How to Lose Leg Weight for a Teenager Easily and Quickly

girl with dumbbells

Excess weight in a teenager is not only the cause of complexes, but also a factor that provokes diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine and musculoskeletal systems.

When developing a program for losing weight at home, the characteristics of the teenager’s body are taken into account.

At the age of 13, a teenager’s body undergoes intense growth and hormonal changes, so strict diets and hunger strikes are prohibited during this period.

Step-by-step instructions for losing weight for teenagers aged 12-13 years


To achieve a beautiful figure and prevent health problems, the weight loss process is organized so that the loss of extra pounds is gradual.

Even while losing weight, a teenager should eat a balanced diet, getting the necessary biologically active substances from food.

In addition to healthy eating, a home weight loss program for a teenager includes:

  • regular physical activity;
  • correct drinking regime;
  • compliance with the activity and rest regime.

Also, working on losing extra pounds may include psychological help for a teenager if the problem of excess body weight has led to complexes and deterioration of relationships with parents and friends.

All of the methods listed above, used in combination, will help girls and boys aged 12-13 years old get in good physical shape.

Important! It should be taken into account that at the age of 12-13, a teenager will not be able to lose weight in a week or several days. Firstly, rapid loss of extra pounds is stressful for a growing body. Secondly, gradual weight loss requires at least several months.

Dietary changes


Proper nutrition is one of the main ways to lose weight for 12-13 year olds. Unhealthy habits of a child associated with food consumption culture usually develop in the family.

The child borrows large dinners, excessive consumption of sweets, frequent snacking while watching TV and other violations of the rules of eating behavior from his parents. To create normal nutritional conditions for a teenager, the family must demonstrate healthy habits by example.

One of the main reasons for a teenager gaining extra pounds is the abundance in the diet of high-calorie, but useless, in terms of composition, foods. Such foods include:

  • confectionery;
  • snacks;
  • fast food;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • sauces;
  • pastries made from butter dough;
  • industrial juices.

These foods are removed from the diet if the child intends to lose weight.


What to include in the menu of an overweight teenager:

  • fresh vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • cereal breads;
  • boiled eggs, baked omelette;
  • lean meat, cooked in the oven or steamed;
  • marine fish;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • moderate fat dairy products;
  • raw nuts and seeds in moderation;
  • dried fruits;
  • honey, marshmallow, jam in limited quantities.

A teenager should eat 5 times a day, taking three-hour breaks. In this case, the portions should be small in size. Small meals will help you avoid hunger pangs and normalize your metabolism.

Important! When developing a daily menu for a teenager who is losing weight, you need to take into account that in the first half of the day the child should eat food rich in carbohydrates. Such products and dishes include vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and sweets allowed by the diet. In the afternoon, the child should eat protein foods.

An approximate daily menu looks like this:

Eating Dishes and products
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge, a piece of egg casserole, tea with a spoon of honey.
Second breakfast (snack) A handful of dried fruits or a banana.
Dinner Vegetarian soup, baked chicken fillet with vegetables.
Afternoon snack Yogurt, half a handful of nuts.
Dinner Cottage cheese casserole with low-fat sour cream.

If a teenager feels hungry before going to bed, then at night he can drink a glass of moderate-fat kefir.

Proper drinking

guy drinks water

Compliance with the drinking regime is a prerequisite for a teenager who needs to lose weight. You need to drink 1.5 liters of pure still water per day. A teenager should drink the recommended amount of fluid throughout the day.

What are the benefits of a correct drinking regime:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • moderate fluid intake helps avoid acute attacks of hunger;
  • Skin cells are saturated with moisture, so it does not lose elasticity.

In addition to water, the teenager is allowed to drink weak unsweetened tea, freshly squeezed juices, and homemade fruit drinks. Coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks are excluded from the child’s diet.

Exercises for 12-13 year old boys and girls

Physical exercises performed daily will help a 13-year-old teenager lose weight relatively quickly. A correctly selected complex will help the child normalize muscle tone, improve posture, increase physical endurance, improve metabolism and gain vigor. Regular exercise helps speed up the process of losing weight without compromising your health.

Exercises that are suitable for a 12 year old boy:

  1. Push-ups: This exercise helps you get rid of excess fat in the chest area, tone your triceps muscles and slim your arms. During push-ups, the body is parallel to the floor, the pelvis is at the same level as the back. Hands should be placed shoulder-width apart and your gaze should be directed to the floor. In this position they do push-ups, trying to touch the floor with their chest. You need to repeat the exercise at least 10 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  2. Exercises with dumbbells: a teenager takes a dumbbell weighing 1 kilogram in each hand. Hands with weights fall at the seams. As you inhale, lift your limbs up until your shoulders touch your ears. As you exhale, lower your arms down. You need to perform the exercise 10-15 times in 3 approaches.
  3. Pull-ups: To perform this exercise you will need a bar. As he inhales, the boy slowly pulls himself up to the bar, trying to touch it with his chin, and as he exhales, he lowers himself. The number of repetitions starts from 5-7 times.

Important! Strenuous exercise is harmful for teenagers because it puts a lot of stress on the musculoskeletal system and the heart.


The boy will also benefit from such types of physical activity as cycling, swimming, football and basketball. In winter you can practice skiing and hockey.

When choosing exercises for a girl, preference should be given to loads that do not involve excessive tension in the abdominal muscles or lifting heavy loads.

It is preferable to focus on stretching exercises.

How to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl at home with exercises:

  1. Fold: You need to sit on the floor with your legs stretched out perfectly straight in front of you. Having bent at the waist, you need to pull yourself up to your legs with straight arms. The stomach, chest and chin should be pulled as far as possible towards the straightened legs. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds. The exercise is repeated 5 or more times.
  2. Bend-overs: This exercise will help you lose weight around your waist. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your head and begin to rhythmically tilt your body to the sides, returning to the starting position as you inhale. The exercise is repeated 15 times, bending to each side.
  3. Crunches: Lie on your back on the floor and bend your knees, placing your feet on the floor. Without lifting your shoulders and back from the floor, you need to alternately turn your legs bent at the knees in each direction. The exercise is repeated 15 times in each direction.

Teenage girls will benefit from dancing, figure skating, swimming, and cycling.

Principles of losing weight for a teenage boy

How to lose weight for 12 year old male children? At this age, the feeling of youthful maximalism is heightened: you want to please both yourself and those around you.

Boys are prone to playing sports, but due to excess weight they are often embarrassed about their appearance. They don’t go to training because they think they will laugh at them.

The norms for the weight and height of children 12 years old are quite vague. At this age, personal physiological characteristics already appear: some are short, some are tall. Some people have an asthenic constitutional type, while others have a hypersthenic type. The medical norm is considered to be height from 143 to 155 cm, weight - from 34 to 45 kg.

what to eat for children to lose weight

Are there ways to quickly lose weight for teenagers 12-13 years old in a week, a month?


Due to the fact that any person develops excess weight within a few months, it is not possible to get rid of hated fat deposits without damaging your health in a week. Hunger strikes and strict diets (low-calorie, mono-diets) are strictly prohibited for teenagers, as they threaten severe stress for the body.

Strict dietary restrictions are especially harmful for girls, since nutritional deficiencies cause irreparable damage to the developing reproductive system. For boys, strict diets are harmful because insufficient nutrition leads to a decrease in physical endurance.

Lack of nutrients in the diet leads to other health problems:

  • increased bone fragility;
  • dermatological problems;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • kidney problems;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Within a month, provided you follow a healthy diet, excess weight will noticeably disappear, especially in those children who initially had over 10 excess kilograms.

Causes of childhood obesity

Excess weight is a problem not only for adults, but also for teenagers. Before starting to lose weight, it is important to identify the reasons why the girl is overweight. It is important to address the root cause in order to lose weight. Childhood obesity can be caused by various factors:

  • inactive lifestyle;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • metabolic disease;
  • heredity or characteristics of the body;
  • developmental disorders;
  • imitation of adults;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

Girl eating hamburger

Experts' opinions

Dietetics and fitness experts will talk about the key features of losing weight in teenagers 12-13 years old.

Galina Grossmann, Doctor of Biological Sciences, expert in the field of weight loss

The concept of “diet” does not apply to a teenager’s weight loss program. The child should receive a full range of biologically active substances necessary to maintain good health. The psychological aspect also cannot be ignored. A child should not be subject to strict dietary restrictions, as this can cause stress.

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Tatyana Fedorishcheva, author of the blog about weight loss TGYM

The best way to lose weight for a teenager is any physical activity in the fresh air. Roller skating, cycling, walking - these are the things that will help you lose weight with pleasure. I would recommend visiting the gym no earlier than 18 years old.

Evgenia Levitan, author of the Workout project, dedicated to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle

Diets are absolutely not suitable for teenagers, since during adolescence a child needs good nutrition. Strict diets are especially harmful for girls. Dietary restrictions lead to menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances, which can cause infertility in adulthood. To maintain your body in ideal physical shape, exclude fast food in any form from your diet. Replace hamburgers, pizza and nuggets with healthy and tasty home-cooked dishes.

How to lose weight for a 12 year old girl

Twelve years is the age when self-esteem is formed. If a child is dissatisfied with himself for one reason or another, this will become a traumatic factor for his psyche. There are many obese children in modern schools; children no longer pay attention to this fact. But parents often exert psychological pressure by comparing the child with other, in their opinion, “beautiful” children.

To achieve a normal weight, a girl will have to work in several directions:

  • psychological correction (find out why overeating occurs);
  • examination by an endocrinologist (check for diabetes and hormonal abnormalities);
  • visiting a nutritionist and adjusting your diet;
  • choosing the right physical activity.

childhood obesity

Growing up without excesses: how a teenager can lose excess weight

Physiology defines the age of 13-14 years as the middle of puberty. That is, at this time the fourth and last stage of puberty begins. Metabolic processes then occur faster. It would seem, where does excess weight come from if calories are actively processed? The fact is that this period ends the so-called growth spurt, and the characteristic signs of the final physique are formed. This may well result in a significant increase in body weight.

Puberty is characterized by increased attention to the opposite sex. Girls begin to dream of careers as actresses, models, ballerinas, and boys boast of strength and dexterity. Then it's time to think about your appearance. If there are extra pounds, a child may acutely feel differences from peers. If you don’t try to bring your weight back to normal in time, disastrous consequences are possible: prolonged depression, unsociability, reluctance to go to school. It can even lead to suicide, so you should never lose sight of this moment.

Features of growing up

When figuring out how to lose weight for a 13-year-old teenager, girl or boy, you should not forget that the figure is also actively developing. Guys stretch out, their hips become narrower and their shoulders wider. For girls, it happens differently: the breasts grow, and the buttocks become rounded. All due to the intense accumulation of adipose tissue in certain places, which is due to physiology. Consequently, you constantly want to eat more.

During these years, basic behavioral stereotypes are formed. They apply equally to all areas of life, including the quantity, quality and frequency of food. If you manage to lay down the principles of a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and the need for regular physical activity, then problems with excess weight will be avoided in the future. You cannot stuff your child, force him to eat too much, or restrict him from walking or playing sports.

Causes of excess weight in adolescents

Slimness is a priority: how to lose weight for a teenager

Objective: you can’t do without a doctor

At the age of twelve to fifteen years, active maturation of the whole organism occurs. The bone, nervous and hormonal systems finally complete their formation. Often teenagers become overweight, gain weight, and show symptoms of health problems. In this case, being overweight turns out to be not just ugly, but... It may be a sign of some disease. An increase in weight of more than twenty percent in a short time already indicates a problem. Only a specialist can lend a helping hand.

  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Heredity, genetically determined completeness.

In such cases, you should first find and “neutralize” the source of the problem, because the problem is most likely not in buns or French fries. The child should be thoroughly examined to rule out any possible illnesses. Only after this, specialists prescribe optimal diets to maintain stable weight.


However, diseases rarely cause excess weight. In most cases, examinations do not show any serious pathologies of internal organs. Teenagers can build up body fat due to hormonal changes in the body. If it is accompanied by minimal physical activity, an unhealthy, unbalanced diet, then problems will definitely not be avoided.

Parents who are busy with work often simply do not have time to monitor what their child eats. As a result, he eats fast food, carbonated drinks, crackers, chips, and other foods that have the highest glycemic index. They contain a large amount of calories, chemical dyes, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, and preservatives. They act like narcotic substances - you want more and more tasty chips, and they are most often consumed in front of a computer monitor or TV screen.

The cause of obesity can be the parents themselves, most often these are people who are overprotective of their child. From an early age they teach him to eat a lot, and the body, accustomed to this, demands more and more. As a result, such care can result not only in excessive obesity, but also in serious acquired diseases. Attention deficit also has a detrimental effect on a teenager - he can simply “eat up” his unresolved problems, increasing his weight.

Normal weight

Many children, having watched enough television programs, have no idea how much they should weigh. Following the lead of fashion, trying to be like fashion models from the catwalks, they are unfair to themselves. Therefore, it is difficult for them to figure out whether they need to lose weight at all, or whether they should not worry about it.

The optimal weight is calculated using the formula: height in centimeters minus one hundred. For example, if a teenager reaches parameter 148, then his normal weight will be exactly forty-eight kilograms.

The second menu option for weight loss for an 11 year old child

How to lose weight for an 11 year old child? There are several possible answers. One of the mandatory points is following a specific diet. Below is another meal option for the day.

  1. Semolina pancakes with apples and raisins, unsweetened tea.
  2. Lunch – two sandwiches with rye bread and homemade liver pate, fruit.
  3. For lunch, it is better to offer oatmeal soup with the addition of prunes.
  4. Dinner may consist of boiled potatoes with steamed meatballs, dried fruit compote.

You can offer your child dried fruits as snacks throughout the day.

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