How to Breathe Properly When Running Long Distance: A Complete Guide

When engaging in any type of physical activity, you need to be able to observe and track your breathing. It largely determines how quickly you get tired, whether you can develop the necessary training rhythm and increase your body’s endurance. In this material you will find valuable information on how to breathe correctly when running.

Why is it important

During sports exercises, the respiratory system performs the following functions:

  1. Saturates with oxygen. If its quantity is insufficient, the effectiveness of training is significantly reduced.
  2. Helps increase the duration of your run and get rid of excess glycogen.
  3. Reduces the stress factor when exerting stress on the body.
  4. Normalizes brain function, stimulates its activity, which has a positive effect on coordination.
  5. Allows you to regulate your heart rate. Using different techniques, you can calm or speed up your heartbeat.
  6. Promotes more fruitful fat burning: completed fats are burned only under conditions of a large volume of oxygen.

You can't outrun yourself. How to run correctly

Despite the fact that at first glance running seems like an ordinary sport, productive running training requires theoretical knowledge of its fundamentals, which will be discussed now.

Running technique

The correct position of the body and the placement of the foot while running will eliminate the occurrence of sprains, fractures and other injuries characteristic of running, and also allows the runner to expend less strength and energy.

The body should be level or slightly tilted forward. The main mistake of all beginners is when the body falls back, thereby complicating running by gravity. Shoulders should be lowered and relaxed. When they are tense, excess energy is spent.

There are several basic ways to place the foot: only on the toe, on the full foot, rolling from heel to toe and from toe to the full foot. The choice of foot placement method depends on the distance, running time and physical characteristics of the runner.


The heel-to-toe technique is considered suitable for beginners, as it is the simplest of all. But when using this technique, you should choose the right and comfortable shoes to protect yourself from damage and ensure a comfortable run.

When running long distances, the most effective is considered to be placing the foot from the toe to the full foot; for short distances, placing the foot on the toe, but this technique is quite complex, so it is mainly used by professionals.

The most difficult thing is running on a full foot; due to its specific nature, it is fraught with serious injuries.

Breathing Basics

Firstly, it must occur with both the nose and mouth at the same time.

When breathing through the nose, oxygen is absorbed better, but it is worth considering that to breathe through one nose you need to have well-developed nasal breathing, and the amount of air entering through the nose may not be enough when running fast and under heavy load.

And when breathing occurs both through the nose and through the mouth, the body is replenished with both easily digestible oxygen and that which is more difficult to digest, which guarantees the full functioning of the body.

Thirdly, you need to remember about breathing from the very beginning, because with uncontrolled respiration you can start suffocating already halfway through.

Time and place

Beginners should not run a lot at once; it is advisable to gradually increase the load. During the first months you can run every other day; about half an hour will be enough. Determining the right time of day for jogging is based on your chronotype, taking into account when activity is at its peak.

If you are a morning person, morning is more suitable for you, if you are a night owl, evening is more suitable.

You can also run during the day, but in the warm season it is usually very hot during the day, so it is better to think twice before exposing your body to high temperatures, which, combined with physical activity, will adversely affect the body.

Another important part of running training is the location. It is allowed to run on the ground, asphalt, grass, sand, or at the stadium on specialized tracks

A good option is to periodically change the terrain. This allows you to use additional muscle groups, since their involvement in the work can vary depending on the complexity of the selected surface.

The main thing is to remember that any type of physical activity should bring only benefit and pleasure.


How we breathe

The human respiratory system is directly connected to the circulatory system. Thanks to this connection, oxygen is extracted from the inhaled air mass, enters hemoglobin and is transported throughout the body. To increase the efficiency of consuming this substance, maintain rhythm: control the depth and frequency of inhalation. A lack of O2 is dangerous, especially during physical activity, and its excess can cause dizziness, so breathing chaotically is extremely undesirable.

It is also worth thinking about the quality of the environment. The best place for running is a park: the more greenery around, the cleaner the air. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release the pure oxygen we need so much.

Nose or mouth

When jogging, nasal breathing is preferable. Inhale on each step (or on the second if you are using your lungs at full strength), and exhale as you lift your leg (or lift it again if the rhythm is slow).

Do not be afraid of the formation of stabbing pain in your side. Its occurrence means the accumulation of blood in the spleen or liver, which is under pressure from the diaphragm, but this is not dangerous. As soon as unpleasant sensations appear, adjust the intensity of your running: let each inhalation and exhalation fall on the opposite side (if it tingles on the right, breathe when your left foot touches the ground, and vice versa).

Breathing through the mouth is not recommended, since oxygen in this case will dry out the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, causing additional loss of moisture and, as a result, discomfort. In this case, the air does not enter directly into the lungs, but partially into the stomach.

The best option is to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

There are various breathing techniques, each of which corresponds to its own goals and training format. By correctly using and combining techniques, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of your classes. So, during the warm-up process, it is better to breathe through your nose, without adjusting to the rhythm of your steps - this will activate the activity of the chest and reduce pressure on the liver or spleen.

When doing moderate aerobic running, you should always take a deep breath. In this case, it is necessary to saturate the muscles with enough oxygen so that internal glycogen reserves are not depleted and the body does not begin to consume energy from sugar in muscle tissue.

When doing cardio training, you need to monitor your step frequency and use shallow nasal breathing. This way you will be able to maintain the intensity of your run longer and prevent tingling sensations in your side. To create additional stress on your abs, inhale through your chest, not your diaphragm.

While working on burning fat, it is permissible to inhale and exhale through the mouth. This type of training requires large amounts of oxygen, which can be obtained through fully functioning lungs or rapid, shallow breathing.

Homely atmosphere

If you are interested in developing your respiratory system at home, you will need the following activities:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Run.
  3. Jumping rope.
  4. Vocals
  5. Inflating rubber balls.
  6. Hitting the bag.
  7. Shadow fights.

The program begins with a warm-up. Rotational actions are performed to warm up all joints and tendons, and stretching actions are performed.

Each breathing exercise at home helps develop the chest and lungs. Running brings the greatest effect. You can do it at home if you have a special simulator. But it is better to run in nature and in the morning. You can choose a suitable area or route near your home for these tasks. It’s great if there is a forest, a park or just a school with a stadium nearby.

Exercises for breathing when running at home on a simulator or similar exercise in nature are as follows:

  1. Changing speakers. At first, the pace is slow. After 400-500 m, accelerate (press the corresponding button on the vehicle). Work at this pace for a minute and slow it down again. After 300-400 m, speed up again and calm down. And such cycles are carried out from 5 to 10 during a running workout.
  2. Monitor your breathing: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Inhale – a maximum of 3 seconds, exhale – a second.
  3. Exercise to develop the respiratory tract. Done after a run. As you walk, take light inhalations and slow exhalations. Use your lips to imitate the pronunciation of the sounds “F” and “W”. The duration of the exhalation is such that you mentally count down to 14.

Exercises for the development of the respiratory tract and chest have a significant effect. They can be easily arranged at home. Their implementation is as follows:

  1. Hand positions – shoulder line. They move sharply straight, to the left, to the right, up and down.
  2. Special chest massage. Hit it with your fists as if you were cooking a chop, but don't overdo it.

Punching a punching bag is an excellent exercise for improving your breathing. Performed on a regular basis, for example 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

The training can be divided into 2-3 rounds, in each round attack the projectile without pauses and at an intense pace. Then rest - a minute. And similar work is repeated.

In the absence of the designated product, he arranges shadow fights. Attack the air in turn with both hands, then with your feet. Constantly move, change positions and gradually build up the pace. Duration – 20-30 minutes. The work can also be divided into rounds.

Jumping rope has been known since childhood. They are very useful for breathing. You need to jump at different paces, starting with simple movements. The task is not to lose your breath in extreme mode. You determine the duration yourself, taking into account your level of preparation. But at least 10 minutes are allotted for this exercise.

Inflating rubber balls is an extremely useful exercise for increasing breathing capacity. It is easy to purchase these products. The task is to inflate them as much as possible, taking into account your maximum. Indicators need to be developed systematically. For example, on Monday you inflated 7 balloons, on Wednesday – 8, on Friday – 9, etc.

Vocal classes require hearing and musical notation. This is true if you study music thoroughly. To develop your breathing, you can borrow the following exercises from this program:

  1. Inhale as much air as possible. Straighten your shoulders and chest. At this moment, the lungs act as filled balloons. Do not breathe for 10 seconds. Exhale smoothly, turning your lips into a tube. This creates the effect of a deflating balloon. The air gradually comes out. Repeat the exercises. Just hold your breath for 20 seconds. In the next cycle, the delay is already 30 seconds, etc. in such a progression. Number of cycles – minimum 3.
  2. Similar exercise to step 1. Only exhalations are made sharply. The task is to empty the “balloon” in 3-5 exhalations.
  3. Take air into your lungs. Puff out your cheeks and hum in the lower register so that you can feel the vibration on your lips. Prolong the sound as long as possible. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times. Move up to the register and do the designated work. Raise to your maximum vocal pitch.

If you are into music and are familiar with the vocal craft, then you should be familiar with exercises on duration, intervals, pitch, etc. All this perfectly develops both the voice and the respiratory system.

If you don’t have time for running and other specified items, you can do the work reflected in this video at home:

Rules: how to increase your breathing capacity when running

First, remember that breathing technique directly affects the speed of the heart: by breathing chaotically, knocking out the rhythm, you create an artificial arrhythmia, which creates unnecessary stress on the internal organs. If tingling occurs in the area of ​​the heart muscle while jogging, you should reduce the intensity of the workout.

Secondly, follow a few basic guidelines that will help improve your endurance. Read more about them below.

Fresh air

Train in places where there is a lot of oxygen: in a park or forest. You should not run near the highway or in industrial areas, because along with oxygen we also absorb harmful impurities.

Adjusting the depth of breathing

At rest or in sleep, we breathe shallowly, taking a shallow breath and barely noticeable exhalation, and take a deep breath about once every 5 minutes. But this method is ineffective while running.

You can develop your breathing by breathing alternately with medium and full force. Filling your lungs with air as much as possible only makes sense when you feel a lack of oxygen. At any other time, moderate intensity is optimal.

Do not inhale deeply at every step - this will quickly cause you to feel an O2 deficiency, which will be accompanied by dizziness.

Inhalations and exhalations have their own turn

Each cycle should be one or two steps, depending on the rhythm and speed of movement.

Rhythm and frequency

When the pace goes wrong, the same thing happens with the breathing process: oxygen enters the body unevenly, you choke and cannot continue a systematic run.

Inhale and exhale in different ways

Inhale through your sinuses and exhale through your mouth. This will allow you to most effectively receive O2 from the external environment, warm it, and get rid of processed carbon dioxide.

Holding your breath

The pace will constantly slow down if, while running, you start to get distracted, drink on the go, or talk. By delaying the rhythmic work of your lungs, you deprive yourself of the required volume of air.

Breathe deeper

Experts recommend involving the diaphragm and abdominal muscles in the process. It is important to control and regulate the intensity so as not to lead to oxygen oversaturation.

The body will be able to find a suitable rhythm

There is an opinion that your body knows much better at what pace it is more effective to work. Thus, no special techniques need to be used. The main thing is to catch the natural rhythm that will form at the beginning of the workout and not get out of it. It all depends on the degree of load, speed of movement and objectives of the exercise. Proper breathing during an easy, calm recovery run or warm-up should not leave you out of breath.

Try to choose the option that will be beneficial specifically for your body. Change this or that technique, adjust it to your rhythm, be sure to take into account your well-being and level of physical fitness.

Your main task is to listen to your body and feel its needs. As soon as severe discomfort occurs, try a different breathing pattern.

For long distances, inhale and exhale in 2 steps

This is a classic pattern for athletes who run a marathon. This technique allows you to develop endurance and increase the performance of the body.

Synchronize the process with movement

As discussed below, when running long distances, a 2-2 scenario works well. Having mastered it, you can try increasing the tempo to “3-2”, which will improve your well-being and get more oxygen, or “2-1” to speed up.

Focus on exhaling

In this case, it is better to do it through the mouth. By focusing on clearing carbon dioxide from your lungs, you will prevent the possibility of becoming suffocated.

Shorten your inhalation

By adjusting the depth of breathing, you will normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and understand how to develop and train your breathing system for running.

Breathe through your mouth

You cannot inhale and exhale only through your nose - you risk not getting the proper amount of oxygen from the air. To understand how correctly you alternate between the nasal and oral methods, you need an effort that will allow you to hear yourself during the training process.

Use your stomach

The diaphragm allows for deeper inhalation because it is not limited to the chest and ribs. This method provides the lungs with much more space to expand and fill with oxygen.

How does breathing happen?

The human respiratory system is a complex mechanism that is linked to the functioning of the circulatory system. It is blood that acts as the main transporter of oxygen received by the lungs from the air and transmitted to all internal organs.

At the same time, the amount of oxygen received by the body depends on breathing parameters, in particular its intensity and depth.

One of the main characteristics of breathing when running is to consider rhythm. Only in this case is it possible to fully provide the body with the required amount of oxygen. It is curious that both a lack of oxygen and its excess are bad. In the latter case, dizziness may occur.

Much depends on the quality of the ambient air. If it is heavily polluted, even proper breathing will not provide the body with optimal working conditions. That is why everyone strives to play sports in park areas and forest belts, saturated with oxygen, and not carbon dioxide with harmful impurities. It will be much easier to breathe when running in the forest than when driving along a busy road.

Given the importance of breathing for humans, especially during exercise, proper breathing requires closer consideration. It largely depends on this whether a person will be out of breath while jogging or not.

Efficient breathing at different rates

The main thing you need to learn is: the more intense the exercise, the more often you need to breathe. As the speed of movement increases, the body's need for the O2 element also increases, and in order to provide it with a sufficient volume of air, you will have to inhale more times.

Fast run

Your main goal is to get as much oxygen as possible when you inhale and get rid of carbon dioxide completely when you exhale. Use your abdominal muscles and diaphragm as much as possible to avoid pain in your side.

Slow jog

The respiratory system should work freely and deeply. You need to inhale twice as fast as you exhale. At the beginning of training you will have to constantly monitor the rhythm, but over time it will level out and turn into your natural one.

Periodically check your breathing technique when running: to understand how to breathe, try talking without stopping your movement. If there is no shortness of breath, it means you are doing everything right. If you feel like you're starting to get out of breath, slow down and restore your pulse.

Aim to keep your inhalation and exhalation even, align the rise of your diaphragm and chest, and try using your nose and mouth at the same time.

Why does my side hurt when running and what to do about it?

When running, pain may appear in the left or right side. The pain itself is not something critical; there may be several reasons for its occurrence:

  • Weak endurance, poor warm-up. Pain in this case means the accumulation of excess blood in the liver/spleen, which, under pressure (from the lowering of the diaphragm when inhaling), causes pain. That is why you need to increase the pace and duration of training gradually. A good warm-up is also necessary not only for the joints, but for the cardiovascular system. If you have such pain at the beginning of training, you need to slow down, start walking and breathe deeply and slowly.
  • The cause may also be too frequent shallow breathing, for example according to the 1-1 scheme during low- and moderate-intensity running. All you need to do is breathe more deeply and measuredly.
  • Recent meal. The stomach presses on the diaphragm, and it presses on the lungs. If you have eaten heavily, you need a break of at least 1.5-2 hours.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs. For example, this can happen with hepatitis. Only a timely examination (for example, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity before starting running training) and consultation with a doctor will help here.

What to do when you have a stitch in your side

There may be several reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations:

  • incorrect rhythm of the respiratory system;
  • excessive stress on the body;
  • lack of preliminary warm-up before training;
  • you ate a hearty meal before starting classes.

If you feel a painful tingling sensation, do not stop - just slow down. As you inhale, squeeze the sore spot with force and release it as you exhale. Repeat the scheme 2-3 times and the pain will go away.

Correct breathing

Many people think that when playing sports, you need to breathe exclusively through your nose. But in practice it has been proven that this is not entirely correct. Runners with more experience think differently.

During running exercises, the body needs a much larger volume of oxygen. Nasal breathing only increases the lack of air. Nasal breathing cannot satisfy the body's need for oxygen. Under heavy loads, such breathing is completely ineffective.

The rider, by increasing his training volume, will create little muscle fatigue and minimize the impact on bone structures, which will allow him to prevent overtraining injuries. Integrating good running technique that is easier to control at slow speeds than when the body is tired. Soft Tissue Strengthening Improved joint stability, especially the ankles, through repeated proprioceptive overload on those same joints.

  • Strengthening muscles and especially during the eccentric phase of movement.
  • Increased bone density with repeated exposure.

So it makes sense that the benefits of fundamental endurance are numerous.

It is best to breathe through your mouth and nose at the same time; this will increase the volume of incoming air and reduce the time it takes to reach the respiratory organs.

To avoid hypothermia during the cold season, when jogging, use the following technique. There is nothing complicated about it. The tongue should be in a position as if you were pronouncing the sound “l”, which has a soft sound.

Because you'll see that the progress you make at low intensity will impact the rest of your training, including your economy and even your performance during interval sessions. Running slower to work better and more efficiently is attractive as an approach! However, in practice, fundamental endurance work can feel very taxing, even to the point where the runner will feel as if they are regressing. It's easy to get swayed by your productivity drive and work too fast and completely miss out on fundamental endurance and all your benefits.

“Anatomy of Bodybuilding” invites you to learn proper breathing techniques by watching this video:

Running, as one of the most common types of physical activity for men, helps to keep fit, create muscle tone, and energize the body in the morning. All this is possible if you run correctly. One of the components of proper running is breathing. So what should it be? What do experts say about this?

How to improve your breathing if it gets lost when running

After rapid acceleration, the natural pace may be disrupted, and the runner may begin to feel out of breath. In such a situation, you should take three deep breaths and return to the original rhythm. This method will allow you not to stop during sports competitions or, if necessary, to escape from pursuit.

If possible, just start running slower and gradually restore your heart rate.

Breathing through the nose

When performing any exercise of a sports nature, you need to breathe through your nose. When playing sports outdoors, this is especially important. This breathing technique allows you to cleanse the body of germs, dust particles and other harmful substances.

While inhaling and exhaling through the mouth, microbes freely penetrate into the body. There is a possibility of hypothermia and contracting an infection.

Running slower to create a positive adaptation to the body is the goal. Improved tissue vascularization, which increases the amount of oxygen available to muscle cells. An increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, which transport oxygen. Mitochondria are the site of the final steps in the metabolism of organic molecules to produce the energy needed for muscle contraction. Cardiac adaptation allows the core to pump more blood with each contraction, resulting in a lower heart rate for the same type of effort. A runner can run faster without burning out. Your heart rate and heart rate will also decrease. An increased set of lipids as an energy substrate, which helps maintain glycogen reserves in the muscles. Encouraging the body to use lipids allows the long-distance runner to avoid hitting the wall prematurely.

  • By receiving more oxygen, muscles can produce more energy.
  • Increased number of mitochondria in muscle fibers.

The benefits of core endurance are also at the biomechanical level.

There are a lot of breathing exercises that make it possible to get the maximum effect from sports.

How to increase your oxygen supply

In order to receive as much oxygen as possible when inhaling, it is necessary to completely empty the lungs of residual air as you exhale. Also practice a few useful exercises before your workout or race - in your daily life:

  • Sing often.
  • Play wind instruments.
  • Try to blow up a lot of balloons in one go (be careful not to get dizzy).

There is a very fun way to expand your lung capacity. Take a thin strip of paper and secure it to your nose. Now your goal is to keep it horizontal for longer. This fun method will also help you learn how to regulate the frequency of your breathing technique, increasing and decreasing its depth.

Here are a few exercises through which you can not only learn how to develop your breathing for running, but also improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system:

  1. Inhale as deeply as possible and exhale slowly until your lungs feel compressed. Next, hold your breath. Repeat the cycle a couple of times.
  2. As you inhale, count to ten and inhale again. Focusing on how you feel, complete a comfortable number of approaches. Try doing the same while exhaling.
  3. Sit or lie down. Take a deep breath and stop breathing. As soon as the delay becomes uncomfortable, begin the breathing process freely, restoring the pace. With the new approach, increase the stopping time by 15-20 seconds. Do several similar cycles, constantly increasing this gap.
  4. When exhaling, push all the air out of your lungs, then inhale a new portion in several approaches.
  5. Time yourself for two minutes and try to practice breathing as quickly as possible during this time. The time frame should be expanded with each subsequent cycle.
  6. Inhale and count to thirty. By reducing your speed, you will make the exercise more difficult.

Breathe through your nose or mouth

The second point of debate among marathon lovers is how to breathe correctly when running – breathe through your nose, mouth, or alternate? Physiologically (i.e. naturally) a person must breathe through the nose. Passing through the nasal passages (sinks, sinuses), the air is cleaned of dust and other harmful substances, warmed if it is cold outside, moistened if it is too dry, and can even be cooled in conditions of excessive heat.

But nasal breathing has one drawback: with an increase in the need for oxygen, or more correctly, for ventilation (because it is just as important for the body to remove carbon dioxide as to deliver oxygen), the resistance to air flow increases many times over. What happens if you squeeze a fireman's hose? He won't be able to put out the fire quickly

If there comes a time when the need for air delivery increases significantly, limiting its flow will be a factor limiting performance. That is why if a walking person (who breathes through his nose) needs to run, he will soon or immediately switch to breathing through his mouth. He does this without thinking, reflexively. Even the degree of mouth opening increases with increasing running intensity. Of course, there are reasonable limits to everything. If your breathing becomes excessively rapid when running, this is also ineffective: pushing air back and forth through the respiratory tract also leads to a pointless increase in energy costs. If you start breathing too quickly, slow down; this pace is too fast for you.

In addition, this entails an increased load on the respiratory muscles. They also have a limit. With anaerobic energy supply, the respiratory muscles consume up to 40% of all oxygen entering the blood! Therefore, increasing the load on them is doubly irrational.

What conclusion follows from all that has been said? Breathe naturally! You should not focus on matching the rhythm of steps and breathing, just straighten your shoulders, straighten up and run for fun. Your nature will do its job, it will not let you down.

When you start running, try to run with minimal mouth opening. If your pace is slow and your lungs are healthy, it is likely that you will be short of breath through your nose. But it is much more likely that you will soon want to open your mouth so that your breathing is natural and consistent with the load.

Of course, if there is severe frost outside, it would be wise not to open your mouth wide, but for this, the running pace should be lower than usual. In any case, common sense will tell you what to do.

Ask questions and share your opinions, friends! How do you breathe, how did you come to this? — The topic is really important!

How to breathe properly during a cool-down after running

If you feel very tired, do not rush to go on vacation. A sharp decrease in load can negatively affect the tone and functioning of the heart muscle. The final ten-minute recovery exercise will help fill the body with energy and feel cheerful.

Don't stop, keep running, but more relaxed, slowly, for example, jogging. Gradually reduce the frequency of your breathing technique, which will normalize your pulse and blood pressure. As soon as the muscle corset relaxes, stop and do a short stretch. This way the training will be more beneficial.

Breathing technique during warm-up session

The training will be much more effective if you do a short warm-up before starting classes in order to warm up the muscles before heavy loads. This helps avoid injuries, sprains and dislocations.

If your body is functioning correctly, you can correct your mind on the breath. If your goal is one hour a day, start with 20 or 30 minutes as your body begins to adjust.

  • Don't go beyond your body.
  • To finish trying to follow the same pattern.
  • Don't stop the action suddenly, try to gradually lower the pace.

Something as simple as good breathing can help you improve the way you exercise. Learning to control your breathing will not only help you achieve adequate physical performance, but will also help you manage stress.

Before you start running, you need to do a number of exercises aimed at increasing flexibility.

As a rule, such warm-up exercises include movements that are performed during normal exercises. The lungs are short, but well prepare the body for stress. As you perform the movements, control your breathing rhythm.

You will see all the benefits you can get from good breathing. Breathing the right way during race training is just as important as the exercise itself. And even though it is an involuntary act of our body, many people do it incorrectly, which can cause damage.

The correct way to breathe through the nose or mouth is something that depends on each need and body. Having the ability to meet this requirement improves race performance. As efforts increase, increasing respiratory control becomes more difficult, says the specialist.

Inhale as the ore cell expands and exhale as it contracts.

In exercises to develop flexibility, inhale while the body remains straight and slightly tilted forward. Exhale - finishing the sports element.

For example, when bending over, you inhale while your body remains straight and exhale while bending over. At the moment of exhalation, the muscles of the chest and abdomen contract and they push out air.

How to breathe correctly while running

Deep and prolonged breathing will only disrupt exercise. We usually use our nose to breathe, but when we run, the best way to do it is to breathe through our mouths. This is the best way to breathe in more oxygen and release more carbon dioxide from your lungs.

Short, shallow breathing

Try to take faster, shorter, shallower breaths. However, if you find it difficult to breathe, such as when walking up hills, try stopping for a moment, leaning against something, and taking deep, long breaths to aid in recovery from your breathing rate.

Sports elements of a strength nature have their own specific breathing program. At the moment when the muscles are relaxed, air is inhaled. When muscle tone is greatest, exhale.

In such exercises, the main thing is to avoid holding your breath when the muscles are under maximum tension. Slow breathing with interruptions causes a lack of oxygen, although short-lived, but leading to the shutdown of reflexes. Blood pressure rises sharply.

Look for a race time that is easy to maintain your breathing rhythm. Try to make your steps synchronized with the way you breathe. Don't just use your chest to breathe. To get the process right and breathe in even more oxygen, learn to use your stomach to your advantage.

To try the procedure, lie down somewhere, inhale until your belly feels "swollen" and exhale until it wilts. Repeat the same technique during the race. Breaking a sedentary lifestyle is one of the best ways to live a healthier, longer life. Running is one of the most effective physical exercises and can be practiced in different ways and in different types of environments.

Belly breathing

Proper breathing while running will make the male body work more efficiently. It helps enrich muscles with oxygen and provides ease during training.

When running long distances, experts advise breathing from the stomach, that is, from the diaphragm. And the best way to learn this is to practice nasal breathing.

So, lie down on a hard surface and place a thick book on your stomach. Start breathing through your nose, inhaling and exhaling slowly. At the same time, make sure that the book on your stomach rises when you inhale and falls when you exhale. It turns out? This means you breathe more from your diaphragm than from your chest. This method is considered deeper and more economical. After a few sessions with the book, try practicing nasal breathing while jogging. Watch the diaphragm, let the air “go down” as low as possible.

If your runs involve moving up and down hills, then you need to inhale through your nose and exhale forcefully through your mouth. Exactly with effort! This technique in yoga is called “fire breathing” because a person exerts great force when exhaling. Over time, when a man already has experience in long-distance running, he only needs to breathe through his nose. This is how marathon runners run. Nasal breathing is an opportunity to humidify the air entering the lungs and purify it.

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