Running for health: types of running, benefits, effects on the body, contraindications and doctor’s recommendations

Running is one of the oldest human instincts. For a long time it was necessary to save one’s life or get prey. At the genetic level, the need for running is still strong. In the modern world, this type of activity has lost its vital necessity, but has not lost its relevance, especially because the influence of running on human health is colossal. And if used correctly, the impact will only be positive. Many people around the world run, and everyone has different reasons for doing so. Some people run for fun, for some it’s a profession, but most people want to improve their health, tighten their figure, and tone their muscles.

running as a means of improving health

Positive qualities of running for human health and beauty

Why is this sport so useful? Running as a means of improving health is very popular. What happens during this type of activity?

  • Blood begins to circulate intensively, bringing oxygen to all tissues and muscles of the body. In this case, the muscles will grow rapidly.
  • Sweat is intensely released, and along with it, harmful substances (toxins and waste) are eliminated. One of the toxins is called lactic acid. This name may seem unfamiliar, but in fact, everyone has encountered it when experiencing muscle pain after a workout.
  • It is a known fact that the main cause of excess weight is excess calorie intake. Therefore, an undoubted advantage, and indeed the point of jogging when losing weight, is the high calorie consumption.

running health beauty

  • In addition, running, like any sports activity in general, causes the release of endorphins (hormones of happiness) into the blood, thereby improving mood and causing a desire to continue active behavior. In addition, by the end of the day, fatigue is less noticeable.
  • Studies have shown that regular jogging helps cope with stress and makes a person more calm and balanced.

The nuances of sprinting

Running in the sprint style is the most difficult discipline in athletics; I activate the entire reserve of the body and work at maximum capabilities, coordinating movements, high-speed endurance and maximum speed are included in the work as much as possible. All these indicators determine the final success of the race.

Maximum speed

Speed ​​is the basic component of sprinting. A short distance forces the development of maximum acceleration, which develops from an early age throughout the entire sports life.

Speed ​​is affected by 2 main components:

  • stride length;
  • step frequency.

Competent coaches begin to develop the frequency of movements in young athletes from early childhood, usually this happens between 10 and 16 years. At this time, the body adapts well to the load, which improves running speed in the future, but sprinting can be improved even in adulthood.

Speed ​​endurance

Allows you to maintain maximum speed for a certain period of time. To obtain maximum results, athletes use a signature technique: if the competition is held at a distance of 100 m, then training for maximum endurance takes place at a distance of 200 m, if the competition is at 200 m, then speed endurance develops accordingly during the preparation period for a distance of 400 m.

This will create a reserve of endurance and prevent it from falling at the most crucial moment at the finish line.


Responsible for the accuracy of all movements and correct balance during running.

It needs to be improved and developed for 2 important reasons:

  • so as not to run into someone else’s path - otherwise even stepping onto the opponent’s line threatens to disqualify the athlete;
  • improving muscle function - this will reduce the load from less loaded muscle fibers and redistribute it to those areas that bear the maximum load.

The development of all 3 components will allow you to achieve maximum speed results.

Benefit for health

man running

Many people wonder: is running good for your health or can it be harmful? Without a doubt, running is good for health, but, as in any sport, you need to check with your doctor that there are no contraindications, and you should not allow extremely heavy loads for which the body is not yet ready. A small load, but constant, is better. It is optimal to run for health 2-3 times a week.

It is better to select the load individually, depending on weight, age and physical characteristics. Running should be comfortable and enjoyable.

However, this type of activity also has contraindications. If there is severe pain in the heart or joints, exercise should be stopped until the symptoms disappear and be sure to consult a doctor.

The benefits of running for men and women

Running can provide many benefits for your health and overall functioning. Only if you have the correct running technique, breathing, and moderate heart rate can you benefit from training, otherwise you can do just as much harm.

  • Running strengthens the cardio-respiratory system - the heart, blood vessels, improves respiratory function and improves blood circulation.
  • Tones all muscles, organs and systems of the body.
  • Improves the function of the musculoskeletal system - strengthens bone tissue.
  • Improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs - helps improve sexual function.
  • Saturates all cells with oxygen, improves overall physical and emotional well-being, prevents stress, and improves immune function.

The effect of running on various organs

The cardiovascular system.

Jogging is an excellent workout for the heart and blood vessels and will help get rid of tachycardia. The heart muscle becomes stronger, the contraction frequency is normalized. Blood pressure also returns to normal.

Gastrointestinal tract.

An interesting feature is that running creates a special massage for the human intestines, thereby tidying up digestion.

Respiratory system.

It is quite natural that lung capacity increases, because while jogging, breathing is one of the main indicators of good performance. If you breathe correctly, running will be quite easy and comfortable; There should be no stabbing or cutting pain.

Endocrine system.

Due to weight loss, which will certainly occur with stable training, the functioning of hormones improves, the skin becomes more elastic and toned.


Running forces the body to work actively, and accordingly, the protective forces increase. It will be easier for him to cope with various colds and ailments.

Nervous system.

As mentioned above, jogging has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Calms a person and brings a feeling of joy and self-confidence.

In addition to running to maintain health, many people strive to get a quick weight loss effect.

Running safety

  • Always start your run by walking or jogging slowly to warm up your muscles to prevent straining your ligaments, muscles and tendons.
  • Start running only without contraindications and restrictions to training - diseases of the spine, joints, veins, injuries and fractures, hypertension, heart failure, as well as inflammation and acute pain.
  • Choose the right shoes and clothes that do not restrict movement. Running shoes must be the right size and designed specifically for running.
  • Choose flat surfaces for running , stadiums, parks, treadmills. Avoid dirt or rock surfaces, which can cause injury if you slip or place your foot incorrectly on uneven surfaces.
  • Do not stop abruptly , immediately reducing the speed, this is a big burden on the heart. Slow down gradually, then slowly start walking.
  • An important condition for running training is timely replenishment of lost fluid , which is greatly lost during aerobic exercise. If you feel thirsty, take a few sips of water and continue running. Losing a lot of fluid and feeling thirsty for a long time can lead to dehydration and even fainting.

Running for weight loss

The beauty of running for weight loss is that it forces almost all the muscles of the human body to work, while in itself it is already a physical exercise, that is, you do not need to create any kind of sports program, just go to the park, to the stadium, or even just to the street and start running.

But meanwhile, not everything is so simple. To achieve the best results, you need to understand what types of running exist and what effect they have on human health.

types of running influence on human health

RUNNING technique, types and benefits, material on physical education on the topic

Running is one of the ways a person moves. It differs from walking in the presence of the so-called “flight phase” - at a certain point in time, both legs do not touch the ground.

Running is an easy, natural form of physical exercise; it is a unique type of physical activity that does not require special equipment, equipment, or sports facilities. In order to go out on the stadium treadmill or just on a country road, you don’t need to take special lessons, you only need to have one thing - desire.

Running is a purely individual activity. It's either a long run at a slow pace just for the joy of movement, or competing with yourself when you cover a distance at a certain speed. There is nothing more natural than running - this is one of the most effective exercises that allows a person to keep himself in good physical shape.


To avoid excessive stress on the joints, it is necessary to follow the correct running technique, which consists of rational movements of the legs, arms and body of the runner. Here are the main components of proper long-distance running technique: 1. Correct foot placement is one of the most important components of running. The foot begins contact with the ground from the heel and then rolls to the toe. In this case, the heel does not need to be “slammed” into the ground. The push-off should be carried out with the main load on the foot, while the knee should be fully straightened. 2. Your back should be kept straight, not slouched, slightly tilted in the direction of movement. No need to sway from side to side. The shoulders should be lowered, as when walking. The head should be raised, looking 20 - 30 meters ahead. 3. Arms should be bent at the elbows less than 90 degrees and, if possible, slightly pressed (without effort) to the body. The hands are slightly clenched into fists (also effortlessly). A slight movement of the arms should be parallel to the direction of running. 4. The step width should not be large. 5. The main rule is a positive attitude. Run correctly and with pleasure, then the result will not be long in coming.

The goal of proper running technique is: smooth movement and economy of movement.


Breathing is the foundation of running training. Breathing that makes it easy for a runner to talk is called aerobic breathing. Breathing that makes it difficult to talk is called breathing with oxygen starvation. When running at an easy pace, 16 breaths per minute is optimal. Inhalation, as a rule, takes longer than exhalation, so you need to breathe something like this: inhale for 3–4 steps and exhale for 2–3 steps.

Breathe as you feel comfortable. There are several options: inhale and exhale through the nose; inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; inhale and exhale through the mouth. The first option is the most optimal, the latter is undesirable in cold weather.

Breathe rhythmically and freely. You need to train yourself to breathe evenly, inhaling or exhaling for a certain number of steps. It is better to master proper breathing while running slowly. Gradually, the body itself will find the best option. The need for oxygen depends on the chosen pace. The slower the run, the shallower the breathing; the faster, the deeper.


If you are not into physical exercise, don’t run for the first ten days, just walk for half an hour to an hour. Choose a fast pace, but not exhausting, but enjoyable. But after such preparation you can already run.

Running should be done under self-control or medical supervision if you have any medical conditions. Self-control is quite simple. At first, you should definitely breathe through your nose when running. If you start breathing through your mouth while running, then the load is excessive and you should reduce its intensity.

If you suddenly get a twinge in your side, don't stop. Slow down slightly, take a deep breath and exhale slowly, calmly. The cause of tingling in the side is cramps in the diaphragm, which is unaccustomed to such loads. With regular jogging, such pain goes away very quickly. If you get sick while running, your shin bones or shins “ache,” go to running on your toes.

Slow down gradually for the last 50 meters. After running, you also need to walk quietly for 10-15 minutes until your breathing is restored. You can’t stop right away, much less sit on a bench or grass. After this, perform muscle stretching exercises for 4 - 5 minutes. Running at temperatures below minus 20 degrees is completely unacceptable.


Before you start running, you should do a light warm-up for 10-15 minutes to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for the stress of running. To do this, do simple exercises like squats, leg swings, calf stretches, etc.

Along with simple exercises, it is necessary to include in the warm-up special ones aimed at working out the feet - walking on the toes, on the outside of the foot, lateral movement on two feet simultaneously from right to left, etc.

The distance should begin with walking for 5 - 7 minutes, gradually increasing the pace and switching to running.


At the initial stage, it is very important not to overdo it with the load. A lot is not always good. The main thing is the quality and regularity of training. Wellness running doesn't have to be intense. Breathing should be free and continuous, so that you can communicate calmly while running. The pulse rate is no higher than 180 beats per minute until the age of 30 and no more than 180 beats minus age for people over 30. It is also important that after running the pulse returns to its original state within about 5 to 10 minutes. Slower heart rate recovery indicates excessive exercise.

In order for the circulatory system to start working normally, it is enough to jog every other day or even 3 times a week. Such a schedule will allow you to give the body the necessary shake-up and at the same time avoid excessive stress. Start running 3 - 4 times a week, for 15 - 20 minutes. Gradually increase the amount to 5 times a week, evenly distributing rest days, and running duration up to 30 - 60 minutes.


It is best to run in the morning or evening, depending on your daily routine. Morning jogging helps to awaken the body and introduces it into a working rhythm. Evening relieves physical and mental stress. If you live in the city center, then run in the early morning - at this time there is less gas pollution and there are much fewer people on the streets. You should not run in hot weather conditions during the daytime, or later than 21:00.


Running on a full stomach is uncomfortable. A full stomach strains the pancreas and can contribute to side pain. It is best to run on an empty stomach, planning your meals so that your stomach is empty when you start training. Therefore, you should not eat anything one and a half to two hours and drink nothing 30 to 60 minutes before class.

After classes, it is not recommended to eat for two hours. You can take liquids right away, but drink a little, in small sips. It is better to drink regular water or mineral water (necessarily without gas). Under no circumstances should you drink very cold liquids or in large volumes after running - this is harmful to the heart.


Clothing should be light and not restrict movement when running. In the warm season, you can get by with a T-shirt and shorts. In cool weather, you need underwear that absorbs sweat well. To protect from wind, rain and snow, you need to wear a windbreaker-type jacket over your sweater. In cold weather, a hat and gloves are also required. Do not get carried away with clothes made of synthetic and rubberized materials, they cause severe sweating and overheating of the body.

Choose shoes specifically designed for running. It has a special sole design with a built-in shock absorption system. The main criterion is that shoes should be comfortable and suitable for weather conditions. Do not run in casual or walking shoes - they are not designed for jogging and can cause injury.


There are many types of running. In sports practice, it is divided depending on the length of the distance. For health purposes, the following types of running are distinguished: light, medium, standing still, barefoot, jogging, for weight loss.

Light is a health-strengthening type of running, which can rather be classified as race walking. This type is also called footing - walking at a high pace. Easy running, perfect for obese people.

Intermediate is the most common type of running, it is healthy and is in demand among most non-professional athletes, as well as among retirees. Millions of people all over the world run in the mornings and evenings in this way.

Running in place is practically in no way inferior to other types, and can be done at home. His technique is elementary. You make the same movements as during normal running, only in one place, without moving horizontally, only vertical movements. At the same time, the arms actively work back and forth, and the knees rise up or overwhelm the shins back.

Running barefoot feels amazingly good. The soles of your feet are almost as sensitive as the palms of your hands. The grassy meadows and sandy beaches will seem softer than silk and corduroy. You should not run barefoot until your feet are accustomed to walking barefoot and your ankles are sufficiently strong. When running barefoot on sand, the extra work you do pushing off will give more strength to your leg muscles.

If you want to run along the shore of a reservoir, then run along the edge of the surf, where the sand is hard, compressed and at the same time quite soft. Dry sand is too soft, your heels will sink into it, and you may overwork your Achilles tendons or twist your ankle.

Jogging is running at a very slow pace, approximately one kilometer in 6 minutes. This pace can be recommended for beginner runners. Experienced runners also use jogging, but usually during warm-up, recovery phases or rehabilitation after injury.

Jogging differs from regular jogging in its movement technique, which is aimed at reducing the load on joints, ligaments and the cardiovascular system. It has a much shorter flight phase: as soon as one leg pushes off the ground and the period of an unsupported state begins, the second leg immediately lowers to the ground. Characteristic features of the technique: “spanking” with a relaxed foot and sometimes a hard blow with the heel on the support as a result of “bumping”; the speed of movement is slightly higher than with fast walking.

US experts have scientifically substantiated the fact that jogging significantly accelerates the growth of human brain cells, and in the area where the processes of memorization and learning occur.

Running for weight loss is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight. It's very easy to get rid of extra pounds. Half an hour of light jogging burns an average of 300 calories. But fat burning occurs unevenly and does not begin immediately, but after 30 minutes of continuous muscle work. Before this, the reserves of ATP (nucleotide, a universal source of energy) and glycogen in the liver are consumed.

Running for weight loss should be practiced 5 times a week. The duration of each lesson is 40 - 60 minutes. Preference should be given to morning jogging. This is due to the peculiarities of fat breakdown and city air, which is several times cleaner in the morning than in the evening. Run naturally, the way your body tells you.


There is a lot that can be said about this, since the positive aspects of running significantly outweigh the negative ones. The main benefit of running is that it prolongs life.

Healthy running “works wonders” for the heart, increases oxygen consumption by the lungs and the capabilities of the cardiovascular system as a whole, and burns calories faster than most other sports.

Running helps cleanse the body. During training, blood moves through the vessels in an intense flow, collects everything unnecessary, and through sweat, all this crap is removed from the body. Slow, long running helps normalize lipid metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol levels.

Running improves the rhythmic functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. During running, when a person jumps up and down in a vertical position, the blood flow in the vessels resonates with the vibrations of the body, and previously unused capillaries are activated.

Running has a positive effect on the immune system and improves skin tone. Strengthening the leg muscles and improving metabolism helps prevent and eliminate cellulite.

Healthy running has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity.

Running has a positive effect on liver and intestinal functions. When breathing deeply while running, the liver is massaged with the diaphragm, which improves the outflow of bile and the function of the bile ducts, normalizing their tone. As a result of the vibration of internal organs that occurs during running, intestinal motility and its drainage function increase.

Running means the absence of sexual problems. A sedentary lifestyle has a bad effect on the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis leads to erectile dysfunction in men and many problems in women. A person who runs not only normalizes blood circulation, but also increases the level of sex hormones, which causes an increase in potency and makes it possible to have a more active sex life.

Running is disease prevention. Active running is a serious opponent of atherosclerosis, hypertension and obesity. It helps replace fat tissue with lean muscle mass.

During intense training, the content of pituitary hormones (endorphins) in the blood increases 5 times compared to the resting level and is maintained in increased concentration for several hours. Endorphins cause a state of peculiar euphoria, a feeling of causeless joy, physical and mental well-being, suppress feelings of hunger and pain, resulting in a sharp improvement in mood.


When running, during landing, the spine and leg joints experience a certain load, which is several times greater than the person’s weight. The impact force upon landing increases many times over if you are running on a paved road. As doctors and trainers say, running on asphalt can turn a healthy person into a disabled person in a couple of months.

When running, the load on bones and joints is 5 to 10 times higher than when walking, which increases the risk of injury. Also, significantly greater efforts are required from the stabilizing muscles. Both factors carry a high likelihood of damage to the knees and lower spine. Ankle sprains are also very common.

To prevent running for health from turning into running from it, several conditions must be observed: 1. Run strictly in accordance with the technique developed by Lydiard (jogging). 2. For recreational running, there are strict restrictions on intensity and duration. 3. Particular attention should be paid to sports shoes and underwear (especially for women). 4. Approach the running surface strictly. 5. People with problems with the spine and leg joints, as well as with noticeable excess weight, are contraindicated in running.


No matter what kind of physical shape you are in, running places serious demands on the body. You should not run if: - you have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack; - have a congenital heart defect; - you have arrhythmia or insufficient blood circulation; - you have chronic hypertension (high blood pressure); - you have a high percentage of cholesterol; - you have poor vision or a disease related to the retina; — there was an exacerbation of a chronic disease; - you are very overweight; - your knees or lower back hurt.

Before starting jogging, you should consult your doctor. He will be able to recommend the optimal time and pace for your workouts, and perhaps recommend swimming, cycling or walking instead of running.

Types of running

Let's consider the impact of types of running on human health:

  • Slow running (jogging) over a long period of time improves metabolism and reduces body fat. It is suitable for both a professional athlete (as a warm-up) and an amateur.
  • The so-called sprint running - that is, short distances - will give the body a good shake-up. The downside is that it lasts a short period of time, so it is worth combining it with other physical activity, for example, strength training.
  • Aerobic running involves controlling your heart rate at 110-130 beats per minute. This jogging helps to actively burn calories and improves muscle tone.
  • With interval running, the running pace changes over the course of one distance. The speed first gradually increases to maximum, and then also gradually decreases until jogging. This type of jogging is only available to experienced runners.
  • Tabata is another type of interval running. First, the runner moves as fast as possible (for 20 seconds), and then there is a ten-second break. You can do as many such repetitions as you like, depending on your athletic training. By the way, this type of training is used not only in running; the main principle remains the same: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. This type of running also requires very good physical condition.
  • Fartlek (translated from Swedish as “speed game”) is also a kind of interval running. Its peculiarity is that throughout the entire process, stopping is not implied. For example, 200 meters jogging, 100 meters sprinting, 200 meters race walking. This type of jogging perfectly trains endurance and effectively improves the condition of the whole body, and the discomfort during exercise does not become too great due to the constant change of pace.

is running good for health?

Rules for healthy running and exercise

Healthy running: rules, technique, useful tips

In any medical practice, running is not the basis of the process. It is rather an additional, auxiliary technique. The main thing is not to start immediately with such active activities, but to first prepare for them. After about a month or two, you can start short runs, gradually increasing their duration, but not their intensity.

In case of serious illnesses, it is better to postpone jogging for a longer time. You can switch to them only after a year of preparatory training, not earlier. Otherwise, it can aggravate the condition of already weakened health.

  • Before you start training, carefully check the condition of the selected shoes. Failure to do so may result in serious injury.
  • Wear thick socks on your feet. It is best if they are woven from wool and cotton, without the addition of synthetic threads.
  • Do not increase the load immediately, but very gradually.
  • Single runs will not help either in the fight for beauty or in the pursuit of health. They should become regular. Optimal schedule: three times a week for 15-40 minutes.
  • You shouldn't increase your speed even if you are behind other runners on the track - your goal is not to overtake them, but not to lose your rhythm.
  • Regularly strengthen the arches of your feet, get massages, and, if necessary, order orthopedic insoles to avoid flat feet.
  • Always remember to warm up before starting classes - this is very important. You cannot apply the load suddenly, this will give a negative result.

To find out if you're running correctly, take a simple test. Measure your pulse at any time. It should not exceed one hundred and eighty beats per minute, minus your age. If it is greater, the pace should be reduced, and if it is less, then you can speed up slightly.

Healthy running and walking techniques

Healthy running: rules, technique, useful tips

The influence of running on human health is invaluable, but everything should be done correctly. The right technique will provide the necessary prerequisites for both general health improvement and “cosmetic” effects: losing weight, getting in shape, building muscles, strengthening.

  • During a recreational run, the leg should be placed evenly, straight, to its full length at the same time. In this case, the leg movement is carried out from top to bottom, as if you were climbing stairs.
  • At the moment of touching the floor (track), the foot should not be relaxed, but tense.
  • The running step must be done through the work of the hips. The shin should be relaxed at the moment of transfer under the body. This free pendulum movement ensures a soft placement of the foot on the surface.
  • The feet should not be allowed to turn their toes outward or inward. They must be placed on parallel lines.
  • At first, the step length should be no more than half a meter. This is approximately two or three foot lengths. Over time, it can be increased somewhat, but you shouldn’t get too carried away.
  • The ideal ri is approximately one hundred and eighty steps per minute. That is, in one second you need to do two ahas. For beginners, the rhythm is established experimentally. To do this, you need to measure your pulse, as indicated above.
  • You always need to watch your shoulders. They should be relaxed and down. Your arms should be bent at the elbows ninety degrees and your hands should be slightly bent. It’s better not to clench your fists.

While jogging, your head should not tilt to either side, but your gaze should look straight ahead, about fifteen meters. It is permissible to tilt the body forward, but not more than three to five percent.

We draw up a schedule and jogging plan

With a reasonable attitude, running is a powerful tool for a variety of purposes: developing endurance, losing weight, and generally strengthening the body. The main thing here is to clearly understand the sequence of actions, which will become an effective training program. A clear, accessible training algorithm will be a good help in this. They must contain the following subparagraphs.

Healthy running: rules, technique, useful tips

  • Choosing a good place for jogging. If training takes place in the gym, then you can skip this. However, experienced people recommend running outside at any time of the year.
  • Duration of each workout and intensity (speed). This indicator is calculated personally for everyone, because you are not going to run a marathon, and even win.
  • If you plan to divide into intervals, then initially it is worth considering their duration, planned quantity and other nuances.
  • How much you need to run per day for health is an individual factor. There is no need to chase someone else’s performance, otherwise you can cause problems.

Beginners should definitely record how they feel at each stage of their run, or even better, buy themselves a fitness bracelet that will help them cope with the task easier.

Best time for jogging

Everyone already knows that people are usually divided into two main types: larks, who get up and go to bed early, and night owls, who cannot be seen in the evening and cannot be woken up in the morning. This is exactly what you need to start from when planning to build a lesson plan. However, we must understand that man is still a diurnal creature who tends to lead an active lifestyle during daylight hours.

Early risers will find it easy to get up at dawn for a healthy run before starting the day. But it’s more difficult for owls. Therefore, you can move it to lunchtime or even to the evening. No matter how much you would like to, it is better to avoid jogging in the middle of the night; they will do more harm to the body than good. At the same time, it is worth discarding stereotypes, embarrassment, as well as “advice from friends” who know exactly how to do everything right. Only by the state of your own body can you find out when the activities are most desirable.

Jogging area

The main difference between all running surfaces is their degree of hardness, which plays a big role in the correctness, risk of injury and effectiveness of exercise.


Special tracks usually have a surface that is best suited for running. It's moderately springy, spooky, but not too hard. Moreover, it is better if such a structure is located outdoors, for example, in an open stadium.

Experts advise choosing a clockwise direction when running in a circle. However, this coating has disadvantages for beginners - an increased level of grip, which can subsequently cause aching pain under the knees.

Compacted soil

Healthy running: rules, technique, useful tips

This is the perfect surface for all kinds of runs. It is not very hard, but not soft at all. At the same time, it perfectly absorbs, reducing the load on the musculoskeletal system. In addition, such tracks are most often placed in picturesque places, in the fresh air, where birds sing and leaves rustle.

However, we must take into account that if we are not talking about a civilized park with an equipped dirt path, but about an ordinary path in a forest belt, then you will have to constantly watch your step. Stones, bumps, roots, holes, puddles and other surprises can cause falls and injury.

Sand and grass

Sand is considered quite comfortable. Its surface, if well compacted, has a good degree of shock absorption, making the runner's task easier. However, this is an unstable surface, so you should not rely on it completely.

The Journal of Sport Science conducted a study and found that using a grass treadmill will help reduce the load on your feet and legs by 15–17%. However, we are talking exclusively about a specially grown field, and not about a forest clearing, where treacherous depressions and hummocks may be hidden under the plants. The risk of injury in this option is very high.

Asphalt and concrete

Most often, asphalt surfaces are used in various urban competitions. It is quite harsh, but so even and smooth that it is still worth looking for equals under normal conditions. This is an easily accessible surface that can be found in any locality, from megacities to tiny villages. But it is better not to choose it for regular training, since the load on the musculoskeletal system is high.

No doctor, much less a professional runner, will advise you to run on concrete. Their only advantage is smoothness, and even then, if we are not talking about paths lined with slabs. Injuries are inevitable here, and the workload is heavy. Therefore, it is better to avoid constant jogging on such surfaces.

Equipment for recreational running

Healthy running: rules, technique, useful tips

Everyone is free to choose the clothes that he likes most. A tracksuit in summer or a heavy fur coat in winter may be completely out of place. Incorrect equipment will lead to loss of results, and maybe even additional injuries, which is unacceptable.

  • The first thing you need to do is buy running shoes that have good cushioning. Typically, special spring mechanisms are located under the toe and heel. They should be the right size, comfortable, light, and always have laces. They can be worn at any time of the year, as well as in any weather.
  • In summer, spring or early autumn, you can wear open clothes for a run, for example, shorts and T-shirts. They should be light, breathable, remove moisture well and evaporate it quickly. Cotton, although natural, is not very suitable as it takes quite a long time to dry.
  • In cool weather, you can throw on a windbreaker jacket, some kind of hoodie or tracksuit over light clothing. They will help keep you warm, but will also prevent the runner from sweating.
  • In winter, clothes should not be very warm, but rather thick. It is ideal to wear special thermal underwear under your sports uniform, which will help with temperature regulation, and will also bring excess moisture to the surface and quickly evaporate it.

Please note that outerwear in winter should not be blown by any wind, otherwise it’s easy to get a cold on your back. Don’t forget about a hat, gloves and glasses that will protect you from the icy wind and the too bright glare of the snow.

How to finish a workout correctly?

It is always very important to remember that after active running you should not stop suddenly. This can lead to dangerous conditions such as dizziness, nausea, fainting, and various pains throughout the body. This happens because in the event of an unexpected stop, the heart does not have time to rebuild itself, the pulse is still too fast, and therefore there is a lack of blood flow to some organs, including the brain. As mentioned above, lactic acid causes muscle pain. To avoid this problem, it is also necessary to use a cool down. It will stop the release of toxin into the blood.

A cool-down can be calm walking or stretching. Thanks to this, breathing will be restored and the pulse will return to normal.

What is the danger of neglecting warm-up and cool-down? There is a high risk of tripping or falling awkwardly, resulting in an injury that will discourage you from running for a long time. And unfortunately, instead of achieving the cherished goal, the result will only be disappointment.

Running technique

  • When running, it is important to keep the axis of the spine in a natural position - you should not pull the pelvis back, performing a strong tilt, or push the pelvis forward, tilting the torso back. Both positions will slow down your speed and have a negative impact on your joints and spine.
  • The foot must touch the entire surface of the ground or path. Land on the center of your foot, not your heel or toe.
  • Move your arms at the same time as you move your legs , your arms help you accelerate better and make your torso muscles work.
  • Don't hold your breath or breathe too quickly. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, releasing the air slowly.
  • Try to inhale when your right foot touches the floor , this will avoid internal pressure on the organs and eliminate pain in the side.
  • The feet should be in a parallel position to each other , without moving inward or apart.

Position of the torso and arms

The main requirement is the vertical position of the body. Excessive leaning forward increases the risk of “bumping” on the leg when planting the foot. Leaning the torso back leads to excessive hip lift and makes running tense, “prancing”, while the head, as a rule, is thrown back somewhat. Don't slouch, avoid sideways rocking and twisting of your torso.

The arms help maintain balance and stabilize the position of the torso. Twisting of the torso is neutralized by the correct work of the hands, the plane of correspondence of which should make an angle of approximately 45 ° C with the direction of running. By the way, this twisting is not so harmless and requires additional effort. It occurs in the lumbar region. Thousands of stereotypical movements overload the intervertebral discs, which are poorly adapted to this kind of impact.

Your arms should be bent at the elbows at approximately an angle of 90°C or slightly less. With insufficient bending and fairly fast running, the work of the arms requires a significant expenditure of force, since the muscles of the torso are also involved in this work. Their tension makes it difficult to move freely in the joints of the chest and shoulder girdle when inhaling, as a result of which breathing becomes more tense and shallow.

In this case, the speed increases by itself. “Bumping” on the leg is inevitable, shocks and shocks are felt in all parts of the body. This is why runners first notice joint pain when running downhill. Pain occurs most often in the knee area. When running, try to plant your foot on the heel, shorten your stride and slow down your running speed. If necessary, on the descent, switch to walking.

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