L-carnitine for weight loss: how to take L-carnitine while cutting, what is it for

L-carnitine is also called levocarnitine. This amino acid plays a critical role in human metabolism. Its main property is the ability to convert lipids (fat) into energy. When it is lacking, lipid metabolism is disrupted first of all, and obesity processes are triggered. The heart muscle begins to suffer.

Lack of amino acids in the body leads to heart disease, decreased endurance, increased sensitivity to physical activity, and increased levels of damage to muscle fibers during physical activity.

Why do you need Elcarnitine for weight loss?

All information presented here is obtained from personal experience. So, L-carnitine will not help improve your body shape if you:

  • you continue to eat anything;
  • you don’t move much or don’t play sports;
  • hope for quick weight loss;
  • You are not drinking enough L-carnitine at the wrong time.

Yes, yes, you won’t be able to lose weight if you eat fatty, high-calorie foods. Eat up at night. In addition, you need to choose a method of physical activity for yourself. Well, for example, do exercises in the morning. L-carnitine is even more recommended for women after 45-50 years of age. After all, at this time hormonal changes in the body begin. And this means that such a supplement can ensure the breakdown of fat deposits in the best possible way.

The longer you exercise, the faster the fat burning process will go. It is believed that fat begins to melt after the first 30-40 minutes of training. And indeed it is. Because the 10-15 minutes it takes to warm up the muscles are not able to affect fat deposits.

L-carnitine, taken before training, delivers broken down fat to the muscles. There it is processed into energy.

Indications and contraindications

Levocrnitine is a remedy that helps not only lose weight, but also cope with health problems.


L-carnitine in capsules and other forms can be prescribed to people who have the following diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • liver,
  • pancreas,
  • endocrine system.

Unlike most weight loss products, Levocarnitine is prescribed to children. However, the pills are not prescribed to them for figure correction. Doctors may prescribe capsules for your baby if he is not eating well. Tablets are also prescribed for adults who have a similar problem. L-carnitine is prescribed to older people as a means to improve memory and concentration.

Note! The product in powder or tablet form is useful for vegetarians. By refusing to eat meat, people deprive their body of vitamin B11, the source of which is such food. Levocarnitine is able to compensate for the lack of the substance.

Athletes drink Levocarnitine to speed up muscle gain. In addition, L-Carnitine improves endurance and increases the effectiveness of training. The drug is also used during drying of the body. There are not many contraindications to taking liquid L-Carnitine or tablets. However, if a girl is expecting a child, it is better for her to stop using the drug for weight loss. Doctors make a similar request regarding nursing mothers. Taking levokartinin in ampoules or tablets can have a negative impact on the child.

A person should also stop taking L-carnitine if:

  • there is an individual intolerance to the drug for weight loss
  • there is increased excitability,
  • someone who is losing weight suffers from insomnia.

We should not forget about the need for physical activity. Without attending workouts or active walks, you will not be able to lose weight with the help of L-Carnitine.

How L-carnitina works

To understand how elcarnitine works, you need to know that it is produced by liver and kidney cells. This is a vitamin-like substance that the body needs for normal functioning. It is not always enough. Production slows down:

  • with a slow metabolism, which is often present in obese people;
  • with age, when we notice that we have begun to gain weight even while leading a normal lifestyle;
  • with little energy consumption.

That is, a lack of this amino acid leads to excess weight gain. To replenish the amount of L-carnitine, you need to take it additionally. buy proven L-carnitine with good reviews here.

Use by athletes

The results of using l-carnitine before and after exercise vary. For athletes, the use of l-carnitine helps reduce muscle tissue injury.

And due to the additional energy released from its own lipids, the body’s endurance significantly increases. The only difference is a different dosage.

Daily intake of L-carnitine and synthesis in the body

It is believed that a person needs from 0.2 to 2.5 grams per day. But all people are different. And from the experience of athletes, it turns out that small doses are simply useless. Especially if you want to lose weight. Some take 3 to 5 grams per day. And only then do they see results.

Advice: take L-carnitine experimentally. The first week, start with 500 mg, then drink 1-1.5 grams. You should see that your body becomes drier, subcutaneous fat disappears, and muscles begin to appear under the skin. If this does not happen, then the dose should be increased to 3 g. Elcarnitine is completely safe, overdose is impossible. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it either.

Watch the video in which a famous fitness trainer gives advice on the technique:


L-carnitine analogues include the following food additives:

  • Elkar . The product is available in the form of a 20% syrup for internal use. 5 ml of solution contains 1 g of levocarnitine. Accelerates metabolism, has an anabolic and fat-splitting effect, normalizes fat and protein metabolism, and increases endurance. There are side effects that can manifest themselves in the form of intestinal dyspepsia, pain in the epigastric region, myasthenia gravis, and allergies.
  • Carniton . Available in the form of tablets (20 pieces in one package). An additional source of vitamin B increases performance, strengthens the psyche, improves vascular and muscle tone, and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Carnifit . This is a B vitamin (vitamin Bt) in the form of a solution. Normalizes protein and fat metabolism. Has an anabolic effect.
  • Nephrocarnit . This is a solution for oral administration. The active ingredient is L-carnitine. The product corrects metabolic processes, activates fat metabolism, increases the secretion and enzymatic activity of gastric and intestinal juices, improves food absorption, and reduces excess body weight.

What are the benefits of L-karnitina

In addition to the ability of this amino acid to convert fats into energy, elcarnitine increases endurance. All athletes note the fact that after taking carnitine, they can train much longer. I recover faster and can withstand stress more easily.

Doctors note that taking elcarnitine:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, like all other muscles;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • lowers sugar levels;
  • the fat layer becomes thinner and gradually disappears;
  • the volume of muscle tissue increases;
  • the number of colds is reduced by stimulating the immune system.

A scientifically proven fact is that this drug oxidizes fats, converting them into ATP - the source of energy in the body. This is why the heart muscle begins to work much better, because its nutrition consists of 70% fatty acids.

Own synthesis of L-carnitina occurs with the participation of:

  • amino acids lysine and methionine;
  • gland;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

L-carnitine is a drug that I usually prescribe to my patients who are trying to get rid of extra inches on their hips and waist through grueling exercise. Indeed, the product helps to quickly break down and remove lipid decomposition products only during intense physical activity.

The principle of taking L-carnitine is as follows: you need to drink it only on the day of the intended workout, 2-3 hours before it starts. In this case, you can eat, but only in small portions and mainly protein and carbohydrate foods (we give preference to complex carbohydrates).

After intense physical activity, a strong feeling of hunger often arises, which can be suppressed without harm to the figure:

  • low-fat cottage cheese, cheese and kefir;
  • forest berries and nuts;
  • dried fruits (don’t get carried away) and bran;
  • steamed chicken or turkey breast or baked in foil.

The drug is often prescribed to inattentive children with poor appetite and people with cardiovascular pathologies. L-carnitine helps normalize the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood serum, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing thrombosis, heart attack and stroke several times.

How to make Elcarnitine work for you

Mitochondria, the body's cells that produce energy, begin to cope better with their functions if energy sources are delivered to them in a timely manner. In other words, lying on the couch requires almost no energy. But as soon as you run, jump, or do a few active movements, you already feel tired.

The body primarily consumes energy from food. For example, you ate. You will find it easier to move for several hours afterwards. But as soon as the food is digested, you feel a loss of strength and try to refresh yourself. It’s difficult to train at this moment. But if you force yourself, energy will be taken from the muscles, depleting them and reducing their volume. As a result, the fat that lies on the stomach and thighs is not used.

To spend this particular hated fat, you need:

  • reduce daily food intake by 10%;
  • 20-30 minutes before training, drink a sufficient portion of L-carnitine;
  • train for at least 40 minutes.

In this case, l-carnitine will pick up fat cells broken down during activity and deliver them to the mitochondria. This is where fat is converted into energy. The scheme seems simple, but it is quite difficult to implement. Because with a lack of energy coming from food, you will waste fat reserves.

What to combine L-carnitine with

Let's consider combinations of levocarnitine with other supplements:

  • With BCAA complex . The combination of these two supplements provides rapid delivery of nutrients to damaged muscle fibers. Therefore, it is best to drink both BCAA and carnitine immediately after waking up to prevent catabolism (muscle breakdown);
  • With fat burning complexes . This combination allows you to enhance the positive effects of supplements on weight loss processes. In addition, it is believed that the combination of L-K and a fat-burning complex minimizes side effects;
  • With protein . It is permissible to add a portion of L-carnitine to protein powder. This ligament allows you to reduce the growth of adipose tissue during strength training. Thanks to this, the athlete gains more “clean” muscle mass;
  • With creatine . Quite a controversial combination. On the one hand, both supplements should provide an increase in energy. But athletes have not noticed a synergistic effect from such a combination. Therefore, the feasibility of such a combination is controversial.

How L-Carnitine works in the body

Probably, many of us have noticed that while dieting and working out in the gym, our weight continues to remain at the same level. And this is very sad. It would seem that we try, we work, we deny ourselves everything, but we don’t look the way we want. And in problem areas, fat does not go anywhere. So, if you do not take L-carnitine, then the following happens during training:

  • First, the energy from the food you ate before training is used;
  • even with active cardio exercise, broken down fatty compounds enter the bloodstream. Then, after the end of the workout, when you enter a state of rest, this already broken down fat safely returns to its place. And calmly fits back into your stomach, buttocks, thighs. That is, it does not burn and is not removed.
  • sufficient doses of elcarnitine serve as a kind of transport trailer. They collect fatty compounds from the blood and deliver them to the mitochondria. Here fat is broken down into atoms and converted into energy, which we so need at this moment.

L-carnitine for weight loss. What is it for and how to take L-carnitine

One of the disadvantages of taking L-carnitine is an increase in appetite. This is understandable, because spent energy requires replenishment. If you manage to cope with bouts of hunger, then consider that your task of normalizing weight is completed.

Side effects of carnitine

When using L-carnitine in reasonable dosages, the likelihood of developing side effects is extremely low. Taking L-carnitine in high doses can cause nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. Rare side effects include muscle weakness in patients with uremia and seizures in patients with epilepsy.

A recent study made a bold claim that L-carnitine may increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis. However, the structure of the study was met with a considerable amount of criticism by the scientific community, including from me. Experts in the field of medicine have paid attention to numerous experiments that prove the opposite - taking L-carnitine reduces the total risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

There is another unexpected “side effect” that you may encounter while taking L-carnitine, although you may not notice it in the gym. Italian scientists have found that in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, L-carnitine is even more effective than testosterone. This may be due to an increase in the concentration of nitric oxide, which stimulates blood flow in the problem area. Some experiments also indicate that L-carnitine improves male fertility by increasing sperm motility.

How to take L-carnitine correctly. Doses and amount of intake

Pharmacies sell capsules containing L-carnitine in quantities from 500 to 1000 mg. So, we can say with confidence that this is not at all enough for weight loss. You need to take from 1.5 to 3 grams. Only in this case will the substance have an effect. Experienced athletes recommend taking 2-3 capsules of L-carnitine before training. The absorption period of the drug is written on each package. For example, liquid carnitine is absorbed in 10-15 minutes. The powder that we dilute in water ourselves is absorbed a little slower. L-carnitine in capsules takes the longest to break down. To do this, you need to wait 30-40 minutes and only then start training.

If you take elcarnitine and don't exercise, then your money is wasted. Because this substance only works during physical activity.

How to enhance the effect of taking dietary supplements

Food rich in vitamins to enhance supplement intake

There are a number of rules that, if followed, will help significantly increase the effectiveness of the fat burner:

  • the dosage of L-carnitine for weight loss corresponds to the state of health and sports activity;
  • The substance must be taken as prescribed by a doctor or according to the instructions;
  • regular use leads to the accumulation of amino acids in the body, which leads to an increased weight loss effect;
  • the required dose of L-carnitine is consumed before training approximately one hour before the start of classes;
  • You need to take the drug to burn fat in conjunction with a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Elcarnitine does not work on its own. It should be taken before workouts that involve vigorous exercise. To stabilize body weight, it is recommended to run. This type of exercise puts stress on the muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which is beneficial for human health.

If you take a fat-burning drug before strength training, it will help you become stronger and increase the duration of the workout. L-carnitine works if you have an active lifestyle and regular sports training.

Release forms of L-carnitine

There are several types of the drug on sale:

  • liquid l-karnitin, with different flavors, ready to use. For example, try a liquid preparation with different flavors. It is completely ready for use and contains the dosage necessary for weight loss;

  • powder that must be diluted before use;

  • capsules to be taken with water.

Which to choose?

  1. Liquid - very easy to use, tasty and quickly digestible. You can drink it 10-15 minutes before training. But the disadvantage of liquid l-carnitine is that it is much more expensive than other types.
  2. Powdered L-carnitine is good because it can be quickly prepared in the right proportion. It takes longer to digest. It will take 30-40 minutes before training. The downside is that it has a fairly pronounced sour taste. People with gastritis and ulcers will not be able to take it. Even healthy people often experience heartburn and a persistent sour taste after taking it.
  3. The good thing about capsules is that they are tasteless, already dosed, and you can calculate their quantity per dose.

I recommend taking either liquid or capsules, because after trying it in powder, I came to the conclusion that it can upset the stomach.

Here you can see tips from a trainer and host of your own fitness channel:

Taking carnitine to gain muscle mass

Will carnitine help if you don’t need to lose weight, but rather gain weight? And while getting better, do you gain muscle rather than gain fat? After numerous experiments, scientists and trainers unanimously declare - yes, it is possible! Carnitine in sufficient quantities helps increase muscle growth, breaks down fats and prevents them from being deposited in problem areas. So if you need to build a beautiful body, carnitine will help you. However, the principle of its action is unchanged - it only works in the presence of physical activity.

Side effects of L-carnitine and contraindications

As mentioned above, when consuming the powder form, a pronounced acidity is felt. This form of the drug is not suitable for people with high acidity of gastric juice. It is also not recommended to take the drug:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • tachycardias and cardiac disorders;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • children under 3 years old.

No other side effects were noted. After all, it is a substance produced by the body itself. We are just replenishing its reserves. But still, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

What foods contain l-carnitine

If you are against artificial supplements, then enrich your diet with products that contain L-carnitine in natural form:

  • liver;
  • beef;
  • pork;
  • veal;
  • duck, turkey, goose;
  • cottage cheese, sour cream, cream.

Of course, you won't be able to eat enough food to meet your daily requirement. But at least some of it will come from food.

Reviews on the use of L-carnitine, pros and cons

There are a lot of reviews about this substance. Here are the most significant ones:

Alina Pavlenko, 45 years old, housewife:

After 40 years, I began to recover rapidly. I tried every diet I knew, but the weight just kept growing. I had to go to a nutritionist. There they advised me to take L-carnitine, start eating right and exercise. I took 3 capsules in the morning 30 minutes before training. The weight didn’t move at first, then I noticed that my stomach had tightened - this is my problem area. I began to weigh 3 kg less, I didn’t lose that much in 4 months. But the fat was gone, I became tougher to the touch.

Sergey Ivanov, 34 years old, taxi driver:

I don't move much because I drive all day. I started drinking liquid L-carnitine because I gained weight. An athlete friend recommended it to me. But he said that we had to move later. And so I take 3 thousand mg. 20 minutes before your run. I run for about 40 minutes in the park. Then off to work. The weight has really gone off. I even gained muscles in my legs and arms.

Inna Stapanovna Milova, 58 years old, watchman:

I work every other day, so I can’t always move actively. I walk with Nordic walking poles. My friend and I started drinking L-carnitine before this, because we had heard a lot about it. We dilute it in water, it’s a powder. A little sour, but I add half a spoon of honey. Now, I’ve had a drink and in about 10 minutes you can go. So after just five classes I noticed that I move easier and get less tired. And the scales show weight loss. In three months I lost 5 kg. And my friend also lost 3.5 kg. But she doesn’t come with me every time. You can buy L-carnitine at a pharmacy. But the dosage is small. My grandson bought it for me at a sports store, where it is more effective.

The effect of carnitine on performance and physique

L-carnitine is a reliable fat burner, proven by science and time. During the mass gain phase, it will reduce fat gain and provide cleaner muscle growth. During the drying phase, L-carnitine will help transport accumulated fats inside the cellular furnaces, where they will be burned to release energy.

In recent years, very interesting experiments have appeared on the effect of L-carnitine on sports performance. In a recent study from the University of Nottingham Medical School, researchers divided participants into two groups. The first group received 2 grams of L-carnitine in combination with 80 grams of high glycemic index carbohydrates for 24 weeks; The subjects took the first portion early in the morning, the second - 4 hours later. Representatives of the control group received pure carbohydrates without L-carnitine according to a similar scheme.

Researchers found that during low-intensity exercise on an exercise bike, those in the L-carnitine group burned 55% less muscle glycogen and burned 55% more fat. During high-intensity training, less lactic acid accumulated in the tissues of subjects taking L-carnitine; in addition, the level of creatine phosphate, an essential substance for ATP resynthesis, was higher in the muscles.

After assessing the ability of subjects to combat fatigue during tests on an exercise bike, scientists concluded that people receiving L-carnitine were able to work 25% longer. This is likely due to the fact that their bodies burned more fat and conserved muscle glycogen, as well as accumulated less lactic acid and maintained a higher concentration of creatine phosphate.

British scientists also found that, despite enriching the daily diet with 640 extra calories in the form of quickly digestible carbohydrates, representatives of the L-carnitine group managed to avoid an increase in body fat mass. At the same time, participants in the control group (without L-carnitine) gained more than 2.2 kg of fat mass.

People receiving L-carnitine are able to work 25% longer

The positive effect of L-carnitine on athletic performance is associated not only with its ability to stimulate fat burning and reduce glycogen consumption, but also with an increase in muscle blood flow. Increased muscle blood flow ensures that nutrients and hormones are delivered to the tissues that need them most during exercise.

How does carnitine increase muscle perfusion? For example, L-carnitine slows down the oxidative breakdown of nitric oxide (NO). In addition, it increases the activity of key enzymes involved in NO synthesis. The net result is an increase in nitric oxide levels, which not only energizes your muscles during workouts, but also promotes faster recovery after relentless training sessions.

It would seem that what could be better than increasing nitric oxide levels? What can you say about testosterone? Scientists at the University of Connecticut found that L-carnitine increases the number of intramuscular testosterone receptors known as androgen receptors. The more of these receptors you have in your muscles, the more testosterone will be able to bind to them, stimulating muscle growth and increased strength.

Finally, scientists have proven that taking L-carnitine potentiates the action of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), the most important activator of muscle hypertrophy. This occurs due to a sharp increase in the concentration of the protein that binds IGF-1.

The best drug for weight loss

Available in different types of chemical compounds. Therefore, before use, you should decide which L-carnitine is best to buy.

  • Tartrate is the most active form and has high bioavailability. When it enters the digestive system, tartrate is split into two components: pure kartinine and tartaric acid. Each part is learned differently. When deciding which L-carnitine to choose, you need to take into account the reviews of those losing weight. And they indicate that it is Tartrate that promotes weight loss better than anyone else.
  • Acetyl . This type has appeared on the market quite recently and is distinguished by the fact that it contains an acetyl group. Manufacturers tried to improve the bioavailability of the substance and its digestibility, but did not achieve the desired results. The advantage of acetylcarnitine is that it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier of the brain. There it stimulates metabolic processes, improves memory and thinking.
  • Fumarate . The L-carnitine compound in this form has negative bioavailability. Fumarate is made by combining fumaric acid with pure levocarnitine. Levocarnitine for weight loss, also known as L-carnitine, according to reviews from those losing weight, works great, but in combination with fumaric acid its lipotropic effect is reduced. The advantage of fumarate is its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Propionyl is an ester of carnitine bound to the amino acid glycine. Propionyl takes part in lipid metabolism. It improves nitrogen-oxide synthesis. This substance acts as a vasodilator. Therefore, it is taken for ischemia, heart failure, and intermittent claudication. In addition, this substance has antioxidant properties. Propionyl improves testosterone synthesis and increases endurance by reducing lactic acid levels after training.
  • Carnitine chloride has been known to medicine for 50 years. The very first form was precisely chloride. Today it is no longer in demand. The chloride form contains not only L-carnitine, but also its opposite, D-carnitine. The result is LD-carnitine, which is successfully used in neurology, but not in sports. Of course, Carnitine chloride is still produced today, but only for medical purposes.
  • Clean . Among athletes, pure carnitine is called basic or classic. In terms of its bioavailability, it is no worse than tartrate, but the price of such L-carnitine for weight loss is somewhat lower.

L-carnitine for weight loss

Contents in products

Natural L-carnitine is found in the following foods:

  • venison and beef;
  • pork and rabbit;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy products, cheese, milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • The least amount of this substance is found in vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains.

Products containing L-carnitine

Which one to choose and where is it better to buy

There are many manufacturing companies, so it is important to have a good understanding of which drug is better and where you can buy it. Let's start with the fact that this dietary supplement is freely sold online, as well as in regular pharmacies. However, this applies to tablets and capsules. But ampoules and liquid form are sold mainly in sports nutrition stores.

Now let's move on to the manufacturers:

  • Levocarnil Evalar . Reviews about Levocarnil produced by Evalar are only positive. Athletes note that this supplement perfectly fills the body with energy. Naturally, this is very important for playing sports and “burning” excess fat. You can see what L-carnitine for weight loss from Evalar looks like in the photo; it has a relatively low price and has mostly positive consumer reviews.
  • Carniton . Reviews about Carniton for weight loss are also positive. In fact, this is a dietary supplement that is produced by many companies, both domestic and foreign. Carnitone reduces fatigue, gives strength, accelerates metabolism, increases muscle tone, reduces fat metabolism and reduces overall body weight.
  • Arnebia L-carnitine . Another drug that has a lot of positive reviews is Arnebia L-carnitine. It can be taken not only for weight loss, but also for maintaining overall health. This dietary supplement helps increase muscle mass.
  • Solgar L-carnitine . Reviews of L-carnitine produced by Solgar are quite good, even though it is very expensive. The drug itself is of excellent quality and promotes accelerated fat burning.
  • Levocarnitine . What is the price of levocarnitine, are its instructions for use different? Levocarnitine is available in different forms. The drug will only work in combination with physical activity and a balanced diet. When doing fitness while taking levocarnitine in parallel, excess weight will disappear faster.

L-carnitine for weight loss

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