Boldenone: features, dosages, combinations

Testosterone enanthate and stanozolol in a combined course for regulating the weight of an athlete

The course of stanozolol and testosterone enanthate is very popular among athletes of various disciplines.

These drugs are affordable and have a good effect when used together.

The main thing is to know how to take them correctly.

In this article we will look at the characteristics of the drugs, as well as possible side effects and complications when taking a course of stanozolol and testosterone enanthate. We will also explain in detail the course of taking medications.

Rules for the course Nandrolone Deca + Testosterone Enanthate + Methane + Stan

The drug use regimen is as follows:

  1. During the first 78 days, use Testosterone Enanthate. The weekly dosage of the steroid is 500 mg;
  2. The duration of use of Deca is 64 days. For a week you will take 200 mg of this steroid;
  3. Methandienone is taken for the first 54 days. The daily dose of the anabolic steroid is 30 mg;
  4. Starting from the 55th day, Stanozolol 30 mg daily is used;
  5. In the fourth week of the course, start using Gonadotropin. Take 500 units of this drug three times a week. The duration of taking gonads will be 70 days;
  6. In the second week, start taking Anastrozole 0.5 mg every day;
  7. From the 14th day, Cabergoline is introduced into the course. A single dose is 0.5 mg every fourth day.

During the first week of PCT, take 100 mg of Clomid daily. The daily dosage of the drug over the next 2 weeks is 50 mg. For the remaining 12 days, take 25 mg of Clomid. Also, if desired, athletes can additionally use testsoteron boosters, for example, Tribulus, during PCT.

Course Objectives

The course of stanozolol - testosterone enanthate is used both for weight gain and during cutting.
In both cases it shows good results.

This combination is well suited for beginners, as the side effects from taking it are small.

With the help of stanozolol and testosterone enanthate, you can achieve rapid and impressive progress in training , increase muscle mass and strength, while avoiding unpleasant health consequences.

What dosages of boldenone are best to use?

The optimal dosage lies in the range of 300 – 800 mg per week , and in order for low dosages of boldenone (300 mg) to be effective, it makes sense to use them with other anabolic steroids. working dose for an athlete is considered to be about 600-800 mg per week.

The long half-life of boldenone (the time during which half of the drug is excreted from the body after the first injection, that is, the concentration of ester in the blood decreases by 2 times) allows injections to be made no more than once a week. However, pharmacological experts recommend that in the first 2 weeks , due to the slow start of this drug, increase the dose by 1.5-2 times .

You should not inject boldenone more than once a week; in addition to the risk of increasing side effects on the body, you can quickly achieve a cumulative effect (enhanced effect).

Boldenone undecylenate

For women

To avoid girls from irreparable side effects in the form of virilization (primarily male-pattern hair growth and deepening of voice) after using boldenone, we strongly recommend reducing the dosage to 75-100 mg per week and the duration of the course not to exceed 4-5 weeks.

Characteristics of drugs

Stanozolol and testosterone enanthate are two types of anabolic steroids that work well together, complementing each other.

Short acting steroid

Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid that is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. The drug can be found on sale in the form of tablets and in the form of injection solutions. The latter, strictly speaking, are not solutions, but aqueous suspensions of a free substance. The drug is toxic to the liver; in this respect, the tablets and the injection form are practically no different from each other.

Historical reference

Stanozolol was developed in 1962. It was originally created to treat diseases such as anemia and angioedema, as well as speed up the recovery of patients after injury.

It was also actively used in veterinary practice - with its help, growth of muscle mass, strengthening of bones, improvement of hematopoiesis and appetite of animals were achieved. Later they began to give it to racing horses to increase their speed performance, and then athletes of power sports paid attention to it.

Today, according to Russian legislation stanozolol is included in the list of potent substances ; its illegal purchase and storage entail criminal liability.

Long lasting ester

Testosterone enanthate is another anabolic steroid that is an ester of testosterone. Thanks to this structure, the active substance works for a long time after entering the body - up to three weeks . This distinguishes enanthate from stanozolol, which is a short-acting anabolic steroid.

Features of use and other properties of boldenone

When gaining weight

Athletes use boldenone quite successfully during the period of “ mass gain ,” that is, when it is important to gain more muscle mass without thinking about its quality. However, at first glance, it may seem that using this drug for weight gain is not entirely reasonable, because it cannot be aromatized and does not exhibit progestogenic activity. That is why, when boldenone is taken for the purpose of gaining weight, it is combined with “ long-lasting ” testosterones, for example, enanthate or cypionate.

When using boldenone (equipoise), appetite , which naturally has a positive effect on weight gain, however, as many experienced “chemists” note from their practice, to obtain a good result, boldenone must be combined with drugs whose concentration of the active substance is 200 mg/ml.

Boldenone for weight gain

On drying muscles

Many pharmacological experts recommend using boldenone when drying muscles, because it copes with it perfectly.

The almost complete absence of aromatization and progestogenic activity prevents excess water from accumulating in the body.

However, remember about the increased appetite during the boldenone cycle when you use it for cutting.

Boldenone for drying muscle mass

The effect of boldenone on endurance

Boldenone affects the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) - there are more of them due to the stimulation of one of the kidney hormones - erythropoietin , which increases due to an increase in 5b-metabolites.

This property of boldenone, such as increasing the number of red blood cells, is successfully used by athletes of various sports, especially aerobic ones, where endurance . For bodybuilders, this property of boldenone will also be useful, because with the growth of muscle mass, the capillary network in the muscles also increases, and of course, we must not forget about venousness , which will be at its best when using this drug, and this is not an unimportant factor for bodybuilders performing at competitions.

Boldenone for endurance development

Side effects, possible complications

Complications from taking stanozolol include:

  • damage to joints and ligaments;

  • increased blood pressure;
  • myocardial hypertrophy;
  • rising cholesterol levels;
  • suppression of testosterone production in the body;
  • hair loss;
  • skin problems;
  • liver damage.

In turn, taking enanthate can cause:

  • feminization of the body - development of gynecomastia and female-type obesity;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • reducing testosterone production by the body;
  • decreased sperm production;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • skin problems;
  • hair loss.

Testosterone enanthate can reduce the severity of many side effects of stanozolol. In particular, it promotes fluid retention in the body, as a result of which the joint capsules do not become dehydrated. Thus, these two steroids work well together.

Side effects of boldenone (equipoise)

Boldenone has little effect on the production of its own testosterone, due to resistance to the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, as well as the inability to convert into a powerful androgen - dihydrotestosterone, therefore, as such side effects (prostate hypertrophy, acne, baldness, body hair growth and face, etc.) due to the androgenic activity of equipoise is not observed, of course, with its proper use (applies only to men).

Also, we note that the low estrogenic activity of boldenone (2 times lower than that of testosterone!) allows athletes to use it in their training without the use of any additional antiestrogens , which protect the athlete from gynecomastia, edema and high blood pressure, at the same time, equipoise in the athlete’s body it acts as an aromatase inhibitor, thereby inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into estrogens, therefore, we be sure to monitor the level of estradiol (so that it does not drop to zero).

Acne on a course of anabolic steroids

Due to an increase in the level of red blood cells, the rheological properties of the blood may deteriorate, that is, the hematocrit (the volume of red blood cells, reflecting the ratio of red blood cells to plasma) will increase, therefore it is important to monitor the hematocrit during the course of boldenone; if it deviates from the norm, you should consult a doctor, as As a rule, trenal or pentoxifylline are prescribed, which will prevent aggregation (sticking together) of red blood cells, that is, it will prevent the creation of “coin columns” and their three-dimensional conglomerates in whole blood, thereby improving the rheology of the blood.

Some athletes, when using boldenone, notice acne in the arms, shoulders, chest and back, which is quite easily eliminated by applying special hygiene lotions and using antimicrobial soaps.

For women , equipoise is one of the safest anabolic steroids, primarily due to its low androgenic activity (the risk of virilization will be minimal).

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the lipid profile - the use of anabolic steroids increases the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), so be sure to take omega 3 fatty acid supplements during the “chemical” course, and get tested for hormones.

Walkthrough Description

The duration of the course of stanozolol and testosterone enanthate is from 4 to 8 weeks.

The diagram might look like this:

  1. Stanozolol - 20 mg twice a day;
  2. testosterone enanthate - 250 mg once a week.

Thus, one course involves taking 2240 mg of stanozolol and 2000 mg of testosterone enanthate. This is a fairly long cycle and can cause serious side effects. Beginners should prefer four- or six-week courses.

It is better to take Stanozolol in the morning and evening ; it is better to inject enanthate in the morning. The injection is made into the outer surface of the quadriceps or into the upper outer part of the gluteal muscle.

Exact dosages must be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body - health status, physical data, training experience, general experience of using steroids.

Deca + Methane + Testosterone (enanthate, propionate)

Since Sustanon 250 is a mixture of testosterone esters, you can create a course using these esters separately. Its action will be similar to the previous course, but here you can change the dosage of testosterone yourself to increase efficiency.

1 week: methane 30 mg/day+deca 50 mg/week+testosterone enanthate 250 mg/week

Week 2: methane 30 mg/day+deca 100 mg/week+testosterone enanthate 250 mg/week

Week 3: methane 30 mg/day+deca 100 mg/week+testosterone enanthate 250 mg/week

Week 4: methane 30 mg/day+deca 100 mg/week+testosterone enanthate 250 mg/week

Week 5: methane 30 mg/day+deca 100 mg/week+testosterone enanthate 150 mg/week

Week 6: methane 30 mg/day+deca 50 mg/week+testosterone enanthate 150 mg/week

Week 7: methane 30 mg/day + testosterone propionate 50 mg/every other day

Week 8: methane 30 mg/day + testosterone propionate 50 mg/every other day

The dosages of the drugs presented here are optimal. By increasing dosages at your own risk without medical supervision, you significantly increase the likelihood of serious side effects. Increased dosages and long courses require the mandatory use of additional medications and the use of post-cycle therapy. Remember: thoughtless and inept use of anabolic steroids can lead to serious health problems.

Rehabilitation therapy

After completing a steroid cycle, post-cycle therapy is necessary. It must include an anti-estrogenic drug - tamoxifen is usually used.
It must be administered a week before the end of the course and taken for three weeks. Taking tamoxifen allows you to restore the body's own testosterone production.

This drug should not be neglected , since with its help you can restore the natural hormonal balance in the shortest possible time. This allows you to establish normal functioning of the body after a cycle of steroids and reduce the loss of muscle mass gained during their use.

The body's production of testosterone stops or sharply decreases as a result of the intake of large doses of this hormone in the form of medications taken. Natural testosterone production is activated even without taking anti-estrogenic drugs, but in this case, restoration of normal hormonal levels may take six months. To speed up this process, drugs such as tamoxifen are used.

Restoring normal levels of testosterone production is also important because without this you cannot start the next course of steroids . If you do this before normalizing the production of the main male hormone in the body, after stopping anabolic steroids, restoring the normal functioning of the hormonal system will be very difficult or even impossible.

During and after the course, other drugs can be used to prevent side effects or reduce their manifestations:

  1. if blood pressure increases during the course, you need to take drugs to lower it, such as enalapril;
  2. to protect the liver, you need to use hepatoprotectors - these can be milk thistle extract or phospholipids;
  3. to prevent an increase in cholesterol levels, you need to use lipid-lowering drugs - these can be special drugs such as atorvastatin and lovastatin, or omega-3 fatty acids;
  4. Special biological supplements will help prevent joint problems - primarily chondroitin, glucosamine and collagen; omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and vitamin D can also be used for this purpose.

Stanazolol and testosterone enanthate are an effective combination that causes relatively few side effects. By choosing the right dosages of these drugs, you can create a course that will allow you to achieve excellent results from your training.


Testosterone propionate + stanozolol course

Buy a course of testosterone propionate + stanozolol. This course is designed for men with minimal experience in using anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). From this course you can gain 2-3 kg of “quality meat”, greatly reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat, and achieve good relief. Testosterone propionate will not only provide androgenic support, but also protect the joints from possible injury. Stanozolol removes fluid from the body, including from the joints. After using Stanozolol solo, joint problems often occur! To eliminate this side effect of the drug, Testosterone is added to the course. Because of its aromatization, it will not allow your joints to be completely drained of fluid. This course should be accompanied by a low-carbohydrate diet. Testosterone will provide an even androgenic background. The hormone is necessary for the normal functioning of the body during the use of any steroids. And in this course it will keep your joints functional. Stanozolol - will allow you to achieve deep relief and build muscle without excess water. The drug will help maintain muscles during low-carbohydrate diets. After using the drug, strength indicators increase, and the muscles become hard, venousness appears. Attention!!! Anastrozole is not included in the price of the course; the need for use is determined by the buyer. Anastrozole - in this course, the weekly dosage of Testosterone is 350 mg, which can lead to an increase in Estradiol above the reference values. In this case, the use of the drug will be necessary. An accurate and correct method for determining the dosage of Anastrozole is to take a blood test for Estradiol 6-8 days after the first injection of Testosterone. This will allow you to accurately adjust the dosage of Anastrozole! Dosage 1/4 2; tablets, which is 0.5 mg - the average value obtained empirically! It is necessary to strive to maintain the hormone value in the middle of the reference values. The use of Anastrozole will prevent possible side effects: gynecomastia, increased blood pressure. The use of Anastrozole will increase the relief and effectiveness of the course. Post-cycle therapy (PCT). Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) will increase the production of your own (endogenous) testosterone after suppression on a course of AAS and will prevent the appearance of side effects after stopping the course. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is mandatory. Failure to undergo PCT may affect future quality of life. Therapy should begin 3-5 days after the last injection of Testosterone propionate. You can also replace Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) with Tamoxifen - a cheaper drug! How to take medications? Days 1 – 40: Testosterone propionate 100 mg/time every 2 days Day 1 – 40: Stanozolol 40 mg/time daily 2 – 40: Anastrazole 1 tablet/time every 2 days (not included in the course price) PCT: Clomid 2 days 100 mg per day / 12 days 50 mg per day / 8 days 25 mg per day Training program. During the course you should train every other day. The program should include basic exercises for the main muscle groups. For anabolic processes to occur during the course, a constant, systematic increase in working weights is necessary throughout the course. Let's assume that now you bench press 100 kg for 5 reps, by the end of the course you plan to bench press 120 kg for 5 reps. We reduce the weight to 80 kg and increase the weight by 5 kg every week. By the end of the course we get 120x5, at the end of the course (PCT period) we reduce the weight by 30-40% and train for 30-40 minutes, doing short bursts. When the body has recovered (you can find out from the test results by taking a blood test for Total testosterone, 2 - 3 weeks after the end of PCT), we increase the weight again.

Buy a course of testosterone propionate + stanozolol.

Compound. Testosterone propionate (SP propionate) – 3 bottles, (SP Labs) Stanozolol (Ecostan) – 200 tablets, (EcoPharm) Stanozolol (Strombafort) – 50 tablets, (Balkan Pharma) Anastrozole (Ecoan) – 40 tablets, ( EcoPharm) Clomiphene citrate (Klomed) – 60 tablets, (EcoPharm)

How to take the course correctly

If you are a beginner, then this course will be most effective for you and not at all dangerous. The number of drugs and dosages are selected in such a way that side effects during the course of taking Stanozolol + Testosterone Enanthate will not harm your body. This course is definitely not suitable for professional athletes who use excessive dosages to meet their needs for increasing strength and mass. But, it is worth remembering that Testosterone Enanthate is a somewhat harsh drug and purposefully using high doses is not always wise.

This course is quite popular among many security officials who often order these drugs to improve their athletic performance. They understand well that Testosterone itself quickly produces results, but just as quickly after the cycle everything drains away, which is why Stanozolol will help enhance the effect and consolidate all the results.

It is recommended to take oral Stanozolol on a course with Enanthate correctly, your result depends on it. To make it easier, we start the course on Monday. We take pills every day without skipping. The beginning, as always, will be a small one with a gradual increase in the daily dosage.

The tablets can be taken separately or the daily dose at a time. However, many experienced athletes still recommend taking the drug separately, because this is easier for the body and allows you to evenly maintain the concentration of the substance in the body. Taking Stanozolol starts with 2 tablets per day in the first week of the course, then increases to 3 tablets - in the second week, 4 tablets. - on the third, then the dosage is reduced - 3 tablets. - in the fourth week and 2 - in the last fifth week of the course. As practice shows, the time of administration does not matter, but it is not recommended to do this on an empty stomach.

In this course, it is recommended to administer Enanthate injections 2 times a week at a dosage of 1 cc. 1 time and so on throughout the 5 weeks of the course. Injectable anabolic steroids are always administered intramuscularly and never intravenously; this is indeed very dangerous. The suggested dosage is 500 mg for one week, which is considered average and is well suited for beginners and intermediate athletes. Of course, security forces and more experienced athletes can use a dosage twice as high or more, but this is done only to obtain quick results before competitions and does not become a systematic use. Injection days are Monday and Thursday .

The drug is not painful and does not cause discomfort during injections. It is better to buy a syringe with a volume of 2 and 5 ml; their needle is excellent for these injections. If you are not familiar with the initial steps in how to inject steroids, then do not rush to inject anywhere. If the day of the injection coincides with your workout, then try to use Testosterone an hour and a half before the workout itself. This way you should get the maximum effect from the drug. On a normal day, we inject Enanthate at any time of the day, but not before bed.

PCT after the course

After this course, it is recommended to use the drug for recovery. You must understand that taking anabolic steroids always has a negative effect on the production of the main male hormone - testosterone. Oversaturation with artificial hormones in large doses forces our body to stop its production. There is nothing scary about this, because after you stop taking anabolic steroids, the artificial hormone will be removed from the body and its own production will be activated again. This process is often very lengthy and can take six months or even more. It’s definitely worth speeding it up and buying Clomid 20 tablets. In this way, each athlete will be able to quickly activate the recovery process. This is very important if you are planning to buy another cycle soon, because without fully restoring your own testosterone, the next intake of anabolic steroids can suppress it even more and then it will be more difficult to recover even with PCT.

This course includes: Strombafort 100 tablets. + Testosterone Enanthate 10 ml. + Clomid 20 tab.


Stanozolol + Testosterone Enanthate + Boldenone (Equipoise) + PCT (Clomid)

A course of anabolic steroids to gain lean muscle mass + PCT. With proper nutrition and training, this course will allow you to gain 5-10 kg of lean muscle mass, with minimal setback. You will also become stronger and more resilient.

This course is a good choice for the Athlete who has experience in the use of sports pharmacology. Perfect for those who are afraid of side effects and do not want to use more “heavy” drugs.

All drugs and dosages are selected so that the course is as effective as possible and without side effects. Boldenone will increase your appetite, which will help you gain muscle mass and increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby making you more resilient. Testosterone will increase your muscle mass and strength, and stanazolol will make your muscles stronger, more defined and more vascular. Anastrozole will not allow excess fluid to accumulate in your body and will protect you from gynecomastia. After the cycle, Clomid will trigger its own testosterone production and restore it to its previous level.

The course includes: Oral stanozolol - 220 tablets; Testosterone Enanthate - 14 ampoules; Boldenone - 2 bottles; Anastrazole - 10 tablets; Clomid – 40 tablets.

How to use:

The table is an example, see above..

We recommend dividing the intake of oral stanozolol into 2-5 times a day and taking it in equal doses at regular intervals (1 tab - 10 mg). Stanazolol is taken regardless of meals. For faster absorption of the substance, the tablet is dissolved under the tongue. Testosterone enanthate and boldenone are injected 1-2 times a week; both drugs can be taken into one syringe, for example: 1 ml boldenone + 1 ml enanthate. The more often we inject, the “evener” the concentration of the substance in the body will be. One injection per week is more convenient, but there will be sharp drops and rises in the effect of the drugs. We take anastrozole half a tablet (0.5 mg) 2 times a week. We start taking Clomid a week after the last enanthate injection. Clomid should be taken in the afternoon or before bed.

From the 3rd week of the course it is necessary to take a general blood test; if hemoglobin is too high, then Aspirin (Aspicard) or its analogues should be added to the course. We take aspirin according to the instructions.

The safe dosage of oral stanozolol is considered to be 50 mg per day; if this limit is not exceeded, the body is able to independently restore liver function. If after the course a biochemical blood test showed that liver enzymes are elevated, then it is necessary to take a course of drugs such as LIV-52, Karsil, etc. If you still have questions, you can ask them here .

General recommendations:

Even the most effective steroid cycle does not directly grow muscle! Steroids only make the difference for rapid muscle mass gain. Do not forget about proper nutrition and intensive training during the course; the result of the course depends only on your actions and efforts. Taking vitamin-mineral complexes, proteins, gainers, amino acids and other sports supplements will only enhance your progress and reduce “rollback”. One of the factors for muscle growth on the course is a significant increase in your muscle strength. The process of strengthening muscles is much faster than strengthening joints and ligaments, so one of the most important sports supplements on the course are chondoprotectors, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, or complex supplements for joints and ligaments, which you can buy at a sports nutrition store. It is especially important to take chondoprotectors during a course with stanazolol; combining these drugs will help avoid injuries and pain in joints and ligaments.

Where to buy a ready-made course of steroids to gain lean muscle mass?

Buy a ready-made course of steroids at an excellent price in the Netherlands, Russia, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, France, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, Estonia, Ukraine, Serbia and other countries of the world you can visit our online store of anabolic steroids We have collected the best drugs and put them together in a course for you. By purchasing a ready-made course right away, you save our consultant’s time. For the time saved, we give you a 10% discount. We are waiting for your purchases!

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