5 Best Drinks for Muscle Recovery After a Workout

During training, the body loses a lot of fluid and needs to be replenished. What drinks will help you restore your strength best? Some people prefer to drink regular mineral water after physical activity, others like energy drinks. There are also special sports drinks that contain a complex of dissolved vitamins. Mineral water changes the water-salt balance of the body. The choice of energy drinks is controversial. During training, the rate of contractions of the heart muscle accelerates; drinking an energy drink can be dangerous.

To understand the question of which drink will bring the greatest benefit to the body, you need to consider the mechanisms that occur inside the body after the workout ends.

Why is it important to drink fluids after physical activity?

The main fuel that provides the body with energy during training is carbohydrates.
The energy reserve that is quickly mobilized is glycogen; it contains all the glucose necessary for the body. It is found in limited quantities, for this reason glycogen resynthesis is an important part of the regeneration process. Depending on how quickly glycogen reserves are brought back to normal, recovery processes will occur. Glycogen is restored after training in stages:first (fast) – occurs without the presence of insulin and is approximately half an hour to an hour; • second (slow) – occurs in the presence of insulin.

The presence of insulin is one of the main factors, and at this (first) stage, recovery occurs much more intensely, sensitivity to glucose absorption and insulin is quite high. In the USA, in 1988, an experiment was conducted among cyclists, during which it turned out that the absorption of synthesis was 45% slower when carbohydrates were supplied 2 hours after physical activity and immediately after exercise.

The “flow” of glycogen and the speed at which it is absorbed are also important. For example, it was found that maximum glycogen resynthesis occurs two hours after exercise and is 1-1.5 g/kg. A study conducted during training showed that the glycogen peak was 0.7 g/kg. This suggested that there is no need to try to take as much carbohydrates as possible at one time after finishing classes; it is recommended to drink little and often.

In addition, to understand that the drink is intended for the restoration processes of glycogen, it must contain proteins in order to carry out creative activities and promote accelerated recovery of damaged muscle areas (after all, minor injuries are possible during training). Accordingly, the composition of a drink designed to restore strength after sports should include carbohydrates (glycogen levels are quite high), electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium) and amino acids. Carbohydrates make up 60-65%, proteins 30-40%. Drinking such a drink will help quench thirst, restore fluid loss, become the basis for muscle growth, and replenish glycogen levels.

Requirements for proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Individual menu for each sport

Sports activities are divided into the following groups: endurance (running and long-distance walking, cycling, skiing), speed-strength (athletics, figure skating, all-around, gymnastics), sports games (basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). For each group there are recommendations for the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate consumption.

Football players

during training, they eat high-calorie low-fat foods: cereals, durum pasta, lean meat, fish, nuts, omelettes, vegetable dishes, light soups, fruits, freshly squeezed juices. Sausages, pork, baked goods, alcohol, fatty, spicy, salty foods are prohibited.

What to eat before the game: The daily menu is reduced to a vegetable salad, broth, a piece of fried chicken and one dish of pasta. A prerequisite for cooking meat: it must be completely fried or steamed to avoid stomach problems. After the match you need recovery and increased nutrition.


eat mainly carbohydrate foods. The daily calorie content of foods and the ratio of nutrients is calculated per 1 kilogram of weight: proteins - 2, fats - 1.9, carbohydrates - 9.5, calories - 65.


spend 5000 calories during racing. The body needs to have a supply of glycogen necessary for activity and endurance. Athletes eat a lot of carbohydrate foods: cereals, bread, potatoes, vegetables, fruits.

During competitions, you must have a special drink made from oatmeal infusion, pieces of sugar, glucose preparations, and chicken broth. After competitions, medications are taken to restore glycogen in the muscles, and animal fats are replaced with vegetable fats.

Skater menu

should consist of 15% proteins, 25% fats, 60% carbohydrates. During long-term training, protein consumption increases by 2.5 times. Before competitions, the loads are reduced to accumulate glycogen in the muscles. After competitions, you need a period of recovery and replenishment of vitamins.

Team sports

– basketball, volleyball, tennis involve a variable type of load: from rest to sprint. Due to the high psychological and physical stress, the diet should cover the need for 4800 calories.

What to eat for muscle growth

: large amounts of protein: meat, fish, dairy dishes, protein shakes. The cocktail is taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, 20–40 grams of powder diluted in liquid. On the day of training - 2 additional times: 30 minutes before training 20 - 40 grams of powder, after training - 60 grams.

Compliance with the rules of nutrition, drinking regime and sports activities allows you to maintain shape, health and competitiveness in competitions for a long time.

The right drinks for active people involved in sports can help them achieve sports results and solve their problems.

Freshly squeezed juices before a workout can give you the extra nutrients you need to maintain strength and endurance. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices contain the same beneficial vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals that you get from eating whole fruits or vegetables. Your body can more easily absorb these nutrients in the form of fresh juice, and your digestive system may not have to work as hard to digest them. Fresh juices can help:

  • reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • increase immunity;
  • help with detoxification;
  • improve digestion;
  • and increase weight loss.

Juicing fruits or vegetables that contain complex and simple carbohydrates can provide you with the best energy fuel for your body.

. Complex carbohydrates provide you with fructose, which your body slowly converts into energy, giving you more strength for your workouts. Carbohydrates take about two hours to process, making fresh juice a quick and easy source of energy for your workout.

carrot juice

Carrot juice can give you energy for a workout and contains high levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant

, which oxidizes the blood, brain and body tissues.

Fruit and nut juice


is a good option for juicing because it contains high levels of potassium, which can help your body convert glucose into glycogen
for long-term energy
are a nutrient-dense, high-energy food, and the bran contains magnesium, which can help your body store and use glycogen and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.


  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tbsp. from wheat, rice or oat bran;
  • and from 8 to 12 almonds.

Mix thoroughly, adding water to desired taste and consistency.

Beet juice

Freshly squeezed beet juice before exercise may help improve endurance

. The nitrates in beet juice lead to decreased oxygen absorption, making exercise less tiring.

Before your next workout, drink the juice of 1 beetroot, adding

fresh apple juice to taste.

Sugar in vegetables and fruits will help increase workout productivity, but this is only necessary for those who are gaining muscle mass


Those losing weight need to be careful

, juices should be consumed in the first half of the day, exclusively from fruits with a low glycemic index, such as green apple.
Any simple carbohydrates inhibit fat burning. Also, another tonic drink, with a slight energy drink effect, would be coffee, for those who are losing weight - without sugar
. But it is necessary to take into account that coffee expels water from the body, so make sure to replenish lost fluid.

Water. Drink water after your workout!

You should drink regular water that has passed through the filter after physical activity. Don't forget this, always carry a bottle of water with you. As soon as thirst arises, quench it. Water gives a boost of vivacity and energy, spring water is especially beneficial. The mineral water also perfectly restores strength. The main thing is to be sure that it really came from a spring. “Essentuki” and “Karachinskaya” are considered the highest quality mineral water. Drink mineral water without gas. Water is indispensable during physical activity. Remember this.


This includes drinks that contain caffeine and other energizers. The most popular drink is RedBull, which contains 27 grams of carbohydrates, 193 mg of sodium, 106 calories, and a large dose of caffeine. They should only be consumed during (or before) training. In this case, energy drinks have a positive effect on endurance, increase performance, improve reaction speed, and help concentrate. Drinking energy drinks after physical activity can harm the body and negatively affect liver function. When choosing an energy drink, pay special attention to whether it contains sugars and whether there is too much of them

Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk is perfect for those who prefer strength training and want to build muscle mass. It contains the best protein-carbohydrate ratio. Drinking includes beneficial substances (helping to restore muscles and strengthen bones) - riboflavin, vitamins A, B12 and D, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It is difficult to find high-quality chocolate milk in our country, and unfortunately, this product has low nutritional value, too little protein and high fat content. For it to be beneficial, it must be of proper quality (minimum fat, large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates. The TruMoo brand is popular.

Many experiments have been conducted to determine how low-fat milk affects the endurance of athletes. Researchers at the University of Connecticut found that runners who drank low-fat milk after running at a moderate pace experienced less fatigue and their muscles remained toned. During the biopsy, it was found that the muscles of athletes who drank such a cocktail recovered faster, by analogy with drinks that contain only carbohydrates.

What to choose - gainer or protein?

Protein is a substance that strengthens the body's protective functions and normalizes the nitrogen balance in the body. It contains a sufficient amount of amino acids to meet the body's needs. Protein supplements come in fast and slow forms. The first ones are suitable for those who want to quickly build muscle mass. The second ones are intended for athletes who are in the drying phase.

Gainers, unlike protein, consist of a mixture of various components, including proteins and carbohydrates. Both components are important for the training athlete. Protein helps build, and carbohydrate helps restore muscle tissue. In other words, one without the other does not have a complex effect and does not allow you to increase volumes. Therefore, bodybuilders should not limit themselves to just taking protein. They also need carbohydrates.

Gainers, as a rule, contain more carbohydrates than protein. There are expensive products that have an increased percentage of protein. An alternative and more affordable solution would be to purchase a high-carbon gainer that is mixed with a protein shake.

The main advantage of a gainer is that it allows you to quickly restore glycogen expended during training, as well as increase performance and improve recovery processes. The downside of the supplement is that it provokes an increase in body fat and is not suitable for people who tend to be overweight.

Abuse of gainers is not good for the athlete. If you drink the supplement in unlimited quantities, it can lead to an increase in subcutaneous fat. In other words, mass gainers are suitable for people with a naturally thin build or a high metabolism. The rest either need to purchase an expensive high-protein supplement or mix protein shakes and gainers together.

The gainer must contain complex carbohydrates. It is best taken one hour before training and 20 minutes after completing the activity. Beginning athletes who quickly gain excess weight should limit themselves to protein in the initial stages of training. Beginners who lack mass are recommended to give preference to gainers.

Which is better PROTEIN or GAINER?


You need to drink freshly squeezed juices, not those sold in boxes. Cherry juice contains a large amount of antioxidants and flavonoids, they help reduce muscle pain that appears after physical activity, relieve inflammation and relieve swelling. Experts from an English university conducted a study in which data showed that people who jogged and regularly consumed cherry juice, before and after training, recovered much faster than those who did not.

What helps to replenish your strength well?

gainer energy shake
There are a number of energy drinks for athletes that are necessary for quick recovery. They help increase blood sugar levels, speed up the joining of proteins (the basis of muscles), and increase blood glucose levels. Gainers provide a boost of energy and accelerate the synthesis of essential substances. They will be appreciated by those who regularly engage in fitness and those who want to quickly achieve results. Milk and water are excellent building materials for muscles, since protein dissolves in them, but first you should increase your blood sugar level. Gainer is the most effective means for restoring muscle tone after physical activity. The main thing is to maintain proportions. Carbohydrates are a necessary element in the composition; it is desirable that they be complex and not too much of them.

Specialized “sports” cocktails

There are special cocktails called isotonics; they are necessary to restore water and salt reserves and give a boost of energy. This drink contains carbohydrates that restore strength. In addition to replenishing energy and providing the body with water, drinking allows you to increase the duration of your workouts.

It is advisable to use it when performing strength exercises and prolonged physical activity. This drink perfectly restores strength during long-distance races (marathons).

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