Taking L-carnitine for weight loss: is it worth it and how to use the supplement correctly (+ regimen for taking all forms)


Sergey Sidoruk 02/27/2019 no comments


Are creatine and caffeine compatible?

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Creatine and coffee are two active ingredients that are often included in fat-burning formulations and pre-workout supplements. Their compatibility has not yet been fully studied. Experts have been working on this for several years, but so far there is no final conclusion. Doubts about simultaneous use are quite logical, because creatine retains fluid in the body, and caffeine, on the contrary, has a pronounced diuretic effect.

Is it possible to combine caffeine and creatine?


In combination with each other, creatine and caffeine are quite common in sports nutrition products. This approach is absolutely justified from a theoretical perspective. Due to the fact that caffeine has a stimulating effect, it indirectly promotes the activation of the phosphogenic system. Creatine, in turn, improves the activity of ATP and the phosphocreatine system.

Based on this, theoretically, these two components should be synergists, not antagonists, just like caffeine and tea.

In recent studies, scientists have been able to prove that caffeine and creatine are completely compatible with each other. Together they help improve fat burning and pumping. The most important thing is to control the dosage of caffeine, since consumption in excessive quantities significantly reduces the effectiveness of sports nutrition. A positive effect can only be obtained if the athlete is loaded with creatine and immediately before the load takes caffeine in small dosages.

The issue of creatine and caffeine compatibility has been debated for several years.

Athletes also wonder if creatine can be taken with a fat burner, such as creatine and green tea. It is definitely possible and even necessary. It is best to drink creatine with green tea.

How to take creatine monohydrate?

There are several options for taking the supplement:

Loading phase. Large doses of monohydrate are taken for 5-6 days: 5 g 4 times a day. After the cells are saturated, the dosage is reduced to 3 g once a day. This method helps to quickly achieve the desired result, but there is a risk of side effects. To avoid an overdose, a large consumption of the product is required - training should be intense and with a short time interval.

How to take creatine

Non-loading reception phase. In this case, there is no transition from a larger amount to a smaller one; the entire cycle of taking the drug is used once a day, 5 g. This helps reduce the risks of complications from an overdose and does not require large consumption of the product as in the first case. This option is more suitable for girls who want to lose a couple of extra pounds and tighten their muscles during a gentle workout.

Constant use leads to the fact that the body itself ceases to produce creatine in the required amount, so the total duration of use can be a maximum of 2 months with a break before the start of the next cycle of 3-4 weeks.

On days when no training is planned, it is better to drink the product in the morning, because at this time of day it is best absorbed. On a training day, it is recommended to drink it after pumping the muscles.

It is not recommended to abruptly stop taking the drug. A jump in daily dosage can have a bad effect on the removal of water from the body. It is best to gradually reduce the dosage, for example, 1 g per day, then it will be easier for the body to readjust and start taking the substance only from muscle tissue.

Features of the effect of creatine on the body

The main task of creatine is to provide the human body with an additional source of energy and increase the volume of ATP. Taking the supplement provides benefits:

  • stimulating the growth and restoration of muscle fibers;
  • ensuring the normal functioning of all systems and organs.

ATP lasts for a maximum of 20 seconds, if you do not use additional recharge. Muscle performance decreases significantly due to the fact that they cannot work at full strength. In such a situation, taking creatine is quite appropriate. Its action is primarily aimed at creating creatine phosphate, which is the most important source of ATP.

Creatine in bodybuilding or any other sport works as follows:

  1. Creatine phosphate is formed under the influence of an enzyme.
  2. Phosphocreatine appears due to the combination of phosphate with the component.
  3. The strength and endurance of muscles increases, and energy reserves in the body are replenished almost instantly.
  4. Phosphocreatine gives already used molecules a second recharge and due to this increases the athlete's potential many times over.

Creatine helps improve the function of the phosphocreatine system and ATP

An effective combination

With protein

Creatine has one significant disadvantage - it is not sufficiently soluble in water. Because of this, the mixture tends to linger in the stomach and cause upset. In addition, this property prevents beneficial substances from reaching the muscles. In other words, amino acids are simply excreted from the body. To prevent this from happening, it is important to consume creatine together with protein. It is better if it is whey protein, as it is quickly absorbed. This combination greatly increases the effectiveness of training.

Creatine is not that important, but it needs to be combined with protein - pure protein. If protein provides a large influx of “building” mass, then creatine allows you to saturate your body with maximum energy. Despite the harmonious and coordinated work of the two supplements, it is important to use them wisely. The best ratio is considered to be: 5 grams of creatine per 25-30 grams of protein(s).

With gainer

Another supplement that creatine goes well with is gainer. The best time is either before training (half an hour) or after it. Introducing a high-carbohydrate mixture will saturate the body with the lion's share of energy, as well as significantly increase muscle mass. Alternatively, you can take creatine along with orange, grape or grapefruit juice. For better absorption, it is important that the drink is slightly warmed.

As for the gainer, it’s no secret that this kind of supplement is best combined with creatine. However, at first, we recommend using gainer and creatine separately. This is necessary so that your body gets used to the new supplement. Then you can gradually switch to simultaneous use. Carbohydrates will only contribute to better absorption of creatine. The optimal ratio is considered to be: 5 grams of creatine per 15-20 grams of carbohydrates (gainer).


BCAA is an excellent “protector” of muscles from destruction. Pairs perfectly with creatine. This duo is perfect for gaining lean muscle mass. In our opinion, the best combination in this sense is the following complex: BCAA, protein and creatine. Thanks to this combination, you can achieve more effective results in the shortest possible time.

So, when gaining muscle mass, you can use a cocktail with creatine and BCAA immediately after physical activity. If you want to lose weight, then the two sports supplements are also quite compatible. You simply consume amino acids before, during and after physical activity and do not cancel creatine, which will give you an additional boost of energy that will help you cope with fat. In this sense, it is more correct to consume BCAAs and creatine after going to the gym. The best ratio: 5 grams of creatine per 10-15 grams of amino acids. Before the strength load, you can take protein and amino acids, and immediately after - amino acids and creatine again, and after another 20 minutes you can already drink a protein shake.

With beta-alanine

A truly explosive combination that allows muscles to grow by leaps and bounds. Few athletes know, but it is this amino acid that contributes to the rapid gain of muscle mass and a tremendous increase in endurance under constant and intense stress. But to achieve the desired growth, we recommend choosing the optimal course of treatment for yourself: 4, 8 or 12 weeks. You can take two sports supplements at the same time, or use creatine (or Beta-Alanine) for the first week, and beta-alanine (creatine) for the following week. This tandem is perfect for all weightlifters who get little benefit from taking creatine alone.

Benefits of caffeine

Of all the varieties of coffee that exist today, the greatest amount of beneficial substances is contained in natural coffee.

Its main advantages include the following:

  • a large amount of fatty acids that prevent the growth and development of cancer cells;
  • natural grains are rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamins that have a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart;
  • lowering the pain threshold by stimulating the release of adrenaline;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

Caffeine makes muscle cells more sensitive to adrenaline and increases the rate of metabolic processes in them

Taking caffeine and creatine separately

Unlike creatine, caffeine is a natural plant product. Athletes, in addition to their daily consumption in the form of tea or coffee, resort to the use of sports nutrition supplements. When used together, creatine helps increase ATP production, but the effect will be reversed with prolonged use of caffeine. Thus, not only the production of ATP molecules is reduced, but also the full positive effect of creatine.

Therefore, it is important not to take these two components at the same time so that their functions are fully utilized. It is best to give preference to separate reception.

Creatine and caffeine research results

Initially, controversy about the possibility of simultaneous use of these two products arose due to the research conducted. During the study, scientists found that coffee helps reduce the loading of muscle tissue with creatine. It is from this moment that all existing opinions about the incompatibility of products refer to this study. Currently, these data are subject to great doubt, since the experimental conditions did not take into account the long-term effects of both additives and were completely imperfect. Those studies that were conducted recently completely refute the negative effect of caffeine on the strength performance of athletes and the level of creatine in the body.

The role of carnitine in the body

All of the above properties have a significant impact on the functioning of the whole organism. Listed below are the most important life processes of the human body in which levocarnitine takes part.

Heart and circulatory system

Here, the ability of carnitine to prevent fat deposits in the area of ​​the heart muscle comes first. According to studies, its regular use reduces cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by up to 60%.

Formation of muscle tissue

By influencing protein metabolism, carnitine exhibits a pronounced anabolic function. Moreover, the ability to saturate the blood and tissues with oxygen leads to a more complete breakdown of glucose, reducing the amount of lactic acid in the muscles. This makes it easier to endure training and get the maximum effect from them, which is especially important for athletes seeking to increase muscle volume.

Metabolic processes

As we have already found out above, levocarnitine is directly involved in the processes of energy formation. Thus, it accelerates the metabolism and breakdown of adipose tissue throughout the body, which makes it possible to use carnitine for weight loss.

In addition, it promotes detoxification and the elimination of harmful substances, such as xenobiotics, heavy metals or acetic acid. All this has a beneficial effect on the body's metabolic mechanisms. And by limiting the amount of fast carbohydrates, it helps to quickly get rid of fat reserves.

Endurance and stress resistance

This is influenced by several factors. The main ones are increasing the rate of breakdown of fats to produce energy and protecting the tissues of the nervous system from the effects of harmful substances that can enter or accumulate in the body. Equally important is the ability to increase the flow of oxygen and increase the production of endorphins. The overall effect is expressed in a decrease in anxiety and fatigue during mental and physical stress.

Benefits, deficiency and sources of carnitine

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