How to quickly correct posture in an adult at home in 5 simple steps. Personal experience

If you have ever encountered such a manifestation of a health problem as a curvature of the spine (in you, in children or in your friends), you may have seen how, when viewed from the back, one shoulder is higher than the other and one side of the body is shifted in side. This shouldn't happen. But how to correct an adult’s posture at home and restore symmetry to his body is the most important question.

If a person has a crooked posture, it greatly affects their health. The spine is the basis of everything. Because of this, there may be back pain, sciatica, pain in the shoulder blades, and possible headaches.

All this is unpleasant, but fixable. And the sooner you take charge of yourself, the easier it is to restore it. That's what we'll do. Let's look at what you can do about this yourself at home.

What is posture

In short, posture is an even (and flexible) spine with natural curves. If you remember, while in school, we were often advised to pay attention to our posture.

When I was studying, we even had special chairs to ensure that the back was in its correct position. Of course, we, as children, did not listen to all this advice. But, as it turned out, it was completely in vain. After all, a lot depends on posture.

A person may have poor eyesight and hunch over, trying to bring his eyes closer to the book, or maybe he has developed this habit not because he has poor eyesight. He may have good eyesight, but still be hunched over.

Posture depends not only on the position in which you sit, but also on internal factors, which we will consider further. By the way, how a person sits, stands and walks also depends on this.

It's important to keep a girl's back

To eliminate stooping at the very beginning, you can wear a corset - it will fix the spine in one position and allow you to gradually get used to walking in one position.

You will have to wear it for at least six months and only then can we talk about the first results.

However, it is worth correcting your posture with the help of dancing, swimming and gymnastics. Particular attention should be paid to Pilates - the system of exercises was originally developed for patients with back problems, but they can also be used to correct posture.

Yoga also gives excellent results - individual exercises successfully correct posture, train muscles and give flexibility to the spine. Also, do not forget about the most effective way - wearing a stack of magazines or books on your head.

Classes for girls

Is it possible to cure spinal curvature?

The medical community believes that scoliosis is an incurable disease and offers various types of exercises and corsets. Sometimes it is advised to simply monitor your body and posture, correcting it through conscious efforts.

As I wrote above, the cause may be incorrect body position when working, sitting, writing, reading, and so on. Throughout life, the position of the body and spine may be incorrect and this entails deformation of posture.

But this is only a consequence!!!

In order to understand the true cause of this deformation, let us consider the true (internal) causes of spinal curvature. Only by understanding the true cause can we cure this disease, despite the fact that it is considered incurable.


  • Remind yourself to keep your back straight. You can do this using browser extensions, chat bots or gadgets that are attached to the body.
  • Strengthen your muscle corset with training: warm-ups at home, workouts in the gym.
  • At work, stretch during breaks and watch the position of your head and neck while sitting at the computer.
  • Sleep correctly: you can’t sleep on your stomach, the pillow shouldn’t be high, you can put another one between your shins or under your shins.

Cover: still from the series “The Office”

The true cause of curvature of posture

Let's remember ourselves at school, when the sun is shining outside, the birds are singing and we want to go for a walk. But we are forced to sit at school and learn lessons. Remember this? At the same time, they tell you that you must study well, not make mistakes, be diligent, be good, be an example for someone and a bunch of other things.

What happens in this case?

You have a desire to go for a walk, to run, which is completely natural for you as a person. But you suppress this desire and sit and study. Your desire did not appear out of nowhere.

It has now been scientifically proven that a person has a biofield, energy. And it is thanks to her that we live and act. No energy - no life. Surely you have been in such states when you have no strength. You literally feel powerless. This just shows your suppression of your own energy. But if you start doing what you want and what interests you, strength will immediately appear and drowsiness will disappear.

Your body has released energy, but all the “shoulds” and “shoulds” force you to suppress your desire and sit and study. There is energy, but it does not find a way out. As a result, energy is suppressed, dissatisfaction or anger, resentment or regret (or any other emotion) arises. And emotion is your energy, but in a different form. And so that it does not interfere with you, you (subconsciously) suppress it and it is put off. And where? That's right, in your own body.

But the energy is there. And she wants to find a way out, but you have a ban. And you, using your own energy, suppress it. That is, you “split” yourself so that one part of yourself suppresses another part of yourself. Imagine now how many of these suppressions you have accumulated throughout your life. And each such suppression is manifested in the form of muscle clamps and tensions.

And since any prohibition is your thought (or rather, not yours, but suggested to you), then all this sits in your body in the form of clamped and tense muscles.

And imagine what happens to the spine, joints and in general to your skeleton if it is constantly under enormous pressure in the form of muscle spasms. And the pressure is not low. About 200-300 kg maybe. Such pressure can easily create a distortion in your posture, knock out spinal discs, etc. Here you have stooping, and hernias, and hyperlordosis with kyphosis, and everything else.

It's all about psychology!!!

And since our body is controlled by the brain, all these prohibitions sit in the brain in the form of beliefs, and it is the brain that sends signals to the body what to tense, where to relax, and where to relax. But in the case of prohibitions, basically, a signal is given to tension. And your body begins to fight with itself.

Electronic correctors that can be used without a doctor’s prescription

There is such a type of correctors as electronic

These are harmless but effective devices that can be used without
a doctor’s prescription. What are they and how do they work?

These are miniature devices that are attached to underwear or glued directly to the body (like a patch). When a person begins to slouch, the corrector vibrates

, reminding you that it is time to take the correct position.

Russian development – ​​“Master of Posture”

The gadget is sold in two versions for children and adults, with differences in packaging design. You can buy with delivery here.

In the kit you will find detailed instructions with a training program and answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as, in addition to the sensor:

  • clothing fastening element;
  • replaceable stickers for attaching the sensor to the body (designed for approximately a 30-day course);
  • spare battery;
  • a special device for “pushing out” the battery.

posture master

To put the gadget into action, you need to secure it in one of the ways on your body or clothing with the arrow pointing up and press the button, thereby fixing the desired position.

The gadget does not synchronize with anything, and feedback is only possible in the form of a vibration signal.

  1. When you press the button, there is a single vibration signal, indicating that the pose is fixed. If your posture is violated for more than 50-60 seconds,
    you will receive a 5-fold vibration notification, noticeable by ear, especially in a quiet room.
  2. Notifications are not continuous: in case you remain in the wrong position, you will receive a subsequent notification again only after 50-60 seconds
  3. You can recalibrate the sensor at any time.
  4. The device can be paused by placing it on a horizontal surface or by holding the button. Pause information signal - double vibration.

For more visual reviews of the Posture Master, watch the video below:

Video on the topic

Video on the topic

Energy changes

And after this, a change occurs in the human biofield.

Normally, your field is centered. The body is as if in the center of an energy egg.

People in the ball

But when suppression occurs, the field begins to shift, thereby showing that not everything is harmonious with you. It's like the balance is off.

For example:

  • The field has shifted to the right - this means right-sided scoliosis. The muscles on the right are tense and stretch the vertebrae. Posture is poor. Such a person is often an excellent student. Charged with finding flaws. He is also often called a good person. But he should have everything point by point. The way he wants. His left side of his body is suffering. The field is shifted to the right, and the left side of the body lacks energy.
  • The field has shifted to the left - left-sided scoliosis. The person is charged with anger. He's like a match. Just a little bit, it flares up with aggression and anger. Tends to grumble and be offended. You've probably met such people.
  • The field is shifted forward - lordosis and kyphosis. Such a person looks, worries and worries about the future. Lives in the future. Often slouching. Because he has burdened himself with a bunch of responsibilities and “owes everything to everyone.” There is simply no life of your own. Lives on other people's thoughts. Your whole life flies by on autopilot, because right now it simply doesn’t exist.
  • The field is shifted back - the legs of such a person are “ahead of the rest.” Very proud. If not me, then who is the motto of his life. He literally thought of himself as God. It seems to him that if he is not there, the world will collapse, fall apart.

And there are options when the field is shifted to the right and forward, left and back, compressed from the sides, elongated. Needless to say, all this can take a toll on your health.

What to do about it?

You can diagnose yourself using the examples above, where your field can be shifted. Energy always shows correctly. Instruments may make mistakes, but energy is Nature. It is she who gives this shift, so she will show it accurately.

And if you want to remove scoliosis yourself and quickly, at home, no matter how old you are, the first thing you need is to have the determination to change internally.

You can do various exercises as much as you like, but they will not bring long-term results. If there is tension left inside, everything will return.

A person with scoliosis lives with constantly clenched fists. Imagine how much effort and energy it takes!

Ask yourself a simple question: “Is my approach to life worth having scoliosis?”

Is your pride, perfectionism, anger at people, looking for flaws everywhere... worth it for all this to deteriorate your health?

After all, all these manifestations are your pride. Pride is just thoughts that go through your head. It doesn’t matter where you picked them up from and why you started thinking about them constantly. Are you ready to give them up for the sake of your health?

You look for shortcomings, you want to correct the World, but you don’t see that everything is in order with the World. All that people bring into the world is only tension and disorder.

So is your scoliosis worth the stress?

The man is seething

All you need is to live a relaxed life and you will not have scoliosis. Your health will be restored instantly. The state you have inside is the same as the world around you. If there is no anger, pain, or resentment inside, this is how the world around you will be. If you hold tension and fear inside, you will see it in your World.

What is more important to you - your pride, indulging your ego, or your health and a happy, relaxed life?

How to do it?

If it seems to you that this is impossible, it is not. You need to make a decision within yourself that you will no longer live like this. If you cannot make such a decision yet, changes are unlikely to happen.

Everything that is inside you, you see outside!

Remember this simple thing. And if you can’t do it yet, then, for starters, just observe what your mind is thinking about. The thought has come to you to express dissatisfaction, look at it directly, boldly - it will lose its power.

Just remember that everything in your head is just a thought. But thoughts always lie. There is no greater liar than your thoughts. Start to at least doubt and admit the possibility that it could be different. This is called taking control of your life, turning on awareness.

When you become aware of what's going on in your head, you have the opportunity to change your habitual behavior patterns. You have the right to choose. In this case, you can use it.

And then you can simply change your attitude inside. When you make a decision, you will immediately feel how your body relaxes and the scoliosis disappears.

If you are afraid to do this, then decide: what is more important to you - fear or your health?

And in the same way, just watch the fear. When fear is directly observed, it loosens its grip and lets you go.

The main thing to remember is that when you decide to live a relaxed life, live it that way. And then you will never have scoliosis. Your posture will be straight and beautiful.

Healthy lifestyle to correct posture

  • During the day, we try to go for a walk in Nature at least once: a park, a forest, a square (the main thing is that we do not walk in a shopping center or along a highway).
  • We drink clean water (tea, coffee, soda does not count)
  • We do at least a little bit of what brings you joy and pleasure
  • Let's practice the above yoga exercises
  • In the morning, you can practice Surya Namaskar, which will charge you with vigor and energy for the whole day. And it takes no more than 5 minutes.
  • Stay mindful by observing what your mind is telling you. But we don’t take it for granted. We doubt it

By applying these simple rules, you will see how your body really relaxes, your posture and spine straighten. And you will be surprised how long you have been thinking about how to correct an adult’s posture at home. You may have thought that this was only possible for children.

If you doubt your abilities, then I can recommend an excellent start to correcting your posture, a free video course.

With its help, you will begin to gradually recover and correct your posture.

Or I invite you to come to me for a consultation, where we will analyze your situation and develop a lesson plan that will help you correct your posture. Write me a message and we will set up a time to meet.

Exercise to lift internal organs

One of the very important exercises. Yes, it is not directly related to the position of the shoulders or back, but it is significant for the formation of posture. If we talk about visible results, then this exercise is more effective than any other in removing a protruding belly. Why is another story, which is called “prolapse of internal organs.” So, the mechanics of performing this exercise:

We perform it lying on our back. Legs are bent at the knees.

Step 1: just breathe with one belly. The chest is motionless.

Step 2: exhale all the air from yourself and strongly draw in your stomach, it should seem to stick to your back.

Step 3: Using the fingers of our palms, we pull the insides from the womb to the navel and a little higher.

We gently remove our hands, the stomach returns to its place. You can breathe!

The exercise is not easy to do at first! You may experience a feeling of discomfort; this is a completely natural situation. Continue in this manner every day before bed for six months. For clarity, I suggest watching this exercise on video.

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