How to quickly remove fat from the sides of the waist at home

If your slender waist is still modestly hidden behind curvy sides, it’s time to get rid of them. Read the article about what foods and exercises will help you remove extra centimeters.

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Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 09/04/2020

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removed the sides

The modern cult of a beautiful body is not so much a fashion as a trend expressed by people's desire to look and feel better. After all, excess weight not only spoils the proportions of the figure, but also interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Additional kilograms put stress on the joints of the legs, the spine, and fat deposits in the waist area cause the internal organs to shift, making it difficult for them to work and impairing blood circulation.

Often, most people have weight problems associated with various diseases. But there is another scourge of modernity - a passive lifestyle. In such cases, you can lose weight only by using an integrated approach, which consists of creating and maintaining a positive psycho-emotional state, physical activity and dieting.

Dramatic weight loss is good news, but signs of intoxication often accompany rapid weight loss. Weakness, nausea, headache, skin rashes, problems with stool appear in those who are losing weight due to the entry into the blood of substances formed as a result of the intensive breakdown of fat deposits. In addition, a significantly changed diet often provokes exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Determine the cause

First of all, you must understand what causes the sides on the waist. The reason may be an incorrect diet, for example, an excessive love of sweets, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. In addition, it is important to eliminate the risks of various health problems, for example, hormonal ones, which can lead to excess weight. In the latter case, you must first eliminate the cause, and only then start practicing. In the first cases, we still need the same diet and physical activity.

How to remove sides quickly: exercises

Without physical activity, you will not be able to cope with excess fat deposits. If the diet is aimed at the entire body as a whole, then the exercises should focus specifically on the problem area. You can choose the type of activity that you like. Running, swimming, Pilates, and hula-hooping help to cope with excess fat.

There are a large number of sets of exercises aimed at combating the sides. Programs called something like “removing sides in 20 lessons” are really effective, but you shouldn’t focus on clearly stated deadlines, since everything is individual in each case. Don’t chase deadlines and quick weight loss - it’s better to get rid of everything unnecessary slowly, but safely and confidently.

You can read a separate article on the website about exercises aimed at combating the sides (LINK). Here we will suggest only some actions. There are general rules for those who plan to start training:

  • You need to do the exercises 3-4 times a week.
  • Exercises should be done in several approaches with short breaks.
  • Do a warm-up beforehand to warm up your muscles.
  • Try to perform the exercises smoothly, avoiding excessively sudden movements. Breathing should be smooth.

Now let’s look at a few basic exercises that will be useful for the purpose of removing fat from a woman’s sides.


Thanks to this simple exercise, you can fully work out all the abdominal muscles, and additionally the arms and legs. You need to lie on the floor, stretch out your arms and legs. At the same time, raise your straight arms and legs. At the same time, it is important to keep your back straight and reach your chin towards your legs.


“Scissors” are ideal for working out the lower abs. You need to lie on the floor, raise your legs at an angle of about 60 degrees and alternately pull each of them towards your face, without bending it.

If you lower your legs completely to the floor, the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs will be additionally used.

Side plank

The plank in general is a great exercise for working the entire body. Its lateral variation perfectly works the oblique abdominal muscles. Get into a side plank position, leaning on your elbow. Align your body completely and stay in this position. Then perform crunches with your body down.


A simple bicycle, which we have known since school, is a wonderful exercise for eliminating sides at the waist.


Despite the fact that push-ups are aimed more at the muscles of the arms and chest, it helps to keep the stomach in good shape, the muscles of which work as stabilizers. If it’s hard for you to do push-ups in the classic version, you can do the exercise from your knees.

Eat a balanced diet

Those who want to lose weight often commit all sorts of short-term diets that limit literally everything. And that's wrong. The fact is that the body loses mainly water and muscle, and not fat, so what was lost comes back literally immediately after you return to your usual diet, sometimes with double force. In addition, this is stress for the body, and it will prepare for the next stress by storing everything unnecessary in reserve. Therefore, remember, if you want to remove fat from your waist and sides, you need to eat properly and balanced so that the body receives all the nutrients it needs, and this should be part of the system and not be a temporary measure.

Exercises for losing weight on the back and sides

Let's consider what exercises for losing weight on the back and sides can be used to correct the silhouette.


Pull-ups are ideal for improving your posture. They may seem complex, but don’t be afraid of them - you can choose simpler variations that will be enough to increase efficiency. The back includes a large number of different muscles, and pull-ups are good because they give you the opportunity to work them all.

The most effective are pull-ups with an outside grip, in which you grab the bars with your palms facing out. They are aimed in particular at the back, while a simpler reverse grip works, in fact, only the biceps.

Girls whose arms are naturally quite weak find it difficult to perform full pull-ups. Therefore, you can use simplified variations that imitate a regular pull-up. Pay attention to the following exercises:

  • Negative pull-ups with stand. The key is that you need to stand on the stand so that your body is in the position of the completed snatch. Controlling your movements, slowly lower yourself down.
  • You can use various mechanisms that are available in all gyms and are ideal for mastering the snatch.
  • You can also use TRX ropes, which can work your upper back.

Removing fat from the back and sides - the best exercises for home

Exercises with dumbbells

To perform them you will need a bench, table or any other surface . Place one knee on a stand and hold a light dumbbell in the opposite hand. Now lean back a little and lift the apparatus by raising and bending your arm. You should feel tension in your back. Repeat at least 12 times, then change hands.

Renegade Craving

Take a lying position, as if doing a push-up. Move one of your legs slightly to the side. Place your hand on one dumbbell and take the second dumbbell in your other hand. Lift the barbell up until your elbow can move.


The exercise is performed while lying on your stomach. You can use a sports ball for it . Take small dumbbells in your hands, tense your back, slightly raise your chest. Raise your arms up, then spread them to the sides, and then pull them forward, touching your head.

This exercise works great on the deltoid muscle, which is involved in building posture. It is often weak, so it is recommended to use light weights to increase the load.

Push ups

Push-ups are a basic exercise for strengthening the muscles of the thoracic region. But if you do it correctly, you can also work the back muscles, which will be useful in how to remove fat on the back and sides. Take a classic lying position and lower your body so that you feel tension in your back. Lean smoothly, without jerking, concentrating on the descent. In the lower position, try to hold the body for a few seconds, then return to the starting position so that the chest region is tense.

Jumping rope

When jumping rope, not only your shoulders work, but also your entire back. In addition, this is an effective exercise for burning fat, since calories are burned very actively during jumping. Take this element of your training seriously and it will help you lose fat from your back and sides.

Exercise bike

The exercise bike works great for your back and whole body, helping you get in shape. Start with reasonable loads - ten minutes of exercise will be enough to get started.

Traction machine

The traction machine is popular for its effective back strengthening. This is a simple but very effective exercise that greatly strengthens the back of the body.

It is recommended to start training with this simulator under the supervision of a trainer.

Cardio and plyometric movements

To make lateral back exercises more effective, follow each exercise with plyometric movements. Both your lower and upper back should work. The same muscle groups will work, but more dynamically.

For thirty seconds after each of the main exercises, do a discharge. Alternatively, you can lift a gymnastic ball weighing 5 kg above your head so that your back muscles are tensed. Throw hard using the strength of your back muscles. But be careful when doing this, as exercise increases your heart rate. However, in terms of fat burning, it is most effective.

It is recommended to perform such elements in three approaches 2-3 times a week. Also add cardio to your workout. It can be anything: running, swimming, elliptical - the main thing is that the training is not only useful, but also enjoyable.

Eat small meals

You need to eat often and in small portions. This will help narrow the volume of your stomach, so you will get used to eating less and will be able to reduce the volume of your stomach. The ideal number of meals is 4-5. The advantage of such nutrition is that you will not feel painful hunger, as is the case with rare and plentiful meals, and you will also be able to speed up your metabolism.

Causes of fat on the stomach and sides

Stress. It provokes malfunctions in the human body. Many people, due to stress and bad mood, begin to eat a lot and often. This is becoming a big problem.

Therapeutic diseases. Diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, and diseases of the cardiovascular system stimulate excessive deposition and accumulation of fat cells.

Hormonal disbalance. The female body is very sensitive to hormonal changes. This is an area of ​​health that is very difficult to influence. The production of hormones depends on the normal functioning of parts of the brain. At the same time, a woman can very strictly limit herself in food. Most diseases of the endocrine system require constant intake of artificial hormones; they are poorly absorbed by the body, hence metabolic disorders.

Bad eating habits. An addiction to junk food cannot help but leave a mark on a woman’s body. Frequent consumption of fast food provokes the accumulation of large amounts of adipose tissue. Salty, spicy, smoked foods retain water in the tissues, which leads to severe swelling. The fats found in fried foods are very difficult to process and are deposited en masse in the hips and waist.

Slow metabolism. As sad as it may be, the older a person gets, the slower his metabolism is. This applies to both women and men. There are two options to get rid of extra pounds. The first is to find a way to speed up your metabolism, and the second is to increase your activity. It doesn't have to be sports. Long evening walks are often enough, provided they are regular.

Genetic predisposition. We must not lose sight of such a reason as genetics. Body type is often built into the human genome. There is a predisposition to be overweight. People with this problem are forced to constantly struggle with excess weight.

Passive lifestyle. Much depends on lifestyle. The less a person moves, the faster fat reserves are deposited in the abdominal area. Even when working sedentarily, you need to take regular breaks for short exercises. In the evening, it is better to take a walk instead of traveling by public transport.

Eat fat-burning foods

You've probably heard that there are products that help us lose weight, even if we no longer put much effort into it. Of course, in reality everything is not so good, and this is not a panacea, however, in combination with other measures it will be useful. Ginger, grapefruit, boiled eggs, kefir, cinnamon, and almonds will help speed up fat burning processes. You can also include so-called negative calorie foods in your diet, on which the body spends more to process than it receives. These are mainly green vegetables such as cucumber, spinach, cabbage, but also radishes, radishes and many others. You can snack on them whenever you feel hungry. Apples are also included in the rating of the healthiest foods for the waist.

Drink plenty of water

You need to drink at least 1.2-2 liters of clean drinking water per day. It is advisable to start the morning with a glass of water on an empty stomach and drink it every time half an hour before meals. During the training process, also do not be afraid to drink water, it will only bring benefits.

Remember that the required amount of water only includes water. The body perceives all other drinks as food, and they are not included in this norm.

Causes of fat folds on the back

The appearance of fat deposits is caused by the fact that a person consumes more food than he spends. It should also be taken into account that people have genetically different metabolic rates. It is much more difficult to gain weight with a high metabolic rate than with a low one.

How to remove fat folds on the back in a short time. Exercises, diet, massage

Therefore, you should follow the rules of proper nutrition, which allow you to speed up your metabolism:

  • Eat in small portions. The stomach of a healthy person has a volume equal to the volume of his fist.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day, which speeds up your metabolism.
  • Drink enough water, at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The liquid ensures the removal of toxins from the body, which greatly affects metabolism.

To get rid of folds of fat, you need to turn it into energy and spend it. During lipolysis, triglyceride, which stores energy in the fat cell, is broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. They enter the bloodstream and provide nutrition to the muscles and organs of the body.

The fat burning process is triggered by special hormones that are produced by the endocrine system during stressful situations:

  • Adrenaline appears in moments of danger.
  • Growth hormone (somatropin) provides energy to cells during sleep, allowing them to quickly recover.
  • Glucagon is produced when sugar levels drop.
  • Cortisol is produced during mental and physical overload.

Due to the fact that hormones move along with the blood, it will not be possible to evenly burn fat only on the back without splitting it in other places.

How to remove fat folds on the back in a short time. Exercises, diet, massage
Back exercises - here's how to remove fat folds on the back

The rate of fat decomposition is also determined by the concentration of capillaries and nerve endings in muscles and tissues; the more blood enters the muscles, the faster fat is burned.

The human body accumulates excess fat in different parts of the body at different rates. It forms quickly on the back, sides, stomach and buttocks, but on the calves and arms it is much slower. The reverse process occurs when fat decomposes where it quickly accumulates, where adipose tissue is burned more slowly.

What rules to follow for eating and doing exercises at home to remove wrinkles on your back in a short time will be shown later in the article. When losing weight, you need to carefully monitor your weight loss; losing 0.5 - 1 kg per week is the norm recommended by experts.

How to remove wrinkles on your back with proper nutrition

Refer to the video for instructions on how to do this. They are most effective when done first thing in the morning and are extremely beneficial not only for the abdominal muscles, but for the entire body. They detoxify your body by getting your lymphatic system moving and moving, which is how toxins move through the body. They also help your digestive system, making your movements more regular and less clogged.

5. Lie on your stomach, clasp the bottom of your legs with straightened arms behind your back, legs spread apart. Hold this position for 1 minute.

Create a black list of products

Much depends on what you eat, and there are a number of foods that do not provide anything useful, but are immediately stored in fat and spoil your figure, and also fill you up for a very short period of time. This is fast food, beloved by many, sweets, white bread, chips, crackers and other harmful things that you don’t need if you want to remove your sides and make a thin waist. Also avoid sugary sodas and other similar drinks.

Exercises with dumbbells

How to remove folds on the back in a short time (exercises at home can be done using weights) in order to develop back muscle tissue and break down excess fat layers will be discussed further.

Lunges using dumbbells:

  • Hold dumbbells in the palms of your lowered arms. Place your feet at the width of your hip joints.

    How to remove fat folds on the back in a short time. Exercises, diet, massage

  • Inhaling, step your left foot forward. Transfer your body weight to your left foot. Bend it at the knee. Perform the exercise slowly, maintaining balance. You need to step softly and elastically. You cannot suddenly lower yourself onto your left leg. The knee of the front leg should not protrude beyond the toe of the foot. The angle between the shin and thigh of the left leg should not exceed 90 degrees. The right bent leg rests on the toe.
  • Exhaling, elastically push the heel of your left foot off the floor. Take the starting position.
  • Perform a lunge with the other leg.
  • Do 19-26 reps.
  • Rest and do 1 more approach.

Raising dumbbells in different directions:

  • The initial pose is the same as in a lunge exercise.
  • Exhaling air, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Hold at shoulder level. Hands should not be higher than the elbows.
  • Inhaling air, return your hands to the starting position.
  • Do arm raises 20-25 times.
  • Recover and repeat the exercise.

    How to remove fat folds on the back in a short time. Exercises, diet, massage

Bent-over dumbbell raise:

  • Rest your left knee and left hand on the bench. The body is in a horizontal position. The eyes look forward, the back is straight. The right hand with the dumbbell is lowered down.
  • Exhaling, slowly bend your right arm at the elbow and lift the dumbbell to body level. The dumbbell moves towards the pelvis.
  • Lower your hand to the starting position and inhale.
  • Perform 20-25 repetitions.
  • Change hands and perform a cycle of movements.
  • Rest, do the next approach.

For effective fat burning, you should do 20–25 repetitions, using light dumbbells, but at a fairly fast pace.

Spin the hoop

A hoop is a great way to solve the problem of how to lose weight in the waist and sides, get rid of the belly, it is very convenient and effective. Spin it for at least 15, and preferably 30 minutes a day. This is good aerobic exercise and a great way to burn fat. If you haven't hoop before, start with a regular light hula hoop . Once your body gets used to it, you can increase the load using a massage or weighted hula hoop.


Running in the fresh air is pleasant and useful. Cardio training is great for burning fat and, accordingly, helping to make your waist thinner. If you go to the gym, spend some time on the treadmill, exercise bike, and other equipment in the cardio room. Dancing is also a great help in achieving a thin waist.

How to remove fat from sides at home as effectively as possible?

To get rid of excess fat around the waist, it is not enough just to exercise or include certain foods in your diet. Quick results are only possible with an integrated approach that includes 3 important elements:

  • First, you need to improve your diet, cutting down on carbohydrates and fats, creating a calorie deficit. It is also necessary to increase the amount of protein and fiber in the diet, so as not to feel the feeling of hunger, which will make you vomit, and normalize digestion and metabolism.
  • Secondly, do physical exercises at home, on the street, in the gym, exercise with a rolling pin, it doesn’t matter what exactly it is, the main thing is to increase calorie consumption, which will further increase the calorie deficit and the body will begin to burn fat and use it as a source of energy , which will further speed up weight loss.
  • Thirdly, regularly take body measurements and weigh yourself 1-2 times a week at the same time in order to understand how well your progress is going and whether you need to make adjustments to the training process, nutrition and diet.

Next, we will tell you in more detail how to remove sides and burn fat at home with the help of proper nutrition, exercise and adherence to a regimen.

Pump up your abs correctly

It is believed that abdominal exercises are a classic way to remove the sides of a woman’s waist, but in fact this is not entirely true. If you pump your abs incorrectly, you will not only make your waist thinner, but also add additional volume to it, since strengthened muscles will raise the fat layer. In order for your waist to really become thinner, you need to combine exercises in your program that target both fat and muscles. In this regard, crunches are useful for the waist, in which you need to bend not only forward, but also to the sides diagonally - this helps to work the oblique abdominal muscles responsible for the waist.

How to get rid of sides at the waist with the help of nutrition?

The basic rules of a balanced diet are small portions and taking them at the same time. Using extreme diets that promise to quickly remove the sides of a woman’s waist at home, it is easy to achieve such an effect as doubling the initial weight. A rational nutrition system is introduced gradually, the right habits are formed on an ongoing basis. It is the regular implementation of the basic rules that will help avoid breakdowns on the path to harmony:

  1. The daily diet is divided into 5 main meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. Meals should take place at the same time, this will help speed up the fat burning process. Metabolic processes are also activated.
  2. The menu should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Essential nutrients provide vitamins, minerals, and saturate the taste buds. The more varied the diet, the sooner you will be able to forget about forbidden delicacies.
  3. Forming a balanced diet allows you to give up food as a way to relieve stress. Instead of cakes, ice cream and candy bars, other emotional events will appear in life. And food will remain only a way to obtain energy resources.
  4. The list of permitted foods includes essential nutrients. Prohibited dishes include sausages, pickles, baked goods, sweets, processed foods, and fast food. To remove the sides, you need to forget about such a phenomenon as a quick meal.
  5. When cooking at home or ordering ready-made meals in a restaurant, you need to remember the processing method. Steaming and baking without oil are considered optimal; food can also be stewed or boiled.
  6. The ideal combination is a combination of complex carbohydrates/proteins with fiber. Thus, porridges and products made from durum wheat will help remove the sides at the waist in combination with menu components such as fruits and vegetables.
  7. Fats must be present in the diet, represented by nuts and vegetable oils. They help maintain elasticity, firmness of the skin, and a normal psycho-emotional state when transitioning to new habits.
  8. Carbohydrates, including fruits, can be eaten in the morning. After lunch, they easily transform into those same sides. Therefore, if you want to eat a piece of cake, you can do it without harming your figure for up to 14 hours. In the evening, even an apple can lead to weight gain.
  9. Proteins are represented by eggs, fish, low-fat fish and fermented milk products. You can combine it with vegetables and fruits, they help you quickly get enough without limiting your taste preferences.
  10. Many people don’t know how to remove the sides without giving up sweets. Honey, nuts, dried fruits, of course, in limited quantities will help avoid discomfort during the transition to a balanced menu. You can prepare fitness bars and other healthy desserts, while losing volume in your waist.
  11. Alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks not only lead to weight gain. They provoke sagging skin and the appearance of orange peel. Therefore, in order to remove the sides of the waist and hips, you need to give up alcoholic beverages, which slow down metabolism and cause fluid retention in the tissues.
  12. Another enemy of slimness is salt. The traditional product is present even in sweet dishes. To lose weight, you need to minimize the amount of it in your diet. So, you need to salt ready-made, cooled products; when adding salt during the cooking process, you will need much more of it.
  13. Fresh herbs and a variety of spices will help replace salt. Nutritionists recommend enriching dishes with basil, fennel, and parsley immediately before serving. Dry spices open up during cooking, adding new flavors to simple foods.

How can you quickly remove the sides of a woman’s waist at home?

Perform a "vacuum"

“Vacuum” is one of the best exercises for narrowing your waist . It is isometric - that is, the transverse abdominal muscle tenses without moving, and it is the natural corset for the body. This muscle holds the internal organs and therefore prevents bloating.

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place them on the floor. Let all the air out of your lungs. Now, with maximum effort, bring your stomach as close to your spine as possible, as if you were trying to touch it with your navel. After taking a deep breath, try to hold your stomach in for as long as you can, at least 15 seconds. Then relax and repeat the same. Take small breaths if necessary, but try not to relax your stomach. The exercise can also be done while standing upright or on all fours.

How correctly you do the exercise is determined by the presence of a burning sensation in the abdomen.

The best exercises for a small waist

To make your waist thin, you need a set of exercises, which includes strength training to strengthen the abs plus cardio exercises, which remove excess volume in the abdominal area and burn calories - the basis of the fat layer. Each exercise should engage the obliques and core muscles.

Physical activity is conventionally divided into exercises in the gym or at home. They differ in execution technique, efficiency, and the use of special equipment. They can be combined, changed, and the load increased daily.

In the gym

Those who want to lose weight often use various weights in the gym. They are needed to pump up muscles. This is useful for those who want to have six-pack abs. If it’s only important for you to get rid of excess weight, you shouldn’t work out hard with a barbell or dumbbells. In addition to weights, lateral extensions on the machine, straight abdominal crunches, and bending from side to side have a positive effect on the abs.

Hanging Leg Raise

Hanging on the horizontal bar, you need to raise your straight legs to an angle of 90°, hold them in this position for a while, and then slowly lower them. Hands remain shoulder-width apart, breathing is even. Do it as many times as physically possible.

Hanging Leg Raise

Bench crunches

The simulator is tilted 30–40 degrees. They lie head down on their back, their legs are fixed with special bolsters. The shoulders and upper body are gradually torn off, leaving the lower area without movement. There is no need to lower it all the way so that the tension on the press is maintained. Your arms can be crossed on your chest or behind your head.

Bench crunches

It is important! To relieve the vertebrae from strong pressure, the back is kept rounded.

Incline raises

You need to lie on your back, with your head up, and grab the bar with your hands. The legs rise at a right angle, after which they slowly return to their original position. Do not lower your lower body completely to maintain tension in the abdominal area.

Incline raises

Fitball exercises

The legs are placed on the fitball, the hands are on the floor, and the stomach is directed upward. As you exhale, the legs are pulled towards the chest, and the gymnastic ball rolls over the body. After a few seconds, exhale, then return to the starting position.

Fitball exercises

Crossover training

The sports apparatus uses the pectoral muscles and abs. You need to grab the handles of the crossover with both hands, taking a position in its center. The cables are spread slightly forward on the sides at slightly bent elbows. When exhaling, the handles move toward the chest, and when inhaling, they return to the standard position. It is important to keep your back straight.

Crossover training

At home

Since exercises can be performed at home without special equipment, they are suitable for beginners as a main physical course or as an effective addition to training on simulators.


In a lying position, focus on your palms, bending your elbows. The pose is similar to a push-up. Rise onto your toes, bringing your body into a single straight line. Stand in this position for 10–30 seconds, then lie on your stomach and rest for about 5 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.



The exercise can be done in any position. Exhale all the air contained in your lungs. Inhale as much as possible until your stomach almost touches your spine. You need to spend 15–45 seconds in this state, then exhale again. Repeat the lesson as many times as possible. The exercise tightens the transverse abdominis muscle, acting like a natural corset.


Steps to the side

Stand up straight with your feet together and your hands on your waist. As you inhale, take a step to the side, raising your arms. As you exhale, lower your arms and place your legs side by side again. Repeat on the other side. The back always remains straight.

Steps to the side


Lie on your back, press your shoulder blades to the floor, clasp your hands behind your head or place them under you, place your legs bent at the knees on the floor. The head rises, straight legs rise perpendicular to the body. Alternately, the legs are lowered to the floor.



You need to lie on your stomach with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hips pressed to the floor. Hands stretch forward. Then the upper body rises, after which the elbows are bent and the arms are pulled to the chest. The shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise as many times as you can.

Swimming or swallow

Love the bar

The plank is an effective exercise for strengthening your core muscles and creating abs. A static load allows you to give your muscles a high-quality workout. The essence of the exercise is that you should lean on your toes and forearms and maintain this position, while your body should be a straight line. Try to hold out for at least a minute. There is also a side plank, in which the emphasis will be on one hand.

If the oblique muscles are developed very strongly, the curves of the waist, on the contrary, may be lost, so include the plank in your program only occasionally and do not combine it with other strength loads on the abs.

Exercises to remove back fat under the shoulder blade

A sedentary lifestyle is the main reason for the appearance of excess fat on the back. The first step is to prepare the muscles; they must withstand prolonged physical training.

To achieve this task, you need to do basic exercises that strengthen the main muscle groups of the body:

  • Deep squats without weights. Sports experts believe that this exercise is one of the most highly effective. It comprehensively involves all major muscle groups and has a positive effect on the life-giving systems of the human body. Performing squats returns muscle activity and releases hormones into the blood that burn fat.

    How to remove fat folds on the back in a short time. Exercises, diet, massage

  • Classic push-ups are a basic exercise for developing the muscles of the back, shoulders, chest and arms.

Description of the exercise “Squats”:

  • Set your feet shoulder-width apart and imagine that you need to jump forward. They will reflexively take the best position for squats.
  • Slowly, while inhaling, lower yourself down, the gluteal muscles should be below the level of the knees. Keep your back straight, eyes looking forward.
  • Exhaling, straighten your legs and take the starting position.

Do as many repetitions as possible, take a break, and your breathing rate and heart rate should return to their initial values. Repeat the exercise. When performing squats, you should pay attention to ensure that your knees at the lowest point do not protrude beyond the toes of your feet. Failure to comply with this rule has a negative impact on the knee joints.

Description of the exercise “Push-ups”:

  • Sit down and lean on your knees, arms at your sides, at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Lean on the surface of the palms of your hands and on the toes of your feet, stretch your body and hips in one line.
  • As you inhale, lower your body until your chest touches the surface of the floor.
  • Exhaling, slowly straighten your arms at the elbow joints and take the initial position.

    How to remove fat folds on the back in a short time. Exercises, diet, massage

Do as many push-ups as possible. Take a recovery break and do push-ups again.

Beginners should do push-ups from their knees; this will make it possible to perform more repetitions and quickly develop the muscles of the back, arms and chest.

Do wraps

Body wraps are available both in the salon and at home, and they can be a great help in the fight for a slim body. Do them regularly, choosing the right type. Hot wraps are mainly aimed at burning fat, while cold wraps are aimed at tightening the skin. Hot procedures are more popular. For them you will need a heated mixture and cling film . As for the mixtures themselves, there are many recipes. Honey, coffee grounds, clay, vinegar, kelp, chocolate and so on are often used. You can alternate different variations of wraps.

Perform a pinch massage

According to beauty industry experts, a course of pinch massage can narrow your waist by about five centimeters. For this we will need 10-15 procedures. You can also carry them out at home. After taking a bath or shower, use dry hands to work on problem areas, grabbing the skin with your thumb and forefinger and pulling it back to a distance of no more than a centimeter. “Pinches” should not cause severe pain or damage the skin. After finishing the massage, soothe the skin with light stroking movements and at the end apply a modeling cream to consolidate the result. Another useful procedure for losing weight is a contrast shower.

Remember motivation

The big mistake of many beginners in the struggle for weight loss is that they quickly give up. You may not be able to remove the sides of your waist quickly, since this still takes some time, but the result obtained will be lasting, high-quality and harmless to health. You can be inspired by your future result, use video and photo motivation , and this will inspire you to go further. Read more about motivation for losing weight.

An ideal waist is not so easy, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to reconsider your lifestyle. Exercise regularly and correctly, eat nutritiously and balancedly, and you will be able to lose weight profitably and with pleasure.

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