Is it possible to lose weight by eating small portions? It's easy! My personal experience.

Learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite

Please note that by constantly “indulging” your appetite, you will definitely overeat and will not be able to lose weight.
The price of such a discharge is extra pounds. Appetite has nothing to do with the real need for food, so you need to be able to distinguish it from hunger:

  • Appetite is the desire to eat something, in which you stand in front of the refrigerator and don’t know what you would like. If you feel it earlier than 2-3 hours after your last meal, then it is unlikely to be hunger. You are not hungry physically, but emotionally.
  • Hunger is a condition in which you may feel emptiness in your stomach, a feeling of suction, rumbling, cramping. Sometimes dizziness, tremors in the hands, headache, and weakness occur. These are more pronounced signs of hunger, with which the body signals a lack of nutrients. It occurs when you have not eaten for about 4 hours.

Useful video

Watch the video about the causes of constant hunger:

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Don't dwell on emotional problems

Forcing yourself to eat less is especially difficult if food serves as a way of mental release. This eating habit develops under different human conditions. And for each case there is its own way to solve the problem:

Cause of emotional hunger How to cope to lose weight
Stress Instead of filling everything up with chips, chocolate or other dessert, it is better to do the following:
  • do some exercises;
  • do yoga;
  • try deep breathing or meditation for 2 minutes;
  • massage your shoulders;
  • drink water.
  • take a walk;
  • find a cozy place and read a book;
  • find yourself a new hobby;
  • workout;
  • start keeping a diary;
  • do something that you have long wanted to do, but for which you did not have enough time;
  • listen to music;
  • make tea.
Reward Often, having done something important, a person rewards himself with food, but there are other ways of reward:
  • get some extra sleep;
  • take a bath with essential oils;
  • get a massage;
  • spend money not on food, but on new clothes or what you were planning to buy;
  • just relax, even if it’s in front of the TV.
  • meditate;
  • call a loved one;
  • light aromatic candles, take a bath;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • dance to your favorite music.

How to start eating less

Many have noticed that strict diets give only short-term results, and when switching to a normal diet, the lost weight returns. It follows from this that it is ineffective to starve yourself and scrupulously calculate the daily calorie intake, the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate intake. An effective way to promote weight loss is to review your lifestyle, change your usual diet and adjust your daily calorie intake. The surest way to be slim is to eat less.

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“How to eat less to lose weight?” - the main question that concerns many people who dream of a slim, fit figure, but cannot control their appetite. There are various tricks and tricks for losing weight, developed by nutritionists together with psychologists, to reduce appetite, so that a person begins to eat less.

Ways to eat less and curb your appetite:


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  • Eat often . Eating small meals 5-6 times a day will allow you not to torture yourself with hunger for the sake of losing weight and not to break out in order to eat something high in calories (cakes, chips, french fries).
  • Eat in small portions. Reducing your usual portions will automatically lead to a deficit in your usual caloric intake, which will contribute to weight loss.
  • In order to eat enough in small portions, it is recommended to eat from small plates. This is a visual self-deception. A piece of fish placed on a small plate will seem much larger than on a large one.
  • Chewing food thoroughly. You should stop eating on the run. A leisurely meal with thorough chewing of each piece of food leads to faster satiety and weight loss.
  • Eat at home. To start eating less for the sake of losing weight, it is recommended to eat at home, since calorie content of dishes in public catering establishments is problematic to calculate. High-calorie foods are the enemy of slimness.
  • In order to reduce your appetite and eat less in order to lose weight, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea (green, herbal) without sugar or cream 30 minutes before meals.
  • Maintain water balance. To lose weight, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas every day. Water helps speed up metabolism, cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins, and water-filled fat cells are burned more actively.
  • Proper snacks. You shouldn’t starve yourself to lose weight; it’s better to snack on dried fruits, seeds, and nuts. If you have an acute feeling of hunger before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat fermented milk product (kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk), to which you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice or herbs (dill, parsley).

To lose weight you need to consume less salt. The body needs salt to maintain water-salt balance, but for normal life, a daily norm of 4 grams is sufficient. This amount of salt is contained in the food consumed (fresh vegetables), without additional additives. Excessive salt consumption leads to fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling. To lose weight, it is recommended to reduce salt in your diet to a minimum. It is better to salt ready-made dishes, rather than add salt to food during the cooking process, this way you can easily reduce the amount of salt you consume daily by half.

Using the suggested recommendations, you can start eating less, which will lead to a reduction in your daily caloric intake, a reduction in the volume of your stomach, and as a result, to weight loss.

Refusal of flour and sweets

Butter buns, pastries, and cakes with lots of cream are the worst enemies of a slim figure. Many people with a sweet tooth are unable to give them up even for the sake of their own attractiveness and weight loss. The fact is that after consuming sweets, the body begins to produce serotonin, known as the “happiness hormone,” and the level of endorphins increases, which helps improve mood and a feeling of pleasure. However, after a short period of time, the blood sugar level drops, which leads to discomfort, a feeling of fatigue, “overwhelm,” and a sudden change in mood.

An innovative drug for losing weight by 30-40 kg! Removes even age-related fat without chemicals, liposuction, diets or exercise. Exercises

A sharp refusal of flour and sweets can lead to neuroses and depression, and therefore you need to stop eating your favorite desserts for the sake of losing weight carefully and gradually. It is recommended not to completely give up flour and sweets for the sake of losing weight, but only to replace some high-calorie desserts with healthier ones. For example, chocolate lovers are recommended to consume only the bitter type for weight loss, in the amount of several pieces per day.

For weight loss, you need to avoid fresh, rich baked goods. You can bake desserts yourself from wholemeal flour, for example, oatmeal cookies with banana, cheesecakes, and cottage cheese casserole. Such desserts are not only tasty, but also healthy, and also lower in calories.

Sugar is harmful not only to your teeth, but also to your figure. To lose weight, you need to reduce its consumption to a minimum, and it is advisable to completely abandon this sweet supplement. You can reduce your sugar intake by replacing it with honey. Natural honey is an excellent alternative to sugar, and the substances it contains help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and improve the condition of teeth and bones.

Tips for not eating in the evening

The intense rhythm of modern life leaves its mark on food culture. In order to save time, many people snack on junk food (sandwiches, processed foods, fast food) on the run. At this rate, the main meal of the day is dinner, which leads to overeating and weight gain. To lose weight without exhausting diets, you need to stop overeating at night.

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Dinner for weight loss should be light. Men, in particular, should exclude from their evening menu for weight loss: alcoholic drinks, fried, fatty, pickled, smoked dishes, mayonnaise sauces, and baked goods, which negatively affect not only the figure, but also men’s health. It is worth giving preference for weight loss to both men and women: lean meat, poultry and fish, fresh vegetable salads, unsweetened fruits. All kinds of herbs and spices increase appetite, and therefore to lose weight they must be excluded from your diet.

To lose weight, it is recommended to set the table beautifully, paying attention not to the quantity of dishes, but to their quality and aesthetic presentation. You need to eat from small plates, slowly, mindfully, enjoying every bite and chewing it thoroughly. Thus, satiety will occur much faster, and the volume of consumed portions will be reduced, which will lead to weight loss.

How to eat less during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a trembling and joyful period in the life of an expectant mother. While carrying a child under her heart, a woman, on average, should gain 8-12 kilograms during 9 months of pregnancy, which will go away immediately after childbirth. However, most women, having learned about their situation, begin to eat for two, and sometimes even for three, mistakenly assuming that they only benefit the fetus. Alas, this is far from the case.

For full development, the fetus takes all the most beneficial vitamins and microelements from the mother’s diet, designed for one person. Overeating during pregnancy leads to a woman gaining excess weight, which will not be easy to lose after childbirth. In order not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, you should eat properly and balanced, and most importantly, do not overeat.

How to gain less weight during pregnancy - recommendations:

  • Pre-made menu. In order to eat a balanced diet, it is recommended to draw up a menu in advance, a day or two in advance, which will reduce the risk of snacking on “harmful” foods (sweets, buns, fast food).
  • Snacks provided. In order not to give in to temptation and eat something harmful, it is best to carry an apple, nuts, and dried fruits with you.
  • Full breakfast. During the night (8-9 hours of sleep) you and the child did not eat anything, so a full breakfast will fill the nutritional and calorie deficit.
  • Avoiding heavy meals at night. Pregnant women may experience an acute feeling of hunger before bed. You should not go hungry; it is better to replace heavy foods (meat, potatoes, pasta) with lighter foods (yogurt, kefir, fruits).
  • Avoiding fasting. Long breaks between meals are harmful to a child's health. It is better to eat every 2-3 hours, but little by little.
  • Physical activity. To avoid gaining excess weight during pregnancy, you should move more. It is recommended to walk in the fresh air more often, avoid the elevator, and attend gymnastics or aerobics for pregnant women.

A pregnant woman should first of all listen to her body, which tells what products the menu should consist of. For example, a craving for meat may signal a lack of protein or iron in the body. “Do you want fruit?” - maybe you lack vitamins. By following the suggested recommendations, you can avoid gaining excess weight during pregnancy, which will allow you to quickly get into shape after childbirth.

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Drink more water

Sometimes a person confuses the feeling of thirst and hunger. To distinguish them, after the desire to eat something, you first need to drink 0.5-1 glass of water and wait 15-20 minutes. If the feeling of hunger has not passed, then you really want to eat. In addition, by drinking a glass of water, you “deceive” the body for a short time.

Hunger will be dulled, and during meals you will be able to start eating less, because your stomach will be partially filled with liquid. In addition to water, kefir and juices help reduce appetite and lose weight:

  • banana;
  • grapefruit;
  • orange.

Is it possible to lose weight if you eat nothing and only drink?

Is it possible to lose weight if you eat nothing and only drink? Judging by the number of letters to our editor, this issue worries a huge number of people who want to quickly lose excess weight.

Today we will reveal to everyone the truth about fasting to lose excess weight, and you will find out how effective complete abstinence from food is for normalizing weight.

Does giving up food help you lose weight?

When you start not eating anything, you don't get any calories. Accordingly, your body has to obtain energy by breaking down internal reserves.

This method of losing weight helps you lose a few kilograms very quickly. You can lose 1-1.5 kg per day on such a diet. This is especially important if you have an important event coming up soon and you want to look perfect.

Cons of fasting?

In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice, this process of losing weight is not so simple.

When the body realizes that energy is no longer coming from food, it begins to break down not only fat, but also muscle. Moreover, the muscles break down much faster. This is bad for us, because the more muscles we have, the more energy it takes to maintain them. Accordingly, our body gets rid of muscle tissue to reduce energy expenditure.

Such an extreme method of losing weight can affect your health, because it is a huge stress for the body.

The pounds lost this way can come back very quickly when you start eating again.

So, when you think about whether you can lose weight by eating nothing and only drinking, always weigh all the risks and decide whether it’s worth the risk to quickly lose a few kilograms.

How to fast properly?

Before any fasting, you must consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. If your body is weakened or sick, under no circumstances should you start refusing food.

Don't fast for too long. The maximum period of fasting without medical supervision should not exceed 3 days. There are a number of reasons for this:

- minimal stress for the body

- minimal loss of muscle mass

- the body does not have time to “turn on” the “maximum energy conservation” mode when the weight stops coming off completely.

Drink plenty of fluids. This will reduce hunger by filling your stomach. You can drink as much as you like, but it is advisable that the volume of liquid is not less than 2 liters per day. You can drink either plain water or any tea. The main rule is that the drink must be sugar-free. Sugar is a powerful source of energy that will prevent you from achieving good results in losing weight.

In addition, taking sugar will increase your hunger, making it much more difficult for you to refuse food.


If you experience dizziness, weakness, or swelling, you should stop fasting immediately and seek medical attention.

Fasting can be repeated no more than once every 3 months.


If you really need to quickly lose a few kilograms, you can use this method of losing weight. However, remember that when you return to a normal eating pattern, your body may quickly gain weight again.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of fasting, watch the acclaimed film "The Science of Fasting" below.


Eat small portions, but often

Fractional meals are the best option for learning to eat less and lose weight. When you overeat with little energy expenditure, the body begins to store extra calories as fat. If small portions of food enter the stomach, it will have time to process them. As a result, fat will no longer be stored in reserve, because the body will use the received calories to be processed into energy.

The volume of a single serving is 200-250 g. Never skip your morning meal, because it will help you eat less in the evening. The optimal diet includes:

  • breakfast – 8.00;
  • second breakfast – 11.00;
  • lunch – 14.00;
  • afternoon tea – 16.00;
  • dinner – 19.00.


Man and appetite
The desire to eat a lot and is often characteristic of all living beings. Appetite belongs to the sphere of instincts, because without the desire to fill the stomach with food, a living individual simply will not survive. And all instinctive manifestations are difficult to control by the mind. But it is a shame for an adult to become a slave to instincts.

Excessive obesity most often suggests that its owner has a low level of culture and weak will. This is why overweight people are often ridiculed. Although it happens that excess weight is caused by diseases, such cases are so rare that they have practically no effect on the statistics.

The ability to resist instincts is absent in animals and small children. They cannot understand the dangers of obesity, so they often do not control their appetite. Overweight children and pets only evoke pity, and the blame for their condition is completely shifted to their “breadwinners”.

But it would be nice for adults to learn to control themselves and resist the power of instincts. And motivation becomes an assistant in this. To eat less and lose weight, find a good reason why you need to be slim. More often than not, there is more than one reason for this. Let's look at how you can motivate yourself to start eating less and lose weight.


All other sources of motivation for losing weight fade into the background when it comes to health. After all, health is a thing without which nothing else matters. The danger of obesity to health has long been proven, however, it is obvious even without evidence. You don’t have to be a doctor to understand that fat people puffing while walking expose their heart, spine, and joints to enormous overload.

The French proverb: “A thinner waist means a longer life” has been confirmed in scientific research. A direct relationship has been established between the amount of fat deposited in the abdominal cavity and the development of atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. But it is known that these diseases are the main cause of heart attacks and strokes - the main killers of our time.

It has been established that a waist circumference of more than 80 cm in women and more than 94 cm in men is a factor that significantly increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and diabetes, and therefore greatly reduces the life expectancy of their owners. If you have not yet reached these values, but are gradually approaching them, it makes sense to think about reconsidering your lifestyle. Try to eat less and increase physical activity to stop your progress towards illness and premature death.

And if you have already reached or even exceeded these parameters, it means that pathological changes in your blood vessels have already begun, and a vascular accident - a heart attack or stroke - may happen to you in the near future. You need to realize this, be afraid for the state of your health and immediately start losing weight.


During historical periods when high-calorie diets were only available to the rich, fatness was considered beautiful. Now, when in developed countries cheap products are available to everyone, obesity is becoming the lot of the poor. After all, the poor often cannot afford to buy high-quality meat and fish, fruits and herbs, so they eat affordable carbohydrate foods - cheap pasta, potatoes, baked goods, semi-finished products, fast food.

In addition, low-income people tend not to exercise. Due to their low level of education, they are not motivated to eat less and focus on achieving good physical shape. Therefore, obesity in our time is associated with poverty and lack of education, which means it cannot be considered beautiful.

Be sure to read: How to stop eating and get an ideal figure?

When a thin woman begins to gain weight, at first it can even improve her appearance - wrinkles straighten out, the skin becomes smoother, and the shape becomes “appetizing.” A pleasing reflection in the mirror can lull one's vigilance, and if the tendency towards fat accumulation continues, one can only wake up when the figure has already acquired an ugly outline.

Attention! By delaying the start of working on yourself, you can start the process of obesity so far that it will be impossible to get out of this state without losses. Having finally gathered your will into a fist and lost weight, you can find that the skin on your stomach, buttocks, and chin has sagged hopelessly, your once lush breasts have turned into hanging “pancakes,” and your face has aged dramatically. In such situations, you can only bitterly regret your past carelessness.

Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to start losing weight before changes in appearance become irreversible. In addition, the older you are, the less likely it is that fat will disappear without a trace when losing weight. After all, the tone of the skin weakens with age, and when the volume is “blown away”, it shrinks worse.

Your reflection in the mirror should be the strongest motivation to eat less and lose weight. Indeed, in our time, only a slim person can be considered attractive.

Personal life

Excess weight in men and women often becomes an obstacle to a happy personal life. The vast majority of people want to see their partners slim, which means that the chance of meeting a life partner for overweight people is significantly reduced.

Many women, having gotten married and given birth to a child, stop monitoring their weight, believing that their husband will love them in any weight category. However, such optimism is most often unfounded. If you got married slim, then this is the type of body type that your husband likes. And it is precisely these women that he will look at if your figure becomes far from his aesthetic ideal. At best, this will not add happiness to your personal life, and at worst, it can lead to divorce.

If you love your partner, then make sure that in his bed there is a slender, toned body that evokes desire. Don't turn into something formless, with whom you sleep only out of marital duty or for lack of better options.

Many overweight women lose their ability to conceive. Due to hormonal imbalance in grade 2-3 obesity, women of fertile age can become infertile; their ability to become pregnant returns only after losing weight. In such cases, the desire for motherhood should become the strongest motivation to eat less and lose weight. Moreover, the time allotted by nature for women to bear children is very limited.

Attention! If excess weight becomes an obstacle for you in establishing your personal life, then this should serve as a serious reason to start eating less and losing weight. This is especially true for those who have not yet been married and do not have children. Mutual love, the birth and raising of children, a happy family life - this happiness cannot be compared with the pleasure of eating the most delicious food. By putting off losing weight “for later,” you lose years of your youth, and with them, the chances of living a full, happy life.

Career success

It's no secret that slim people are more successful in terms of career growth than overweight people. Those who are burdened with excess weight find it more difficult to fit into the dynamic rhythm of modern life; they tend to get sick more often and look older than their slender peers.

It is more difficult for an overweight employee to get a promotion than a thin colleague. In order for preference to be given to a fat man, he must have some particularly valuable business qualities. All other things being equal, a thin, energetic worker will have an advantage.

Attention! Slimness is associated with health, youth, and energy, so it is easier for thin people to find a good job and move up the career ladder. If you are focused on career success, then your motivation to eat less and lose weight should be ironclad.

Chew food thoroughly

By swallowing food in large pieces, you overload your gastrointestinal tract. As a result, digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestines deteriorate. In addition, without chewing your food thoroughly, you eat your portion faster. Saturation occurs on average within 20 minutes. During this time, you can eat much more if you don’t “grind” every piece. The benefits of chewing foods thoroughly are as follows:

  • Strengthening gums. They increase blood flow, which also ensures the prevention of periodontitis.
  • Producing the required amount of saliva. During chewing, it is produced 10 times more than in a calm state. Saliva contains water, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, sodium. Microelements help strengthen tooth enamel and form a protective film on its surface.
  • Losing weight. By chewing your food thoroughly, you feel full with less food.
  • Reducing the load on the heart. Large pieces of food put pressure on the diaphragm, where the heart muscle is located.

We eat only homemade food

We start the morning with abdominal exercises

  • Don't overload your muscles on the first day of class. This is fraught with pain and can lead to microtrauma of muscle fibers.
  • Charging is not a sport. Increasing the load is not done to build muscle mass, but to expend energy and speed up metabolism.
  • The effectiveness of exercise for weight loss is possible if it is carried out at least 4 times a week.
  • Charging time should be at least half an hour. Calorie consumption begins after 20 minutes of exercise.
  • The break between exercises should be minimal. Efficiency in intensity.
  • If exercise is used for weight loss, you should not eat an hour before and an hour after exercise.
  • At the beginning of exercise, you need to warm up your muscles in order to move easily and avoid microtrauma.
  • Don't repeat yourself day after day. Alternate exercises. Use a hoop, jump rope, fitball.
  • Develop a set of exercises individually for yourself.

Charging exercises

Exercises with dumbbells

  • Warm up. We make circular movements with the neck, hands, elbows, and shoulders. Circular turns of the body left and right. rotational movements of the pelvis. circular movements of the hips. Rotational movements of the foot.
  • Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and thighs: Bends left and right with dumbbells in your hands, about 30 bends each. Squats with one leg forward, at least ten.
  • Exercises for losing weight in your legs: Squats, leg swings, jumping in place. From a standing position, pull the knee to the chest. Standing on all fours, pull your leg up.
  • Exercises to strengthen the buttocks: Squats with hands behind the head, squats with alternating legs, putting them forward.
  • To strengthen your arms: Extend your palms in front of you, alternately turn your palms up and down. We raise our arms to shoulder level, clench our fists, keep our arms suspended and rotate our shoulder joints.

If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to lose weight if you eat little, then pay attention to the reviews of people who coped with the problem of excess weight using the following simple method.
Stop eating fast foods and fast food. When we talked about snacks, we didn't mean hamburgers or hot dogs. Wean yourself off this kind of food forever. If you feel like eating between main meals, then snack on dried fruits, nuts, a fresh apple or carrot. This will fill your stomach without overloading it. A glass of low-fat kefir will help satisfy your hunger.

Do not eat on the go, take time for this, sit comfortably, eat slowly, little by little and chewing your food thoroughly. Stretch out the pleasure and give your stomach time to process the food without being full.

Is it possible to lose weight if you eat little? Reviews from people who have cut down their portions confirm that this method is quite suitable for losing weight. But they advise you to cook deliciously and eat, savoring every bite. It is very important to psychologically prepare yourself to eat less. Rebuild your body so that eating less food gives you more pleasure.

Before a delicious lunch, enjoy the appearance of the dish, then inhale its pleasant aroma, take a small piece into your mouth and slowly savor it. Then, chewing thoroughly, keep it in your mouth for as long as possible.

Don't bother yourself with tasteless oatmeal or something you don't like at all. Treat yourself to delicious food, because food that brings joy makes us happy. If you yourself are not able to come up with tasty and healthy dishes, contact a nutritionist. They will write you a delicious diet for a week, which will be the envy of people who are not interested in the question of whether it is possible to lose weight by eating less.

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