How to quickly lose weight for a teenager - a proper diet with a menu for every day and exercises

Let's get down to business.

If your parents don't want to listen and help you when you really need help (you really are overweight, body fat) = that's sad...

I have repeatedly seen situations where a boy or girl already in childhood (not even adolescence) has serious problems with excess weight (fat).

And at the same time, the parents: either they themselves are the same pigs or they don’t see / don’t notice this and, moreover, they tell him/her that everything is fine with him/her, take a bite son/baby)), you look good that you’re starting , be like the rest of us, mom cooked it, eat it and don’t show off, and so on.

And there are situations (especially for girls) when you don’t need to lose weight. No problem.

But! There are psychological problems, some boy there blurted out hey about how she’s fat, not beautiful, and so on, and the girl took it seriously and began to cheat herself.

And as a result of this, the girl began to have problems in her head, she looks at herself there and hey, it seems that she is fat, but in reality it is quite likely that she has already dried out to the point of impossibility.

Briefly speaking. Do you understand what I'm getting at? When the problem really exists = needs to be solved = no = means no. Read to understand: “When you really need to lose weight (burn fat).”

Can a teenager go on a diet?

Girls and boys aged 10-17 years are strictly forbidden to greatly reduce the caloric content of their diet and adhere to a mono-diet. During this period, adolescents undergo hormonal changes, the body grows rapidly, and a muscle frame is formed. For processes to occur without failure, the body needs the entire complex of valuable substances. Sports and normalization of the diet, i.e. switching to proper nutrition, will help achieve the desired results. Special diets for adolescents are needed for morbid obesity.

And so, if you need to lose weight...

Your task (if there is nowhere to wait for help) is to work with yourself.

This is your life and while you are little or small you may not yet understand, but only you yourself are responsible for your life, and not your parents or anyone else...

We live in a very harsh world - where no one will feel sorry for you, no one gives a damn about you, no one needs you, there is fierce competition everywhere, the struggle for survival and victory in natural selection.

Parents, they always... how can I explain to you. They invest a lot of resources in their children, it’s not just money, your mother carried you for 9 months in her belly, hey, it was very hard, then she raised you with her father or herself, took care of you, fed you, dressed you, didn’t sleep at night, changed diapers, in short, a million moments over a long period of time.

When a person invests a TON of RESOURCES AND A LOT into another person, that person is VERY VALUABLE. So valuable that parents are afraid of losing their children, afraid that something will happen to them, etc.

That's why most parents instill the habit of BEING LIKE EVERYONE else, don't stick your head out, don't take risks, and so on. If you tell your mom I want to jump with a parachute, your mom's eyes will pop out of her head. Do you understand why?!

This is a very clear example. But in reality this applies to everything. From traveling anywhere (something might happen to you) to losing weight (you might hurt yourself too). Parents try to protect their children as much as possible. This is good, but in my opinion, this is a mistake. Okay, education is a very serious topic, that’s not what we’re talking about today.

With obesity, overweight, your appearance deteriorates (and this is what all teenagers worry about), but this is actually not the worst thing, appearance is a manifestation of internal problems, what I mean is that obesity (excess weight) leads to a bunch of health problems, serious problems that can lead to premature death.

Therefore, your task is to deal with the problem yourself (but!!! attention: to deal with it correctly, and not like most teenagers - without understanding - and only causing harm).

Tips for losing weight for teenagers

Tune in to the fact that the first results will be visible after a month of proper nutrition, and this is considered fast. Ways to lose weight for teenagers are not the same as for adults. It is very important for young people 12-17 years old to eat a good and balanced diet, maintain an active lifestyle, then the extra pounds will not even accumulate. Avoid dehydration. To do this, you need to drink up to 1 liter of water in addition to other liquids. Remember that you will lose weight with your whole body, and not just one part of it.

So, what should you do - how to lose weight?! My specific recommendations!!

#1. Rebuild your diet / cleanse your diet of harmful foods / start eating right

Stop eating all the sweets (sweets, buns, cakes, flour, ice cream, sweet water, candy bars, and all that jazz) = instead START EATING FRUITS (bananas, oranges, kiwis, apples, pineapples, etc.)

Most simple carbs = junk. Absolutely unnecessary. Believe me!

Fruits = this is another matter, they contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for our body.

Therefore, if there are simple carbohydrates, then only FRUITS. This is a very simple tip!

Also, since we’re talking about fruits, don’t forget about GREENS and VEGETABLES (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, dill, parsley, lettuce, radishes, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, onions, etc.)

#2. Stop eating all kinds of crap in the form of fast food, chips, crackers, mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages, sausages and other waste that most people on planet Earth eat...

Start eating:

  • COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES (brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta)
  • PROTEINS (e.g. fish, meat (chicken breasts, beef), boiled eggs, cottage cheese, etc.)
  • FATS (required) (linseed oil, fish, nuts (almonds, cashews and others), avocados, etc.)
  • WATER (regular plain water without gas and sweet fillers, God forbid)

This is a healthy and proper diet. I eat this way myself and recommend it to all clients, including teenagers. No diet, no system, no one will ever help you lose weight / improve your appearance / improve your health if you eat all sorts of bad things. These are simple logical things.

Nutrition menu for teenagers losing weight

You need to eat in moderation - eat enough to be full. Teenagers are prone to maximalism, so in pursuit of a slim figure they can quickly give up food. A teenager's diet for weight loss should be rich and varied. Sample menu:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Mon Omelette, cottage cheese with fruit, cocoa Chicken and rice soup, mashed potatoes, baked rabbit, herbal tea A handful of nuts, compote Baked fish, stewed vegetables, tea
VT Toasts with cheese, boiled egg, tomato and cucumber salad, tea Borscht, buckwheat porridge, chicken cutlet, compote Yogurt, ham sandwich Boiled fish, vegetable salad, green tea
SR Oatmeal, meat sandwich, tomato, tea Vegetable soup, millet porridge, beef stew, whole grain bread, jelly Boiled eggs, a slice of hard cheese, kefir Whole grain bread with lettuce, boiled meat, fresh cucumbers, compote
Thu Curd and berry casserole, coffee and milk drink Chicken broth, durum pasta, chicken chop, fruit drink Fruit salad, low-fat yogurt Oatmeal with milk, hard cheese, herbal tea
PT Rice porridge with apple, boiled egg, toast, fresh juice Cabbage soup, baked potatoes, lightly salted red fish, tea Sunflower seeds, “Summer” salad: cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, chicken fillet Fish, grilled vegetables, herbal tea
SB Lentils, toast with cheese and herbs, tea Beef borscht, mashed potatoes, baked chicken, compote Cottage cheese with fruit, a glass of yogurt Buckwheat porridge with milk, cocoa
Sun Omelet with ham and mushrooms, pancakes with jam, coffee drink Vegetable cream soup, turkey stew, cabbage, corn and herbs salad, tea Assorted nuts, kefir Salad: suluguni cheese, bell pepper, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, tea

Start eating these foods correctly

  • In the first half of the day until 15.00 = CARBOHYDRATES are allowed
  • After 15.00 = NO CARBOHYDRATES (only PROTEIN FOOD)

Why is that? Because carbohydrates are energy, in the evening we humans are usually less active (even passive) than during the day, so if you are passive/passive energy will not be wasted (expended).

In this situation, you will gain excess weight. We don't need this. Therefore, after 15.00 no carbohydrates, only protein foods + fiber (vegetables) + plain plain water.

You can’t eat sweets after 3 p.m., you can eat them before 3 p.m.

If you are already 18 years old = I recommend eating within an 8 hour WINDOW and STABLE FASTING for 16 hours.

This is called 8/16 intermittent fasting. In the 8 hour window you can eat as much as you want (I get 3-4 meals) = when the window closes = you are fasting for 16 hours. I myself adhere to this diet, so to speak.

Although this is not a diet, it is a very smart nutritional principle suitable for weight loss/healthy lifestyle. I recommend it to all my clients who are 18+. If you're over 18 = stick with it!

Controlled hunger is beneficial and these are scientifically proven facts, more details here: “Detoxification of the body.”

Associated manifestations

Trouble does not come alone - this expression exactly reflects the essence of excess weight in adolescents. In addition to extra pounds on the scale, attentive parents will notice other unhealthy manifestations:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • hypertension;
  • headache;
  • deformation of the figure (appearance of fat folds);
  • profuse sweating;
  • shortness of breath during exercise;
  • swelling;
  • depressed state, irritability;
  • development of internal complexes, isolation from peers;
  • in girls - menstrual irregularities.

There is no need to attribute frequent headaches and pressure surges at this age solely to puberty. It is characterized by a different clinical picture. And if 3-4 symptoms from this list are superimposed on excess weight, it’s time to take measures for urgent weight loss.

Make a nutrition schedule (plan) for yourself

A very simple example (power system):

  • 3 standard meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • 2 meals to eat fruit

In total: 5 meals per day.

Here's what it might look like (just as an example):

  • 8.00 - breakfast (carbohydrates + proteins + fats + fiber)
  • 10.00 – fruit snack
  • 13.00 - lunch (carbohydrates + proteins + fats + fiber)
  • 15.00 – fruits
  • 18.00 dinner (only protein foods + vegetables) (no carbohydrates and fats)

Explanations and additions:

  • The time can be changed and adjusted to suit you.
  • You don’t have to focus on all this at all, but have + such a nutrition plan in your head.

Why do teenagers get fat?

The reasons for the appearance of excess weight are due to an incorrect or passive lifestyle, ill-organized nutrition, and less commonly, they arise due to diseases. To understand how to lose weight for a teenager, you need to find out the reason that caused excess weight gain. Possible causes of excess weight in adolescence:

  • non-compliance with diet, night snacks;
  • eating in front of the TV;
  • a large number of salty, sweet and flour products;
  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • fast food, crackers, pizza, chips, cocktails, etc.;
  • large portions of food;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • taking medications.

The cause of weight gain in girls after the start of menstruation is hormonal changes. To bring your weight back to normal, it is important to change your diet and increase physical activity.

Add physical activity (workouts)

First why is this necessary?! How do you think? Let's use our brains =))

Naturally, in order to increase calorie expenditure (increase energy expenditure).

Why do you need it? Well, you want to lose weight, right?! Is not it?

And the main principle of losing weight is to spend more energy (calories) every day than you get from food!

The activity can be anything: even regular walking during the day (as much as possible).

It could be swimming, dancing, running, cycling, gym, home workouts, whatever. Thanks to this, you will spend more energy (calories) every day than you get from food!

And in the end, thanks to all this, you will effectively lose weight. That's all.

As you can see, I don’t go deep into specific workouts, I don’t impose YOU NEED A GYM!!!! or YOU NEED SPECIFICALLY RUNNING. This article is written for teenagers. This is a very difficult age and I won’t impose anything = I won’t)) do what you want, the main thing is to do it. This is very necessary and you can’t do without it.

This will help you not only in terms of losing weight, but also improving your health (the body as a whole).

Mistake 4: giving up meat and other healthy foods

What is the threat? Children aged 12–15 years need proteins and vitamins, since at this time hormones are synthesized in their bodies. In addition, proteins are the main building material for all cells and tissues of the body. You need at least 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. You can’t completely give up fats and carbohydrates—the developing brain requires them. The body needs fats in the amount of 1.5–2 g per 1 kg of body. But they should not be saturated, but polyunsaturated, that is, they should come not from cream cake, sausages and fried meat, but from fish, nuts, and olive oil.

And you can’t do without carbohydrates. About 4 g per 1 kg of body is the required norm. But carbohydrates must be “long-lasting” (pasta from durum wheat, cereals). But simple carbohydrates (aka fast ones) should be excluded, they give a feeling of fullness for a short time and also contribute to excess weight gain. Cakes, baked goods, sweets, fast food and other foods whose glycemic index exceeds 70 units and about which they say that it lasts only 5 minutes on the tongue and lasts for years on the sides are better to be completely excluded.

Examples of proper physical activity for teenagers

ATTENTION!!! Before you start training, I recommend examining your body (your health status) and consulting with your doctor.

I will demonstrate 2 examples that are perfect for teenagers and do not require money or sports equipment.

  • Moderate (intensity) outdoor running or cycling
  • Home strength training at home

How can you use, for example, running outside for maximum fat burning?!

Running at random = no need. There are certain periods of time = when it is most effective.

Briefly, this is: in the morning on an empty stomach, after strength training, in the evening before bed (if there were no carbohydrates in the evening).

Why these particular time periods? Because running or cycling (these are all aerobic workouts) should be carried out precisely when the body contains a minimum of ENERGY (or when it is completely absent) because this is the only way fat will be purposefully burned and burned to the maximum.

If, for example, you got drunk on borscht with bread and mayonnaise and went for a run = this is not it)) this is not necessary.

In general, more about all this here: “Cardio training for weight loss, everything from A to Z.”

If it’s WINTER there (many people don’t know what to do), the street may not be suitable for running (for obvious reasons), you can do it in the house (dress warmly) and up the stairs back and forth (if you live in an apartment), with the first floor to the fifth or ninth or how many floors you have (+ depending on your level of preparedness).

This is the same cardio load. The main desire. And there will always be an opportunity...

By time (timing): start gradually and progress slowly.

For example, daily jogging in the morning in the range of 10-15-20 minutes. To start. Depending on your level of preparedness. Maybe even 10 minutes will be difficult for someone. I don’t know, that’s why I say – gradually!

Then gradually increase to 30 minutes. Up to 40 minutes. Up to 50 minutes. And finally, up to an hour or more (depending on how you feel).

As for home workouts, exercises with your body weight will be enough for teenagers. No working scales are needed. Some special equipment too. So that God forbid you do not harm yourself.

All you need is the DESIRE to work on yourself and your body. That's all.

You can use the following exercises (these are ready-made training programs).

What foods are best to exclude from a teenager's diet?

To prevent your doctor from making a disappointing diagnosis, exclude foods that are not only unhealthy, but also help you gain weight very quickly:

  • First of all, these are cheeseburgers, hamburgers, French fries and other similar delicacies from fast food restaurants, beloved by all children and teenagers. Not only are all these dishes very high in calories, they also contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body, which reduces the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Chips. This is the second most “dangerous” specimen among products. Very tasty and light, they quickly satisfy hunger, but they are also quickly addictive and contribute to a favorable gain of kilograms, due to their high calorie content.
  • Butter buns, in addition to a couple of pleasant tasty minutes, will also add weight. This does not mean that you don’t need to eat bread at all, but it’s better to limit baking, and lightly dry the bread or eat it as toast, and also choose the least high-calorie bread, for example, rye.
  • Sweet. How can you refuse sweets if they are so delicious?! It is very difficult for a teenager to overcome his desires for food, so no one calls for not eating sweets at all. A daily portion within reasonable limits will not affect your weight, especially if you move a lot.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks - it’s clear that teenagers love to indulge in such drinks, but you should try to reduce their quantity and accustom your child to regular water or freshly squeezed juices.
  • Juices from boxes - these also need to be looked at carefully, as many of them contain a large amount of sugar. Therefore, carefully choose juices that contain it in small quantities, or better yet, without it at all.

In the video, Laysan Utyasheva shared her secrets on how to eat less sweets:

For males

  • squats

  • pushups

Classic push-ups without accent

  • plank exercise

Plank exercise

  • reverse push-ups for triceps

  • Ab exercises (lying crunches/reverse crunches)

For girls

  • squats

  • lunges


  • pelvic lift while lying on the floor

  • leg abduction on all fours

Taking your legs back with emphasis on your hands

  • push-ups from the floor (can be done from the knees)

Women's push-ups from the floor/knees

  • plank exercise

Exercise: PLANK

  • Ab exercises (lying crunches/reverse crunches)

Crunches and reverse crunches

But! You need to learn how to do all these exercises correctly - technically (so as not to harm yourself).

In this regard, my section on exercise techniques and YouTube will help you =)

How often to train? Strength training 2-3 times a week will do the trick.

For example, Monday and Thursday. Or Mon, Wed, Fri or Tue, Thu, Sat (whichever is more convenient for you).

Number of approaches in exercises. You can start with 1 approach of each exercise (if you are a beginner). Then gradually (as your training level increases) reach 5-6 approaches in each exercise.

Number of repetitions in exercises. I recommend 15 to 20 repetitions for each exercise.

Rest between approaches: the less = the better in terms of energy expenditure (guideline 1 minute) (based on well-being).

Duration of strength training: no more than 45 minutes.

How can a teenager quickly lose 5 kg in a week at home in the summer?

The holiday period contributes to weight changes. There are no such provoking factors as stress during training, lack of sleep, as well as canteens, a menu that can hardly be called balanced. It is in the hot summer that the feeling of hunger is dulled, replaced by thirst. All of these factors can be used to successfully lose weight.

How to lose 10 kg in a week at home for a teenager 11 years old and older:

  • drink not cold, but warm water, you can add apples, pears, but without sugar;
  • replace cereals with fruits, it is better to leave porridges for the autumn-spring period;
  • proteins and vegetable oils remain, necessary for the normal formation of systems and organs;
  • use the whole variety of seasonal fruits, there is no need to exclude sweet fruits, they will be an excellent alternative to sweets, chips, burgers;
  • eat in small portions up to 200 grams; excessive amounts of fruit will not speed up the result;
  • clear, sunny weather promotes active pastime in the park, on the playground, on the beach;
  • you need to sleep more than 9 hours, but go to bed no later than 22.00;
  • You can spend more time developing healthy eating habits and playing sports by postponing your studies until the fall.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Restoring your body

So with nutrition = sorted out. With training and physical activity in general = the same.

Now let's talk about restoring your body to full functioning.

You need to go to bed early (preferably at 21.00-22.00) (sleep from this time until 2.00 am is the most valuable and if you haven’t slept at this time = it’s very, very bad) and you need to sleep for at least 8+ hours. This is not even discussed.

Teenagers don’t need to know anything else regarding this point; they’ll be completely comfortable with it.

Why diets are dangerous for teenagers

Young boys and girls should not reduce the number of calories in their diet. You shouldn’t even ask the question of how to quickly lose weight for a teenager using a strict diet. A significant dietary restriction is fraught with the following problems:

  • A lack of potassium, calcium and protein can quickly cause problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • The harm of diets for teenagers also lies in the inhibition of brain activity. With a lack of carbohydrates, concentration quickly decreases and the ability to think sensibly is dulled.
  • The desire to lose weight as quickly as possible often leads to deterioration of the skin condition, hair loss, and brittle nails.
  • A long-term diet can cause amenorrhea in girls.

Girl eating salad

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