Exercises for prolapse of the uterus, vaginal walls, Kegel, Bubnovsky, Yunusov, for the elderly

When diseases occur, people tend to consider medicines as a panacea. However, they are not always able to eliminate the disease: there are a number of conditions for which non-drug methods are most effective, and uterine prolapse is one of such cases.

We will tell you how to correct this condition with the help of special exercises.

The essence of pathology

Uterine prolapse is the exit of the reproductive organ through the pelvic floor into the vaginal cavity with subsequent protrusion outward.

The muscle layer that supports the reproductive organ in the correct position is arranged like a tile, this contributes to the strength of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. In addition, each muscle is reinforced by a dense sheath of connective tissue.

When muscle tone is disturbed and the ligamentous apparatus is weakened, the reproductive organ cannot be maintained in its natural position and sinks downward. Sometimes, along with the uterus, prolapse of other organs occurs—parts of the intestines and bladder.

There are several stages of prolapse, and each of them is characterized by its own clinical picture. The choice of treatment for the disease also directly depends on the degree of prolapse.

As for the causes of prolapse , they are associated with many factors:

  • heredity;
  • traumatic or multiple births;
  • surgical intervention in the genital organs;
  • hormonal deficiency;
  • age;
  • lifting weights and so on.

Kegel exercise: what is it?

A set of exercises developed by American doctor Arnold Kegel is designed to non-surgically strengthen the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor. The technique is aimed at preventing pathologies that often accompany women with age or after childbirth:

  • leakage, urinary incontinence (enuresis);
  • fecal incontinence (encopresis), hemorrhoids;
  • prolapse, loss of genital organs;
  • weak labor activity;
  • loss of sensation during sex.

Intimate gymnastics had a positive effect on the condition of more than 90% of the gynecologist’s patients. Over time, exercises began to be used to prevent pathological processes in the male genitourinary system (premature ejaculation, prostatitis, urethritis).

The benefits of the technique manifest themselves with regular training; muscle development requires systematic exercise.

Does gymnastics help?

To prevent the development of prolapse, as well as to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and return the uterus to its anatomically correct position, it is recommended to do special exercises.

Such therapeutic and preventive exercises help normalize the functioning of the pelvic organs, and also prevent the progression of prolapse and prevent the development of complications of the pathological process.

Gymnastics stimulates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, increases the body’s immune defense, and has a positive effect not only on the genitals, but also on the entire woman’s body.

There are many methods of gymnastic exercises for prolapse (for example, Kegel, Yunusov or Atarbekov exercises), however, the effect can only be obtained if they are performed regularly and systematically. If you train the pelvic floor muscles from time to time, there will be no positive dynamics.


Many women do exercises to lower the walls of the uterus. In their reviews of the exercises, they point out a large number of advantages of such techniques:

  • Can be done at a convenient time.
  • Does not require investment of funds.
  • They help get rid of urinary incontinence without medication.
  • Improves intimate life.
  • Have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Women indicate the following as disadvantages:

  • You need to do the exercises regularly and for a long time (several months).
  • A responsible attitude to business is required.
  • It is not immediately possible to perform all the actions described in the instructions.

What degrees of prolapse can be cured with exercises?

Physical therapy is indicated in all degrees of prolapse, however, its effect will be noticeable only in the 1st degree of the disease. Also, in some cases, positive dynamics can be achieved in uncomplicated 2nd degree.

Later degrees of prolapse cannot be corrected by exercises, however, they are still prescribed to women to prevent the progression of the disease. Severe stages of prolapse are treated only with surgery.

Degree of disease development:

  • 1st degree - the body of the uterus descends, the cervix becomes closer to the vaginal opening, but it does not extend beyond the vagina even with straining;
  • 2nd degree - the cervix comes out of the vagina when coughing, straining or lifting heavy objects;
  • 3rd degree - beyond the vaginal area is the cervical region and part of the body of the reproductive organ - this is the so-called incomplete prolapse;
  • 4th degree - the entire reproductive organ comes out of the genital slit - complete prolapse.

This pathology does not pose a mortal threat, however, the progression of the disease causes an increasingly unpleasant clinical picture and leads to disability.

Expert opinion

Shustova Olga Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

The effectiveness of exercise therapy in the initial stages of prolapse has been clinically proven for many decades. Such exercises play a leading role in the prevention of pathology. Today, there are a variety of techniques that allow you to select individual exercises for each woman, depending on her age, degree of prolapse and other factors. To achieve positive results, physical exercises must be performed correctly and regularly, so much in this matter depends on the patient’s discipline and her desire to prevent the development of complications and surgical intervention.

How to do Kegel exercises with exercise machines

Additional equipment is also used to strengthen muscles and narrow the vagina: Kegel balls, ColpoTrain cones, expanders, laser, pneumatic or electronic exercise machines.

Vaginal cones

There are four ColpoTrain® vaginal cones in a set, of a special shape of the same size:

  1. White – 20 grams
  2. Blue - 35 grams
  3. Blue – 50 grams
  4. Dark blue – 70 grams

ColpoTrain vaginal cones

Each is made from a special hypoallergenic, biologically inert silicone, and has a silicone thread for easy removal. Products are intended for individual use and are supplied non-sterile. Disinfection is required before each use. Do not require special storage conditions.

Read more about the cones, or you can buy them on our website here.

Vaginal balls

Special balls of different diameters will help strengthen the tone of the vagina. It is necessary to hold them inside using muscle strength; wearing the device is acceptable 6-8 hours a day.

You can apply additional load - strain and relax the perineum for 3-5 seconds, rest for 20-30 seconds.

When using it is important:

  • gradually reduce the diameter of the balls;
  • control exercise technique;
  • avoid products made from low-priced materials; jade is recommended - it protects the mucous membrane from irritation.

Smart Kegel exercisers

Kegel exercisers (Kgoal, Magic Kegel Master, etc.) are connected to a smartphone and controlled via an application. The program monitors the load on the intimate muscles and allows you to select the level or method of loading.

Disadvantages of smart trainers:

  • high price (8-15 thousand rubles);
  • incompatibility of the device with some Android smartphones;
  • turn off when the electronic device’s charge level is low or the Bluetooth connection is lost;
  • do not work if the nozzle is inserted incorrectly into the vagina.

Is it possible to play sports?

Is it possible to exercise if the uterus is prolapsed? And what? Women very often ask their doctor these questions after hearing the diagnosis of “prolapse.”

It must be said that physical activity is very important for the female body, but it should be moderate. Strong gymnastic exercises can help strengthen the pelvic muscles, and therefore have a beneficial effect on the position of the uterus, its cervix and vaginal walls.

If you have prolapse, you are allowed to do yoga, Pilates, fitness, water aerobics and other sports that do not involve heavy loads on the body, and in particular on the abdominal cavity.

When doing fitness, you should avoid jumping, lifting heavy objects and running, and you should not squat.


Strength training should be prohibited, as it can cause deterioration in women's health.

As for abdominal exercises, doctors cannot agree on this issue; some consider this exercise extremely useful, others say it is harmful for prolapse. Therefore, it is better to discuss this issue with your doctor.

It is also better to leave training on an exercise bike until better times, but twirling a hoop is quite acceptable.

Sports walking and swimming also have a good effect - they can be combined with special methods of therapeutic exercises for prolapse.

Physical education according to Bubnovsky

There is also exercise for prolapse of the uterus according to Bubnovsky. Experts say that this gymnastics not only helps to correct uterine prolapse, but also effectively contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of the entire body.

It is recommended to add this list of exercises to your morning exercises. Here are some exercises you should do when you have prolapsed uterus:

  • You lie on your back, bend your knees, and spread your arms to the sides. As you inhale, lift your pelvis upward, while tensing your abdominal muscles and bringing your knees together. As you exhale, return to the starting position. A total of ten such approaches should be performed.
  • In the same position as in the first exercise, place your feet together, throw your hands in a “lock” behind your head. Raise your shins. Inhale as deeply as possible, and as you exhale, begin to reach for your knees with your elbows, while simultaneously lifting your shoulders and pelvis. Return to the starting position without separating your feet, continuing to support your legs. A total of 10-12 repetitions should be performed.
  • Get on your knees. Raise your feet, bringing them together. Rock from side to side, moving your feet to the left and your pelvis to the right (or vice versa).

Exercise for prolapse

The exercises developed by Arthur Kegel are a set of exercises that are most often prescribed to women with prolapse.

However, these physical exercises do not have a narrow focus, therefore they are used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, and, therefore, are suitable not only for people of any gender and age, including the elderly.

In addition to treating prolapse, Kegel exercises allow you to get rid of the following ailments:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • all types of incontinence;
  • prostatitis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • low libido.

If you do Kegel exercises regularly, any muscle weakness disappears; in addition, this technique is prescribed in preparation for childbirth, and in the postpartum period it helps to restore the tone of the vaginal muscles.

Contraindications for Kegel exercises:

  • partial or complete loss of the reproductive organ;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • acute diseases.

In order for the effect of charging to be better, you need to prepare for it. You need to empty your bladder and bowels, and start exercising a couple of hours after eating. During the exercises, you need to monitor your breathing - it should be deep and calm.

According to Kegel

In fact, there is nothing complicated about Kegel exercises - for prolapse, you just need to tense and then relax the vaginal muscles. These exercises will not take much time - only 5-10 minutes, especially since they are best done before bed and after waking up.

A set of Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus:

  • lying on your back, you need to raise your legs and spread them apart, then return them to their original position. Perform 3-7 times;
  • from the same position, raise your legs and do 20 repetitions of the “scissors” exercise in 2 sets;
  • standing on all fours, raise the pelvic area as high as possible. 2 trips 8 times;
  • sitting on a gymnastic ball, squeeze the ball with your vaginal muscles;
  • get on all fours and perform a Kegel exercise - squeezing and unclenching the vaginal muscles. 20 times.

You can also do Kegel exercises every time you urinate. To do this, you need to drain a small portion of urine, then hold the stream for a couple of seconds until it stops completely. Then drain another portion and hold again. And so on until the bladder is completely emptied.

This will not be easy at first, but once the muscles are trained, this intermittent urination will not be difficult.


The advantage of individual Kegel exercises aimed at tensing and relaxing the vaginal muscles is that they can be performed anywhere and anytime - at home, at work, and on the street.

The fact that a woman is currently doing vaginal gymnastics is completely invisible to others, so you can do the exercises throughout the day - standing at a bus stop, working at a computer, sitting in the subway, while washing dishes, and so on.

Here are some more Kegel exercises to help reposition your uterus.

According to Yunusov

The purpose of the Yunusov technique is to tonify the vaginal and uterine muscles. In addition, it has an excellent effect on the sphincters of the urinary canals and rectum.

Exercises according to Yunusov against uterine prolapse are easy to perform, so they are suitable for all women, regardless of age and physical fitness:

  • from a standing position, bend the body forward;
  • circular movements of the pelvic region;
  • incomplete squat;
  • turns the body in both directions;
  • from a sitting position with bent knees, strongly compress the knees so that the perineal muscles are involved in the process;
  • sitting with straight legs, roll your knees out and in;
  • "bike";
  • lying on your back with bent knees, lifting the pelvis upward;
  • lying on your back, crossing your legs;
  • lying on your back, alternately bending your legs;
  • holding a ball between your knees;
  • lifting the pelvis up from a lying position with straight legs;
  • from a standing position on all fours, squats in both directions;
  • "kitty";
  • from a lying position on your side, pull the bent knee to the chest;
  • walking on the gluteal muscles.

According to Bubnovsky

Sergey Bubnovsky is the author of another technique that is indicated for prolapse.

Exercises according to Bubnovsky improve the functioning of organs and improve the general condition of a woman:

  • lying on your back with your knees bent, lifting your buttocks up, while it is advisable to slightly strain your abdominals. Perform 10 times;
  • from the same position, it is necessary, clasping your hands behind your head, to raise your shins and pull them to your elbows so that the pelvis and shoulders rise;
  • standing on all fours, you need to lift your feet off the floor and sway from side to side so that your feet and pelvis are opposite to each other;
  • lying on your back with your knees bent, press your feet together and spread your knees to the sides as much as possible - the “butterfly” exercise;
  • swinging legs - “scissors”;
  • "bike".


In addition to doing exercises, it is very important to get rid of bad habits, eat right, not get too cold, and also follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

Essence and basic principles

An imbalance in the functioning of the pelvic muscles can arise as a result of the aging process of the body, after difficult childbirth, multiple pregnancies, operations, injuries, excess weight, and heavy physical work.

If genital prolapse (prolapse of the uterus) occurs, rehabilitation methods are prescribed to eliminate the pathology. This includes therapeutic and preventive exercises, a healthy diet with a predominance of plant foods (to eliminate constipation), and, if necessary, hormonal therapy, massage, and phototherapy.

The process of uterine prolapse is fraught with serious consequences, which are characterized by:

  • constant aching pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region;
  • bleeding vaginal discharge;
  • frequent constipation, incontinence of urine, feces, gases;
  • lowering of the bladder;
  • intestinal displacement;
  • infertility.

In addition to anatomical discomfort, urological problems arise - difficulty in urine output, which ultimately leads to fluid stagnation and the development of inflammation in the kidneys and ureter. Varicose veins may occur, which increases the symptoms of the disorder.

Progression of the disease can lead to bleeding of the uterus and infection. When walking, acute pain occurs and the risk of injury to the genital organ increases, which can move or fall out with minimal load.

In each case, a pathology elimination scheme is developed regarding the patient’s condition, body mass index, work schedule, rest and nutritional quality. For conservative treatment (stage 1-2 prolapse), restorative gymnastics of the pelvic muscles is prescribed.

Kegel technique

In the mid-20th century, gynecologist Arnold Kegel compiled a special method for training intimate muscles, in a certain order and pace. This set of exercises is easy to perform in any position, not only in a secluded place, but also while in an elevator, transport, etc.

Exercises for prolapse of the uterus, vaginal walls, Kegel, Bubnovsky, Yunusov, for the elderly

Men and women can do Kegel exercises on the toilet before urinating, tensing their muscles to stop the flow of urine. Indicated for the treatment of premature ejaculation - the muscles of the urethra, anus, and in women - the muscles of the vagina and pelvic ligaments are involved.

Bubnovsky's technique

Dr. Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is a leader in the field of non-drug treatment of various diseases. Special programs for pregnant women and those giving birth help improve the gynecological and somatic health of women, eliminating diseases such as pelvic organ prolapse and strengthening the muscular layer of the vagina.

The author's program has no analogues in world medical practice and is distinguished by its novelty and practical value.

Yunusov's technique

Exercises for prolapse of the uterus according to Yunusov help stimulate the sphincter of the bladder and rectum. Special exercises tone the muscles of the pelvis and uterus, and strengthen the abs. According to the author of the method, all the exercises have been known since school, but they will bring results only with strict adherence to the execution regime.

Yoga classes

Yoga, callanetics and Pilates are very effective techniques. To achieve positive dynamics with prolapse, such exercises must be performed by the woman daily or at least every other day, otherwise the benefits of the exercises will not be enough, and the woman risks ending up on the operating table.

The essence of these techniques is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, as well as to stabilize their work.

In yoga, there are a lot of exercises that are technically performed in different ways, but the effect is on a specific muscle group.

Yoga is a technique that involves immersing yourself, searching for your inner peace and harmony, so the exercises are performed slowly and with proper, even breathing.


Yoga is not a competition, so you shouldn’t force yourself to do exercises that don’t work out at the initial stages or cause discomfort - everything will come with time, but for now you can perform asanas as much as your body allows.

It is recommended to start the lesson with a bent candle pose. You need to lie on the floor, and pushing off with your legs and pelvis, place your legs as far behind your head as possible, preferably touching your toes to the floor. It is recommended to stay in this position for 5 to 15 minutes. Beginners will not be able to do this exercise right away, so you can use a support.

Another exercise is boat pose. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach, simultaneously raise your shoulders and legs, trying to clasp your ankles with your palms. You need to stay in the pose for a few seconds and then relax.

From a supine position with bent knees, it is necessary to raise the pelvis so that only the feet, shoulders and the back of the head are the supporting points. You need to hold this pose for up to 7 minutes.

Therapeutic physical education Atarbekova

Exercise to lower the walls of the uterus

Here is another option for what exercises to do when the uterus prolapses. This is Atarbekov’s technique. Its positive impact has been repeatedly assessed in practice, so we can say with confidence that the effectiveness of this physical education has been proven. With its help, it is possible to eliminate uterine prolapse in the early stages of the disease.

Here is a list of exercises that need to be done while standing:

  • Straighten and close your legs while applying maximum effort. Tightening your thigh muscles as much as possible, hold them in this state for about ten seconds. Afterwards you can relax. Do eight to nine approaches in total. To make it more difficult, you can hold a block or fist between your knees.
  • Raise your pelvis as high as you can, while tensing the muscles of your hips, buttocks, and pelvic floor. Stay in this position for a minute and then relax. Seven to eight approaches are enough.
  • The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only the feet need to be closed.
  • Stand in the “swallow” pose for 10-12 seconds, then change legs. Perform only eight to nine approaches.
  • Standing on one leg, describe the movement from left to right in front of you with the other, performing 10-15 rotations. Changing legs, do seven to eight approaches.
  • Alternately tense and relax your legs, using the bulbocavernosus muscle. Gradually squeeze it more and more each time. Five to seven approaches are enough.
  • Take turns swinging your legs, moving them to the side. In this case, you should simultaneously strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and pelvic floor.

What can't you do?

Above we talked about the exercises that are most often recommended for uterine prolapse. Now let's look at what not to do.

Women who have been diagnosed with prolapse should absolutely not perform any strength exercises, exercises that involve lifting heavy objects; it is undesirable to actively pump up the abs and do planks, run, and jump.

When doing fitness, you should avoid wearing weights and twist the hula hoop very carefully.

It is very important, when performing any exercises, even those permitted and recommended, to carefully monitor your own sensations. If discomfort, let alone pain, occurs, the exercise should be stopped immediately.

Women with complications of prolapse should approach any exercises with caution, as well as if the disease is in an advanced stage. Any sudden or incorrect movement in this case can lead to prolapse of the reproductive organ or worsen the situation.

The most effective exercises for the vaginal muscles

Exercises for uterine prolapse reviews

Let's start with a description of a classic gymnastics complex that will help a woman in this situation. You should start by relaxing and contracting the anal sphincter. The main thing is not to be too zealous, pulling the anus up and gradually relaxing it, otherwise you can overstrain the muscle. After a few days, begin to relax and contract the bulbocavernosus muscle, which directly surrounds the vaginal opening.

At the same time, you need to monitor your breathing. During exercise, when the cervix subsides, you should stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor with your lower abdomen, while drawing it in, stopping your breathing. This may seem overwhelming at first. Having mastered correct and uniform breathing, you will do everything easily.

Experienced specialists, telling what exercises to do when the uterus prolapses, advise inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, opening it slightly. Make sure your breathing is calm, even and unhurried. Increase the number of approaches and duration of training gradually.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent this pathology, you need to start taking care of prevention in childhood. Girls and women should not engage in heavy physical labor and should not understand weights exceeding 10 kg.

The danger of prolapse increases with each birth, so a woman must follow all doctor’s instructions during the postpartum recovery period.
You should not consider prescribing special exercises after childbirth as a whim of the doctor - this is a necessity that will prevent the risk of prolapse.

Not only the number of births can lead to the possibility of prolapse, but also the inept actions of the obstetrician during childbirth can also provoke pathology. Qualified management of pregnancy, careful suturing of the perineum in case of ruptures, and prevention of protracted labor are very important.

Rational nutrition is another component of preventive measures regarding prolapse. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of plant fiber and maintain a drinking regime. Such measures will help prevent constipation, which means the risk of prolapse will decrease.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, sacrum and lower back (pulling, pressing, aching).
  • Feeling of pain when urinating, urinary incontinence.
  • Bloody, spotting vaginal discharge.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Copious bleeding.
  • Painful intercourse.
  • Constipation, colitis, incontinence of gases, feces.

According to experts, uterine prolapse is, as a rule, always preceded by vaginal prolapse or prolapse. Paying attention and correcting this condition in time is very important and necessary! Preventative gymnastics according to Kegel, exercises according to Yunusov, physical education according to Bubnovsky, Atarbekov, yoga, sports and fitness will help with this.

Treatment of uterine prolapse in Israel in advanced stages is surgical correction of the pelvic floor using a special innovative technique, which is widely used in the First Medical Center of Tel Aviv. The operation is performed by Dr. Gennady Bitman, a leading gynecologist in Israel, a member of international associations of gynecologists, and a senior physician in the gynecology department of the Center.

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