Elliptical trainer: what is it for, pros and cons, effectiveness for weight loss

For girls who have been actively involved in fitness, it is very important to remain active during pregnancy. Read on to find out how to stay athletic and fit even in these difficult but happy times.

Society places so much importance on how fit and slim you are that it's actually stressful. When you finally achieve the result you want, you are willing to do anything to keep it. And when you finally want to have a baby, you have to accept that a flat stomach will be a thing of the past.

Pregnancy is beautiful and natural; you want to show off your growing belly. And this is the right position, even if the old clothes no longer fit in size by the 4th month.

Many women, once pregnant, begin to think that it's time to put their feet up on the table and relax. This is also necessary, of course, but you also need to stay healthy and fit. Here's what we know about how to stay active during pregnancy.

Approximate training program for pregnant women by week

Taking into account the fact that the entire period of pregnancy is conditionally divided into trimesters, fitness trainers recommend drawing up a training program for 3 weeks. Taking into account the recommendations of experts on the advisability of exercising during this period no more than 2 times a week, the following two-day complexes can be used by pregnant women as examples

1st trimester (1-12 weeks of pregnancy)

Day 1:

  • walking in place with high hip lifts – 3 minutes;
  • alternate leg raises to the sides from a position on all fours – 3 sets of 10 repetitions (3*10);
  • swing a straight leg backwards from a standing position on all fours – 3*12;
  • stretching the thigh muscles in the fetal position, kneeling – 1 minute;
  • alternate rounding and arching in the back, standing on all fours, 20 times;
  • deep squat with legs wide apart – 3*12;
  • turning the body to the sides, with the foot placed on the corresponding knee – 3*15;
  • stretching the front surface of the thigh from a standing position – 1 minute;
  • alternate turns of the body behind the leading hand, lying on its side - 3*20;
  • swing your straight leg forward from a standing position – 3*15 for each limb;
  • swings at points (forward–to the side–back) – 3*20 for each limb;
  • cool down with elements of breathing exercises.

Day 2:

  • walking in place with dynamic knee lifting – 2 minutes;
  • tilting the body forward from a standing position, placing the ankle of one leg on the knee area of ​​the other - 1 minute;
  • rotations of the body behind the leading hand, from a standing position on all fours – 3*20 for each limb;
  • springy swings with a straight leg back followed by abduction to the side, standing on all fours - 3 * 12 for each limb;
  • compression of the lateral muscles with a slight rotation of the body from a position on all fours;
  • classic squats without weights – 3*10;
  • springy squats with legs wide apart, without changing the depth of the squat - 3*20;
  • stretching the front surface of the thigh from a standing position – 1 minute;
  • straight leg swings at points – 3*15 for each limb;
  • hitch.

2nd trimester (13-25 weeks of pregnancy)

Day 1:

  • raising your arms while inhaling – 30 seconds;
  • bending the body forward from a standing position – 1 minute;
  • rocking the body in a tilted position – 30 seconds;
  • alternately placing the foot on the toes and heel – 30 seconds;
  • bending arms with dumbbells, fitness bands or weights from a standing position – 3*12;
  • swing forward with straight arms with dumbbells from a standing position – 3*15;
  • spreading the arms from a position above the head to the sides, kneeling – 3*12;
  • straight leg swings at points – 3*12 for each limb;
  • touching the heels with the buttocks while kneeling – 3*20;
  • hitch.

Day 2:

  • classic squats – 3*15;
  • body turns synchronized with a half-squat – 4*10 for each side;
  • tracing a semicircle with the foot at points on the floor - 3*15 for each limb;
  • lifting the bent leg back, standing on all fours, – 3*10 for each limb;
  • stretching in the fetal position – 30 seconds;
  • swings with a bent leg to the side, with fixation at the top point - 3*10 for each side;
  • hitch.

3rd trimester (26-40 weeks of pregnancy)

Day 1:

  • walking in place – 2 minutes;
  • rounding followed by arching in the back, standing on all fours, – 3*12;
  • “Downward facing dog” – 3*10;
  • stretching in the fetal position – 1 minute;
  • slow squats, leaning your back against the wall - 3*10;
  • straight leg swings at points – 3*12 for each limb;
  • hitch.

Day 2:

  • alternate shoulder rotation – 30 seconds;
  • bending the body forward with a deflection in the thoracic spine from a standing position – 3*15;
  • head tilts at points – 30 seconds;
  • “Lock” for stretching the pectoral muscles – 20 seconds;
  • bending to the side from a standing position – 3*12 for each side;
  • rotation of the pelvis - 30 seconds for each direction;
  • bending to the side from a sitting position – 3*15 for each side;
  • hitch.

Pregnancy fitness is fun!

Perhaps the most popular and funniest Instagram personality is dancer, choreographer and fitness model Sonya Nex, who recently became a mother. The girl regularly posted videos of her strength training with her stomach on social networks. The media even wrote that pregnant Sonya spends the night in the gym, but they were wrong: she could train at home, using a washing machine as a machine. Fitness for Nex is the best entertainment.

With belly and dumbbell. Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?

— I came to the gym 8 years ago. When my body finally became approximately the way I imagined it in my dreams, fitness became a part of me! And then it turned into work! I returned to exercise machines in the third month of pregnancy (previously doctors did not allow it) and worked out until the 35th week,” says Sonya. - Why lie on the couch if you can have a great time in the gym.

The dancer uses her blog to promote a healthy lifestyle, trying to convey that pregnancy is not a disease, and willingly gives out advice. Most of her subscribers reacted well to the pregnant Sonya, only a few were surprised: “Is it really possible?” And I really want to admire and imitate Sonya Nex.

- Get busy, girls, who are planning to become a mother! Prepare your back, abs and all muscles. I had a perfect pregnancy and my lower back didn’t even hurt even once, even at 40 weeks I was jumping around and being active! - Sonya addresses her fans. — Love your body, because you live in it once, and it’s absurd that exercise interferes with getting pregnant, I took a pregnancy test between sets of abs, in the gym, and during this period there were 5 workouts a week and six-pack abs. Pregnancy is not a disease, and it’s not as scary as I thought.


Tips from Sony Nex”{amp}gt;

Tips from Sony Nex

• Work out with light weights.

• Instead of dumbbells, use a resistance band and leg loop.

• If you have problems with weight and self-control, try eating according to the FatSecret program, it is very disciplined.

• Limit your intake of simple carbohydrates. Eat no more than 2-3 fruits per day (150 g of carbohydrates).


• Work out with light weights.

• Instead of dumbbells, use a resistance band and leg loop.

• If you have problems with weight and self-control, try eating according to the FatSecret program, it is very disciplined.

• Limit your intake of simple carbohydrates. Eat no more than 2-3 fruits per day (150 g of carbohydrates).


Underwater nuts

For cardio oblique strength movements, motors are a fast and effective way to work the muscles in your upper and lower core simultaneously.

Equipment needed: dumbbells

Muscles worked: trapezius, deltoids, quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal muscles and maximus

  1. Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your toes at an angle. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip, then bend your arms so the weight is at shoulder height with your palms facing to the side.
  2. Squat, holding heels, and knees bowed outward.
  3. Start returning to the starting position while holding the dumbbells on your shoulders.
  4. As you return to the starting position, press up through your heels and drive your hips forward. Use upward momentum to push the dumbbells up your shoulders toward your abs.
  5. End with your arms straight and the dumbbells completely overhead.
  6. Start squatting again and lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders. They should reach your shoulders before your legs get into a parallel position.
  7. Perform 5 sets of 12-15 reps.

How to properly organize training so as not to harm the woman and the fetus

Photo 5
Reasonable activity in the absence of contraindications will benefit both mother and baby. A proper workout includes elements of cardio to improve endurance and gymnastics to increase muscle elasticity.

During the training it is necessary:

  1. Monitor your heart pulse. The norms for pregnant women differ from the standard.
  2. Adjust the intensity and speed of the exercise.
  3. Exclude supersets and circuit training from the complex.
  4. Increase the amount of water you drink during exercise (up to 1 liter).
  5. It is more careful to work with elements that involve joints in the process, since the hormone relaxin, actively produced during pregnancy, increases their mobility, which often leads to injuries.

Important! If in the first trimester workouts can take 45-50 minutes, then in the third period they should be reduced to 35 and introduce as many stretching and relaxation exercises as possible.

What exercises to do

During the period of bearing a baby, doctors recommend paying attention to positional gymnastics, exercises on a fitball and knee-elbow positions.

The first type prepares a woman for labor and includes the following elements:

  1. Cat:
  • stand in a knee-elbow position;
  • lower your head down and arch your back up;
  • return to IP.
  1. Butterfly:
  • sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet together;
  • place your elbows on the inside of your knees and apply light pressure, trying to separate your hips without pain.
  1. Twisting:
  • the exercise is performed in a standing or sitting position (can be on a fitball);
  • turn your body to the left, then to the right, without using your pelvis.


You should start taking folic acid even before pregnancy, only when you have decided to have children. It is very important and helps reduce the possibility of several serious diseases in the child. Statistics show that 70% of women are aware of the need for folic acid, but only 30% actually use it.

It is very important to take it before, during and after pregnancy. During the prenatal period, it is also very important to take a multivitamin complex to ensure that both you and the baby are getting enough vitamins and minerals.

There are also studies confirming that men who take folic acid have more active sperm, and their children are much more likely to grow up without any genetic abnormalities.

Pregnant women need 60% more protein in their diet than non-pregnant women. This protein is necessary for a child to be born healthy and beautiful. You can use protein powder and put it in yogurt or oatmeal, for example. You won't even taste it, but at the same time your body will be supplied with high-quality and healthy protein! If protein shakes still don't suit you at all, there are always protein bars.

Fish oil is essential for your baby's brain development. It really affects the baby's brain, and if taken in the third trimester and after the baby is born while breastfeeding, it will make your baby really smarter! Who knows, maybe you'll raise another Einstein this way! There are a lot of complexes with fish oil capsules on sale.

Calcium is also very important. A lot of people, even those who are not pregnant, feel its deficiency. Your baby desperately needs calcium to build bones, so he will take it from you. If you are limited in calcium, your gums may begin to bleed and your bones may become weak. With a lack of calcium in later stages, the back can hurt very badly. So remember to take it every day. Even a very good multivitamin does not contain 100% of the calcium you need every day, so you need to take extra. Many foods also contain calcium—you can find it in broccoli, baked beans, or some nuts.


Remember that you don’t need to “eat for two,” as they often say about pregnant women! You only need to add about 300 kcal to your diet. And you should start using them no earlier than after 18 weeks. Until this point, your baby gets absolutely everything he needs from your body, even if you don't eat that much. Just make sure you're getting enough vitamins, protein, and calcium so you don't get hurt yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to eat at all in the first trimester - your body is simply overwhelmed with hormones, but this is normal. Just skip the crackers and Sprite and your baby will be fine.

sports during pregnancy

Oksana Samoilova (instagram @samoylovaoxana). Photo taken 1 month before giving birth - and 1.5 months after.

There are certain types of food that you should stay away from as they can harm your baby. There isn't much research on this, but what is known is to stay away from saccharin E-954. Animal studies have shown that taking it increases the risk of cancer in the offspring. And this is not at all what you want to pass on to your children. Other sweeteners do not seem to cause harm, but their intake should be limited to 1-2 times a day.

fitness during pregnancy
Shark meat, swordfish, king mackerel, and shellfish should be avoided because these types of fish contain a lot of mercury. This is harmful to the development of the child's nervous system. Canned tuna can be eaten once a week, but fresh tuna also contains a lot of mercury. There are still plenty of fish to eat: salmon, sea bass, haddock, halibut, cod, flounder, perch, farmed trout. And remember that the fat from these fish is good for your child's brain.

You need to stay away from canned foods that contain nitrates. Check the packaging for their contents. For example, nitrates are found in hot dogs and salami. Stay away from soft cheeses like brie, feta, and blue cheeses. They are at high risk of contracting listeriosis. Do not eat raw eggs, pates and undercooked meat (they are fraught with salmonellosis). Too much soy in the diet can slow down the development of reproductive organs in boys. Until you know what gender your baby is, stop with soy! Before eating vegetables and fruits, make sure they are well washed. Neither you nor your child want any pesticides that may remain on the surface of the fruit.

Whatever you eat, you may experience bloating or gas. Your intestines will slow down all processes to make sure that your baby is getting all the necessary vitamins in abundance. Just make sure to eat at a slow pace.

Don't forget to floss! Now there is a high risk of bleeding gums, and this can lead to preeclampsia and premature birth. Visit your dentist often for professional cleanings.

Coach's comment

In order not to harm their body, expectant mothers need to strictly monitor the exercise process. We asked Ksenia Shulga, senior trainer of the X-Fit Mosfilmovsky club, master trainer of the group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit, about the rules of training during pregnancy.

1. Please tell me, where is it better for expectant mothers to go: classes in groups or individual classes?

Both types of occupations are suitable for expectant mothers, but we must remember that the specifics of work in each of them are different

In group classes, the trainer cannot pay attention to each client. This means that the risk of injury increases significantly

Moreover, classes are held with the same intensity for everyone, which can negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother, since different levels of load are permissible at different stages of pregnancy. During individual lessons, the instructor constantly monitors the entire training process. The instructor monitors the gestational age and, based on this, adjusts the training program. Of course, the cost of individual lessons is higher than group lessons. However, the effectiveness of individual training justifies all the costs.

2. Is it safe for expectant mothers to perform exercises at home?

At any stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to do exercises every morning. Regular gymnastics will help reduce swelling and maintain the overall tone of the body. But you shouldn’t do fitness at home on your own. When training at home, expectant mothers, as a rule, rely on articles and video lessons from the Internet that do not take into account the health characteristics of a pregnant woman. This approach can harm the body of the expectant mother and the development of the child. Do not forget that during pregnancy, professional supervision by a specialist and a competent selection of exercises, adapted for each trimester of pregnancy, are more important than ever. That is why it is preferable to work out in a fitness club.

3. Are breathing exercises beneficial for expectant mothers? Which ones would you recommend?

Breathing exercises are very important and necessary during pregnancy. Breathing with delay, full yogic, chest, abdominal, intermittent and superficial breathing - these are the main types of breathing that will help the expectant mother maintain her body in good condition throughout pregnancy. These exercises will also make the birth process easier.

4. What types of activities are most suitable for expectant mothers?

The following activities are most suitable for expectant mothers:

• walking;

• swimming;

• yoga and Pilates, specially adapted for pregnant women.


What precautions should pregnant women take while exercising?

For expectant mothers, it is important not to overheat, exercise regularly, avoid pain, control your heartbeat, and drink more fluids. 6. Which parts of the body are strictly forbidden to put stress on during pregnancy? What parts of the body, on the contrary, should be worked out?

6. Which parts of the body are strictly forbidden to put stress on during pregnancy? What parts of the body, on the contrary, should be worked out?

You can't train your abdominal muscles. You need to train your back muscles, pectoral muscles and arm muscles.

7. What are the recommendations for nutrition before and after classes? What is necessary and what is not?

The expectant mother's diet should be complete, enriched with vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to eat 1.5 hours before training to avoid discomfort during exercise. After training, you can eat at any time, since in this case the goal is not to lose weight, but to maintain muscle tone. The expectant mother's menu must include vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, as well as porridge, kefir, cottage cheese and eggs. Spicy, salty, smoked, flour products and alcohol should be excluded from the diet. It is recommended to drink more clean water at room temperature. During classes, you can drink fruit juice or sweetened tea. All types of carbonated drinks, on the contrary, should be excluded.

We thank the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit for the information provided.

Warm up before training

Light stretching is a must before walking on the elliptical trainer. This reduces the risk of injury. The stretch is performed as follows:

  1. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs in different directions as far as possible.
  2. Hands reach for toes, slowly leaning forward.
  3. Next, bend to the sides, gradually helping with your hands.

Pregnant girl doing warm-up

You should start your workout with a short warm-up:

  1. For the first 5 minutes you need to move without tension.
  2. Next, increase the resistance and perform the exercises for 3 minutes.
  3. Then reduce the load to the original level. Continue this way for another 5 minutes.
  4. Then slowly increase the resistance to the desired parameters.

Harm for women from CrossFit. Harm to health

Like any other active sport, crossfit also has its negative sides. In what case will CrossFit be harmful for girls? Let’s figure it out.

  • With an uncontrolled training regimen, CrossFit puts a serious strain on the cardiovascular system. Still would! The average pulse of work during training for experienced athletes varies from 130 to 160 beats per minute, and in some places it can reach 180. Monitor your work during training and listen to the coach - you will be happy!
  • Due to anatomical features, women suffer from osteoporosis much more often than men - 3-5 times! Pubmed published (source article on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health dated November 22, 2013) an interesting scientific study: it turns out that crossfitters are more likely than other athletes to get problems with the musculoskeletal system. And not so long ago it became known that extreme exercise gradually leads to a decrease in bone mass, which is the root cause of the development of osteoporosis.
  • Unlike gym classes and banal cardio, CrossFit is not recommended for pregnant women and new mothers during lactation. Such high-intensity training can lead to overwork of an unrecovered female body and cause a lack of milk. Athletes often complain that after training, children refuse to breastfeed because the taste of milk becomes less pleasant. The reason is lactic acid, which the mother’s body secretes during exercise. If you do decide to do CrossFit after pregnancy, don't forget to stabilize your shoulder blades, wrists, and torso!

What You Should Stop Doing ASAP

Quit smoking as soon as possible. This is very harmful for the child. If you smoke, then your child will live his first 9 months in an atmosphere saturated with smoke and will cough violently, which will undoubtedly affect his growth and development. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to the death of the baby in the first months after birth. Alcohol is another big NO. More and more research shows that alcohol is very harmful to your baby. When you drink a portion of alcohol, your child also drinks it. Just think: if three servings are enough for you to feel foggy, what is it like for your child? Alcohol also often leads to miscarriages and congenital diseases and organ defects after birth. So - no, you can't even have one serving. Your drinks should now be completely non-alcoholic.

Caffeine is also a bad idea. Just as bad as alcohol. Caffeine gets you moving, gives you energy, and makes you more active. And just imagine how the same portion will affect the baby! His heart rate is already at 150-180 beats per minute, so why does he need more? Research shows that caffeine consumption can lead to stillbirth. Most doctors say that 1 serving of caffeine a day, such as a small cup of coffee, won't harm your baby... but why take the risk?

The average weight gain during pregnancy is 12-15 kg. And only 38% of women gain as much as needed. Women who eat a lot of fatty foods during pregnancy provoke heart problems in the child. And if you gain too much excess weight, your risk of diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia will increase, and the baby may become ill. I don’t know about you, but giving birth to a 5 kg baby is generally quite difficult. If you are too overweight, you will have to have a caesarean section, and then you may have problems with lactation.

Also (and this is also sad) if you gain too much weight during pregnancy, it will take you up to 2 years to lose it, and it will be a very difficult two years. Not all mothers understand that too much weight gain during pregnancy then leads to health problems for the child and mother for life. It's better to stay within limits.

The benefits of CrossFit for pregnant women

  • Regular exercise provides a range of benefits for your well-being and the health of your baby, both during and after pregnancy.
  • You'll experience increased energy and improved mood, thanks in part to a healthier sleep-wake cycle. Exercise also reduces the risk of developing postpartum depression.
  • Strong, toned muscles help reduce back pain by improving your posture. Beautiful, toned muscles will also help you look and feel better.
  • Improving blood circulation, which is ensured by performing various types of exercise, will help prevent a number of health problems, as well as reduce the discomfort associated with cramps and swelling that are characteristic of pregnancy. Increased blood flow will promote the appearance of a healthy, beautiful glow, giving the skin a healthy color and glow.
  • Your baby will be physically healthy, because with regular physical activity the risk of premature birth is reduced.
  • You'll recover faster from childbirth and have an easier time regaining your pre-baby body shape and weight. You'll also reduce your risk of developing gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and the need for a caesarean section.


Before you start exercising, you should consult your doctor!

You need to discuss with him how safe it is to exercise on exercise machines and whether there are any contraindications. Only after consultation with a specialist are you allowed to go to the fitness club. Although it is better to get such a simulator at home. It doesn't take up too much space, plus it will come in handy after pregnancy to restore and maintain shape. The fact is that the gym turns out to be a very traumatic place for pregnant women.

While carrying a child, you should avoid physical activity, which includes:

  • jumping;
  • impact movements on the joints;
  • increased tension, especially in the pelvic area;
  • frequent and sudden changes in position.

Doctors insist that you immediately stop using the elliptical trainer and seek medical help if the following signs are observed:

  • dizziness and nausea;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • severe shortness of breath.

Crossfit concept

If you break down the name of the CrossFit system into the components “Cross” translated from English as “crossing, hybrid, transition, intersecting” and “Fit” “in good shape/condition, adapt, healthy”, you get the crossing of various exercises, after performing which a person will be in good shape.

Many people mistakenly consider these classes to be just another fashionable system for losing weight. In fact, this is an independent sport that is focused on developing a person’s endurance, strength, flexibility, agility and speed, in some ways very similar to circular general physical training, which was actively practiced under the USSR.

Back in 1995, police training was conducted using the CrossFit principle. In 1996, the first specialized gym opened, in which training was conducted exclusively using this system. Five years later, this brand was patented by CrossFit Inc. Its founders were gymnastics coach Greg Glassman and his wife. Over the next 15 years, CrossFit gained massive popularity in the world and more than 15,000 thousand gyms for this sport opened around the world. This is evidenced by the fact that abroad, even police officers, firefighters and special service workers train using the CrossFit system.

In the last month, anything is possible!

One of the most popular fitness moms on Instagram is athlete and personal trainer Aliona Hilt. The girl safely gave birth to two babies, doing strength exercises until the last day of pregnancy. Few of the fans and indignant ill-wishers know that as a child, doctors forbade Aliona even banal climbing stairs due to a diagnosis of arthritis.

Everything changed at the age of 17, when Hilt decided to radically change her life and went to the gym. She got down to business so actively that she later became the absolute champion of Northern Germany in fitness bikini, and only remembers her long-standing diagnosis in bad weather.

With belly and dumbbell. Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?
Photo courtesy of Aliona Hilt


Advice from Aliona Hilt”{amp}gt;

Tips from Aliona Hilt
• Don't try to eat for two, you need to eat FOR two. Pay attention to the quality of food; in terms of calories, you will only need 200–300 calories more than usual.

• Use not only nuts and vegetable oils as a source of fat, but also butter - this is a superfood, especially useful during pregnancy.

• Be sure to drink plenty of clean water (minimum 2.5 liters).


• Don't try to eat for two, you need to eat FOR two. Pay attention to the quality of food; in terms of calories, you will only need 200–300 calories more than usual.

• Use not only nuts and vegetable oils as a source of fat, but also butter - this is a superfood, especially useful during pregnancy.

• Be sure to drink plenty of clean water (minimum 2.5 liters).


In her blog, Aliona notes that the goal of her training is “not an elastic butt,” but a quick and easy birth. Women who play sports during pregnancy encounter, on average, less often any complications, walk throughout pregnancy with virtually no physical or mental discomfort, gain weight within the physiological norm, practically do not suffer from edema, and give birth more easily, says the fitness mom.

“During both pregnancies, I trained seriously enough for ordinary people, and the whole Internet was buzzing about it. Everyone tried to express their “fi” to me and prove something. They didn’t take into account one thing: I am a certified trainer for pregnant women and postpartum women, I know everything and even more about training in an “interesting” position!

Aliona posts her photos online to prove that there is no need to be afraid that pregnancy will ruin your figure.

— Pregnancy is a magical and incredibly beautiful state of a woman, it should be shown, explaining that it is sexy and feminine, and not frightened by the fact that children take away beauty! Many girls wrote to me that now they are not afraid to get pregnant and give birth! - said the athlete.

Hilt trained until the day of delivery, but she also emphasizes: it is important not to overdo it.

— As my mother jokes, in the last stages anything is possible. But you can only exercise under the supervision of a doctor, listen to your body and take the load within your strength. If pregnant women are reading me, I want to separately emphasize that there is no need to repeat after me, since after all, my training experience is 12 years! Pregnancy is not the time for personal records! she warns.


Advice from Aliona Hilt”{amp}gt;

Tips from Aliona Hilt
• Avoid exercises that do not allow you to relax your abdominal muscles.

• If you train in the morning, then it is more advisable to load up on slow carbohydrates in the evening in order to fully complete your morning workout. Eat complex carbohydrates for dinner, and have protein for breakfast (protein and carbohydrates, as an option). After your morning workout, your meal should contain proteins and carbohydrates.


• Avoid exercises that do not allow your abdominal muscles to relax.

• If you train in the morning, then it is more advisable to load up on slow carbohydrates in the evening in order to fully complete your morning workout. Eat complex carbohydrates for dinner, and have protein for breakfast (protein and carbohydrates, as an option). After your morning workout, your meal should contain proteins and carbohydrates.


CrossFit recommendations for pregnant women

Among sports fans, this is, of course, a controversial issue, but the truth is that if you approach this topic wisely and carefully, then CrossFit and pregnancy can be combined. Moreover, properly selected exercises and moderate loads during pregnancy can be completely safe almost until birth.

But only if you take the appropriate precautions!

Discuss pregnancy with your doctor and trainer

Discuss your pregnancy and your physical capabilities with your doctor to be sure there are no medical conditions that you need to be aware of and consider when exercising. Be sure to also let your coach know and talk to him about your plans and your goal. A trainer will help you monitor you during your workouts, and also offer alternative exercise options instead of those that you are uncomfortable doing due to your growing tummy and constantly shifting center of gravity.

First trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body does not change fundamentally. In short, you can continue with your regular CrossFit training program, just tone it down a little. Make sure the intensity of your workout matches your comfort level. You can still safely perform exercises such as squats or bench presses.

Second trimester

The second trimester brings significant changes to the body, including an enlarged belly and changes in normal weight distribution. You should avoid supine exercises during CrossFit workouts during this period, as they can interfere with blood flow to the uterus and harm the developing baby in the womb.

It is also important to avoid any exercise that involves the risk of falling from a height, such as rope climbing

Pay special attention to the part of your workout where you are working on stretches to prevent muscle damage

Third trimester

By the end of the third trimester, you will probably feel all the “delights” of pregnancy in full force. A large belly will make it difficult to move normally, and weight gain can cause swelling and discomfort in your legs and ankles. An increase in a hormone called relaxin also makes joints more fragile, increasing the risk of injury. At this time, it is advisable to reduce the intensity of your workout so that you feel comfortable and do not take risks. Make sure your doctor knows about your exercise routine and keep it in line with your doctor's recommendations.

So that you do not forget the most basic recommendations, we have compiled them for you in a small tablet.

Pregnancy period Recommendations 1st trimester: reduce stress to a comfortable level; avoid overheating; you can perform a bench press while lying on your back, preferably by reducing the working weight; second trimester, avoid exercises performed while lying on your back and exercises that involve the risk of falling from a height; pay attention to working on stretching; third trimester, reduce the intensity of training; it is advisable to exclude work with weights and weightlifting exercises; don't overexert yourself.

When deciding whether to continue or stop exercising, the most important thing to remember is that this is YOUR pregnancy. You experience it very differently than other people, so you have to do what makes you feel good and what your body likes. The final word in deciding whether to leave CrossFit during pregnancy, at least until the baby arrives, remains with you. But be careful and careful! Monitor the slightest signals from your body and adjust the weight you work with during training so as not to provoke a miscarriage. If you're having a bad day, don't force yourself. Realize that you are doing what suits you and what you like, and most importantly, what your health allows you to do!

Author Lyudmila Zhavoronkova

Medical expert of the project. 30 years of experience in practical medicine. from 2006 to 2020 – head of the service for examining the quality of medical care and protecting the rights and protection of the rights of the insured at SoGAZ-med. since 2020, scientific consultant and medical expert of the Cross.Expert project.

Characteristics of elliptical trainers

When choosing equipment, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. The convenience and effectiveness of classes will depend on the operating principle and set of functions.

Types of ellipsoids

Based on the principle of operation, there are three types of simulators:

  1. Mechanical ellipsoids . These are simple and cheap devices. They work by tensioning and loosening a belt on the flywheel. It is necessary to brake due to the efforts of the practitioner. This is a serious disadvantage if a woman needs to stop urgently. In addition, it is quite loud.
  2. Magnetic trainer . The principle of operation is to move the flywheel closer and further away from the magnet. Often there is a built-in computer. The load is set manually.
  3. Electromagnetic elliptical trainer . This is the most modern device. But it costs much more than the first two. Braking is carried out by an electric motor; just press a button on the on-board computer. (More about the electromagnetic elliptical trainer)

Below are several models of electromagnetic ellipsoids and their prices.

Basic parameters of the simulator

Leading ellipsoid manufacturers offer different features:

  • Exercise machines can be stationary or folding, on wheels. This is convenient for storage in small spaces.
  • Very comfortable mobile and stationary handles. The first allow you to work the muscles of the upper body. And stationary ones provide support during training.
  • The elliptical for pregnant women can have an adjustable pedal angle. This allows you to increase or decrease the intensity of the load.
  • The on-board computer shows the pulse, the number of calories burned, the activity time, and the level of difficulty. The woman chooses the training program herself.

Elliptical training

Strength training during pregnancy: important rules

Trainers and doctors do not prohibit expectant mothers from attending strength training, but this should be done with caution. Here are the basic rules for strength training during pregnancy

* Discuss your lesson plan with your doctor

. “Before starting strength training, you should consult a doctor, because they have many contraindications: placental abruption, low position of the fetus, etc. In these cases, it is better to walk a lot, take more walks in the parks, stretch a little,” says Alexandra Chuprakova, master trainer, trainer of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.

* You should avoid exercising in the early stages of pregnancy.

“Even if you have trained before, strength training is not recommended before the second trimester, it is unsafe for the fetus,” notes Alexandra Chuprakova.

* Avoid some exercises.

“Deep squats are prohibited, especially in the third trimester, so that the fetus does not put pressure on the pelvic bones,” says Alexandra Chuprakova. - Also, you can’t do abdominal crunches. You can use balance exercises instead. For example, standing on one leg will activate the transverse abdominal muscle.”

You will also have to give up some types of fitness. “It is necessary to exclude shock loads (jumping, running) and complex coordination movements. Avoid excessive stretching (increasing the amplitude above physiological). This leads to injuries, since during pregnancy the hormone relaxin increases, making the ligaments softer, says Ekaterina Potapova. — You can’t push and hold your breath; neither the expectant mother nor the child needs oxygen at all. We also exclude static load.”

* Add special classes and exercises. “An important aspect of fitness for pregnant women are special exercises: balance, work on posture, feet, pelvic floor muscles, mobility of the pelvic area,” says Ekaterina Potapova

— Particular attention should be paid to proper breathing

This is important throughout pregnancy and is simply vital during childbirth. Start doing diaphragmatic and chest breathing already in the first trimester

By the third trimester, you should devote most of your time to special exercises.”

Start doing diaphragmatic and chest breathing already in the first trimester. By the third trimester, you should devote most of your time to special exercises.”

* Use lightweight strength training programs.

CrossFit, HIIT, and other high-impact activities are not suitable for pregnant women. “You should avoid working at maximum and submaximal power,” notes Ekaterina Potapova.

Dumbbells can be used. “You can exercise with weights, but their weight should also be relatively small,” warns Alexandra Chuprakova.

The weight of weights should be gradually reduced. “In toning (strength) exercises, gradually reduce the working weights. In the first trimester, it is permissible to work with 70-50% of the working weight, in the second - with 50-30%, in the third - up to 30% or without weights,” clarifies Ekaterina Potapova.

Ideally, if the training program in the gym is for pregnant women

An experienced trainer will guide you. If you exercise on your own, choose ready-made sets of strength exercises. We asked Alexandra Chuprakova to compose and show us one of these.

Fitness: cardio and strength

Exercise is very important. You can be pregnant and still exercise. Here are some warnings to keep things on track. During cardio, make sure that you are not so out of breath that you can no longer carry on a conversation. If you used to run, switch to brisk walking. You can practice on the stepper, just make sure that you are able to carry on a conversation if someone talks to you.

When you exercise, be careful not to overheat. If it's hot for you, it means it's hot for your baby too. Drink plenty of water and try to exercise outside if possible. Don't avoid using free weights. Now is not the time to set records, but there is also no need to get attached to pink dumbbells. Again - you need to be able to carry on a conversation. Never reach muscle failure. If you're looking for a workout program, here's one that's proven. This is a basic program. which works great.

ExerciseAn approachReplays
Leg bending in the simulator18-12
Leg extension in the simulator18-12
Bench press18-10
Pull down to chest18-10
Pull from above18-10
Biceps curls18-10
Dumbbell Shoulder Press18-10
Traction on a low block18-10
Ab crunches112-15

This complex can be done 2 times a week with weights. Two visits to the gym a week will already give you the energy and tone your muscles need. You can also do cardio exercises 4-6 times a week for 45 minutes. You can place a book on the treadmill and read it while you do it. Time will simply fly by instantly. It is not necessary to exercise for as long, but at least 3 times a week is worth it. Blood will circulate throughout the body more actively, which means your heart will be healthier.

So, why should you keep going to the gym? Being active will reduce your baby's risk of illness, your risk of having a C-section, or your risk of diabetes. If you exercise in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, it will reduce the risk of premature birth. If you keep the muscles of your legs and lower back in shape, you can reduce back pain in the final stages of pregnancy. Also, staying active will help you quickly lose the excess weight gained during pregnancy, and sooner start working in the gym according to your regular program.

Other important exercises at this stage are Kegel exercises. Do them 50 repetitions a day. This will strengthen the pelvic organs and help during and after pregnancy. Another plus of exercise: the stronger your pelvic muscles, the brighter the orgasm. And remember, if you feel any of the following, stop immediately and call your doctor:

  • pain, especially in the back or pelvic organs;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of air;
  • weakness;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • difficulty walking;
  • convulsions.

Remember that working out, even when you don't feel like doing it, will give you more energy. It’s been noticed that even if you don’t feel like doing it before doing cardio, after the treadmill you feel like you’ve been born again.

The main goal of the tips in this article is a healthy baby, a healthy mother and an easy pregnancy.

Translation of the article from bodybuilding.com: https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/pregnancy.htm

Crossfit and pressure. What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a training system aimed at simultaneously developing many physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, etc.). The main feature of CrossFit is the lack of narrow specialization - you can improve your physical performance both in strength sports and in those that require endurance and speed. CrossFit training includes both elements of “traditional” fitness and bodybuilding, as well as weightlifting, athletics, and gymnastics. It is the wide variety of CrossFit exercises that will help you succeed in “everything at once.”

However, this kind of training will not make you a better weightlifter, better gymnast or sprinter. But you will definitely learn to run faster than the average muscleman, while having more muscle mass than a competitive sprinter.

Definition from the official crossfit.com website:

CrossFit is a strength and endurance training program designed to train police officers, firefighters, military personnel, fighters, and professional athletes around the world.

The specialization of CrossFit is the absence of specialization. The skills acquired through CrossFit will be useful in combat, on a hike, and when playing any kind of sport. It is more useful for life to have “average” abilities in different sports than to be an expert in one of them.

According to the CrossFit ideology, a person's athletic training is only as good as their endurance (both strength and cardiovascular), strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination.

Top 10 popular ellipsoid models

Now on the market there are a lot of affordable models of ellipsoids up to 20,000 rubles. However, it is important to note that the low cost of the simulator may be due to the poor quality of the material and workmanship, so the ellipse design will be fragile and unreliable. Breakdowns of elliptical trainers are not uncommon: flywheels break, pedals break off, and severe squeaks appear. Defects can also happen with expensive orbitrek models, but little-known brands and cheap models are at particular risk. When choosing an elliptical trainer, be sure to evaluate the reliability of the frame, handles, pedals, and flywheel.

Our selection: Top 20 popular ellipsoid models

Here are examples of popular models of ellipsoids of different price categories. Among the most well-known manufacturers are: Sport Elite, Body Sculpture, Kettler, Torneo, Hasttings, Oxygen, HouseFit, Life Fitness, Proxima.

Sport Elite SE-304

Oxygen Peak E

UnixFit SL 350

Carbon Fitness E304

Body Sculpture BE-6800D

Sport Elite SE-800HP

Clear Fit CrossPower CX 200

Body Sculpture BE-6700

Svensson Body Labs ComfortLine

Proxima Serenada

Should you exercise during pregnancy?

If this period occurs normally, doctors do not require restriction of a woman’s physical activity.
However, there is always a caveat, and in this case it is the first trimester. It is in the first 3 months that the initial formation of all the vital organs and systems of the unborn baby occurs, so a woman should be as careful as possible about her condition and well-being. So, during this period, abdominal exercises, intense jumps, squats, and contact sports are completely excluded from the complexes.

Still, physical activity during pregnancy has many benefits. This is reflected in a reduction in development risks:

  • gestational diabetes mellitus;
  • gestosis (a condition characterized by increased blood pressure, convulsions, edema, high levels of protein in the urine);
  • birth by caesarean section.

But don’t forget about the consequences of too intense training:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • retrochorial hematoma.

In any case, you can visit the gym or exercise at home only after consulting with your supervising doctor.

Elliptical and pregnancy

Good afternoon everyone. I am 26 years old, my husband and I are planning a child. The question is: I have a semi-professional elliptical at home (I bought it for 32 thousand), I’ve been training on it for a year now, I don’t want to stop training during pregnancy. Anyone who has experience combining cardio and pregnancy, please share.

Read Jillian Michaels about working out during pregnancy, she writes well. If there are no threats, then you can, just be careful. And keep your pulse lower to avoid hypoxia.

In this section, only neutral information is published in topics and comments. Topics and comments containing advice, recommendations, promotion of alternative methods of treatment or other actions will be closed.

Oh this is not recommended. Better try Pilates or aerobics for that)) the workouts are the same, but do no harm

Better yet, consult a doctor.

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You can and should exercise during pregnancy only on an elliptical.

8 centimeters, my dignity.


The intestine on the right is swollen (apparently the colon or cecum), aching and bursting. What could it be?

Intercostal neuralgia as a complication after prolonged larengotracheitis

brown discharge


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How to increase hemoglobin?

I'm always surrounded by sick people

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Main sports used for the CrossFit program

CrossFit is high-intensity strength training that can be done at home, in the gym, or on the street. All kinds of combinations of exercises can significantly improve the physical condition of the body, i.e. develop athletes into well-rounded athletes. What is included in the CrossFit complex:

  • Weightlifting;
  • powerlifting;
  • run;
  • gymnastics;
  • plyometrics;
  • kettlebell lifting, etc.

Specially equipped gyms for CrossFit use equipment from these sports: barbells, rings for gymnastic exercises, jump ropes, expanders, dumbbells, horizontal bars, rowing machines, rope for CrossFit.

Possible risks

Despite the large list of positive aspects that moderate CrossFit exercise brings to pregnancy, there are also many risks. Some of them are listed below.


It is very important that you do not overexert yourself during exercise, as overexertion can cause more harm than good and can even lead to complications or miscarriage. Therefore, try to choose light exercises and take frequent breaks, even if you previously were, as they say, too tough for any kind of exercise. Body overheating

It's easy to overheat when exercising during pregnancy as your body becomes more sensitive. So you should wear breathable clothing, drink plenty of water, and avoid hot or humid environments while exercising. Risk of injury. CrossFit is a rather traumatic sport, even for agile athletes who are not bothered by a large belly. Therefore, put off rope climbs, wallballs, jumping jacks and other exercises where not only strength is important, but also agility and flexibility until better times. Heaviness. Lifting heavy objects can be a very dangerous activity for pregnant women. Therefore, it’s better not to even take risks with this - you’ll still have time to stretch barbells and weights, restoring your figure after childbirth. Of course, some famous athletes, despite everything, did not give up weightlifting exercises during pregnancy and are happy to post their photos and videos on this topic on social networks. But this is rather the exception than the rule. Such cases are rare, and if you are not a multiple winner of the CrossFit Games, then you should not tempt fate and risk not only your health, but also your future baby.

Contraindications for pregnant women exercising on an ellipsoid

The body of a pregnant woman differs from the usual in many ways. First of all, the joints become very elastic and fragile. All this is due to the synthesis of the hormone relaxin. It is designed to increase the elasticity of the ligaments so that childbirth is easier and less traumatic. It is important to note that the hormone softens all joints and ligaments in the body. Therefore, you need to exercise with extreme caution.

Exercises on an elliptical trainer during pregnancy have contraindications:

  • the state of the uterus is in increased tone;
  • discharge containing blood;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • miscarriages or previously frozen pregnancies;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • toxicosis and gestosis;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • cramping sensations after physical activity.
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