Do the plank for 5 minutes every day: what will happen to you in a month

The plank exercise is the best thing that was invented for lazy, unathletic women who dream of a good figure. Do you want to lose weight? Need to remove your stomach and sides? Or maybe you're not happy with your back or your arms? Try to do a plank and do it every day.

Fitness for the lazy is not a shame, it is very effective. This is a simple and practical way to get your body in order, while not much is required of you, and the result will be amazing! Changes will begin in a week, but in a month the effect will impress you.

Please note that if you have problems with the spine or are too heavy, you should do this exercise after consultation with a specialist and only under the supervision of an instructor. But if you just gained weight, your body has lost its flexibility and lightness, then “lie down and stand up” is an excellent solution. It won’t be easy at first, but just consider what will happen to you after a week of torment, which, by the way, in a week will already be just a morning procedure. You may not be able to stand for 1 minute in each pose at once (I didn’t succeed). But even if you start with 20-30 seconds, there will be an effect. The main thing is to gradually increase the time. I have some cool tips and tricks. Just don’t be lazy: read, watch, do. And tomorrow too!

Core exercises are one of the most effective ways to lose weight and remove excess fat from your waist. The plank exercise trains these muscles!

Your metabolism will speed up

Planks burn more calories than classic abdominal exercises. Twisting and lifting the body are great, but the plank speeds up the metabolism with less effort and for a long time: even at night the body will burn calories (don’t be alarmed: you won’t have to sleep in the plank, although... who knows what sporting peaks you will achieve in a couple of months).

plank exercise

Is it beneficial to do planks every day?

If the plank involves a short five-minute complex, reminiscent of exercise, then it will help improve overall physical well-being, strengthen the cardiovascular system, strengthen stabilizer muscles and most external muscle groups.

The plank also improves posture when performed correctly, as it helps strengthen the deep abdominal muscles.

Another important point is that the plank can be performed statically and dynamically.

  • Static plank hold involves an approach for 30-60 minutes without changing body position.
  • The dynamic version involves movement while performing the plank, which serves more as a starting position for the exercises. Dynamic variations of the plank engage more muscle groups, increase heart rate and metabolic rate in the body. And all this with its own weight. More about the dynamic bar →

Increased flexibility

Well, if you cannot reach the floor with your hands or, while sitting on the floor, you are not able to touch your head to your knee, then the plank will save you (and you urgently need to start doing it).

Thanks to the bar, the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, hips, and toes are stretched. Using the side plank you will work the oblique abdominal muscles. By increasing the flexibility of your whole body, you will be able to easily perform other exercises, and when it comes to sex, you will surprise both your partner and yourself: this is great!

good sex

Varieties of planks

There are many variations of the stand. They are used as endurance increases, when the classic stance no longer causes discomfort. The main condition is a straight body, like a stretched string. Consider the following static variations:

Important! While holding the stance, breathing should be even and calm; holding it is not recommended.

Stop freaking out and being nervous

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that become active in stressful situations. If you have a sedentary job, then you are nervous not only because of contacts with various wonderful people and misunderstandings. The body just becomes numb and tension arises on the physical level, which immediately affects the emotional state and psyche. In just a week you will look at the world differently (just do it every day).

It is very important that the lower back does not sag. The abdominal and buttock muscles should be in constant tension, while the stomach should be retracted. This will ensure the correct position of the pelvis.

Tuck your tailbone inward and keep your body parallel to the floor. If you feel like you can't, stop, rest and do the right thing.

plank exercise

Just 5 minutes a day will give you a boost of energy. In a week the results will be noticeable. They are not measured in kilograms. You'll just look and feel better. If you continue, in a month everything will be even better.

Benefits of exercise for men

The benefits of this element for men are as follows:

  1. There is a reduction in pain and the risk of spinal injuries.
  2. There is an improvement in posture. Due to the tension of the spinal muscles and abdominal muscles, the curved spine is gradually straightened. Correct posture is not only an aesthetic aspect, but also a guarantee of a healthy heart and respiratory system. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, the nerves are pinched, which can also lead to intercostal neuralgia. Regular, persistent planking will help gradually eliminate this problem.
  3. During the session, a large number of muscle groups are in a tense state, which helps to strengthen them. Due to this, under constant loads, muscle relief appears. It becomes clearer, more pronounced. But it should be borne in mind that the bar alone will not help get rid of fat deposits on the stomach or sides - this can only be achieved through a whole range of actions.
  4. Metabolism improves. This exercise should be one of the components of the exercise plan of a man who leads a sedentary lifestyle. It “accelerates” the blood well and improves its circulation. At the same time, the supply of oxygen to tissues improves, which helps normalize metabolism in the male body.
  5. The process of hormone secretion is stabilized. This applies not only to testosterone, but also to thyroid hormones. It is a well-known fact that the level of biologically active substances directly depends on a person’s physical activity. Physical inactivity is the worst enemy of hormonal levels, so a man leading a sedentary lifestyle needs to exercise regularly.

Thus, this element is very beneficial for the health and beauty of the male body.

Three tips to make the plank exercise easier:

  1. Use a watch with a second hand or a timer. During the plank, you need to breathe so that your navel tends to touch the spine. This is if you want to remove your belly. It’s hard to count to yourself at this time. Set a timer!
  2. Play some cool music Music is distracting. And if you pick up something truly incendiary, it will make it easier to stand in the plank.
  3. Make a wish I used the hint from Alexander Palienko. Now, when I’m standing, but want to go somewhere to the shower or to the kitchen, I tell myself: “The longer I stand, the younger and more beautiful I become. The longer I stand, the more money and health I will have. The longer I stand, the more peace and happiness there will be in life.” Or I make a clear wish and then, of course, I don’t give up.

Execution time and how many approaches to do

You need to start with a minimum period of 15 seconds. The number of approaches is from 1 to 3 per day. The second option is better and preferable, as it helps to achieve the desired results faster.

How many approaches should you perform in 1 day? It’s impossible to say for sure, since you need to study according to a strict schedule. You should not immediately put a strong load on the muscles, especially if they are not used to it.

Sample training plan for 4 weeks:

A weekDuration of exercise, secondsNumber of approachesBreak between approaches, secondsPause between classes, seconds

All these parameters can be changed, but it is important to remember one thing: you should not exercise immediately after eating. There should be at least 2 hours between meals and physical activity! On a note

This training scheme is approximate - you can easily develop your own schedule. But it is better to do this together with a competent fitness trainer who will assess your physical fitness and level of training.

On a note. This training scheme is approximate - you can easily develop your own schedule. But it is better to do this together with a competent fitness trainer who will assess your physical fitness and level of training.

Based on your indicators, he will create an accurate, correct, and most importantly, effective exercise plan that will help you tighten your figure and tone your body.

Tips for Beginners

Perform the exercise on a yoga mat or towel so that the hard floor does not cause additional discomfort to your elbows. Before exercise, warm up by stretching or doing some simple exercises for three minutes. The first days, stand in the plank for only 20 seconds. This is quite enough for a beginner. To make the exercise easier, place your feet hip-width apart.

If you don’t feel entirely confident in this position, then do it from your knees.

After a few days, when the muscles are stronger, make the knee plank more difficult by straightening one leg and holding it suspended. Stand like this for 30 seconds, then change legs. After finishing the exercise, we recommend taking balasana - child's pose. This will relieve tension and relax your core muscles.

How to hold a plank longer

Regular training will allow you to stand in the plank longer and more technically. But other points are also important:

  • Comfortable shoes and clothes. Make yourself comfortable in this sense. You should not be distracted by a top strap cutting your shoulder or a slipping sneaker.
  • A fairly soft mat or towel will allow you to stay in the pose longer. After all, the pain felt in your elbow from the hard floor can make you give up prematurely.
  • Ventilated room. You need oxygen.
  • Turn on the music.
  • Give yourself some peace, turn off your phone, and make sure that you are not inadvertently distracted.
  • Mentally motivate yourself. Words: “My body works, my muscles become stronger, I become more beautiful!” work great.
  • Warm up before exercise.
  • Use a stopwatch. When you see the seconds ticking by, it's motivating.

Popular planking options: technique, nuances and differences


Classic plank option

You should rest on your toes and forearms. The arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, the forearms are parallel to each other. Your body is a straight line from head to toe. Tighten your buttocks and leg muscles. Do not lower your pelvis, do not raise or lower your head. Breathing is even.

Full or straight arms

On straight arms

Straighten your arms and lift your hips, keeping your hands on the floor. This plank may even seem easier for some people who have a more developed upper body. This variation will make your shoulders more stable than the classic one. The fingers should be spread wide and the middle finger should point straight ahead. Rotate the inside of your elbow forward to engage your biceps.


Lateral on the elbow

Lie on your right side with your feet on top of each other. Place your lower right elbow directly under your right shoulder and lift your hip off the floor to create a straight line. You should feel tension in your waist area. Extend your left arm toward the ceiling or place it on your left thigh. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then repeat the same on the other, left side of the body. If you feel like one side of your body is stronger than the other, continue doing the same number of reps on each side to make them equally strong.

Lateral with leg lift

One leg lift

Once you have been able to hold a side plank for one minute, you can try this variation. Get into the side plank position and, holding the position, lift your upper leg a few centimeters from the floor, then, tensing your muscles and controlling the movement of your leg, lower it back. Perform 10 repetitions, then repeat on the other side.

Lateral with hips lowered

Standing in a side plank, lower your pelvis down without touching the floor, then return to the starting position. What gives? Increased load on obliques.

Full with leg lifts

With both legs raised

Start in a full plank position, pressing your hands into the floor and keeping your hips and abdominal muscles tight. Lift one leg up, squeezing your buttocks. Keep your leg in the air for a few seconds, then move to the other leg and do the same. It is not necessary to raise your legs very high, it is important to stretch them away from you. Do 10 repetitions with each leg.


Reverse plank technique

Sit on the floor. Place your hands on the floor, moving them slightly back. Lift your pelvis up. The palms should be strictly under the shoulders. Dough on the palms and heels. Tighten your body, it should form a straight line.

On fitball

From a fitball

We perform the classic plank, but we raise our legs with the help of a fitball. The ball is under the feet.

Military or dynamic

Start in a basic plank position with your forearms on the floor. Now, pushing first with your right hand, then with your left, move into a full plank position. After this, lower yourself back to the base position, again starting from the right side. Do 10 reps on each side—10 reps on the right, then 10 reps on the left.

Climber or knee puller

Rock climber

Start in a full plank position, then tighten your abdominal muscles and pull your right knee toward your chest using your lower abdominal muscles. Return your right leg to the starting position and repeat the exercise for your left leg. Continue repeating the exercise with both knees 20-30 times. You can do it quickly or slowly, the main thing is the correct technique, because it is more important than speed.

With alternating shoulder touches

With a shoulder touch

Start in a full plank position, keeping your hips as stable as possible. Reach your left shoulder with your right hand. Return your right hand to its original position, then touch your right shoulder with your left hand. Keep repeating this exercise 20-30 times.

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