knee injuries. Among them: bruise, dislocation, sprain, meniscus injury. It is very easy to distinguish a serious injury from an ordinary bruise. If the meniscus is damaged, there will be severe pain and the inability to fully straighten the leg. When a ligament is sprained, the lower leg becomes mobile. In the event of a dislocation, the knee takes on a deformed appearance.
  2. Bursitis. With bursitis, the skin becomes hot to the touch; upon palpation, small dense lumps are felt under the skin. Very often the patient cannot move independently.
  3. Tendinitis is an inflammatory process in the tendons that attach muscles to bones. If damaged, the knee hurts very much when moving, and the legs above and below the knee joints swell.
  4. Gout. This disease is chronic. Gouty symptoms appear not only in the area of ​​the joints of the fingers and toes, but also in the knee area. In this case, the skin becomes red and intense pain occurs. The attack may last for several days and then disappear.
  5. Septic arthritis. A type of infectious arthritis that can be caused by a variety of bacteria. Edema is accompanied by pain, chills, and skin flushing.
  6. Osteoporosis. Symptoms often worsen during weather changes. Pain can have varying degrees of severity. During movement, the affected joint hurts and discomfort occurs.
  7. Polyarthritis is an allergic arthritis caused by an allergen that has entered the body. Swelling of the knee is accompanied by urticaria, bronchospasm and nausea. In this case, the inflammation goes away quite quickly.

Swelling extending into the feet

Swelling of the leg below the knee, in addition to the purely joint problems listed above, can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Heart diseases. Circulatory failure leads to the formation of bilateral soft edema. Swelling appears in the evening, and as the disease progresses, it becomes permanent. In this case, tissue compaction is observed.
  2. Vascular diseases. Venous insufficiency occurs with thrombophlebitis or varicose veins. When a vein is blocked by a blood clot, usually one leg swells. Swelling from the ankle can reach much higher than the knee. At the same time, the leg acquires a bluish color and becomes dense to the touch. Touching causes pain.
  3. Chronic venous insufficiency manifests itself as soft swelling that goes away in the morning, because blood flow improves during sleep. Swelling is accompanied by a change in skin color, heaviness in the limbs, aching pain, varicose veins become very noticeable, spots and ulcers may appear.
  4. Kidney diseases. Edema occurs when the pathological process is severe. They affect both legs from the knee all the way down to the foot. The tumors are soft, the skin is pale.
  5. Lymphatic edema with lymphostasis. Appear due to lymph stagnation. Swelling starts from the foot and can affect the thigh.

Localization can be bilateral or unilateral. At first the tissues remain soft, and then compaction occurs. The skin has a very dark shade. The leg may increase significantly in size.

First aid

If your knee is swollen and very painful, then it will be impossible to avoid going to the doctor, but it is necessary to provide first aid at home.

What measures can be taken in this case to minimize the pain syndrome and avoid worsening the situation:

  1. If your knee constantly hurts, you need to immobilize your leg as much as possible and try not to make the same type of movements that load the knee joint.
  2. Ice helps cope with swelling very well. Pieces of ice should be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the swelling for no more than fifteen minutes. The procedure can be repeated, but no more than four times a day. Instead of ice, you can use any product from the freezer.
  3. Place your leg in an extended position on a hill so that the level of your leg is slightly higher than your heart.
  4. Take anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Aspirin.

Set of measures

Treatment for swelling of the knee joint will directly depend on the underlying cause.

Drug therapy

Based on the wide variety of diseases that cause swelling, drug treatment should not be limited to one group of drugs, but must include a component that acts on the specific cause of the development of the pathology.

Thus, the following drugs of various groups used in therapy can be distinguished:

  • diuretics - Furosemide, Indapamide;
  • decongestants - L-lysine escinate;
  • improving lymphatic drainage - Lymphomiazot;
  • anti-inflammatory - Meloxicam, Diclofenac;
  • antiallergic - Tavegil, Suprastin.

Also, some diseases require specific therapy. For septic arthritis, antibiotics are prescribed. For kidney disease, corticosteroids and cytostatics are prescribed. Pathologies of the endocrine system are treated with thyroid hormone. In case of thrombosis, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents are prescribed.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy is used not only for injuries, but also for joint diseases - arthritis and arthrosis, venous insufficiency, tendinitis and lymphoderm. Such procedures stimulate biochemical processes in tissues, improve blood circulation and vascular tone.

Physiotherapy procedures mean:

  • electrophoresis and phonophoresis with medications;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • UHF therapy;
  • mud therapy.

Manual therapy and physical therapy

Therapeutic exercise is an integral part of the treatment of injuries, tendinitis, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Exercises help to more quickly restore lost range of motion and prevent joint stiffness.

Classes should be held systematically. Under no circumstances should pain occur during training.

Massage is very effective for lymphostasis and venous insufficiency. Vacuum and lymphatic drainage techniques are considered the most effective.

In case of gout, iodine therapy helps to fight edema very well. To do this, use a solution of iodine and aspirin, which is used to lubricate the affected areas. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed.

Recipes from the folk medicine cabinet

The best folk recipes come to us from our grandmothers.

  • Before whitening and softening the skin, it must be cleaned of dead cells. A scrub made from 2 tbsp is best for this. l. coarse salt mixed with 2 tbsp. l. honey, add 0.5 tsp. castor oil. Massage your knees with this mixture for 5 minutes. Rinse off and apply with rich cream.
  • Kefir wrap. Connect 2 tbsp. l. kefir and 2 tsp. eucalyptus oil. Rub into the skin, cover with cling film and a towel on top. Leave for about 20 minutes. If you repeat this procedure at least twice a week, the skin on your knees will become soft and smooth.
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil is mixed with 100 grams of lemon juice. Apply to the skin of the knees, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Grind 1 head of garlic, 1 lemon and half a celery root in a meat grinder. Eat 1 tsp every morning. this mixture. By using this composition for at least a month, you can completely forget about the presence of salt in the joints and swelling in the knees.

If a woman wants to have beautiful, healthy knees, she must clearly understand that this is a constant job consisting of a set of procedures. It is a combination of exercises, a balanced diet and cosmetic procedures that will help achieve the desired and reliable result.

New in blogs

Write to us about your legs, one magazine asked...

Knees are the most sexual of the secondary sexual characteristics. They are the face of a woman and the seat of her soul. They have more pheromones than the rest of the woman.

One traveler advised that before you fall in love, consider your knees. They won't deceive. If you want to kiss, fall in love further. If you suddenly feel nauseous, you have unfortunately sat down with a man with a broken psyche.

A woman with beautiful knees is generally deeply unhappy in life.

Firstly, there is a feeling that you are not loved for your soul.

Secondly, try changing husbands yourself once a year, without confusing names.

Leg facial expressions are much more sophisticated than facial expressions. The knees are more expressive than the eyes. By placing them in different positions, you can be shy, daring, agree to dance, or go to Crimea in a black jeep. I know eight ways to show with your feet that your head hurts. And nine that the head has already passed. With your eyes you can say, “You’re a bastard,” and with your knees, “You’re a bastard, but I like it.”

It’s good for the girls, they will immediately be born with good knees. The cup comes out round, charming and completely bald.

When my classmates suddenly grew them, I remember how the world changed. The leg has ceased to be a weapon for kicking, but has become part of a woman’s personality. And the best part, for many.

The most successful legs went to Zhanka Sadovskaya. I wanted to forgive everything for them. Any court would have acquitted her.

“No,” the judge would say, “don’t you dare talk about those fishnet tights.”

And the jury would have looked at Zhanka and awarded her the title of saint.

One day, she dressed shorter for school and the class knew Love.

And Lyosha was considered the best specialist. He knew not only the basic psychology of legs: “sharp knees mean the woman is evil.” Or: “sit on the girl’s lap, if the sensations are pleasant, you should take it.” Lesha went further. He determined the severity by the ankle and the length of the first marriage by the shape of the foot. He chose a girl from the African Nuba tribe as his wife. They have the longest spindle-shaped hips in the world with thinning in the upper third.

It’s not that Zhanka didn’t suit Lyosha. She somehow suddenly married a football player, then a bandit, then no matter who, and more than once. Lesha didn’t have time to tell her the main words about her jumping ropes.

Zhanka got divorced and then remarried. She would be happy to settle on a simple house-loving millionaire. But men are terrible demons, they turn their heads, then they make a scandal and leave. Divorces have become almost work for Zhanka. She spat and left for Thailand. I took care of myself and my knees.

Lyokha, meanwhile, became a pilot, wearing a divine blue uniform. And one day I almost killed myself when I was walking around the plane and saw Knees with a capital P. I mean, beautiful. He did not consider either the hips, or the ankles, or the famous “four windows” principle, theoretically visible if you keep a woman’s legs close and straight, which in itself is fantastic. Here are the knees - that's all.

These legs provoked Lesha to madness. He came up and said that he would not leave until he found out their phone number. And it’s better not to delay, because Boeing won’t land in Moscow on its own.

And he was so touching and such a pilot that it was impossible to hide anything.

Only in the morning was Lyosha able to raise his eyes to at least the level of his face. He wondered if there was any nose or eyes. And he asked excitedly:

- Zhanka, is that you?

At first she was offended and wanted to forget about this fateful night forever, but Lyokha had the kind of pilot uniform that is difficult to stop loving just like that.

Just so you know, the pilot uniform is the most sexual of the secondary sexual characteristics of a man. The pilot's uniform contains more pheromones than the rest of the man. She is the face of a man and the seat of his soul. And if it weren’t for our knees, women would have nothing to oppose us.

Published in abbreviation

Short hair doesn't always look perfect

It’s hard to believe, but those with thin and fragile hair have the least trouble choosing a haircut. If your hair, on the contrary, is coarse and thick, then even if you choose a short haircut, you will have to put a lot of effort into styling. Therefore, the custom that tells pregnant women and young mothers to cut their hair short is completely inexplicable... One can only agree with this from the point of view of convenience - with short hair there is still less hassle.

This is not a men's haircut at all. Short hair can look very sexy. And contrary to popular belief, a short haircut will make you look younger.

Sign of sharp knees in a girl


For those with thin hair, a short haircut disguises their imperfections.

For girls with a short neck – opens and visually lengthens

Practical and dynamic women do not need styling.

A short haircut is ideal for you if your face is oval, square or round.

Doesn't fit...

Large women - clothing size 52 or larger. You need to focus on a hairstyle that will somehow balance your figure.

With a very small face - against the backdrop of an open neck, the facial features become even smaller, which makes it look like a “bird”.

Regina Todorenko's haircut is ideal for long hair

The truth is that some women need to forget about them. First of all, there is no point in growing it out for years, especially if the hair is thin and fragile - the look is still unpresentable. And it’s a completely different matter with curly hair – long ones look great. But if you decide to grow it longer, remember that such hair must be cut regularly so that the hairstyle does not lose its shape.

Sign of sharp knees in a girl

Which haircut to choose for long hair? Many girls ask this question. Long hair is an adornment that should look natural and natural. Todorenko's haircut is almost an ideal solution. She does not wear bangs, does not cut her cascading hairstyles with a pronounced short crown or short strands near her face, but at the same time, this is not just long hair, which itself grows that way.

Regina has a haircut shape - this is a graduation, which is made on the lower 10 centimeters of the length of the hair, which allows the hair to evenly distribute the volume. For example, the same curls on thick hair of the same length would create a triangle shape with volume at the bottom and without volume at the top of the head.

Sharp knees

You should not be surprised if, before the age of two, the child’s knees point in different directions, and his legs resemble the letter 0. It is also considered normal for the knees to turn towards each other (X-shaped legs) - this position can be observed in a child up to four years of age. To notice the deviation, you just need to look carefully at the child from the front. However, if you find that his knees are pointing in different directions, this does not mean that we are talking about a very serious problem: similar deficiencies are found in children quite often. That's why experts are rushing to convince us that most of what appears to be deformation is not actually it. It is known that it is possible to finally adapt to life in an upright state only in adolescence, which means that everything that happens to the knees before this moment fits into the concept of the norm.

In what situations will you need to consult a doctor? Since X-shaped and 0-shaped curvatures of the legs can be associated with rickets, if you suspect that there is something wrong with your baby’s knees, it is better to consult a doctor. If we are really talking about rickets, the pediatrician will prescribe prophylactic doses of vitamin D3 to the child. However, if, starting from the age of two, leg problems worsen and you begin to notice obvious asymmetry, the child will have to be shown to an experienced orthopedic doctor every six months. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe special examinations for the baby or send him for an x-ray.

Below the shoulders

One of the most fashionable hairstyles this spring is shoulder-length hair. Classic and feminine


For those with a round face, it’s easier to hide your face under long hair, but don’t forget to emphasize your bangs.

For girls with wide hips - they balance perfectly.

Doesn't fit...

Short – hair falling to the shoulders “pulls” the proportions of the figure down even more.

For those with very thin hair, no matter what you do, your hairstyle will still turn out miserable.

  1. Wash your hair well with a cleansing shampoo and apply a light surface conditioner. For curls to be bouncy and last a long time, your hair should not be “heavy.”
  2. Apply mousse to damp hair to create curls from root to tip, but if you don’t have a special mousse, regular volumizing foam or any other pre-styling fixative will do.
  3. Dry your hair evenly about 80% with a hairdryer and comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb.
  4. Next you need curlers - these are soft curlers 3-5 cm wide in diameter. To make the curls more elastic, you need to wrap about 15-20 pieces over your entire head. Distribute the hair evenly on the curler, trying to curl the strands over the entire surface of the curler, and, for example, do not curl all the hair in the center of the curler.
  5. Your hair should dry completely, for this you will need to wait 30-50 minutes or heat your hair with a hairdryer for 5-10 minutes, depending on the thickness and length of the hair.
  6. We unravel the curlers, making sure that the hair is 100% dry, and under no circumstances comb the hair with a comb. All we need is to break each strand into 2-3 more strands with our fingers and, tilting our heads down, we comb the hair with our hands.
  7. Without raising your head, fix the curls generously with medium or strong hold varnish. Then we raise our heads and spray the varnish again, and while it has not yet dried, we smooth out the protruding hairs with our hands.
  8. When the curls are fixed, take the hair shine oil and, distributing it on your palms, continue to smooth the hairs, at the same time giving your hair shine and paying special attention to your ends. You should apply enough oil to them to make your hair look well-groomed.
  9. The hair from the roots should remain almost even, but at the same time maintain texture and volume. Apply varnish also to the root zone.
  10. Please note that there is a lot of air in Regina’s hair, which makes it voluminous. Some strands are twisted quite tightly, and some are almost even, which creates a unique “tousled” effect that looks very modern.

Experiment with style and let your hair help you!

Standard of beauty

The size and shape of beautiful women's knees depend on factors such as the structure of the joint, muscle structure and skin condition. There are a number of parameters by which you can determine the beauty of your knees. When relaxed, the shape of the knee should take on a rounded shape, and the back of the knee should be thin and approximately the same as the thickness of the ankle. In this case, thickening of the rear part in comparison with the ankle is allowed - but only slightly.

An obligatory nuance is that the ankle should be graceful in comparison with the knee, but in no case thin.

Knees are also considered beautiful if there are no protrusions on the sides, and there is a small depression under the knee itself. The kneecaps should be well supported by the muscles and not move inward, creating the feeling of crooked knees. The knee itself should not be too convex compared to the rest of the leg, as happens in girls who are too thin. When bending the leg, the beautiful knee should remain rounded, and not stick out with the angular part outward.

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