Almonds (nut, shell, oil): beneficial properties, contraindications

Types and varieties

There are three varieties of almonds: thin-walled, bitter and sweet.

Common almond

This is the most common species, widely cultivated in Afghanistan, Iran, Central Asia, Crimea, and the Caucasus. The shrub reaches 4 m in height, and the tree up to 8 m, the characteristic feature of which is a lush openwork crown. The lifespan of the plant reaches 130 years. The flowers are large, white-pink in color, the leaves are narrow, pointed, in a rich light green color. The fruits are covered with a velvety peel, have a flattened configuration, and inside there is a seed with an edible core. Flowering occurs in the last month of winter and lasts 2-3 weeks.

Varieties of common almonds: brittle, sweet, bitter. This is the only species used in fruit growing. The most popular varieties include: White Sail, Pink Fog, Pansy.

Steppe almond

Grows in Central Asia, Siberia and the European part of Russia. Tolerates frost and drought well.

Steppe almond is a low shrub up to 1.5 m in height with a dense spherical crown. The leaves are marshy on top and light green underneath. The flowers are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, bright pink, collected in inflorescences. The flowering period occurs in May and lasts 2-3 weeks. The fruits are covered with a light velvety skin, small (up to 2 cm in length), ripen in August-September.

The lifespan of a crop varies from 60 to 80 years.

Trilobed almond

Distributed in Northern China. The height of the tree is 5 m, the crown is spreading up to 1.5 m in diameter. The shoots are dark gray at the top and gray at the bottom. The leaves are green with a yellowish tint. The flowers are crimson, dark or bright pink. The flowering period occurs in April-May and lasts up to 20 days. A distinctive feature of the plant is its winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. Easily tolerates frosts down to 20 degrees.

Ledebour almond

Found in Altea. This is a small shrub up to 2 m in height with large dark green leaves, light pink flowers reaching 4 cm in diameter. The plant blooms in May and is fragrant. It begins to bear fruit no earlier than 11 years of age.

Almond Petunnikova

The homeland of the bush is the Western Tien Shan. This is a dwarf plant with a crown diameter of no more than 0.8 m and a height of up to 1 m. It bears fruit in the 6th year of life. The fruits are red, covered with a velvety thick peel. In the cold season, shoots of dwarf shrubs may freeze.

Bitter almonds contain amygdalin and a glycoside, which makes them hazardous to the health of the body. Fifty nuts is a lethal dose for humans.


How many times a day should I use it?

The permissible daily number of kernels can be consumed immediately or divided into two times. It is advisable to eat nuts in the morning or afternoon on:

  • breakfast;
  • snack;
  • dinner.

Consuming in the first half of the day will help avoid excess weight gain, with the exception of nursing mothers: they can take it all day, taking into account the maximum amount.

What is the daily value for women?

The daily intake of almonds is for (pieces):

  • women - from eight to ten;
  • nursing mothers – no more than seven.

How to peel almonds?

The peel gives the nut a bitter taste, so it is recommended to remove it. You can do this in the following ways:

  • remove with a knife;
  • pour cold water and leave for at least eight hours - pressing on the nuts will remove the kernels;
  • blanch.

It is necessary to scrape it with a knife until it is completely eliminated; this is a labor-intensive process with considerable losses - the kernel is also removed with the peel. Soaking can remove the skins from a large batch at once, but it requires a lot of soaking time. Blanching allows you to clean a large batch most quickly and efficiently; you will need:

  1. Place the nuts in a saucepan and add boiling water until the water completely covers them.
  2. After ten minutes, pour out the cooled boiling water.
  3. Pour in cold water.
  4. Leave for five minutes.
  5. Place on a towel and press on the peel to squeeze out the kernels.

The latter option allows you to work with a large number of nuts at once.

Chemical composition

The nutritional value of almonds is 609 kcal per 100 g. Based on the composition of fats, the kernels are classified as “nourishing” foods. A handful of nuts covers 140% of the body's daily requirement for monounsaturated triglycerides. 100 g of almonds contain 67% of the daily value of magnesium and phosphorus, 56% of riboflavin and 35% of niacin.

Nut pulp consists of 35% healthy fats, and the rest is proteins and carbohydrates - dietary fiber, sugars.

Table No. 1 “Nutritional value of sweet almonds”

ComponentsContent per 100 grams of product, grams
Nonessential amino acids10,38
Essential amino acids10,34
Alimentary fiber7,0
Starch and dextrins7,0
Mono- and disaccharides6,0
Saturated fatty acids5,0

Table No. 2 “Chemical composition of sweet almonds”

NameNutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Choline (B4)52,1
Tocopherol (E)24,6
Niacin (B3)6,2
Ascorbic acid (C)1,5
Riboflavin (B2)0,65
Pantothenic acid (B5)0,4
Pyridoxine (B6)0,3
Thiamine (B1)0,25
Folic acid (B9)0,04
Beta-carotene (A)0,02

Almond kernels are used to produce oil, milk and flour, which are widely used in the food, cosmetics and traditional medicine industries. The sweet nut is used salted, toasted and raw. It is used in confectionery products (cakes, cookies, cakes, ice cream), meat dishes and rice. Whole roasted almonds are used to decorate baked goods, as well as enhance the taste of sweets and chocolate. And crushed is added to butter, ketchup, pasta, jam, glazed cheese curds and curd mass, to give the product a nutty taste and aroma.

Almonds in cosmetology

It is not often, but you can still find almond oil in its pure form and as an ingredient in skin care products on the shelves of retail and pharmacy chains. It is known that almond kernels on average consist of 40% fat. This amount includes substances valuable to the body, triglycerides, the following fatty acids/percentage:

  • oleic/62.0;
  • linoleic/24.0;
  • palmitic/6%.

A certain oil has its own unique composition, represented by triglycerides of various fatty acids. Each of these compounds has qualities that have a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair shafts, and epidermis. This is explained by the following types of impacts:

  • facilitating the penetration of nutrients;
  • preventing moisture loss;
  • moisturizing;
  • softening.

These properties apply to base oils, one of which is almond oil. The unique composition allows it to be used as:

  • means for removing traces of cosmetics;
  • a way to disguise split ends;
  • component of self-prepared skin care products.

Do not forget that there are limitations in use, despite the large number of positive effects:

  • individual intolerance is possible;
  • suitable for oily hair types due to its ability to absorb moisture;
  • has limitations for use on the epidermis.

The ability to absorb moisture is currently a subject of controversy, because some sources contain information that refutes this well-known fact. However, the following characteristics can be cited not in defense:

  • does not block light rays;
  • comedogenic;
  • clogs the pores of the dermis if used incorrectly (pre-heating, not suitable for combination type).

If you do decide to try almond oil to remove makeup or dark circles under the eyes, read the information below for use on specific areas of the body. The right approach guarantees a positive result without side effects.

Almond oil
Almond oil works well against signs of aging

Almond oil for skin

To care for the epidermis, this product in its pure form is more suitable for:

  • removing traces of cosmetics;
  • anti-cellulite body massage;
  • softening the epidermis of the body and face.

Better to apply:

  • on a damp, steamed dermis (to remove makeup, just damp);
  • preheated to forty degrees Celsius.

To remove makeup, apply a disc moistened with oil to the wet area, if possible. To remove it from the eyes, you can apply a dry cotton pad to the lower eyelid. Next, you will need a cleanser and toner (not for the eyes) - the oil helps cleanse pores that are clogged with cosmetics.

There is an opinion about the possible elimination of dark circles and signs of aging (after 50 years) when applied to the area around the eyes. The possibility of overdrying in this area can lead to a worsening of the condition, so in this case you should not:

  • apply daily;
  • longer than the prescribed period - four weeks.

It is enough to make compresses once a week (after wetting the dermis) and leave it for no longer than thirty minutes, because there are no sebaceous glands in this area, and the skin is thinner than in other areas of the face, and immunity can lead to the formation of comedones (whiteheads). The best results in this and other cases can be achieved by using almond oil as a component of a face mask or adding it to eye cream (no more than ten percent).

Children's massage products often contain an extract from almond kernels, but in addition to this component, ingredients with an antibacterial effect are added to the products.

In their pure form, the following oils are suitable for caring for the periocular area:

  • olive;
  • shi.

The drying properties of the oil are a consequence of the interaction of the product with air molecules; to prevent this process, it is necessary to add oxidizing components to the oil, which is included in the composition of the masks.

Eye mask

To prepare you will need:

  • banana pulp puree/two tablespoons;
  • almond oil/one tablespoon.

Preparation: Wash the banana under running water, remove the pulp, mash with a fork, add oil, stir.

Application: Moisten your eyelids with boiled water and lightly blot with a napkin. Distribute the prepared mixture along the massage lines, after fifteen minutes remove with warm water, moisten the dried dermis with cream.

Result: Nutrition, elasticity, rejuvenation.

Almonds for health

Since ancient times, the kernels of the plant have been used as a medicine to combat diseases of the intestines and genitourinary system.

Beneficial features:

  1. Protects cells from the destructive effects of free radicals and resists premature aging of the body.
  2. Lowers sugar and insulin levels. Recommended for use by diabetics.
  3. Supports heart health. Cleanses blood vessels, neutralizes the risk of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  5. Helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.
  6. Cleanses the blood, eliminates bile, removes sand from the kidneys.
  7. Increases stress resistance, improves brain activity, helps get rid of chronic insomnia.
  8. Stimulates the production of male hormones, enhances potency.
  9. Strengthens teeth, nails, improves hair growth.
  10. Prevents the development of tumors.
  11. Needed for the proper formation of the neural tube of the fetus and placenta (for pregnant women).
  12. Opens blocked ducts in the spleen and liver.
  13. Relieves hangover symptoms.

Almond kernels serve as a natural analgesic. It is a natural anticonvulsant. In addition, the fruits of the bush have an enveloping, choleretic and analgesic effect.

Sweet almonds are recommended for use when:

  • insomnia;
  • slagging of the body;
  • urolithiasis;
  • problems with potency;
  • gastritis;
  • stomatitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • developmental delay;
  • anemia;
  • anemia;
  • headaches;
  • numbness of arms and legs;
  • cough.

The kernels relieve severe coughing attacks and reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Benefits of almonds for the body

The content of macroelements speaks eloquently about the potential of almonds: 100 g of dry product supplies the body with a daily dose of manganese or half the norm of iron. In the distant past, before the invention of the table of elements and the study of their effects on health, scientists tested the medicinal properties of almonds in practice. The works of Avicenna are known, in which he described the benefits of almonds in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases. Modern medicine confirms the effectiveness of this method, recommending almonds as an adjuvant for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis.

The essential fatty acids in almonds help cleanse the body and reduce “bad” cholesterol. Vitamins E, A, C are natural antioxidants; they act as natural barriers to neoplasms, prevent aging and contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

Diseases for which it is advisable to consume almonds:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • eczema, skin and hair diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system, depressive states, sleep disorders, headaches;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • joint diseases.

In addition, almonds are indispensable for the nutrition of athletes:

  • the balance of fats and carbohydrates in almonds quickly satisfies hunger without increasing blood sugar levels;
  • copper has a positive effect on heart function, reduces the risk of heart attack under increased stress;
  • magnesium improves metabolism;
  • zinc stimulates muscle growth.

Thus, nuts in your diet will help strengthen your body overall, increase brain activity, improve physical fitness, and reduce the risk of serious diseases.

Harm to the body

Almonds are a high-calorie product. People who are overweight should avoid eating nuts as they can quickly and unnoticed increase body weight. In addition, unripe almonds are strictly prohibited for consumption by all categories of persons, since they contain toxic cyanides that are incompatible with life.


  • individual intolerance;
  • obesity;
  • high heart rate.

Harm of almonds and contraindications for use

Contraindications for eating nuts:

  • excess body weight;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • low pressure;
  • dermatitis;
  • tachycardia.

It is necessary to take into account the harm of unripe or spoiled almonds. Unripe or rancid fruits contain toxic substances that can lead to poisoning. If the dosage is exceeded, dangerous health consequences may occur: migraines, tachycardia, weight gain.

Due to its high nutritional value, almonds have a positive effect on human health

Allergic reactions

Vegetable protein (protein) can cause an allergic reaction, so the product should be included in the diet in small quantities. It is not recommended to consume almonds and products with almond crumbs (milk, butter, paste) for people with food allergies to nuts.

Almond oil

Almond seed contains 40-60% oil, depending on the variety and growing conditions. It is extracted by cold pressing.

Almond oil composition:

  • amygdalin glycoside;
  • tocopherol, riboflavin;
  • protein substances;
  • Sahara;
  • carotenes;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • mineral compounds: zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron;
  • linoleic acid (16-25%);
  • oleic acid (65-83%).

Almond oil is a versatile product. Currently, it is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. It works more effectively than olive oil. It is taken orally to reduce cholesterol and gastric acidity, and eliminate flatulence.

Externally, almond oil is used to treat sunburn, thermal household burns, minor injuries, and improve skin condition. In addition, warming compresses are prepared on its basis to relieve ear pain. For better absorption, the product is preheated to 36-40 degrees.

Almond oil has laxative, soothing, softening, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating and wound-healing properties.

The product is used in cosmetology to care for dry, flabby, normal and tired skin.

Folk beauty recipes

  1. To nourish and refresh the skin. Combine essential oils of patchouli, lavender, rosewood and almond in equal proportions. Apply to damp skin for 15 minutes. Remove the remains with a napkin.
  2. Toning mask. Dilute oatmeal (30 g) in hot water to a creamy mass, add almond oil (5 ml), rosemary and lemon essential oils (2 drops each). Leave the mask for 15 minutes, rinse off.
  3. Cleansing (for dry, normal skin types). Ingredients: yolk (1 pc), almond oil (15 drops), water (5 ml). Mix all ingredients, leave on face for 20 minutes, rinse.
  4. To smooth out wrinkles, nourish and eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Apply almond oil to the skin of the eyelids with your fingertips and light tapping movements. Wait until it is absorbed.
  5. For regeneration and hydration. Method of preparation: mix essential oils of sandalwood and neroli (2 drops each) with almond kernel oil (15 ml), apply to the skin. After 20 minutes, remove the residue with a cotton pad.
  6. To refresh and improve complexion. The mask is suitable for oily skin. To prepare essential oils of citrus fruits and ylang-ylang, mix 2 drops each and add 15 ml of heated almond oil. Apply the product to the face for 10 minutes and remove with a cotton pad.
  7. To improve skin elasticity and prevent stretch marks. To prepare a massage mixture, essential oils of tangerine, neroli and lavender are mixed 4 drops each, 100 ml of almond oil is added. Apply the product to the thighs and abdomen, starting from the 5th month of pregnancy.
  8. For nutrition and healing of cracked hand skin. Almond oil is heated to 38 degrees and rubbed into the dermis with massage movements. It is preferable to apply a hand mask at night; if necessary, wear cotton gloves. Do not rinse off.
  9. For elasticity, shine and stimulation of hair growth. The oil is recommended for use as makeup remover. To do this, moisten a cotton pad with the mixture and gently wipe the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes. After cleansing the eyes, rinse the face with water.

To care for oily hair, almond oil is mixed with essential oils of cedar, bergamot and lemon (2 drops each). The resulting composition is rubbed into the roots, then distributed along the entire length of the curls before washing the hair. If the hair is dry, apply the product to washed, damp strands. At the same time, patchouli, lavender or ylang-ylang are used from essential oils.

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To achieve a lasting effect, oil compositions are applied to the strands at least 1-2 times a week. To nourish the hair fiber, fat from almond kernels can be applied to a comb, combing the hair three times a day. To reduce the fragility of nails and restore their strength, almond oil (5 ml) is combined with essential oils of ylang-ylang and lemon (1 drop each). Apply the product daily to the nail plate. For herpes, almond oil (5 ml) should be mixed with eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil (2 drops). Apply the resulting mixture to the rashes up to 5 times a day. To prevent atherosclerosis, consume 5 ml of almond oil daily for 3 months.

Thus, almond seed oil, obtained by cold pressing, is a miraculous remedy that protects women's health and beauty. According to its properties, the unique product relieves painful sensations during menstruation, prevents the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, nourishes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, strengthens nails, and stimulates hair growth. Homemade masks and compresses are prepared using the oil. In addition, it is added to ready-made cosmetic products for facial and body skin care (creams) to fortify the product.

Beneficial features

Despite their high energy value, almonds have many beneficial properties for the human body. The following are considered the most valuable:

  • promotes the removal of toxins and waste from the body;
  • strengthens the vascular wall, prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques and is used for the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • improves heart function and is used in the treatment of mild heart failure;
  • normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates them, used in dietary nutrition for weight loss;
  • regulates blood glucose levels and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of diabetes;
  • replenishes iodine deficiency and prevents the development of hypothyroidism;
  • strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis;
  • has a sedative effect and is indicated for nervous disorders and frequent stress;
  • normalizes the amount and composition of gastric juice, used for gastritis with high acidity;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration processes;
  • improves visual function, helps prevent myopia;
  • has an antioxidant effect on cells and tissues;
  • has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, mild laxative and diuretic properties;
  • replenishes the deficiency of minerals and valuable vitamins;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood composition, can be used for the prevention and treatment of anemia;
  • tones the body;
  • promotes rapid saturation and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • prevents frequent colds and viral illnesses.

The diuretic properties of the product are often used as part of a complex treatment of the kidneys when sand is detected in them. The laxative effect helps in the treatment of chronic constipation.

For women, almonds are indispensable because they normalize hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle, eliminate pain during menstruation, improve the condition of hair, epidermis, nails, and the composition of breast milk. During pregnancy, it strengthens the mother's immunity, replenishes the lack of vitamins, gives vigor, prevents the development of various fetal defects, helps cope with the symptoms of toxicosis, and the diuretic effect prevents the appearance of edema.

For men, the product is also useful because it increases endurance and physical strength several times, prevents the formation and helps in the treatment of prostatitis, improves sexual function and prevents its early decline.

It is useful for children to consume almonds in order to prevent frequent colds and viral illnesses, replenish the deficiency of minerals and valuable vitamins, normalize brain function, memory, and attention.

Almond milk

It is a tasty and nutritious drink with healing potential. Almond juice is an alternative to cow's milk, but it is not able to provide the human body with calcium (2 mg versus 300 mg) and protein (1 g versus 8 g).

It is superior to soy and rice products in terms of the amount of vitamins and mineral compounds.

Positive properties of almond milk:

  1. Prevents heart disease: lowers blood pressure, supplies the body with healthy omega fatty acids.
  2. Doesn't add weight. 100 ml of almond milk contains 2 times less calories than whole cow milk (30 kcal). Thus, it is a diet drink that allows you to maintain or reduce your current weight.
  3. Improves skin condition, protects it from the negative effects of the sun. Interestingly, 100 ml of almond milk contains 50% of the daily dose of vitamin E.
  4. Strengthens bone tissue and prevents the development of osteoporosis and arthritis. Ensures dental health.
  5. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Almond milk is a low-carb product with a glycemic index of 30. Therefore, it does not provoke a sharp release of insulin into the blood and sugar, respectively.
  6. Strengthens muscles.
  7. Improves digestion. In addition, milk from almond kernels does not contain lactose, from which more than 10% of the adult population of the planet suffers from intolerance.
  8. Strengthens vision, increases the ability of the eyes to adapt to different lighting.

What culinary bonuses does the product have?

Does not require cooling. Store-bought almond milk can be stored at room temperature and will retain its freshness and nutrients.

Tastier than cow's. A distinctive feature of almond milk is its unique aroma and fresh nutty taste.

Easy to cook. Unlike whole cow's milk, almond milk is easy to make at home yourself. This does not require keeping cattle in a barn or growing fields of plants. It is enough to buy sweet almonds, grind them finely using a coffee grinder or blender, mix with water, and separate the cake from the nutrient liquid.


The amount of ingredients is based on 4 servings. Cooking time is 12.5 hours, of which 12 hours are spent soaking the almonds.


  • maple syrup – 15 ml;
  • raw unpeeled almonds - 1.5 cups;
  • vanilla extract – 2.5 ml;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • cinnamon, nutmeg (powder), salt.

To improve the taste, you can add your favorite spices, agave, honey and dates to almond milk.

Cooking principle:

  1. Place the almonds in a bowl, add cold water to cover it by 2-3 cm. Leave for 12 hours. Drain the water.
  2. Place the swollen nuts in a blender bowl, add 200 ml of water at room temperature, turn on the device for 1 minute. The finished mixture should have the consistency of a thick, homogeneous paste.
  3. Place the almond mass in a bowl, pour in 400 ml of boiling water, and brew for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the mixture using a strainer, gauze or fine-mesh filter. Then squeeze out the nutrient liquid from the pulp. Don’t throw away the almond pulp; it will be useful for making smoothies and diet cookies.
  5. Add maple syrup, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla to cool filtered almond milk. Beat with a mixer.

Unlike store-bought products, homemade almond milk should be stored in an airtight, closed container for no more than 2 days in a cool place. It is not recommended for infants as it may cause an allergic reaction to nuts.

Choose your main ingredient carefully. Almond milk made from unripe, bitter nuts can be harmful to the body. The following reactions are possible: heart rhythm disturbances, mild drug intoxication, headaches, overexcitement.

When purchasing store-bought almond milk, first of all pay attention to the composition of the product. Some manufacturers add the food additive carrageenan to it for thickening, stabilization and gelling. It is obtained from red seaweed. For a long time, carrageenan was considered a safe ingredient, but recent studies have found that it aggravates the course of coronary heart disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and also causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the European Union has banned the use of the food additive in baby food.

Remember, the greatest value for the human body comes from a product prepared independently without the use of chemicals, preservatives, emulsifiers and stabilizers.

The recommended daily intake of the healing drink is 200 ml.

How to choose and store almonds correctly

When purchasing shelled almonds, you must choose kernels of the same color and size. Low-quality products may have a reddish coating. Fresh nuts have a delicate nutty aroma. The presence of a bitter odor indicates spoilage of the product. There should be no cracks or chips on the surface.

Almonds are stored in glass jars with a tightly closed lid. The containers are placed in a dark place without access to sunlight. If storage conditions are met, nuts can be stored for 12 months. When placed next to other nuts, the shelf life may be shorter, so it is recommended to store hazelnuts, almonds or walnuts in separate containers.

Almond flour

The product obtained as a result of processing nut pulp. Almond flour is hygroscopic, it has a good ability to absorb and retain moisture. Confectionery and bakery products prepared on its basis retain freshness longer. The chemical composition and calorie content of the product are the same as almonds. Interestingly, the beneficial components of the nut kernel are preserved even after heat treatment. In addition, almond flour contains practically no gluten, which means it is suitable for people sensitive to the complex protein of cereals. It is recommended to use it for anemia, convulsions, visual impairment, and insomnia.

Unlike premium grain flour, which is depleted in vitamins, almond flour contains carotene, tocopherol, choline, niacin, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. As a result, dishes made from nut powder have higher nutritional value and are healthier for the human body.

What can you cook with almond flour:

  • French macarons;
  • desserts frangipane and marzipan;
  • cream;
  • genoise and decoise biscuits, pastries, cakes;
  • cookies, sweets;
  • puddings;
  • casseroles, porridges, pates.

In Mediterranean cooking, almond flour is used not only for making sweet products. It is introduced into first and second courses, added to sauces and fillings for snack pies. This is a universal product for thickening almost any dish. People following a low-carb diet and proper nutrition use almond powder instead of refined flour to make dough bases and breadings.

How to make at home

The technology for producing almond flour depends on what you want to get as a result. There are only two options.

From unshelled almonds

It has a brown color, which does not play a key role during the preparation of baked goods and salads. Often, unrefined almond flour is mixed with chocolate and added to dough and cream. In this case, the preparatory stage involves sorting out the kernels (separating good ones from spoiled ones) followed by washing in cold water.

From peeled almonds

A characteristic feature of the product is its snow-white color. Used to create sponge dough and delicate desserts in which the use of brown flour is not allowed.

Preparing white nut powder is a labor-intensive process, as it involves peeling the skins from the almonds. First of all, fill the pan with hot water, throw the kernels into it, and leave for 5 minutes. Then drain the liquid and rinse under running cold water. Repeat this procedure, increasing the interval of keeping the almonds in boiling water to 10 minutes. After the second time, the steamed skin will come off without effort.

Remember, before chopping, the sorted washed almonds need to be dried, otherwise you will get nut pulp instead of flour. To do this, preheat the oven to 70 degrees, cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, distribute the kernels (previously cut into 2-3 parts) over the surface, hold for no more than 20 minutes. Make sure they don't burn. Cool the dried almonds and start grinding.

Methods for grinding nuts into flour

In a blender

Place the dried almond kernels in a blender bowl (no more than half its volume). Turn on the device for 20 seconds at medium speed. Then tap the sides of the bowl to shake off any stuck flour particles. Turn on the device again for 30 seconds. Knock the finished almond flour off the sides of the bowl.

In a coffee grinder

Grinding sweet grains using this method requires a special approach, but the final product will be very thin and delicate. Almonds are crushed in short bursts of no longer than 20 seconds with breaks between each approach. If the grinder is left running for too long, the blades will heat up and turn the powder into a paste.

In a meat grinder

Scroll the almond kernels several times to break up any remaining large particles.

The finest grind is obtained if you grind the grains using a coffee grinder, and the coarsest grind is obtained with a meat grinder. It is recommended to use almond flour immediately after cooking, since after a while it cakes into lumps and loses its nutty aroma. Despite the fact that fatty acids do not go rancid (they are in a stable form), it is better to prevent oxidative reactions. To do this, pour almond flour into a glass jar, close the lid tightly, and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months.

Use in cooking

It is used in cooking in the production of almond milk, enriched with fats, healthy proteins, and distinguished by a delicate taste. Chopped nuts are added to desserts and main dishes of Asian and European cuisines. In a vegetarian diet, nuts can be used if you are intolerant to milk proteins and lactose.

Flour is made from nuts, which is used for baking, making candies, milk smoothies, natural yoghurts, and cocktails. Flour is added to sauces and fresh salads to enrich dishes with proteins and increase their nutritional value.

Sliced ​​or grated almonds are used as a filling for pies, casseroles, and added to meat dishes, fruit or dairy desserts. Powder is sprinkled on cereals, cakes, drinks, ice cream.

The kernels can be fried in oil with seasonings, salt and used as a filling for snacks. The product can be caramelized with honey and sugar, mixed with spices. Almond oil is used as a dressing for salads, vegetable dishes, cream soups, baked meat (including poultry), and to give desserts a piquant aroma.

the nut is used in cooking to make tasty and healthy dishes

In confectionery products, almonds are used as a filler for fondant sweets, chocolate bars, marshmallows, marzipan, kozinaki, grilled cakes, and halva. Almond cream is used as an addition to ice cream, cakes, pancakes and waffles.

It is important to consider what almonds are combined with. Nuts can complement different types of chocolate (milk, bitter, white), used with sesame seeds, coconut flakes. As for vegetables, you can add almonds to dishes with eggplants, onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, fish, and cream. Cinnamon, saffron, turmeric, nutmeg, and aromatic herbs are combined with almond crumbs.

In what form is it better to eat nuts?

Experts recommend choosing how to consume almonds (roasted or raw), taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the chemical composition of the product.

In stores, nuts are offered raw, shelled or roasted. Raw nuts in shell need to be left for several hours in cool water with a pinch of salt; the soaked product is easy to peel.

When consuming roasted almonds, it is necessary to consider their benefits and harms. After roasting, the concentration of vitamins and minerals in nuts decreases, but this product is suitable for people who are intolerant to nut proteins. Heat treatment of almonds is also recommended if it is difficult to digest the raw product and heartburn occurs. Experts recommend roasting the nuts in this case. Which almonds are healthier is determined by the individual characteristics of the body.

To neutralize the taste and eliminate harmful components, nuts can be soaked. They are filled with brine in a 1:2 ratio and kept in it for 12-16 hours. In this way, harmful substances can be removed; the kernels are used as additives.

Recipes with almond flour

"Strawberry French Macaroon Cookies"


  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • sugar – 360 g;
  • food coloring – 4 g;
  • almond flour – 255 g;
  • dried lavender flowers – 5 g;
  • strawberry puree – 230 g;
  • pectin – 5 g;
  • powdered sugar – 240 g;
  • soy powder – 10 g;
  • water – 180 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the strawberry puree, add 15 g of sugar and pectin powder. Bring to a boil, sweeten with another 100 g of sucrose, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Add lavender flowers, lemon juice.
  2. Remove the pan with strawberry puree from the heat and cool.
  3. Heat water (120 ml), add sugar (80 g), soy powder, beat until smooth foam is obtained.
  4. Prepare syrup from water (60 ml) and sugar (170 g). Pour into the soy foam in a thin stream.
  5. Mix powdered sugar, coloring and almond flour. Add to soy mixture, stirring continuously.
  6. Fill a pastry bag with the prepared dough (it should flow from the spatula and shine), cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Form into small flat cakes.
  7. Place the baking sheet with macarons in the oven for 30 minutes, maintain the temperature at 150 degrees.
  8. Cool the cakes, combine the 2 halves using warm lavender-strawberry cream.

"Air cookies"


  • wheat flour – 25 g;
  • powdered sugar – 250 g;
  • almond flour – 100 g;
  • white from 3 eggs.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix powdered sugar with almond flour and egg whites. Beat the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Sift the wheat flour and add to the sugar mixture. Knead the dough. Make sure it has a liquid consistency.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment.
  4. Fill a pastry bag with dough and pipe out round cookies. Remember, it will expand in size as it cooks, so leave 3cm between them.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the baking tray in the oven. Bake for 20 minutes. The appearance of a golden brown crust indicates that the cookies are ready.

"Ferrero candy"


  • butter – 25 g;
  • hazelnuts – 100 g;
  • peeled almonds – 80 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 can;
  • coconut flakes – 200 g;
  • cocoa powder – 100 g.

Cooking recipe:

  1. Melt the butter in a water bath, add condensed milk and cocoa powder, stirring constantly.
  2. Grind the hazelnuts and add to the sweet mixture.
  3. Cool the chocolate mass, form into balls, place an almond nut inside, and roll each outside in coconut flakes.

Almond jam

Jam with the addition of almonds is not only tasty, but also very healthy. You can add the product to apricot, cherry or strawberry jam at the rate of 200 g per liter jar. Before combining the nuts with the berry mixture, you should boil them in water for 10 minutes; there is no need to chop them.

To prepare this delicacy, you can take dried or raw almonds. For the first option, the heat treatment time can be reduced to 5 minutes. The finished mixture is rolled into jars according to the usual principle and stored in a cool place.

Nutritional value and calorie content of raw and roasted almonds

Almonds are very nutritious, they contain a high amount of fat, about 50%, but this is much less than other nuts.

Nutritional value of raw almonds per 100g of product:

  • Proteins 22g
  • Fat 49.5g
  • Carbohydrates 21g

The energy value is 576 kcal.

Nutritional value of roasted almonds per 100g of product:

  • Proteins 22g
  • Fats 55g
  • Carbohydrates 19g

The energy value is 598 kcal.

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