Morning jogging for effective weight loss for beginners

If you start running correctly, you will enjoy this activity and the first successes will soon appear.

If the start is wrong, then most likely you will become bored and the desire to run will disappear. Most people who start running give up this activity not because they are not designed for running, but because they start it incorrectly.

The basic rules below will help you start running in a way that is effective, enjoyable and beneficial without side effects.


Every workout should start with a warm-up. It is very important to do it before every physical activity and running is no exception.

Warming up will prepare your muscles and ligaments for running, thereby preventing injuries that can occur as a result of too much strain on unwarmed muscles. A 15-minute walk is an ideal warm-up before starting a run, followed by an easy jog.

Take a look at our detailed warm-up and do it before you start running.

The health benefits of running in the morning

The benefits are undeniable. The tone increases and performance increases.

It is also useful for strengthening health, body, and general psychological state:

  1. The muscles of the body are strengthened.
  2. The heart and blood vessels become stronger, and the supply of nutrients to the body improves.
  3. The lungs are developing. Their volume increases. The result is that body tissues are better saturated with oxygen.
  4. Morning jogging increases your appetite, which is very useful. For the proper functioning of the body, breakfast is the most important meal. Increases vital activity. Evening jogging helps improve sleep.
  5. In the morning, there are practically no carbohydrates in the human body, fats burn faster. This means that physical activity helps you lose weight, which is undoubtedly useful. Prevention of diabetes, heart disease.
  6. The general psychological state of the student also improves. Self-esteem increases, confidence, calmness, and strength of character appear.

Running is useful, be it in the morning or in the evening, but there are contraindications. When starting exercise, you should consult your doctor.

Do not hurry

For a beginner runner, a fast pace is contraindicated. In the case of aerobic training, you need to run quite slowly.

You don't have to go too fast , even if it seems like you're running too slow. Run so that you can carry on a conversation despite your fast breathing - this is called "conversational pace" and is the best way to run for people who want to lose extra pounds.

At this pace, the heart does not get tired, and the blood delivers a sufficient amount of oxygen to the muscles. Thanks to this, there will be no shortness of breath and success will not be long in coming.


runs into the field in the morning

You should start your sports routine smoothly. To get started, about 15-20 minutes of running will be enough. Your program consists of gradually increasing the load every day. The main thing is regular exercise. Then you will be able to cover long distances without shortness of breath and fatigue. For beginners, the table for the first week will be like this:

The system is suitable for both men and women. Take a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated. You should stop training immediately if:

  • if an acute headache begins;
  • you don’t have enough air, you can’t catch your breath;
  • profuse salivation began.

Don't stop abruptly, go smoothly to a slow step. If you have heart problems or congenital diseases, you should give up sports. It is better to consult your doctor first on this issue.

Not too often at first

You don't need to run every day.

Run 3 times a week at first and remember to take at least a day's rest between workouts. Breaks will allow the body to recover. If you keep your running frequency in moderation, you will feel the effects and make progress. Running every day will lead to excessive fatigue and injury, as well as pain in legs that are not designed to handle such effort.

The frequency of running can be increased after a few months or even after six months of systematic training. During this time, the body will get used to frequent, and over time, daily exercise.

How does running help you lose weight?

How running helps you lose weight

Before determining the best time to run for weight loss, you need to find out what it takes to lose weight by reducing body fat.

Let's forget about crazy diets, empty promises and unfulfilled expectations. The answer to this has long been found: if you want to lose weight, create a calorie deficit.

Let's look at how running can help you create and maintain a calorie deficit and potentially allow you to eat more without having to go on a diet. Then you can lose pounds of fat without feeling constantly hungry.

You only need to burn more calories than you consume, so you'll have to turn to the math and do some math.

To lose half a kilogram per week, you need to maintain a deficit of 500 calories per day between energy intake and energy expenditure.

This means your plan should allow you to eat 500 fewer calories each day than you burn or burn 500 more calories than you eat.

Your basal metabolism consumes a lot of calories. This energy is used to maintain life in your body. Believe it or not, breathing and brain and heart function and the countless other functions of your body require a lot of calories, and the amount depends on how old you are, as well as your height and weight.

This amount is added to the calories you burn each day through physical activity. This includes not only exercise and jogging, but also other movements and activities that you perform every day, for example, climbing the stairs instead of the elevator, walking home instead of the trolleybus.

The easiest way to create a 500 calorie deficit is:

  • For several days (preferably a week), we carefully record everything that we consume during the day (you will have to get a scale);
  • Using tables or calculators, we calculate the energy value of each dish or product to obtain the daily requirement;
  • we sum up the caloric content of the entire diet and divide by the number of days during which we counted and get the approximate daily caloric content of food;
  • We subtract 500 from this figure - this will be the daily norm with a deficit.

It may seem like it’s very difficult, but believe me, it’s much more difficult to track and calculate how much you burned during a workout.

Many people simply cannot overcome their own laziness. “I’m tired,” “the weight is stopping me from running.” This is how some people react to such a program. But if you use excuses like these, you won't lose weight.

Run for time, not distance

When you start running, the distance doesn't matter. The duration of the run is important ! The important thing is that you run more time, not how far you run. Therefore, do not set yourself the goal of running, for example, 5 laps at the stadium every day, it is better to run 40 minutes every day, no matter what distance. Once you become a trained runner, it's time to measure distance.

The most important thing is long and continuous running. If you feel shortness of breath starting, slow down. There is no point in maintaining a high pace because it will eventually force you to stop. It's better to slow down a little and catch your breath.

If, while running, it turns out that breathing is not restored, slow down the pace to walking and walk for as long as possible until shortness of breath disappears. Then you can start running again. The most important thing is to do everything slowly. Combining running with walking and systematically decreasing the walking time while increasing the running time is the key to success.

Our 40 Minute Run workout is perfect for new runners. It will allow you to accustom your body to continuous running, even for 40 minutes.

Morning running for weight loss (reviews, results)

The day “someday” never comes... You swear to yourself: “I’ll start tomorrow,” but tomorrow doesn’t come either, because “today” begins in the morning. Time passes, nothing changes. The neighbor is running, you are not.

But it feels like it’s needed! Because extra pounds, flabby muscles, and a general feeling of decreased tone do not add joy to life. To begin with, I would like to lose weight, and I think that morning running is an excellent way to lose weight, because with the help of running you can lose weight in both the legs and the abdominal area. Is it so?

Pros and cons of morning runs

  • The very first and undoubted advantage of jogging is that this sport does not require any financial investments at all in the form of purchasing expensive equipment, sportswear, or a subscription to a fitness club. It is available to absolutely everyone .
  • In addition, running is an aerobic type of exercise that helps train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; when running, all the muscles of the body are involved.
  • The next point: while running, it is impossible to “pump up”, that is, to acquire bulky muscles that are undesirable for girls, the body will simply “dry out” evenly - provided proper nutrition, of course!
  • Well, and finally, after a long dynamic run, the body releases “happiness hormones” , the overall tone of the body improves, metabolism is boosted, and resistance to diseases increases.

On the subject: How many calories does a treadmill burn during exercise?

Why is running in the morning considered to bring the best results for weight loss?

  1. During training, the body warms up, sweating and blood flow increase, and detoxification (removal of toxins) in the tissues is more active. Due to the accelerated metabolism, you will lose up to 800 kcal in an hour of running. In the morning, before your first meal, running is especially useful because there are no so-called “fast” carbohydrates in the body, so the muscles begin to receive energy from the breakdown of fat reserves.
  2. If you are overweight, your spine is likely also under increased stress. After waking up, compression of the vertebrae is significantly reduced, so running in the morning will be especially beneficial for you.

What you need to start running

If you read reviews of people losing weight about running in the morning, you can conclude: to start running in the morning, you need to... start . Stop putting it off, tell yourself: “I’ll buy sneakers with an advance payment...”, “Starting Monday...”, “It will become a little warmer/cooler/cleaner/lighter outside...”

And just get up in the morning, put on underwear, the most ordinary sweatpants, a loose T-shirt, outerwear if necessary, if necessary, sneakers, leave the house and run. No tight leggings or tight T-shirts! Clothes should not restrict movement!

Running for weight loss for beginner fat people

Running for weight loss is for beginner fat people who have decided to get rid of the problem of excess weight forever. Running to lose weight in the morning helps improve your mood and vitality of the whole body. Take the first step towards your slim figure.

Running in the morning for weight loss

Since childhood, it has been drilled into our heads that running to lose weight is simply necessary. Is this so? What does the term “run to burn fat” actually mean? Is there a difference between running to lose weight? And where to do cardio for weight loss - on a track, an elliptical or an exercise bike, in the park?

Place for jogging

Typically, jogging is done at a stadium, in a park, along a highway, or using a treadmill.

If we talk about running along the highway, this is not the best place, since you will breathe three times more actively, inhaling the exhaust fumes of cars passing by. If it is not possible to find another place for jogging, then try to start jogging as early as possible in the morning , while there are still few cars and the air is not heavily polluted.

As for running on a treadmill: this option allows you to run in any weather, control the speed and incline of the track - a good option. But it is good with one caveat: the room needs to be clean, that is, there is no dust in the air and the window is open.

The stadium is an ideal place, since it is running in the fresh air, on an adapted surface. In the park, also try to run on unpaved paths.

How to run

By the way, do you know how to run correctly? Yes, to achieve results and protect yourself from injuries, you also need to be able to run.

Before jogging, you need to warm up and stretch - bend, turn your head, rotate your ankle, do a few lunges. After this you can start running.

  1. Watch your breathing. Proper breathing will help you run much further, and it is also good for your cardiovascular system. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, maintaining a rhythm of inhaling and exhaling every two steps.
  2. Check the correct position of the foot. The weight of the body should be transferred to the forefoot and the heel should be protected from sudden impacts. When you run, make active swings with your arms bent at the elbows - this will work all the muscles of the core.
  3. Don't try to start running a marathon right away. You, of course, will be full of enthusiasm, but in order to avoid such consequences for the body, about which they say “a numb body got into trouble,” the first workout should be at an average pace and not too tiring in time. For the first time, limit yourself to 20 minutes. Gradually increase your running time.
  4. No need to eat before training. If you have a hard time on an empty stomach, you can eat an apple.
  5. If the goal of running in the morning is to lose weight, then interval running is a good way to achieve this, that is, you need to start the workout by walking at a fast pace, then move on to jogging, then speed up and 15 minutes after the start of jogging, reach the maximum pace, hold on at it for 1- 2 minutes and then gradually reduce the pace. There is no need to stop suddenly; the speed decreases gradually.

The first few days it will be difficult to get yourself up every morning and go for a run. You will think that the weather is too bad, you were too tired yesterday, or today is going to be a difficult day... You will want to reschedule your workout, but don't do it!

If you listen to the reviews of those who started running and continue to do so (at least your neighbor whom you see through the window), you will hear that it was hard for them too, they had a desire to stop training. And this desire disappeared only when the person got involved, when the results appeared.

Moreover, you soon get the feeling that your health is getting worse if you don’t go for a run in the morning. And the slimmer and more resilient body that you see in the mirror will confirm that morning running was the right choice.


After running you need to walk

Running should not be stopped suddenly. Don't end your workout by stopping immediately . During running, the amount of blood in the leg muscles increases, which delivers more oxygen to the muscles. When you run, the muscles contracting and unclenching help the heart pump blood upward. At the moment when the workout suddenly ends, the heart must work more intensely to pump out the blood accumulated in the legs.

The force should be reduced gradually . After running, start walking and walk until your breathing calms down and your leg muscles relax. Often 10 minutes is enough for this.

When is it better to run for weight loss: in the morning or in the evening?

When is the best time to run?

To burn more fat, you need to do your best in training, and for this it is important to choose a comfortable time for you.

Listen to your body. Go for a run in the morning and evaluate how you feel. If you are a night owl and find it difficult to push yourself out for a run in the morning, running in the evening will be more comfortable for you. The main thing is to run.

Evening running will not only burn calories, but will also help you relax after a busy day and improve your sleep. In the evening, the body has a lot of glycogen in the blood, so you will have to train a little longer in the evening, about 40-60 minutes.

The advantage of evening running is that it reduces the risk of injury, since the body is already prepared for the stress. In addition, body temperature is at its highest in the evening. This makes the training effective.

According to experts, the best time for evening running is from 19 to 22 hours. An hour and a half before the run you need to have dinner. Dinner should not be dense, but should be protein-carbohydrate. Warm up for a couple of minutes before your run. Start your run with a walk and increase your pace.

Running diet - a special training regime

Is the purpose of jogging to lose weight? A proper training regimen is required. The training program should consist of two stages - preparatory jogging and interval running when losing weight.

Preparatory jogging

Moderate running loads are a gentle way to tone the body. A half-hour workout is not enough to quickly lose weight. However, it allows you to “get into the rhythm” relatively painlessly. 10 minutes of warm-up and 20-30 minutes of leisurely jogging will invigorate the spirit (improved psychological well-being) and strengthen the body (physical health).

The body easily copes with short and slow runs - the reserves of substances “eaten” during training are replenished at the first meal. Therefore, only a couple of kilograms are lost, but the main weight remains. But after 2-3 months of training, the figure acquires the desired fit, the silhouette ceases to give a flabby impression.

The preparatory stage lasts 2-3 months for people with moderate excess weight (20-30 extra kilograms) and about six months for those who have more impressive figures (over 40 kilograms). There are two main tasks for this stage - general strengthening of the body and development of willpower (gradual increase in distances).

It is worth moving on to more intense loads after a 50-minute run at a moderate pace becomes feasible every day. By this point, you can usually lose 5-7 kilograms by following the correct diet. Previously, such a load could kill you, but now it only gives you a feeling of light and extremely pleasant fatigue? It's time to start quickly getting rid of extra pounds!

Running in the park

Interval running for reliable weight loss

Interval running and rapid weight loss is a natural process. This type of jogging pattern mobilizes all the body's resources, so the body simply has to draw energy from fat cells. Interval running involves experimenting with speed modes, as well as periodic runs “to the point of exhaustion” (with all your strength). Therefore, they are prohibited for people with heart or lung diseases, as well as smokers.

The workout consists of several fast/slow cycles. Usually runners follow a simple pattern:

  1. Warm up the body before jogging (ten to fifteen minutes);
  2. A couple of minutes of race walking (about 100-150 meters);
  3. Jogging to adjust breathing (200-300 meters);
  4. Acceleration and fast jogging at the highest possible speed (distance is arbitrary, depends on personal endurance);
  5. Gradual slowdown - transition first to jogging, then to race walking (until uniform breathing is restored);
  6. Repeating the cycle (the number of repetitions depends on the body’s capabilities).

The run ends with walking and stretching. Be sure to perform a set of flexibility exercises to relieve excess tension from the joints and relax the muscles. Before showering, it is useful to massage with anti-cellulite products to provide proper support to the skin. There is no point in losing weight if after losing weight your skin will hang unsightly or be covered with stretch marks!

The girl runs

Weight loss is the result of speed running

What are the benefits of interval running for weight loss? Quickly burning extra pounds and building a strong, slender body! Fat is burned, but muscle mass is not dried out. A beautiful physique with long-term exercise is guaranteed!

Running intensely (even a minimal 100-meter sprint) requires a huge amount of energy. When jogging slowly, the body has enough of its own resources - all the necessary power is taken from liver glycogen reserves.

Interval jogging forces the body to draw strength from the rapid breakdown of fat. 5-10 minute periods of running at your personal speed limit, combined with recovery jogging, forces the body to convert fat into energy for over 6 hours after a 30 minute workout! Therefore, the result is 6 times greater than the effort expended!


Tips for running efficiently

Running is a great way to painlessly and effectively lose extra pounds and bring your body back to normal. To organize the most useful and productive workouts, you need to follow some rules that will help you make them easier and more enjoyable.

How to run correctly to quickly lose weight? These rules should be followed during classes.

  • An hour before going out on the track, you need to replenish your body's carbohydrate reserves.
  • You shouldn't drink a lot of water while running.
  • You need to breathe calmly and measuredly.
  • While jogging, you need to maintain correct posture.
  • The legs are always slightly bent at the knees.
  • You don’t need to swing your arms while moving, but you shouldn’t strain or press them tightly to your body either.

Simple running sessions will allow you to start losing extra pounds in less than a month. Simple rules that must be followed during training will help you run effectively and safely for your health.

The value of running for weight loss

Every day, those who want to lose weight ask thousands of times: how should you run to lose weight? What time of day should you exercise in the morning or evening? How often should you exercise?


The answer to these questions is very simple: you need to run constantly, and most importantly, regularly.

In order to get rid of body fat by running, you just need to burn more calories than you consume. Today, the realities of the modern world are such that people do not have a standardized life schedule: they go to bed at different times, eat regardless of the time of day, in some cases they do not move at all or are extremely rarely physically active. Such an imbalance in life leads to the formation of a fat reserve in the body, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Why is running so beneficial for weight loss?

  1. While jogging, almost all muscle groups work, and excess weight acts as a kind of weighting agent.
  2. Muscle work starts the process of burning fat tissue.
  3. Running does not require much preliminary preparation. After reading the instructions, you can start practicing today.
  4. Running is an exercise that is genetically inherent in us. It is safe, natural, affordable and suitable for people of any age group.

Tips for additional fat burning


Coffee without sugar is an excellent fat burner. And coffee before training will allow you to exercise more intensely and more productively.

L-carnitine and fish oil

Fish oil can increase insulin sensitivity. And L-carnitine will reduce the rate of fatigue and speed up the fat burning process.

Read more: how to take l-carnitine for weight loss.

Fast carbohydrates - away

Replace them with slow carbohydrates. They are absorbed gradually and increase blood sugar evenly.

Drink more water

Drinking plenty of water speeds up metabolism and fat burning.

Is it possible to lose belly fat by running?

The benefits of running have been known for a long time. It provides the following positive effects:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems;
  • strengthens the heart;
  • makes bones stronger;
  • increases endurance.

Running is a great way to improve the overall tone of the body and lift your mood. Moreover, both running on a treadmill and jogging somewhere in the park are equally useful, although the latter option is certainly more interesting. Plus the bonus is that you can breathe in fresh air.

Does running help you lose belly fat? The answer is yes, because it is an intense aerobic (cardio) exercise. First of all, the muscles of the thighs, lower legs and buttocks are involved in the process of running. Therefore, glucose is actively oxidized in them and lactic acid accumulates, which provokes pain in these areas, although this indicator may differ and is determined by many factors.

Jogging is very useful for those who are prone to depression, since during physical activity the body begins to actively produce serotonin and endorphins. Complex reactions occur in the brain that block pain and give a feeling of joy. Many have noticed that after training they seem to get a second wind.

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