Strombafort how to take a course of treatment, effects and side effects

Today, a beautiful figure is the standard that everyone strives for. At the same time, diet and training in the gym are far from the only methods that can be used. Drugs such as anabolic steroids and steroids will help you in a short time create the body of your dreams, get rid of subcutaneous fat and gain muscle mass. Today we want to tell you about the drug “Strombafort”. Reviews from athletes and fitness trainers make it stand out from the rest, which is why we decided to focus on it.

Short description

Before making a final decision whether to take this drug or not, you should definitely consult your doctor. The point is not even whether Strombafort is safe or not. Reviews speak of good tolerability and excellent results, but this does not negate the individual characteristics of your body, which must be taken into account. This drug is an oral steroid with high anabolic activity and a low androgenic index. The active substance is well known in the circles of professional athletes - it is stenozolol. The anabolic is produced by the pharmaceutical company Balkan (Moldova). Among professional athletes, the drug “Strombafort” has proven itself very well. Reviews say that he is very good at combined courses. The anabolic steroid provides a qualitative increase in muscle tissue and also helps reduce fat deposits.


The active substance is stanozolol. Let’s immediately make a reservation that in big sports there is only an injection form of this drug. Tablets are an option for beginners; even today they have become popular among girls. This is the only steroid that can interact with androgen receptors at the microsomal level. That is, it has a direct effect on adipose tissue. This is the only drug in its class (not counting danazol) that has similar properties.

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This is a modern drug that can be freely purchased in almost all cities of Belarus. Against the backdrop of a huge number of similar products, professional athletes choose Strombafort. Reviews contain information about the effects for which this drug is valued. Among them are an increase in muscle hardness and definition, a fat-burning effect and an increase in endurance. That is, this is a relevant remedy not only for weightlifters and bodybuilders, but also for any person engaged in physical labor, of course, if he has a desire to correct his appearance and make his muscles more prominent. So if you have firmly decided that the stress in the gym is clearly not enough for you, and you want to speed up the effect, then opt for the drug “Strombafort”. “Sportwiki”, a well-known section of sports Wikipedia, also did not ignore this drug. Today this is the best that can be offered to athletes who monitor their health. However, do not expect quick results; this is not a drug that creates volume due to the accumulation of fluid. You will have to earn every centimeter with your own labor, the drug only gives energy and strength for this.

General facts about the steroid

There is a good fat burning effect of the product. For those who take this steroid, the process of drying the body occurs more successfully and faster. Therefore, Stanozolol attracts not only lovers of physical activity, but also bodybuilders of various levels of training. Those using Winstrol report an increase in endurance and strength without increasing muscle weight, as well as the compatibility of the steroid with other common drugs.

Within the Russian Federation, any use of the product in its pure form is prohibited. This is due to the fact that Stanozolol is recognized as a potent substance. This ban has filled the black market with counterfeit Winstrol products, the use of which can be fatal. You can purchase real medicine containing Stanozolol only in pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor.

The drug has serious side effects; an error in dosage can lead to serious consequences for the health of an athlete or bodybuilder. Departure from instructions is dangerous to the physical well-being of the recipient.

According to statistics from a recent survey about the effects of Winstrol, 90% of respondents describe the product as high quality and worth purchasing. The largest percentage of dissatisfied comments (approximately 32%) is devoted to the body’s negative reactions to injections. Those surveyed talk about the adequate cost of the steroid, its high effectiveness and availability, so you should not reject Stanozolol when searching for the optimal drug.

Weight loss

This is another area in which the drug Strombafort has no equal. “Sportviki” places special emphasis on this, since reducing body fat is primarily of interest to the weaker sex. The reason, again, is that the drug is not able to retain water in the body. On the contrary, it promotes its effective removal. In turn, this blocks the accumulation of fatty deposits. Through proper training and a balanced diet, as well as taking this drug, you will be able to gradually lose weight by consuming fat tissue, not muscle. This requires physical activity, without it the drug is useless, since the released energy, remaining unclaimed, will again settle as fat in problem areas.

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Application of Stanozolol

When the active substance of the steroid penetrates the cells of the body, it begins to accelerate the synthesis of RNA and DNA, the number of structural proteins increases and additional ATP is synthesized. To achieve the correct effect of Stanozolol tablets and intravenous solutions, you must follow a number of rules. Remember that the slightest violation of them can lead to critical consequences and inevitable changes in the body.

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Using Winstrol simultaneously with a number of medications reduces the likelihood of negative reactions in the body. Thus, the steroid is often combined with more powerful androgynous drugs (these include Anadrol and Methandrostenolone). In this case, Stanozolol will create a favorable environment for the action of other popular substances.

Combined courses for non-professional athletes should be such that the total volume of AAS does not exceed 500 milligrams in 7 days. When using Winstrol during weight loss or before competition, it is necessary to combine it with Trenbolone. In this case, the muscles will acquire hardness and beautiful relief, which is necessary for most who use steroids.

Stanozolol in ampoules (usually used during a single course called Stanozolol Solo) is chosen for drying the body and correcting the appearance of muscles. It is necessary to consume 50 milligrams per day, it is dissolved in drinking purified water. The active areas for injection are the triceps, biceps and thighs.

The effect of tablets on the body is weaker than the effect of injections. The reason is that there is less Stanozolol in capsules: in order to gain 50 milligrams, you need to take up to 25 tablets. But in this case, the recipient runs the risk of serious gastrointestinal and liver disorders. The optimal administration strategy is to take 2 tablets in the morning, 2 at lunch and 2 tablets in the evening. The weight of each pill should be from 2 to 5 milligrams.

  • Pain in the knee joints and bones is considered a common complication during a course of Stanozolol; the drug thickens the tendons. To minimize the risk, take the drug together with testosterone or deca; it is permissible to use alternative drugs for ligaments and joints;
  • A sharp rise in blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels in the blood, and even myocardial hypertrophy are possible. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose and consult with specialists;
  • Androgynous side effects cannot be ruled out. These include hair loss and the formation of edema, acne or acne, as well as the body's refusal to produce natural testosterone;
  • If you feel a negative effect of the drug on the liver, you should take milk thistle extract or take a course of vitamin E. Toxicity occurs due to alpha-17 alkylation;
  • In men, there may be a decrease in ovarian activity and a decrease in libido, increased urination and metabolic system disorders;
  • Injections may be painful for people with hypersensitive skin. Consider switching to oral Winstrol.

When the period of taking Stanozolol (regardless of whether it was injections or tablets) has come to an end, it is necessary to carry out post-cycle therapy. This remedy is non-aromatizing, therefore, to restore the body after therapy, it is necessary to use not antiestrogens (negative reactions are possible), but zinc, Omega-3 preparations, Tribulus. Hepatoprotectors are suitable for the prevention of liver disorders.

Start of the course

As already mentioned, first of all you need to consult with your doctor and nutritionist. If the main problem is excess weight, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. This is not necessarily overeating; hormonal imbalances and other health problems are possible. Only after receiving the approval of doctors can you order the drug “Strombafort”. Reviews do not recommend taking it solo, but this applies more to professional athletes. If we are talking about a newcomer to the world of steroids and anabolic steroids, then a monthly course is just what you need. It is also important to note the relatively low price. There are only 100 tablets in the package, that is, this is enough for a month of full use. You don't have to buy a second pack to make it to 6 weeks. At the same time, the dosage of the drug “Strombafort” is pleasing. Reviews recommend taking it solo precisely because, without including other anabolic steroids in the course, you receive a safe dose, which is enough to solve certain problems. That is, if the results do not suit you, and you want a career in big sports, then you can increase the dosage, otherwise this will be quite enough.

Subtleties of legislation

The anabolic steroid became available to athletes back in 1962. It was originally used for horses. Stanozolol was later approved for use in humans for muscle correction and body strengthening. In Russia, this product is prohibited for storage, sale, and production. You cannot use the drug for personal purposes and transport it within the country. It is also prohibited to produce and operate equipment for creating Winstrol. The ban came into force in 2007.

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Reception course by day

We present the simplest option for beginners here. However, each person is individual, so to create a course that suits you, contact professionals.

The first week is adaptation. You need to take 2 tablets per day. Starting from the eighth day, go to three. From the third week (that is, from 15 to 21 days) you will need to take 4 tablets, now you can divide the dosage into two doses. Fourth week - we go to reduce the dosage, return to 3 tablets a day. Finally, the fifth and sixth weeks - 2 tablets per day. By this time, the body is already working on burning fat to the maximum, therefore, you will have a lot of strength for working out in the gym. Proper nutrition during this period will ensure the growth of lean muscle mass. This course does not provoke the development of side effects and gives excellent results.

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Optimal dosage

Let's clarify this point, because in a sports store they may offer you different Strombafort. Feedback from women suggests that if you have no desire to build serious muscle mass, then the oral form is perfect. The tablets will effectively reduce body fat mass, and once the course begins, you will feel that you have much more energy for household chores and going to the gym. As a rule, men drink about 25-50 mg per day, but professionals say that there is no point in taking less than 50 mg, it is a waste of money and time. At the same time, the course for a woman will cost much less, since 5-10 mg is enough for the fair sex per day. The effect of the drug lasts up to eight hours, that is, Strombafort has a very short-term effect, so breaks are not recommended.

Doctors' opinion

How safe is this anabolic steroid for use? Probably no one can answer this question better than an experienced doctor who works with athletes as part of his job. What do they think about the drug "Strombafort"? Reviews from doctors about him are very good. First of all, medical experts, together with leading coaches of sports teams, note that this drug does not cause structural changes within organs and systems. When taking this anabolic, the processes of the genetic background of the cell are significantly accelerated, that is, in simple terms, this gives impetus to active protein synthesis, as well as respiration and oxygen saturation. As a result, catabolic processes are reduced and anabolic processes are stimulated. Thus, the drug is just a catalyst; it does not disrupt the natural course of physiological reactions inside the body.

This is fully confirmed by those who have already tried Strombafort. Reviews of the use of this product confirm that muscle mass begins to grow right before our eyes. At the same time, the active ingredient of the drug - stanozolol - has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, they are saturated with calcium. The product slows down the processes of catabolism, and vice versa, significantly accelerates the strengthening of bones, promotes their nutrition with calcium, and slows down the process of removing nitrogen, sulfur and potassium from the body.

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However, doctors also know from the other side the drug “Strombafort” (“Balkan”). Reviews from therapists and surgeons say that the drug is successfully used in the treatment of injuries, burns, and in the correction of muscle dystrophy. It is this experience of using the product that tells us about its benefits and easy acceptance by the body, of course, if you follow the normal dosage.

Pure muscle tissue

Those who have practical experience of training in the gym know how difficult it can be to get in shape. Women especially often face the problem when muscles grow under a layer of fat. That is, the figure only becomes heavier, but does not become slimmer or more prominent. This is where the drug “Strombafort” comes in very handy. Reviews from girls confirm that this steroid does not cause swelling or other unpleasant side effects. By the way, this is very important for the stronger half of humanity. Weight gain while taking this product is not too rapid, because it gives an increase in “pure muscles”. When using other drugs that cause water retention, the visual effect is more impressive, but it is much better to spend more time but gain quality muscle mass than its watery counterpart.

Both women and men are pleased with the drug’s ability to maintain energy even with a lack of calories. For example, during a diet before an important event or before a competition. You do not lose strength, but continue to be active and cheerful, working hard in the gym, which has a very beneficial effect on weight loss. Thus, “Sportviki” calls the “Strombafort” course the best modern fat burning program.

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Anabolic steroid "Strombafort"

The drug " Strombafort " is quite popular among bodybuilders. This drug contains the well-known Stanozolol , which is famous for its ability to build high-quality muscle mass . In short, Strombafort is Stanozolol, available in tablet form. Stanozalol is an active substance contained in various drugs under different names, and each drug may contain different amounts of it, so do not get confused about this.

Side effects

We have already said so many good things about this drug that many probably have a desire to urgently buy a package of the same. But you need to weigh the pros and cons. At first glance, it is completely safe, but athletes use it in courses and in large quantities. But you need to take into account that it is hepatotoxic. If you have liver problems, reconsider your decision, think carefully about whether it is worth taking Strombafort at all. Reviews that do not mention side effects are usually left by young people who play sports and have no health problems. A healthy liver will withstand such a load, especially if dosages are not exceeded.

However, that's not all. Like all steroids, it can have negative effects on the prostate. While taking the drug, hair loss may increase and acne may appear. In some cases, the product may increase blood pressure. In women, the use of this drug can lead to suppression of ovarian function and menstrual irregularities. Of course, to get such a “bouquet”, you need to take Strombafort for quite a long time and in large quantities. Reviews (a side effect occurs no more often than in one out of 20 cases of use, judging by the words of athletes), however, say that the drug is very easily tolerated. At the same time, medical studies confirm that undesirable developments are possible, but for this you need to seriously exceed the recommended dosages.

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In case of coronary heart disease, any anabolic steroids are contraindicated. Stanozolol is not prescribed to patients with kidney and liver diseases. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation and if the patient is under 18 years of age. Testosterone derivatives are not recommended for people with congenital or acquired heart disease, because they increase blood synthesis, which leads to increased blood pressure. The substance should not be used by patients with the following ailments:

  • breast cancer in women;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • hypersensitivity to dihydrotestosterone derivatives;
  • breast carcinoma with hypercalcemia;
  • prostate cancer in men.

Combined courses

In fact, professional athletes almost never take solo steroids. Let's look at the classic combination - "Turinover" / "Strombafort". Reviews from athletes most often cite this brilliant duo as an example. But before moving on to such heavy artillery, be sure to consult a doctor.

This combination of drugs helps to quickly build up lean and hard muscles, while the physical endurance and strength of the athlete will be significantly increased. They are taken in a course of 5 weeks, three tablets of Turinover and Strombafort every day. Within five weeks, results become noticeable, fat molecules are burned for energy, and lean and sculpted muscle mass is added. Physical strength increases significantly, muscle cell metabolism doubles. At the same time, the recovery of muscles and ligaments improves. This cycle, consisting of two high-quality steroids, is designed to increase the definition of your muscles and add additional volume. These processes occur simultaneously with the burning of fat and an increase in strength in all basic exercises. That is, if you decide to build a career as an athlete, then first of all pay attention to the Turinover/Strombafort tandem. Reviews fully confirm that this is an excellent option for a quick start and first results. Quite mild and at the same time very effective products will allow you to quickly burn fat and reduce the percentage of fluid in the body, improve strength results and add lean muscles. At the same time, you are guaranteed to be protected from severe side effects, unless, of course, you prescribe the dosage yourself.

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Video about the drug "Stanazolol"

Stanozolol is one of the most popular steroids. Moreover, it is used not only by bodybuilders and powerlifters who use the drug to gain muscle mass, but also by track and field athletes who need endurance and strength.

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Properties of stanozolol:

  • promotes not only weight gain, but also improves the quality of the gained mass;
  • increases definition and burns subcutaneous fat;
  • improves strength and speed performance of athletes.

There is still ongoing debate about the advisability of using stanozolol in women. It is assumed that there is an anti-estrogenic and anti-progestogenic effect, which in theory has an adverse effect on a woman’s reproductive and endocrine system.

If you need an effect very quickly

We have already said that Strombafort is not a remedy that gives quick results. This doesn't suit everyone. If you need an instant effect, then it is recommended to use methandrostenolone, or - in common parlance - methane. The most common steroid from this group is Danabol. Once the most common among beginner athletes, today it is losing ground somewhat as other, safer options have emerged. There are reliable studies that tell us that this is not the best anabolic steroid, but the media often significantly exaggerate the harm and underestimate the benefits that this drug provides. As practice shows, a full course (6 weeks) leads to an increase in weight by 10 kg, followed by a rollback of 3 kg.

pharmachologic effect

When the substance penetrates the cell nuclei, patients experience activation of the genetic apparatus.
The drug stimulates oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis, and accumulation of macroergs. Under the influence of Stanozolol, there is an increase in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and activation of nucleotide enzymes. Catabolic processes under the influence of a chemical substance are slowed down, and anabolic processes are enhanced. When using the drug, the body retains calcium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. As a result of this process, long bones become denser, which helps slow down the development of osteoporosis. The increase in density is achieved due to calcium deposits. Increased tissue respiration helps increase muscle endurance. Stanozolol interacts with the glucocorticoid binding protein Gm-STBP, which helps reduce cortisol production.

The medicine increases the production of erythropoietin, which leads to an increase in the number of red blood cells. The half-life of the anabolic steroid is 24 hours. Metabolism of the drug occurs in the liver. The medicine leaves the body through the kidneys. The substance is completely eliminated after 2-3 days. Modern laboratories can determine with high accuracy whether an athlete has taken this anabolic steroid or not. The drug discovery period is 360 days.

The substance combines well with Prednisolone and cytostatic drugs. When Stanozolol is taken simultaneously with hepatotoxic drugs, side effects increase in patients. The dihydrotestosterone derivative increases the bioavailability of anticoagulants, hypoglycemic agents, and antiplatelet agents. It is not recommended to combine the substance with other anabolic steroids without the knowledge of a doctor.

Pros and cons of the drug "Danabol"

Very soon we will talk about what the Danabol - Strombafort pair is. The course, which has impressive reviews, is based on two effects: fluid retention and increasing the speed of metabolic processes in the cell. We have already talked about the effects that are inherent in the drug "Strombafort", let's now talk a little more about what adding an anabolic antagonist to it gives.

So, Danabol gives the effect of quickly gaining muscle mass. This happens by starting the process of protein synthesis and breakdown of muscle glycogen. Appetite increases greatly, which accelerates the process of weight gain. But there is practically no fat burning with this drug. It also has side effects, which is why the drug is not very popular today. Studies have shown that the likelihood of side effects increases only if the recommended daily dose of 30 mg is exceeded, but, nevertheless, they are possible with a normal dosage.

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First of all, it should be noted that it is highly toxic to the liver. The higher the dosage, the more noticeable this is. Therefore, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to weigh all the consequences before taking it. And finally, the most famous effect, due to which it is included in combined courses. This is fluid retention caused by estrogens. What is noteworthy is that this happens mainly in skeletal muscle cells, which is why we observe an increase in its volume. This is a purely visual effect, which will disappear quickly after completing the course, since excess fluid will leave the body, and up to 50% of the gained weight will be lost.

Instructions for use

Stanozolol can be purchased in oral and injection forms. When administered intramuscularly, the activity of the steroid increases by 1.5 times. Depending on the effect that the athlete wants to achieve, a combined course of Stanozolol is drawn up. In order to minimize side effects, hepatoprotectors, supplements for joints and ligaments are taken along with the substance. Post-cycle therapy (PCT), which normalizes the functioning of the hormonal system, is mandatory.

When the first signs of virilization appear in women (acne, clitoromegaly, voice changes), the course must be interrupted. Clinical trials have shown that professional athletes can take 10-20 mg of the substance per day to increase the anaerobic threshold and increase the reduction of fat deposits. Beginning athletes to improve the quality of muscle mass will have to consume up to 50 mg of Stanozolol per day to achieve similar results. The dosage should be selected individually by the doctor based on tests.

The toxicity of the drug to the liver is minimal. A healthy person will be able to consume up to 900 mg per week without any serious consequences for the body. If pain occurs in the liver area during the course, you can drink Holosas. This remedy promotes the outflow of bile and will accelerate the removal of anabolic steroids from the body. If the pain does not go away after consuming Holosas, you should consult a doctor and interrupt therapy.

Patients who have never taken anabolic steroids begin the course with a minimum daily dose of 10 mg. In order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to take Stanozolol tablets on an empty stomach. If there are no side effects, after a couple of days the dosage is increased by 5 mg, gradually bringing it to 50 mg/day. The minimum duration of the course is 5 weeks, and the maximum is 8.


Male athlete

Athletes practice intramuscular administration of the substance when gaining muscle mass. The toxic effect of the injection solution on the liver is 1.5 times stronger than that of tablets. The recommended dosage of the drug is the same as when using tablets. You should not take more than 50 mg per day. In combined courses with methane and other steroids, the amount of substances consumed should not exceed 500 mg in 1 week.

For women

The dosage is calculated by the doctor based on the patient’s body weight and health status. Women are often interested in the fat-burning effect of Stanozolol. It manifests itself with regular training. Stanozolol is not produced separately for women. The total daily amount of the substance should not exceed 15 mg. It is recommended to take the medicine evenly, i.e.

Most Popular Course

Of all the combined courses of steroids, the most attention is paid to the Danabol - Strombafort pair. Reviews from athletes confirm that the combination of such different effects gives amazing results. In this case, they begin the course with Danabol, which is taken for 5 weeks, 3 tablets per day. The muscles will immediately gain definition. Then they switch to Strombafort. It should also be taken for 4-5 weeks to maximize the preservation of the result and the formation of relief. You should also take 3 tablets per day. This is a mild drug that does not provide much weight gain, but allows you to maintain the results for quite a long time.

Release form

Stanozolol solo is available in two forms:

  • injection;
  • oral tablet forms.

Injections and tablets have some differences in metabolism, speed of onset and duration of action.


This form is an aqueous solution of the active substance in ampoules. Injectable Stanozolol is represented on the market by the following drugs:

  • Stromba;
  • Winstrol Depot;
  • veterinary drugs.

The average dose is 50 mg/ml (in veterinary drugs it is about 100 mg/ml). The drug is administered by intramuscular injection (preferably injected into the buttock or thigh). On average, depending on the purpose, a course of taking Winstrol lasts about a week.

Advantages of parenteral forms:

  • high bioavailability;
  • quick effect;
  • To achieve results, smaller doses are required, which reduces the toxicity of the drug.


  • difficulty of administration;
  • soreness.


Stanozolol tablets are popular among athletes.

Important! The dose contained in the solution is much higher than that of tablet analogues. Therefore, in order for a sufficient amount of the active substance to enter the bloodstream, it is necessary to take from 10 to 30 tablets per day. Moreover, all non-injectable forms are metabolized in the liver, which reduces the bioavailability of the drug.

Benefits of Winstrol tablets:

  • ease of administration;
  • painlessness.


  • you need to take a large number of tablets;
  • low effect due to hepatic transformation;
  • side effects from the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, toxic liver damage.

Let's sum it up

All diagrams and recommendations given in the article are for educational purposes only. These are minimal dosages that exclude the development of side effects, but they can only be effective for beginners. Moreover, if a girl wants to take steroids in order to reduce fat mass, she needs to consult a gynecologist and carefully weigh the consequences. All steroids are primarily designed for the male body, so if possible you should do without them. For men, the drugs presented in the article can be a great opportunity to show off their luxurious body on the beach.

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