Tai-bo - fitness for quick weight loss, and how to master it yourself

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The tai bo fitness program is one of the most interesting training systems. It helps fill you with energy, increase stamina and release yourself emotionally after work. The set of exercises is based on tai chi, a Chinese traditional method of dealing with stress.

The training includes elements borrowed from oriental practices (kickboxing, karate, taekwondo, Thai boxing). Aerobics, stretching, and strength exercises are harmoniously combined in a single system. Tai-bo, according to sports trainers, is a really working program that helps you get a slim, sculpted, toned body.

The main objectives of training according to this system:

  • develop endurance and resilience;
  • improve coordination and flexibility;
  • practice self-defense skills in force majeure situations.

History of the name and origin of tai bo

Tae-Bo stands for Total Awareness Excellent Body Obedience. Translated into Russian - “Complete knowledge about achieving excellent shape.” According to another version, the phrase comes from the combination of two words - “taekwondo” and “boxing”.

Like many other combined types of fitness with elements of martial arts, tai-bo originated in the United States. The idea of ​​​​creating a new fitness direction belongs to Billy Blanks, an American stuntman, holder of a black belt in five martial arts.

The system was developed in 1986. Billy Blanks created a training center where he practiced the principles of a new type of fitness. Initially, he suggested a combination of martial arts strikes, flexibility classes and aerobic exercises. The movements were performed to energetic music. As a result, tai bo has become a super popular trend because it combines:

  • simple choreography;
  • maximum movement;
  • several levels of difficulty and intensity.

The tai bo system quickly gained popularity in the United States. According to her fans, the training program helps to get excellent results as quickly as possible. Blanks' students included such stars as Pamela Anderson and Paula Abdul. Gradually, DVD lessons with video recordings of the Tae-Bo training program spread throughout the world and became in demand in all countries.

With the release of video lessons, everyone has the opportunity to practice at home, constantly keeping themselves in excellent shape. Classes are available to many, because... designed for the average heart rate available at the entry level.

What is Tai Bo

Most believe that tai bo is a home training program. Thank Youtube, today everyone can study at home. But initially it was a workout for fitness clubs that met all the requirements to become popular:

  • Held to the accompaniment of incendiary music;
  • Features simple choreography;
  • Allows you to move a lot;
  • Has several intensity levels

Tai bo, according to legend, was invented by former Navy SEAL Billy Blanks, who became a fitness instructor. One day he was so tired while practicing punches that he turned on pop music. The idea to do a workout for a fitness club was born on its own.

The word comes from combining the terms "taekwondo" and "boxing". In fact, there is quite a bit of martial arts in this workout. The strokes will be simple, and there will also be a bunch of steps inserted between them for rest.

Martial arts give a person calmness, coordination, and good striking power. They also allow you to burn a lot of calories, but only if you practice them actively. Aerobics helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and makes the activity accessible to everyone, since it is designed just for the average heart rate, accessible to entry-level athletes.

The advantages of tai bo are obvious:

  • Strengthens the heart and blood vessels, helps fight stress;
  • Copes with physical inactivity;
  • Improves coordination of movements;
  • Allows you to tone the muscles of the legs, arms and body;
  • Increases calorie expenditure

It is generally accepted that tai bo is for “thick and dry” muscles, but in fact, it is not possible to “pump up” anything with this lesson. As a result of the classes, girls will simply lose weight, but will not change their proportions, while young people can become more “drawn”, more prominent, provided they have already gained muscle mass.

Important: if the goal is aesthetics close to bodybuilding, it is better to limit such activities to a reasonable minimum. 2 short 20-minute workouts per week is the average for a natural athlete to maintain muscle mass and burn fat.

By the way, Billy Blanks opened his own gym, certified the program and began selling it, training instructors and making videos. Those interested can find his channel on Youtube.

In our country there are a lot of club group programs “close” to tai bo. Clubs purchase Body Combat and Piloxing because they have simpler choreography.

Tai Bo lesson

Positive aspects of tai bo

Classes are filled with drive, charge with energy and positive emotions. This is an excellent option for improving the condition of the body. Martial arts instill calm in a person and improve coordination. Aerobics and combinations of steps strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Stretching exercises improve joint flexibility and flexibility.

How does tai bo affect your health?

  • eliminates muscle tension, helps prevent osteochondrosis;
  • relieves stress and tension;
  • improves vascular function;
  • excellent cardio load, pumps up the lungs and heart;
  • promotes the strength and elasticity of ligaments;
  • improves stretching and coordination;
  • actively develops all muscle groups.

For many, the main advantage of the technique is the ability to quickly get into shape and lose excess weight. In just an hour of tai bo training, you burn from 600 to 800 kcal (depending on the pace and intensity). For comparison, in classical aerobics, no more than 300 kcal are burned during the same time.

Another advantage of the exercises is that they do not require special equipment or expensive equipment; they can be performed at home, guided by video tutorials. To establish the correct execution technique, it is enough to attend several classes at the fitness center.

Tai Bo performance

Girl in gloves
The effectiveness of classes is achieved in the following:

  • Increased muscle tone and weight loss, after which the body acquires beauty and muscles elasticity. During classes, almost all muscles of the body are involved and receive the necessary load. One Tai Bo workout burns 750 kcal, which is equivalent to running ten kilometers. It is also important that Tai Bo fitness training does not require any restrictions in everyday habits and food preferences.
  • Regular Tai Bo fitness classes for weight loss help normalize blood cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.
  • This sports and dance art improves the performance of the heart muscle and increases its endurance.
  • Correct posture and strengthening the spinal column are one of the main advantages of tai bo fitness. This program is an excellent preventive measure in preventing osteochondrosis and spinal problems.
  • Strikes are performed without jumping, which reduces the risk of injury to the entire body.
  • This training is aimed at improving coordination of movements and improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • To effectively practice oriental art, you do not need any sports equipment and it is quite enough to watch video lessons on tai bo fitness.
  • Ease and simplicity of learning, even for those who have not previously engaged in activities of this kind.
  • During Tai Bo training, participants have the opportunity to get rid of aggression and negative emotions through a targeted release of energy.


Since tai bo is an intense workout, there is a risk of injury if done incorrectly. It is important that the classes are conducted by an experienced trainer. Correct technique for performing exercises is important for the safety of ligaments and joints. To avoid overtraining and injury, beginners are advised to follow a personal program. Classes are held in a group, but you need to focus on your potential, level of fitness and well-being. It is better to increase the load gradually, under the supervision of an instructor. Targeted, non-forced exercises lead to success in this type of fitness.

What is a tiebreaker in chess

Translating this word from English will partially answer this question. Literally translated, it means “to end a draw.” It remains to be seen how the winner is determined.

In chess, after the game ends in a draw, 4 additional games are played, but with a shorter time. If one of the opponents scores 2.5 points during the match, then he will become the winner of the match. To make it clearer: it is enough to win once and reduce 3 games to a draw, for example.

Let's say that the additional games did not lead to the determination of the winner, that is, they were a draw again. Then there are two possible subsequent events:

  • the tiebreaker is repeated - four more short games;
  • The winner is the winner of the two-game blitz match.

There can be 5 blitz matches in total, but no more. After these games also end in a draw, Armageddon . Not in the literal sense, of course. This is the name given to the decisive game, which determines the winner.

See also: Triangle in chess

In terms of time, each tiebreaker game lasts 25 minutes, with a few seconds added for each move if time is up. But there are other time control regulations. This will be clarified with the referee before the match.


Tai-bo is not a martial art, it is a type of fitness, so the restrictions are related only to the physical condition of the body. Before you start exercising, you should consult your doctor to rule out possible contraindications.

Classes should be postponed:

  • In the first months after birth. You can start training after a preliminary 1-2 months of training in “softer” types of aerobics.
  • For inflammation of ligaments, joints, tendons, muscles.
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases or during acute respiratory viral infections.
  • If your BMI is over 30, you will not be able to reduce your weight to an acceptable level.

In addition to relative, time restrictions on classes, there are more serious absolute contraindications:

  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmia, other serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • severe trauma in the past;
  • chronic diseases of joints and ligaments;
  • eating disorders.

Preparation for classes

If you have no contraindications, but your level of athletic training is low, an adaptation period is necessary to prepare your joints and ligaments for stress.

Who needs a preliminary program:

  • for beginners with poor physical fitness;
  • aged people;
  • having excess weight.

After 1-2 months of soft retractive exercises, you can move on to the main tai-bo complex. During preparation, the muscles will become stronger, the elasticity of the ligaments will increase, and the risk of injury will decrease. At the preparatory stage, elements from yoga, Pilates, aerobics, and simple strength exercises are excellent.

Basic elements of tai-bo training and execution technique

The Tai Bo technique includes a variety of striking exercises and self-defense techniques. It is important that the exercises are performed from the correct position. Everything is based on precise initial positioning and the ability to control your body. Punches and kicks are performed with incomplete amplitude to avoid injury.

Training stages:

  • warming aerobic warm-up, preparing muscles for work;
  • practicing basic strikes, endurance exercises;
  • direct training, active exercises;
  • meditative or dance-combat stage for recovery.

Tai Bo training for beginners

Beginners can simply come to a lesson at the club and start moving along with everyone else. There will be no problems, usually the training consists of a light warm-up, a little stretching and mobilization of the joints, a basic part in which punches and kicks are shown and practiced, and some simple exercises for the abs and back.

They often write that you need to pay attention to developing endurance and practicing elements of martial arts, but in fact, club lessons do not require all this. Tai bo was invented to:

  • Meet the needs of any person;
  • Adapt to his joint mobility and technique

Yes, direct kicks can be performed at a level no higher than the waist, and the hands can generally be mixed up a couple of times. The goal of the workout is to increase calorie expenditure, so a beginner should simply move actively.

Is it possible to come to tai-bo from the street? Classic fitness methodology considers this lesson a kind of “second-level skill.” Arriving at the club, a newcomer must first:

  • Strengthen your cardiovascular system by doing low-intensity cardio in exercise machines;
  • Tone the main muscle groups using accessible strength exercises;
  • Increase mobility in joints;
  • Lose the first 5-7 kg of excess weight, if there is a lot of it.

Cardio in TAI-BO style | Fitness at home

Workout clothes

The main requirement is that sports equipment does not restrict movement. This can be tight or moderately loose sports pants, a top, a T-shirt or a sweatshirt made of natural fabric. Shoes – comfortable fitness sneakers with stable, non-slip soles. Additional equipment includes boxing gloves. Some fitness centers use light dumbbells instead of gloves as weights.

Common Mistakes

No one is safe from them, but you need to know about them so as not to get into a similar situation. After all, the wise learn from the mistakes of others.

Getting into time pressure

The hardest thing in a tiebreaker is to convert your advantage. The shortened time does not allow time to carefully consider moves. There is absolutely no time to implement a strong and beautiful game. You need to win an already won position, as chess players say. That is, you cannot relax after winning a move; you must make every effort to maintain victory.

See also: Zugzwang in chess

It should be remembered that if he gets into time trouble, a chess player can start the game in such a way as to force his opponent to go there too. You should not fall for this trick; you must play the game in accordance with your plans, and not the plans of the enemy.

Counting Long Options

You cannot overestimate your strength and underestimate your opponent. At any point in the tiebreaker, everything can change. Therefore, counting long options is a deliberately erroneous strategy that will lead to the collapse of the entire game.

The main thing in a tiebreaker to win is to avoid gross mistakes and ensure that the opponent makes mistakes.

Many eminent chess masters criticized the system of using a tiebreaker to determine the winner in a draw. Thus, Anatoly Karpov noted that it is absurd when the world champion in classical chess is determined in games by shortened controls. After all, you can get a title without winning a single game. The debate continues, but the system is already firmly integrated into modern gaming practice.


Basic exercises included in the training program

Direct hits. The main stance is with hands at jaw level, fingers clenched into fists. The abdominal muscles are tense, the stomach is pulled in. As you exhale, one arm straightens with a sharp movement and a fist strikes forward. The second hand closes the jaw. In the main training mode, strikes with each hand alternate at a fast pace.

Cross right hand. The left leg is extended, the right leg is behind. As you exhale, a blow is struck along the trajectory of the ellipse, after which the hand returns to its original position. This exercise strengthens your back muscles and improves your posture.

Slopes. The body is deviated from the intended attack of the enemy. The condition for a good slope is a sufficient amplitude of movement. The main movement should be performed by the abdominal muscles and the movement of the hip joints. When performing a slope to the left, the weight is transferred to the left side of the body (when performing a slope to the right - vice versa).

Knee strike (right, left). The active knee is brought forward, the weight is transferred to the other leg. The blow is delivered through the air.

In addition to strikes, the set of tai-bo exercises includes combinations (cycles) of elements. For example, a “ladder” - several forward-directed punches from a straight stance, plus a series of multidirectional slopes, plus knee strikes. The number of repetitions and difficulty may vary depending on the level of training.

The tai bo complex also includes breathing and meditative exercises aimed at relaxation and restoration of energy reserves. This combination helps relieve stress and improve recovery after exercise.

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