Oily facial skin - what to do and how to get rid of it forever?

Although no scientific research has looked at the direct impact of carbohydrates on body fat, replacing them with whole grains will increase your overall weight loss and also help you shed excess fat from your face.

girl puffs out her cheeks

Having excess weight or puffy cheeks can be frustrating. Although losing weight in just one area of ​​your body is not possible, there are several strategies you can use to reduce the size of your cheeks. Start making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Then try doing exercises to train your cheeks. If you are not seeing results, you can consult your doctor to find out what the underlying reasons are behind uncontrolled weight gain. How to remove fat from your cheeks and do it without much effort or specific diets.

Healthy diet and weight control

It is important to choose a healthy diet and reduce the calories you consume to lose weight. The best strategy for losing weight on your cheeks is to change your diet and work on overall weight loss. Determine your optimal weight and make this number your goal. Then cut calories by eating healthier, lower-calorie foods and increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins in your diet.

low calorie foods in the refrigerator

Try downloading a calorie counting app to your smartphone to track how much you eat every day. Log everything you eat and drink in the app and stay within your daily calorie intake to start losing weight.

Drink more water to promote weight loss and reduce cheek puffiness. When you are dieting, it is best to drink plenty of water as it contains no calories and helps you feel full. Insufficient hydration can also lead to water retention and your cheeks will become puffy.

Drink water whenever you're thirsty so your body doesn't need to retain extra moisture. Always keep a water bottle with you and refill it regularly throughout the day. Also drink twice as much water as usual if you are sweating a lot, such as after a workout or in hot weather.

Go easy on salt and sugar in your diet. If you include too much salt and refined sugar in your daily diet, your body is more likely to retain water. Just like if you don't drink enough water, your face and cheeks will look puffy from all the leftover fluid. While you can't completely cut out salt and sugar, try eliminating overly salty or sweet foods from your diet.

sugar content in products

Instead of salty meats such as ham and balyk, use lean meats such as skinless chicken breast or ground turkey. If you're craving sweets, eat fruit instead of cookies, cakes or muffins.

Drink alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether. Drinking alcohol can cause your cheeks to appear puffy, so avoid high alcohol drinks or drink in moderation. Moderate drinking is defined as no more than 1 unit of alcoholic drink per day for women or two for men. One unit is equal to 250 ml of beer, 100 ml of wine or 40 ml of stronger spirits.

Try swapping your daily evening smoothie for a cup of chamomile tea or a soda and fruit juice drink. It tones well, fills you with energy and promotes weight loss.

fruit drinks


Again, let's look at nutrition, because it has been proven that fat appears on your face and your chin sags if you consume foods with a high glycemic index (flour and bakery products, sweets, potatoes). Consumption of such products increases the production of secretions by the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. As a result, the face produces more subcutaneous fat and sebum than it needs for hydration. Because of this, the face becomes oily and greasy, the skin shines.


Cosmetic preparations that will help remove fat from the face and chin solve the problem for a short time. It is important to change your diet and introduce foods that contain a lot of vitamin A into your diet. These can be dried apricots, carrots, mangoes, egg yolks, spinach, etc.

Changing your diet always helps remove fat from your face.

Regular exercise

Exercise is essential for overall health. Doing a basic amount of exercise will help you burn more calories and lose weight. You can exercise for 30 minutes 5 times a week or break up your schedule differently.

75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week, such as running or high-intensity interval training, will keep your weight within a healthy range and feel great.

Be sure to choose a form of exercise that you enjoy and you'll be more likely to stick with it. For example, if you like to dance, take an aerobics class. If you like evening jogging in the park, pay attention to this type of activity and do it regularly.

jogging together in the park

Get regular sleep to promote weight loss. Getting good sleep every night can also make a difference in losing extra pounds, so make sleep a priority. Go to bed early enough to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Some other tips to help prolong a restful night's sleep:

  • Make your bedroom a relaxing area, for example, by putting together a good set of sheets and keeping the rest area clean, cool, quiet and dark.
  • Turn off flickering screens and rest your eyes at least 30 minutes before bed (e.g., phone, tablet, computer, TV).
  • Avoid caffeine during the day and evening.

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Basic movements during the massage4

You can influence your partner's body in different ways. The main technique is an intimate grip, when a man or woman performs a direct massage of the genital organs - vagina or penis. At the same time, attention is also paid to other parts of the body.

Stroking is a standard technique characteristic of almost any type of massage, including intimate massage. Slow or intense stroking can both relax and turn on your partner.

all about intimate massage

Popular techniques are rubbing and kneading. When rubbing, you can achieve the effect of “hot skin,” which also increases arousal. When rubbing, it is recommended to use aromatic and hot massage oils.

Another technique is pinching. A guy or girl can pinch their partner on the buttocks, back, legs or arms. This action can also be enjoyable, but it is important to monitor your partner's reaction and stop quickly if necessary.

Exercises to reduce cheek size

Say "X" and "O" and make sure the inside of your cheeks stick together. Repeating these sounds will help you engage your cheek muscles and create a slimmer face. Say each letter 20 times and repeat this twice a day.

Quick tip: You can do these facial exercises in the shower, while getting dressed in the morning, or during your morning commute.

Suck your cheeks like a fish, trying to pull them in as deep as possible. Hold your cheeks in this position for about 3-4 seconds, and then slowly release. Repeat this three times for 20-25 techniques.

cheek retraction exercise

Open your mouth wide to feel every muscle around your lips. Hold this position for as long as you can, and then relax. If you don’t understand how to do this exercise correctly, we’ll give you a little advice. Open your mouth as wide as possible, for example, as if you are about to bite something. Then hold it in this position for 5 seconds. Then relax and close your mouth again. Repeat this exercise 3 times a day, 20-25 times in one approach.

Swish air in your mouth

Swish the air as if you had filled your cheeks with mouthwash. Do this for a total of 5-7 minutes a day. You can break this exercise up into 1, 2 or 3 repetitions, or if you have enough free time, try doing it all at once.

Cheek puffing exercises

Chew gum after eating. Repeated chewing motions will help strengthen your jaw and make your cheeks appear slimmer. Make sure that this habit becomes regular, this will not only give you slender cheeks, but will also get rid of food particles after eating and unpleasant odors.

If chewing gum damages your jaw or is prohibited by your personal dentist, do not do the exercise. Instead, perform the same movements, but with an empty mouth. Imagine that you have chewing gum in your mouth and you cannot chew it well. Try your best to work your jaws. Repeat for 5-10 minutes.

Smile more

Smiling also exercises your facial muscles, which can take attention away from your cheeks. As an exercise, it looks like this: smile and hold the position for 10-12 seconds. Repeat this exercise three times a day. As a bonus, smiling can often help you feel more positive and confident, too.

blonde girl smiling

Spirit exercise

This exercise solves the problem of chubby cheeks by engaging almost every muscle in the neck and face. In fact, this is one of the best facial exercises to reduce chubby cheeks and get rid of that pesky double chin. This will give your face a natural lifting, slim, youthful appearance.

Simply grab a chair and sit up straight, then tilt your head back so that you are facing the ceiling. The next step is to raise your lips as much as possible and try to blow out a lot of air. Imagine that you are inflating a balloon. Do this exercise for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat 15-17 times, then take a 1-2 minute break, repeat 2 more sets the same number of times.

Massage and stretching

Use your hands and fingers to try to stretch and tone your facial muscles. You can do this by lowering your chin until it is close to your chest and then pulling the skin away from your face downwards. Try to say "ah" as soon as you stretch your face and maintain the static position for a while before repeating the exercise.

self-facial massage

It is recommended to stretch three times a day. Facial massage is widely used to reduce fat on the cheeks and also to tone the skin. This method helps reduce excess water retention in the face by promoting circulation and removing accumulated fluid. Apply a massage oil such as almond or argan to your face. Start by gently rubbing your face with your palms in a circular motion. You can repeat this twenty times. Follow the direction from the cheekbones to the base of the cheeks and back.

Steam facial

As strange as it may sound, steam can really help tone and restore the proper shape of your face. This is because the steam causes your pores to open, releasing sweat and any trapped toxins. Hence, it reduces water retention on your face. It is important to understand that this method will not work if you do not drink a lot of water throughout the day.

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For this method, first boil some water in a vessel. Let it cool slightly, then soak a clean towel in hot water, squeezing it to remove excess moisture. Before applying the towel to your face, make sure the temperature is appropriate to avoid damaging your skin. You can do such compresses for ten minutes, repeating once a day. Steam baths also work well.

steam bath for face with flowers

To do this, brew herbs in a clean bowl (mint and chamomile are suitable), bring the mixture to a boil, then let it cool a little and tilt your head, first wrapped in a towel, over the pan. Hold your face like this until you feel beads of sweat rolling down it. After such a homemade herbal bath, wipe your face with ice cubes or wash with contrasting water.

Yoga for the face

This is a simple facial exercise that goes back to the origins of yoga. This will help tone and strengthen the muscles of the lower face. Relax and relax your face. Then push out your tongue and try to touch it to your nose. Stay in this position for five seconds. Then try to touch your chin with your tongue - stay in this position for another five seconds.

tongue stick out exercise

You should repeat this a total of five to ten times. Another technique is to push your lower lip upward, pushing your jaw out as far as possible. Continue for five seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat this ten times. Plus, smiling regularly is a great way to tone your facial muscles. Moreover, smiling has been shown to increase endorphin levels in the body, which makes a person happy and at ease.

What do the professionals advise?

You can achieve facial weight loss through surgical interventions, but such radical methods are unacceptable for many.

In such cases, cosmetologists recommend:

  • a set of SPA treatments;
  • oxygen mesotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • chemical peeling;
  • massage with products that increase blood circulation (myostructural massage).

Some patients are helped by masks containing bran, seaweed, cosmetic clay, green tea, yeast, essential oils, natural and synthetic vitamins. They are suitable for correcting the chin and cheeks. In this case, you need to avoid the area around the eyes.

Removal of subcutaneous fat deposits may not begin immediately, but after two or three initial procedures.

For fans of creams, cosmetologists recommend such branded products as Evalar Turboslim, Expresslim Cream, serum anti-​double mentol, Lift Affine Visag Cream, Clarins, Les 3 Chenes Mincir Visage Cream. According to reviews, their effectiveness is high, and allergenicity is reduced to a minimum.

Whatever method is chosen to combat excess volume on the face, you should always adhere to the principle: do no harm with unnecessary efforts. Everything must be balanced, neat and delicate.


Talk to your doctor

In some cases, chubby cheeks may indicate a health problem that requires treatment. If you're already a healthy weight and nothing seems to help reduce the puffiness in your cheeks, make an appointment with your doctor.

Your doctor may want to check you for mumps, since this condition makes your cheeks look puffy.

Check to see if any medications you take regularly may be causing your cheeks to swell. If you regularly take over-the-counter medications, this may contribute to swelling. Check with your doctor to see if there are alternative medications you can try. For example, Oxycodone may cause a reaction that causes swelling of the face and limbs.

Consider plastic surgery if other methods fail. This is a last resort option for losing excess weight from your cheeks, but you may want to consider it if nothing else works.

removal of bisha lumps

Male erogenous zones11

On the male body, like on the female body, there are special places that are highly sensitive. A man can react differently to touch in the neck, shoulders, buttocks, and thighs. However, there are standard zones, touching which, if not arousing, will at least be very pleasant.

Male erogenous zones include: chest, collarbones and neck, ears, groin area, scrotum and penis, back, especially the area between the shoulder blades, armpits and inner thighs. You can also massage the fingers and toes, the back of the head, the lower abdomen and buttocks.

Before you begin, you should warm up your fingers and start with stroking the feet or back.

We'll tell you more about the rules of an ideal massage in this article.

Male erogenous zones

Care for oily skin

Caring for oily facial skin should be done very carefully, because oily skin, as they say, is very capricious and strives to reward the owner with acne and other troubles. The main thing in caring for oily facial skin is to remove oily shine, tighten pores, and also reduce the amount of subcutaneous sebum secreted.

Oily skin is not so easy to control, remember that you can never completely solve problems, you can only reduce them. However, despite this, oily skin has one significant advantage. Oily skin is not prone to rapid aging, this is due to the fact that it is always quite well hydrated, so it looks younger longer and wrinkles appear less often. Every skin tends to change its type over time, so after 30 years, oily skin turns into mixed skin.

Girl's oily skin

1. Cleansing. Caring for oily facial skin should be as follows: to avoid excess sebum production, it is necessary to use cleansing products that reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands. These are, first of all, gels, foams, mousses that do not contain soap. As a matter of fact, soap should also not be used for washing, it dries the skin too much. Alcohol is also harmful to the skin, as well as any lotions that contain this substance in their composition.

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