5 Ways to Burn More Calories Without Working Out

How to burn calories

Singing in the shower
burns an additional 10-20 calories, depending on the volume of the song and the pitch of your voice.

2. Laughter

within 10 minutes helps you get rid of 20-40 kcal.

3. We burn about 200 kcal during 30 minutes of active sex.

4. If you hit your head against a wall

you can burn 150 kcal per hour.

5. Average teeth brushing

burns 5.7 kcal within 2 minutes.

6. Pushing a cart in a store

burns 100 kcal within 30 minutes. The heavier the cart, the more calories you burn.

7. One hour of watching TV

burns 65 kcal.

8. Smoking a cigarette

burns 10 kcal.

9. If you hug

within 1 hour, you can burn 70 kcal.

© Olly/Shutterstock

10. One minute
of kissing
burns 2-4 kcal, depending on the intensity of the kiss.

11. We burn more calories than we consume when we eat celery


12. Walking the dog

within 30 minutes, we burn on average 100 kcal.

13. We burn more calories when we are in the cold than in the heat.

14. Chewing gum

helps burn about 11 kcal per hour.

15. You can burn up to 350 kcal per day by fidgeting in your chair.


16. Writing and sending SMS

messages burns 40 kcal per hour.

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Eating while standing
burns 132 kcal per hour for a person weighing 65 kg.

18. Flying a kite

, you can burn 80 kcal.

19. Sleeping naked

burns more calories than sleeping with clothes on, as it takes more calories to warm the body.

20. Recommended 8 hours of sleep

burn 360 kcal.

How to increase your calorie expenditure?

A sedentary lifestyle can be a serious obstacle on the path to a slim figure, because in order to burn more calories, you need to move more. For many, this will seem like a difficult task, especially in office or sedentary work. But there are simple ways to increase your activity levels naturally. In this article we will look at simple methods and illustrate with specific examples that everything is possible - you just need to take it and do it.

How to increase your calorie expenditure?

The higher the calorie consumption, the more effective the weight loss - this is a fact. High calorie consumption allows you not to cut your diet too much, helps you become more active and makes losing weight comfortable. Our body constantly spends calories not only on movement, but also on maintaining temperature, breathing, and heartbeat. Unfortunately, achieving significant expenditure through exercise alone is difficult unless you do it daily. Daily multi-hour training is the prerogative of athletes, but for ordinary people, three workouts a week and increased energy expenditure due to non-training activity are enough.

How to increase your calorie expenditure?

The trap of a sedentary lifestyle

The human body is designed to move. To get their food, our ancestors spent hours hunting animals and working in the fields. For long periods of modern history, physical labor was the only way to feed ourselves. Automation of production and the advent of household appliances have simplified our work, while television and the Internet have brightened up our leisure time, but have made us sedentary. The average person spends 9.3 hours a day sitting. And this does not take into account sleep, watching TV and communicating on the Internet. Our body is not designed for this lifestyle. It suffers, gets sick, grows fat.

A sedentary lifestyle reduces calorie expenditure by up to 1 calorie per minute and reduces the production of fat-burning enzymes by 90%. Prolonged daily inactivity leads to increased cholesterol levels and decreased insulin resistance. A sedentary lifestyle leads to poor posture and muscle atrophy, and also provokes hemorrhoids.

According to statistics, obese people spend 2.5 hours more sitting than slim people. And during the years of rapid development of information technology from the 1980s to the 2000s, the number of obese people doubled.

The trap of a sedentary lifestyle

There is a way out, even if you work in a sedentary job 8 hours a day.

Ways to increase activity outside of home and work

If you decide to lose weight, then you will have to become more active than you are now. The easiest way to increase your activity is to find an active activity that you enjoy. Cross stitch will not work. Look for something that will make you move.

Active hobby options:

  • Roller skating or ice skating;
  • Cycling;
  • Nordic walking;
  • Dance classes;
  • Classes in the martial arts section.

An active hobby can help occupy your free time, but if you work a sedentary job, find ways to get away from your chair.

Ways to increase activity outside of home and work

Ways to be more active at work

Ways to be more active at work:

  • Get off one stop earlier and walk (you can do it both before and after work);
  • During a break, do not sit in the office, but go for a walk;
  • During your coffee break, do a light warm-up.

The worst thing you can do with a sedentary lifestyle is to come home and sit back at the computer or in front of the TV. However, you can combine business with pleasure - do a set of exercises or exercise on a simulator while watching your favorite show.

Ways to be more active at work

Ways to increase activity at home

If you spend most of your time at home, then use the following ways to burn more calories.

Ways to increase activity at home:

  • Household chores;
  • Wash by hand;
  • Active games with children;
  • Shopping trip;
  • Active dog walking;
  • Perform a light set of exercises.

It is important to understand that the point of these actions is simply to increase calorie expenditure, which will allow you to lose weight faster and more effectively. And if you turn this process into an exciting game “Get rid of extra calories,” then by the end of the week the result will pleasantly surprise you. To encourage yourself to move more, place things as far away from the places where you use them as possible. For example, put the printer in a far corner so you can get up from your desk more often, and at home, deliberately lose the TV remote control to change channels manually. Train your body to be active while playing!

Ways to increase activity at home

How to burn more calories without noticing it

Let's look at the example of the day of two women weighing 90 kg, but one leads a sedentary lifestyle, and the other leads an active lifestyle.

In the first case, the daily routine of an ordinary person is sleep, light morning exercises, personal hygiene, cooking and eating, walking to the bus stop and back, sedentary work in the office, watching TV for two hours and taking a shower. A woman weighing 90 kg will spend a little more than two thousand calories on this activity.

How to burn more calories without noticing it

Now look at this example. The activities are the same here, but this woman went out on her work break to buy groceries and walked a few extra hundred meters on the way home. She gave up the elevator, did some light homework in the form of hand washing, spent an hour playing actively with her child, and did simple balance and stretching exercises while watching her favorite TV series. As a result, she managed to burn a thousand more calories!

How to increase your calorie expenditure?

No grueling workouts or active hobbies, but a natural increase in activity, which allowed me to increase my calorie consumption by a whole thousand. Who do you think will lose weight faster? And add here workouts, active hobbies and uncounted regular getting up from your seat and calorie consumption will increase even more.

You too can calculate your energy expenditure in a calorie expenditure analyzer and think about how you can increase it. The main thing is that it is easy and natural for you. So that you can maintain approximately the same level of activity every day.

Author: Ekaterina G., nutritionist, fitness blogger (especially for) Copying this article in whole or in part is prohibited.

Simple ways to get rid of extra calories

We probably won’t discover anything new if we say that lack of movement is recognized by doctors around the world as the main cause of excess weight. Consuming many calories every day, we do not always think about the fact that the body must somehow use them up. Moreover, when losing weight and getting rid of excess weight comes first. Training fitness instructors in Krasnodar is a great way to develop in the right direction; for more detailed information and information, go to instructorpro.ru.

Diet, fitness, proper nutrition are those things that are designed to combat excess calories in our body, increase their consumption or reduce their consumption. The ideal figure is based precisely on the optimal consumption/use of calories. Fitness exercises help increase calorie consumption, diet reduces their number, as a result, this is reflected in the appearance, on the figure, it becomes much sexier when excess fat reserves are burned. Of course, good results are achieved through the integrated use of various methods to reduce excess weight and improve the physical condition of the body: diet, proper nutrition, fitness - at the same time. However, this is not always possible, so we will focus only on fitness. Not even fitness, but simple everyday movements that significantly reduce the number of unused calories. Oddly enough, but the first place in terms of calorie burning and simplicity is occupied by the usual climbing of stairs. In ten minutes, the body spends more than two hundred calories on it, while in a similar period of time when playing tennis, only eighty calories are spent. Thus, it is much healthier for your figure to climb the stairs a couple of times than to kick a ball around on the court. Plus it's much cheaper and more accessible.

Next is a morning jog, which burns more than one hundred and twenty calories in ten minutes. Of course, not everyone wants to get up twenty minutes earlier for the dubious pleasure of running around the house several times. You can compensate for jogging by walking quickly to work, because moving at a slightly accelerated pace, the human body spends forty more calories than with a measured, leisurely step. A slim figure begins with such little things, unnoticeable, but effective. By the way, you can completely refuse a morning bun with tea; it does not bring any benefit to the body.

Let’s not forget about cycling, which consumes more than one hundred and twenty calories in ten minutes, and does not tire the body at all. By the way, even a slow dance burns fifty calories, and a fast dance generally burns more than two hundred. Besides, dancing is much more pleasant than pedaling an exercise bike in the gym. The purpose of this article is to show that any movement is much better than sitting in a chair or lying on the couch in front of the TV. An ideal figure is possible only with physical exertion on the body, albeit small, but constant. Diet and proper nutrition will also make a feasible and invaluable contribution to losing weight and getting rid of excess weight.

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