How to lose weight after the New Year quickly and without harm to your health

The New Year holidays with an endless string of cheerful and plentiful feasts flew by quickly and, looking at yourself in the mirror, it is difficult to realize that it reflects not only your own figure, but also some of the salads, portions of roasts and cakes. During the long holidays, most people gain extra pounds, and this is not surprising: limited time outside, where it is cold, frosty and dark early, as well as prolonged sitting at the holiday table have a negative impact on their appearance. Proper unloading will help restore shape and mitigate the consequences of a gastronomic feast. It will get rid of excess weight, improve your well-being and reconcile you with the need to return to the drab work days.

It all starts with a positive attitude

The first rule is a positive psychological attitude. What can self-criticism lead to? Without a doubt to depression, stress and a nervous breakdown. The body already suffers due to poor diet, “excessive” rest, and physical inactivity. The influence of negative energy will only worsen the situation. You need to stop punishing yourself for overeating, because getting gastronomic pleasure was a conscious decision, and it needs to be respected. In addition, there are many ways to normalize your body and mind, while eliminating the problem of overeating. Therefore, you should maintain the good mood that has not left you throughout the holidays, and systematically begin unloading activities.

Life on a schedule

An important aspect that is worth paying attention to is the daily routine. The body, accustomed to a certain routine, is accustomed to eating at strictly established times. New Year's Eve and subsequent weekends are an unexpected disruption in his work, stress for the body. Therefore, experts advise following some recommendations.

  1. A healthy eight hours of sleep catalyzes metabolism. It provides an opportunity to rest the nervous, cardiovascular system, and brain. At the same time, it triggers metabolic processes that accelerate the removal of waste and toxins from the body.
  2. An early dinner will make it easy and quick to fall asleep and fully rest during the night. In the morning, drinking a glass of water and a full breakfast of fresh foods will help start the normal digestion process without delays or unexpected failures.
  3. Active work is the key to restoring normal brain function and increasing energy. In the first days, a slight “swing” is possible, so you should arrive at work 15 minutes earlier in order to gather your thoughts without haste and begin performing your duties.

It is possible to maintain your mood in good shape with the help of endorphins, the carriers of which are persimmons, bananas, and dark chocolate. Happiness hormones will help you maintain a positive attitude. You should not neglect tonic drinks, for example, tea with raspberries or lemon.

Nutrition correction

Since all the holidays were full of delicious dishes, it was impossible to restrain oneself. Therefore, it’s time to adjust your diet by returning to your previous diet. To do this, you should help the body cleanse itself of toxins and waste that have accumulated over several days, and take a break from food.

Fasting days

They help you recover and return to normal eating behavior. During this period, metabolic processes are normalized, the functioning of internal organs and systems that have been subjected to stress is improved. You can build a fasting day on any product you like: vegetables, apples, cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal, kefir. The basis for cleansing will be what is most suitable in a particular case. It is even possible to combine several low-calorie foods.

Menu after the feast

Choosing the right menu is already half the battle for those who want to regain their previous figure. It should be balanced, but consist of light dishes.

  1. Breakfast. A low-fat dish that is quickly digested. This can be a choice of kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, porridge with water, a handful of berries, yogurt or fruit salad.
  2. Dinner. Vegetable dishes with a side dish of cereals - buckwheat, brown rice. You should avoid fish and meat.
  3. Dinner. These should be light dishes: a glass of kefir, a protein shake, a vegetable stew.

Such nutrition will allow the body to completely rest after the holidays.

Eat little and often

You should gradually switch to a diet familiar to the stomach, otherwise the body will again experience stress. To do this you need:

  • increase the amount of plant foods;
  • eat little and often;
  • have dinner no later than 6-7 hours;
  • increase the consumption of clean water.

Such a transition to a more rigid one-day diet will become easy and unnoticeable.

Drinking regime

An important component of cleansing procedures is the drinking regime. To quickly get rid of extra pounds, you need to drink at least 1 liter of pure water without gas during the day. The norm is 30 ml for every kg of weight. Having calculated the total daily volume, you should start drinking immediately after waking up.

Advice! In the first half of the day, when metabolic processes in the body proceed at a high speed, you should drink a glass of liquid every hour. After lunch, the interval should be doubled, that is, drink every 2 hours. The last appointment is no later than 20.00.

How to start losing weight after the New Year at home

The main ingredients in the recipe for quick weight loss:

  • The right attitude. A flat stomach is not a dream, but rather a sign of health.
  • You need to sleep at least 8 hours. Lack of sleep causes stress in the body, causing it to produce cortisol, in response to which the energy storage mode is activated, and, accordingly, the desire to urgently eat something.
  • Detoxification. To lose weight after the holidays, the body needs to be cleansed of accumulated toxins.

Note! Fruits (pears, avocados, apples), vegetables (broccoli, pumpkin), grains (rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta) and legumes (peas, beans, beans) will help get rid of harmful substances.

Fighting the “couch disease”

The New Year holidays last at least a week, so in between receiving guests and visiting friends, you should make time for yourself. Physical activity is a mandatory element of a weight loss program in the first days of the New Year. Firstly, fat deposits can be destroyed under the influence of increased physical activity, and secondly, in the process of training, a muscle corset is formed, which allows you to maintain body shape.

Simple exercise for weight loss

Gymnastics is considered a home alternative to working out in the gym. Simple exercises performed daily will significantly tighten your figure and give it the desired slimness.

  1. Squats. Trains the muscles of the lumbar region and buttocks. It should be performed so that a right angle is formed between the back and hips.
  2. Side bends. They engage the muscles of the waist and abdomen. For stability, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform the exercise by first keeping your hands on your waist, then alternately raising them.
  3. Push ups. All muscle groups are involved, especially the cervical and thoracic spine. For convenience, you can use a higher support - a chair, table, window sill. When doing the exercise on the floor, you can lean on your knees rather than your feet. This will make your workout easier
  4. Plank. Performed in a lying position. The fulcrum points are the arms bent at the elbows and the toes. Having stretched your torso straight, you need to stay in this position for at least 1 minute, gradually increasing the time.

The training should begin with a minimum number of exercises, gradually increasing their number to 20.

Active leisure in the fresh air

For lovers of active entertainment, the New Year holidays provide an opportunity to diversify their leisure time and get a lot of impressions. Winter sports and fun street activities in the snow are always available to those who want to lose weight and cheer themselves up.

  1. Walking and walking. To restore the functioning of your internal organs, you can take a walk in the forest, a park with your family or alone, or take an energetic walk through a stadium or open space.
  2. Skis and skates. Sledding, or a walk on the ski track, or a trip to the skating rink is an ideal option for restoring muscle tone. Such activities will help you lose weight quickly.
  3. Outdoor games. Anyone who enjoys such a pastime can play snowballs, hide and seek, run races along a snowy track, or slide down a slide.

Young people can go to a disco or arrange one at home, in the yard. The main thing is to move more, and the extra pounds will melt away in a matter of days.

Physical activity

Sport is not only life and health, but also an integral part of any weight loss process.

Effective exercises

For training at home, perhaps the first exercise is to introduce a vacuum in the abdomen. It not only effectively helps fight fat deposits on the sides and abdomen, but also reduces appetite. The exercise is simple and does not require physical activity.

Cardio exercises such as jumping rope, high knees, or back kicks, burpees are great for warming up and are great for weight loss.

Lunges, squats, push-ups, abdominal exercises - all these and many other exercises not only strengthen muscle mass, but also burn calories.

Kinds of sports

Workouts in the gym are much more varied. For quick and high-quality weight loss, Zumba, functional training, crossfit, and kangoo jumps are perfect.


Not only diet and physical activity, but also a bath or sauna will help you get rid of extra pounds. Together with sweat, the body gets rid of toxins that accumulate during heavy meals and drinking alcohol. When going to the steam room, you should follow the following rules.

  1. Not to convey, but limit yourself to a light breakfast or fruit. Freshly squeezed juice or herbal decoction will be useful.
  2. Bath procedures should be limited in time. It is recommended to stay at high steam temperatures for no more than 5-10 minutes, and then take a contrast shower. There should be several such visits.
  3. Mineral water or green tea will help speed up the removal of toxins. During the procedure, metabolic processes are enhanced, so drinks will only be a great addition.

After a good bath and light food, the question of losing weight will disappear for a long time.

How to quickly lose weight after the holidays in 3 days: the best express diets

If you need to say goodbye to extra pounds urgently and now, then an express diet after the holidays will help.


A quick and very effective “Model Diet”:

  • Breakfast – soft-boiled egg.
  • Lunch – 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and green tea.
  • Dinner is the same as the lunch menu.

This is a diet for 3 days, after which at least 3 kg will fly away.


The sweetest, most delicious express diet. They choose any chocolate bar and eat it, but only one per day. You can wash it down with coffee or tea without sugar - that’s the whole menu for 3 days.


The most accessible and simple. The three-day menu includes buckwheat and kefir. This is an effective way in which the lost kilos do not come back.

Down with the orange peel

Various anti-cellulite products and procedures will help get rid of excess fat deposits and make the skin smooth and silky. These include cosmetic creams, masks, scrubs, wraps and massage.

Anti-cellulite products

It is important to choose a suitable anti-cellulite cream with a tightening effect for yourself and apply it twice a day. The main thing is that it contains extracts of fucus, kelp, and coffee.

In the morning, the product should be applied to the body with massage movements, vigorously rubbing it into the skin. You need to move from the ankles to the waist. A longer procedure is indicated in the evening. You should add any essential oil to the corrective product, and then treat each problem area for at least 10 minutes.


To get a noticeable effect, the procedure should be performed after cleansing the skin. You can alternate hot and cold wraps. They help reduce body volume and weight, remove toxins by enhancing the work of the sebaceous glands, increasing sweating, and activating blood circulation. Using recipes with honey, clay, chocolate, coffee, butter, pepper, and mustard helps a lot. Body masks with seaweed and salt work well.

Getting rid of extra pounds after the new year


The effect is achieved by influencing the deep layers of the dermis, activating blood circulation, and improving the nutrition of internal organs and tissues. For weight loss, a course of professional massage would be optimal, but if you don’t have the time and money, you can carry out the procedures yourself. Honey or butter works well as a base. You can add various aromatic components or anti-cellulite agents to them. Ten sessions will help correct your figure and eliminate unwanted deposits.

Little tricks

Losing weight after the New Year is not the biggest problem. The difficulty lies in minimizing the risks of weight gain again. To do this, you need to use any tricks and tricks to deceive your appetite and moderate the desire to eat something sweet or starchy.

Color scheme and aromatherapy to combat appetite

To resist the temptation to eat something “harmful”, you can use a special “color” diet. Its essence lies in the fact that every day you need to consume products of only one shade.

Advice! Experts believe that mixing colors confuses the body, and it begins to work incorrectly. You should also purchase an air freshener with a citrus scent. It is believed that it suppresses appetite for a long time.

Choosing smaller dishes

Nutritionists recommend eating fractionally (every 3-4 hours) and in small portions. This way, there will be no feeling of hunger, and the stomach will shrink to its original size. To do this, you need to replace the plates, choosing dishes with a smaller diameter.

Don't buy food in advance

Another trick is to purchase a limited number of products. Firstly, this will allow you to constantly buy fresh products, rather than rushing to eat old ones with an expiration date. Secondly, the knowledge that the refrigerator is almost empty and there are no goodies at all will eliminate the desire to make trips to the kitchen to “bins”.

Groceries on a full stomach

Modern supermarkets are overstocked with food and are a trap for shoppers, especially if they visit when they are hungry. The risk of buying a lot of unnecessary food, fast food, and snacks increases several times. Therefore, you need to get ready for the store after eating and with a list in hand.

Healthy food in the refrigerator

After the audit, you should get rid of sweets, cakes, fatty salads, sauces and roasts. Instead, fill the empty space with fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, meats and dairy products. You should add grains to them - cereals, bread, muesli, bran or whole grain bread.

Eat breakfast yourself and give dinner to the enemy

The menu should be designed in such a way that the most satisfying and nutritious dishes can be consumed in the first half of the day. It would be optimal to eat muesli with milk or porridge for breakfast, and have a snack with fruit or yogurt. For lunch, choose a serving of protein with complex carbohydrates. At dinner, limit yourself to a light dish of fish or cottage cheese with herbs. During the break, eat some fruit.

A glass of water before meals

Nutritionists consider it beneficial to drink a glass of water before meals. This is due to the fact that thirst is often disguised as a feeling of hunger. By drinking some liquid, you can reduce your portion and feel full faster, eliminating overeating. You need to drink water throughout the day.

Curd days for weight loss

Weight loss will be effective and safe if such issues are approached correctly and reasonably. For cottage cheese lovers, you can easily lose weight by organizing cottage cheese-kefir fasting days. The daily norm is a liter of low-fat kefir and 400 g of cottage cheese. It should be consumed in 4 doses, pre-divided into equal portions.

Instead of sugar, it is better to add bran (1-2 tsp) to each serving. First, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over them, leave for 30 minutes, and strain. Drink the water itself and add the bran to the cottage cheese.

Typical mistakes of those losing weight

How to quickly lose weight after the New Year holidays is a relevant question for those who, due to their line of work, must look impeccable. They are the ones who make gross mistakes most often and pay for it with even greater weight gain.

Complete or partial refusal to eat food. Replacing a full meal with a snack is fraught with deposits on the thighs, since this very snack turns out to be either floury or sweet.

Counting calories. This technique is attractive, but without taking into account the glycemic and insulin index it is not able to give the desired effect.

It is important to know! Sugar and buckwheat have almost equal energy value: 378 and 340 kcal. But in the first case, rapid weight gain is inevitable, but you cannot gain weight from porridge.

Taking fat burners. This is a dangerous measure, since it can result in digestive problems or disruption of the endocrine system.

Reduce food intake. Rare meals provoke the body to store fat for future use, which is explained by a slowdown in metabolism. If there is a shortage of energy from outside, it will take it from its own reserves.

Refusal to eat after 6 pm. Before 10 o'clock, rarely does anyone go to bed, so the ability to gain weight occurs for the reason stated in the previous paragraph.

Drinking regime. With the correct calculation of the daily volume, the benefits of water are undeniable. But excessive consumption can lead to disruption of the water-salt balance and death.

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