The meaning and rules for creating a proper nutrition regimen for a healthy person

PhotoThe human body is so perfect that it can often heal itself. And food is of utmost importance. Herbert Sheldon , the founder of the separate nutrition system, also spoke about this

When his kidney problems turned out to be almost irreversible, the doctor decided to completely change his diet and eating regimen. He not only recovered to the surprise of his fellow doctors, but also began to look younger.

The conclusions he made apply to everyone, not just adherents of separate meals. They are taken as a basis and modified by modern nutritionists.

Let's figure out what a regimen is, how to develop it, and eat properly at a time during the day.

Diet rules for weight loss

Successful results in the fight against excess weight require a systematic approach. Nutritionists have identified some basic rules of nutrition for weight loss:

  • Most of the menu should be fruits and vegetables. It is important that the basis of the diet is vegetables, since these products contain less sugar, but contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Among fruits when losing weight, give preference to citrus fruits and pineapples - they also contain various beneficial substances.
  • You will need to drink a lot of clean water without gases. The liquid, entering the body, heals it, improves the condition of hair and skin, normalizes the digestion process and fights fatigue. The norm for daily water consumption when losing weight is approximately 8 glasses. You should not exceed this figure, as this can cause the formation of edema.
  • Avoid simple carbohydrates - these substances negatively affect digestion and metabolism and can cause weight gain. You can consume such products once a week in small quantities to reduce the risk of diet failure. Dark chocolate or citrus fruits will help replace sweets when losing weight.
  • Prepare porridge for breakfast. The cereal dish contains healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber. They need to be prepared using a water base, do not add butter. You can diversify the taste by adding dried fruits, pumpkin, onions and carrots, apples or bananas.
  • Don't be distracted by external stimuli while you eat, don't rush. Slow absorption of food promotes better absorption and quick satiety, which is important when losing weight.
  • Use the rule of replacing unhealthy foods with healthy foods. For example, eat honey instead of sugar, replace pork with veal, and sour cream with yogurt.
  • Avoid all alcohol completely. Alcoholic drinks contain many calories and increase your appetite. Such properties lead you to gain weight.
  • Reduce portion sizes and replace large plates with small ones. This will make it seem like you ate a lot.
  • Diversify your diet as much as possible when losing weight. Try to get tasty dishes from diet foods.
  • Take your last meal 3 hours before bedtime, so that the food has time to be digested and harmful substances and fat are not deposited in the body. If you really want to eat, you can drink a little kefir.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations. Emotional stress prompts many to eat constantly.
  • Leave the table feeling slightly hungry.

Girl holding a plate with salad

Benefits of the diet

  • It is effective and well tolerated, as it blocks a strong feeling of hunger and the associated bad mood.
  • Eliminates breakdowns and overeating, ensuring long-term results.
  • Allows you to smoothly and without unnecessary stress reduce the amount of food and calories consumed per day.
  • Normalizes insulin production and blood sugar levels.
  • Speeds up metabolism and starts fat burning processes.
  • Reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • It has no side effects and no age restrictions.

Where to start with proper nutrition

If you are determined to adjust your diet in favor of healthy foods, a healthy eating plan will help you. You can create such a reminder yourself or seek help from a nutritionist. The first step to a healthy diet is to eliminate unhealthy foods that negatively affect your figure. Make a list of foods you should not eat:

  • carcinogens (chips, flavored crackers, nuts);
  • potatoes, especially fried ones;
  • stop snacking on buns, chocolates and sandwiches;
  • mayonnaise;
  • instant semi-finished products (pizza, dumplings, dumplings);
  • products containing yeast;
  • sweets (cakes, chocolate, cakes) can be eaten no more than once a month in small portions;
  • sweet sodas;
  • alcoholic products;
  • ice cream.

Other foods are not prohibited during a diet aimed at losing weight. It is only important when creating a menu to pay attention to several principles:

  • Of all the cooking methods, choose steaming or boiling; you can bake meat or vegetables in the oven.
  • Don't put too much food on your plate. To satiate yourself when losing weight, you can get by with, for example, a piece of fish or meat with a side dish.
  • Buy dried fruits for snacks. Wash the food and place it in a bowl on the table. If you feel hungry, eat a few fruits.
  • When losing weight, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables separately or in the form of a salad.

In addition to nutrition itself, pay attention to physical activity. You can do certain sports or just walk frequently. Movement will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your body appearance. Walking and playing sports help combat stress, which is important when dieting. However, you should not overload, exercise for your own pleasure, so as not to feel discomfort.

Dried fruits and nuts

Daily regimen for weight loss

A properly designed weight loss regimen suits your individual characteristics. When forming it, you don’t need to blindly follow templates, but you should listen to yourself. Otherwise, you risk harm to your health. Start by analyzing your lifestyle: how much you sleep, what time you go to bed and get up, what intervals between rest and work take place. Once you have decided, create a schedule that includes the following parameters:

  • Set a specific bedtime and wake-up time. It should be the same every day, excluding weekends. Systematization helps to utilize the body's resources and helps speed up weight loss.
  • Every morning you need to spend about 15 minutes. for charging. Simple physical exercises will add tone, vigor, and create a good mood.
  • Breakfast is a must, never skip it. Morning nutrition helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. Give preference to water- or milk-based cereals, yogurt, fruits and fresh juices. You will need to eat at the same time every day.
  • Develop a meal plan for the whole day. The correct regimen includes 5 meals, of which 3 main meals and 2 snacks. The difference between them should be from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Physical activity, in addition to exercise, helps restore strength after a working day. You can go to the gym, pool, dance or exercise at home.

Eating by the clock for weight loss

To properly plan your meals over time for weight loss, try to follow some conditions:

  • The first meal (breakfast) must be taken between 7 and 9 o'clock. At the same time, remember that you should start eating at least half an hour after waking up. Include in your menu foods with a large amount of complex carbohydrates (durum pasta, buckwheat, bran). Add protein component. Kefir and yogurt are suitable for this purpose.
  • The second part of your daily diet when losing weight should be a second breakfast. It is important for the proper functioning of the body. Prepare a vegetable or fruit salad, juice or low-calorie dessert. This snack should begin 3 hours after the main meal.
  • The best time for lunch is between noon and 2 p.m. Even when losing weight, it should be dense, contain fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  • At 15-16 hours, have an afternoon snack of kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese. You can drink some diet broth.
  • When losing weight, dinner is scheduled between 17:00 and 19:00. Prepare any dietary grade of meat and vegetables.

Buckwheat porridge in a plate and spoon

Drinking regime for weight loss

You can organize a correct drinking regime when losing weight using the following recommendations:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes as they contain substances that cause dehydration.
  • For better absorption of the liquid, drink it slightly chilled.
  • The richer the food is in protein, the more water you will need to drink.
  • It is better to drink liquid an hour before and after meals. This regimen helps dilute gastric juice.
  • A glass of water drunk in the morning after getting up helps cleanse the body.
  • Normally, a person needs to drink 8 glasses of clean water per day.


It is not easy to immediately switch to fractional meals, because the stomach is greatly enlarged, and a portion of 200 grams is not perceived by him as complete. Over the course of a week, it is recommended to gradually reduce the amount of food you eat, learn to plan meal times, and wean yourself off snacking and eating on the run. If you urgently need to lose weight before starting a diet, you can arrange a fasting day on apples or kefir, which will reduce the volume of your stomach; on the second day you can begin to adhere to the serving size of 200 grams.

Prepare yourself with food containers, a notepad and a pen in advance to record your meal times. This will reduce the risk of failure. If you can't eat at home, take food in containers with you. When visiting cafes and restaurants, order main courses and refuse salads and drinks. Since tablespoons have different shapes and sizes, their volume can vary from 10 to 20 ml. Similarly, difficulties arise with measuring dense, heterogeneous dishes - one spoon of stew or pilaf can weigh 15-25 g.

Nutritionists recommend using kitchen scales - take 150-200 g servings, regardless of the volume of food. Another way out is to use a cut glass - eat half of this volume at a time. Another option is to use the size of your palm - a calm state of the stomach is equal to a clenched fist, and you should not stretch it.

Food containers

Meal schedule for weight loss

Many people who want to lose weight find it difficult to readjust and organize a system of meals according to the hour. For these purposes, it is convenient to make a schedule of proper nutrition for weight loss. It should be a table in which you need to reflect the time equivalent of each meal. The resulting table will become a universal hint that can be used for daily nutrition.

Diary of proper nutrition for weight loss

Intrinsic motivation plays an important role in weight loss. To see the changes that happened to you over the week, what foods you consumed, keep a special diary. It should contain several sections:

  • The table of healthy foods for weight loss will help you navigate when creating your daily menu.
  • A grid with weight change marks will serve to track progress during weigh-ins.
  • A table of food eaten per day, indicating calorie content and time, to control your daily diet.

Food diary, pen and tape measure

Eating in front of the TV

It has been found that as a result of combining watching TV and eating, a person on average eats 300–350 calories more. This occurs due to the fact that the feeling of fullness is significantly delayed, and the person consumes more food than necessary.

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How to curb your appetite? 5 ways to trick your stomach

After conducting studies, nutritionists found that 83% of people who combine eating and watching TV report a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach after eating. The second negative point in this situation is poor chewing of food. Each of us can conduct a small experiment at home independently. Watch your loved ones chew food while watching a football match or TV series. By swallowing our dinner in large pieces, we are on the right path to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to create a diet for weight loss

Please note that creating a meal plan for weight loss requires a great deal of responsibility, since this plan will become the basis of the diet. It is imperative to consider a person's lifestyle as it affects the products required. Women will need more vegetables and vegetable fats to lose weight. Men, on the other hand, exert physical effort at work, so a protein diet is preferable for them. You can’t suddenly switch to an approved diet plan for weight loss, so gradually reduce the number of calories and portions.

Diet for weight loss for women

To ensure that a woman eats properly on the clock for weight loss, she needs to set a clear plan with a time frame that she will rely on daily. Representatives of the fair sex should eat at least 5 times per day to lose weight. A fractional diet ensures fat burning without depleting muscles. The intervals between meals should be 2-3 hours. You need to ensure that your diet is balanced. When losing weight, women need to eat:

  • pasta, whole grain bread and cereals – 25% of all food;
  • vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, etc.) – 20%;
  • fresh fruits – 15%;
  • beans and nuts (source of vegetable protein) – 15%;
  • olive oil – 7%;
  • yoghurts, cheeses – 7%;
  • fish – 5%;
  • poultry – 3%;
  • lean meat – 1%.

Diet for weight loss for men

Representatives of the stronger sex need to switch to a meal schedule for weight loss gradually. The switch begins with giving up unhealthy foods, introducing physical activity and creating an approximate healthy menu. The diet for men should be formed taking into account the individual characteristics of life. When creating a routine, pay attention to the important points that need to be taken into account when losing weight:

  • start time of wakefulness and sleep;
  • features of the profession and work: volume of physical activity, length of the working day, lunch break schedule;
  • The meal plan for the weekend should be separate, because the specifics and duration of the rest should be taken into account;
  • the presence or absence of additional physical activity.

When creating a menu for weight loss, men need to rely on the following conditions:

  • every day the diet should include pasta, cereals with bread or potatoes;
  • you need to eat at least 5 times a day;
  • you should eat a lot of fish;
  • Products prohibited for women (sugar, salt, baked goods) may be present in the men’s diet, but their quantity must be reduced.

A man holds a plate of salad in his hands

Weekly weight loss meal plan

You can create the right menu for a week for weight loss only by taking into account your characteristics. The diet should be comfortable, since the success of weight loss largely depends on a positive mood. It is important to correctly calculate the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need when losing weight. In such a calculation, age and level of physical activity should be used as variables. By putting together a list of prohibited and allowed foods, the required amount of nutritional supplements and calories, and a meal plan by the hour, you can create an ideal weekly regime for losing weight.

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