Beneficial properties of apples and possible contraindications for the body

Fresh, ripe, aromatic apples are extremely tasty and healthy for humans. It’s not for nothing that Hippocrates said that if you eat one apple a day, you won’t get sick. The great Avicenna also claimed that eating an apple on an empty stomach every morning prolongs youth and gives strength.

And these days, doctors say that it is necessary to include fruits, and especially apples, in your diet. In addition, apples are available to almost everyone, they store well, and in the modern world there are several hundred different varieties, and everyone can choose to their taste.

Chemical composition and calorie content of apples

Any nutritionist will recommend apples as low-calorie foods with only 47 kcal.

In addition, they contain a lot of fiber, which is absorbed by the body for a long time and the feeling of hunger comes later. Fiber is also necessary for the gastrointestinal tract; it enhances intestinal motility and helps remove toxins.

Almost 80% of apples consist of water, and 13-14% of carbohydrates, almost 8% of these minerals and vitamins, and only 1% of proteins and fats.

The apple contains many vitamins and microelements that the body needs for normal functioning.

Chemical composition and calorie content of apples

This fruit strengthens the immune system, maintains constant blood sugar levels, strengthens blood vessels and even cleans teeth. There are even special apple diets that allow you to lose several kilograms in a matter of days.

Properties of apples

The benefits of ripe fruits are determined by their composition. They contain a large amount of antioxidants. To feel good, you need to eat apples daily, the benefits and harms of which for the body have long been determined by scientists. Among the medicinal properties of apples, their beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system and intestines are known. Certain benefits from fruits become noticeable when they are consumed wisely - you should not eat one kilogram of fruits at a time.

Product also:

  • improves metabolic processes
  • enhances peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract
  • prevents the formation of salts
  • improves blood quality
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones
  • saturates the body with useful substances, including iron

The product must be used to prevent cancer. They are useful for pancreatic diseases and Alzheimer's disease. Fruits improve thought processes, have a beneficial effect on brain structures, and help improve memory.

One of the properties of fruits is the stabilization of cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of tasty fruits prevents the development of plaques in blood vessels. If your cholesterol level is high, an apple brings it back to normal.

The benefits of apples for the human body

Thanks to the easily digestible carbohydrates contained in any variety of apples, they are an ideal remedy for constipation and perfectly cleanse the body of toxins.

Since all harmful substances are eliminated and the body is cleansed, we see an acceleration of metabolism as a result. And this, in turn, improves the general condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails.

Apples cleanse not only the intestines, but also the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Even one fasting day spent on apples helps you feel light and lose from 0.5 to 1.5 kg of excess weight.

Apples are a dietary product; they can be added to almost any dish, making them lighter and healthier.

Health Benefits of Apples

Apple is a unique fruit that helps fight many diseases in the human body, saturating it with beneficial micro and macroelements. Let's understand all its advantages below.

Anti-inflammatory activity

Apples contain phenols, flavonoids and carotenoids - compounds that help fight chronic diseases and prevent cancer. In addition, regular consumption of apples in your diet helps prevent many autoimmune diseases.

They cleanse arteries, suppress inflammatory reactions, and protect against the negative effects of oxidative stress.

It is thanks to the presence of polyphenols (natural antioxidants) in the peel that apples are able to fight inflammatory processes occurring in the intestines by suppressing the activity of inflammatory T cells (T lymphocytes) - this was the conclusion made by scientists from the USA, publishing their scientific work in a popular journal Journal of Leukocyte Biology.

Viruses and germs
Anti-inflammatory activity of apples

Availability of fiber

The average apple contains about 15 grams of fiber (dietary fiber), of which almost 4 g are soluble fiber, the rest is insoluble.

Soluble fiber (pectin and inulin) normalizes blood pressure, maintains a healthy cardiovascular system, and lowers cholesterol levels. Also, recent studies say that pectin reduces the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's .

Inulin heals the intestinal microflora, relieves a person from bloating, constipation, heartburn, being by its nature a natural probiotic.

Insoluble fiber (lignins, lignans, cellulose, hemicellulose), that is, not digested in the body, plays an equally important role in life, namely:

  • cleanses the liver, promotes its regeneration
  • has an antitumor effect
  • improves digestion, stimulates intestinal motility
  • reduces slagging of intestinal walls
  • normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels (along with soluble fiber)

Red apple slicesAvailability of fiber in apples
In addition, increasing in volume, fiber saturates, helping control appetite.

Activation of digestion

Apples heal all components of the digestive tract. The phytonutrients that make up the apple (one of the main ones is found in the peel - quercetin) alkalize the body, helping to balance the pH level, protect the body from harmful bacteria, and strengthen the immune system.

Healthy Digestion

Thanks to the presence of fiber, constipation is eliminated. Pectin, which is part of apples, is a natural diuretic, removes excess fluid, improves digestion, cleanses the blood of harmful substances, binds fats in the digestive tract (including “bad” cholesterol), toxins, heavy metals, bile acids and promotes their elimination.

Help with weight loss

With a high vitamin value, the fruits are low in calories and consist mainly of water and fiber. They break down and remove fats, maintain stable blood sugar levels, and accelerate metabolism.

Popular sour apple varieties:

  • Semerenko
  • White filling
  • Antonovka
  • Bessemyanka
  • Welsey
  • Pink Lady
  • Granny Smith

For people who are watching their figure, we recommend choosing sour apples; they have less sugar and therefore fewer calories.

In addition, fiber has such an important property for active people as accelerating the removal of lactic acid , which means that the recovery process and aerobic training (running, jumping rope, jumping, swimming, etc.) will be more effective.

Slender girl and green apple
Apples help you lose weight

And also, do not forget that the body spends a decent amount of calories on processing fiber, sometimes much more than it receives from the product itself, so it turns out that you eat and lose weight. Beauty! However, you shouldn’t be too happy, you won’t last long on one bowl of apples, everything should be balanced on the menu, in terms of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And in this case, an apple is an excellent healthy fruit for weight loss, it gives a feeling of fullness , and enriches the body with micro and macroelements.

Source of antioxidants

In terms of the concentration of phenolic compounds, apples are in second place among fruits and berries (after cranberries). They contain quercetin, phlorizin, catechins , and chlorogenic acid.

The compounds prevent the proliferation (growth) of cancer cells . It is preferable to eat them with the peel, as it contains the maximum amount of antioxidants (6 times more than in the pulp) and healthy fatty acids.

Beneficial properties of apples for the body
Apples as a rich source of antioxidants

Heart support

Pectin naturally corrects cholesterol and improves lipid profile. Polyphenols have a positive effect on cardiac markers (proteins entering the blood during injury to the hollow muscle organs, at the initial stage of the disease).

Apples have antihypertensive , which means they lower blood pressure.

Doctor in a white coat and a red heart
Heart Health Support

Source of iron and vitamin C

One fruit supplies about 15% of the daily value of vitamin C.

Vitamin C supports visual acuity, immunity, and brain activity. It’s not for nothing that apples are called “rejuvenating” in fairy tales - they slow down the aging process, accelerate skin regeneration, and heal wounds.

Also, do not forget that apples are a source of easily digestible iron . At the same time, iron ions are absorbed only when there is enough vitamin C in the body.

In 2020, research (in the chemical laboratory of the Bashkir State University), as a result of which, the record for the content of vitamin C in 100 grams of product was set by the apple variety:

  • Spartak – 21.55 mg
  • White filling – 20.32 mg

The worst situation with vitamin C is in the Galla apple variety (10.61 mg) and Granny Smith (6.81 mg).

Apple in section
Apple as a rich source of vitamin C and other microelements

High boron concentration

Per 100 grams of apple, there are approximately 245 mcg of boron.

The trace element boron increases bone strength, preventing osteoporosis . Helps build muscle mass, helps insulin lower blood sugar levels more effectively, and supports brain function and reproductive function.

A deficiency of the element is fraught with chronic fatigue, the development of arthritis, and mood changes.

Diabetes management

Apples contain sugar. At the same time, the flavonoids present in them increase insulin . They have a low glycemic index and release sugar into the bloodstream slowly.

Therefore, we conclude that an apple, even with diabetes (of course, depending on the type), will not harm your health, the sugar level will rise slowly, and the benefits for the body, thanks to the rich presence of micro and macroelements in it, will be majestic.

If you suffer from diabetes and are reading this article, then we can conditionally recommend that if you have type 2 diabetes, then the norm will be 1 apple a day, if type 1, then ½ an apple, but in any case, diabetes is a serious disease from which you die 2 million people per year in the world diet , consultation with an endocrinologist is mandatory!

Blood sugar test with device
Diabetes and apples

Asthma control

Apples heal the lungs and bronchi, reducing organ hypersensitivity and the risk of developing asthma. The flavonoids they contain help control asthma symptoms.

If you are predisposed to asthma, your diet should include 3-4 fruits per week.

In addition, due to the large presence of antioxidants in apples, the risk of developing obstructive bronchitis , which, if neglected, can lead to asthma, is reduced.

Girl with an inhaler (for asthma)
Asthma control

Natural energy drink

Apples are an ideal food to eat before or after a workout. They provide an energy boost due to the presence of fructose and glucose . They increase performance, endurance, concentration, and help to quickly restore strength after training.

The body effectively uses the incoming sugar, directing it to replenish glycogen - a polysaccharide that restores muscles, which is used by the body when performing strength exercises, along the path of anaerobic glycolysis (who is interested in reading about the energy of muscle contraction, we recommend that you read this article).

Green apple, dumbbell, measuring tape and bottle of water
Apple as a natural energy drink

Which apples are healthier: red, green or yellow?

Which apples are healthier: red, green or yellow?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since all apples are healthy. Especially if they are grown without GMOs and chemical fertilizers. But in color, they differ due to the different amount of coloring pigment in their peel.

Green apples

Green apples are considered the most hypoallergenic. Many claim that they contain much more iron than other varieties. But this is rather a misconception.

There is a fairly simple way to find out how much iron is in an apple.

To do this, the ripe fruit must be cut and left in the open air for several minutes. The faster the apple darkens, that is, oxidizes, the more ferrous compounds it contains.

Indeed, these days, fruit producers resort to various dishonest tricks in order to preserve the harvest as long as possible and sell it as expensive as possible. Therefore, it happens that apples that have been lying around for several days still retain the same perfect glossy appearance.

But sometimes the word green refers to unripe, sour fruits that make your cheekbones ache with acid. But this sour taste is not from excess iron, but from the huge content of malic acid.

Red apples

Red apples are extremely appetizing and contain a large amount of coloring pigment, which can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children. In addition, they should be consumed with caution by people with gastrointestinal or upper respiratory tract problems.

Yellow apples

Yellow apples are not as allergenic as red ones. But they should also be eaten with caution by people prone to inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi. It is these apples that are most useful for people with problems with the liver and gall bladder.

All yellow vegetables and fruits (yellow pumpkin, quince, melons, pears, corn, etc.) are good for the digestive system. They also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and strengthen the immune system.

But the most delicious and healthy apples grow on your own plot and on those apple trees that you planted and grew yourself.

Which apples to choose? Red, yellow and green

The color of a ripe apple means that it contains certain pigments. In addition, the benefits of apples are directly related to this pigment, and indicate the different concentrations of other substances characteristic of each variety.

  • Green apples.

    Most nutritionists consider green apples to be the healthiest. First of all, this is due to the fact that green fruits are generally easier to accept by any organism and are much less likely than others (yellow, red, black) to cause specific allergic reactions. Therefore, children need to be given green apples, which, moreover, contain more malic acid, which promotes digestion. It has been scientifically proven that green apples contain more ascorbic acid and have a lower glycemic index compared to red and yellow ones. This means that after eating them, the level of glucose in the blood rises more slowly, so diets for diabetics and patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system must indicate: eat only green apples.

  • Red apples.

    Red apples are famous for their aesthetic beauty; they are most often used in various advertisements, although green ones are more profitable in terms of their content of nutrients. Red apples most often contain less acid (which means they are harder on the stomach) and more sugar (which makes them dangerous for diabetics and increases the risk of tooth decay in children).

  • Yellow apples.

    The fruits of yellow varieties differ significantly in taste from the previous two. One of the most popular yellow apples, the Golden variety, is not liked by everyone, as it contains more pectin, but less iron compounds. Although it is better to check the concentration of iron compounds yourself by observing their oxidation after cutting the pulp. With this simple practical method, you can see the difference in iron content even in apples from the same tree. Yellow apples also heal the liver and promote the elimination of bile.

The benefits of apple peel and seeds

Apple seeds: benefits and harms

The benefits of apple peel and seeds

If apples are healthy, then there is no clear opinion about their seeds. Because they contain a certain substance that can decompose to cyanine, a substance extremely harmful to humans.

But the opinions of nutritionists are divided precisely because apple seeds can bring many benefits:

  • they are beneficial for the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine systems,
  • the substances that make up the seeds destroy microbes and bacteria, prevent infections from multiplying,
  • they contain lethril, which prevents cancer cells from multiplying, i.e. they can serve as a kind of cancer prevention,
  • have an anti-migraine effect, help with spasms and headaches,
  • they can be used to prepare unique scrubs and other homemade cosmetics that have a beneficial effect on skin condition, slow down aging, remove wrinkles,
  • the iodine content in seeds improves memory and attention,
  • they facilitate the work of the liver due to the high content of oxalic acid,
  • If you eat apples with their seeds, then the high potassium content will help the cardiovascular system work.

As you can see, the benefits of these little ones are much greater than the harm.

Apple peel benefits and harms

The benefits of apple peel

The lion's share of vitamins and minerals is contained in the peel of apples. But, unfortunately, it cannot always be used in food.

  • Some varieties of fruit have quite hard skins that many people have to peel off.
  • Because apples are treated with pesticides and other chemicals, the peel also has to be cut off.

But if the apples are grown at your own dacha, then it is better to eat the fruits with the peel.

The calorie content of the peel of one medium-sized apple is 18 kcal, i.e. 1% of daily value. Recent studies have shown that it is the peel that contains antioxidants, which are so necessary to maintain the body in working condition.

What are the benefits of apples for the human body?

Here are 9 scientifically proven health benefits of apples.

May promote weight loss

Apples are rich in fiber and water, which, when consumed, promotes a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

In one study, people who ate apple slices before meals felt more full in their stomachs than those who consumed applesauce, apple juice, or no apple products ().

In the same study, those who started their lunch with apple slices also consumed an average of 200 fewer calories than those who did not ().

In another 10-week study of 50 overweight women, participants who ate apples lost an average of 1 kg more and consumed fewer calories overall compared to those who ate oatmeal cookies with similar calorie and fiber content () .

Researchers believe that apples can promote weight loss because they are lower in calories and make your stomach feel fuller because they contain fiber and have good volume.

In addition, some of the natural compounds they contain may promote weight loss.

A study in obese mice found that those given a supplement of ground apples and apple juice concentrate lost more weight and had lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol than the control group ().


Apples can help you lose weight in several ways. Due to their high fiber content, they also have good bulk, which helps keep your stomach full and results in less food and calorie intake overall.

Good for the heart

Apples are associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease ().

One reason may be that apples contain soluble fiber, which can help lower blood cholesterol levels.

They also contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects. Many of them are concentrated in the peel.

One of these polyphenols is the flavonoid epicatechin, which may lower blood pressure.

An analysis of studies found that high intake of flavonoids was associated with a 20% reduction in the risk of stroke ().

Flavonoids may help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, and acting as antioxidants ().

Another study comparing the effects of eating apples daily and taking statins, a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, concluded that apples were almost as effective as the drugs in reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease ().

However, since this was not a controlled study, the results should be taken with a grain of salt.

Another study found that eating white-fleshed fruits and vegetables, such as apples and pears, reduces the risk of stroke. For every 25 grams of apples, the risk of stroke decreases by 9% ().


Apples promote heart health in several ways. They contain high amounts of soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels. They also contain polyphenols, which lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

Associated with lower risk of diabetes

Several studies have linked eating apples to a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes ().

In one large study, eating an apple a day was associated with a 28% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with no apples. Even eating just a few apples per week had a similar protective effect ().

It is possible that the polyphenols in apples help prevent damage to pancreatic beta cell tissue. Beta cells produce insulin in the body and are often damaged in people with type 2 diabetes.


Eating apples reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This may be due to the polyphenolic antioxidants they contain.

May help improve intestinal microflora

Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic. This means that it feeds the beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

During digestion, the small intestine does not absorb fiber. Instead, it ends up in the colon, where it can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. Pectin is also converted into other beneficial compounds that circulate throughout your body ().

A new study suggests this may be responsible for some of the protective effects of apples against obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


The pectin found in apples feeds beneficial bacteria and may be the reason eating them protects against obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

May help prevent cancer

Test-tube studies have shown a link between plant compounds in apples and a lower risk of cancer ().

Additionally, one study in women found that eating apples was associated with lower cancer mortality rates ().

Scientists believe that their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may be responsible for their potential anti-cancer effects ().


Apples contain several natural compounds that may help fight cancer. Observational studies link them to a lower risk of developing cancer and dying from cancer.

Contains compounds that help fight asthma

Apples are rich in antioxidants and may help protect the lungs from oxidative damage.

A large study of more than 68,000 women found that those who ate the most apples had the lowest risk of developing asthma. Eating about 15% of a large apple per day was associated with a 10% reduction in the risk of developing this disease ().

Apple peel contains the flavonoid quercetin, which helps regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. These are two ways that apples can affect asthma and allergic reactions ().


Apples contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help regulate immune responses and protect against asthma.

Good for bone health

Eating fruit is associated with higher bone density, a marker of bone health.

Researchers believe that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in fruits may help improve bone density and strength.

Some research suggests that apples, in particular, may have a positive effect on bone health ().

In one study, women ate a diet that included either fresh apples, peeled apples, applesauce, or no apple products at all. Those who ate apples lost less calcium from their bodies than the control group ().


The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in apples may promote bone health. What's more, eating fruit may help maintain bone mass as you age.

Protects the stomach from NSAIDs

A class of painkillers known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can damage the lining of the stomach.

A test-tube and rat study found that freeze-dried apple extract helped protect stomach cells from damage caused by NSAIDs ().

Two plant compounds in apples - chlorogenic acid and catechin - are considered especially beneficial ().

However, human studies are needed to confirm these results.


Apples contain compounds that may help protect the stomach lining from damage associated with NSAID painkillers.

May protect your brain

Most research has focused on the skin and pulp of apples.

However, apple juice may be beneficial for age-related cognitive decline.

In animal studies, juice concentrate reduced the amount of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) in brain tissue and minimized mental decline ().

Apple juice may help preserve acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that can decline with age. Low levels of acetylcholine have been linked to Alzheimer's disease ().

Similarly, researchers who fed older rats whole apples found that the rats' memory marker was restored to the level of younger rats ().

However, whole apples contain the same compounds as apple juice, and it's always a good idea to eat the fruit whole.


According to animal studies, apple juice may help prevent the decline in levels of neurotransmitters involved in memory.

In what form is it healthier to eat apples?

It is believed that you need to eat at least two juicy apples a day, only then will there be real health benefits. And of course it is preferable to eat fresh fruit. But baked, dried and soaked apples are no less beneficial for the body.


  • Baked apples are better absorbed by the body, although they contain much less vitamins, which are destroyed during baking.
  • If you bake peeled apples, their pulp helps with dysbiosis, constipation, chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis.
  • They gently restore the functioning of the excretory system, help remove dosage forms from the body, and they are very simple to prepare.

Baked apples recipe

Baked apples

Place washed apples (peeled if desired) on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the fruit.

First you need to make several punctures in the pulp. Of course, this is the most basic recipe. And experienced chefs bake apples with various additives, creams and sauces, but this only increases the calorie content of the product.


Dried apples

Dried apples are very healthy because they contain a lot of fiber and carbohydrates. But vitamin C is completely destroyed in them. They should be used with caution when dieting, since the calorie content in this case increases 5-6 times. But as a source of energy obtained from slow carbohydrates, they are irreplaceable.

During the fruit picking season, apples are cut into thin slices and placed on sheets in the sun, covered with gauze to prevent insects. These slices need to be turned over from time to time so that they are evenly dried on all sides.


Pickled apples

Unfortunately, soaked apples are little known these days. And they were once very popular. And almost every housewife put a barrel of soaked Antonovka in the cellar. After all, it is when the fruits are soaked that they retain all their beneficial properties and acquire a piquant taste due to the spices added to the marinade.

Such apples increase the body's resistance to colds and also produce a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

But they should be eaten with caution by people with high acidity of gastric juice.

Pickled apples recipe at home - video

Apples: what is possible and what is not?

Can you eat apples for gastritis?

Apples can be included in the diet of patients with hyperacidity gastritis, but during an exacerbation period, preference should be given to sweet varieties and eaten baked. For gastritis, it is useful to consume sour apples of green varieties in grated form on an empty stomach in the morning, combining this with a special diet that excludes sweet, fatty and spicy foods, fresh bread and other foods that provoke intestinal irritation. The use of apples for medicinal purposes for gastritis is carried out in courses - the first month they need to be eaten fresh daily in the morning, in the second month three times a week is enough. During periods of exacerbation, it is recommended to eat only baked apples without sugar for two weeks.

As already mentioned, it is better not to eat apples at night - they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, increase appetite and promote increased gas formation, which is not combined with normal sleep.

Can you eat apples while breastfeeding?

Green apples are the safest for consumption; they can be consumed even by women weakened after childbirth to refresh themselves and supply the body with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. During pregnancy and after it, intestinal function may be disrupted; women often experience constipation - apples help solve this problem. But there is one caveat - raw vegetables and fruits can provoke increased gas formation, so if you experience noticeable discomfort after eating apples, you should abstain from these fruits. This risk can be minimized if you eat baked apples.

Red apples should be consumed with caution during breastfeeding. Firstly, plant pigments, which give the skin of the fruit a red tint, are often allergens and can cause rashes and intestinal disorders in a newborn. Secondly, red apples are most often sweet varieties, and sugars in combination with fruit acids damage tooth enamel and promote the leaching of calcium from the body, which is especially dangerous for nursing mothers, who already lose a lot of calcium in breast milk. In addition, a large amount of carbohydrates in sweet apples can cause pain and colic in an infant, disrupting the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Apples contain a biologically available mineral complex, supply the body with calcium, sodium and iron, help restore hemoglobin levels when they drop and normalize blood pressure. The increased content of dietary fiber in apples helps to normalize the digestive system and intestinal cleansing processes - it is enough to eat one apple a day to get the required daily fiber intake.

Baked apples are not only a tasty and aromatic dessert, but also a very healthy product. In this form, apples are more easily absorbed by the body; during baking, pectin substances are concentrated in them, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and not only help with intestinal disorders, normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, but also accelerate the recovery process of a woman after childbirth. Preparing such a dish is very simple and quick - it takes two to three minutes to core the apples (the inside can be filled with honey and chopped walnuts) and fifteen minutes to bake.

Apples are useful not only for nursing mothers, but are also used as the first complementary food for six-month-old babies - it is better to choose green and yellow apples for this purpose, so as not to provoke allergic rashes in the child.

Do apples have iron?

Dried apples are rich in iron, so they can be included in the diet to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood - 100 grams of dried apples contain up to 2.0 mg of iron, and in addition - rutin, vitamin C and folic acid, which makes iron better absorbed. The iron content in apples of sour varieties is higher; such an apple can be visually identified by its tart taste and rapid darkening at the site of the cut or bite of the fruit. The apple flesh turns brown due to iron oxidation, so quickly darkening apples are the healthiest for people with anemia and brittle blood vessels. Only apples must be dried.

There is also a folk remedy to “enrich” an apple with iron - to do this, stick a nail into it for two to three days. However, this recipe is rather dubious, since a nail can introduce bacteria that cause infectious diseases into the fruit.

Is it possible to freeze apples for the winter?

If you do not have a cellar to store fresh fruits in winter, you can freeze them in the refrigerator, where they can be safely stored for up to 12 months, maintaining their beneficial properties and taste. You can freeze apples either in the form of slices or crushed into puree - such preparations are convenient to use for making charlotte, pie filling and puff pastries. If the size of the refrigerator compartment allows, you can even freeze apples whole.

The main condition for preserving the beneficial properties of the product is to use only fresh fruits without signs of spoilage when freezing, do not refreeze them and prevent moisture and air from entering the storage container.

Do picked apples ripen during storage?

Unlike fruits such as pears, kiwis and persimmons, apples do not ripen during storage, which is why it is very important to choose the right time for harvesting.

Apples have an interesting feature that is often used by farmers - during storage they release ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of other fruits. So, if you put an apple and store it next to unripe pears, they will quickly become fragrant and soft. However, it is not recommended to store apples next to potatoes - this will have a bad effect on the quality of both products. The apples will acquire a starchy aroma and taste, and the shelf life of the potatoes will decrease.

Is it possible to eat apples at night?

There is no single answer to this controversial question. On the one hand, an apple eaten before bed helps satisfy hunger while consuming a small amount of calories. Also, in the absence of proper conditions (for example, on a hike), an apple helps clean teeth from plaque and prevent the proliferation of carious bacteria.

On the other hand, fruit eaten at night stimulates the appetite, which will make you eat something extra, and the fiber contained in apples can provoke colitis and flatulence.

Therefore, in order to make the right decisions about the benefits of an evening apple, you can also watch this video:

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

How to properly store apples at home

How to properly store apples at home

In order to preserve your apple harvest for as long as possible, you first need to pick them correctly from the tree:

  • fruits should not be hit, dropped, squeezed too much,
  • they must be free of scratches and wormholes,
  • Apples should only be picked in dry, preferably sunny, weather.

All collected fruits must be sorted into large, medium, small and damaged.

Large apples store worse than medium and small ones, so it is better to eat them immediately or leave them for making jam or compote.

It is advisable to place apples in storage containers (wooden boxes with holes are best).

Fruits must be stored in a special room where a strict temperature regime is set from 0 to +3 degrees, and with a humidity not higher than 85%. If the temperature is too high, apples dry out, wither and rot.

We recommend reading: Useful properties of viburnum and recipes

In a fruit storage room, it is imperative to whitewash the walls and treat the floor with ferrous sulfate.

How to eat apples correctly

In order for apples to be beneficial, you need to follow some rules when consuming them. So, eating fruits is not recommended as a dessert. The harm from an apple after eating is that the fruit instantly oxidizes and begins to ferment in the stomach.

An apple for breakfast will be beneficial, since vitamins and minerals will be absorbed as quickly as possible. There will also be benefits from an apple in the evening - eaten shortly before dinner, it will help to better absorb food.

Attention! The benefits and harms of eating an apple on an empty stomach in the morning are ambiguous - with a sensitive stomach and severe hunger, the fruit can have a negative effect and increase acidity.

How many apples can you eat a day

Despite all the beneficial properties of the fruit, it is not recommended to abuse them. 2-4 apples per day will be enough for a healthy person. Since these fruits contain quite a lot of sugar and organic acids, in larger quantities they will be harmful to health.

Is it possible to eat apples at night?

The benefits and harms of apples at night is a controversial question that cannot be answered unequivocally. Low-calorie fruits shortly before bedtime help satisfy hunger without harming the stomach. In addition, the benefits of apples for teeth are evident - the fruits help clean off plaque formed during the day and prevent the occurrence of caries.

But on the other hand, the benefits of an apple at night can turn out to be harmful. Sometimes the fruit only awakens the appetite and also leads to flatulence and discomfort in the intestines due to its high fiber content.


Contraindications for apples

  • Despite all their unique properties, apples should still be eaten with caution by people suffering from stomach diseases, and during periods of exacerbation, they should be completely abandoned.
  • There is an allergy, especially to bright and exotic varieties of apples.
  • If you have bloating and flatulence, it is also better not to eat raw vegetables and fruits, but eat them baked.

BUT remember that Hippocrates also said that moderation is needed everywhere. Therefore, no matter how much you love fruits and no matter how healthy they are, still stick to reasonable measures.

Precautionary measures

  1. Apples, along with peaches and kiwi, can cause itching of the skin around the mouth, sore throat, skin rashes, and allergic reactions.
  2. Due to the presence of short-chain carbohydrates, they are contraindicated in people whose bodies cannot absorb these compounds.
  3. If there is an excess in the diet, it causes fermentation in the intestines and discomfort in the stomach.
  4. It is advisable to consume them as a snack, not combining them with sweet and starchy foods or carbonated drinks.
  5. Apples do not go well with protein foods due to the different digestion period (apples are digested much faster).
  6. Contraindicated for ulcers. They cause dyspepsia during gastritis (in this case, eat them only baked).
  7. The apple mono-diet provokes colitis, increased gas formation, heartburn, and constipation.
  8. If you have diabetes, choose unsweetened varieties after consulting with an endocrinologist.

And, of course, do not forget that apple seeds, like many other fruits (peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, etc.) contain the organic compound Amygdalin , which forms the poison cyanide .

Therefore, in large quantities, apples are simply dangerous for humans, however, like everything else, it is not without reason that Professor Paracelsus said: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Only the dose makes medicine poison and poison medicine.”

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Apples: benefits and harms for the human body

Some fruits are the subject of fairy tales and legends, and everyone has probably heard about “rejuvenating” apples. But are the qualities of apples as good for humans as they are described? To answer this question you need to understand the components.

What are the benefits of apples? Features of the composition of apples

It is impossible to name the exact amount of important ingredients and microelements in the composition of the fruit. It varies and depends on the variety, maturity and even location.

It is known for sure that the composition of each apple includes:

  • fiber and water;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates (including monosaccharides);
  • dietary insoluble fiber;
  • proteins and fats;
  • pectins.

A special property of pectin and organic dietary fiber is that they allow you to break down and remove fats and cholesterol.

What are the benefits of apples for children and adults?
What are the benefits of apples for children and adults?

But that’s not all that an apple is good for. It contains a high content of substances necessary for humans, such as:

  • vitamins: C, B1, A, B2;
  • acids: folic, nicotinic (niacin);
  • minerals: fluorine, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, iron, sodium, iodine.

The content of important components of apples is amazing due to micro and macro elements. At the same time, the calorie content of the product is very low. There are only 45 calories per hundred grams.

Apple cuisine

Various fruits are liked to be added to food. Considering the beneficial properties of apples, they are given special value and prepared in all possible ways:

  1. They are prepared for the winter. They make purees, jams, preserves, marmalades and marshmallows;
  2. Used as an additive to sweet pies, deli meats, and poultry dishes;
  3. They are also dried, frozen, scalded;
  4. They are boiled and heat treated without preparation. Soaked, baked with honey, marinated in sweet sauces.

However, when preparing gourmet food, it is worth considering that the benefits of apples and the substance content in them depend on the method of processing the products.

Apples in medicine

The medical community has found no shortage of tasty apples. Having studied and analyzed the beneficial properties of fruits, doctors confirmed their positive effect on the human body and introduced the fight against many diseases into the diet of their patients with the goal of a speedy recovery. It is able to support all body systems, rejuvenate cells and fight serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes and many others. So the apple fell into another branch of human existence - medicine.

For diabetes

According to experts, juicy fruits are essential for people with diabetes. This is due to the following specific properties of the apple: the glycemic index of the product is about 35 units with a norm of up to 55. This means that the likelihood of hyperglycemia is negligible.

Vitamins and minerals strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protect against atherosclerosis, and remove cholesterol. These are the most common disorders in diabetics. It’s better to take a not quite “beautiful” apple, but its benefits will be many times higher than those of its “waxy” and pesticide-filled “neighbors”!

After purchasing apples or harvesting sweet harvests, the question of product safety arises. To prolong the freshness of the product, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Select apples by size and variety.
  2. Remove those that have even small dents and tunnels.
  3. Under no circumstances should the apple stem be removed.
  4. Wipe with a light cloth.

In addition, experienced gardeners recommend leaving apples in the barn for 2 weeks after harvesting and only after that moving them to a warehouse equipped with special storage boxes.

  1. Wrap each apple in cloth or paper. You can also use sand, ash or onion skins. In any case, the apples cannot contact each other.
  2. The fruit should be arranged in a single layer in the box. The bag can be used after making several cuts to ensure sufficient air circulation.
  3. Fruits should be stored at temperatures between -1 and +1, avoiding rapid temperature changes.
  4. When storing apples, do not place other fruits with them so as not to damage the latter.
  5. Pick fruits from time to time and remove spoiled fruits.
  6. Apples should be stored in the refrigerator in the lower compartment specifically designed for fruit.

Another way to store them is in the ground.

  1. To do this, the fruits must be placed in plastic bags and placed in a dug hole with a diameter of 50 cm.
  2. Spruce branches should be placed on all sides of the fruit so that rodents cannot reach it. Cover the ground with leaves in advance. Thanks to this method, the fruit can remain in good condition until spring.
  3. The shelf life of a product depends entirely on its variety. It is better to freeze the “winter” variety, and then the apple will be able to enjoy its tasty and fresh pulp for a long time.

Calorie content and composition

The benefits and harms of apples are determined by their composition.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, 100g of fresh, unpeeled fruit contains: Table 1. Vitamins and minerals that determine the benefits of apples

NameContents per 100gUnit
Calorie content52kcal
Alimentary fiber2,4G
Glucose (dextrose)2,43G
Minerals, macro and microelements
Calcium, Ca6mg
Iron, Fe0,12mg
Magnesium, Mg5mg
Phosphorus, P11mg
Potassium, K107mg
Sodium, Na1mg
Zinc, Zn0,04mg
Copper, Cu0,027mg
Manganese, Mn0,035mg
Fluorine, F3,3mcg
Vitamin A3mcg
Lutein + zeaxanthin29mcg
Thiamine (B1)0,017mg
Riboflavin (B2)0,026mg
Nicotinic acid (B3)0,091mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)0,061mg
Vitamin B60,041mg
Folic acid (B9)3mcg
Vitamin C4,6mg
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol)0,18mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)2,2mcg
Amino acids
Aspartic acid0,07G
Glutamic acid0,025G

The beneficial properties of 100g of fresh apples with peel, indicating the daily intake, are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Daily intake of vitamins and minerals, which determines the benefits and harms of apples

NameContents per 100gUnit% of daily value
Calorie content52kcal3%
Total carbohydrates13,8G5%
Alimentary fiber2,4G10%
Fats and fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids9mg
Omega-6 fatty acids43mg
Vitamin A54IU1%
Alpha carotene0mcg
Beta carotene27mcg
Beta cryptoxanthin11mcg
Lutein + zeaxanthin29mcg
Vitamin C4,6mg8%
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol)0,2mg1%
Vitamin K2,2mcg3%
Thiamine (B1)0mg1%
Riboflavin (B2)0mg2%
Niacin (B3)0,1mg0%
Vitamin B60mg2%
Folate (B9)3mcg1%
Vitamin B120mcg0%
Pantothenic acid (B5)0,1mg1%
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