"Bronholitin" in bodybuilding. How to use it correctly as a fat burner? Eka for weight loss

How to take aspirin for weight loss

If you don’t yet know how to take aspirin for weight loss, be sure to read our article.
We will describe the instructions for taking this drug as a “reliever” of extra pounds, and also inform you about the possible consequences of such weight loss. Aspirin and weight loss | How does aspirin affect the body? | Does it really help you lose weight? |How to take aspirin correctly to lose weight? |Disadvantages of such weight loss |Precautions |Reviews

Often, overweight people spend a lot of money on purchasing special medications for weight loss. But they don’t even suspect that an effective remedy for fighting extra pounds is in every medicine cabinet. Aspirin for weight loss quickly helps you lose excess weight and acquire the desired shape.

Scientists have proven that taking Aspirin promotes the breakdown of fat. When it enters the body, the main active ingredient of Aspirin reacts with protein kinase. After this, a signal is sent to the brain that there is a high energy consumption. This reaction provokes the process of breakdown of adipose tissue and promotes accelerated metabolism.

What does Aspirin help with?

Probably everyone knows that when you have a fever you need to take an Aspirin tablet. Many do this without even thinking about the full spectrum of action of this drug, its consequences and contraindications.

You can often see people drinking Aspirin in films, advertisements, modern books, and you yourself could often resort to it, simply because everyone does it. Meanwhile, its active ingredient has still not been fully studied, therefore, you should warn yourself and become more familiar with the instructions for this drug.

In this article you will learn when it is better to take Aspirin and when to stop taking it, you will see its spectrum of action and possible side effects.


How does Aspirin work?

Otherwise, this drug is called acetylsalicylic acid and has the abbreviation ASA. In pharmacies you can find both Aspirin and tablets called ASA.

Its main effect is antipyretic. The drug stimulates sweating, which helps to quickly reduce body temperature. Aspirin has an anti-inflammatory effect to a lesser extent than its antipyretic effect, but it is strongly pronounced. Due to the fact that the drug fights inflammation, it relieves pain well.

However, you need to have a good understanding of where this source of pain comes from and what caused it

In addition to the well-known actions, Aspirin also replenishes vitamin C reserves in the body, which is very important during periods of colds and flu. Vitamin C can get many people back on their feet, even without resorting to serious medications

This will keep your stomach healthy and free you from heavy spending on medications. One of the controversial actions of Aspirin is blood thinning. For some situations, this effect becomes a big plus, but in others it causes irreparable damage to the body. Minor effects include increased stomach acidity

This is very important if you suffer from stomach diseases, especially ulcers

Here is the answer to the main question - what will Aspirin help with? Now that you have become familiar with the spectrum of actions of this tablet, you can draw conclusions:

  • It is better to drink ASA when it is hot, but if the body temperature is not lower than 37.1 degrees, all temperatures below this mark may be normal for a particular person.
  • For inflammation, Aspirin is taken as a pain reliever and relieves swelling.
  • Headaches most often go away after taking an Aspirin tablet.
  • Sometimes Aspirin is prescribed for certain problems with blood vessels and circulatory disorders in the brain.
  • During ARVI, it becomes an indispensable assistant with the main symptoms.

However, first you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications in the next paragraph, and also find out the dosage of the drug. If you take Aspirin too often and too much, you may develop stomach pain. This drug severely destroys the gastric mucosa.


Contraindications to taking Aspirin

These include:

  • Ulcers and stomach diseases. With them, Aspirin is strictly prohibited.
  • Many vascular diseases, since the tablet thins the blood.
  • Age up to twelve years.
  • Pregnant women are most often prohibited from taking Aspirin.
  • If you are taking several medications at the same time, you better consult your doctor, as some tablets are prohibited from being mixed with each other, Aspirin is also included in this list.
  • Blood clotting diseases.

If you do not have any of the above, then you can safely put the drug in your first aid kit and use it if necessary.

Action of the complex

The main component of the drug, acetylsalicylic acid, acts by inhibiting cyclooxygenase, resulting in the suppression of pain and inflammation. The drug is widely used as an antipyretic for flu and colds. For joint diseases (Bechterew's disease, rheumatoid arthritis), aspirin relieves pain.

Interest in aspirin as a means of losing weight arose after research by British scientists. The journal Science published the results of the effect of aspirin on cellular metabolism. Once in the body, it is broken down into salicylic acid. The latter substance interacts with an enzyme that is activated when adenosine monophosphate accumulates. According to scientists, after taking aspirin, the brain receives information about excessive energy consumption at the cellular level, which triggers the fat burning mechanism.

Caffeine provides us with vigor and a surge of strength, relieves the “addictive” state of ephedrine, replacing it with unprecedented strength and desire to train.

Ephedrine reduces pain, allowing us to exercise more, makes us incredibly awake, increases the frequency and power of the heartbeat, and has a bunch of other stimulating effects.

Aspirin thins the blood and, as was previously thought, enhances the effect and duration of ephedrine, however, this is not the case and this drug is often switched off from the bundle, but the name “ECA” remains unchanged.

Bronholitin caffeine and aspirin how to take for weight loss

Here opinions vary greatly: some say throughout the day, several times, in small portions, others say an hour before training, however, I like the method of consuming ECA immediately before training. I use injectable caffeine (caffeine benzoate), I get ephedrine from Broncholitin cough syrup, I put 2 cubes of caffeine intramuscularly and drink 1.

With the right combination of Bronholitin, caffeine and aspirin and a precisely selected dosage, you can achieve the following effects from taking it:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • increased mental and physical performance;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • decreased appetite;
  • reduction of subcutaneous fat;
  • improved mood.

At the same time, there is no significant effect on the central nervous system, since none of the components is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. This complex is not suitable for acute gastritis or stomach ulcers due to the irritating effect of aspirin.

It should be borne in mind that for maximum effectiveness, broncholithin, caffeine and Aspirin for weight loss should be used against the background of sufficient physical activity. Without exercise and a reasonable diet, the effect of this complex will be insignificant.



is a combination of three drugs: ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin, which is used in bodybuilding and fitness to lose weight and gain relief. The term ECA is an acronym that includes the initial letters of its constituent drugs. ECA-based sports nutrition became especially popular in the 1990s, when there were hundreds of different types of fat reduction supplements on the market, but later the ECA combination was banned in many countries around the world (USA, Canada, Russia). This is due to the abuse and use of ephedrine as a precursor for the production of narcotic substances.

Efficacy of ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) Edit

Placebo-controlled studies have led to a clear conclusion: ECA (standard dosage) is effective for burning fat. The combination of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin demonstrated statistically significant superiority over placebo, with no serious side effects. [1]

A meta-analysis of data showed that ECA increases fat loss by 1-3 kg per month, without additional interventions (exercise, diet). [2] The effectiveness of the ECA combination increases dramatically with aerobic training and a low-calorie diet.

Alcohol and broncholithin

Bronholitin is a syrup drug that belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs used for coughs and colds. The following features are typical from the instructions for use:. Bronholitin is produced in the form of syrup, packaged in dark glass bottles, with a measuring spoon or cup in a pack.

This combined agent exhibits a high antitussive and bronchodilator effect. Its action is determined by its constituent components. Glaucine hydrobromide is able to suppress the cough center without causing respiratory depression, drug dependence, the development of constipation and other undesirable effects.

Is it possible to lose weight and what is the effectiveness?

Bronholitin caffeine and aspirin how to take for weight loss

You won't be able to lose a lot of weight with aspirin alone. To achieve results, you need to take acetylsalicylic acid along with other components: ephedrine and caffeine. All 3 substances were part of a dietary supplement called ECA, which was used in bodybuilding and fitness in the 90s.

The mixture works even with a standard diet and light physical activity. The effect occurs by increasing metabolism and reducing appetite, but to achieve better results, exercise and reducing caloric intake are required.

Weight loss occurs as a result of the fact that caffeine and ephedrine have a thermogenic effect, that is, they increase body temperature. Aspirin enhances their effect. After taking the complex, the nervous system is stimulated, appetite decreases, and lipolysis (the breakdown of fat cells) increases. Acetylsalicylic acid softens the effects of other substances: helps relieve headaches and prevents dehydration.

Lipolysis process
The process of breaking down fat cells.

If you cannot find a dietary supplement, you can take each of the components separately. Ephedrine is not freely available in pharmacies, but it is part of the drug Bronholitin.

The composition is as follows: for 250 mg of aspirin you need to take the same amount of caffeine and 50 ml of Broncholithin. This is a daily dosage, which is divided into 3 doses. You can drink all the ingredients at once and then go to the gym.

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Bronholitin caffeine and aspirin how to take for weight loss

You can lose weight by 3 kg per month with the help of the mixture.

Is it possible to lose weight with Broncholitin ^

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Broncholithin is a medicine commonly prescribed by doctors to treat a cough. Previously, it was freely available in pharmacies, but now it can only be purchased by prescription, because... it contains the main active ingredient - ephedrine, which is included in the list of drugs.

If you manage to circumvent the law and buy syrup without a prescription, then in its composition, in addition to ephedrine, you can find glaucine hydrobromide, as well as auxiliary components: basil oil, citric acid, polysorbate 80 and simple purified water. Bronholitin is sold in 125 g bottles and, in addition to relieving cough, it has an expectorant effect.

How does Bronholitin work for weight loss?

As for Bronholitin and losing weight with it, it is quite possible thanks to the following action of the main component - ephedrine:

  • Stimulates the activity of the nervous system, due to which fatigue ceases to bother you, efficiency and endurance increase, which allows you to exercise in the gym with maximum efficiency;
  • Accelerates heart rate;
  • Activates metabolism;
  • Suppresses appetite.

Thus, the main properties of Bronholitin for weight loss are precisely that it helps to perform heavy physical exercise with minimal fatigue, and also copes with increased appetite, which often bothers those losing weight during a diet.

Harm or benefit

The drug Bronholitin for weight loss is now being sold by prescription for good reason, because it often gives side effects, and in some cases it can be addictive.

  • There is only one benefit from it - more intensive weight loss, but if you compare the health risks, it is better to give preference to another, less harmful remedy, or limit yourself to the gym and diet.
  • Another disadvantage of Bronholitin is the presence of sucrose in the composition, which makes losing weight somewhat difficult.
  • In order to still lose weight, you will have to go to the gym while taking the drug so that the calories and sugar you receive are quickly burned, otherwise you may not achieve the desired result, because everything will be transformed into subcutaneous fat.

Broncholitin for weight loss: pros and cons

The main positive quality of Bronholitin is that it accelerates weight loss, but it has several disadvantages:

  • Without exercise and diet, it may not be effective;
  • In some cases it produces side effects;
  • It cannot be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

We also recommend that you read the article on Happy-womens.com How to use taurine to improve your body health and lose weight.

Rules for taking for weight loss

To achieve the effect and not cause harm to health, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • Do not take the mixture for more than 2 weeks in a row;
  • It is forbidden to combine with alcohol;
  • you need to maintain a water regime during the day - drink at least 2 liters of water;
  • Evening intake is not recommended (may lead to insomnia);
  • Due to the acceleration of metabolism, vitamins and minerals are removed from the body, so their deficiency should be compensated with the help of vitamin complexes.

The composition will help you lose weight only if you follow a diet and with intense physical training.

When taking aspirin on your own, the daily dose should not exceed 300 mg. You are allowed to take 1-2 tablets at a time on a full stomach with milk, juice or water. This will help prevent damage to the lining of the stomach and intestines.

Before using ECA, remember the following recommendations:

  1. Do not mix with alcoholic beverages, caffeine (tea, chocolate, coffee).
  2. When using pills, do not forget to adhere to a weight loss diet.
  3. Don't eat ECA before bed, otherwise you won't sleep.
  4. Due to the fact that these fat burners promote an accelerated metabolic process, it is necessary to take vitamins and minerals.
  5. If side effects occur, stop taking the pills immediately.
  6. Do not eat more than what is indicated in the “Dosage” column.
  7. Drink more water.
  8. Be sure to exercise.

ECA has compiled a huge list of contraindications, prohibitions and side effects, which is why it was banned in many countries.

The fight for beauty

Aspirin is widely used by folk craftsmen as a rejuvenating agent for facial skin. Today, a huge number of homemade masks are made based on it. It is believed that aspirin can eliminate age spots, remove wrinkles, and clear the skin of acne. The effect of aspirin in cosmetology is as follows:

  • It stops inflammatory processes - both acute and chronic
  • It improves blood circulation in the skin and provides better nutrition to its cells
  • It normalizes water-fat metabolism in tissues
  • It eliminates infections and intoxication
  • It triggers renewal mechanisms, improves skin tone, smoothes out fine wrinkles
  • It evens out the skin structure

Bronholitin caffeine and aspirin how to take for weight loss

Aspirin is often used in masks with the addition of honey, water, etc. At the same time, its effect is compared with the well-known chemical peeling. Therefore, by the way, it is not recommended to use it in the summer, when the bright sun appears.

Aspirin is also often used to strengthen hair. With its help, the following effects are achieved:

  • Eliminate electrification of hair
  • Treat dandruff and seborrhea
  • Activate hair growth
  • Reduce fat content in the area near the roots

Aspirin tablets are added to shampoo, a wash is prepared based on it, and included in hair masks.

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One known way to combat a hangover is to take an aspirin tablet. True, there are theories that it is better to use it before the feast. But in most cases it is used after. It is optimal to use effervescent tablet form for this purpose. It has less effect on the mucous membranes and acts more quickly. Aspirin helps relieve swelling and relieves headaches caused by alcohol intoxication.

Aspirin helps with hangovers for a simple reason. When drinking alcohol, the blood begins to thicken and erythrocyte microclots form, i.e. lumps of red blood cells. It is they, walking through the bloodstream, that cause headaches and fluid retention in the body. Aspirin breaks up these clots and makes the blood more fluid.

broncholithin and caffeine for weight loss

However, it is worth understanding that aspirin should not be used together with alcohol. It should also be remembered that it has a strong effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which causes bleeding.

Dosage, application features

The instructions for Bronholitin indicate the method of its use and dosage.

The instructions indicate the average daily dose for children from 3 to 10 years old - one measuring spoon three times; over 10 years - two measuring spoons. For adults, it is recommended to take one tablespoon of syrup 3-4 times a day.

Bronholitin syrup can be given to children

Bronholitin is ideally combined with antibiotics, vitamins and antipyretics. But it is not recommended to combine it with some drugs. These include:

  • Strophanthin, digoxin and other glycosides;
  • halogenated anesthetics;
  • psychotropic medications;
  • quinidine;
  • oxytocin;
  • ergoalkaloids.

You should also not combine it with taking antidepressants, as this can cause an attack of hypertensive crisis. When taking Bronholitin and antidiabetic drugs, you should remember that it neutralizes the effect of the latter. Psychostimulants, analeptics and adaptogens can enhance the effect of Broncholitin, as can drinking coffee and strong tea.

When taking the drug, keep in mind that coffee enhances its effect, so you should drink coffee carefully

If the cough does not disappear after 7 days from the start of taking the drug, or, on the contrary, intensifies, then it is advisable to stop therapy with Broncholitin.


To make the use of ECA safe and beneficial to the body, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  • Do not drink if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, or thyroid gland;
  • the drug is prohibited for mental disorders;
  • Never mix with alcoholic or caffeinated drinks such as black tea, chocolate and coffee.

It is very important to seek medical help if you experience any discomfort or deterioration in your health. It is also important to take special vitamin complexes and drink enough water to avoid dehydration.

In order for weight loss to help burn fat deposits, you need to eat right, consume 90-100 g of protein per day and constantly engage in physical activity.

Aspirin is prohibited for the following diseases:

  • gastritis, ulcer;
  • heart failure;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • hemophilia;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • asthma attacks induced by taking NSAIDs;
  • spider veins on the skin;
  • vitamin K deficiency;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Precautionary measuresPrecautions when using Aspirin.
Do not take acetylsalicylic acid tablets during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Side effects from taking ECA

The dosage of each element of the complex taken for the purpose of losing weight is optimal and is designed not to cause any irreversible negative consequences. Strict adherence to the optimal dosage rate, unfortunately, does not exclude the occurrence of side effects, including:

  • sleep problems and insomnia;
  • constant feeling of overwork;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • attacks of dizziness and headaches.

The use of several components at once is quite often associated with the occurrence of an allergic reaction provoked by individual intolerance. When you decide to take the complex to burn fat deposits, you should focus on broncholithin, which has many features and individual contraindications.

The role of aspirin in ECA mixture

The strongest component of the mixture is ephedrine/ephedra. It has long been considered a fairly powerful thermogenic drug, but then it was discovered that in combination with caffeine and aspirin it works much more powerfully. It is also known that caffeine is also a fairly strong thermogenic, but much weaker than ephedrine.

If these two substances are mixed in an arbitrary ratio, then their thermogenic properties add up, one plus one equals two. However, if they are mixed in a strictly defined proportion - 200 mg of caffeine per 20 mg of ephedrine (the resulting amount is taken three times a day), the result is synergistic.

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Taking acetylsalicylic acid relieves pain and reduces body temperature, eliminating the symptoms of fever. The inclusion of aspirin in the ECA mixture is associated with its abilities useful for weight loss:

  • Regulate metabolic rate due to its effect on protein;
  • Increase protein activity necessary for accelerated fat burning;
  • Protection against blood thickening due to large fluid loss.

Previously, aspirin was not added to a fat burner with ephedrine and caffeine due to the drug’s lack of fat-burning properties. But an important quality of aspirin is its ability to mitigate the side effects of the other two elements of the ECA mixture. Professional athletes before important competitions use large amounts of diuretics used to achieve maximum drying.

It is important to remember that with high doses of aspirin, the risk of allergic reactions, stomach pain, and even intestinal bleeding with damage to the gastric mucosa increases. With moderate doses of the drug, used for a limited time, harm to health can be avoided.

Is it possible to drink Aspirin and coffee together?

Can I take ephedrine with caffeine without aspirin? Yes, it is possible, but athletes prefer to leave it in the lineup.

The main purpose of aspirin is to mitigate side effects. For professional athletes before performances, it is necessary to thin the blood. Since many athletes before the Olympics consume huge amounts of diuretics in order to get maximum drying, aspirin becomes the only way not only to relieve headaches, but also to avoid stroke due to excessive blood thickening.

Due to the cheapness of ephedrine and its availability in pharmacies in these countries, more than 12 thousand deaths from screw were recorded per year. This, in turn, led to the prohibition of ephedrine at the legislative level and its classification as a narcotic substance.

Since the circulation of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in Russia is limited, cough syrup is usually used as part of the weight loss mixture. A tablet of aspirin and caffeine is added to it - they can be freely purchased at any pharmacy.

These two products have long been known to mankind. It would seem that nothing can connect them, but modern scientists have proven that Aspirin and coffee are a very useful combination for human health.

But is it worth breaking the law in pursuit of a dubious result? The Ministry of Health warns The authoritative medical journal Journal of the Medical Association published the results of a scientific study: the ECA drug really leads to weight loss.

Ephedrine Caffeine = the most effective fat burner?

For example, its use is stopped during treatment with leeches, since this may provoke more bleeding from wounds than necessary after the leeches fall off.

Although the simple truth has been proven that you can and should lose weight only with the help of proper nutrition and exercise, many girls still strive to find miracle pills that will allow them to lose weight without any effort. Unfortunately, if such pills are found, the effect of them is so destructive for the body that even if you managed to lose weight, against the backdrop of a damaged liver and a sick stomach, it no longer brings any joy.

Fortunately, in recent years, using such a cough remedy for weight loss has become almost impossible, because now no one sells such drugs in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. The fact is that the main substance that allows you to lose weight due to broncholithin is ephedrine.

broncholitin for weight loss

This is a narcotic substance that has the following actions:. If aspirin in an amount of mg is added to this mixture, the result is even more impressive.

Violation of the regimen for taking ECA for weight loss, as well as an overdose, lead to dire consequences. Therefore, before use, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons of the drug.

The main complication is disruption of the cardiovascular system. The drug also causes an increase in blood pressure. As already mentioned, taking aspirin can provoke the development of stomach ulcers.

Ephedrine is considered a narcotic drug, so it is prohibited for free sale in the Russian Federation. It causes addiction and a severe metabolic disorder called hyperthyroidism. It is associated with disruption of the thyroid gland, as it begins to produce an increased amount of hormones. The process of losing weight becomes uncontrollable. The person literally dries up and gets anorexia.

According to reviews from those who have tried to lose weight with ECA, the drug has a more negative effect. Instead of the promised cheerfulness, people often experience a headache. Periodically there are attacks of aggression and irritability. Sometimes people complained of hallucinations. But I can’t exercise properly because of my high heart rate and panic attacks.

Finally, it is rarely possible to maintain the results obtained, since after completing the course the body no longer works in this mode. The process of natural recovery begins. The person begins to overeat, in addition, the body itself returns to its usual form.

To lose weight, you need to take Bronholitin, caffeine and Aspirin in a balanced manner. The following daily dosages are considered the most optimal:

  • Bronholitin – 50 ml;
  • caffeine – 250 mg;
  • Aspirin – 250 mg (half a tablet).

Of course, these are average standards. Much depends on the person’s weight, age, and state of the cardiovascular system. If necessary (with normal tolerability of Aspirin and according to health), it is allowed to increase the dosage three times. The daily norm is divided into three doses. Please note that Aspirin can irritate the gastric mucosa.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Due to the specific taste of Bronholitin, the entire complex is usually washed down with water. Taking ECA usually lasts two weeks, followed by a break of the same duration. This is done in order to prevent the body from getting used to the drugs.

Possible side effects when using the complex are associated with the effect of ephedrine and caffeine included in its composition and manifest themselves in the form of insomnia, nervousness, and rapid heartbeat. Therefore, you should not take Bronholitin, caffeine and Aspirin in the evening. It is strictly not recommended to take these drugs for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Due to the presence of caffeine and ephedrine, the mixture has a strong stimulating effect on the nervous system. After its use, blood pressure increases, heartbeat increases, tremors of the limbs and headache appear. Deaths have been reported due to overdose of components. The development of bronchospasm, hallucinations, and internal bleeding is possible. Withdrawal syndrome also develops (a person feels lethargic, drowsiness, and loss of strength).

Self-administration of aspirin in high doses causes:

  • neurological disorders (tinnitus, headaches);
  • damage to the digestive system (nausea, abdominal pain, bleeding, stomach ulcer);
  • liver dysfunction (transaminases increase);
  • kidney pathology (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, increased creatinine);
  • blood pathology (decrease in platelets, leukocytes, development of anemia).

Broncholithin is used in bodybuilding as a fat burner.

By the mid-2000s, the drug, produced under the trade name Bronholitin, became popular among amateur athletes in various disciplines. The main feature of the drug is the price, which fully corresponds to the effectiveness of this product. Bronholitin is available in the form of syrup, packaged in 125 ml glass bottles. The active substances are components such as ephedrine and glaucine. For medical purposes, the drug is taken as a bronchodilator and antitussive with combined action.

The effect of broncholithin for an athlete

The effect of the drug on the athlete’s body is due to ephedrine. This active substance has the following range of effects:

reduces hunger; increases the performance of the whole organism; burns excess fat; increases metabolic rate; increases the rhythm of the pulse; stimulates the central nervous system. Ephedrine activates the sympathetic nervous system. A kind of “stress” leads to the active release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. These catecholamines interact with adrenergic receptors. Thus, such an effect leads to the launch of anabolic processes and acceleration of cellular metabolism. The substance stimulates the activity of protein kinase A, which activates lipolysis and lipase.

How to take broncholithin in bodybuilding

There are many different variations and regimens for using Bronholitin. The optimal daily dosage is 50 ml. To enhance the effect of ephedrine, drink aspirin and caffeine at the same time as the drug. If you plan to take the drug according to this regimen, the daily dosage of Bronholitin is from 40 to 50 ml, caffeine - 240, aspirin - 450-500 mg.

It is recommended to take the mixture an hour or 40 minutes before the start of training. This time period was not chosen by chance, since it allows minimizing possible side effects, as the body’s condition stabilizes. In some sources you can read recommendations for increasing the daily intake of the drug to 100 ml and using the ECA complex twice a day. There is no substantiated evidence of a greater effect from increasing the dosage, which casts doubt on the feasibility of such a step.

Being an alkaloid, ephedrine exhibits its activity within eight hours. This time is quite enough to get the desired sports result. If you start drinking this substance more often, its effects will decrease and addiction may develop.

Possible side effects. Broncholithin in bodybuilding

Any medication has contraindications for use and can cause the development of certain negative consequences. Bronholitin is no exception. Side effects that occur after taking it most often disappear after 30-40 minutes, so it is taken no later than this time period before class. In rare cases, negative effects continue for up to 4 or 5 days.

There are six main groups into which possible side effects that occur after using this drug are classified:

Disorder of the genitourinary system with urination disorders. A disorder of the cardiovascular system, manifested in high blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia and angina. Failure of the digestive system, when appetite does not normalize for a long time, attacks of nausea, vomiting, and heartburn occur. A disorder of the nervous system, expressed by sleep disturbances, increased aggressiveness, and attacks of panic anxiety. Dermatological problems expressed by skin rashes, itching, sweating. Among other negative consequences, the temperature may rise, dizziness, dry mouth, tremors, and headache may occur. If you do not violate the rules of administration and follow other recommendations, you can minimize the likelihood of developing negative effects for the body.

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