"Boldenone": course and features of administration, purpose, release form, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

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Boldenone: features, dosages, combinations

Important! The BOMB BODY website does not encourage the use of steroid drugs and does not encourage their use. The goal is to convey maximum real information to those who have decided to take this DANGEROUS step, so that the harm to health is minimal!

What is boldenone for, features of its use and dosage. Dosage regimens and combinations with other drugs. Side effects.

Boldenone is a steroid of anabolic origin, created in the field of veterinary medicine and was originally intended to increase muscle volume in horses. In Eastern European countries, the drug is not widely used, but in Western Europe and the USA, the drug is actively used by professional athletes. The drug boldenone has varied reviews, but it definitely leads to an increase in both muscle and strength indicators.

There are no barriers to buying boldenone, online stores are full of a variety of products, but it is better to choose a quality manufacturer, and just anyone, because the health risk is already great.

History of the discovery of boldenone and pharmacological companies

Back in 1949 , the Swiss pharmacological company Ciba patented boldenone as a synthetic anabolic steroid. In the early 1950s and 1960s, the company actively conducted scientific experiments in search of boldenone esters, and by the end of the 60s and early 70s they finally managed to create a working, long-acting boldenone undecylenate ester, which began to be sold under brand Parenabol (which means injection of the drug), which was used in medicine to hypertrophy muscles and protect bones from destruction in osteoporosis .

At the end of the 1970s, boldenone completely disappeared from the pharmacological market, and appeared a few years later, already on the veterinary market (mainly used for enhanced muscle growth in horses), under the brand name “Equipoise” thanks to the American biopharmaceutical, which sells this drug until the end of 1985.

In 1985, a Belgian chemical company bought boldenone from Squibb, and sold it on its own behalf until 1995, which was later bought by another American pharmacological company (later formed into a veterinary company), which is still selling equipoise in America and other countries of the world.

Currently, many generics (drugs with identical active ingredients as patented ones) of boldenone undecylenate have appeared on the market, which means that all patents on the drug have already expired.

Boldenone undecylenate

Course for beginners

If you have not tried anything from the world of anabolic steroids until now, then it is recommended to start with minimal dosages, as well as with gentle drugs. For example, try the Boldenone - Enanthate course. Reviews say that it can give excellent results in a short time. So, if you are interested in gaining weight, then count on about 12 weeks, after which you can evaluate the result. On Mondays you will need to administer testosterone Enanthate 500 mg, and on Fridays Boldenone 600 mg. Rehabilitation therapy with Clomid three weeks after completion.

What does the Boldenone-Enanthate course provide? Reviews say that these two drugs complement each other perfectly. Boldenone reduces the risk of side effects. As a result, you can add up to 15 kg of pure muscle mass per cycle.

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Boldenone and animals

As you already understand, this drug has quite a few trade names, all of them are united by the active ingredient boldenone undecylenate. So, as we said above, boldenone was previously used exclusively in animal husbandry (to increase appetite and increase the weight of animals):

  • Equipoise (USA) – for horses
  • Ganabol (Colombia) – for cows and other horned domestic animals
  • Venobol (Germany) – for chickens

Ganabol (veterinary boldenone)
Despite this, athletes, especially from the West, widely use boldenone in their physical training, due to the fact that this drug has a strong anabolic effect, moderate androgenic and is well tolerated by the body.

Course for weight

It is for those who want to build beautiful muscles in the shortest possible time that this drug is intended, although it has quite a lot of indications. Below we will analyze them in more detail. For quite a long time, Boldenone was used in veterinary medicine. Injections were given to a variety of animals, from horses and cows to chickens. The effect was visible in reducing the fattening time of animals, as well as increasing endurance.

Gradually, after studying the properties of the drug, he was brought into the big sport. Reviews from sports nutrition specialists, nutritionists and fitness instructors confirm that Boldenone is the mildest anabolic steroid today. Reviews emphasize that if your cherished dream is an athlete’s figure, and training in the gym only allows you to build muscle under a layer of fat, then this drug will be an ideal option.

If you are interested in gaining weight, it is recommended to use combined techniques. "Boldenone" is combined with almost all known steroids, enhancing their effect and reducing the risk of gaining loose adipose tissue. At the same time, various combinations allow you to minimize androgenic effects, and therefore protect you from side effects. There are many combined courses, today we will look at just a few of them. Do not forget that the key to effectiveness is a high-calorie diet with a high protein content and healthy sleep.

Relationship between boldenone and other anabolic steroids

It's no secret that many anabolic steroids, in their chemical structure and effect on the human body, are very similar. Let's compare in more detail the popular anabolics (methandrostenolone, testosterone and nandrolone) with boldenone.

Boldenone and "methane"

Once upon a time, many mistakenly believed (even pharmacological experts!) that boldenone undecylenate (hereinafter referred to as boldenone) is an injectable analogue of the popular steroid - methandrostenolone, due to their similarity in chemical structure.

the methyl group in the 17th position from Danabol the ester chain in the same position from boldenone, then in both cases, these drugs will have identical chemical formulas, it is this fact that has misled many people for a very long time.

That’s how it is, only the methyl group in the 17th position has a strong influence on the final properties of the drug, changing its spatial structure of the molecule. After methandrostenolone has passed through the liver 2-3 times!, the methyl group in the 17th position is split off, and “methane” is converted into 17-methyl-estradiol, and the boldenone molecule, with the same cycle, is converted into a weaker estradiol, this entire process of cleavage and transformation occurs under the influence of * aromatase .

*Aromatase is an adrenal enzyme that converts androgens (male sex hormones) into estrogens .

Thus, the differences will be as follows:

  1. The degree of aromatization (the conversion of testosterone into estradiol, a substance with estrogenic properties) of boldenone is much lower than that of methane.
  2. Unlike boldenone, methandrostenolone is not able to activate the androgen receptor (due to the methyl group)

Methandrostenolone 100 tablets (anabolic steroid)
As you can see, these are not so identical drugs, or rather they are completely different, and they have only one thing in common - stimulating appetite, which is why both drugs are so popular during the period of mass gain .

Boldenone and testosterone

The boldenone undecylenate molecule is also similar in structure to the testosterone molecule, the only difference is the presence of an additional double bond (ring A), due to which boldenone is considered a universal drug, because it is not susceptible to the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, and this is human the enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

5-alpha reductase is a human enzyme involved in steroidogenesis, that is, in the biological process in which steroids are formed from cholesterol and their further conversion into other steroids.

That is, it turns out that 5-alpha reductase radically changes the properties of the original substance, but as you read above, it has no effect on boldenone, which is why this drug is considered universal, regardless of who is taking it.

Chemical formula of testosterone

The following general connections emerge between boldenone and testosterone:

  • Both substances perfectly stimulate the androgen receptor, and have non-genomic activity (increasing the number of nuclei in existing muscle fibers).

However, even in large doses, boldenone, unlike testosterone, does not affect the production of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) by muscle fibers.

Boldenone and nandrolone

In terms of their effect on the human body, both drugs are most similar (despite molecular differences), primarily in the time of activation of the androgen receptor and in their tendency to aromatize.

Aromatization of nandrolone, that is, conversion to estradiol, occurs without the participation of the aromatase

The identical properties of both drugs on humans have misled many experts into believing that nandrolone and boldenone are two interchangeable drugs. However, this is not entirely true, first of all, because nandrolone is converted under the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase into dihydrotestosterone, which is in many ways inferior to testosterone in the activity of androgen receptors in muscle tissue, while boldenone 5-alpha reductase does not have any effect, which is why boldenone can rightfully be considered a more powerful steroid than nandrolone.

Nandrolone from Balkan Pharmaceuticals

And of course, we should not forget that nandrolone, unlike boldenone, is generally devoid of non-genomic activity. But on the other hand, the first drug is more successful in terms of weight gain, mainly due to its active ability to stimulate progesterone receptors (progestogenic activity). That is why boldenone is often used with methandriol dipropionate , which allows you to catch up with nandrolone in terms of mass gain.

nandrolone in their training change it in the second half of the course to boldenone undecylenate, which has a more gentle effect on the body - it does not so strongly suppress the production of endogenous testosterone , that is, testosterone, which is produced by the body independently from cholesterol.

Benefits of using boldenone in sports

The ability to increase appetite makes it advisable to use boldenone not only in courses focused on “cutting”, but also to increase muscle mass. Such properties have made boldenone widespread in professional sports. Reviews of the use of boldenone confirm the high effectiveness of courses with its use.

In addition, the price of boldenone is affordable for every athlete and makes its use justified from a commercial point of view.

The drug promotes the transport of oxygen to muscle fibers, which makes it attractive for almost all sports.

Boldenone and testosterone are very similar to each other. The difference between these two substances is the existence of an additional double atomic bond in ring A. This structure protects boldenone from transformation into dihydrotestosterone. This drug is closest in its action to nandrolol. Despite the significant difference in their molecular structure. These two substances have approximately the same ability to build muscle mass. And also to the stabilization of androgen receptors.

Features of use and other properties of boldenone

When gaining weight

Athletes use boldenone quite successfully during the period of “ mass gain ,” that is, when it is important to gain more muscle mass without thinking about its quality. However, at first glance, it may seem that using this drug for weight gain is not entirely reasonable, because it cannot be aromatized and does not exhibit progestogenic activity. That is why, when boldenone is taken for the purpose of gaining weight, it is combined with “ long-lasting ” testosterones, for example, enanthate or cypionate.

When using boldenone (equipoise), appetite , which naturally has a positive effect on weight gain, however, as many experienced “chemists” note from their practice, to obtain a good result, boldenone must be combined with drugs whose concentration of the active substance is 200 mg/ml.

Boldenone for weight gain

On drying muscles

Many pharmacological experts recommend using boldenone when drying muscles, because it copes with it perfectly.

The almost complete absence of aromatization and progestogenic activity prevents excess water from accumulating in the body.

However, remember about the increased appetite during the boldenone cycle when you use it for cutting.

Boldenone for drying muscle mass

The effect of boldenone on endurance

Boldenone affects the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) - there are more of them due to the stimulation of one of the kidney hormones - erythropoietin , which increases due to an increase in 5b-metabolites.

This property of boldenone, such as increasing the number of red blood cells, is successfully used by athletes of various sports, especially aerobic ones, where endurance . For bodybuilders, this property of boldenone will also be useful, because with the growth of muscle mass, the capillary network in the muscles also increases, and of course, we must not forget about venousness , which will be at its best when using this drug, and this is not an unimportant factor for bodybuilders performing at competitions.

Boldenone for endurance development

Characteristics of the drug

Let's take a closer look at the drug Boldenone. Reviews suggest that it promotes lean muscle gain and accelerates their growth. This is a very mild type of injectable steroids that are well suited for beginner athletes who have not yet experienced the effects of anabolic steroids. Most often, the drug is prescribed in order to seriously increase the physical strength that is necessary to perform assigned tasks. In addition, it seriously increases appetite, as a result of which muscle mass grows in a good, prominent form.

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It must be said that the substance is extremely rarely used as an independent drug; usually athletes combine it with one or more anabolic steroids to achieve the best result.

How quickly does boldenone take effect?

Due to the heavy and long ester chain, boldenone does not immediately (slowly) have an effect on the body, and remains in the blood for about 3-4 weeks. Another negative side of boldenone is the fact that 1/3 of the drug is not working - “ballast”.

The obvious disadvantages of boldenone undecylenate prompted pharmacological laboratories to synthesize the substances boldenone acetate and boldenone propianate , which are distinguished by a longer period of action, as well as rapid inclusion in the work. Moreover, both substances (boldenone acetate and propianate) are not without drawbacks, as many athletes note, they are very painful and are not widely used in bodybuilding, which cannot be said about other sports where endurance is the predominant factor (athletics, skiing, cycling and so on).


Next on our list is another “Bold”, only from Moldova. This is Boldenone from Farmakom. Reviews about it say that this drug gives the muscles dryness and stiffness. If you follow a sports diet, you can achieve excellent results and quickly build muscle. The optimal dosage is 200-1000 mg of the substance per week. However, it greatly depends on the intensity of the course. But if the dosage is increased, muscle growth does not occur, but the number of side effects increases, which we will talk about a little later.

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The course of the drug is universal. It combines harmoniously with many drugs. Combinations with Testosterone or Stanozolol lead to a rapid and powerful increase in muscle mass. Such courses allow you to reduce the dosage of Boldenone undecylenate to 300–400 mg in 1 week at a dose of Stanozolol of 50 mg per day.

What dosages of boldenone are best to use?

The optimal dosage lies in the range of 300 – 800 mg per week , and in order for low dosages of boldenone (300 mg) to be effective, it makes sense to use them with other anabolic steroids. working dose for an athlete is considered to be about 600-800 mg per week.

The long half-life of boldenone (the time during which half of the drug is excreted from the body after the first injection, that is, the concentration of ester in the blood decreases by 2 times) allows injections to be made no more than once a week. However, pharmacological experts recommend that in the first 2 weeks , due to the slow start of this drug, increase the dose by 1.5-2 times .

You should not inject boldenone more than once a week; in addition to the risk of increasing side effects on the body, you can quickly achieve a cumulative effect (enhanced effect).

Boldenone undecylenate

For women

To avoid girls from irreparable side effects in the form of virilization (primarily male-pattern hair growth and deepening of voice) after using boldenone, we strongly recommend reducing the dosage to 75-100 mg per week and the duration of the course not to exceed 4-5 weeks.

Chemical structure

Boldenone undecylenate - belongs to the group of anabolic steroids with a medium-level androgenic effect, dissolved in oil with an undecylenate ester (1,4-androstadien-3-one, 17b-ol 1-dehydrotestosterone) attached through the 17-beta hydroxyl group; the half-life in the human body is about 9-11 days (full operating period up to 15 days), chemical formula of the base: C11H20O2.

Boldenone undecylenate is a modified form of testosterone. The difference between these substances is that boldenone undecylenate has a double bond between 1 and 2 carbons, this helps to reduce estrogenicity and androgenicity. Unlike free steroids, esterified ones are not absorbed as quickly from the injection site, and they are also less polar. After the ester enters the circulatory system, it is split off and free boldenone is found in the blood. The goal of developing esterified steroids was to prolong the therapeutic effect of injections and reduce the frequency of injections compared to free steroids. To ensure the release of boldenone in a high canopy within a couple of days and the continued release of the hormone over a couple of weeks, it was decided to develop boldenone undesilinate. It is important to note the structural similarity, almost identity, of boldenone and methandrostenolone. For boldenone, an undesylate ester is used at the 17-beta position, whereas in methandrostenolone an identical effect is obtained by adding a methyl group at the 17-alpha position. Essentially, the molecules are the same, they act slightly differently in the human body, given that 17-alpha methylation allows the drug to be absorbed in the stomach when taken orally.

What steroids can you combine (use) boldenone with?

To gain muscle mass , boldenone is combined with injections of sustanon or testosterone enanthate. You can also add oxymetholone to this combination.

For a more pronounced “mass gain”, boldenone can also be used with methandriol dipropionate, and due to the short half-life of methandriol equal to 2-3 days, its injections should be given at intervals : 2 ml - once every 2 days, or 3 ml – 1 time every 3 days. In addition, it is permissible to add testosterone to the boldenone-methandriol combination, also to accelerate weight gain.

When drying muscles, boldenone is usually used together with trenbolone or stanozolol, some combine all three drugs together, which is also acceptable in principle.

More experienced athletes, to improve the quality and definition of muscles, can try the combination of boldenone + testosterone propionate.

Course fee

To complete it you will need two packages of Turinabol. The appointment is scheduled for 8 weeks. The first and last weeks you need to take 3 tablets per day, for the rest of the time - 4. The cost of the drug is 2390 per package. You will need two bottles of Boldenone. It must be administered intramuscularly at 300 mg twice a week for 7 weeks. The cost of each bottle is 1990 rubles.

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The last component is Sustanon. You only need 11 ampoules. The duration of the course is 7 weeks. The first, sixth and seventh - one ampoule is administered, the rest of the time - two. The cost of the drug is 250 rubles per ampoule.

Boldenone (Equipoise) working courses and dosages

The duration of the working course for men is from 8 to 10 weeks, with the optimal dosage of boldenone from 400 to 800 mg per week (1 time), anything < 400 mg is ineffective, and anything > 800 mg does not lead to better results, on the contrary, the risk of side effects increases.

Boldenone working courses

To gain muscle mass , equipoise is perfectly combined with trenbolone and testosterone (in this case, we reduce the course to 6 weeks, to avoid suppression of the production of our own testosterone and be sure to take antiestrogens )

For relief and drying of muscles, boldenone combines well with anavar and winstrol

And of course, we should not forget that not only strength training associated with the use of anabolic steroids is involved in the enhanced process of muscle growth, but also elementary nutrition (for cutting, for mass), which is also a powerful anabolic factor in increasing muscle mass and strength .

Steroid cycle for mass (boldenone + testosterone enanthate)

We present to you one of the most popular, proven and effective courses for beginner “chemists”, to complete which you will need to buy the following on the “black market”:

  • Equipose 200 or 250mg/ml
  • Testosterone enanthate 250 mg/ml
  • Tamoxifen 10 mg tablets
  • Anastrozole (1 mg/tab), or Letrozole (2.5 mg/tab)

Thanks to the inclusion of boldenone in the course, we reduce the dosage of testosterone enanthate to minimum values ​​without compromising the anabolic effect; in addition, this combination allows us to reduce the internal conversion of anabolics into estrogens and the androgenic activity of the course.

Tamoxifen, anastrozole reduces the aromatization level of anabolic steroids, thereby helping to minimize side effects caused by increased levels of estrogen in the blood.

An approximate course on weight for experienced “chemist-athletes” :

  • Week 1 - 8: Equipoise 800mg/week (for beginners, reduce to 400-600 mg)
  • Week 1 – 8: Testosterone enanthate 500mg/week
  • Weeks 1-10: Anastrozole or Letrozole based on estradiol test results
  • Week 11 - 13: Tamoxifen 20 mg per day
  • Week 14: Tamoxifen 10 mg per day

Equipoise has low aromatization, so testosterone injections are proportionally less injected , for example, if boldenone is given at 400/600, then testosterone is given at 600/800, respectively.

Steroid course for muscle relief and dryness (boldenone + testosterone propionate + Winstrol)

To complete this course, we will need the following pharmacological drugs:

  • Boldenone 200mg/ml
  • Testosterone propionate 100mg/ml
  • Winstrol 50mg/ml (or tablets)
  • Anastrozole (1 mg/tab), or Letrozole (2.5 mg/tab)
  • Tamoxifen – 20 mg tablets

Inclusion in the Winstrol will provide you with a high-quality gain of lean muscle mass, and it will look like this:

  • Week 1 – 8: Equipoise 800mg/week
  • Week 1 – 8: Testosterone propionate 100mg/ml every other day
  • Week 6-10: Winstrol 50mg/every day (or 10-20 mg per day, in tablets)
  • Weeks 1-10: Anastrozole or Letrozole based on estradiol test results
  • Weeks 11 - 13: post-cycle therapy with tamoxifen

A course of boldenone for muscle relief
Dosages of testosterone and boldenone can be reduced , and sometimes need to be reduced if you begin to have health problems.

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Always remember, the higher the dosage , the higher the chance of side effects on the body.

How to take Boldenone?

You can take Boldenone only after undergoing a full medical examination. The dosage is selected depending on what drugs the athlete has taken before and how his body responded to them. The individual characteristics of the body and the purposes for which Boldenone will be taken are also important.

As a rule, the course of treatment lasts from eight to ten weeks. In this case, men take up to 800 mg of the drug per week, and women - up to 100 mg. It is important to start with a small dosage to see how the drug affects the body. In addition, this will help to track all possible adverse reactions in a timely manner.

Side effects of boldenone (equipoise)

Boldenone has little effect on the production of its own testosterone, due to resistance to the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, as well as the inability to convert into a powerful androgen - dihydrotestosterone, therefore, as such side effects (prostate hypertrophy, acne, baldness, body hair growth and face, etc.) due to the androgenic activity of equipoise is not observed, of course, with its proper use (applies only to men).

Also, we note that the low estrogenic activity of boldenone (2 times lower than that of testosterone!) allows athletes to use it in their training without the use of any additional antiestrogens , which protect the athlete from gynecomastia, edema and high blood pressure, at the same time, equipoise in the athlete’s body it acts as an aromatase inhibitor, thereby inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into estrogens, therefore, we be sure to monitor the level of estradiol (so that it does not drop to zero).

Acne on a course of anabolic steroids

Due to an increase in the level of red blood cells, the rheological properties of the blood may deteriorate, that is, the hematocrit (the volume of red blood cells, reflecting the ratio of red blood cells to plasma) will increase, therefore it is important to monitor the hematocrit during the course of boldenone; if it deviates from the norm, you should consult a doctor, as As a rule, trenal or pentoxifylline are prescribed, which will prevent aggregation (sticking together) of red blood cells, that is, it will prevent the creation of “coin columns” and their three-dimensional conglomerates in whole blood, thereby improving the rheology of the blood.

Some athletes, when using boldenone, notice acne in the arms, shoulders, chest and back, which is quite easily eliminated by applying special hygiene lotions and using antimicrobial soaps.

For women , equipoise is one of the safest anabolic steroids, primarily due to its low androgenic activity (the risk of virilization will be minimal).

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the lipid profile - the use of anabolic steroids increases the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), so be sure to take omega 3 fatty acid supplements during the “chemical” course, and get tested for hormones.

Medicine for women

While men can use steroids with minimal risk of side effects, for women this decision is almost always fraught with serious consequences. It's all about testosterone, which is not alien to the female body, but exceeding the dosage can lead to serious problems. "Boldenone" is one of the few drugs that can be used by the fair sex. Of course, the dosages will be much lower. To solve most problems, it is enough to use 50-100 ml of the drug.

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Boldenone - dosage

Boldenone, the effect of which is very positive and impressive, is a universal remedy. This means that it can be successfully used in various courses and cycles aimed, for example, at weight gain, or at a more narrow specialization.

The main task of the product is drying. In addition, a useful property should be added to this list - minimal aromatization. This means that some fluid is accumulating in the body.

Quite often, athletes use this drug instead of nandrolone. This is a completely adequate replacement, because both drugs cannot have a significant effect on the synthesis of natural testosterone.

The main disadvantage of the Boldenone weight cycle is that the ester chain is too heavy and long. As a result, the anabolic steroid begins to work slowly and in small quantities, since a third of the weight of the product goes to non-working areas of the body.

To neutralize this deficiency, a combination of acetate and enanthate is used. So far these are only laboratory studies. But it is quite possible that after some time Boldenone will be used based on a complex of these components.

Boldenone for women

Boldenone: course for massDue to the softness of Boldenone, there are no special contraindications for the use of this product by women.
If the course is too long, or perhaps you are taking high doses of the drug, then female representatives may experience manifestations of virilization - for example, hair begins to grow rapidly. But such features are only possible with excessive dosages. At doses of 150–300 milligrams there will be no such side effects.

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