Shoulder pain when doing pull-ups

Acute problem with elbow pain

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Any monotonous and heavy movements over time lead to tears of muscles and ligaments, inflammation, and deformation of joints.

When we go to traumatologists, they cannot always solve the problem. Typically, anti-inflammatory tablets, warming and pain-relieving ointments, and physiotherapy (magnet, electrophoresis, and others) are prescribed. This treatment certainly relieves acute pain within a few days. But there remains a chronic one, which sometimes prevents people from training for a long time.

And what to do in such a situation: stop exercising for six months or dose the loads, avoiding pain? Or try alternative medical methods? The question remains open, but we will try to cover it from all sides.

Correct exercise technique

The most common cause of shoulder pain is improper technique when performing exercises. Most often this happens to beginners who recently visit the gym and do not seek advice from an instructor.

The most common mistakes:

  1. Lifting excessive weights without proper training.
  2. Too sharp and fast movements.
  3. Lack of thorough warm-up and warm-up before training and stretching after training.

The bench press is the most traumatic exercise, which, if the technique is incorrect, often ends in dislocation of the shoulder joint. It must be performed in the presence of a partner, preferably a trainer, who can insure and control the correctness of the exercise. The weights are increased gradually, it is important to ensure that the arms move evenly, the movements are smooth, without jerking or distortion to one side.

The position of the body also matters: the shoulder blades should lie flat on the bench and be slightly brought together, a slight deflection is made in the lower back. During the exercise, the back does not come off the bench. An important aspect is the correct grip - the hands should hold the barbell at an equal distance (the width of the grip depends on which muscles are emphasized in the exercise).

When working on the uneven bars, you should not go too low or move jerkily on the rise. The same applies to working while hanging on a horizontal bar - pull-ups should be smooth, without sudden movements or swaying of the body.

When doing push-ups from the floor or other surface, it is important to monitor the position of your arms and elbows, and make the effort to lift with your pectoral and back muscles, and not with your arms alone.

When working with dumbbells, it is important to ensure that your arms move in sync. The leading hand is often ahead of the second, which creates a greater load on one of the joints and also harms the spine. For those who have been training recently, it is better to start the work at a measured pace, clearly monitoring the technique, breathing and work of the muscle group that the exercise is aimed at.

Stretching should be done before and after every workout. And the warm-up should be sufficient to fully warm up the muscles, especially if you plan to work with heavy weights. Warm muscles and joints reduce the risk of injury during training.


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The use of the crossbar is necessary not only to strengthen muscles, but also to treat diseases of the spine. The horizontal bar for scoliosis is widely used in the early stages, when the curvature of the spinal column is not yet pronounced. At stages 3 and 4 of the disease, scoliosis cannot be corrected in this way. In this case, treatment is carried out through surgery.

It is important to understand that scoliosis develops in children and adolescents during a period of active growth and development due to incorrect posture, incorrectly selected desk height and suitable seating. There are very rare cases when the curvature is a congenital malformation or is associated with an unsuccessful operation.

Physical activity for scoliosis

When playing any sport, it is important to pay attention to the rules for using equipment. You cannot neglect your own safety and health, since the main goal of physical exercise is to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal and circulatory systems. Exercises on the horizontal bar allow you to develop and strengthen the muscles that support the correct anatomical position of the back and shoulder girdle.

Before choosing a training program for spinal curvature, you should visit an orthopedic doctor and consult about the need for such a load. Depending on the degree of scoliosis, the doctor prescribes a certain type of therapeutic exercises, which may include the use of a horizontal bar. In addition, the specialist outlines a list of rules and recommendations that the patient must follow when exercising on the horizontal bar.

  1. The patient should not experience severe pain during exercise. If acute pain occurs, you must stop exercising immediately.
  2. Do not overstrain the spinal column with strength exercises. Otherwise, the patient will not achieve recovery, but will further worsen the scoliosis.
  3. Exercises to develop the elasticity of the muscle corset should not be included in the training program.
  4. The patient should not independently choose the number of workouts and their intensity. This can only be done by an orthopedic surgeon.
  5. All sessions should be carried out under the strict supervision of a healthcare professional or professional trainer who specializes in working with these patients.

In addition to these basic rules for working on the horizontal bar, there are a number of recommendations suitable for all types of physical activity. A person involved in sports should always monitor his own breathing, avoid sudden movements that can provoke injury, and increase the intensity of the load gradually, starting with the smallest number of repetitions.

You need to exercise on the horizontal bar little by little at first, gradually increasing the training time.

Positive aspects of using a horizontal bar

Hanging on a horizontal bar, pull-ups and other exercises are recommended for people with 1st or 2nd degree curvature. Such training can have a positive effect on the development of the correct muscular corset that supports the spinal column in an anatomically correct position, stretch and relax the back, thereby reducing the load on the entire musculoskeletal system.

Among the advantages of training on the crossbar are:

  • strengthening the deep and superficial muscles of the back;
  • strengthening the muscles of the upper limbs;
  • strengthening the anterior abdominal wall and lateral abdominal muscles;
  • increasing the overall tone of the body.

With scoliosis, it is very important to keep yourself in shape and always monitor your posture.
Regular exercises with a gradual, adequate increase in load allow you to achieve noticeable results quite quickly. And classes on the horizontal bar can be carried out not only in the gym, but also independently at home or on the street. Do not forget about the safety rules and recommendations of the specialists who compiled the training program, and it is advisable to conduct the first few classes under the supervision of a trainer who will correct the correctness of performing a particular exercise.

Contraindications to exercises on the horizontal bar

It is important to understand that scoliosis is a curvature of not only the spine itself, but also the entire chest. People with scoliosis often have protrusion of the ribs or shoulder blade on one side. Due to this violation of symmetry, incorrect placement of the organs of the thoracic and sometimes abdominal cavity often occurs.

With grade 3 scoliosis, the vertebrae begin to strongly compress the intervertebral discs, which leads to their thinning and the development of osteochondrosis or arthrosis. If such diseases are present in the patient’s outpatient record, exercise on the horizontal bar is considered individually and, most likely, will be strictly prohibited.

With stage 4 scoliosis, the patient requires surgery. Classes for such patients are not permitted. In exceptional cases, training on the crossbar is carried out, but the patient is always under the supervision of a doctor and trainer. For late-stage spinal curvature, independent attempts at treatment are strictly prohibited.

It is very important to start treatment for scoliosis on time. Understanding what position a child or adult should be in at a desk helps prevent curvature of the spinal column. However, not all parents and schools take into account the individual needs of each child, and the prevention of diseases is much simpler than their subsequent treatment.

Recommended exercises

Most often, for the treatment of scoliosis using exercises on the horizontal bar, only three basic exercises are prescribed: simple hanging, inversion hanging (upside down) and pull-ups. Each exercise must be performed correctly, following all the recommendations of experts.

Simple, or straight, hang. The exercise is aimed at straightening and relieving the load on the spine, allowing it to assume a free anatomical position. A person of any physical fitness and age can hang on a horizontal bar, which makes this exercise basic and indispensable in treating the back. In addition, simply hanging allows you to get rid of fatigue after a hard day at work. When performing the exercise, you need to pay attention to some recommendations:

  • even with initial, 1st degree scoliosis, it is strictly forbidden to swing and twist while hanging on the horizontal bar;
  • you cannot hang on the horizontal bar in the late stages of scoliosis;
  • Your hands should be positioned shoulder-width apart and your body should be relaxed;
  • You should start hanging on the bar for 1-2 minutes, increasing the time by 10-20 seconds with each subsequent workout.

Hanging upside down, or inversion. The exercise is useful for frequent pain in the back and shoulder girdle, as it helps to increase blood circulation, relax the deep and superficial muscles of the back and increase the overall immunity of the body. Due to the action of reverse gravity, the inversion hang is used to treat the initial stages of scoliosis. When performing the exercise, weights (1–2 kg) are often used. It is worth paying attention to the correct execution of hanging upside down:

  • hanging on the crossbar upside down, the patient straightens his arms;
  • the body should be elongated in a straight line;
  • the exercise can be performed both with bent legs thrown over the crossbar, and with straight legs attached to the horizontal bar with special loops;
  • It is strictly forbidden to perform the exercise without a belay person nearby;
  • It is better to start hanging upside down on the horizontal bar from 1 minute, gradually increasing the time to 5 minutes.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are one of the most effective exercises for the prevention and treatment of the initial stages of curvature of the spinal column. The earlier children begin to pull themselves up on the bar, the better developed their muscular frame will be, which weakens greatly with the rapid growth rate during puberty. Pull-ups for scoliosis help correct posture, quickly train and tighten the body and increase a person’s endurance.

You can perform the exercise in three different ways:

  1. Narrow grip. This embodiment provides for a distance between the hands of no more than 30 cm and has a positive effect on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
  2. Medium grip. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and hold the bar with your palms facing you. This option is suitable for developing the deep muscles of the upper back.
  3. Wide grip. This version of the exercise requires a lot of preparation and is too difficult for beginners to perform. A wide grip allows you to work out not only the muscles of the arms and back, but also the pectoral muscles, which is important for creating beautiful and correct posture.

Features of pulling up in the presence of scoliosis:

  • It is strongly recommended to use leg support in the initial stages of training, as this will reduce unwanted stress on the spinal column;
  • you need to pull yourself up slowly, without sudden movements and to the best of your ability;
  • The orthopedic doctor must draw up a training schedule containing a schedule of classes and a gradual increase in load.

For 2 and subsequent degrees of scoliosis, it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor for a specific explanation of whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar or whether you should limit yourself to just hanging.

A competent specialist will never leave such questions unanswered, will recommend exercises and exercise equipment suitable for the treatment of scoliosis, and will recommend a gym and a trainer who is familiar with this topic and has proven himself well.

Basic rules for effective training

Before starting any physical activity, you should study the rules well. Using a horizontal bar for the treatment of scoliosis can be effective and have a positive therapeutic effect only if the basic rules of training on this simulator are followed.

  1. Careful monitoring of your breathing rate helps reduce unwanted stress on your muscles, increases blood circulation and supplies the body with the oxygen it needs to function. You can't hold your breath. Inhalation is done through the nose, exhalation through the mouth.
  2. The crossbar should be grasped tightly with your hands. To avoid slipping, special gloves are used when practicing on the horizontal bar. If you don’t have gloves, you should at least rub your hands with talcum powder or another anti-slip agent.
  3. Throwing your head back or lowering your head down is strictly prohibited. Inattention to this rule can cost the patient the health of the cervical spine and spinal cord.
  4. A gradual increase in load means adding time to perform exercises or the number of times no more than 3-4 sessions. The body must always first get used to the increased load and only then receive a larger one.
  5. After finishing the workout, you should not suddenly release the horizontal bar or jump, as this often leads to injuries that complicate the underlying disease.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are an effective conservative treatment for the initial stages of not only scoliosis, but also many other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Before starting training, it is imperative to consult with a specialist and draw up a clear training plan.

You should always remember that prevention is much easier than cure. The earlier you start exercising on the horizontal bar, the less likely you will be to develop serious diseases associated with insufficient strength of skeletal muscles.

Main causes of shoulder pain

Painful sensations in the shoulder area occur under the influence of various causes and factors associated with impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Arthrosis, arthritis is a pathology of joints of a destructive-dystrophic nature. Accompanied by sharp pain.
  2. Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial bursa. Pain of moderate intensity, intensifies when the arm is abducted.
  3. Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon. Painful sensations increase gradually.
  4. Myositis is inflammation of skeletal muscles. The pain is aching, intensifies with movement and palpation.
  5. Curvature of the spine (scoliosis) is a violation of the physiologically correct position of the spinal column. Pain occurs in the shoulders and between the shoulder blades.
  6. Humeral-scapular periarthritis is an inflammatory and degenerative lesion of the periarticular soft tissues that participate in the functioning of the shoulder joint.
  7. Neuritis is an inflammation of the peripheral nerves, which is characterized by pain, decreased or loss of sensitivity.
  8. Synovitis is an inflammatory process in the intraarticular membrane, which is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity.
  9. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a pathology of the cervical spine, which affects the intervertebral discs, joints, and vertebrae. The pain spreads to the shoulders, arms, hands.

A separate category includes traumatic injuries of various types, severity and nature:

  • damage to the rotator cuff is a traumatic injury characterized by the following features: occurs after a severe bruise of the shoulder during a fall, after which the arm cannot be raised and acute pain is felt;
  • dislocation - an injury in which the head of the humerus falls out of the glenoid cavity. Accompanied by pain, shoulder deformation, limited mobility, swelling;
  • fracture – a violation of the integrity of a bone (humerus, scapula, clavicle). Characterized by pain, swelling, pathological mobility, crunching;
  • muscle strain - most often injuries to the deltoid muscle occur in bodybuilding, weightlifting, and other sports, but injury can also occur in everyday life (falling, lifting heavy objects). It is characterized by sharp pain when moving the shoulder or trying to raise the arm. In a calm state, the pain is mild;
  • bruise is a common injury, the main symptoms of which include pain, swelling, bruises, limited mobility of the arm (depending on the degree of bruise).

Less often, pain in the shoulder becomes a consequence of dysfunctions of internal organs and systems: angina pectoris, pneumonia, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, oncology, pathologies of the liver, pancreas, etc.

Psychosomatics of shoulder pain

Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and development of diseases.

Reference. From a psychosomatic point of view, shoulders are the personification of the energy of action and creation, the embodiment of the energy of the heart.

Let's consider diseases and injuries of the shoulders that provoke the appearance of pain, and find out the reasons for their development according to psychosomatics:

  • arthritis – problems that a person constantly thinks about, but cannot solve;
  • arthrosis – increased responsibility not only for yourself, but also for the people around you;
  • scoliosis – inconsistency with the high expectations of others;
  • dislocation - conflicts with others, inability to fulfill one’s promises;
  • sprained muscles, ligaments – fear of making decisions that may lead to undesirable consequences;
  • fracture - inability and unwillingness to cope with life's difficulties.

In other words, pain in the shoulders seems to indicate that a person should take time to reflect on his life. Understand what he does and what he wants to do, what he is forced to do, how he fulfills his duties and promises. Rethink your attitude towards others and build a new model of communication, critically assessing your strengths and capabilities.


Home methods of recovery for inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine consist of the following steps:

  1. Inflammation suppression
    . To reduce inflammation and swelling, non-steroidal drugs for external use are used: Diclofenac, Voltaren, and indometacium ointment.

    Diclofenac and Voltaren

  2. Restoring muscle tone
    . To relax spasmed muscles, use ointments Vipratox, Viprosal B, Apizartron and other soft agents that are suitable for physiological pinching.

Pain reliever

An additional therapeutic effect is provided by compresses with Menovazin and alcohol compresses based on warming herbs.

Medicines for lumbago

If the pain spreads to the tissues adjacent to the cervical region, take oral or intramuscular antispasmodics, painkillers and NSAIDs. The table shows some drugs that can alleviate acute cervicalgia.

Pharmacological groupNamePurpose
Muscle relaxantsSirdaludReduction of increased muscle tone, analgesic effect
NSAIDs and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)IbuprofenSuppression of inflammation, reduction of swelling, pain relief

Muscle relaxants are taken only if other means are ineffective. Restrictions on the use of these drugs are due to their effect - the medicine can lead to loss of mobility and difficulty breathing.

Medicines for lumbago

Physical therapy exercises

Relaxing tight muscles is a key element of home recovery efforts. Relaxation occurs both with a massage, which you can do yourself, and with a series of physical exercises. There are several main types of training:

  • turns the head (chin parallel to the shoulder and horizontal to the floor) alternately in both directions;
  • tilting the head to the shoulders;
  • circular rotations with outstretched arms.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

A complex of therapeutic and preventive exercises (PT) increases the elasticity of muscle fibers and promotes decompression of pinched nerve endings.

It is necessary to do physical therapy exercises at a slow pace so as not to increase the pinching.

A set of dynamic and static exercises normalizes increased muscle and vascular tone. Relaxing-mobilizing loads evenly involve all muscle groups of the cervical-shoulder girdle, restoring neural conductivity. Recommended training plan if a nerve is pinched:

  • in the stage of intense cervicalgia for 10-15 minutes up to 5 times a day;
  • increasing and decreasing load during each exercise (peak intensity in the middle of the procedure);
  • repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

After the symptoms have eased, the duration of the warm-up is increased to 40 minutes. Exercise therapy is also performed after improvement, in order to maintain normal tone and mobility of the neck.

forearms vs pull-ups

Topic in the “Sports” section, created by user yanerobot322, 17 Jan 2020 at 14:23.

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Everywhere it is written that for pull-ups you need pumped up shoulders and back. I did this for a week, no progress - as I did pull-ups with a straight grip 0, it remained the same. I suddenly noticed that I didn’t have enough strength in the brachioradialis muscle to bend my elbows at the top peak of pull-ups. This also partially explains the fact that it’s easier for me to do pull-ups with a reverse grip; it seems to involve less of the pull-up and more of the biceps.

For pumping up this muscle (and biceps at the same time) at home, the “hammer” exercise with dumbbells seems to be good, who can say anything about this?

I’m going to go to the gym (for the sake of block pulls), but for now I’m as depressed as possible.

I am the devil I love metal

I did this for a week, no progress - as I did pull-ups with a straight grip 0, it remained the same.

so you didn't catch up

why should anything develop there - you stretched your tendons on the horizontal bar.

1 time with a push - anyone can do it.

that is, at first you do one with a push

then do 1+1

Everywhere it is written that for pull-ups you need pumped up shoulders and back. I did this for a week, no progress - as I did pull-ups with a straight grip 0, it remained the same. I suddenly noticed that I didn’t have enough strength in the brachioradialis muscle to bend my elbows at the top peak of pull-ups. This also partially explains the fact that it’s easier for me to do pull-ups with a reverse grip; it seems to involve less of the pull-up and more of the biceps.

Shoulder pain when bench pressing barbells

There is no clear answer to the question of why your shoulder hurts. The pain itself can be different: aching, sharp. And its reasons also have different origins. But it’s still possible to figure it out and classify it, especially since the problem is quite common. Perhaps only a doctor after a thorough examination can tell the true reason.

So, shoulder pain can be caused by:

  • arthrosis,
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine,
  • inflammation of the nerve roots,
  • joint subluxation,
  • physical overload,
  • somatic diseases,
  • myocardial infarction.

Believe it or not, studies have definitely shown that there is a relationship between pain in the shoulder joint and damage to the dental system. The cause is revealed only after a thorough examination of the patient. But one thing is for sure, the most common reason is excessive physical activity. Friction of the tendons against the bone occurs, which provokes inflammation. Both people who play tennis professionally and people who work with a hammer drill every day are susceptible to this.

there may be severe pain

Severe pain in the shoulder and arm can be caused by salt deposits. It is especially painful to raise your arm or move it to the side. In this case, salt deposition is diagnosed only with an x-ray, since there is no pain at an early stage. The cause of pain can also be traumatic damage to the joints when they rupture.

Neck pain after pull-ups

The most common reason why neck muscles hurt after pull-ups is incorrect exercise technique. Fitseven has already talked about how to learn how to do pull-ups correctly. Pain in the back of the neck, which makes it difficult to turn the head, is caused by weak trapezius muscles, while pain in the front of the neck is associated with arching of the chin.

Possible symptoms

If the cause of the symptom is an inflammatory process, then the elbow may become swollen.
In the case of a crunch caused by injury, inflammation or other pathological process, pain appears in the joint when extending. It intensifies when performing strength loads, such as push-ups. The elbow may be hot to the touch, painful, and swelling may be present. At the same time, the amplitude of limb movements is significantly reduced.

If a person has cracking elbows, he definitely needs to see a doctor and undergo a series of tests.

Weak trapezius muscles

In some cases, the cause of neck pain may be excessively weak (or stretched) trapezius muscles. Weak trapezius shifts the load directly from the muscles of the shoulders and upper back to the cervical spine. Let us recall that the correct technique for performing upper rows in a simulator (analogous to pull-ups) involves bringing together and lowering the shoulder blades at the lowest point of the trajectory.

To independently assess the condition of this muscle group, go to the mirror and assess the position of your collarbone:

  • Position A - weak and stretched trapezius muscles
  • Position B - the position of the shoulder blades is too low, the trapezius may be tightened
  • Position C is the correct position. The upper and lower trapezius muscles are in balance, and the trapezius itself is slightly tense.

Muscle disease

You're prone to muscle soreness when doing new exercises or using heavier loads, according to the Nemours Foundation. Neck exercises are not typically performed frequently, and incorporating them into your resistance training program can be beneficial for your neck health; however, if you haven't done this before, you can expect to experience neck pain. Soreness is associated with microdestruction of muscle tissue in the neck area. This is part of the normal process of muscle development and should subside within three to five days.

Exercises to strengthen the trapezius

Below are four simple exercises to strengthen the trapezius and back of the neck muscles. Developing these muscles will allow you to perform pull-ups without pain. However, remember that when performing any trapezius exercises, the neck should always be in a neutral position - the gaze should be directed strictly in front of you, and not at the side of the mirror.

1. Reverse flyes on blocks while standing. Exercise for the middle part of the trapezius muscles. At the extreme point of the movement, the shoulder blades should be brought together (imagine as if you were holding a pencil between them). Using a moderate weight, perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.

2. Shrugs with dumbbells. Exercise for the upper trapezius muscles. Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands, raise your shoulders as high as possible, then slowly lower them down. Do not make any additional rotational movements with your shoulders. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

3. Alternate raising of arms while lying on your stomach . An exercise to stretch the trapezius and lower back muscles. Lying on the floor with your stomach down, extend both arms forward, then lift your left arm and right leg. Hold for 15-20 seconds, then switch legs and arms. Perform alternately for 1-2 minutes.

4. Lying arm raises. An exercise to stretch the lower trapezius muscles and lower back muscles. Lying on the floor with your stomach down, spread your arms to the sides, lift your legs and head, then squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Hold for 15-20 seconds and lower yourself down. Perform for 1-2 minutes.

How to Avoid Neck Injury

It would seem that what can happen to the neck during training? We don’t try to pump it up (well, except maybe convinced bodybuilders), we don’t involve it in any exercises... But it’s still possible to harm it.

“Like the lower back, the neck is the weak link of the spine,” explains the instructor of the TV channel “LIVE!” Leonid Zaitsev. “This is a very mobile and complexly organized mechanism, which initially suffers due to the fact that man is an upright walking creature. Some muscles (particularly the upper trapezius, which supports the shoulder blade in proper position) are chronically overstrained. Others are lethargic and relaxed. And we ourselves aggravate the situation when we slouch, when we overextend our necks and pull our chin forward and stare at the computer monitor for a long time, when we sleep on a too high, uncomfortable pillow... Many who come to fitness classes are no longer okay with their necks. It’s difficult for them to perform a simple movement cleanly: instead of simply turning their head, they throw it back, pinching blood vessels and nerve fibers.”

Exercises to strengthen your posture

The muscles of the body are always in close connection with each other and never work in isolation. In other words, if you experience neck pain when doing pull-ups or doing other exercises (like bench presses), it could also be due to poor posture. Fitseven spoke earlier about a set of exercises to improve posture and straighten the back.

Among other things, remember that if you experience sharp and stabbing pain in your neck or shoulder, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Home treatments (including doing trapezius exercises and using ointments to relieve neck pain) are only suitable for mild and nagging pain that is not associated with damage to the joints and ligaments.

The causes of neck pain during pull-ups include both technique errors and weak or overstretched trapezius muscles. Learn the proper technique for performing lat pull-downs (similar to machine pull-ups), then try to evaluate whether you are following it completely. Exercises to strengthen the trapezius will also help relieve pain.

Shoulder hurts when doing pull-ups

When you decide to do pull-ups to strengthen the muscles of your arms and back, you must first of all learn how to perform the exercises correctly. It is necessary to understand that only if performed correctly can you achieve the best results and avoid injuries.

First, it is important to learn how to hold the bar. In this case, your hands should be shoulder-width apart. The starting position is with relaxed shoulders and straightened arms. Pull-ups should be done by bending your arms. The correct execution is for the chest to reach the level of the bar.

To prevent pain when doing pull-ups, it is important to breathe properly while performing the exercise. First you should inhale, and then hold your breath. In this position, lifting is performed. Extension of the arms and, accordingly, lowering the body down should be performed at the exit. When lifting, it is important to pay attention to exactly how your elbows move. The descent should be smooth and gradual.

When an athlete is just learning the pull-up technique and takes his first steps in this, it is best to keep his hands at shoulder position. Further, when significant success is achieved, it will be possible to increase the complexity of the exercise. This is very simple to achieve - you just need to increase the distance between your hands when gripping the bar. In this case, the pulling technique will be much more difficult, but also more effective. However, with a wide grip, you must perform the exercise carefully to prevent injury.

Experts point out that pull-ups are one of the most effective exercises when it comes to training the muscles of the back and arms. At the same time, performing this exercise does not imply any particular difficulty and does not require complex equipment - only a special crossbar is needed.

Do not despair if at the very beginning of the exercise something does not work out. Further, subject to persistent training, success will definitely be achieved. The main thing is to know and follow the pull-up technique; thanks to it, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of doing pull-ups. It would be a good idea to seek the help of a professional trainer who will ensure that the exercise is performed correctly.

Shoulder hurts when doing pull-ups


. FOUND! Like any potentially effective pull-up exercise, pull-ups can cause injuries to the elbows, shoulders and neck. If you have discomfort or pain in your elbows when doing pull-ups, change this

It is when they are injured that the main pain occurs when rotating the shoulder joint and moving the arm to the side. Of course, we are not talking about push-ups or pull-ups on the bar.

The most dangerous exercises:

pull-ups on the horizontal bar, lat pull-downs and military presses. A sharp pain appears, sometimes a crunch is felt, the shoulder joint changes its shape as shown in the figure.

Expert advice. Andrey Sychev. When I pull myself up, my shoulder starts to hurt terribly. Moreover, you may have, for example, capsulitis of the shoulder joint (and not impingement syndrome at all), which is characterized by pain and

In the early stages, elbow pain appears during dips or pull-ups. The muscles that act on the shoulder blades are primarily responsible for the stability of the shoulder joints.

Shoulder pain when raising your arm up. Like any potentially effective pull-up exercise, pull-ups can cause injuries to the elbows, shoulders and neck.

Shoulder pain when doing pull-ups. Dmitry Male, 19 years old. For a more accurate diagnosis of the cause, you are shown an MRI of the shoulder joint with a face-to-face consultation with a traumatologist, but for now, exclude pulling up in this way (if you are not a masochist). Pain in the shoulder joint when pulling up - NO MORE PROBLEM!

Pain appeared in the right elbow joint, in the hollow between the roundness of the humerus, where the tendon moves back and forth when bending. Pain sensations are directly proportional to the intensity of pull-ups and exercises on the horizontal bar.

When doing pull-ups, pain appears in my right shoulder. I went to the doctor, he said that it was a problem with the tendons, and was being treated with medicine. But nevertheless, after a week of taking the medicine, my shoulder began to hurt again after 15

The fact is that you can tear a tendon, for example, the shoulder muscle. During pull-ups, the pain will be in the elbow area on the front side of the arm. Sometimes when pulling up. Damage to the elbow joint is a common cause of pain.

What can cause shoulder pain:

Partial rupture of the tendons of the shoulder joint, or popularly called a sprain. Pull-ups with a wide grip behind the head or pull-downs of the upper block behind the head penetrate the lats with a bang, with

It is not surprising that athletes often complain of shoulder pain - after all, the shoulder joint is also useful for strengthening exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, swimming and rowing.

The right shoulder joint hurts during pull-ups and power-ups. Today I was working on the horizontal bar, doing normal pull-ups, getting the strength out of both and feeling pain in my elbows - it looks like the ligaments are weak..

••• Pull-ups. Shoulder pain. Anatoly Uchenik (93), closed 3 years ago. Don't put any stress on that shoulder joint at all for now.

Tight pectoral and latissimus muscles often limit the movement of the shoulder joints. What to do to prevent elbow pain from appearing after training. So that after pull-ups or other heavy loads on the elbows

Pain in the shoulder joint can be a symptom of the following problems with the spine. Aching pain occurs mainly at night and increases when the arm is pulled up or to the side. Shoulder pain when pulling up

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Today I asked a trainer I know for his opinion on this issue. He said that there is no point in going to the traumatology department at all, they treat sick people there, and you, he says, are healthy. So you need to strengthen the joint, pump it up with small weights with a large number of repetitions (from 20 times). If you have unbearable pain, you can take diclofenac. And to strengthen cartilage tissue and joints, I recommended Glucosamine + Chondroitin + MSM. And everything will be fine, he said

He said everything correctly. But it’s better to inject diclofenac rather than drink it; it has a terrible effect on the stomach. If you drink, then movalis works well (but it is expensive), it does not have such a strong effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

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