Diet for 5 days: principles, menu for every day, nutrition options, how to quickly lose 5 kg

General rules

The problem of losing excess weight requires a clear and competent approach.
Everyone has long known that everyone’s body works differently, taking into account individual characteristics. What is ideal for one may be completely contraindicated for another. There are situations in life when you need to get rid of a few extra pounds in the shortest possible time. In this case, the 5-day diet is ideal. Due to its short duration, it is quite well tolerated. It is very important to stop in time and not prolong the diet longer than indicated, so as not to harm your health. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the possibility of you going on a short-term but effective diet. The presented diet allows you to get rid of minus 10 kg of excess weight. The basic principle of nutrition is to consume foods that are easily accepted by the human body at the genetic level. The diet should contain the most natural products possible. The main ingredients are: fruits, legumes, cheese, chicken, eggs, oatmeal.

Three effective mono-diets

The peculiarity of an effective and cruel mono-diet is the consumption of one type of product (kefir, buckwheat, apples and other types) for several days. A diet of one component is difficult to tolerate by the body, so the course duration does not exceed 5 days.

The optimal ratio of weight loss and duration of diet is considered to be 3 days. During this time, a person loses from two to four kilos, depending on individual characteristics.

Pros of mono power:

  • rapid weight loss in a few days;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste;
  • improvement of appearance.

Disadvantages of a mono-diet:

  • severe weakness and headache;
  • contraindications for gastrointestinal diseases.

Kefir diet

Kefir is a product obtained by fermenting sour milk. Rich in trace elements from calcium to sulfur, vitamins A, B, C, D, H and beta-carotene. Thus, losing weight on kefir helps not only to lose weight, but to cleanse and enrich the body.

Features of the kefir diet:

  • For the diet, kefir of 1% fat content is used , the amount of fermented milk product is limited to 1.5 liters per day. The total volume is divided into 5 equal parts with the same time interval. Between taking kefir you are allowed to drink green tea without sugar and water.
  • The kefir diet is designed for 3 days , in a short time it allows you to lose up to three kilograms of excess weight.
  • If there is a need to extend the diet , then apples are introduced into the diet in the amount of 1 kg per day. This version of the mono-diet lasts no more than 5 days.
  • The transition from the kefir diet to a general diet is carried out by the gradual introduction of pureed fruits or vegetables. Only then are bakery, cottage cheese and meat products introduced into the diet.

Dairy diet

The dairy diet is carried out on high-quality fresh milk, which undoubtedly contains all the beneficial substances. The mono-diet requires mental preparation, as it is considered one of the strict diets.

Features of the dairy diet:

  • The weight loss course is designed for 3 days.
  • On the first day, a glass of milk is drunk at 8 am, and then every two hours until 20.00.
  • On the second day, the interval between doses is reduced to 1.5 hours.
  • On the third day, you need to drink a glass of milk every hour. Between milk intakes, drink tea without sugar and water.
  • Another diet option is less strict; unlike the previous one, it includes dairy products: 1% fat kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat sugar-free yogurt and milk.

Buckwheat diet

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of buckwheat. Buckwheat is rich in protein and complex carbohydrates, which helps keep you feeling full for a long time. Cereals contain B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the structure of the hair, nail plate and epidermis.

Features of the buckwheat diet:

  • Fiber improves the functioning of the digestive tract and removes free radicals.
  • The buckwheat diet is not harmful to health , so nutritionists have developed weight loss courses on buckwheat from 1 to 7 days.
  • A one-day express diet is called a “fasting” day. The diet includes boiled buckwheat without salt and oil. Be sure to drink unlimited amounts of still water and green tea without sugar.
  • The three-day buckwheat diet is supplemented with kefir. Buckwheat and fermented milk product complement each other perfectly, which helps you lose weight up to three kilograms. For breakfast, it is recommended to prepare a portion in the evening: stir 25 grams of washed cereal in a glass of kefir and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • The five-day diet includes apples and dried fruits as a complement to buckwheat. Drinking plenty of fluids helps satisfy your hunger. Warm water with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey helps improve digestion.

Authorized Products

Preference is given to natural products that are easily absorbed by the human body. The only meat you can eat is chicken fillet, and the only cereal you can eat is oatmeal. You are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, except those containing large amounts of sugar. Legumes are also possible. Eating chicken eggs is allowed in the morning and for dinner. You can drink their drinks not only with pure sparkling water, but also with black tea without adding milk or sugar.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
dried fruits2,30,668,2286
wheat bread8,11,048,8242
chicken breast23,21,70,0114
chicken fillet23,11,20,0110
chicken eggs12,710,90,7157
mineral water0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152
* data is per 100 g of product

Diet "5x5"

The “5x5” diet is a collection of mono-diets, which is a little reminiscent of the “Ladder”, but only in variety, since the menu will be different:

Day Diet
The first day is protein There is only meat, and in boiled form - 200 g for each main meal. To prevent it from being bland, you can use dry Provençal herbs, but you will have to do without salt. This is a protein day, so the menu may include low-fat boiled fish. Vegetarians on this day are allowed to eat tofu, boiled lentils or low-fat cottage cheese.
Second day – vegetable You can eat 3 servings of 200 g each per day. Moreover, vegetables can be consumed both raw and boiled or stewed. For example, for breakfast, a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, dressed with olive oil. For lunch - vegetable soup (for example, zucchini, carrots, celery and cabbage, but without potatoes). For dinner - eggplant stewed with garlic and onions
The third day is fruity Eat any fruit except bananas. You can eat an orange and kiwi salad for breakfast. For lunch - avocado salad dressed with lemon juice. For dinner - 200 g of red grapes (they are healthier for the heart and contain less carbohydrates)
Day four – cereal day For breakfast, you can eat 100 g of rice, cooked without salt and in water; you can add a few pine nuts to it. For lunch - 150 g of rice. You can have an afternoon snack by eating 15-20 almonds. For dinner - again 100 g of rice and 2-3 walnuts. It is best to take brown rice
Fifth day - cottage cheese On this day you can eat 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, dividing it among all meals. You are allowed to drink only clean water without gas

It is necessary to follow the described sequence of mini-diets in order for such a nutrition plan to give the desired result.

Fully or partially limited products

Any meat except chicken fillet is prohibited. Banned fruits include dates, bananas and grapes. You should not consume any high-calorie foods, chips, fast food or alcohol-containing drinks.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal







Nuts and dried fruits

candied fruit2,01,071,0301


potato chips5,530,053,0520
banana chips2,333,650,7519

Cereals and porridges


Flour and pasta


Bakery products




Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189





Raw materials and seasonings



dairy products3,26,54,1117

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

elk meat21,41,70,0101
goat meat18,016,00,0216
yak meat20,03,50,0112
boiled boiled pork16,418,31,0233


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage28,227,50,0360
dry-cured sausage24,138,31,0455
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608
homemade liver sausage15,022,00,0258
pork chops10,033,00,0337



Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

animal fat0,099,70,0897
chicken fat0,099,70,0897
fish oil0,0100,00,0902

Alcoholic drinks

dry white wine0,10,00,666
Cahors red wine0,00,016,0147

Non-alcoholic drinks


Juices and compotes

* data is per 100 g of product

Effective diet

Since you can quickly lose weight on various diets, you can choose buckwheat. It is effective, simple, and does not require restrictions on the size of portions. For 5 days they eat buckwheat porridge without sauce, salt and spices. Before going to bed, you should drink a glass of kefir. It is recommended to fill the porridge with this fermented milk product. It is better not to eat baked goods and bread. You can add 200 g of dried fruits to a glass of buckwheat.

Diet menu

First day:

  1. Breakfast: porridge, apple, glass of kefir.
  2. Lunch: porridge, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.
  3. Dinner: apple, porridge, glass of kefir.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast: apple, porridge.
  2. Lunch: porridge, green vegetables.
  3. Dinner: porridge with kefir, tea.

On day 3, eat only buckwheat porridge with kefir.

Fourth day:

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese, porridge, 250 ml of kefir.
  2. Lunch: porridge, white boiled chicken meat, vegetables.
  3. Dinner: porridge, a glass of kefir.

On the fifth day they also eat only buckwheat with kefir.

Such a monotonous diet leads to loss of strength, weakness, headaches, and decreased blood pressure. Memory and concentration deteriorate.

Diet menu for 5 days (Meal plan)

The first day

  • oatmeal;
  • a glass of black tea without added sugar and milk.
  • a portion of chicken broth;
  • Black tea;
  • a slice of black wheat bread.
Afternoon snack
  • a glass of black tea.
  • sandwich made from wheat bread with butter;
  • a glass of black tea.

Second day

  • oatmeal;
  • a glass of black tea.
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • a piece of wheat bread with added butter.
Afternoon snack
  • a glass of black tea.
  • 2 large ripe apples.

Day three

  • 2 tablespoons jam;
  • a glass of black tea.
  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • a glass of black tea.
Afternoon snack
  • a glass of black tea.
  • boiled beans.

Day four

  • oatmeal;
  • a glass of black tea.
  • omelette made from three chicken eggs.
Afternoon snack
  • a glass of black tea.
  • 2 medium, ripe pears.

Day five

  • a sandwich made of wheat bread with a slice of cheese and butter;
  • a glass of black tea.
  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • a glass of black tea.
Afternoon snack
  • a glass of black tea.
  • 2 boiled potatoes;
  • a glass of black tea.

Light apple diet

The five-day apple diet comes in many variations. These fruits are low in calories (their energy value depends on the variety, but on average it is 35-60 kcal per 100 g). As for the chemical composition, apples are 87% water, which promotes weight loss.

In addition, these fruits contain many beneficial substances, such as antioxidants and pectin, which helps cleanse the intestines. But if you eat only apples, the feeling of hunger will not allow you to lead a normal life. Therefore, nutritionists recommend a more gentle option.

A light apple diet also includes other foods that need to be properly distributed throughout the day. If we start the system from the beginning of the week, then on Monday, Wednesday and Friday the approximate menu looks like this:

  • breakfast - a portion of cottage cheese (100 g) and a raw green apple with it;
  • lunch - a few rye crackers and an apple baked in the oven with cinnamon;
  • lunch - low-fat boiled fish, for example, pike perch (100 g) and a fruit salad of orange and apple, seasoned with natural yogurt;
  • afternoon snack - another portion of cottage cheese (100 g) with a green apple;
  • dinner - two apples and 30 g of hard cheese.

On Tuesday and Thursday the menu should be like this:

  • breakfast - 100 g of muesli or oatmeal and an apple;
  • lunch - a salad of raw carrots, grated, and sliced ​​apples, seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil to better absorb vitamins;
  • lunch - chicken fillet baked with herbs and an apple;
  • afternoon snack - a portion of cottage cheese or yogurt;
  • dinner - 3-4 apples, more is possible.

For stomach ulcers and gastritis, it is not recommended to eat raw fruits, only baked and non-acidic varieties. With these diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you cannot go on such a strict diet.

Quitting the diet

A strict diet for 5 days is low-calorie, so you need to exit it gradually so as not to harm the functioning of the digestive tract. With a sudden change in diet, the enzymatic system may be unprepared to digest a larger volume of food and lead to an exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

You need to gradually introduce other types of meat into your diet, in addition to the usual chicken fillet. It will be better if you start with beef broth, light chops, and mixed meat salads. Make sure that during the first two weeks the daily diet does not exceed 1600 kcal, otherwise the lost 9 kg in 5 days will be returned with interest.

As before, try to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, which themselves are high in calories, and also involve the parallel consumption of high-calorie dishes and foods. Avoid fast food. Try to move more, gymnastics and light cardio training will help tone the muscular system, which may have weakened during a strict diet.

Diet products


The menu consists of foods rich in protein, fiber, amino acids and slow carbohydrates. Protein helps strengthen muscle mass, participates in the metabolic process and the structure of new cells. Fiber regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the body.

Permitted for use:

  • Dietary meat: rabbit, turkey, veal and beef. Dietary meat varieties contain a small proportion of fat, a large amount of protein, microelements and vitamins.
  • Vegetables, raw and boiled, with the exception of potatoes. The priority is cucumbers, radishes, eggplant, tomato, celery. Vegetables remove excess fluid and burn fat.
  • Fruits and dried fruits. Glucose increases energy and tone of the body.
  • Cereals and bran: buckwheat, rice, bran, oatmeal, nuts. Fiber is processed slowly, and a large amount of energy is spent on its processing. Eating cereal products provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir. They fill the body with beneficial bacteria and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

While following the diet, be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. The liquid helps maintain water balance in the body, eliminate hunger and eliminate toxins.

Amino acids burn fatty tissue, strengthen the immune system and increase metabolism. Slow carbohydrates promote long digestion, so they keep you feeling full for a long time.

The greatest effect is achieved when consumed on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. The water should be at room temperature or a little warmer. It is permissible to add a slice of lemon. Water from a mineral spring without gas is welcome.


During the diet, fast carbohydrates, saturated fats, trans fats and glucose are excluded from the diet. Fast carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and instantly increase blood sugar levels.

Thus, the feeling of hunger increases. Saturated fats and trans fats increase levels of “bad” cholesterol and carcinogens. Glucose increases the feeling of hunger.

Prohibited for use:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • canned food;
  • bakery products;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee.

Important Terms

Be sure to consult with your doctor, because... The presented diet is quite strict and can cause irreparable harm to health.

Try to limit yourself to the allowed 5 days, even if you are pleased with the result, you tolerate the diet well, and you want to continue. Following a diet for longer than the permitted time can negatively affect the functioning of the immune system and the entire body as a whole, lead to hormonal disruptions, and completely change metabolism .

Kefir diet

If you are attracted to the kefir diet and want to try it in action, then our tips will significantly speed up the process. To date, several variations have been developed in which it is necessary to consume kefir. The total duration of the diet can be up to 7 days. But to lose weight in such a short time, you have to work hard. Quick results can be achieved, the body will be completely cleansed if a woman takes this matter very seriously.

A sample menu for each day consists of the following products:

  • breakfast - tea or coffee (1 cup) - you can add a little milk, steam omelette with sauerkraut;
  • second breakfast - low-fat kefir (1 glass);
  • lunch - chicken soup with carrots, a little kefir;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat kefir (1 glass);
  • dinner - baked fish with kefir.

Strictly follow the suggested diet to lose at least 3 kilograms in a few days. This method is a relief for your body after vacations and holidays.

Comments from nutritionists

According to nutritionists, losing 10 kg in such a short period has a negative impact on metabolism and the functioning of the body as a whole. It is more rational, according to experts, to adhere to softer, longer-term diets that build metabolism in the right direction and allow you to get rid of extra pounds naturally without harm to the body. An example would be the Paleo Diet or the Presidential Diet . You can resort to the presented diet only in emergency cases, when you really need to lose weight for an important event (wedding, birthday, etc.). But even for these cases, there are more gentle but effective diets.

Five-day drinking diet - losing excess fat

Some diets that are based specifically on drinking food allow you to adhere to this procedure for a month. In fact, this is very dangerous and nutritionists highly recommend not doing this for more than 5 days.

A drinking diet, which lasts only 5 days, removes from the body all the necessary fluid accumulated there, and also accelerates the process of fat burning. She is very effective.

The essence of the technique is that for 5 days you drink only permitted drinks.

This includes:

  1. Of course, ordinary clean drinking water. The minimum you need to drink is 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. As a rule, not all at once, but divide them over the whole day.
  2. You can prepare vegetable and meat broths for yourself. At the same time, they should not contain any spices or salt, and the meat should be chosen of low-fat varieties - chicken and turkey.
  3. You can consume fermented milk products, but their fat content should not exceed 2%. One percent kefir will help speed up your metabolism. It will cleanse your intestines of waste and toxins.
  4. Green tea or Oolong tea. You can add a little honey to it.
  5. Juice from vegetables and fruits. It must be freshly prepared at home, and not concentrated juice purchased from the store.

The drinking diet is very strict, but the result is pleasing.

Reviews and results

A strict diet, judging by the reviews, really works, but has a number of negative aspects. Those losing weight complain of a constant feeling of hunger, which can lead to breakdown. At the end of the diet, many people gain weight again, because... exceed the permitted calorie intake, despite following physical activity recommendations.

The muscular system suffers greatly, and the skin loses elasticity, although butter is present in the diet. There is a constant feeling of lightness in the stomach and body. Those who simultaneously took vitamin complexes did not complain about deterioration in the condition of hair and nails. In general, the diet is effective, but can lead to negative consequences.

Principles of express diets

Any express weight loss model includes a low-calorie menu. The main mechanism of action of such diets is based on the accelerated removal of excess fluid from the body and a decrease in appetite.

The basic principles of the express diet include:

  1. Preparing for weight loss. To do this, two days before starting the diet, exclude harmful foods from the diet or replace them with healthy analogues. For example, instead of sugar you should use sweeteners, instead of a white loaf - whole grain bread.
  2. Calorie counting. You should consume no more than 1200 calories per day.
  3. Complete rejection of sugar, salt, pickled, smoked, fried, fatty foods, alcohol.
  4. Compliance with drinking regime. The recommended rate of water consumption per day is 1.5–2 liters.
  5. Prohibition on taking medications with a laxative effect.
  6. Last meal no later than 19.00.

These rules are common to a large number of methods for rapid weight loss. When following fast diets, it is undesirable to engage in intense physical exercise, because this causes weakness and poor health.

Diet of models

This method of losing weight is popular among models, because it helps to quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight.

On the first day, consume an unlimited amount of boiled rice and a glass of tomato juice, or eat a glass of boiled rice and drink fresh tomato juice.

On the second day, drink 1 liter of kefir or yogurt, eat 800 g of cottage cheese.

On the third day, boiled meat is consumed without limitation in volume.

On the fourth - 700 ml of dry red wine and orange juice.

On the last day, pears and apples are eaten in any quantity. This diet helps you lose 5 kg.

Basic rules and features of fast diets

Rapid weight loss involves strict dietary restrictions and becomes stressful for any body. The results are most often short-lived, but not because the diets are bad, but because the rules for exiting them are not followed. It is difficult for both the person and the body to adapt, so those options that involve losing 1 kg per week are considered safe and effective.

You will also lose weight, alas, not at the expense of fat - within 4 days it will not even have time to begin to break down. But if there is a lot of excess fluid in the body and swelling is constantly bothering you, it makes sense to consider such express options as a good solution for quick recovery and weight loss. At the end of the diet, switch to moderate healthy eating or start following a balanced diet menu. If you return to your previous diet, the changes achieved will not last long.

Any diet designed for 4 days is a fasting and cleansing program, which should not be used more than once a month. Because toxins are removed, you don't lose weight so much as you cleanse yourself, which is generally not a bad thing. A pleasant bonus is a reduction in the load on the gastrointestinal tract and activation of metabolism. The breakdown of fats accelerates, but it will be most active after completing the diet. If you want to continue losing weight, just watch your daily diet.

Be sure to read: The Pushinka diet helps improve organ function

Actor's diet for 4 days

On the first day you need to eat only rice. It is desirable that it be brown (unpolished) grain, as it contains the maximum amount of nutrients and fiber.

This dish can only be washed down with tomato juice, preferably home-made.

On the second day, your menu should include low-fat cottage cheese products and kefir. The number of servings is unlimited.

Day three allows you to include “light” meat in your diet (chicken, turkey without skin). For the third day, you should have green tea on the table, of course, without sugar.

The final, fourth day, is the most interesting for most people. It is necessary to drink up to 700 ml of red wine (also homemade if possible), accompanied by hard cheese (up to 200 grams), with a low fat content. If desired, orange juice can be used instead of wine.

It is also strongly recommended to avoid salting food on all these days. Everyone knows about the properties of salt to retain liquids. And given the alcoholic component of the menu, it is recommended to start in the middle of the week in order to completely relax on the weekend.

Cons of diets

  • Of course, diets are very strict and difficult to stick to: the range of products is meager, the intervals between meals are long, and the portions are small. The first two days are especially difficult.
  • The biggest disadvantage is the many contraindications. If you have acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs, you should absolutely not go on such diets. Elderly people, teenagers, nursing mothers and pregnant women should not sit on them. Also be careful for allergy sufferers, because the diet contains allergenic foods.

If you have endured such diets, you liked them, and you want to repeat them, then it is advisable to do this only after two weeks.

These diets are not so important and difficult to stick to as it is to get out of them wisely. After all, you also need to maintain the result for as long as possible. Therefore, you need to continue to eat the same portions, of course, with more calories. You need to return to prohibited foods gradually and carefully.

Diets are difficult, so you don’t have to resort to them at all if you plan your diet wisely, eat little fatty, fried, and sweet foods, eat more healthy foods, and also exercise regularly.

Video on the topic of the article

What is important to know about the 4-day weight loss diet?

Any strict diet is stressful for the body, so do not forget about moderation in following the diet. You should not go on a diet more than 2-3 times a year. Also, do not forget that after finishing the diet, there is a risk of quickly regaining the lost kilograms and even adding more. Therefore, it is better to forget about some junk food and its preparation techniques forever.

As a rule, a four-day diet is kept as a preparatory stage for a longer weight loss program. During these 4 days, the body will literally fall in love with healthy food and will be happy with vegetables, fruits and low-calorie meat. There are many four-day plans - everyone chooses a weight loss menu depending on what long-term program is planned for the future, as well as on your lifestyle. So, we offer you several diet options.

Fruit and vegetable diet

The basis of such a five-day diet is simple - during this time they eat exclusively products of plant origin, including dairy products only on the first day. The food is divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day.

Diet menu by day:

  1. 1–1.5 liters of fresh fruit, cucumber and cabbage salad.
  2. 1–1.5 kg of fresh fruit. Grapefruits, pears and apples work best.
  3. The third day is protein. Throughout the day, eat low-fat cottage cheese (600 g), drink milk and water.
  4. 1–1.5 liters of vegetable juice (beetroot, tomato, carrot).
  5. 1–1.5 kg of fresh vegetables - pumpkin, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, etc. They can be boiled, raw, baked or steamed.

If you feel hungry between meals on a vegetable diet, you should snack on an apple or carrot.

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