Vitamin complex Opti men: advantages, benefits, composition and dosage regimen

Reviews from people who have had experience of including Opti-Men vitamins from Optimum Nutrition in their diet indicate the effectiveness of the complex.

Despite the presence of analogues, “Opti-Men” is very popular both among men who are professionally involved in sports, and among those who lead a normal lifestyle, while taking care of their own health. If you follow the recommendations, regular support of the body with the Opti-Men vitamin complex will give visible changes in a person’s well-being after 45-90 days.

Release forms and composition of the drug

Opti-Men vitamins (reviews should be taken into account only if they contain a list of not only the positive aspects of taking dietary supplements, but also possible side effects), with their regular use, are capable of maintaining the normal functioning of all vital systems and organs.

They are available in the form of tablets, each of which is a mini-complex of vitamins and minerals. The world famous has developed a dietary supplement, which in its composition is a balanced nutritional system consisting of more than 70 beneficial nutrients.

The supplement is, in fact, a combination of 5 main complexes, most often recommended by nutritionists for use when adjusting nutrition:

  • a combination of eight essential amino acids (the most important are glutamine, arginine and BCAA);
  • a combination of eight concentrates, marine and plant origin (necessary to maintain the functioning of the male reproductive system);
  • a combination of more than twenty extracts of fruits and vegetables (necessary to rid a man’s body of waste and toxins);
  • a vitamin complex containing more than 25 types of nutrients (needed to maintain heart function, as well as normalize blood pressure and the cardiovascular system as a whole);
  • a complex of plant-based nutrients to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Vitamins Opti-Men. Reviews from doctors, instructions, description, price
    Composition of Opti-Men vitamins

The composition of the daily portion of the Opti-Men complex (the recommended number of tablets per day is 3) includes (the main vitamins and minerals are listed):

  • vitamins of group A (about 10,000 IU);
  • ascorbic acid (at least 300 g);
  • cholecalciferol (approximately 300 IU);
  • vitamins of group K (at least 75 mcg);
  • vitamins of group E (about 200 IU);
  • zinc (at least 35 mg);
  • selenium (about 200 mcg);
  • copper (at least 2 mg);
  • magnesium (about 100 mg);
  • iodine (approximately 150 mcg);
  • calcium (about 200 mg);
  • biotin (approximately 300 mcg);
  • carotene (not less than 140 mcg);
  • choline (approximately 10 mg).

Composition of Optimen vitamins

Optimen sports vitamins for men are designed to meet the needs of the male body for vitamins and minerals. Dietary supplement includes:

  • minerals;
  • 22 vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • botanical extracts;
  • enzymes for the absorption of nutrients.

Optimen contains 5 groups of useful components:

  1. Phyto – extracts of vegetables and fruits. Concentrates provide the supply of substances that remove free radicals.
  2. Amino – a complex of amino acids that increases resistance to intense physical activity and promotes muscle mass gain;
  3. Viri – extracts of algae and medicinal plants. These components are of particular value for men.
  4. Enzy is a combination of enzymes that promotes the absorption of food and improves metabolic processes.

Optiman vitamins contain the following components:

  • natural mixture of carotenoids (A);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • cholecalciferol (D);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • phytonadione (K);
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • niacin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • folic acid;
  • biotin;
  • calcium;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum.

Important! Each package of Optimen contains 90, 150 or 240 tablets.

Pharmacological properties

The main pharmacological properties of the Opti-Men vitamin and mineral complex include:

  • maintaining normal metabolic rates in the body of a man who plays sports professionally or leads an active lifestyle;
  • maintaining a person’s mental health;
  • stimulation of mental processes in the brain;
  • maintaining muscle fiber tone;
  • minimizing the risk of premature hair loss due to local acceleration of blood flow on the head;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels by supplying the blood with a sufficient amount of not only nutrients, but also oxygen;
  • strengthening connective tissue;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • maintaining the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintaining physiological sexual activity (maintaining libido);
  • preventing the occurrence of acute pain in the muscles after active strength training by accelerating the process of removing lactic acid from the male body;
  • strengthening the skeletal system, as well as joint tissues;
  • minimizing the risk of injury to muscle fibers (stretching, tearing, etc.) during strength training.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vitamins "Opti-Men" (reviews taken from the official websites of the manufacturer, distributors and independent information platforms) from the point of view of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics:

  • increase the absorption of calcium by the body (mainly in the rectum);
  • minimizes the risk of developing dangerous diseases associated with vitamin deficiency (for example, rickets);
  • promote the accumulation of vitamins A, B, E and D in muscle fibers;
  • improves the body's use of unsaturated fatty acids for its work;
  • promote the formation of high concentrations of key vitamins in the kidneys, liver and myocardium;
  • accelerates the processes of remineralization of bone tissue through its remodeling.

The components of the dietary supplement are released in the human small intestine, after which they are absorbed by the body through elementary diffusion.

Depending on the organ through which the bloodstream enriched with Opti-Men nutrients passes, the constituent parts of the complex are phosphorylated or dephosphorylated. The residual amount of elements not absorbed by the male body is excreted due to the functioning of the organs of the urinary system.

What vitamins increase potency?

As noted above, the male body often needs a complex of vitamins. To improve the functioning of the genital organs, restore potency and reproductive function, you need to include the following elements in your diet:

  • TOCOPHEROL (VITAMIN E) is the most important component for the body, which improves blood circulation and ensures blood flow to the male genital organ. In addition, tocopherol accelerates cell renewal, plays the role of an antioxidant for the body and restores the functioning of the endocrine glands (primarily the pituitary gland). It is responsible for the creation and maturation of sperm.
  • ASCORBIC ACID is an element that ensures vascular elasticity, improves blood circulation and guarantees optimal blood flow to the penis. Ascorbic acid increases testosterone levels and protects against prostatitis. Regular intake of vitamin C in the body helps strengthen the immune system and the formation of dopamine, the deficiency of which manifests itself in frequent colds with decreased performance.
  • VITAMIN D. Also useful for male potency. Its presence in the body contributes to the production of sex hormones and increased attraction to the opposite sex. The greatest deficiency occurs in winter, so problems with potency often intensify during this period.
  • VITAMIN B - participates in liver protection and promotes the production of hormones. Its action is also aimed at protecting the liver, improving tone and optimizing other functions. B6 and B12 are of greatest importance for the male body. Their deficiency in the body leads to a decrease in sexual energy and a number of other problems. In particular, B6 is required for normal functioning of the central nervous system. Folic acid (B9) is no less important, the presence of which determines a person’s performance and the persistence of potency.
  • VITAMIN A - ensures the functioning of the immune system, normalizes reproductive function in males.

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Indications for use

The officially recognized indications for the use of the Opti-Men vitamin-mineral complex, which nutritionists and sports nutrition specialists focus on, are:

  • the need to ensure protection or maintenance of vital systems of the body or its organs (for example, after a severe viral disease or during strength sports);

    Vitamins Opti-Men. Reviews from doctors, instructions, description, price

  • maintaining the general tone of the body (especially important in the spring and winter);
  • minimizing the risk of acute pain in the post-training period associated with stagnation of lactic acid in muscle fibers;
  • increasing the rate of muscle mass growth (subject to regular exercise, as well as compliance with the basic principles of proper nutrition);
  • maximum slowdown or complete blocking of catabolism;
  • increased libido;
  • maintaining potency (especially important during the period of physiological hormonal changes in the male body that occur at the age of 47-55 years);
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • relief from stress associated with exhausting strength loads;
  • activating or maintaining the speed of metabolic processes (metabolism may slow down due to a man’s unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of pathological processes in his body, or due to age-related changes).


Opti-Men vitamins (reviews of vitamin and mineral supplements written by people with medical education should also be taken into account when deciding on the advisability of including dietary supplements in the diet), as well as other complexes that have a direct effect on vital organs and systems male body, have a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the composition (detected by practical means or by laboratory tests as recommended by a therapist);
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases associated with incorrect functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy (regardless of trimester);
  • lactation period (consumption of dietary supplements by a woman during breastfeeding can negatively affect the health of her child. The concentration of the allergen in the milk will increase, the reaction to which can be expressed in the form of red spots on the baby’s skin, dryness of his skin or the appearance of rashes on the face or body) ;
  • serious diseases of the digestive system (especially important if the patient’s diet is calculated by a nutritionist and does not allow independent correction of the balance of nutrients).

Contraindications and side effects

Before taking a mineral-vitamin complex, you need to be examined in a hospital.

Despite positive reviews from doctors, Opti Men vitamins have a number of side effects:

  • young people under 18 years of age;
  • in case of dysfunction of the liver and genitourinary system;
  • with a passive lifestyle;
  • while taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • in case of individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • for diseases of the digestive tract.

Adverse reactions are extremely rare, however, they do occur in some cases. The urine becomes bright yellow because the drug contains a large amount of group B elements. Digestion is sometimes disturbed due to the fact that the drug contains saw palmetto berry extract.

Before you start taking Opti Men or its analogues, you should first consult your doctor and read the instructions for use.

Do not take multivitamins on an empty stomach or take it for more than 30 days without a break. It is not recommended to combine the complex with medications that contain vitamins and minerals.

At what age can the drug be used?

According to the official statement of the manufacturer, the vitamin and mineral complex from Optimum Nutrition is allowed to be used to maintain the functioning of the body exclusively from the age of 18.

This is due to the fact that the content of nutrients in the supplement was calculated by the developers based on the daily needs of an adult over 18 years of age. Ignoring this recommendation may lead to side effects that create the need to stop not only taking the supplement, but also playing sports in general.

Vitamins Opti-Men. Reviews from doctors, instructions, description, price

Despite the manufacturer’s warning, young people involved in sports independently prescribe their consumption of “Opti-Men”, without even adjusting the dosage of the dietary supplement. Most often, this leads to a lack of effectiveness from taking the supplement, as well as an acute reaction of the body associated with an excessive concentration of nutrients in the blood and organs of a young man.

Regardless of the age of a man who has decided to start taking the Opti-Men vitamin complex, this should be done only after consultation with a therapist or nutritionist, as well as undergoing all the necessary examinations aimed at determining the state of his health.

Instructions for use, dosage

Opti-Men vitamins (reviews can be considered informative if their authors include evidence of changes in their health, for example, before and after photos or test results, etc.) are not recommended for use on an ongoing basis.

This is due to the fact that such an amount of vitamins continuously supplied to the human body will sooner or later cease to be absorbed, which will lead to a kind of “overdose” that triggers reverse processes.

For example, if the purpose of taking a dietary supplement was to replenish calcium deficiency and strengthen the skeletal system, its incorrect consumption can provoke bone destruction and deterioration of the condition of joints and tendons.

In addition, an excessive amount of nutrients supplied from the outside usually leads to the body’s tolerance to the components of the composition, which reduces the effectiveness of artificial support for the body to zero.

The optimal regimen is considered to be one in which “Opti-men” is prescribed in a dosage of 1 capsule 3 times a day (for professional athletes) or 1 capsule 1 time a day (for men leading an active lifestyle but not involved in strength sports), in within 1 month. Next, you should take a break of at least 30 days, and then repeat the course using the same algorithm.

The standard sequence of actions when taking vitamins looks like this:

  1. Consume half a serving of the dish without washing it down.
  2. Swallow the tablet with plenty of water.
  3. Continue eating.

Reviews of the product Vitamin and mineral complex Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men (150 tablets)

Leonid Kozlov
rated the product 10

7.10.2020 12:04

I recommend it to everyone
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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