Diet for gaining muscle mass: what you need to eat to grow muscles, not fat

What to eat for muscle growth

The two main factors influencing muscle gain are systematic strength training and thoughtful nutrition. Moreover, nutrition often plays a decisive role in achieving your goals. And eating a lot of protein is far from the most important key to success. You need to carefully count calories, BZHU, and also eat according to the regime.

Planning your menu is not an easy job, and many athletes are simply too lazy to do it. However, if you ignore this factor, training may not bring the desired result. It is important to understand why proper nutrition allows you to quickly build muscle mass, and to follow certain recommendations given by sports nutritionists.

These 10 rules will help you quickly build muscle mass.

No. 1 Increasing calorie intake

If you consume 100-200 more calories per day than usual, you will not be able to quickly increase muscle size. As the caloric content of the diet increases, the metabolic rate also increases, which means that a small amount of “extra” calories will simply be burned without turning into muscle mass. As a result, muscles will grow almost imperceptibly for you. Well, if there is no visible progress for a long time, the motivation to give all your best in training gradually disappears.

In order to quickly increase muscle size, you need to consume 10-20% more calories than usual. For people of asthenic physique, 2000 kilocalories per day is too little. Such a diet will not lead to muscle growth, but to weight loss, since the body will simply get rid of muscle fibers due to lack of energy. Of course, in each case the calorie surplus is calculated separately. However, as a rule, this figure is about 500 kilocalories.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to gain weight only due to muscles: the amount of fat in the body will also increase. To limit the gain of fatty tissue, eat as few fast carbohydrates as possible. Also, try to get in some cardio a few times a week.

#2 Eat food at the same time every day

You shouldn't skip meals: you shouldn't be hungry during the day either. At the same time, it is not very important how many times a day you eat: the total number of kilocalories consumed is much more important. It is not always possible to consume 100 kilocalories at a time, so experienced athletes advise eating 4-5 times a day. Develop your own meal schedule that is convenient for you. The most important thing is not to be hungry and monitor the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. You shouldn't plan six meals a day unless you have the ability to follow that schedule.

No. 3 Gainers and protein shakes

If you are unable to gain the required amount of calories, you should use special gainers and cocktails.

Gainer is a mixture of easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins. You should choose gainers that contain high quality protein (concentrate or isolate). The calorie content of a gainer should not be too high, otherwise the extra calories will turn into fatty tissue.

Gainer can be made at home by mixing cottage cheese, whey protein, oatmeal, as well as fruits and berries. All ingredients must be crushed and mixed using a blender. This cocktail can replace a full meal.

Nutrition for Muscle Growth: Basic Principles

To build muscle mass, it’s not enough just to go to the gym and start benching weights.To build muscle mass, it is not enough just to come to the gym and start bench presses.
You need to understand that the more training, the more food the athlete should eat. Otherwise, the body will begin to withdraw energy from its reserves, first destroying accumulated fat and then muscle.

Of course, there is no need to talk about any muscle growth.

If you leave your diet the same and increase your exercise, a calorie deficit will occur. The caloric content of the diet should be increased, and the diet should be balanced in terms of nutritional supplements and microelements, and also comply with the following principles of bodybuilding.

Fractional meals

It’s just wrong to eat a lot of food; you can’t eat your daily allowance in two or three sittings. You need to eat small portions as often as possible.

This way, food is absorbed faster, filling the body with the necessary energy for training. When you overeat, most nutrients do not have time to be absorbed and are eliminated from the body. Fractional nutrition allows you to build muscle, not fat.

High calorie food

Any product taken must be high-calorieAny product taken must be high in calories.
Any product taken must be high in calories. “Empty” food will only take up space in the stomach; the diet should contain at least 3/4 of high-calorie foods.

It is important to maintain a calorie surplus, that is, the amount of energy received must exceed the amount expended.

Slow fats and carbohydrates

The diet should include a minimum of fast fats and carbohydrates. You need to give up confectionery, flour and carbonated drinks.

They are difficult to digest and contribute to the accumulation of fat, while the body receives a minimum of energy. Therefore, it is important to minimize the consumption of such products, but it is also impossible to completely abandon them.

Sufficient amount of water

Dehydration is a very common occurrence among athletes. During physical activity, significant food reserves are consumed, which, against the background of accelerated metabolism, negatively affects the athlete’s well-being and the recovery process.

If an ordinary person needs to drink about 2 liters of water per day, then an athlete should drink at least 3 liters per day. If dehydration occurs, even following a training program and proper diet will not bring the desired result.


The diet should include a minimum of fast fats and carbohydratesThe diet should include a minimum of fast fats and carbohydrates.
It is very important that nutrients enter the body at regular intervals. Most fats and carbohydrates should be consumed at breakfast and dinner.

3 hours before bedtime, you can eat only white foods. Following a diet is also important for the digestive system, which can suffer due to heavy loads.

Sports diet

The diet must be combined with the level of exercise; the calories consumed must be sufficient for muscle growth. If physical activity is insufficient, excess calories will turn into fat mass.

To saturate your body, you can additionally consume sports nutrition, which will help speed up the process of muscle growth.

No. 4 Protein food

To grow muscle mass, it is important to consume enough protein. You should eat about 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight per day. There is no need to eat sausages, sausages and fast food: this food contains low-quality proteins and carbohydrates, as well as all kinds of dyes and preservatives. Chicken meat, fatty fish, veal and beef deserve attention. Chicken eggs are a good source of carbohydrates, although it is not recommended to consume more than two yolks per day. Buy low-fat dairy products. Supplement your diet with plant-based proteins (nuts, legumes, etc.).

What to eat for muscle growth

There are three main important components of proper nutrition for muscle growth:

  • Carbohydrates (energy for muscles) - rice, buckwheat, vegetables, oatmeal, fruits;
  • Proteins (building materials for muscle mass) – cottage cheese, meat, eggs;
  • Minerals, vitamins – vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs.

Since protein is an important component of proper muscle nutrition, special attention is paid to its quantity. According to many sports doctors, for muscle growth you need to consume 1.5-2.2 g of protein per kilogram of body.

However, during such a protein-rich diet, caution should be exercised, since excess protein can cause the development of many diseases. First of all, the kidneys and liver may be damaged, and gout may also develop.

Therefore, special nutrition has been developed for athletes - so-called protein shakes, which facilitate the consumption of proteins. It is generally recommended that half of the protein you need for training comes from food, and the other half from shakes.

#5 Without fat it is impossible to gain muscle mass

Most inexperienced athletes, when planning their diet, pay attention to proteins and carbohydrates, while trying to avoid eating fatty foods. However, this is a mistake: the less fat you eat, the lower your testosterone levels. Namely, the rate of muscle mass gain depends on this hormone. Testosterone is also responsible for bone strength, hemoglobin levels and sex drive.

Healthy fats (Omega-6 and Omega-3) are found in nuts, vegetable oil (sunflower, flaxseed), and fish. All this must be included in your daily diet.

Top 10 Best Foods for Gaining Muscle Mass

To increase muscle mass, you need to eat foods containing slow carbohydrates and proteins. These foods are needed for muscle growth.


The product is characterized by almost complete absorption. Providing the body with the necessary amino acids occurs through protein synthesis.

Milk increases protein production in muscles. Its consumption after physical activity promotes the growth of lean muscle mass. Protein content – ​​3.2 g (per 100 g).

The nutritional value of milk per 100 g is 60 kcal

Cottage cheese

100 g of product for muscle growth at home contains 17 g of protein. It is known that 70% of the composition of cottage cheese is casein. Complex protein is characterized by slow digestibility. It is recommended to eat cottage cheese at night or before a long break in nutrition.

Attention! Nutritional value depends on fat content and ranges from 70-160 kcal.

Fermented milk products are rich in calcium, which is involved in muscle contraction


The product for increasing muscle growth contains 12 g of protein per 100 g. Eggs are rich in leucine, which is beneficial for muscles. The amino acid promotes the synthesis of skeletal muscles.

The animal source includes zinc, which has a beneficial effect on muscle growth. 100 g of product contains 74 kcal.

You need to eat 1 egg per day


A healthy product that grows muscles and contains high quality protein. It includes the maximum amount of amino acids. Beef is recommended to be consumed for muscle growth without fat. It is recommended to combine the inclusion of meat in the diet with physical exercise, which increases the production of muscle protein in young and old people.

Attention! The nutritional value of beef is 158 kcal. 100 g of product contains 25 g of protein.

Beef Enzyme Has the Same Muscle Growth Effectiveness as Whey Protein


Certain protein sources are known to be high in fat, which increases cholesterol levels. Turkey is a lean meat. The amount of fat is minimal. This product is good for muscles.

100 g of turkey contains 3 g of fat and 30 g of protein

Chicken breast

Hydrolyzed chicken has the same effect on muscle growth as whey or beef protein. Bodybuilders value a healthy product for gaining muscle mass for a small amount of fat. Its content in 100 g of chicken breast is less than 2 g.

The energy value per 100 g of chicken breast is 165 kcal, and the amount of protein is 31 g

Fatty fish

The most valuable options include:

  • cod;
  • trout;
  • salmon;
  • pink salmon;
  • tuna;
  • mackerel

100 g of product contains up to 22 g of protein, which is highly digestible. Nutritional value is about 100 kcal.

These types of fish are characterized by low calorie content and a significant amount of EFAs, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Omega-3 present in foods increases muscle growth.

The concentration of EFAs depends on the fat content of the fish


Chickpeas include:

  • fiber (25 g);
  • vegetable protein (14 g);
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • essential amino acids (isoleucine, valine, leucine, arginine, glycine, methionine).

It is advisable for vegetarians to use legumes for muscle growth

Almonds and walnuts

Products for building muscle mass help burn fat. These types of nuts are rich in the following substances:

  • tocopherol;
  • B vitamins;
  • retinol;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium.

Almond and walnut protein can replace animal protein.

We recommend reading: What are the benefits of almonds, properties and contraindications

The presence of amino acids in nuts has a positive effect on the immune system.

Soya beans

You can eat a protein product to gain muscle mass. Soybeans do not contain saturated fat, which is a significant advantage. They have a beneficial effect on the body's endurance.

Eating soybeans prevents age-related changes in muscle tissue

No. 6 You need to eat food before and after physical activity

To get maximum results, you need to eat both before and after going to the gym. The food you eat during this time directly affects the rate at which you gain muscle mass, as well as how your body recovers from physical activity.

Approximately an hour before training and an hour after it, it is very important for the athlete to provide the body with everything it needs. Carbohydrates will act as a source of energy, and proteins will become the “building blocks” for muscle growth. At the same time, before and after training you need to eat as little fat as possible: fat takes a long time to digest and also makes it difficult to absorb carbohydrates and proteins.

Carbohydrates as fuel

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for muscle function during strength training. They are stored in the muscles as glycogen. This "fuel" is used to deliver short but powerful bursts of energy.

The more active and longer the muscles work, the more glycogen they require. Therefore, carbohydrate requirements vary depending on the intensity and duration of the workout.

For those training at rest for no more than an hour, a minimum of two grams of carbohydrate

per kilogram of body per day.

Complex and intense workouts lasting more than two hours increase the need for carbohydrates. For the average man who exercises regularly and intensely, experts recommend consuming a minimum of 400–600 grams of carbohydrates per day. Preference should be given to “slow” carbohydrates, which are found in cereals, grain products, vegetables and fruits.

How to lose weight through sports

Alexey Korochkin, a researcher at the Department of Exercise Therapy and Sports Medicine at the Russian State Medical University, talks about how to eat for a person who is training to lose weight, not gain muscle mass.

No. 7 Eating before bedtime

At night, muscles grow and repair. The protein that was consumed during the day is broken down into amino acids at this time and used to build new muscle fibers. Therefore, the protein you eat before you go to bed will protect you from catabolism, that is, the breakdown of muscle mass, during the eight-hour rest period.

At night, it is advisable to eat proteins that are absorbed quite slowly. This could be cottage cheese or casein protein.

If you have certain difficulties with gaining muscle mass, then you can drink a protein shake at night when you wake up. True, it is important to wake up not by an alarm clock, but on your own: just drink a glass of water before going to bed.

Top 5 Cheap Products for Gaining Muscle Mass

Muscle volume depends not only on physical activity, but also on nutrition. To gain muscle mass, you can use popular, inexpensive products.

Oat groats

Cereals contain a significant amount of fiber, which is processed fairly quickly in the body. The product for the growth of muscle tissue is classified as slow carbohydrates. Oatmeal allows you to satisfy your hunger for a long time.

Eating oatmeal prevents overeating

Natural yogurt

A budget product for gaining muscle mass is a good source of protein. Its content is almost 2 times higher in Greek yogurt. Thus, 100 g of fermented milk product contains 14-28 g of protein. The amount of sugar in Greek yogurt is less. The product is rich in calcium, which ensures muscle contraction.

Natural yogurt should be present in the diet every day, which promotes muscle growth


It is a by-product obtained during the production of cottage cheese and cheese. It is known that the protein source contains the necessary amino acids for gaining muscle tissue. The product can be combined with juice.

If you drink whey after strength training, muscle protein synthesis is stimulated


Legumes are compared to meat. A high-calorie product for gaining muscle mass, it is rich in easily digestible proteins and iron. Eating beans provides the necessary flow of oxygen to the cells and also stimulates the immune system.

Beans provide the body with the necessary energy for active training.


Cereals are a source of amino acids and carbohydrates, high-quality protein. These substances promote muscle tissue gain. Buckwheat is a nutritious food. It goes well with meat and vegetables.

You are allowed to consume up to 2 servings of buckwheat per day

No. 8 Constitution

Your diet should depend on your body type.

If you are an ectomorphic type, you need a lot of calories, carbohydrates and fats. Endomorphs, on the contrary, must treat caloric intake with great attention: they run the risk of gaining too much fat. But mesomorphs are the luckiest: they can easily gain muscle mass by increasing the calorie content of their daily diet by only 15-20%.

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