What is magnesium and what are its benefits for the body?

What are the benefits of magnesium and zinc?

Magnesium and zinc enhance each other’s effects and have a beneficial effect on physical and mental health. They also replenish the lack of minerals, regulate cellular balance, and normalize the functioning of all systems.

Benefits of Macronutrients:

  • support immunity, stimulate the synthesis of thymus hormones;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • improve the functioning of the heart muscle and central nervous system;
  • regulate energy metabolism.

Zinc is especially important for men. The element is responsible for testosterone levels, affects the growth of muscle fibers, stimulates protein production, and accelerates cell division. Lack of the element can also cause slow healing of wounds, abrasions, dry hair and nails, and muscle weakness.

The rate of carbohydrate metabolism, energy accumulation, the state of the central nervous system, memory, and attention depend on magnesium. A deficiency of the substance leads to fatigue, depression, fluctuations in blood pressure, night muscle cramps, and arrhythmia.

Important! It has been established that a lack of macroelements carries another threat - a tendency to alcoholism. A liver deficient in minerals is unable to fully neutralize ethanol breakdown products.

Many complexes with magnesium and zinc contain vitamin B6. This combination improves the absorption of elements, regulates the metabolism of the central nervous system, and stimulates the formation of new neuroconnections. Penetrating into the liver, pyridoxine also activates the production of aminotransferases - enzymes involved in the processing of amino acids.

From this video you will learn how magnesium is useful for the body and how its deficiency manifests itself:

The role of magnesium in the human body

Surely many have heard how important the mineral magnesium (Mg) is for heart function. But the health of the myocardium does not limit its role. This macroelement forms the basis of the flesh of all living things, therefore it is classified as biogenic minerals.

Science interprets the dependence of most biochemical processes on magnesium by the fact that in the era of the initial origin of life, the environment of the world's oceans had a magnesium chloride chemical composition. Only thousands of years later it gradually turned into sodium chloride, but Mg is still present in sea salt (0.13%). Therefore, the biological need for a valuable substance for the earth’s fauna and flora has remained.

The metal was obtained in the 19th century from white magnesia, known to pharmacists much earlier as a laxative salt. Since ancient times, it has been obtained by simply drying mineral water. And 1695 gave the world pure magnesia, isolated by an Englishman from the waters of a mineral spring near the city of Epsom, known as Epsom salt. Magnesium metal received its name due to its spectacular combustion.

Mineral magnesium compounds accumulate in animal tissues (bones, internal organs, blood) and plant organisms (chlorophyll). They are used for metabolic reactions, protein production, energy supply to cells, and the functioning of nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.

Indications for use

Magnesium and zinc are prescribed for the prevention or treatment of many pathologies:

  • regional enteritis;
  • celiac disease;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • alcoholism.

Other diseases for which taking a vitamin-mineral complex is recommended:

  1. Asthma and COPD. Minerals relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, making breathing easier. With long-term use, they relieve asthma attacks and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  2. Attention deficit disorder. Macroelements reduce activity and promote perseverance.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases. Minerals are necessary for normal myocardial function, strengthening muscles and preventing heart attacks.
  4. High blood pressure. Studies have proven the ability of macroelements to slow down the formation of aldesterone, which increases blood pressure.
  5. Diabetes. Magnesium plays a major role in the production and influence of insulin. Almost all patients suffering from high blood sugar have a deficiency of the element.
  6. Stones in the kidneys. The combination of substances reduces the concentration of calcium in the urine, thereby preventing kidney stones.

In addition to the listed conditions, preparations with magnesium and zinc relieve fatigue, overwork, alleviate PMS, and improve the condition of fibromyalgia and migraines.

Helpful information. Supplementation is recommended for children who are often stressed, play sports, or are behind in their studies.

From the following video you will learn how zinc is beneficial for men's health:

What is the role of the element magnesium for the human body?

Inside the human body, magnesium is responsible for a host of vital tasks and reactions. Its share in the cellular space is second only to potassium. Magnesium compounds, together with sodium, calcium and potassium, make up the main group of macronutrients in our body.

A person satisfies the natural need for magnesium compounds through food and drink. Once inside, Mg is bound by protein molecules and then deposited in the bones, kidneys, brain, liver, and blood.

The physiological role of magnesium is to provide:

  • enzymatic reactions;
  • cell division;
  • energy nutrition;
  • absorption of glucose, vitamins;
  • construction of protein molecules, their transport;
  • growth of bone tissue, muscle corset;
  • neural connection;
  • the course of metabolism;
  • removal of decomposition products;
  • myocardial function;
  • normalization of pressure on the vascular wall.

Magnesium promotes bowel movements, relaxes muscles, relieves spasms of blood vessels, respiratory tract, and smooth muscles. Normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

Release forms and their features

The supplement can be purchased in several dosage forms. Each has advantages and disadvantages, so it is recommended to choose a drug before purchasing.

Table 1. Forms of release of drugs

Release formPurposeprosMinuses
Tablets and capsulesFor oral administrationNo need to calculate dosage, mix, diluteNot everyone can swallow capsules and tablets. The form takes a long time to be absorbed, is slowly absorbed
PowderYou can select and adjust the dosage yourself. Due to the high concentration of components, the powder is consumed more slowly Needs to be mixed with liquid, which cannot always be done outside the home

Tablets and capsules are covered with a special coating that protects the gastrointestinal tract from irritation and prevents the occurrence of unpleasant sensations.

What is zinc and how does it affect the female body?

Over time, every person undergoes aging. It is impossible to stop this process, but it is possible to continue an active and fulfilling life at any age. It has been proven that the microelement is important for us, and its absence in the required quantity has an extremely negative effect on the human condition. Prolonging youth is possible through a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet that includes healthy minerals.

Previously, it was believed that this microelement was responsible only for the beauty of our hair and the condition of our nails. Then it became clear that it has a different, quite important functionality that is involved in such metabolic processes in the body:

  • “maintenance” of a huge number of protein fractions and immune enzymes;
  • normalization of the functioning of the vascular and pulmonary systems;
  • regulation of blood pressure;
  • participation in fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • support and stimulation of the immune system;
  • prevention of diabetes mellitus.

It has been established that when a person is hypothermic, the zinc present in the body leaves it along with the urine. As a result, the patient gets sick with colds, and this confirms the influence of this microelement on the immunity of each of us.

The zinc content is checked by blood tests and 24-hour urine tests.

A deficiency of this drug can be determined by the following signs:

  • disease of the nasal mucous membranes;
  • decrease in skin moisture level;
  • frequent colds;
  • increased acne on the face and body;
  • brittle nails and dry hair;
  • long-term healing of various wounds;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the appearance of dizziness and tinnitus;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • memory impairment.

The mineral helps produce more than 300 enzymes for the healthy functioning of the female body, it:

  1. Participates in the formation of sex hormones.
  2. Leukocytes and immunity are directly related to the amount of this drug in the body.
  3. The microelement helps during pregnancy and allows the fetus to grow and develop properly.
  4. A sufficient amount of it promotes the production of breast milk in nursing mothers.
  5. Maintains the required level of fluid in the fallopian tubes for the normal course of the conception process.
  6. Prevents chromosome changes and defects.
  7. Helps restore the skin during acne, while opening the pores of the skin and blocking excess secretions.
  8. Maintains the integrity of collagen in connective tissues and hair, since if there is insufficient amount of it, hair becomes thinner and falls out.
  9. It is important in the synthesis and production of thyroid hormones (if there is insufficient quantity, hypothyroidism develops, which leads to microelement deficiency).
  10. It is an antidepressant, supports the release of cortisol and regulates stress reactions.
  11. Reduces the inflammatory process.

The main sources of the mineral in the body should be dietary products: poultry and beef, seafood and eggs, cereals, beans, cheeses, nuts, seeds. There are many microelements in forest products: raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking leads to the removal of the mineral from the body. At an early stage, its deficiency is not noticeable. Therefore, it is very important to undergo early diagnosis and maintain a balanced diet that contains the required amount of vitamins and minerals. This prevention will help maintain beauty and youth for a long time.

It has been proven that a lack of zinc affects the occurrence of diseases such as atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver, and sexual dysfunction of various degrees.

Supplement Review

The review contains the best preparations with magnesium and zinc. Vitamin complexes are sorted in descending order of cost per serving and number of positive consumer reviews.

№5 Advanced Orthomolecular Research AOR, Magnesium Synergy

Advanced Orthomolecular Research AOR, Magnesium Synergy, 30 Servings (250 g)

from 2,553 ₽

More details

The cost of one serving is 102 rubles. 24 kopecks


  • country of origin – Canada;
  • volume – 250 g;
  • dose per day – 8.3 g (1 scoop).

The dietary supplement contains many macro- and microelements and is suitable for vegans. They help the body absorb nutrients, have a beneficial effect on cartilage, bones, and strengthen teeth.


  • the composition improves the penetration of magnesium into cells;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • slows down aging.


  • The dietary supplement does not mix well with liquid;

№4 Pure Essence, Ionic-Fizz Magnesium Plus, berry mixture

Pure Essence, Ionic-Fizz Magnesium Plus, Berry Blend, 12.06 oz (342 g)

Pure Essence, Ionic-Fizz Magnesium Plus, Berry Blend, 12.06 oz (342 g)


from 2,454 ₽

More details

The cost of one serving is 32 rubles. 52 kopecks

General characteristics:

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 342 g;
  • daily dose – 5.7 g (1 scoop).


  • magnesium – 300 mg;
  • zinc – 2 mg;
  • pyridoxine – 1 mg.

The capsule is made of cellulose, which allows vegetarians to take the product.


  • the supplement relaxes muscles;
  • relieves leg cramps;
  • relieves stress;
  • calms and improves sleep.


  • Dietary supplements can cause heartburn;
  • has a sour taste.

№3 Nature's Plus, Advanced Therapeutics, ZMA Rx-Strength

Nature's Plus, Advanced Therapeutics, ZMA Rx-Strength, 90 Vegetarian Capsules


from 1,324 ₽

More details

The cost of one serving is 19 rubles. 97 kopecks

General information:

  • country of origin – USA;
  • package volume – 90 capsules;
  • dosage per day – 3 pcs.

Each capsule contains a daily dose of macronutrients, vitamin B6 and the patented anabolic enzyme ZMA. According to the manufacturer, the drug is intended for the prevention of osteoporosis.


  • Dietary supplement strengthens bones;
  • suitable for vegetarians;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • supports testosterone levels and muscle strength.


  • the drug is not always suitable for women;
  • promotes weight gain.


The cost of one serving is 6 rubles. 45 kopecks


  • country – Great Britain;
  • volume – 90 capsules;
  • daily dosage – 3 pcs.

The supplement contains vitamin B6, which protects the body from overwork, relieves stress, and increases endurance. It can be taken during intense training.


  • The dietary supplement is suitable for athletes;
  • ensures the supply of protein to the body;
  • improves muscle function;
  • maintains bone health.


  • Long-term use of the drug can lead to an overdose and symptoms such as tingling sensation and tissue numbness.

No. 1 Magnetsin

The cost of one serving is 5 rubles. 32 kopecks

General characteristics:

  • country of origin – Norway;
  • package volume – 120 tablets;
  • daily dosage – 2 pcs.

Vitamin-mineral complex contains:

  • magnesium – 400 mg;
  • zinc – 600 mg;
  • copper – 5 g;
  • cholecalciferol – 0.04 mg;
  • pyridoxine – 1.4 mg.

The drug serves as a source of energy and is necessary for healthy bones and teeth. Improves the condition of the central nervous system.


  • The dietary supplement promotes anti-cancer protection of the skin;
  • increases immunity.


  • may cause allergies.

How magnesium relates to stress

Chronic mineral deficiency is often observed in the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy.

However, even the body of a healthy person responds very sensitively to a lack of magnesium in the body. And it is the nervous system that reacts immediately. A person becomes nervous, has memory problems, experiences insomnia, is constantly tormented by fatigue, and in severe cases, people even have convulsive seizures and tremors. And all this happens against the background of headaches.

Magnesium, especially in combination with vitamin B6, relieves a person from stress and stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, modern people often need additional minerals in their diet, since life is so fast-paced and nervous that it is impossible to do without it.

Where can I buy

Choosing the best vitamins with magnesium and zincThe nutritional supplement can be purchased at a pharmacy, but the prices there are often inflated, and magnesium and zinc are in an inactive form, which increases the period of use. Therefore, we recommend purchasing medications on the official iHerb website, which sells health and beauty products.
The store offers customers dietary supplements with magnesium and zinc at low prices (30–50% cheaper than in pharmacies). The site also has a competent support service, and there are many detailed reviews from real consumers.

Readers of our magazine who choose iHerb receive a 10% discount on their first order as a gift. To do this, you need to add the selected items to your cart and enter the promotional code AGK4375 in the special field when checking out. To automatically receive a discount, follow this link.

Why does magnesium deficiency occur?

An interesting fact is that magnesium deficiency depends entirely on a person’s attitude towards his own body. Simply put, it is our own fault that we lack magnesium. Provocateurs of deficit are:

  • fast food;
  • excessively fatty foods in the diet;
  • semi-finished products;
  • lack of vitamin B1, B2 and B6;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of greens in the diet;
  • eating foods with a large amount of dyes that remove magnesium from the body, for example, lemonade and candy;
  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • passion for baked goods made from white flour;
  • mono-diets;
  • smoking.

But the most important thing is stress. In this state, a huge release of calcium and glucose occurs in the body. A lot of the mineral is spent during exercise in the gym and during heavy physical activity. It is also excreted through sweat during a sauna. Hence the fatigue and nervousness.

According to statistics, 24% of the entire population of the planet has a lack of magnesium in the body. And this figure is growing all the time.

Magnesium is also heavily consumed when the body fights a harmful environment. One of the common reasons for deficiency is that in some parts of the world, there is very little magnesium in the soil, hence vegetables grown in such soil are extremely poor in the content of this mineral.

Dosage and regimen

The best time to take supplements is early in the morning, 30-40 minutes before breakfast. But if taking the drug on an empty stomach causes discomfort, you can take it after meals.

Table 2. Recommended daily requirement for macronutrients

CategoryMagnesium, mgZinc, mg
For stress and deficiencyFor womenFor men40 mg for everyone

It is recommended to calculate the daily amount of magnesium based on body weight - 6 mg per 1 kg. For example, a person weighing 70 kg will need 420 mg.

Important! The daily norm of minerals for pregnant women and children is calculated by the doctor.

Duration of administration for preventive purposes is 1 month. If symptoms of deficiency are severe, the supplement should be taken until you feel better.

Daily value of magnesium for women, men and children

There are generally accepted standards for magnesium consumption according to a person’s gender and age:

  • Girls during puberty (14-18 years old) are recommended to consume about 350 mg of this macronutrient per day. The norm of magnesium intake for women aged 19-30 years is 310 mg per day, after 30 years of age - 320 mg. For pregnant and lactating women, this figure is 360-400 mg and 320-360 mg, respectively.
  • The magnesium intake for men also varies depending on age. Young men during puberty (14-18 years old) need to receive about 410 mg per day, men aged 19-30 years - 400 mg, and those over 30 years old - 420 mg.
  • As for children, for newborns (up to 6 months) the norm of magnesium per day is 30 mg, for infants from six months to one year - 75 mg, for children from one to three years - 80 mg, from four to eight - 130 mg, from nine to thirteen – 240 mg per day.

Expert opinion

The given data regarding the daily intake of magnesium are approximate. Each person’s body may have individual needs for this macronutrient, taking into account the general state of health, the presence/absence of various pathologies, etc. Therefore, in some cases, the daily intake of this element will vary.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

magnesium deficiency
Magnesium deficiency: symptoms


It is almost impossible to get an overdose from an unbalanced diet. To do this, you need to take a portion that is 5 times larger than your daily dose.

The following symptoms may indicate an excess of macronutrients:

  • lethargy, lethargy, apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • frequent urination;
  • diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain.

In case of overdose, you should rinse your stomach by taking a large amount of water. You can also cope with excess by taking diuretics. If kidney damage is caused by prolonged excess of recommended portions, hemodialysis may be necessary.

Magnesium rich foods

Magnesium is part of chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants. Consequently, the high content of this mineral is found in green vegetables and fruits. The consumption of vegetation covers a quarter of the daily dose of magnesium that a person needs.

Magnesium is also found in bananas, legumes, nuts, chocolate and whole grain cereals. The mineral remains in already processed cereals, but in minimal quantities. A small amount of magnesium is present in bran and polished rice. To compensate for a mineral deficiency only through nutritional correction, you must consume:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • prunes;
  • greenery;
  • white beans.

If there is a significant deficiency of the mineral in the body, a rational solution would be to take nutritional supplements. But to really get the desired effect, the dose must be determined by the doctor.

Reviews about the application

Have you already taken zinc and magnesium supplements? Tell us about your impressions, share your experience of use, leave feedback on the effectiveness of the drugs:

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Vitamins with magnesium and zinc

Average rating: Number of reviews: 0

The main consumers of vitamin-mineral complexes are women, so the reviews are often enthusiastic and laudatory. Most note a decrease in nighttime leg cramps, improved mood, and improved skin and hair condition. Men also buy the supplement. The mineral complex helps them endure physical and mental stress more easily.

There are also negative reviews. They are usually associated with intolerance to the components of the drug or low effectiveness. In the latter case, one can assume the purchase of a low-quality dietary supplement.

Why do you usually take vitamins with zinc?

As already noted, zinc performs several extremely important functions in the human body:

  1. It is part of and supports the activity of more than 300 different enzymes, which in turn ensure the normal course of biochemical reactions in almost all organs and tissues;
  2. Participates in the synthesis and regulation of the amount of anabolic hormones in the body, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive and nervous systems, regulation of growth and development in children;
  3. Necessary for normal functioning of the prostate gland and sperm production. Interestingly, healthy sperm has a very high zinc content, and the prostate gland is the second organ after the brain in terms of zinc content;

  • Participates in the regulation of brain activity and the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Regulates the growth and maintenance of normal hair structure. Often, hair loss is one of the signs of a lack of zinc in the body;
  • Supports the metabolism of vitamin E, essential for women's reproductive health. Lack of or metabolic disorders of this vitamin can lead to infertility.
  • Due to a certain dependence of the absorption of vitamin E on the presence of zinc in the body, both of these substances are well compatible as part of various complexes.

    Accordingly, preparations with zinc are used in cases where a lack of this substance is manifested by certain disorders and pathologies.

    The key word here is scarcity. In fact, it is advisable to take both vitamins with zinc and medications with it as the main component only when symptoms of its deficiency appear and this deficiency is confirmed by the results of special studies.

    It is important to take this into account because zinc is often unjustifiably considered as an independent medicine. This happens especially often when women, with the help of zinc-containing multivitamin complexes, try to improve the condition of their hair: prevent hair loss or accelerate growth - without understanding the causes of the problem, they decide that if zinc helped someone else in a similar case, it will solve theirs too problem.

    “I have worked on hair loss issues inside and out. I struggled with this problem for more than three years and tried a lot. I’ll tell you a universal thing: to stop hair loss, you need to know its cause in concrete terms, and not guess - vitamins, or maybe pregnancy, or allergies... There are many reasons, including complications from other diseases, heredity and others. I have made many such mistakes. At one time I thought, I’ll try plasma lifting, maybe it will help. And what do you think? After it, my hair came out in clumps, I barely restored it with diet and sulfur sprays. Then a similar situation occurred after mesotherapy. They didn’t climb so much, but they became too unsightly, dry like hay. I looked through a bunch of reviews and decided to order Solgar with zinc. It seems that zinc restores hair well. I bought them, even though they weren’t cheap, and started drinking them. Within a week, the hair clearly became better, after about a month it practically stopped falling out, that is, the result is visible. Even the hairdresser noticed it. Now I’ve been taking it for 40 days, there seem to be no side effects. But again, I repeat - I definitely hit the target. Apparently, the body did not have enough zinc. If the reason had been different, Solgar would hardly have helped.”

    In reality, zinc does not treat anything, that is, it is not a medicine. If the body does not have enough of it, and due to such a deficiency characteristic symptoms appear, then indeed, consuming vitamins with zinc will compensate for the deficiency, and the symptoms of deficiency will disappear. If certain symptoms (including hair loss) are caused by other reasons, then using products with zinc will not have an effect. That is why zinc-containing drugs should not be taken indiscriminately (according to the principle “it helped others, it will help me”), but only after a thorough diagnosis and precise clarification of the causes of a particular pathology.

    There is an assumption that zinc acetate helps to quickly cure colds. There are results from several studies showing that when using this remedy, the duration of the disease is reduced by 1-2 days, and the severity of symptoms is reduced. However, this substance has not yet been officially recognized as a cure for colds due to its weak effect on the course of the disease and poor understanding of the corresponding effect.

Interaction with other drugs

Preparations containing magnesium and zinc should not be taken with calcium, some antibiotics (Tetracycline, Erythromycin), or diuretics. Simultaneous use with Aspirin, Insulin, and products containing digitalis is undesirable.

Important. The absorption of minerals worsens when consuming fats, phosphates, coffee and alcohol, and some medications for the treatment of cancer.

But ascorbic acid, protein, phosphorus, potassium, and B vitamins improve the absorption of minerals and help maintain their levels in the blood.

Positive effects of magnesium compounds on the body

Organic magnesium is an essential part of biochemical, neurochemical and electrolytic reactions that occur continuously inside our body. The mineral element is actively involved in the regulation of almost all metabolic, regenerative, cellular and intercellular processes, as well as the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Thanks to the magnesium mineral, our body receives:

  • growth, formation, strength of the bone skeleton;
  • adequate rate of myocardial contraction;
  • muscle work;
  • healthy metabolism;
  • sufficient protein production;
  • optimal absorption of nutrients and energy;
  • cellular growth, regeneration;
  • nervous activity;
  • brain support;
  • normal vascular tone;
  • regulation of hematopoiesis, blood clotting;
  • digestive work.

Organic matter helps break down, absorb, transform vitamins, and then integrate them into the functioning of the body.

Alcohol compatibility

Normal absorption of zinc and magnesium is impossible in the presence of alcohol in the body. Under its influence, macroelements are washed out of cells. Therefore, people who drink always experience a deficiency of these substances, become aggressive, and are prone to memory loss and muscle spasms.

Zinc and magnesium, elements important for health. But moderation should be observed, since excess minerals will do more harm than good. Therefore, before starting to take dietary supplements, you should consult your doctor and find out how severe the deficiency of macroelements is in the body.

Do you take vitamin-mineral complexes with magnesium and zinc or do you prefer to get the necessary elements from your diet? Share your opinion.

Recommendations for admission

The presence of 1-2 symptoms confirming zinc deficiency cannot be a reason for therapy. Therefore, it is recommended to get tested first. Otherwise, self-medication will lead to overdose and poisoning.

Zinc-containing vitamins are often prescribed to men for sexual dysfunction. Taking this microelement helps improve the condition of the prostate gland and sperm quality, increase testosterone levels and the ability of sperm to fertilize. Organic compounds are considered the best, since they can be combined with selenium and B vitamins to increase efficiency.

Best Magnesium Citrate

The list of drugs opens with products containing magnesium citrate, or a magnesium compound with citric acid. The body absorbs both magnesium and citric acid, since it takes part in the Krebs cycle, or the tricarboxylic acid cycle. That is why citrate, which is taken in moderate quantities to prevent deficiency of this element, simultaneously activates biological oxidation and cellular respiration. The bioavailability of all magnesium citrate preparations is quite high, they are highly effective and beneficial to health.

Magne Express

Rating: 4.9

Panangin, Panangin Forte

Magne Express is a combination of magnesium citrate and vitamin B6. This combination is considered mutually beneficial and enhances the effect of both components. Magne Express is indicated not only for the correction of mild deficiency, but also as a preventive measure, as a dietary supplement to food.

It is known that the main source of magnesium in food is nuts, cereals, various seeds, halva and green vegetables. Therefore, if there is a deficiency of these foods, or their culinary processing involves prolonged thermal exposure, a magnesium deficiency may occur. Magne Express is produced in bags and sachets. Inside each sachet there are special granules for resorption.

You need to take this drug one sachet twice a day, and dissolve it during meals. There is no need to drink them with water. The average course duration is about 1 month. These granules have a sweet and sour taste, reminiscent of the aroma of tropical fruits. Magne Express is produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical company Hermes, and the cost of one package of 20 sachets, on average, is 520 rubles.

Best Magnesium Lactate

The pharmaceutical industry produces a significant amount of various magnesium complex compounds based on lactate, or lactic acid. These are Complivit Magnesium, Magne B6 and other products. Lactate should not be confused with lactose. Lactose is called “milk sugar,” and lactate is sometimes figuratively called “blood sugar,” since lactic acid is nothing more than an intermediate product of the physiological breakdown of glucose, the main energy substrate.

Complivit Magnesium

Complivit Magnesium

Rating: 4.9

Complivit Magnesium is named so purely for commercial purposes. Unlike all of the above drugs, which contain either only magnesium compounds, or half - magnesium and potassium aspartate, Complivit Magnesium is a real vitamin and mineral complex. It contains vitamin A, vitamin E, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, vitamin B12, copper compounds, zinc - and finally magnesium lactate.

You need to use this remedy one tablet daily, the duration of use for preventive purposes is one month. The instructions specifically state that this product is not a medicine. This drug is produced by the Pharmstandard company, Ufa Vitamin Plant. One package of 60 multivitamin tablets costs an average of 200 rubles. It's certainly not expensive.

Use during pregnancy

Zinc affects not only the reproductive function of women, but also the development of the fetus. Taking vitamins with the mineral reduces the risk of miscarriage and premature onset of labor. With zinc deficiency, newborns experience low body weight.

There is an opinion among scientists that a lack of zinc prolongs labor, which can cause various problems with the newborn.

The mineral is part of 70 enzymes involved in the synthesis of hormones. When studying patients with autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency, it is revealed that their zinc levels drop to critical levels. According to clinical trials, 13-18% of pregnant women with microelement deficiency give birth to children with complex defects:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • micro- and anophthalmia;
  • heart defects;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • cleft palate;
  • hernias, etc.

The daily norm for women in a delicate situation increases to 25-30 mg. A sufficient amount of the mineral can be obtained by taking special vitamin complexes.

Vitamins and minerals for women after 50 years


Ultra D 3

Vitamins “Ultra D3” cost about 750 rubles per package. This is a decent price and, of course, many people want to find a healthy and high-quality analogue. Some had to make a lot of effort to find it in their city.

All medications must contain the active ingredient “Colecalciferol” and the price is not important!

Aquadetrim. A drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Price - 180 rub.

Vigantol. Replenishes vitamin D3 deficiency. Enhances calcium absorption in the intestines. Price - 180 rub.

Vitamin D3. Oily solution for oral administration. Price - from 40 rub.


Magne B6


The cheapest way to get calcium is to eat chicken or quail egg shells. Quail has 2 times more calcium, zinc, and phosphorus. You can prepare it like this: wash 2 quail egg shells, let them dry, grind them into powder and pour lemon juice for 1-2 minutes. It will start bubbling, don’t be alarmed: calcium carbonate will form.

By the way, in pharmacies such a potion will cost from 400 to 600 rubles!

And as a source of magnesium, your best friend for the heart (and also the most inexpensive) is, of course, Asparkam!

Its advantage, besides the fact that it is a very cheap drug, is also that the active substances in it are in a form that allows the body to absorb them almost 100%. These vitamins have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and muscle tissue, and relieve cramps. Price - 60 Russian rubles.

Almost all reviews about Asparkam (more than 95%) are positive! This supplement really improves your overall condition and solves problems caused by a lack of magnesium and calcium!

Groups B

Russian vitamin complex, contains vitamins B6, 9, 12. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, strokes, heart attacks, and is effective for diabetes. Helps alleviate cerebrovascular accidents and coronary artery disease. How to take: 1 tablet for 1 month.

Price - 250 rub.

Magnelis B6

Another domestic vitamin with a wonderful composition: it contains almost all the elements of group B! A wonderful and healthy choice for the whole family. Take just 1 capsule per day for a month. The cheapest group complex in!

Price - 190 rub. There are 90 capsules in a package, don’t you agree? It’s profitable?

And again from Russia! The drug includes the following vitamins: B1, B6, B12 and folic acid. Improves skin condition, helps strengthen hair and nails. How to take: 2-4 tablets after meals 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Price - 130 rub.

Deficiency Symptoms

  • disturbance of taste and smell;
  • decreased immunity, frequent colds;
  • chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • deterioration of hair condition, hair loss;
  • dermatitis, acne, eczema, prolonged wound healing;
  • delamination of the nail plate, the presence of white spots on the nails;
  • loss of visual acuity.

When there is a lack of a microelement, the central nervous system is one of the first to suffer. The following symptoms are observed:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervous excitability;
  • destabilization of the psycho-emotional background.

As deficiency develops, toxins accumulate in the body, which provokes rapid fatigue, physical weakness, and an increase in body temperature at night to 37-37.4 degrees.

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