Health rating: 10 foods that speed up metabolism

Some foods contain certain nutrients that speed up the body's metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which the body burns calories and carries out vital processes. By increasing their metabolic rate, people can lose weight and reduce the risk of obesity and related health problems. Read on to learn about the 10 best metabolism-boosting foods, as well as some other ways to speed up your metabolism.


The content of the article:

Eggs are rich in protein and are a great option for improving your metabolism.

Protein-rich foods are some of the best options for boosting your metabolism.

Eggs are rich in protein. Each large hard-boiled egg contains 6.29 grams (g), making them an ideal choice for people who want to speed up their metabolism.

Protein is one of the most effective nutrients for increasing metabolic rate because the body needs to use more energy to metabolize it than fats or carbohydrates.

According to some studies, people who consumed 29% of their total daily calories from protein had a higher metabolic rate than those who consumed 11% of their total calories from protein.

Gain momentum

Exercising is the fastest and most effective way to boost your metabolism. This is partly because the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism. The body spends almost five times more energy on muscles than on fat tissue. Train your muscles and let your metabolism do the rest for you.

Active physical activity is also good because it speeds up your heart rate. At the same time, during the process and for several hours after sports, the intensity of energy expenditure remains at a high level.

So, by riding an exercise bike or doing strength exercises, you become slimmer and your metabolism is activated. Lifting weights helps build muscle mass, which also speeds up your metabolism, by an average of 15%. Strength training twice a week can speed up metabolic processes by approximately 9.5%.


Flax seeds are seeds that contain protein, vitamins and other key nutrients. Some people consider flaxseeds a "functional food," meaning that people eat them for their health benefits.

Eating flax seeds may help boost metabolism and improve metabolic syndrome, which is a group of conditions that contribute to the development of diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health is currently funding research into the role of flaxseed in metabolic syndrome.

A study on mice suggests that flax seeds may speed up metabolism. This is likely because they contain high amounts of fiber and protein, as well as omega-3 essential fats, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients.

The fiber in flax seeds ferments in the gut to improve the gut bacterial profile. This process helps metabolic health and may protect against obesity.

Research shows that flax seeds and their nutrients may also help treat or protect against:

  • arthritis
  • autoimmune diseases
  • cancer diseases
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • diabetes mellitus
  • neurological disorders
  • osteoporosis

What foods speed up metabolism?

Many foods help activate metabolic processes. At the same time, they simultaneously act as a source of important components: complete protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber.


Water improves metabolism
Water is a universal solvent; without its participation, not a single biochemical process is possible. If you drink liquid frequently, your body will be able to establish a faster metabolism. Nutritionists advise drinking water every 20 minutes, literally a few sips. After all, hunger often signals dehydration. If you cannot drink in such small portions, then it is enough to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Drinks with caffeine

Caffeine is a substance that enhances metabolism and is added to many weight loss products. It is better to consume it in its natural form and in moderation: a cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea in the morning will tidy up your stomach and sides. You should not drink a lot of drinks (more than 3 cups a day) with caffeine, so as not to provoke an increase in blood pressure.


Red wine helps you lose weight
Dry red wines are unique drinks that increase hemoglobin and burn fat. If you drink 100 ml per day, the resveratrol contained in wine will protect the heart and lower blood sugar levels. It is believed that this substance increases life expectancy and protects against cancer. You shouldn't drink more due to the alcohol content and fairly high calorie content of wine.

Whole grain products

Unlike products made from premium flour, whole grain or bran bread is rich in minerals and fiber. Cellulose, like a broom, sweeps away all toxins from the intestines. Products containing it take a long time to digest, which consumes a lot of energy.


These are the most popular products that promote weight loss. They have only one advantage: few calories, a lot of fiber, just a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. In summer there is no shortage of vegetables. In winter, sauerkraut will be a good help. It is rich in lactic acid bacteria, which suppress putrefactive processes in the intestines.

Spinach is very useful for weight loss: due to its high concentration of manganese, it accelerates metabolism. In a woman’s body, the mineral is important because it ensures the production of happiness hormones.


Fruits improve metabolism
Depending on the season, you should eat more apples or citrus fruits. They contain a lot of pectin - a natural sorbent that removes all toxins. They also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. You should not replace them with juices, especially clarified ones, otherwise all the useful fiber will turn into pulp. Fruits are an ideal snack option for any diet.


Blueberries, sea buckthorn, currants and even cranberries and rowan, rich in antioxidants, significantly speed up metabolism. Raspberries are low in calories and contain fat-burning enzymes.

Due to the natural sweetness of berries and fruits, you can replace sugar to completely avoid it.

Exotic fruits

Among them, the best products are pineapple and papaya. The pineapple enzyme bromelain activates digestion and reduces hunger, which is why it is used for weight loss. Papaya is also rich in enzymes; it triggers the processes of lipolysis and protein breakdown. This fruit must be consumed immediately before meals.

Seasonings and spices

They make food not just tastier, but contribute to its rapid breakdown. A pinch of pepper or cinnamon, ginger or curry activates metabolic processes.

Drinking 3 cups of ginger and lemon tea per day will help you lose weight.

Spices for fat burning

Spices contain many essential oils; they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, due to which the breakdown of lipids and proteins occurs more actively.


Mayonnaise is prohibited in any diet due to its high fat content, but small amounts of mustard and horseradish will be beneficial. These plants and sauces made from them contain pungent substances that trigger the gastrointestinal tract. Their addition to meat and fish promotes better digestion of protein dishes.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts are also good for snacking, as are fruits. They give you a feeling of fullness for a long time and activate your brain. Flax or chia seeds should be added to salads and any dishes to reduce portions. The seeds contain a lot of fiber, which swells in the stomach, filling it.

How to lose weight without harm to your health using flax seeds and kefir - a double dose of benefit and effect


Different types of cereals
To lose weight, your weekly grocery list must include slow carbohydrates. The best option is to eat porridge for breakfast or lunch. When losing weight, you should give preference to oatmeal, buckwheat and unpolished (brown) rice.


Moreover, not all beans, namely the red ones, contain slow carbohydrates. They ensure there is no hunger between meals. Legumes also contain zinc and are rich in B vitamins. These beneficial substances stimulate the production of testosterone, which promotes the accumulation of muscle mass, which is important for both men and women.


Meat protein takes a long time to digest. At the same time, it supplies essential amino acids to the body. But not all meat is equally beneficial for weight loss. Its fatty varieties (pork, duck, lamb) are not suitable. But you should definitely eat chicken breast, turkey, rabbit and veal.

Bone broth

Broth improves digestion
In order for the intestines to function properly, it is important to maintain its mucous membrane in a healthy state. This provides collagen, an animal protein. It, along with minerals, goes into the bone broth when cooked. In addition to improving metabolism, collagen is important for skin rejuvenation. Homemade masks with gelatin against wrinkles are very effective.

Fish and seafood

Another valuable set of foods with a high protein content, and also rich in minerals, especially iodine. Also, seafood, especially fish, contains Omega-3 fatty acids. They regulate the level of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for appetite and satiety. Omega-3 also cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, and accordingly, blood circulation will be better. By the way, mackerel contains even more healthy fat than salmon.


This broad group can significantly speed up metabolism and burn fat due to its high calcium content. You need to eat 3 dairy products a day. It is better if they contain a little fat so as not to increase the overall calorie content of the diet. Fermented milk drinks with live bacteria will ensure active intestinal function.


Chicken eggs for weight loss

In addition to the ideal amino acid composition of protein, eggs contain vitamin D, which is so lacking in winter. Only fried eggs are prohibited, but steamed or simply boiled omelettes are present in all diets.

Coconut oil

This is pure fat, but it improves metabolism. If you drink 1 tsp daily. coconut oil mixed in 150 ml of warm water, you can heal the body and improve metabolic processes.


Another rather fatty, but actually healthy product. We are talking only about dark varieties with a high cocoa content and no sugar. Chocolate alkaloids improve mood. The magnesium contained in chocolates triggers the production of the hormone adiponectin, which is responsible for the breakdown of fats and regulation of blood glucose levels.

3. Lentils

Lentils are another functional food that may reduce the effects of metabolic syndrome.

A 2020 review of 41 animal studies reports that eating lentils and other legumes such as beans and peas may play a central role in preventing and treating metabolic syndrome.

Lentils can also speed up your metabolism because they are rich in protein. It also contains a lot of fiber to feed the good bacteria in your gut.


14 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

It turns out that not only meat is an excellent source of protein. Yes, and lentils can surpass it in many ways, for example in fiber. It is also a super source of iron. And it, in turn, increases the level of hemoglobin and plays an important role in the body’s metabolism.

One cup of cooked lentils contains 37% of your daily iron requirement. Lentils are also a fiber-rich food that has a beneficial effect on our heart health.

This grain also acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

You can also add some other legumes to your diet because they contain tons of beneficial elements.

4. Chili pepper

Research shows that capsaicin may increase your metabolic rate.

Spicy foods containing fresh or dried chili peppers can speed up your metabolism. Chili peppers also speed up satiety, causing a feeling of fullness. Peppers contain capsaicin, which is responsible for these health benefits.

A 2020 study reports that consuming capsaicin slightly increases metabolic rate.

Research also shows that capsaicin may support weight management in other ways by increasing the rate at which the body burns fat and reducing appetite.

This is based on existing research published in 2012, which shows that capsaicin helps the body burn approximately 50 extra calories per day.

Capsaicin may also reduce pain and inflammation, act as an anticancer agent, and provide antioxidant properties. As a result, some researchers suggest that capsaicin may help treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.

Table of foods that improve metabolism and metabolism

It should be remembered that an integrated approach can speed up metabolism. It is not only the quality of nutrition that is important, but also a person’s lifestyle. Products for accelerating metabolism can be found in the table:

Products Calorie content (kcal/100 g) Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
ginger 80 1,8 0,8 15,8
grapefruit 29 0,7 0,2 6,5
spinach 22 2,9 0,3 2
celery 12 0,9 0,1 2,1
green tea 1 0 0 0,2
red pepper 27 1,3 0 5,3
seaweed 38 2,38 0,26 8,43
Red beans 310 21 1,6 52,7
eggs 157 12,7 10,9 0,7
cinnamon 261 3,9 3,2 79,8
Coconut oil 899 0 99,9 0
coffee 2 0,2 0 0,3

5. Ginger

Adding ginger to food can increase body temperature and metabolic rate, and help control appetite.

Studies have assessed the effects of ginger on the weight loss and metabolic profiles of people who were overweight. It has been found that ginger may help reduce body weight and fasting glucose levels while increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good" cholesterol.

Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce nausea during pregnancy and after chemotherapy.


  • Many foods, including green leafy vegetables, chili peppers and protein sources, can speed up your metabolism and help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
  • For optimal results, eat these foods as part of a balanced diet.
  • Other lifestyle changes that improve metabolic health include drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and strength training.

Tags: Metabolism

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6. Green tea

Green tea has received a lot of attention in recent years as researchers have shed light on its potential health benefits.

Some research suggests that green tea extract may increase fat metabolism both at rest and during exercise. However, other studies show no significant effects. Additionally, scientists cannot guarantee that drinking green tea will have the same results as taking green tea extract.

There are studies that show that drinking 4 cups of green tea per day can significantly reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist size, and systolic blood pressure.

Other proposed health benefits of green tea include:

  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • antioxidant properties
  • antimicrobial activity
  • anti-cancer effects
  • benefits for heart and oral health

The right fuel

It would seem that a low-calorie diet is a direct path to slimness. In fact, everything is completely different. A lack of calories primarily affects the muscles, which require a certain amount of energy simply to maintain their structure. Muscle mass decreases and inevitably, even at rest, you burn fewer calories. It turns out to be a vicious circle, and metabolism slows down as a result.

Many Internet sites advertise ephedrine to speed up metabolism. But this synthetic alkaloid causes side effects and increases blood pressure, which is why most sports organizations prohibit its use during competitions.

The effect of ephedrine can be enhanced if combined with caffeine, which accelerates the breakdown of fat in cells. But then there will be more side effects. So it’s better not to experiment with your health. Moreover, there is an ideal way to stimulate metabolism - this is a diet and moderate but regular exercise. We have already talked about sports. And the basis of your diet should be whole grains, fresh fruits (especially grapefruits and lemons), vegetables and lean meats. This regime speeds up metabolic processes in the body by about a third. The final result, of course, will depend on age, muscle mass and overall body weight.


Coffee can stimulate metabolism due to its caffeine content.

Research shows that caffeine consumption has a stimulating effect on energy expenditure and can lead to an increase in metabolism. However, it is important to keep your overall consumption in mind.

Decaffeinated coffee does not have the same metabolism-boosting benefits. Additionally, adding cream or sugar will increase its caloric content, which may interfere with the beneficial effects of caffeine on metabolism.

How does metabolic rate affect appearance?

If metabolism is incorrect, they suffer from:

  • Skin: Acne, pimples, pustular rashes.
  • Dark spots.
  • Dryness and flaking.
  • All metabolic problems are visible on the face. Then on the hands and all over the body. All means of combating skin problems must be combined with measures to improve metabolism.
  • Hair, nails. With improper metabolism, hair and nails become fragile and brittle. Without measures to improve metabolism, all cosmetics will be ineffective.
  • Posture. The influence of metabolism on joints is great. With an inadequate metabolic process, joint problems appear. As a result, poor posture.
  • Smell from the mouth. Poor digestion causes bad breath. “Stagnation” of food in the stomach slows down metabolism and provides odor.
  • Swelling. Swelling of the face, swelling of the limbs. Poor metabolism leads to kidney disease, varicose veins and vascular fragility.
  • Excess weight. Slow metabolism stimulates the accumulation of fat in tissues, weight gain, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating
  • Brazil nuts

    Top 10 Foods to Speed ​​Up Metabolism

    Brazil nuts are one of the richest sources of selenium, a mineral that is essential for metabolism, reproduction, and immune function. They also contain protein and healthy fats to help people feel fuller.

    Selenium is especially important for the thyroid gland, a gland that regulates metabolic function and produces several vital hormones.

    According to the National Institutes of Health, each Brazil nut provides 68 to 91 micrograms (mcg) of selenium, which exceeds the recommended intake of 55 mcg per day. However, people should avoid eating too many nuts, as this can cause selenium toxicity.

    Research also shows that Brazil nuts may improve cholesterol levels in healthy people. Abnormal cholesterol levels are a marker of metabolic syndrome.

    Fat burning drinks

    A characteristic feature of fat-burning drinks is their ability to stimulate the digestion process and influence other organs involved in food processing. By quenching headaches and making food easier to digest, drinks effectively improve the quality of any diet.


    The main drink for a proper diet is water. Insufficient consumption of it has a negative effect on getting rid of extra pounds. With a lack of fluid, the body accumulates fatty tissue and fluids from consumed foods, repeatedly increasing swelling. Regular consumption of water significantly speeds up metabolic processes, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and slowing down the aging process.

    Green tea

    Recognized by nutritionists from the countries of the East, Europe and America. Its extremely low calorie content allows you to consume it regularly without harming your figure. It is used for weight correction by activating the metabolic process and getting rid of heavy metal salts and various toxins. The dietary properties of green tea include mild appetite suppression and proper regulation of nutrients. Drinking four cups a day will have the greatest fat burning effect.


    One cup of drink can speed up metabolism by 10%. During physical activity, coffee helps use fats for energy. A small dose of caffeine before training will help balance the consumption of fats and carbohydrates.

    Dairy products

    They increase the content of the hormone calciferol, which is responsible for the breakdown of fat cells. Low-fat dairy products will help reduce the amount of fat you absorb. Whey contains high-quality milk protein, which activates fat metabolism by consuming subcutaneous fat.

    Dry red wine

    Stimulates the production of protein that blocks receptors in fat cells, thanks to the active ingredient resveratrol. This element breaks down fats and slows down the formation of new fat deposits. Dry red wine in the amount of 150 ml per day can get rid of 4–5 kilograms of excess weight in two weeks.

    Drinks for quick weight loss

    Drinks for quick weight loss

    It's so simple - you drink delicious drinks before meals to quickly lose weight, and the extra pounds...

    9. Broccoli

    Broccoli may benefit your metabolism because it contains a substance called glucoraphanin.

    Glucoraphanin helps “reset” metabolism, reduce blood fat levels and reduce the risk of many age-related diseases. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may also prevent or slow the development of some forms of cancer.

    For more significant metabolism-boosting effects, look for Beneforte broccoli, which contains high levels of glucoraphanin.

    Dark leafy green vegetables

    Vegetables contain a lot of iron, which is very important for metabolism.

    Spinach, kale and other leafy green vegetables can boost your metabolism due to their iron content. Iron is an essential mineral for metabolism, growth and development.

    Leafy greens are a source of non-heme, or non-animal, iron. Try combining leafy greens with a source of vitamin C, such as lemon, tomatoes, or pumpkin, to increase your body's absorption of this type of iron.

    Many leafy plants also contain high amounts of magnesium, another mineral that supports metabolic function and is involved in more than 300 processes in the body.


    14 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

    There is a lot that can be said about the benefits of broccoli. You can take this opportunity and look at the article about all the unique properties of broccoli. I'm sure there's a lot you don't know about this cruciferous vegetable. Broccoli is chock full of nutrients and boasts countless benefits for your health. Even if you don't notice many of its benefits, I highly recommend adding broccoli to your meal plan regularly. It has already been proven that broccoli's antioxidants can fight free radicals, defeating many inflammations in the body. Thus, it helps our immune system to boost metabolism without much effort. Of course, some of the other cruciferous vegetables are similar to this cabbage, such as cauliflower, and will also help boost your metabolism.

    Other Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

    Eating a healthy diet is important for regulating your metabolism. Other ways to boost metabolic function include:

    Drinking water.

    Drinking an extra 1,500 milliliters (ml) of water per day may reduce body weight and BMI in some overweight people, according to one small study. Participants drank 500 ml before each meal.

    Researchers speculate that this is due to water-induced thermogenesis, where water increases metabolism.


    Getting enough sleep is important for your metabolism and overall health.

    Research shows that lack of sleep may contribute to increased trends in obesity and diabetes, both of which are consequences of metabolic syndrome.

    According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. To improve your sleep patterns, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

    Power training.

    Lifting weights regularly allows people to gain and maintain muscle mass and burn fat. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults do strengthening exercises 2 or more days a week.

    A 2020 study found that strength training doubled your overall basal metabolic rate.

    How to speed up the body's metabolism to lose weight?

    If an incorrect daily routine and sleep disturbances are firmly in place, and an evening lunch combined with a delicious dinner occurs before bedtime, there is no need to even talk about proper metabolism.

    The first signs are reflected in the figure. However, the situation is not hopeless and metabolism can and should be accelerated.

    Choosing the right products

    Nutrition should be given special attention.

    Reduce and, if possible, eliminate:

    • high-calorie foods (baked goods, mayonnaise, etc.);
    • sauces, chips;
    • fried and fatty meat dishes;
    • fatty fish;
    • potato;
    • fast food in any form;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • coffee.

    Include foods that are healthy and low in calories in your diet:

    • Carbohydrates: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and other cereals;
    • bread with bran.
  • Protein:
      boiled chicken breast;
  • boiled lean beef;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • skim cheese;
  • milk with 1% fat content.
  • Cellulose:
      fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, etc.)
  • boiled vegetables (beets, carrots, less often potatoes);
  • fresh fruits (apples, citrus fruits, pears, berries, kiwi, etc.)
  • Spices: ginger and cinnamon.
  • Water at least two liters per day.
  • Green tea without sugar with lemon and ginger.
  • Helpful Tips:

    • Cereal porridge is cooked in water, without salt, sugar, or added oil.
    • You can add fresh or dried fruit. Recommended for breakfast.
    • Salads made from fresh vegetables without salt and without any dressing.
    • Ginger and cinnamon are added to boiled meat and fish dishes.

    Use of drugs

    The choice of drugs is great. They should be used taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the degree of need, etc. It is recommended to discuss the decision and the right choice with a doctor.

    The following medications and tablets are popular:

    • Reduxin. The main active ingredient is sibutramine. An expensive analogue is the German drug Meridia. The drug “forces” the body to spend more energy than usual, thereby reducing appetite. As a result of accelerated metabolism and moderate nutrition, weight is reduced. Contraindicated for hypertensive patients, heart patients and those suffering from kidney and liver problems.
    • L-thyroxine. It cannot be called harmless. The active substance is thyroid hormone. Receiving additional hormone, the thyroid gland begins to work in enhanced mode. Metabolism accelerates, body weight decreases. At the same time, excessive sweating, feelings of hunger and sleep disturbance appear. Long-term use causes the opposite effect - metabolism slows down.
    • Chromium picolinate. Recognized as more harmless. The active substance is chromium. The drug does not speed up metabolism. Chromium is required in sufficient quantities in the body to restore and maintain the optimal metabolic rate.
    • Glucophage. The action is based on the body's production of glucose. As a result, the level of insulin in the blood decreases, less fat is deposited, and metabolism is normalized. Do not use with problems of the cardiovascular system and kidney diseases.
    • Lecithin. Consists of phospholipids - the “building blocks” of body cells. If there is not enough lecithin in the bile, the breakdown of fats occurs slowly and poorly. Lecithin restores proper metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels. Has a beneficial effect on the liver. No contraindications have been identified.



    Chromium picolinate


    Not all drugs that speed up metabolism and reduce weight are listed. There are many others. Before making a choice, you need to know for sure that metabolic disorders and excess weight are not a consequence of any disease.

    Herbal infusions and teas

    Metabolism can also be improved using folk methods. Any drink has a positive or negative effect on metabolism. There are herbs, decoctions, infusions and teas that speed up metabolism and help you lose weight.


    • It has long been a known way to cleanse the body and speed up metabolism. Horsetail contains many beneficial acids.
    • Recipe: pour four tablespoons of dried stems with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil over low heat, and boil for 15 minutes. Cool, strain, add boiled water until the glass is full. One glass is divided into three doses per day.


    • The most easily accessible remedy of all. Rich in microelements, improves salt and carbohydrate metabolism.
    • Recipe: pour one teaspoon of crushed roots into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, and leave for twenty minutes. Drink a quarter glass fifteen minutes before meals.


    • Eliminates metabolic disorders. Promotes rapid digestion of food. High content of vitamin C and beneficial acids.
    • Recipe: pour two tablespoons of dry herb into a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for an hour. Strain and add boiled water until the glass is full. Drink two sips after meals.

    Herbal infusions:

    • All herbs that speed up metabolism contain all kinds of acids. May be contraindicated for people with high acidity and gastrointestinal problems.
    • You should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and do not use in unlimited quantities.

    Taking vitamins

    Poor nutrition and buying “over-seasoned” fruits and vegetables lead to a lack of vitamins.

    Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements will eliminate vitamin deficiency:

    • Vitamin B1. Accelerates carbohydrate metabolism. Improves gastric motility. Contained in peas, bread, buckwheat, oatmeal, and other grains.
    • Vitamin B2. Another name is riboflavin. Lack of vitamin slows down metabolism. Contained in dairy products, buckwheat, eggs, liver.
    • Vitamin B9. Valued for its folic acid. It accelerates metabolic processes well and cleanses the body. Contained in liver, citrus fruits, yeast, carrots, eggs, legumes.
    • Vitamin B12. Cobalamins speed up metabolism. Contained in eggs, liver, fermented milk products.
    • B vitamins: B-Complex, B-50, Pentovit and others. Vitamins should be used strictly according to instructions. An overdose causes allergies and disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

    Diet to speed up metabolism

    A diet to improve metabolism (metabolism) looks like a set of recommendations for eating:

    • Eating according to the principle “often, but little.” Provides meals five to seven times a day. The number of exchange cycles affects the quality.
    • Proper intake of water. A glass of water before eating. A glass of water before bed. This simple combination has a sufficient effect to speed up metabolism.
    • Fractional/separate meals. Carbohydrates with carbohydrates, proteins with proteins. Food will be digested faster if you play along with the stomach's fermentation device.
    • Basic chewing. Even in cases of limited time for eating, you should not harm yourself by swallowing half-chewed food. The point is not only in the crushed fraction, which will end up in the stomach. Treatment with saliva is important. It is a breaking down element no worse than gastric juice. Metabolism will speed up when food is digested quickly.
    • Proteins without fats. Eating proteins without combining them with fats will speed up your metabolism. Eliminates the formation of harmful cholesterol and its entry into blood vessels.
    • Do without junk food. It contains a high amount of trans fats. Does not depend on the level of the institution. Complex carbohydrates contain a lot of trans fats. They take a long time to digest. The unprocessed structure enters the liver and fat is metabolized.

    Following simple nutritional principles will speed up your metabolism.

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