Find out what the body needs zinc for - 10 powerful properties, including fighting cancer

All people need to regularly consume a certain amount of different microelements and vitamins. To do this, you need to eat a full and balanced diet.

Zinc ensures the normal functioning of all important systems and organs. The average consumption rate is in the range from 10 to 25 milligrams per day.

The element is found in various food products, but disappears during cooking under the influence of temperatures.

In case of physical and emotional exhaustion, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or the presence of various diseases, you should take complex preparations containing zinc.

Beneficial properties for health and beauty

Lack of the mineral leads to dulling of smell receptors and loss of taste of food. I don’t feel like eating, I can’t smell well.

The element has a positive effect on vision and stops the development of cataracts.

Preparations with zinc have a beneficial effect on human health:

  • prevent fat deposition;
  • remove toxins;
  • increase resistance to infectious diseases;
  • activate insulin production, reduce the likelihood of diabetes;
  • improve memory;
  • stimulate the formation of RNA and DNA;
  • increase immunity;
  • promote the formation of red blood cells and the rapid healing of various injuries;
  • accelerate the recovery process from viral infections and colds;
  • the mineral synthesizes vitamins and activates the formation of bone mass;

Products with the Zn element are a real source of beauty and youth. They can improve the appearance of hair, face and body skin, and relieve inflammation.

Indications for use of zinc

Micronutrient deficiency can trigger the development of various diseases. Main indications:

  • inflammatory skin rashes;
  • infertility;
  • weakening of taste sensations;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • brittle nails, deterioration of hair condition;
  • poor metabolism.

Zinc is a good antioxidant. It is advisable to take it for residents of environmentally polluted settlements.

Release forms

The level of absorption of microelements is not affected by the outside of the package. Vitamin products with minerals are produced in the following forms: capsules, chewable lozenges, tablets, drops.

What vitamins with zinc are best to take? The mineral comes in the form of salt or complexes. Products containing sulfate have the lowest cost, but they are poorly absorbed.

The body easily takes on a chelated form. Gluconate is suitable for eliminating skin problems.

Solgar vitamins with zinc, which consist only of natural elements, are popular. They do not contain harmful ingredients, soy, carbohydrates, gluten, starch and yeast.

As a useful dietary supplement, doppelhertz active vitamin C with zinc is used in the form of effervescent tablets with different flavors (pomegranate and orange).

Zinc deficiency is a risk factor for many diseases.

Most people do not think or realize that they are deficient in this mineral. Zinc deficiency in humans is a significant problem in most countries in the world. The World Health Organization reports that the prevalence of zinc deficiency is 31%.

Why are people not immune to zinc deficiency in the body?

Zinc deficiency is assessed as one of the risk factors for disease worldwide.

Underdeveloped countries especially suffer from high mortality rates due to zinc deficiency, as it is associated with diarrhea and pneumonia in children.

Zinc deficiency was responsible for 176,000 deaths from diarrhea, 406,000 deaths from pneumonia, and 207,000 deaths from malaria in Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia.

Regular intake of zinc is required for all people to live. Therefore, zinc is called one of the “essential” microelements.

After all, zinc is present in every human cell, organ, bone, tissue and fluid.

Large amounts of zinc are found in the prostate and seminal fluid in men.

Vitamins for children

It is advisable to take Zn at the stage of conception, embryo formation, and during the development of the child.

Expectant mothers need a sufficient supply of the substance. This helps strengthen the protective functions of the fetus.

Has a huge impact on physiological and mental development. Preparations with the mineral should be given to children:

  • with low resistance to infections;
  • for problems with food absorption and intestines;
  • in the presence of frequent allergic manifestations;
  • in case of disorders of the nervous system;
  • teenagers

Taking the element is necessary for immunity and normalization of the digestion process. Vitamins with zinc for children have a positive effect on visual acuity.

Zinc preparations

Complex products including zinc and its combinations with several vitamins and minerals are common dietary supplements. Women's daily need for the mineral is 12-15 mg, and adult men require 15-17 mg. There are targeted vitamins with zinc, for example, for representatives of a certain age group or people with specific problems, and more universal preparations:

  • Doppelhertz active from A to Zinc (contains 27 important substances);
  • Evalar Zinc + Vitamin C (good for immunity);
  • Viardot, Viardot Forte.

Zinc with Vitamin C

For men

The variety of vitamins with zinc specifically for the stronger half is explained by the need for this element for the male body. Complexes containing zinc and selenium increase sperm motility, eliminating problems with conception, so zinc is fundamentally important for men. Taking medications restores the body weakened by alcohol and smoking. Such drugs include:

  • Complivit Selenium;
  • Vitrum Forize;
  • Selmevit.

To maintain men's health it is also recommended:

  • Duovit for men;
  • Zincteral;
  • Zinc Chelate.

Vitamins with zinc for men

For women

The need for vitamins with zinc is also high in women. These complexes help maintain beauty, having a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nails, improving digestion, and increasing immunity. This chemical element activates metabolic processes and, if accompanied by the right diet, you can lose weight. Supplements with this substance are also prescribed in gynecology, as a restorative agent after operations, along with other medications. Popular drugs for ladies:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Duovit for women;
  • Complements the radiance;
  • Zincteral.

Vitamins with zinc are used in the treatment of acne; they dry the skin, eliminating excessive oiliness, and help eliminate acne. Any complex that contains this chemical element helps restore the skin; those that also contain vitamin E are effective; the interaction of these substances has a beneficial effect on the skin. It is recommended to avoid fatty, salty and spicy foods.

Vitamins with zinc for women

For hair

A deficiency of any microelements or vitamins quickly affects the condition of the hair. If there is not enough zinc, then the hairstyle loses its shine, the curls become hard, brittle and dull. Complexes with zinc and selenium help restore their structure; they improve nutrition of the follicles and prevent hair loss. If you have problems with your hair, it is recommended to take:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Turamin Zinc;
  • Centrum;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm.

For children

A pediatrician can prescribe a course of vitamins with zinc to a child, since this mineral is considered necessary for the normal development of a child’s body. This chemical helps stabilize the functioning of the digestion and nervous system, affects the immune system, vision, and increases the physical and mental capabilities of the child’s body. Pediatricians recommend:

  • Calcium + zinc gluconate – chewable tablets;
  • Vitamins, Vitazhuyki and other multivitamins in the form of lozenges containing the desired element;
  • Duovit;
  • Vitrum;
  • Selzinc plus (children over 12).

Selzinc Plus

Vitamins with zinc for women

Have a positive effect on reproductive functions. Prescribed to pregnant women. This makes it easier to bear the load and avoid complications.

Used as a prophylaxis for the serious disease gestosis. Prescribed in the presence of gynecological diseases, especially after surgery.

Zn is used for good digestion. Metabolism improves.

Together with diet and exercise, you can get good results when losing weight.

The use of zinc-containing preparations has a positive effect on the appearance of facial skin:

  • gives elasticity;
  • eliminates acne, inflammation, oily shine;
  • intensively renews the cells of the upper layers of the epidermis.

Zinc combines well with vitamin E. It normalizes hormone levels and rejuvenates the body. Strengthens the nail plate. Eliminates hair fragility and gives it a healthy glow.

Vitamins with zinc for men

Doctors advise drinking during the formation of sexual characteristics, because it stimulates the formation of testosterone, which plays an important role in spermatogenesis.

At the same time, the probability of fertilization of the egg increases, and sexual activity increases.

Preparations with this element are also used as a preventive measure against prostate cancer. Used to increase potency.

For lovers of nicotine and alcoholic beverages, vitamins with zinc with the following names are suitable: Vitrum Forize, Complivit Selenium, Selmevit. They help get rid of intoxication.

The effect of zinc on pregnancy

Since zinc is involved in almost all processes occurring in the body, it is very important during pregnancy so that the fetus inside the womb is formed correctly. Zinc helps reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and is responsible for the correct transfer of genetic information to the baby.

Metal helps the expectant mother to relax and even calm down. Plays an antiviral role and relieves a woman of stress. For this reason, it is recommended to increase the daily dose of zinc during pregnancy to 11-13 mg per day. It should also be remembered that in the first trimester, even more of this substance may be required.

Vitamins for hair

A lack of nutritional components has a negative impact on curls. They fade, split ends and fall out, the scalp becomes dry, dandruff occurs, and sometimes even inflamed areas and wounds appear.

For shine and thick hair, it is advisable to take complex supplements containing components such as selenium and zinc. They will help ensure the supply of useful elements to the follicles.

Effective drugs include Vitrum, Zincaps, Hair Vitamins.

It is also recommended to include the following foods in the diet: seafood (shrimp, shellfish), liver, nuts, dried fruits, beans and meat.

Where does the body get Zn?

Zinc is found in most of the foods we eat. However, it must be remembered that not all of them are absorbed equally. If you are wondering why the body needs zinc, you may need to reconsider your gastronomic preferences.

The human body absorbs zinc more easily from animal foods than from plant foods.

To saturate your body with zinc, include meat in your daily diet. Anything will do: beef, pork, lamb and even chicken. Red meat contains more trace elements than white meat.

Plants contain zinc in a special form. It is poorly absorbed. This is why vegetarians are at risk. They may develop zinc deficiency. As well as B vitamins and iron.

If a child does not eat meat well, nutritionists recommend that parents include egg yolks in their diet more often. They will help maintain Zn at the required level.

Main disadvantages

It is advisable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to consult a doctor before use.

Such drugs are contraindicated for children under four years of age, as well as for persons with individual intolerance to the element.

Typically, the human body accepts and absorbs zinc well. In cases of overdose, prolonged use, side effects occur in the form of:

  • headache;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • itching of the skin, allergic rashes;
  • decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys and liver.

An overdose of the mineral has a bad effect on the absorption of some trace elements (Fe, Cu, Mn). Therefore, a deficiency of these components may occur. It is advisable to buy products containing vitamins and zinc in the optimal ratio.

Excess Zn promotes the formation of insoluble compounds. This interferes with the normal absorption of B9. Taking vitamins with this element must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Consequences of zinc deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency

destroys the immune system, negatively affects the nervous system, leads to male and female infertility, and in pregnant women can lead to complications during childbirth.

But excess zinc in the body is also not harmless.

. May cause nausea and even symptoms of poisoning. In addition, excess zinc interferes with the absorption of other minerals, especially manganese, copper and iron. Because large doses of zinc interfere with the absorption of selenium and copper, this can lead to anemia.


Zinc is an essential mineral critical to optimal health. A well-balanced diet rich in zinc-containing foods is important to ensure adequate levels of zinc in the blood and tissues. Zinc may be beneficial for a variety of health conditions.

Before additional intake in the form of dietary supplements, we recommend that you find out the level of zinc in the blood; it is considered to most accurately reflect its reserves in the body. And be sure to consult with a specialist, since excess zinc can negatively affect the body with symptoms of intoxication.

Reception features

The dosage and form of vitamins containing the mineral are prescribed individually depending on age, diagnosis, gender and goals.

For preventive purposes, it is advisable for men to take 11 milligrams of zinc daily, and for women – 8 milligrams. Main principles of reception:

  • for infertility, about 50 milligrams are prescribed;
  • as a useful supplement to your daily diet, it is recommended to take approximately 30 mg;
  • for colds - adults no more than 150 mg, and children only 10 mg;
  • to get rid of skin problems (acne), you should take 135 mg;
  • for stomach ulcers, the dose is increased to 600 mg;
  • for problems with the gastrointestinal tract – 300.

The products must be consumed 60 minutes before consuming food and 120 minutes after.

It is contraindicated to combine taking the mineral with an antibiotic; you need to wait several hours. You should also avoid taking supplements containing dairy products.


Zinc accumulates in the nail plates, muscle mass, hair, as well as the pancreas and liver. Zinc is also deposited in other places.

Approximately 25% of the active ingredient is absorbed after consumption in the area of ​​the small intestine and duodenum. After a couple of hours, the maximum amount of the element in the plasma is noted.

It then enters the blood, bones, muscles and various organs. Approximately 90% of dry matter is excreted in feces.

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