Why can't I lose weight even with exercise and diet?

There are many instructions for losing weight, but many people are faced with the ineffectiveness of their attempts to lose weight. Sympaty.net knows what can hinder this.

The question is why am I not losing weight?

really very painful for those who want to lose weight. The answer may lie in an incorrect approach to nutrition and/or exercise, or in the state of health, hormonal changes in the body.

How to properly cleanse your body, and when should you do it?

Relieving an overworked body is the main goal of detoxification. Cleansing the body not only removes toxins, but also charges you with new energy, vitality, and promotes weight loss.

1-2 weeks before your detox, stop consuming a number of foods, such as:

  • smoked meats;
  • fat meat;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • fried food;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea.

3-5 days before the cleanse, reduce the amount of healthy fats such as:

  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • vegetable oils.

Detoxification of the body can occur in different ways. But drinking regime is always important. Clean water is recommended. You can add lemon, which, despite its sour taste, is alkaline. 2–2.5 liters of water per day will help flush out toxins, waste, and lose weight.

Herbal, white, and green tea are also suitable for cleansing and losing weight.

Drink smoothies that combine fruits, vegetables, and herbs. An excellent detoxifying vegetable that promotes weight loss is beets.

Detox courses can be one-sided, for example, rice, apple. But they have a drawback - monotony. A standard cleanse lasts at least 7 days, but there are also shorter options, such as the 2-day yogurt cleanse.

Principles of body cleansing for weight loss:

  1. Do not mix cleansing courses. Pick one detox method and stick with it.
  2. Assess your body's reaction. Fatigue, irritability, problems with skin, digestion - these are frequent “manifestations” of cleansing.
  3. Beware of extremes. If you are used to eating a lot of food, it will be difficult for you to switch to drinking clean water. Changes and weight loss should be gradual.
  4. Don't believe in miracles. Superfoods and expensive treatments without lifestyle changes will not provide long-term weight loss effects.
  5. Use common sense. Healthy food, plenty of fluids, fresh air, sleep - the best detoxification. If you follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, you will not need cleaning.

All about why am I not losing weight despite eating healthy and exercising?

Diet mistakes that hinder weight loss

The body of each of us does not strive at all to maintain a conventionally “beautiful” appearance of a person. The task of a healthy human body is to maintain its survival, that is, its resistance to adverse conditions. And the answer to the question why I don’t lose weight with a calorie deficit must be sought taking into account this fact.

Mistake 1. Severe and sudden calorie deficit

Diet, restriction of calories and nutrients is definitely an unfavorable event for the body. It is quite difficult to convince your metabolism that you are acting for the benefit of the whole body - the body will desperately cling to every gram of fat, believing that hungry times have begun and it is necessary to save accumulated resources. Therefore, it is not enough to say to yourself “I don’t eat anything high in calories” - you need to calculate how many calories you need so as not to put your body into “economy mode”.

How to get ready to lose weight, says Beautiful and Successful >>

Mistake 2. Using therapeutic diets for weight loss

For example, a person may not begin to lose weight on a keto diet (low-carbohydrate diet), but develop health complications. That is, it is important to decide not only what I don’t eat, but also what I eat and is it enough?

Mistake 3. Eating a rich meal at the wrong time

A banal redistribution of food intake according to calorie content will help you get results in losing weight. For example, you consume 1200 calories per day (and this is already a calorie deficit), but you get most of them at dinner. This way they are more likely to be deposited as fat. Make breakfast and lunch more filling by cutting back on dinner - and you will see the difference.

A diet for weight loss should be prepared by a professional nutritionist

Mistake 4. “Proper nutrition” is wrong for you

“Holy PP” can have a huge number of interpretations. One person asks the question, “why am I not losing weight by eating right,” and at the same time he eats a lot of nuts, olives, legumes and pasta, meaning by eating right, for example, veganism. However, his diet is not low-calorie at all!

Another person may put himself on a strict diet with a minimum of foods, a third will try to lose weight through intermittent fasting, etc.

But all this has nothing to do with a balanced diet adapted to your metabolism, which you can always adhere to, and not as a temporary diet.

Eliminate fast food from your diet!

Why doesn't weight come off when exercising?

The reason for unsuccessful weight loss is not only a lack of physical activity, but also inappropriate quality and improper execution of exercises.

Reason #1: You only do cardio.

Cardio training, intense exercise that increases your heart rate, is a weight loss plan. But only running, cycling, aerobics without strength exercises will not help you lose weight effectively.

Strength training not only prevents exercise injuries by strengthening your joints. They also strengthen muscles and speed up metabolism. Muscles ensure calorie burning (= weight loss) even after exercise.

Reason #2: Low intensity during training

Is exercise just about movement for you? The body needs a reason to change. You have to constantly push yourself to the limit. Don't expect to lose weight without giving your body a reason to lose fat. The intensity of the exercise should gradually increase. With each workout, overcome previous achievements.

Reason #3: You Workout on an Empty Stomach

Do you exercise on an empty stomach? Reconsider your actions. When you exercise on an empty stomach, it is not fat that is lost, but muscle mass. Therefore, weight loss is unstable.

All about why am I not losing weight despite eating healthy and exercising?

Do you exercise but aren't losing weight? There must be reasons!

For many people, the problem is “why am I not losing weight by playing sports?” Possible mistakes:

  1. Not all physical activity is aimed at losing weight. You can stay at your weight by playing sports, walking a lot, swimming, dancing, etc. If your goal is to lose weight, you need thoughtful, targeted training.
  2. If you leave a high-calorie diet, then sports may not solve the problem of “burning” calories. Nutrition should also be adjusted, taking into account the type of load - after all, sometimes during strength training the weight does not go away, but turns into muscle mass.
  3. Wrong selection of exercises. By working out without a trainer, many people think that they will achieve, for example, weight loss in the waist, while in fact they are building up their legs and arms. You need to choose a set of exercises aimed precisely at the area of ​​the body that you are interested in losing weight.
  4. Rare and unsystematic training. If the loads are chosen correctly, but there is no result for a long time, perhaps you should go to the gym more often.
  5. By the way, sometimes the problem is simply a premature expectation of the result. But the effect of sports appears in different people after different times - someone can lose a size in a couple of weeks, while others have to torture themselves with training for a couple of months for this. “Beautiful and Successful” warns that this is normal - people who are slowly losing weight are not always saved by increasing the intensity and frequency of training!

Following all the recommendations of a trainer and nutritionist will help you achieve the desired number on the scales

Reason #10 – lack of sleep

The amount of sleep also significantly affects our metabolism. Sleep disturbances lead to decreased levels of leptin and ghrelin, hormones responsible for controlling appetite and feeling full. And after lack of sleep, a person will certainly overeat. Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a night.

10 reasons that slow down weight loss
How much sleep do you need

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10 reasons that slow down weight loss

There are many factors that affect your metabolic rate. Even by exercising and dieting, you can slow down your weight loss process. And knowing the reasons why you are not losing weight, you will be able to avoid these mistakes and easily say goodbye to being overweight!

What mistakes did you find in your weight loss?

How long should the diet last?

Is there any secret to getting rid of those pesky pounds forever? And in general, is this possible? To answer these questions, the researchers put 20 obese people on a strict low-calorie diet for eight weeks, then put them on a gentler 12-month weight maintenance program.

During this period, participants met regularly with a dietitian, followed professional advice on lifestyle changes, and kept a diet calendar.

Drinks with proper nutrition: which will bring the greatest benefit?

Nutritionists warn that in order to start digestive processes and activate metabolism, you will have to adhere to a proper drinking regime. The most beneficial will be plain water (filtered, purified). It is advisable to consume the liquid an hour before a meal or half an hour after a meal. It is not recommended to combine the consumption of dietary foods and water - there is a risk of disrupting the functioning of the digestive organs.

In addition to water, other drinks are also allowed:

  • green tea (do not add sugar, you can use stevia or a small amount of good honey to improve the taste);
  • a drink brewed with rose hips (the fruits of the bush contain a high percentage of vitamins, useful elements, and also contain substances that can break down fatty tissue);
  • berry and fruit compotes;
  • herbal decoctions (there are many herbs that can start the process of burning fat deposits);
  • freshly squeezed juices (use vegetables, fruits, mixed fruits to prepare the drink);
  • lemonade (prepare only homemade natural drink using citrus fruit juice, mint, lemon balm leaves).

With proper nutrition, you will not have to give up drinking natural coffee. The only warning is not to overuse it, drink the invigorating drink only 1-2 times a day, do not add sugar.

How you can really lose weight with proper nutrition, real reviews and results

Why do we break down?

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen spent almost two years studying how weight loss affects our bodies. They say the problem with most restrictive diets is that they usually cause levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin to spike. “This is absolutely natural and lies in the very mechanism of human survival,” the scientists said. “If we don’t eat, we will die – and the body tries with all its might to survive.” This is why these hunger pangs can be so intense.

And when the hunger hormone still makes you break down and again pounce on unhealthy goodies, this leads to the fact that good intentions for weight loss will have unpleasant consequences. That is, the weight comes back again.

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How to make your weight go down

How to make your weight go down Photo

Sometimes it is quite difficult for a person to decide on a diet that promotes weight loss. You have to carefully choose a diet that will not cause much discomfort. However, even after following a certain diet, the question may arise as to why weight loss is poor.

Using the following methods you can achieve weight loss:

  • Try alternating days with different calorie foods. Let's say you reduce your portion size today and then have an extra post-workout snack the next day.
  • Supplement your workouts with strength training. This technique significantly speeds up metabolism.
  • Replace your usual workout with another type.
  • Change the proportions of protein, carbohydrates and fats in your diet.
  • Try to eat more often by introducing a second breakfast and an afternoon snack. In this case, portions of main meals are reduced.

When to go on a diet

Don’t rush to tell yourself: “I want to lose 10 kg.” To begin with, try to assess your own well-being as objectively as possible. Decide - does being overweight negatively affect your health and how serious psychological discomfort does it cause you? If shortness of breath appears even after minor physical exertion (for example, ordinary climbing the stairs), you should think about choosing the optimal system for combating extra pounds. It is quite possible that your usual clothing size no longer fits you, and friends began to look at your sides or stomach - this is also an incentive to work on yourself.

At the same time, you should not strive to lose 10 kilograms or more if such a desire is dictated by the following reasons:

  • The whim of your significant other (you should be accepted and loved for who you are).
  • With the fashion for thinness, you can’t keep up with all the fashion trends, and you don’t need to do that. Just be yourself.
  • Thirst to buy something you like that doesn’t fit in size. You can always find beautiful clothes that perfectly complement your look and style.

How to lose weight with proper nutrition?

In order for the weight loss process to proceed smoothly and smoothly, you must approach the issue calmly and not be impatient. Keep in mind that the normal rate of weight loss is an average of 500 g in 7 to 10 days. It allows you to gradually return to normal without stress and harm to your health.

The first step should be to assess the current situation. During the week, carefully count the calories you consume per day. Don't overlook even occasional snacks. Then use one of the online calculators to figure out your rate. See how far you are from it, and begin to gradually move towards the ideal. If you cannot choose a diet on your own, seek help from a nutritionist.

Weigh yourself regularly and record your results. Remember to be physically active. Set a goal for yourself and move towards it step by step. Do everything with pleasure and do not be hasty in your actions and desires. Remember that small changes lead to the formation of new healthy habits. And they, in turn, will give you a new beautiful figure, energy and vitality.

Reason No. 8 – low activity coefficient

A sedentary lifestyle leads to a slower metabolism - due to the fact that the percentage of muscle mass in the body decreases. Include any physical activity and sport in your lifestyle - running, race walking, swimming or dancing.

Also, don’t be afraid of strength training, even with light weights. They help improve body quality and gain muscle mass in a short time. And don’t worry - without special sports supplements and huge weights, you definitely won’t be able to pump up.

10 reasons that slow down weight loss

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